Sudokuaholics Anonymous 6

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   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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suzy and cynb- those stories always make me so shakey! i know i should do or say something, but i never can tell what! my dad was always the one to step in and say the right thing. he never let someone be hurt while he was around. of course he would dish out a spanking to us kids every once in awhile. never was one given though, without being earned!
12/Nov/08 6:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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And just because I feel so good, another one!
12/Nov/08 6:14 PM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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oh no!!! sorry suzy! i totally inturrupted your celebration.
12/Nov/08 6:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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no worries! can't make me feel bad right now!
12/Nov/08 6:18 PM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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here, i'll celebrate with you.
12/Nov/08 6:18 PM
   vdV  From Melbourne
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Flying through with a "G'Day" SA6ers
12/Nov/08 6:21 PM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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vici- what an inspiration you are. would that we all could learn to be a kinder, gentler people.
12/Nov/08 6:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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G'Day vdV!
12/Nov/08 6:24 PM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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g'day (can a utahn say that without sounding rediculous?) and g'night vdv! i am off to count sheep.
12/Nov/08 6:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Night mariana!
12/Nov/08 6:27 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Now I have noone to celebrate with...

There's a chance one of us will be working at McDonald's on McHappy Day. That should be fun!
12/Nov/08 6:31 PM
   Dizzy Lizzy  From Melbourne-Australia
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Hia Suzy
Wow working on McHappy day
reckon that might be fun
12/Nov/08 8:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Did my celebrations scare everyone away?? Should I report myself as abusive??
12/Nov/08 8:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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We find out tomorrow. Could be Ebob or me, or it could be both of us!
12/Nov/08 8:32 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Mariana, have I mentioned how much Wwe ALL love your hubby?
12/Nov/08 9:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Having a crisis of confusion here... Is it me or is it the news???

Australia in top 10 on gender equality

But, according to the web site of the source of the study thingy... Australia is 21st!! rk/index.htm

Am I missing something??
12/Nov/08 9:22 PM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Hi Suzy, Gail, Liz, Mariana, and vdV.
13/Nov/08 12:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up and preparing to lock the dogs in before the workmen arrive. I have spent the last half hour in the restroom worshipping the porcelain god. My head is pounding and my body aches. And I get to look forward to many hours of jack hammering. Oops.... gotta go. Back to the ol' god.
13/Nov/08 12:07 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Hi Heidi. Sorry you're feeling under the weather. Hope you start to feel better.
13/Nov/08 12:10 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Julie, sorry about not getting here last night. Spent 5 hours yesterday fixing hubby's pocket on his winter coat. Don't know how he did it, but it was shredded. Had to cut it out to make a pattern, etc. Had to do all the sewing by hand. Thought I'd be cross-eyed by the time I was done.
13/Nov/08 12:11 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Suzy, congrats on the windfall.

Mamcita, wishing you a safe journey and hope you have a great time in California.
13/Nov/08 12:13 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Macita = Mamacita

MizT, hope that the doc has gotten your meds straigtened out and that you're feeling better in no time.
13/Nov/08 12:15 AM
   Becky  From Ohio
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Geez, another typo again.

straigtened = straightened

Guess I better quit before I have a bout of foot in mouth disease. Hope everyone has a great day/night.
13/Nov/08 12:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hullo Becky..... it sounds more like a case of "fingers in mouth".

Mamacita! Give little Angelique a hug from me, please.

13/Nov/08 12:30 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Good morning all!

Have a great trip Mama!

Hope you feel better Heidi!

Hi Becky!
13/Nov/08 12:57 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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how are you stella? i haven' seen you in a few...pages that is. are all the sports winding down? the sports are picking up here. we find out today if benny-17 made the basketball team. he is a junior and after the 2nd cuts there were only 8 jrs. left. if he doesn't make it he will be crushed. he also starts a little bit of training for track. the training is at the olympic oval, a beautiful facility, but a 40 min drive each way.
13/Nov/08 2:40 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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heidi!!!! who do i need to get after to make sure you don't get sick anymore?? i think you need a vacation and some r&r. in the mean time, take it easy.
13/Nov/08 2:43 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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i am having a dc and a turtle (pecans covered in caramel and chocolate) for breakfast. i know what you are all thinking, "wow mariana is a health nut!!" i sure you, i am not always this conscientious about my eating habits....we are having salmon and steamed veggies for dinner.
13/Nov/08 2:50 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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PAGE 368
HEIDI, I am amazed you could sleep through jackhammers noise. Guess it goes to show, if your body needs sleep, it will get it.

Some cute quips on site here, pick up, drop off, repeat, Love it MARIANA. More taxi duty for this afternoon planned?

SUZY, chocolate is delish, a nice bittersweet chocolate and yes, I have my coffee with milk.

Mamaceta waiting for her meds to kick in.
SUZY, what kind of interference causes peacock colors and bubbles?

Page 369
Oh Suzy, the family you saw at cafe, oh my how unfortunate. you are very observant to see and understand. Not fun imagining what their home lives were like.

Oh Tami, it is a sign of our times when teachers have to be so worried about being charged with abuse while trying to reach out to kids from dysfunctional families.

Vici, too true. Briefly had neighbors totally dysfunctional, at home, but appeared differently if people were around. I saw them enough to pick up on some of the signs. It is hard to ask an adult, are you in danger, are you being hit. Both adults I learned grew up in abusive families, and I fear their children will go out and create 2 more abusive households.

VICI, love your avatar, fairy on the moon. It is a bit hard to see, but reminds me a bit of Amy Brown's art. My daughter has a collection of her fairies.

SUZY, gloves before digging in grass. any luck treating it? Would share a packet of the med doc just gave me for rash if you were near. It is over the counter, so I could share

Have not caught up yet, you keep making new posts!
13/Nov/08 2:53 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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well, i saw the window full of friends...don't know what you are all doing! what??? doing puzzels???? craziness!
of course today is slammed packed. i need to hit the ground running. have a great day/night ladies. ci vediamo!
13/Nov/08 2:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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HI MARIANA and anyone else about! May I come for dinner? How are you cooking your salmon?
13/Nov/08 2:54 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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sorry i can't hang out for a bit with you mizt! next time. oh, and did anyone say where lee has been? i am missing her pretty "LEE" avatar.
13/Nov/08 2:59 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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i broil it with milk, lemon and dill over it. i like classic tastes, nothing too over the top creative.
13/Nov/08 3:00 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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ooo mizt, you keep drawing me in! i bet you are one of those people that get others chatting and 2 hours later they wonder how it got so late! i do have to go though....resit the irresistable mizt mariana. don't look back! RUN!!!
13/Nov/08 3:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH BECKY, what a major repair to undertake. I hate rebuilding any pocket, but in a coat, worse even. You have my upmost admiration. Hubby could put holes into his jeans pockets faster than anyone I know! And every time I found work jeans with tough pockets, the company would stop making them!

Mariana, good luck to Benny, hopes he makes the team.

HEIDI, no, no, tell me you are not throwing up? Hope it is soon over and you recover quickly.
13/Nov/08 3:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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RUN FAST Mariana, I will go and read another page!
we can chat later! I will pass on dinner tonight also, I am not at all fond of dill on salmon. Maybe I never made it right, you think?
13/Nov/08 3:07 AM
   mariana  From utah    Supporting Member
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that is just the way my mom always made it. part of my childhood was in alaska, so salmon was practically a staple! give me another idea mizt. shake up my salmon world!
13/Nov/08 4:58 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Ahhh - The Irresistable MzT! Love it, mariana - and it fits perfectly!
Thanks Becky and MzT for your summaries - sure do appreciate them.
mariana - I love your hubby, too!
Heidi - you don't need to be feeling bad now! With all that you have going on I want to be able to say, "at least you have your health" ...and I can't - keeping you in my prayers.
13/Nov/08 4:59 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Suzy - hope you enjoyed your kid-free is that paper coming along?
Hi Dizzy Lizzy - how's the patient (Sammie)?
I have been on this darn pooter for hours now trying to get my webcam situation resolved. Talked to GMo and Keith - I could see them, but they couldn't see me (proabably a blessing for them) - I have so much to get done before heading off to SF on Friday morning, but this webcam business is messin' with me - grrrrr!
13/Nov/08 5:02 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Irresistable MzT - sorry our chat couldn't have been longer this morning. I'm a great multi-tasker when it comes to the house, but not so much with the computer. Hoping to catch up with you a bit later.
Now I need to get going...can't believe I haven't had any time for the puzzles!
As our dear mariana would say, CIAO!
13/Nov/08 5:04 AM
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