Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

It seems that SA7 is getting old and slow. It is time for a new page. Welcome to SA8.
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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Really, Broni? All those little crytic codes say all of that about the knitting? I'm impressed! (You're not cheating, are you? Is there a way to decode all of that using Mr. Google?)
13/Oct/09 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's nice to see MizT here! Sorry about no water to your washing machine! That would explain it not being able to work! So, there are codes for crochet too? No wonder I never learned!
13/Oct/09 2:45 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I must not have been a very good first daughter. I know my Mom could knit & follow patterns, and I think she could crochet also. I wonder if either of my sisters learned how to knit or crochet. I'm quite sure none of my 3 brothers did!
13/Oct/09 2:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello to Rolanda, Gail, Suzy, Brenda, CynB, Broni, MizT, Suzanne, Tami, and anyone I've missed!

Suzanne, hope you've had another good night's sleep!

Tami, so sorry your joking about allergy coincided with an allergic reaction in your eye!

Brenda, hoping the weather in Florida will be cooler & drier when you are there!

Suzy, seems you have Ally at least thinking about learning to knit or crochet. I'm glad Ebob received good news from the physio - even if it means doing some weight training! She seems to be serious about playing baseball, so the weight training could be very beneficial.
13/Oct/09 3:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, ladies, it's past 11 p.m. I'll soon head to bed, but before I do, I'll send some more prayers winging their way toward Oz and Cyn's sister and Rolanda's Mum! All the best!
13/Oct/09 3:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I know it's too early but I keep coming back to see if the good news has been posted yet. I'm determined it will be good news!!!!!!!

Julie, the funny thing is the doc used some big words, I googled them, and it just made no sense to me, hence the second opinion from the physio. It turns out the reason it made no sense was that it was nonsense... next time I might wait until I can get into our regular doc instead of accepting an appointment with someone else.
13/Oct/09 3:30 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Thought I'd better put a quick word in, not going to be here for the next week or so. Flying over to Adelaide tomorrow to be with Bill (father) when he has surgery, so keep those positive vibes flowing ladies! I will contact someone via mobile and let them know how things go as I wont have internet access.
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and BEHAVE!
13/Oct/09 4:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs, thoughts, wishes, positive vibes, crossing everything, believing everything will be okay...
13/Oct/09 5:32 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Just popping in to see how you all are - sorry to hear some are having stressful times.

Sending hugs Gail, will keep Bill in my thoughts. Also thinking of Cyn's sister and Rolanda's mum - hope everything goes well.

I haven't knitted in ages. Before my kids were born I took up spinning: wool and yarn everywhere, I was always knitting. One day I put a new little jumper on Adam - and he screamed until I took it off! He told me (years later!) that it was scratchy, but at the time he didn't give any reason. Eventually I realised that my yarn just wasn't very good, that none of my kids liked knitted stuff, and that knitting really hurt my fingers - triple whammy, and I never bothered again. That's when I took up patchwork!

We just went out and bought new suitcases for the trip - wow, it's only a few days to go! I have a lot of clothes that I need to alter, mend or take in - but its ok, I'll leave it all till the last minute!

Tomorrow we're going to visit my parents - will take photos of the wedding, and I also have family tree stuff to show Mum. Someone on the family history site has put up a tree that goes back to the Norman Conquest - do I accept it "as is", or shall I be sensibly sceptical? Ooooh, I don't know ... Ok, call me a suspicious bastard, but I think I'd like to see the "proof" - THEN I'll get excited! But still, wouldn't it be amazing ....!
13/Oct/09 6:09 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Good morning.
Gail have a safe trip and good wishes go to Bill, we will be sending healing vibes his way.
Hope Cyn's sister and Rolanda's mother are through with their op/tests and that they are on the mend.
I learned to knot when I was 4. My aunt was having a baby so I wanted to knit it a scarf. My gran, who made a living as a dressmaker and knitter, taught me how to sew and knit. I will never be at her standard but I can follow patterns. When I was unemployed many years ago I used to knit Aran sweaters to make a few pennies for myself. I could knit a fairly complicated one in a couple of weeks. Now with coming on here it takes me a lot longer
13/Oct/09 7:20 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Hi all - just a quick note to say that the op went well for my sister - it was a looong day but the doc is happy with how it all went. Of course, now we wait for the pathology results - 24-48 hours - I'll be much happier when we know them. Thanks for all your positive thoughts - keep them going until we get the lab results.
And I'll keep them going for Rolanda's Mum and for Bill, Gail.
13/Oct/09 10:32 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all! Thoughts and prayers for Cyn's sister(glad the op went well, hope the results are the same), for Bill(Gail, have a safe trip, hope all goes well) and for Rolanda's mum. Thinking of you all!
13/Oct/09 11:58 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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It's gotten very chilly here and some places even had snow. Seems like we kinda skipped Fall and went straight into winter. This is the earliest we've had to turn on the heat! It's rainy and cold this morning. Hope it clears up because Ian has a game this afternoon. Being cold is one thing. Being wet and cold is intolerable!
14/Oct/09 12:00 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Good morning friends!
Gail - keeping good thoughts for Bill...and you better get your butt back by Halloween!
Rola - keeping good thoughts for your mum, too.
Cyn - so glad to hear everything went well for your sister.
Hello Stella! Same here - big storm hitting today and tomorrow - except for the red colors all over my yard, I wouldn't even know it was fall!
14/Oct/09 12:59 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Mama! How about those Phillies? I'm a Yankee fan and hoping for a showdown between the Phillies and the Yankees in the World Series. I'm going to miss it, though, as I leave for Oz in 8 days! YIKES! I'm going to have Mike Tivo the entire series so I can watch it when I get home.
14/Oct/09 1:02 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Speaking of Mikey - today is our 11th wedding anniversary! Nothing special planned...we're both too busy with our schedules. But he got me a nice bouquet of flowers!
OK - gotta run - sending hugs out to everyone!
14/Oct/09 1:03 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Vici & Mike have a very happy 11th wedding anniversay. Hope you have a nice day even if you don't have anything planned
14/Oct/09 2:38 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hope the good news keeps coming Cyn.
Hope everything is OK for your Mum Rolanda. Safe trip Gail and Prayers for Bill's operation to also be successful.
A very Happy Anniversary Vici and Mike.(Ours will be 46 years next Monday)
MIL is going home today. I will be taking both Grandies to the farm. Hope they behave in the car as it is over an hour drive each way!
Stella, how is the painting going? Did you get all you needed doing before the winter sets in?
14/Oct/09 4:19 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Suzy good to hear that Ebob's shoulder isn't injured. Does she realise that there are only a finite number of hours to use for leisure and that you and her dad need time for yourselves too.
We all like to do as much for our kids but to run yourself ragged taking them places is a bit much. I suppose I was spoiled in the fact my kids never wanted to do much and anything they did want to do was well within walking distance.
14/Oct/09 4:21 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I'm back from Bathurst.
There are 7 pages to catch up on and about the only one I have seen is Vici's post.Happy Anniversary.
I will go back and read after I tell you that we had a great time.Our 1st night in Bathurst,the temp got down to 0 and boy did us Queenslanders feel that.On the sunday we had all 4 seasons of hot when rugged up and the sun came out,rain,hail and wind.At least it didn't snow.The noise and atmosphere was awesome.Greg and I wouldn't do it again but it was an experience.
Anyway,I will attempt to catch up with all the news and come back later.Missed you all.
14/Oct/09 4:26 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Pleased you are home safely Nola and that you enjoyed the trip.
14/Oct/09 4:39 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Thanks June.I am STILL reading the posts.
How is MIL?I will probably find out as I keep getting through the pages.BRB
14/Oct/09 5:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Cyn, good news so far. Sending thoughts and wishes that it stays that way when the results come in!

Rolanda, sending thoughts and wishes for good results your way too.

Gail, safe flight today, thoughts and wishes for tomorrow.
14/Oct/09 5:28 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Only a few days! Yay! They will go very quickly if you stick to your resolution to leave everything to the last minute...

I would be very tempted to accept that family tree as is! How exciting! I hope at least the interesting bits turn out to be true...

My kids went through a phase of not liking knitted stuff, including machine knitted, for a long time too. They still don't wear a lot of it, but if the yarn is very soft they love it. They have both asked me if I will crochet them a handbag that is in the pattern book I bought. One each of about 4 different colours... Spinning seems like it would be a relaxing thing to do, it's a shame you had to give it up.

14/Oct/09 5:32 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Brenda, your comment about knitting taking longer now made me smile! EVERYTHING takes me longer now...

Stella, I hope the soccer game isn't tooo wet! It reminded me of the first day of baseball. Hubby forgot to pack chairs so sent me a text reminding me to bring some, later he sent a text asking me to bring blankets, but neither of us thought for a moment about umbrellas...
14/Oct/09 5:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Vici, happy anniversary! I hope you find some time to do something special today. Hubby and I find them a wonderful excuse to totally blow the budget and do outrageously expensive things we wouldn't do at any other time...

June, I hope the kids are good for you in the car today. I remember long trips when the kids were that age - and not fondly. I spy and all of those games are fun the first few times you play them...
14/Oct/09 5:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Welcome back Nola!
Bathurst sounds like fun, though not comfortable. Cold, hot, rain, hail and wind... hmmm.

8 rows done on the jacket. They were the hardest 8 rows as I am now have the pattern down. More importantly I've worked out how to count so I know where I was in the pattern before someone distracted me......
14/Oct/09 5:49 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I have finally finished reading and looking at the photos.
Judy..the wedding party looked beautiful,and I am glad it all went well except for Laura fainting.What a shame,it must have spoilt her day.Hope she is OK.
MizT..busy,busy with getting the house pipes fixed and then having to put all the stuff away as well as the shopping and cooking.
Broni..great news about you finding someone to help with your health issues.
Brenda..I'm glad that Lesley has improved out of sight and is going home. My best wishes to her.
Also,great is your son getting a job.Congratulations to him. you are still having probs with your foot!!Hope you don't have to resort to a wheelchair when Vici gets here!
I'm sure you will have a ball being in a singing group if you have always wanted to have a go at it.Enjoy.
Cyn..hope all the news is good with your sisters test results.
Suzy..I saw all your latest pix and the dress is lovely.Ebob is certain to look stunning.
Between the horse,ants,car,knitting and not feeling the best,you lead a very busy life.
Hi to everyone that I haven't mentioned,I missed you all very much.
14/Oct/09 6:04 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Suzy..are you still feeling dizzy or has it all passed.
Good on you for getting the knitting underway!It is great to see it growing and to get a sense of achievement.
14/Oct/09 6:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, do you get a couple of days at home to catch up with yourself or is it go go go already?

The dizziness has passed - finally. Someone suggested it might have been a migraine without the ache. I've heard of those but my symptoms didn't match my google search so I think it was just some kind of bug.
14/Oct/09 6:58 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Glad you are over whatever it was.
No,I dont go back to work until the 25th,so another 11 days off.My new glasses are ready,so I will go into town this morning,get them,do some much needed food shopping and baby sit for Renae after lunch.
It was lovely to sleep in my own bed last night.
14/Oct/09 7:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I like the sound of that day. No ffuts mentioned - unless you count food shopping. How is Renae settling in to the new place?
14/Oct/09 7:18 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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She is really enjoying the close proximity to Bundy and the new job.She only has 1 klm to get to work and Josh about 2kl.Josh is thinking of getting a push bike to save on fuel and to get some exercise.Too scary on the roads for me...too many mad drivers.
The wind has blown down a 2mt tree that was at the front door off the veranda and it is still quite windy here.The chain saw is getting a good work out lately as we cut down some palms which were dropping seeds into the pool at the rental place,just the week before going away.Now he has to get rid of this tree as well.No rest for the wicked they say.
I must get the 2 loads of washing out on the line.It will be a good drying day with the wind.
14/Oct/09 7:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby keeps saying that about a bike Nola. Once he isn't driving oonie (a very old van, short for 'un boop boop') he will probably stop talking like that. It's somewhere over 5km to his work. There's only one scary place about a km from here - a narrow bridge with no bike lane in an 80kph zone.

We had a day like that yesterday Nola - the washing dried very quickly, unfortunately a little bit too much of it ended up on the ground... Today we have clouds coming over with rain forecast later in the day.

I hope the tree fell away from the house rather than toward it! I lost a beautiful tree to fear of winds. I still miss it. It kept this room cool and shady, was home to several nests each spring, and was just a good looking tree. But, it was splitting and was large enough to take our neighbour's house out as well as ours if it fell. Sigh.

Yes, I'm chatter boxing again. Those of you who have worked me out know that means I am procrastinating something. I have just unpulled the jacket. Sob! It is black and last night I dropped a stitch. I thought I'd got it, but in the clearer light of day I saw that the pattern was messed up. It was too close to the start to leave it as it was....
14/Oct/09 8:13 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Oh no Suzy.Doesn't that give you the pips!!Did you manage to save the band?
The tree fell towards the driveway and the top just hit sisters car but luckily didn't scratch it.It has broken off a few hyppiastrems (cant spell it)that were about to flower but no other damage.
14/Oct/09 8:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, All!

CynB, good to hear that your sister's op went well! Prayers continue for the best possible results!

Rolanda, prayers for your Mum's tests! Hope the cause of the problems is found and can be easily addressed so that she feels better soon!

Gail, have a safe flight! Prayers for Bill's surgery! Hope it goes well and his health improves!

Stella, fingers crossed that Ian's soccer game is a winner and the rain stays away - at least until they have won the game!

Judy - just a few days left - and new luggage to be filled! I understand about leaving the sewing repairs/adjustments until the last moment, as I did that when we went to Croatia.

It would be nice to think that the geneology/family tree is all correct! At least some of it should be!
14/Oct/09 8:51 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi Julie
Love your avatar!

Nola, there is no band on this little jacket - it's lace all the way up. I'm about to try for the third time now. The pattern is a 4 stitch pattern and I got over-confident... say no more.
14/Oct/09 9:58 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.. just passing, while Mum is in the shower.
She is ok.. a tad sore.. they took some tissues for testing.. we get results on Monday, when I take her to the GP. Fingers cross it is not the big 'C' !!
Thank you to everyone for all the well wishes.. greatly appreciated.

Now must get brecky, make a grocery list, take mum home and do my Shopping on the way home.
Later Aligaters xx
14/Oct/09 10:29 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Gail. Safe travels, best wishes for your Dad
14/Oct/09 10:30 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Gail, I understand taking care of ourselves and our loved ones but you want us to BEHAVE??? That is asking a lot. We don't come here to behave, we come here to have fun.
14/Oct/09 10:46 AM
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