Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   June  From Epping.NSW
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One girl crawled into our bed at 5.30am and has gone back to sleep but left me very little room so I am here! One more weeek and life will be a bit more simple.(I hope).I am not sure what we will do with the grandies today, although they will spend the first hour or so feeding the kookaburras, white cockies, lorikeets, butcherbirds etc. All the birds in the heighbourhood have discovered that there is free food here while my grandson is here to feed them
12/Oct/09 6:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, great news about the pipes - not so great news about your closet and kitchen sink! With your hip as sore as it is I can imagine getting all of that put away was .. um .. uncomfortable.

We have 2 small turkeys in the freezer right now. I think I've mentioned that turkeys here are a lot more expensive than we were used to paying in the States, well when a friend told me that turkeys were 50% off I grabbed a couple. The 'larger' one (about 10 lbs) only cost $23 once they halved the price...
12/Oct/09 6:41 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning June!
I have a question for Ken, what do kids that age do when they have the shoulder problem and refuse to quit baseball? I know we could force the issue as we are her chauffeurs, but she loves it and I love to see my kids smile. I'll be calling the physio as soon as it is late enough for his office to be open.
12/Oct/09 6:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Suzanne, hubby's snoring doesn't bother me - so long as I'm asleep first. Of course it would be incredibly rude of me to complain anyway as apparently I snore too - I think people are lying when they tell me that! ;-)

June, a miniature train runs at the race track not far from here (2 or 3 kms). My girls went for a ride on it last year... a bit bigger than your grandies I think. I bet your grandkids love coming to your house, you are the best Nana ever the way you entertain them! I suggest a day of videos, if you can cope with the Wiggles etc all day long...
12/Oct/09 6:50 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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No trees where my son lives so the 7 year old spends half the day up the tree with Laura asking where do boys get the energy to climb trees? and telling him to be carefull etc. We do have lots of goo Kidies videos (Ken has picked up lots in Vietnam for $1 each)but prefer tham outside if possible. Also 7 year old has a limited concerntation span. Ken is still asleep.
12/Oct/09 7:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, the mind-picture of Laura talking like that has made me smile. She is such a little lady! I'm tired just imagining a day of keeping a 7 year old with a limited attention span entertained, let alone a week! (?) Let's paint - 5 minutes later doing all the clean up alone, where is he? oh, up the tree again..
12/Oct/09 7:34 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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June, Boys are not the only ones to climb trees. As a kid, I spent most of my summer up a tree (and driving my parents up a tree). There are no trees near me that are good climbing trees.
12/Oct/09 7:35 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tami, I was a good climber. It is just the last few years that I have not had the same confidence to get up on the roof or climb trees (I still go up a ladder though).
12/Oct/09 7:48 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I have not got out the paints! I did tell him he could take the baseballs to the back yard. We then had about 100 balls all around the yard. He does play 'ball at home. We also have nintendo and I have bought some model planes ($2 from the Reject shop) for him to put together). We have a couple of bamboo snakes(to deter birds) and he throws them into the trees and then gets them down with a bamboo pole etc. I am getting a bit of gardening done as I stay outside to keep on eye on him. All that when all the birds about have eaten their fill.
12/Oct/09 7:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Warning: Memories!
You have done it again - I am laughing over something I had forgotten!

Many many years ago, I think maybe as many as 30 years ago, my bro decided to climb a very big gum tree. It was huge and he went most of the way to the top. That wouldn't have been a problem except once he got to the top he remembered he was afraid of heights. My mother is also afraid of heights. She climbed a part of the way up the tree and gave him instructions on how to climb down again (there's a branch over to the left, put your left foot over there..). The friend we were visiting at the time was quite large. Somehow she managed to fit through a one paling gap in a fence to get to the tree to offer support. After the adrenalin rush was over she couldn't get back through and had to walk a long way around to get back home again.
12/Oct/09 8:03 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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You sound very organised June. Nintendo is always a winner with the kids! Hubby and I are talking about Wii fit for us, and of course the kids would have to suffer through having it in the house...

I got a lot of weeds pulled out of my front garden when I was waiting for the vet the other day. About time!
12/Oct/09 8:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Old Lady update - she is doing great! Especially considering everything she has wrong with her. I can see that she is not quite her old self, but only because I have watched her so much through this window. She is on antibiotics which are mixed into moistened chaff. I think they must taste horrible as she will only eat them if there's nothing else around to eat.
12/Oct/09 8:13 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, glad to hear the lawn mower is doing better. We have a wii. We used the boys as an excuse when we have as much fun playing with it as they do.
June, my boys would love to come visit your house. They would even help with the gardening.
12/Oct/09 8:36 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning SA8, and Hi to Zusy, June and Tami.
June you just reminded me why I was sooooo busy on tap leak turned into a half day saga. wWent to turn off the mains water only to find the earth had shifted and could not turn off the old tap in the hole out the front of the house grrr! Phoned council and they returned my call promptly(yeah I found that hard to believe too)they organised a plumber to come out but he would probably install an new c0ck on the water meter, which is in my corner garden that was totally overgrown and out of control. So I had to clear an access path then decided it would be a noice area to have a small shaded sitting area amoungst the overhanging trees...1 1/2 tonne of garden refuse later went to the tip.
Judy, beautiful photo's.
Zusy glad the old girl is holding her own.
Used to climb the old pine trees in front of the porch when I was a kid, the flat concrete roof above was my own private cubby house that I could watch the world go by.
12/Oct/09 8:59 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Judy, I haven't gone to see the photos yet but I just wanted to say it wouldn't be a proper wedding if there wasn't something go wrong! Poor Laura, I am pleased she is alright apart from her lip ouchy. Bet she had a headache though!
12/Oct/09 10:17 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, send them here. I've got tonnes of gardening that needs to be done! Which reminds me, it looks like the second apple tree has survived too. It is starting to bud! I thought I was going to have to go and buy another one - did you know you have to have 2 apple trees?

Broni, wow! In only one day! You must have been aching afterwards - I would have been. If you'd called about your leaking tap down here you might have talked to hubby. The calls usually go through upstairs, but sometimes are directed to him. Water is sort of separate to Council though also a part of it and they are much better than regular council workers (snigger - no bias there!)

Your concrete roof sounds like something Ebob would love.
12/Oct/09 10:18 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely SA people.
Judy - lovely wedding photos. Glad the day went well except for what happened to Laura - poor girl.
MizT - nice to see you posting but sorry that your hips are still affecting your mobility.
Broni - that thingypath is worth any money if he improved your health and well-being. Pleased to hear it and hope you continue to feel better.
Suzy - pleased the old horse still seems OK.
June - I know how difficult it is to keep a 7yo with a short attention span occupied. Our Emily might be a girl but she needs closer watching than the others.
Julie - that new avatar is fabulous and blinding - love it!
Forgotten anything else I wanted to say.
Oh yes - I do so miss Heidi and the tales of Surreal Farm.
12/Oct/09 10:44 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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My sister (Margaret) is starting all the prep for the op tomorrow. No solid foods since last night and only certain fluids - op is not until 1pm tomorrow. I'd starve. I told her that at least she will have lost weight by the time she comes out.
I might not make an appearance here tomorrow, I promised her that I would go to the hospital with her hubby for the long wait - op could take as long as 5 hours. I wonder if they provide couches for the family to nap in during the wait.
Seriously though - I will be pleased when it's all over and we know they got it all. If not, I think the next step is chemo - I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Please keep her in your thoughts for me tomorrow. I will post any progress when I can.
12/Oct/09 10:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, will be thinking of all of you tomorrow... Let's chant: They are going to get it all, they are going to get it all, they are going to get it all... I hope they have a good cafeteria with strong delicious coffee to help you through too. Our local hospital has a cafe bar now, though it's nearer casualty than theatre.
12/Oct/09 11:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Yes, I am hyper. We got news this morning that replacement cars are definitely in our future. I am dreading the selection process, but looking forward to having a reliable car (that belongs to me instead of a wonderful friend) to drive.
12/Oct/09 11:12 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzi that is wonderful news.... I cannot remember a thing to respond to the other posts... if I don't do it as I read CRAFT's gets the better of me!
Did look at the wedding photo's... fantastic.
12/Oct/09 11:51 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, the boys would be glad to help. Just make sure you let them know which are weeds and which are the good ones. They are liable to pull up anything once they get started.
CynB, I will be thinking of you and Margaret tomorrow. I do hope all goes well.
12/Oct/09 11:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I don't know what is wrong with me. I am actually using the hot slidy thing on one of hubby's shirts. I am allergic to the hot slidy thing. I hope I survive.
12/Oct/09 11:59 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It is a good washing day...the trees are all bending significantly and so you all know what I am doing today... Have just checked with the met radar and it is a NEasterley bringing rain... not so good when I haven't washed for a week [clothes...not me!!] Most of our windy days are NW and so it was a surprise to see what Suzi has directed this away...
Will be good for the tank.. was seriously worried when we connected that up that that might be the end of the spring rain... as you all know... I am a big believer in Murphy and his laws..
12/Oct/09 11:59 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Tami... do take care... I am VERY worried about you..
I have just packed the ironing board away... it was such a novelty having it up!! Can't remember when I last ironed anything prior to the shirt yesterday and my fabric for my sewing class yesterday...
12/Oct/09 12:02 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Had a long sleep, and feeling almost alive again! Hope everyone is well in Sudokuland.
CynB - thinking of your sister, hope all goes well for her.
12/Oct/09 12:15 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Bean, obviously fabric takes precedence over actual CLOTHES! This is a universal truth - even my husband knows it! And yes, he is quite expert at ironing his own clothes ...
12/Oct/09 12:20 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am scared as to what the clothes would look like if my hubby used the hot slidy thing. I actually survived, only a few sneezes. Off to bed now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night.
12/Oct/09 12:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All!

I can't believe I've done it again! I had started my comments, then went to Judy's page to see the wedding pictures, forgetting to submit the comments! When will I learn?
12/Oct/09 1:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Now, before I forget: Judy, thank you for sharing this special day with us! What a beautiful bride and beautiful bride's mother! I'm amazed that we already have photos to look at!

Poor Laura for fainting and falling, though she looks good in the pictures! We would never have known! And, at least it wasn't the bride or groom! Rachel and Wayne will have stories to tell their children & grandchildren!
12/Oct/09 1:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, we're so glad you were able to visit today! What a shame that the pipe person (who did a good job of replacing pipes) made a shambles of your closet and cabinet under the sink while he was at work! The good news - and the bad news. Also, good news that you can walk for 15 minutes! Be happy it's not 10, knowing that your goal is to double it eventually!
12/Oct/09 1:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Broni, so sorry to hear about the plumbing problem, though it sounds to have come out all right since it inspired the shaded sitting area!

June, so sorry Laura booted you out of your own bed! Your grandson and Laura seem able to keep you mighty busy. Yep, you'd be a fun gran to have - lots of good ideas of things to do!
12/Oct/09 1:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, it's a relief each day to read that the old lady is still eating and drinking! She had us all worried, I think!

CynB, we'll keep your sister & you in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow! I hope all goes well with her op, and they find everything that needs to be found! Keeping fingers crossed!
12/Oct/09 1:19 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, shall we send you some antihistamine? Oh, dear, allergic to the hot slidey thing, but using it anyway? Has anyone taken your temperature, Dear?
12/Oct/09 1:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Bean, are you really doing the gnihsaw of the yrdnual? Not on a day when rain is expected! Are you able to put a lot on hangers and spread around the house? Where I live, clotheslines are forbidden, so it doesn't matter if it's day or night or windy or rainy or snowy. Everything has to go in the hot tumbly thing.
12/Oct/09 1:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I miss Heidi and eaa and Becky and others! I'm going to think positive thoughts and visualize a comment from each of them sometime this week.
12/Oct/09 1:28 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Just about to hang out another load Julie... two more to go and then to start on Vici's bed...
When it is this windy things dry quickly...or so I am hoping...
We are so accustomed to no rain that I am not at all surprised to see that the wind has changed direction and is now stronger from the NW... winds from that direction come down from the centre and there is no moisture in those winds...

12/Oct/09 1:49 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I cannot imagine having to dry everything in the tumbling thing... I enjoy hanging out the wash and seeing it blowing in the wind. Our tumble dryer has been banished to the shed... lack of use... it is plugged in there for emergency's... have hardly used it since we dispensed with nappies around here. That last comment makes me realise how long we have been living here... almost 17 years and the reno's still aren't finished!!
12/Oct/09 1:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hey, Bean - that just gives you something to look forward to! Imagine how boring life would be if you had NO reno's ahead. Every day would just be unlimited pleasure and no worry (tongue firmly planted in cheek). I always liked the smell of laundry dried in a breeze - just so much fresher than what I take out of that hot tumbly thing!
12/Oct/09 2:01 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Yes... I had wanted to have at least the shower tiling finished before Vici got here but I'm afraid she will just have to shower over the bath instead. [not that she is spending many nights here with all our gadding about...] She knows about our dodgy toilets so all is cool...LOL....
Black clouds looming as I type...
The problem with the inside jobs is that I only like outside jobs...I keep coming up with all these wonderful designs for inside and have no money to carry them out... outside at least I am able to it all myself... Prior to Gails arrival the garden has been all my own work.
12/Oct/09 2:19 PM
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