Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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I wished Cyn the best for her sister's op! Prayers are on their way!

I commented on Ebob's dress, shoes & hair jewels and said I'm anxious to see the whole ensemble. When is the dance? Be sure she practices walking!

I commented on Cyn's gninaelc - always nice when it's done!

Bean is getting a store of food prepared for when she and Vici are gallivanting! Her foot still isn't healed as much as she'd hoped. Give it time, dear!

Sorry, that's about all I remember - nearly 11 p.m., and another early morning tomorrow.

Sending healing thoughts to Heidi and MizT.

Off to bed with me. Good night, All!
10/Oct/09 2:46 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Great to see you back again Viv... we had all missed you.
I have now read your wonderful post at 8.55am Julie... I second everything you have said...
Still reading...
Off to Suzy's page...
LOVE the dress...AND the business card...
ha ha...the apple tree...
Still reading....
10/Oct/09 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hooray for a singing group that doesn't audition! That's my kind of group, Bean! Have fun!
10/Oct/09 2:47 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Cyn... of course clean cars go faster!!! I do so hope you can get to Sydney... big cyber prayers going out that everything works out so that you can come. I believe in our cyber network...
10/Oct/09 2:49 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gee's Suzy...I am having black finger nails for Halloween...what is wrong with blue toe nails?
10/Oct/09 2:51 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It has taken me so long to get to here that you are now off to bed ... sorry to have missed you reading sped up on the last page... most of the posts were from me!! had best go change my avatar so that you don't go 'Oh NO when you this one...
Sweet dreams Julie...
10/Oct/09 2:55 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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and now I am outta here...
BIG HUGS to Heidi
Tricia... I hope you are still responding well to your treatment..
10/Oct/09 3:00 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
Check out my page you think we should write to Cyn's daughter?
10/Oct/09 3:01 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Bean - I looked at that house - looks wonderful, let us know what it goes for in the Auction.
10/Oct/09 4:27 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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If I'm coming, I can still do it in a day - I hope.
Complaining to my daughter won't help. Anyone with grown-up daughters know THEY rule the roost and we parents fall in line. She's sort of like a nicer, better dressed and better spoken version of Kimmmy (Kath & Kim).
10/Oct/09 4:32 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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I hope she doesn't read this!!
10/Oct/09 4:33 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy, reading back on your post last page.
Firstly, about Ebob, the dress, shoes and nails.The shoes sound sweet and it was great about the hair jewels, I am getting so excited for her.
May I suggest about her nails - having gone through this for the last seven or so years, go to the chemist (or similar) and buy a set of glue on nails. They are pre-painted or tipped and are a good, reasonably priced solution. As you say about practice with the shoes, the same is suggested for wearing and dealing with the nails...can be tricky!
Secondly, about you. I hope by now things have settled down enough that you are not feeling as lousy as before. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
10/Oct/09 7:48 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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No posts for 5 hours...did you break it Gail?
Nite nite all....
11/Oct/09 12:59 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hello and Goodbye dear ones...
Haven't read, just popping in.
Tree trimmers should be here any minute now. We'll be serenaded by chain saws and chippers (YUCK) for the day.
Solar work started on the roof yesterday.
Hoping all are well. Hugs!
11/Oct/09 1:59 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen loverly folks!! Slept HORRIBLY last night, don't know why, some nights are just that way lately...
Hello to Vici, Bean, Suzy, Julie, Gail, CynB and anyone else here!
Thank you to EVERYONE for prayers for Mike/Doc. I will tell him next time I hear from him. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
Got krow to do around the house today. Darrell is at work, already on overtime for tonight, so he'll be home tomorrow night, maybe a good night's sleep tonight, let's hope!!
Hugs to all!! TTFN
11/Oct/09 4:22 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
I think I am feeling better this morning... I've slept for about 18 of the last 24 hours so i should be!

Bean, I love the idea of your singing group! You need to be able to sing a little bit for Ally's, but the main pre-requisite is that you aren't a prima dona with a stage mom... I was asked if I wanted to sing at Carols in the Park, I laughed and said only if you want a mime on stage. I love to sing and sound fantastic in the car with the volume of the radio turned up so high even I can't hear me sing....
11/Oct/09 5:57 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, I don't watch Kath and Kim (no reason, just never came up), but now I'm going to have to watch it at least once just to see what you mean. I hope it all works out.

Gail, she doesn't have much of a nail bed. From your experience how do the stick ons cope with that? My SIL bit her nails her entire life and then got fakes/acrylics in her 30s to help her stop, but the cheaper option is also a good one for a baseball player... I was thinking of getting really short fakes.

11/Oct/09 6:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vici, I've been serenaded like that before. I think the worst part was watching a beautiful (if dangerous) tree disappearing before my eyes...

Suzanne, sorry you slept so badly....
11/Oct/09 6:22 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My schedule for today .... nothing! Anything we do today will be because we want to! Finally, a day off, and the school holidays are only half over.
11/Oct/09 6:29 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy enjoy doing nothing. Ebob's dress is lovely, hope she manages to get used to the heels on her shoes.
Boy crafts has set in really early tonight can't remember anything else I was going to comment on.
Hope everyone is getting better and are having a good weekend

11/Oct/09 10:29 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Morning SA8, have read the comments and thought of you all.
Hope to see Heidi and MizT soon and any others MIA.
Like you Zusy I have no plans today, but sure that will change.
For those who asked my thingypath is just that, he has so many letters after his name it looks like the alphabet, anyone who is intersted hehe! (ps: he is cute)
11/Oct/09 10:32 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi Brenda, how are you?
How many days till you head off to the states?
Only 20 sleeps till I head off to Melbourne.
11/Oct/09 10:35 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Stopped in earlier to read but did not have time to post.
Suzy, glad you have a day to do nothing. I did not do as much as I planned on Friday, but it felt good.
Hoping everyone is well. I am missing Heidi and MizTricia. I hope they come back soon.
11/Oct/09 11:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Today is the Bathurst car race...the one day of the year I get to watch hubby not move from the couch!
11/Oct/09 12:04 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I am going to shut down early. Hubby has a sinus headache and is going to bed. Someday I will figure out another place to put my computer. Or maybe I will go wireless and can then use my school laptop. I will have to check on that. Talk to you all tomorrow.
11/Oct/09 12:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! Just popping in for a quick glance, then off to bed. I hope those who are not feeling well will soon feel much better; those who have not been sleeping well will get an excellent night's sleep; those who have been ultra busy get a little restful time for themselves; those who have not been able to visit much lately find the time and energy to pop in occasionally! Hope you all have a great day/afternoon/evening/night! Sleep well!
11/Oct/09 2:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, I can't remember if I've used this avatar before. We really need to get some method of storage for avatars and smilies! It's so difficult to keep track!
Good Night, All!
11/Oct/09 2:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
I have had a relaxing day - which is just as well and I am still dizzy, wish I knew what was going on...

Hubby and I went shopping and had a noice cup of coffee together. Not regular shopping, fun shopping. We lay-byed some kitchen stuff for each other for Xmas, bought some clothes for all of us from the sales racks, shoes for hubby and Ally.... we really should stop spending the car.
11/Oct/09 5:03 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, the school computers here are pretty useless - even the teachers have sites blocked. Not as many as the kids, but still enough that teachers are better off getting their own laptops to use.

Broni, he is cute! The guy I went to was new age looking before new age looking was in and his name was Skip. It was almost enough to stop me going and I am so glad I didn't. He's not cheap but worth every penny based on the results you are seeing!!!

Gail, I forgot to introduce hubby to the Bathurst races - again. He's only been here since 2000 and still hasn't seen one...

Ally and I are refreshing the Frosty costume this year. Luckily we have a couple of months to do it in...

Tomorrow Ebob is working from 10 to 4 and Ally is getting her hair cut at 11.30. I could have worked that better as it means 3 trips into town...

Shutting down - thunder!!!
11/Oct/09 5:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot to mention - hubby generously offered to come up to the sudoku meet again. I said it wouldn't work as Ebob has her school certificate exams starting in the next week and was likely to have to work the day of the meet as well. He then told me his REAL reason - we might have a new car by then and he didn't know if I should be driving it to Sydney on my own........
11/Oct/09 8:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Men's egos! Suzy who wrecked the last one??? Anyway I would love to see you both again.
Ken said Ebobs problem may also be due to her age.Apparently that can be a problem in that age group.
Have put the two grandies to bed. It has been funny watching little miss 4 year old bossy boots telling her 7 year old cousin what to do! Then "why do boys have the energy to climb trees!"
We took them to ride on miniature trains today and tonight I am very tired!
11/Oct/09 9:28 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Hehe! June, well said! Hope you get a relaxing night you derserve it!
Yeah Zusy you are right I am seeing results and compared to what I have spent in the last year for no results...he is cheap. Happy you had a 'nothing' day and did some fun stuff.
11/Oct/09 10:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Good Morning Sudokuland.

Things have been busy here. We now have new pipes that do not leak! The handyman left me a bit of a mess to clean, he had to remove a LOT of clothes from my closet to get to the hot water heater. He had to empty a LOT of things from under my kitchen sink. OK, not bad price to pay for not having leaky pipes any more! Our water bills should go back to normal now, I think we almost paid enough extra on those to have paid for this re do of all pipes!

Then, I had to put away all the groceries we bought. bought more than I had room to store, in the fridge and freezer. Meant I had to bake a turkey!
And after backing a turkey, I have to put away turley in freezer, small packets fit better than a whole bird, and then boil the bones for broth. That took most of yesterday since I had to do it twice. NOW today I have to make turkey soup! YUMMY!

I am getting in a 15 minute walk every day. I had hoped I cold do better than that, but now my derned hips are hurting and bringing me back to my chair after 15 minutes, bummer.

I will try to get here more often, I did read all the posts, 3 pages of them, perhaps I can remember something I meant to say.
12/Oct/09 12:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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SUZY, love the dress, now I am looking forward to seeing Ebob IN it! I do hope she practices walking in her shoes.

Boy I was reading quickly with fingers crossed, once i read about the lady lawnmower. I am glad that you saw her and asked if this was Ok behavior for the horse. Glad she is up and about.

Broni, I am so glad you are feeling better, I hope it continues and you get back to your best health and soon.

It is soo strange not to see Heidi on, Has anyone heard from her since she hurt her back working on a float for a parade or whatever it was?

June, having 2 grandies visit at same time, plus your MIL, you are a brave woman. I hope the visit goes smoothly and little miss bossy can keep her older cousin walking the line, that was sooo funny.

VICI, almost time for your trip, how time has flown, I am so happy for you. I know you will have a wonderful time!

Bean, Hope that foot gets better and sooner rather than later, I know you have a LOT to do still, do try to work in some rest with foot up, if you can. Your singing group sounds lovely.

I know there was a LOT more I wanted to comment on, but I must go and make my breakfast now, when I eat is as important as what I eat on this new plan. I am stalled now, no new weight loss, but will be corresponding again with the author of the book, it is soo wonderful she is available like this, and see what might need tweaking. she said it might be difficult after adding back so many foods on this second sstep, because of my pain levels. Pain messes with insulin levels, and can cause you to gain weight, no wonder I was struggling to just keep from gaining more! At least I am not gaining, but I do want to loose more, a LOT more.

I hope to check back soon, and hugs to all!

12/Oct/09 12:13 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Good evening everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting lately - just a bit busy! Hope everyone is well - MizT, 15 minutes is better than 10: don't get too impatient, you will get there!

Well, thank you to all the kind friends who sent good wishes for Rachel and Wayne! The wedding came and went, and MOSTLY it was lovely ... but the bit that wasn't lovely was VERY dramatic and pretty scary. Just as Rachel and Wayne were making their vows Laura (bridesmaid No 2) started to sway, and before anyone could take a step she went down, like a tree falling in the forest, crashing onto the marble floor! Luckily there were people with medical training there, and she was well cared for - it could have been MUCH, much worse, but she ended up with mild concussion and a badly cut lip and missed most of the celebrations, though she bravely stayed for the photos (which seemed to take forever!) before Jake drove her to the hospital to be glued back together.
But APART from that (!) the wedding was great!
I've posted a few photos on my page - we've got MANY more, but I'll be restrained...
And now I must go to bed before I fall asleep here ... good night everyone, have a great day/night. :)
12/Oct/09 12:21 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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WOW - was just in Judy's gallery - fabulous wedding pictures...and Judy looks absolutely stunning! LOVE the dress.
Wish I could hang out here longer but I only have 10 MORE DAYS LEFT!!!!!!
So much to do and so little time.
Hugs to everyone - Bean - you take it easy and be rested...although I have no problem tooling you around in a wheel chair!
12/Oct/09 1:50 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen Everyone! Slept GREAT last night (I guess Darrell being at work helps--no snoring!!) I've been doing ffuts around the house this morning. Nothing planned for today, going to relax today.
Glad to see MizT back (even if it's briefly!)
Hello to TTT, Vici, Judy, Gail, Suzy, Broni, June, Julie & Brenda! Hope I didn't miss anyone!
Have a great day everyone! Hugs to all. TTFN
12/Oct/09 3:18 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just viewed the wedding photos. They are absolutely beautiful. Everyone looked wonderful. You look gorgeous. I am sure a wonderful time was had by all. I am glad that Laura is ok. Best wishes for Rachel and Wayne. I hope they have a wonderful life together.
12/Oct/09 5:45 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Judy the photos are incredible! Did you say a friend took them? And the dresses!! Everything was amazing. Love the flowers, the car, the weather, the setting, the photographer, the bride, the bridesmaids...

Considering how ill Laura must have felt she smiled beautifully in the photos - and I didn't notice a cut on her lip. I hope she is feeling better today.

12/Oct/09 6:30 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning. Lovely to see MizT. Now we just need Heidi back.
Great wedding photos Judy. Loved your dress. Hope Laura is OK. Rachel looks lovely, as all brides should. Loved the red for the bridesmaids and accessories.
12/Oct/09 6:32 AM
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