Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Got to get some krow done today as friends are coming over tonight for a drink. Bye for now
09/Oct/09 8:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy hope things work out for the best for the horse.
Son and grandson arrived from Melbourne. Busy evening. My son turned 45 today. (another 9 October birthday) Makes me feel old!
Broni, glad the thingyist is making you feel better.
Brenda, such good news about your friend.
Judy, hope tomorrow is a beautiful day for you and the bride. Then the big trip to Italy.
09/Oct/09 9:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We have paid the deposit on the trip to Egypt and Jordan and now Ken has to go to Paris on 2 November and will be home sometime in the afternoon of November 7. The day of Vici and Bean's BBQ. If the timing had been better I might have suggested I went with him and we stayed a bit longer. We spent a day and a half in Paris over 20 years ago so I would like to go back.
MIL was much better today. I got up early to make sure she was still breathing.She was just so sick yesterday.
About all I remember. I am a bit tired!!!! Nite to you all.
09/Oct/09 9:38 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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June, incredible timing! Sending healing wishes for your MIL, I wish there was something I could do to ease your load.

Brenda, so very happy to hear the news of your friend. She has been to Hell and back.
09/Oct/09 10:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, I am so happy for Lesley. I'm sure it will be a bit scary for a while, but so much better being home.

June, You are giving up the chance to spend time in Paris for your sudoku friends... that is a big thing. Specialness, as Ebob would say.
09/Oct/09 10:42 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone!
OH JUNE! I feel so badly that you will miss a trip to Paris because of your generosit to me and Bean! You are so busy, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the "meet" you are holding at your home. Yep, Suzy...Specialness, indeed!
BTW - VERY exciting about Egypt!
10/Oct/09 12:00 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Suzy - keeping my fingers crossed re: the horsey...poor girl.
Brenda - great news about Leslie! I hope she relaxes into being at home soon.
Broni - I swear by my homeopathic and Chinese remedies...and you all know how I feel about acupuncture - the most effective treatment I have ever had. So, so, so happy to hear you are getting such positive results!
10/Oct/09 12:02 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Steve! Hope your birthday was a BLAST!
10/Oct/09 12:11 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Just got some good news... my son has got a JOB at last. Starts next week, in a hotel bar resturant. It's a start.
10/Oct/09 2:56 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi everyone. Just here for a quickie. I am playing hooky from school to catch up on a lot of ffuts. I need to get to krow or the day will have been a partial waste. Any day off is not a total waste
10/Oct/09 3:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
The old lady is up and grazing this morning. So far so good today...

Brenda, congratulations to your son! That is fantastic news.

Tami, I hope your mental health day restores your health! You've had a busy busy busy few months.
10/Oct/09 7:00 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning All.
It was not only the Sudoku meet that influenced my decision not to go to Paris. I really need more than three weeks notice and it is a lot of money when we are also going to Egypt in January.
I hope it is a nice day in Melbourne today for 'Judy's' wedding.
10/Oct/09 7:01 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, so pleased for your son. It is always the first job that is the hard one to get.
Good news about the horse Suzy. Our old horse was given a few extra years of life with the medication for the horse flu. It helped his arthritis . He still gets a dose of medication occasionally when the weather is cold.
10/Oct/09 7:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm up way too early today, but was worried I would sleep in so accidentally woke myself up even earlier than I needed to. Ebob starts work at 8.30am, and Ally's meeting/rehearsal starts at 11. Then there was the worrying about the old lady thing. She is amazing. 32 years old and she seems to have bounced right back from what looked like an incredibly painful day.

Tomorrow I can sleep ALL day if I want to....
10/Oct/09 7:09 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi June, who would have thought that flu medication would help arthritis? That was an incredible side effect!

I'm wracking my brain to remember who you have as a guest today. MIL, and I think grandson. Is Laura back too? One thing about your life, there is definitely no time to get bored.
10/Oct/09 7:13 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good mAen everyone! Just popping in for a second, been running around all day today. Getting my nails done in about an hour.(new gel tips!!) My natural nails just don't grow. My hands always look better with the tips on.
Had 3 pages to read, can't remember anything today (or EVER!)
June: Can I come with you to Egypt?? I have ALWAYS wanted to go there!!
10/Oct/09 7:14 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Brenda: Good news on Lesley!! She'll continue to be in my prayers.
For those who have asked, we heard from Mike/Doc a few times in the last couple of weeks, he's doing well. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers.
10/Oct/09 7:16 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was just about to ask about the status of everyone's aches and pains individually and was missing one so decided to ask in general instead. If I could find my brain it wouldn't be a problem!

How is everyone feeling today? I'm hoping that all aches and pains are at worst niggling little nudges today.
10/Oct/09 7:19 AM
   Vivacious Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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Morning everyone.
Up here early, like 6am!!!!
Hubby left for Sydney then with nephew and his Dad. Nephew has bought a wood stove so they need all hands to help load it etc.
Ethan was up then too and left at 5.45am to go bodyboarding.
Thought I may as well get up too then.
Have done two loads of washing, had brekky, done dishes, now will make bed, wash floors and vacuum house.
Then I have a couple more Avon deliveries and a little walk to drop off some more brochures.
I think then I will go and have coffee and crosswords with John.
Phew, am exhausted thinking about all that to do yet.
Have a great day everyone and I hope all that feel under the weather soon recover.
10/Oct/09 7:33 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! I hope your day is wonderful and you are all having bouts of good health!

Judy, I hope the wedding is wonderful and beautiful! Best wishes to the newlyweds!

Suzy, I hope the second shot of meds helps the lawnmoweress (female lawnmower, I suppose).

Broni, hooray for the thingymapath! How nice to hear that you are feeling somewhat better! Wishing your thingymapath continued good decisions in treating you, as the current ones seem to be working!

Brenda, good news for your friend Lesley! It has been a LONG road for her, and I'm sure it will continue to be. Thinking very positive thoughts for her as she adjusts to being "home."

June, welcome to your son and grandson. to your son! I hope you all get to share a yummy cake! GREAT news that your MIL is feeling better! Good news about your upcoming trip to Egypt & Jordan! Too bad you can't join Ken for a few days in Paris! Wishing you a restful night's sleep! What a great Sudoku friend you are!

Brenda, great news that your son has found a job! Congrats to him! We all started somewhere - probably not where we had expected or hoped! I'm sure he'll do well!

Suzy, good news that your female lawnmower has started the day off better today!

Thanks for the update on Mike/Doc, Suzanne! I've been thinking about him and praying for good news!

Viv, you have your krow cut out for you today! (Please watch all that swearing.) At least the coffee and crosswords with John sounds enjoyable! Also the feeling of accomplishment for getting all of that krow done!

Just a note on "thingymapaths." Our acupuncturist (I started with her about 6 months before hubby) has helped both of us a lot! Sciatica pain went from a 9 or 10 down to nothing on some days. (Yes, it took quite a number of visits.) She is also a naturopath and dietician so addresses other issues besides just acupuncture with us. She found and sent me to a physiatrist (doctor who deals with the mechanics of how the body works), who referred me to the surgeon who will do my knee replacements.

Broni, I'm not sure what kind of thingymapath you have found, but sounds to be choosing the right treatments to help you!
10/Oct/09 8:55 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Wow, that was comment # 16,500!
10/Oct/09 8:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Almost 5 p.m. here, so perhaps ought to visit the K room to make some preparations.
10/Oct/09 8:56 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Viv, I'm exhausted too just reading about your plans.

Julie, you did a better job than my brain was letting me do with the aches and pains.

Suzanne, I'm glad your friend is okay...
10/Oct/09 9:13 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've been posting pictures again. Ebob told me that you guys are the only ones I'm allowed to show photos of her dress to as none of you are 'locals'...
10/Oct/09 9:21 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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It's divine
10/Oct/09 9:44 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Vewy Noice Ebob..
10/Oct/09 9:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, love Ebob's dress.
At the moment Neil's baseball team, the Golddiggers, are playing the Illawarra Snags.(9.15am at Blacktown Olympic Park)
10/Oct/09 9:55 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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So far, today's weather looks good for the wedding, a little chilly perhaps, but no rain in sight. I wish them all the very best, and as much happiness as I have had in my marriage.

Brenda, so rapt for your son. Good luck with the job.
10/Oct/09 10:25 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon all - late here today because I've been doing what Viv was doing
Judy - I know you'll be too busy to even think of SA today but I hope the day goes well!
Suzy - Ebob's dress is lovely, glad the horse is OK - hope she stays that way, and yes, the clean car did go faster (but clocked over to 70,000kms in just under 4 years).
June - sorry you're missing Paris - still up in the air about whether I'll get to Sydney or not - heard from Katitude.
Brenda - good news about Lesley. I know she still has a long way to go but at least it seems in the right direction.
Broni - great news that you're feeling much better. Woo Hoo!
Hello also to Bean, Gail, Vici, Suzanne, Tami, Rolanda and Julie - probably missed someone, sorry - and hugs to MizT and Heidi who both must still be having health problems.
10/Oct/09 1:48 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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As I said, I'm still not sure whether I will make it to Sydney to meet Vici. I know I'm dragging my heels a bit here. My sister finally has a date for her op - it is this Tuesday 13/10. But there are still some issues to be cleared up before I can make a decision and, of course, the longer I wait the more expensive the airfare will be. I'll get there if I possibly can. To make matters worse, my daughter and her cousin have arranged the first family gathering in years on the very next day. Sis is hoping to be well enough to make an appearance.
10/Oct/09 1:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
June, did Ken go to the game? Got a fuzzy thought in the back of my mind that Neil doesn't live in NSW, but maybe I've got the wrong person. I'm not sure who I should be hoping won that game...

I've not long woken up. I have been dizzy and nauseous. I thought it was the stress of worrying about the old lady yesterday but it didn't go away. When the old lady's mum came down to check on her she told me she was the same yesterday.

Thank you for your wonderful comments on Ebob's dress. She has little black strappy sandles with a small heel and diamantes (is that how you spell it?) to match the dress, and you've just reminded me that she hasn't been practicing in them! Ally can walk in heels like a pro, but my baseball player has a little more trouble with them... When we bought the dress they threw in 6 hair jewels which we will have put in Ebob's hair on the night. I also hope to be able to do something about her bitten to the quick finger nails. I am also going to have to prepare her for the fact I'm not going to let her paint her nails blue!

10/Oct/09 2:05 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks...
Feel like I haven't been here for days... busy, busy, busy...
This week I have been doing some menu planning and planning what to stash in the freezer so that the boy and the dogs don't starve while Vici and I are off gallivanting... This time in two weeks we will be packing to go to the Grampians...
10/Oct/09 2:08 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Haven't quite caught up reading.... went oh NO when I realised that June was missing out on Paris and felt VERY bad until I reached the post that I am up to now...It would take me more than 3 weeks to be ready for Paris as well...thank you for making me feel better with that post! We will have to turn it into a welcome home party for Ken!
10/Oct/09 2:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn, please call your daughter and tell her that people you have yet to meet in person are extremely important and it is critical that she changes the date of the family get together to fit in with our plans... (hard to tell in here I know but my tongue is firmly planted in my cheek)

I will be thinking about you and Sis next Tuesday....
10/Oct/09 2:12 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Brenda...fantastic news about your son.
Suzy I will be reading your posts in trepidation...glad the lawnmower is at work today...
June the weather down here is glorious today... not a cloud in the sky and scarcely a breeze...need to check with our resident galah as to how it is up in the hills. Wedding is in the Dandenongs.. According to the met it is 18 degrees up there..
10/Oct/09 2:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Bean, 2 weeks!! So close!

I'm doing it again. I've scanned in the singing group's business card (some details deleted as this is a public forum).
10/Oct/09 2:17 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Suzy you aked about aches and pains... I was so disgusted with how how my foot coped with a little walking... walked to the corner to check out a neighbors house that was open

I intend on checking out the auction so Vici will get a chance to check it out as well... the colours in the photo's haven't come out well... the lounge isn't taupe... it is a beautiful green
10/Oct/09 2:26 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I have just realised that I got sidetracked and didn't finish my story... I was so disappointed at how my foot reacted to a short walk followed by a drive to the pet food store [parked right out the front] and then to MIL's to check out the latest addition to the family...Pete's deceased aunts dog Dolly..and back home again. I then drove to singing...yep you read it right... more about this later...parked out the front and all the way through I had trouble standing. Last night I started to look for a wheelchair on eBay...LOL... I suspect I may be needing it to keep up with Vici!!
10/Oct/09 2:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, fooey! I had a bunch of comments to send, but went to Suzy's page to see the business card & lost ALL of them! Boo-hoo! Sob!
10/Oct/09 2:40 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Turning into a cereal poster here...
[bit crunchy in the letter box tho]
LOL...can hear Gail groaning from here!!
You don't hear from me for days and then you can't shut me up!

Where was I... singing..
Just when I should be taking things of my plate I am adding things to it!! Vici was horrified!! I LOVE to sing... all I ever get is discouragement from my fellow pack members. My friend Victoria is back from Hong Kong and we always break out in song when we are together. We both informed each other on Thursday that we had found a new singing group in Boroondarra...[of course it was the same one] Previous searches had only turned up groups that you need to audition for. I just wanted a group that sang for the love of singing... and I think we have found it... They didn't bat an eye when I asked if it mattered if you can't sing... ♫♪ LOL...It was great fun even though I felt a bit of a wreck yesterday after such a big day.
10/Oct/09 2:40 PM
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