Sudokuaholics Anonymous 8

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Rolanda, hugs to your Mom, and hope and pray for the best possible outcome for her medical concerns.

SUZY, I also have noticed I only hape people pop in for a visit when my floors look their worse!

Cyn, I hope everything went well with your sister today, Thinking of you and of her, prayers being said.

GAIL, I do hope all goes well with your Bill. Hugs to you for being there for him, and just one question. HOW are you going to survive a whole week with no internet? We will miss you!

Happy anniversary Vici and how nice to get flowers!

June, I see you are beginning to thin out the visitors at your house. how long will grandson be with you?

Nola, glad you are home safe and you now have an experience to put in your life memories book.

14/Oct/09 2:42 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Today has been a very achie day. there is a cold front approching and MORE rain has just started. this one has hit me hard, feels like a big Mac Truck ran me down. thank goodness for pain pills and a hubby who does not raise a fuss when i do not cook dinner. He happily opened a can of sardines and had that with crackers, he LIKES the smelly things! Oh well, they are a heart healthy food, if you can get them poat your lips! I had turkey soup.

Just finished my bedtime snack. It seems so funny to be told I MUST have a bedtime snack. tonight it was an apple and some cream cheese, and was very good.

My sloshy thing is back in operation. I got one load washed and dried in the hot spinny thing, to damp and too much rain to do otherwise today. I will deal with hanging them up and into closet tomorrow, if all goes well.

As a bonus, I got a new hose bibb ( faucet) put on front of house, near the front porch. It will be easier for watering plants on the front porch.

I am about to fall into my computer, so I think I will take my achey body to bed and hope I can sleep. good night to all!
14/Oct/09 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Nola, so good to hear that you had fun in Bathurst!

Suzy, how is Ebob today? Is her arm feeling better with a bit of rest from pitching?

Rolanda, continued prayers for your Mum and best results from the biopsy!
14/Oct/09 3:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, MizT! Glad to hear that you got some yrdnual done, but so sorry that the weather had you feeling poorly! Take care! Hugs to your hubby for being so understanding!
14/Oct/09 3:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, I seem to have lost a comment or 2 somewhere - or maybe I typed them & didn't hit submit. It's been a day like that!
14/Oct/09 3:25 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Our leaves have begun their annual color change, so it's time to reintroduce some autumn avatars.
14/Oct/09 3:28 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Today 41 years ago, my #1 nephew was born, and I became an Auntie.
14/Oct/09 4:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
MizT, sorry to hear you have had an achie day. I hope the weather settles down and you have a better day tomorrow. The state my house is in right now I am almost guaranteed to get visitors very soon...

Julie, Ebob says she is mostly fine. She aches while she is working though. Another appointment with the physio tomorrow, work on Friday and the baseball season starting Sunday. Sigh. I've been calling the local gyms and boy is there a wide price range! I bet I'm told the cheap one is not really suitable for her - wouldn't that be a Murphy moment???

Rolanda - happy birthday to your nephew!!! I went to that unmentionable place today, and I have to have a filling! I haven't had a filling since I was a preteen and I'm all nervous...
14/Oct/09 4:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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BTW, the gym thing will work out well so long as she doesn't go on Mondays or Thursdays. She will be able to walk up after school and get a ride home with her dad when he finishes work. At least that's my plan... I'll have to take her to the first couple of visits where they do the assessments and stuff but after that she will be able to mostly look after herself.
14/Oct/09 4:57 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello again after a busy day.I have my new glass's,babysat the girls,saw the boys and did the shopping.Phew.
Now I can read the clock on the dash and signs from much further away.
Rolanda..I must have missed your Mum having a biopsy,and I hope all news is good.
Gail..same goes for your Dad's op and have a safe trip over and back.

I had some good news today from work that I have a Govt paid scholarship to do the EEN's course instead of paying for it myself.I was thrilled to bits.It starts in from then on my time here will be limited.
14/Oct/09 7:31 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Catch you all tomorrow and thanks for the welcome home everyone.
14/Oct/09 7:32 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, I don't know whether to be happy for you or sad for me! Na, I'll be happy for you. Congratulations!!! I hope you make it in sometimes!!! We'll have to make the most of you for the rest of the year...
14/Oct/09 7:58 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Nola that is fantastic news, hope that the course is everything you want and need it to be. Hopefully you will find a minute or two every so often to let us know how you are getting on. Being the nosy lot we are we will be interested.
14/Oct/09 9:53 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone, just popping in for a few minutes.
Congratulations on your scholarship Nola, that's great! :)
Suzy, you must have REALLY good teeth - I can't remember how many fillings I've had! Hope you manage with minimal discomfort.
Went to visit Mum and Dad before we head off for our trip, so very tired now. Adam and his girlfriend are coming for dinner tomorrow, which is nice (though I'll have to do the gninaelc thing first) Also have to do alterations on all the new clothes, including Rob's things ... yikes!
Ok, must head off to bed now - talk to you again tomorrow if I get time! Bye!

14/Oct/09 11:34 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Evening All..
*** WARNING : A proud Mummy Boasting moment.
Robert, #1 son, was entered by his University in a Worldwide Student Paper Competition held at the Institution of Engineering and Technology Western Australian Branch.
He was competing again students from 3 other universities More...

here in West Aust. The winner gets to represent WA in Adelaide for the all Australian final of this worldwide student paper competition. The World final will be held in Europe next year.
Robert did his presentation on his project he is doing at University for his decree. 'SensorOS: Cross-Platform Operation System for Sensor Network'. (ask vdV to explain it - the project idea came from him)
The Competion was held this evening, and my boy Won !!!
15/Oct/09 1:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Dropping in to say HI and here I is. I read this page, but can't remember, please forgive. I am medicated. this cold front coming through and all the rain, I am still very achey.

Rolanda, congrats to Robert on his win, very impressive!

Nola, congrats on your scholarship. Will you be studying and working? or will you be able to just do the school? How long is this course? Do drop in with a report on how you are doing, even if you cannot read a thing. We still want to hear from you.

Judy, seems you have a lot going on, hope you get all the alterations made in time.

Juie, enjoy the fall color. leaves here are droping without changing, go from green to brown. AND it is not from lack of rain, , not sure the problem.

I have another load in the hot tumble thing, I have had my breakfast so I can keep on my times for my eating plan. NOW I think I will go back to bed!

Can I interest anyone in some rain? Enough already! years of not enough followed by this year of too much!

15/Oct/09 1:43 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, hope the aches soon go away! We miss having you about and want you to be well.
Congratulations to Robert and Nola. A lot of work ahead Nola?
Hi to everyone else.
Suzy, ebob will need to restrict the number of pitches per game. Her problem is why they introduced the pitching restrictions on juniors.
Saw my son playing the other evening and he had a couple of good games and quite a few very good safe hits.(he is playing in the over 45 World Masters)
MIL has gone home but still have two grandies, peacefully asleep at the moment. I must go back and get some more sleep or I will not cope with the day to come! I had to get up to get a drink as we had Chises last night and it always makes me very thirsty.
15/Oct/09 4:09 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone! Long night last night, wind was whipping around the house at 70+ mph and we had a lot of rain. So, you can guess how I slept (AGAIN!!) The night before last was a good night, last night not so much. Have errands to run in town and going to Salt Lake tomorrow.
Glad to see MizT back!! WHOOPIE!!
Hello to Rolanda, Gail, Judy, Suzy, Julie, TTT, Brenda, Nola & anyone else I missed. Hope everyone is well (or getting better). TTFN everyone!
15/Oct/09 4:10 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Rolanda you have every right to be a proud mum, Robert is acheiving great things.
15/Oct/09 4:20 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi Suzanne and Brenda. Another proud Mum as I have just put a couple of World Masters Baseball photos on my page.
15/Oct/09 4:31 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone.
Rolanda...fantastic news about Robert,I couldn't imagine how hard that paper would be.GOOD ON HIM!
June...How did your sons game end up..did they win?
Really nice photos too.
MizT...sorry you are still in pain.The cold wet weather probably doesn't help either.
Yes,I will keep working during the 18mth course.There will be 10 weeks of placements in hospital which I will take my holidays for.That way I will still get paid.Work is very obliging by changing the roster to fit in with the days off needed in the hope that you stay there once completed.I would rather try something not so physical but feel I am getting too old to start a new job.Early days yet and I might change my mind.
I wish we could have some of the rain you are having.It is extremely dry here with total fire bans in place.
Hi to Julie Judy Suzy and Suzanne.
15/Oct/09 4:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
Rolanda - congratulations! That's not a 'proud mummy moment', that's a 'bursting with pride mummy moment'!!!!! Please pass on my congrats! Did you let vdV know? Wow!

June - the photos are amazing! Movement in one and colour in the other! I love the way the umpire is standing right over the catcher. That always amazes me. How fast is Neil's bat moving for it to blurr like that???? Another wow!

Nola - my mother was an EN, and until you talked about it I'd never heard of EENs. They keep increasing the amount nurses can do, wonder when we will all learn to appreciate you enough?

It's a proud day here. I love proud days!!!
15/Oct/09 5:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, you are going to have a busy and tiring 18 months! I've just realised mum was my age when she did her training. I'm grinning today with all of the good news here.

After all of the rain we've had in the last couple of weeks we have a high fire danger day today. Winds up to 75kph they say. Sigh.
15/Oct/09 5:21 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Yes,it is great to get some good news.
Now we just need to have our Heidi back feeling on top of the world.
15/Oct/09 5:46 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dogs.... grrrrr.... escape any chance they get!
15/Oct/09 7:17 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, SA8!

Happy Auntie day, Rolanda! (You must have been very young!) Happy Birthday to your nephew!

Nola, what a busy day! New glasses sound terrific! The boys and girls AND shopping! Quite impressive! News that govt.-paid scholarship will pay for your course: PRICELESS!
15/Oct/09 7:39 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Of course, Nola, we hope to see you on a somewhat regular basis. Please be sure to check in and say Hi when your coursework begins!

Oh, dear, Judy! All the things you need to do in such a little time! We know you'll make the most of it! (I was told to take duct tape on our trip in case clothes needed a quick repair. Maybe you can just use it for hems/alterations before you go?)

Woohoo, Rolanda! Definitely a proud Mum moment! Can we make it into a proud Sudoku Auntie moment, as well! Great going, Rolanda (and Robert, of course)! I have no idea what the paper is about, but it certainly sounds impressive! Sending positive thoughts and wishing him best of luck for the next round of the competition!
15/Oct/09 7:45 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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MizT, wishing we could take some of your rain and provide you with lots of non-achey days!

June, sounds like your son is doing well in his baseball tournament! I hope you got some more sleep for your big day ahead with the grandies!

Suzanne, I hope you enjoy the day in Salt Lake and get a MUCH better sleep tonight!
15/Oct/09 7:50 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Great photos, June! Thanks for sharing!
15/Oct/09 7:59 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Good morning lovely people.
Two lots of congratulations going out today -
Nursing Nola - what great news about your scholarship. Yes, you will be busy but it will be worth it. One of my friends did the very same thing (without the scholarship) a few years ago and is now working and studying for the next level.
Proud Mum Rolanda - Robert is a brilliant young man and he will do well in the Australian final!
June - about to check out your baseball pics.
Hi also to Julie, Suzy, Brenda, Suzanne, MizT, Judy and others.
Margaret (sis) is recuperating well but is, of course, suffering some discomfort. Should hear the pathology report today.
15/Oct/09 9:06 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hi folks...
No comments from me for a couple of days... VERY,VERY BUSY... Lot's of list making going on, trying to find room in the spare [junk] room for Vici to fling her stuff... I should take a before and after photo. I know that she is coming to see me and not my junk but I would like her to be able to turn around in her room.

TODAY'S PROJECT. I bought a BIG chest of drawers for that room over a year ago [surely not 2 years] and it has been sitting in the computer area. Why...because there is a VERY big cube unit that I store all my sewing bits and pieces in. That needs to be emptied and moved so we can move the other chest in. I will then sit it back on top and refill it... hopefully having time to sort as I go and throw out a lot of junk. I am sure there must still be junk in it since mum used it. The chest of drawers is 1600w [5'3"] and the cube bookcase thingy 1500w. The good thing is I won't have to bend down to get to the bottom of the shelves now.

15/Oct/09 9:47 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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I now have to go down to the doctor for my final desensitising injection... was meant to go Monday but woke up with a shocking headache and didn't make it. Yesterday was my first day [without a bandage]... I wanted to trial it before I saw him. It is very weak and feels very unstable. It is still tender to touch ... which is good... beats being unbearable... Bruising has gone and it is only a little swollen. I suspect that the fracture of indeterminate age that showed up on the Xray may have been recent and not old. [Radiologist would not commit himself as to the age] This has not been like a typical bad sprain and I have had enough of those to know the difference. Besides... how could I have had a broken foot in the past and not known about it? It certainly didn't show up on the last Xray that was done before I had orthotics made a few years back...
15/Oct/09 9:59 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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This time next week I will be in a real flap...
biggrin] I'll be on my way to the airport

So if I am not to be late I had best get out of here.

Congratulations, hugs etc where applicable... you can sort that out because I am outta time.
Love you all
15/Oct/09 10:02 AM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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HA HA... dopey editor deleted a '[' is my other big grin that should have been up there...
15/Oct/09 10:04 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good maEn everyone! Ran around town today. Went to Deseret Industries (the Mormon version of the Salvation Army/Goodwill) and picked up a NEW immersion blender for $4.00 and a hair dryer diffuser for $1.00. We call it the "D.I." here, so if you see me mentining it, now you know. A few weeks ago, I picked up 3 cookbooks for my Aunt Sandra (for a total of $6.00). Mailed them last week, she called yesterday, she was THRILLED!
I hope I sleep well tonight too. The wind out here can get very loud and makes the vinyl siding sound like it is rattling. I'll have to watch the local news to see our weather for tomorrow. It's "fend for yourself" tonite, so we're cleaning out the freezer of some leftover pizza.
Take care everyone, TTFN!
15/Oct/09 10:40 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Rolanda, I am so excited for Robert. Wish him the best of luck for me and please keep us informed.
Nola, congratulations on the grant. I wish you luck with your studies. Please stop by and let us know how you are.
15/Oct/09 11:44 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just had a lovely chat with Rolanda on MSN. I have to go help hubby with something and then I am going to watch tv and go to sleep. I will be back tomorrow to cause more trouble.
15/Oct/09 12:00 PM
   Bean  From Melbourne Vic AU    Supporting Member
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ok...dopey is back...
I have made a VERY good is only Thursday!! DUH!!!
I will have a very long wait for Vici if I head out to the airport in a week!! She arrives in 7days 21 hours and 52 minutes....
It is so good to have an extra day up my sleeve!!!

I am to start physio on my ankle and strengthen it up! Probably not today because it is throbbing from his prodding! I need a wobble board. They have them down the gym so I might head down later.
15/Oct/09 12:36 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Hey Beanie, you could sing 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport' with the wobble board!!!
15/Oct/09 12:52 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Thank you for the Congats for my boy.. he is a clever cookie that one!!!
15/Oct/09 12:53 PM
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