Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi arrived about an hour behind her estimate, road construction on the way was the cause. We played scrabble and had take away fish dinner with the scrabble girls, lots of fun. then hours of just resting and talking, we talk a LOT when together

Bedtime here, will check in again, perhaps not till after Heidi has left.

Hugs to each of you with extras.
09/Oct/14 2:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Birthday to your son, June!

So glad Heidi arrived safely for her visit with MizT.

Too tired to remember anything else, so I'm off to bed. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing energy for everyone!
09/Oct/14 5:34 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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I lost a long post last night...I kept losing signal on the train.
The jist of the post was:- I had just been to the Royal Albert Hall to see James Taylor preform. The concert ws wondrful, a mixture of old and new songs. We nearly missed the start of the concert becsuse the journey from Kings Cross Station yo the RAH took 1 hour 20 minutes because of traffic. The trip back took 20 minutes. I also had a slight mishap whilst trying to find my seat. I was so busy looking at seat numbers that I missed a step and nearly fell down it. Saving myself from going down but I have hurt my leg and am having problems walking and standing. Richard has had to drive himself to the station to go to work this morning. It costs a a lot to park there but couldn't be helped.
June I am pleased you have been able to bowl again and better still your team won.
Trisha and Heidi hope you still have voices this morning after all you talking.
09/Oct/14 7:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, hope your leg will be OK. The concert sounds great. Grandson's birthday today and we slept in so will have to phone him tonight. We got a call early this morning to say the alarm was going off at the bowling club. Ken has keys so he had to get up and go turn it off.
We will have Laura this weekend so that we can finish 'the peach'.
10/Oct/14 8:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have put a photo on my page of the family when we went to lunch in Melbourne.
10/Oct/14 9:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am home. It took longer than expected because I hit rush hour through Nashville. It addede 1 1/2 hours to my travel time.

What I fantastic time I had with MizT!!! She is such a sweet, wonderful person.
10/Oct/14 11:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Brenda, the concert sounds wonderful! Unfortunately, your mishap on the step does not sound like fun. I hope you'll be feeling better tomorrow! Im sorry you lost a long post!

June, happy birthday to your grandson! I don't think it counts as sleeping in if you had to get up so early because of the alarm at the club. Even if you didn't need to go with Ken, it probably took a while to get back to sleep! When my hubby got up early this morning, I wasn't able to get back to sleep.

Heidi, I'm so glad you and MizT had a wonderful visit!

We have a few very full days coming up, so it may be difficult to impossible to post. I'm sending lots of extra healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and for each of you!
10/Oct/14 2:59 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all,
I've read, but lose more posts than I make from my iPad.

Hope you are all happy and having fun. It sounds like there are lots of fun things happening.

Life is good for me. Hubby and I are walking 2 or 3 times a week. Last time we went I used my walking stick though, for over 4 km! Hehe. I've been doing the odd day in the coffee van and saving any money I make for our 25th anniversary next year. I was going to surprise hubby, but shared it with him last night because I was starting to make plans and be excited and I wanted to share that with him. He had the best reaction, collecting all his egg money (literally the money from selling eggs) and added to it. Warm fuzziness!

Posting before I lose this!
10/Oct/14 7:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I lost a short post from Thursday afternoon, after Heidi left. I think I forgot to hit send before closing out the site. bummer.

Heidi and I did have a winderful visit.did not go sight seeing, except around the garden here at EP hehehe. We found that the camellias that were damaged last year from the roundup have damaged blooms this year! the blooms are asymmetrical, one side trying to be a double, the other being a single whose petals turn backward. Poor camellias, that poison really did get to them. We could still see dead tips, about 3 leaves deep into the tree, and the blooms we could see were on tips of what appeared to be UNdamaged tips, but it got em, anyway.

there is one photograph of Heidi and me, taken by Tanya out in the parking lot as Heidi ws about to leave. The old cell phone I used to take photos will no longer take them and worse, I think I have lost all of the ones I had not downloaded, bummer. I will get Tanya to send me the photo and then post it. I hope that one turned out.

Tanya came over for lunch yesterday, bringing a wonderful salad to go with the beef stew I had taken from freezer for our lunch. T had met Heidi her first trip down, 3 years ago, for Al's funeral, and they both were delighted to see and visit again.

In all a very relaxing visit, I almost said quite, but we talked and talked hehehe. We even woke at the same time for a visit to the little room, and started again, till we decided it was best to get some sleep. Heidi had not slept much the night before the trip, was up looking at the lunar eclipse. I know I did enjoy the visit so much, Heidi is such a good friend, and such a generous caring person. she brought me a HUGE bundle of peacock feathers, ones she has collected from her home grown resident male peacock. she thought I might use them in my flower arrangements of dried flowers for the fall festival/rummage sale/silent auction, and yes, I do think I can.

We met several of the residents here, as Heidi said some very nice people, I add some interesting people. We met Warner as the 3 of us came out of the elevator in EP2 lobby, and he stopped to chat, asking if this was my family visiting. Heidi asked if he where the offici8al greeter, as he was doing such an excellent and charming job of it. No, he said 'Tricia is the official greeter, and she phoned me to come greet you today' hehehe.
11/Oct/14 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... Do you remember us checking the weather forecast for the trip, and Kentucky, right before I left? It started raining right after I got home, and we had massive thunderboomers and downpour all night long! And intermittent showers all day today. I wish I could send you half of our rain. You need it so badly.
11/Oct/14 12:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, one of the social members at the bowling club was going to her grandson's wedding at Airdrie Stud in Kentucky this weekend. He works there. She was flying last Sunday and will be back later this week. The lady is over 80 and her husband was not well enough to go with her. I just though it was interesting as I am sure you know about that stud as the owner is an ex governor.
11/Oct/14 9:04 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Suzy, hope you can save enough to do something really special for your 25th anniversary.
I am still unable to walk very far since hurting my leg on Wednesday. It is easing slightly but is still very painful, actually it feels as if I have one leg longer than the other.
Emily (my youngest daughter) found out last night that her maternal great grandfather had died. The trouble is how she found out was on FaceBook. One of her mother's lovely (not) sisters had posted that she didn't want to be disturbed or to communicate with anyone because her grandfather had just died. If she didn't want to disturbed or communicated with then she should have just stayed off FB. That family don't have 2 sensible brain cells to rub together between them. They didn't have the decency to let Em or her sister Angela know about their grt grandfather. However the sister in Australia had been kept in the loop.
I would love to be a fly on the wall when the will is read, because I have a feeling that some of the grandchild who are expecting to inherit something might be be in for a shock ( I may be wrong though) We had a telephone call earlier from Emily's mother's cousin to make sure that we had been told. She said that Daphne (Em's Grandmother) had said she would inform us but she didn't trust her. So far her mistrust is proving to be well placed.
Anyway off my soap box now. You can guess that we don't have much to do with Richard's first wifes direct family for good reason... they are nasty stupid people.
12/Oct/14 1:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Please go to the doctor, Brenda. You need to have that leg checked out, or at least be ordered to stay off it for at least a week.

It's raining intermittently today, and is supposed to continue raining for many more days. I'm not going to complain because we need every drop. The smaller springs on the farm had dried up.
12/Oct/14 1:40 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hope you get the rain you need Heidi.
12/Oct/14 8:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, it's supposed to rain at least a little every day for the next 9 days. I think we'll get enough rain.

MizT.... did I tell you my favorite Gil story? I know I didn't tell it to you this visit, but I can't remember if I told it to you last visit. This happened about 10 years ago. Cell phones had gotten commonplace, but Gil is always slow at learning anything new. He was off in Ohio running some wet labs, and was gone from home for several days. One night, at midnight, the home phone rang and woke me up. It was Gil. He was on an interstate in Ohio, and had gotten a flat tire. He's never mastered the fine art of changing tires, but tried to change it himself. On the side facing traffic. He CLAIMED that the jack broke after he got the flat tire off (he hadn't set it on level ground) and the rim fell to the ground. So he called me to ask me what to do. I told him that NOBODY changes a flat tire by themselves on an interstate at night, especially without flares or any other visible markers. That's how you get hit by trucks. I told him to call 9-1-1 and they would send the proper help. Then I hung up the phone. FIVE MINUTES LATER he called back. He actually had to think about this for five minutes!! I picked up the phone, to hear his voice..... ''What's the number for 9-1-1????''. I answered ''9-1-1'', and slammed down the phone.
12/Oct/14 5:01 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I love it Heidi. Is he also blonde?
I have finished the peach. Not quite as 'finished' as I had hoped, but Laura is happy, even if it is not as big as we originally intended. She also said it was comfortable to wear. I have not tried the finished article on as she is behind the curtain reading stories to Minnie (Belinda's deaf dog). I will take a photo tonight and then some more next Thursday.
12/Oct/14 6:34 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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there was one photo made of Heidi and me, but it did not turn out. Tanya's story is, there was a huge dumpster delivery truck coming down the narrow alley (true), she was hurrying to get the photo before we had to clear space for it to pass, and then she did not check the photo until she was sending to my computer yesterday. A lovely photo of me in my power chair with the alley flower bed behind me, with a headless person beside me. I am so sorry we do not have a photo of this mini Sudoku meet up.

Computer problems, I lost this and recovered it, will be posting in short spurts to keep from loosing again.
13/Oct/14 12:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am so glad you got home before the downpour, and yes, I remember looking at weather on computer, it was clear at that time, from here to Ky. We did get rain Friday night here, a big downpour, there was even flash flood warnings for the local area.

For all of you who have wished me pain relief, your wish came true! Best pain relief I have had in weeks, since I started the new refill. BIG DIFFERENCE, I am happy to say. thank you for your wishes for me.

Brenda, I hope the leg gets better soon.I too would suggest you see a doc, that feeling of one leg longer than the other could mean a hip joint or back is out of alignment, or it might be nothing at all, but a doc would rather see you to tell you it is nothing than risk there being a hidden problem. Just my 2 cents worth. .
13/Oct/14 12:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I am looking forward to seeing the peach costume photos. I imagine you are happy it is finished at last. I am sure it turned out fine, you have a lot of experience with costumes and such. I can just see in my mind, Laura reading to the puppy. No matter it is deaf, I am sure it is enjoying the attention.

Heidi, yes, although you did not share that gilism this visit, you had told me in the past, sometime. Heidi and I traded stories this visit, my first husband did a couple of classics but could not hold a candle to Gil.

Brenda, How sad that Emily had to hear of her Gr Grandfather's death on face book. You are wise to have no contact with that branch of the family tree, it seems, if this is how they treat the daughters. I have said many times, when I divorced my first husband, I divorced the entire family. There are times that is necessary for your own mental health.

I went to a meeting yesterday about the upcoming fall festival, and if I had not yet made up my mind I would never hold an office, or even chair a committee, yesterday would have made up my mind. The chairman of the entire festival and the chairman of the silent auction went toe to toe over a couple of items, and would NOT either of them compromise, not give one inch. I actually feared they would come to blows, that bad. both are very controlling people, both wanting anything they are involved in to be just perfect, they just do not see that perfect can be approached from more than one direction.
13/Oct/14 12:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, Gil is VERY blonde.
13/Oct/14 4:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm looking forward to seeing Laura And The Giant Peach, June. You went through quite an ordeal to make it, and it's completion is a MAJOR accomplishment! So what if it isn't quite as nice as you'd hoped. If it looks like a giant peach, and Laura is happy with it, it's a success! I bet it's a lot better than I could do.
13/Oct/14 4:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from grocery shopping and talking to my pharmacist about my pain meds. I have the same problem that MizT has... the pills from one manufacturor work great, and the pills, supposedly of the exact same drug, from another manufacturer don't work. That's why my back has been so bad lately. They now have it in my record to ONLY give me the meds that work for me. The ones that work are rectangular, and the ones that don't work are round.
13/Oct/14 7:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Didn't I tell you that I don't like having my picture taken, MizT? Unless I take it, that is...... like my avatar. Maybe I'm a control freak?
13/Oct/14 7:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have just put a couple of photos of the Giant Peach on my page. AND I have just found the Ladybug on my desk. I will have to post it to Laura to put on the peach for Thursday. The peach should have come to just above her knees but I kept having to adjust it trying to get it look 'round' and it got 'shorter'.
13/Oct/14 9:31 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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This change fits right in with the giant peach photo:

Peach season is over here in Alabama, no peaches this late in the season, so I have changed avatars till next peach season

Yes, Heidi, you did say you did not like having your photo taken, but you did not say you could jump up just at the right time to keep your head out of the photo hehehe. It really was an excellent photo of both of us, if you just had not lost the top of your head.

I am headed to bed, it is early for me, but I am tired. I did get up early this am, but I went back to bed, so had plenty of sleep. I made a quick run to the grocery, should not have tired me. OH, when I got back, once again my same parking place was vacant. I have had that space for about 4 weeks now, through 5 or 6 trips out and back. Parking is very limited here, more residents drive than there are spaces available, so this is most unusual. I am happy about it though, it is a convenient parking space. Some spaces are difficult to get a larger car, like my mini van, into. I have been known to back out and aim it in again, sometimes more than once, to get auto centered in the space. Maybe because of lots of practice with this one, I now get it in there first try, easy.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

13/Oct/14 2:07 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We had quite a storm tonight. The gutter over the kitchen window overflowed and went into the bulk head over the bench. I had water pouring out of one of the down lights. I was running around closing windows etc and hubby sat watching TV until I said can you help, we have water going everywhere in the kitchen. Anyway no damage done.
13/Oct/14 8:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have a massive storm on the way. It's supposed to hit here in about 3 hours. They're predicting just about everything possible in it.
14/Oct/14 10:02 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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It has hit here, Heidi. We have tornado watch, tornado warning way south of us, along the coast, High wind advisory and flash flood plus (river and stream)flood warning. LOTS of rain here, but coming down too fast, more running off than soaking in, bummer. I still find it so strange, so quite inside my apartment that I did not even know it was raining earlier today, till I saw the first storm on the weather underground site online. Saw some mighty black clouds this afternoon, of course cannot see tonight what clouds look like.

Heidi, hope the new roof is holding up and keeping you dry! Hope the dogs are not too upset with the thunder.

June, not fun having water inside. I hope it did not damage anything and you were able to get it all dried out inside the bulkhead, so no mold or mildew will grow there. Did Ken not realize there was a [problem in the kitchen? sometimes it takes a bit to get these husband's attention. Glad he was able to come help once he knew what was going on.

My apartment feels humid and uncomfortable. I cannot get the AC compressor to come on and cool down/dry out the air, bummer. Oh well, tomorrow's high is 68 degrees, so AC will not be necessary, and humidity will go down once the storm passes.

From the other site, I see a few Aussies were affected by the storm that got June. I hope all is well, and weather moderated greatly.

Good night friends, see you later, it is my bedtime. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
14/Oct/14 2:40 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The beauty of looking after a deaf dog in a storm is that she does not hear the thunder.
14/Oct/14 10:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We didn't get the bad stuff overnight, just a LOT of rain. It's still pouring. I just changed into dry clothes after hooking the creep feeder up to the tractor and getting it in position for the feed truck to fill it later today. I may just go back to bed. There's not a whole lot I can do outside in this deluge... Unless I'm crazy.
14/Oct/14 11:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just heard. The feed mill has a problem, and can't deliver today. They hope to deliver the 3 tons of feed tomorrow afternoon.
15/Oct/14 12:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Storm and rain gone here, a cool dry sunny morning, yeah. I need to get outside and enjoy some perfect fall weather.

No problems here at EP, but there were scattered power outages nearby as trees came down and others where power poles came down. My nephew had about a half mile hike home, a power piole and line blocking the only entrance to his street. they had no power, with hopes it would be restored by noon today. another power pole went down in the CBD about 13 blocks from us, so the winds were that bad here. I have not been out to the garden to see if we lost any tree limbs.

It rained most of the night, hours of a moderate to heavy rain. I hope it soaked in and left the garden well watered. today I must go and hand water the urns that are under cover. The ferns might have got water blown in under the front porch, but I know the fatsia in the 2 urns under the sky walk to building 2 did not get rain.

Nothing else going on here, except the water to building is off again, second time in the last 2 weeks, for plumbing repairs. I had forgotten they would turn it off, but this time they delayed the turn off until after they sent out a reminder via rapid cast, the automated system that sends telephone, text or e-mail messages. Phone ringing just before 9 is what got me out of bed and moving today.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/Oct/14 1:33 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, love the peach costume. Laura is lucky to have a grandma like you.

Yesterday we took FIL to the home to see MIL for Thanksgiving. I had prepared a bunch of nibblies for snacks as it is next to impossible to prepare dinner for there. A good time was had by all! Maggie and her ex came with the girls. A mini-party!
15/Oct/14 7:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Brenda, how is your leg?
15/Oct/14 7:50 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Theresa, my leg is still sore but is getting better. It doesn't help the weather has turned wet and cold so that is affecting the arthritis.
Managing to do little bits around the house but not as much as needed.
15/Oct/14 8:45 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Have you seen a doctor yet about it, Brenda?
15/Oct/14 9:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just back from the Cattlemen's meeting. They had an excellent program on nutrition. I learned a lot.
It's so nice having my back behaving, now that I know that the problem was pain meds that didn't work, from one manufacturer.
15/Oct/14 1:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or comment! Hope all are well! Sending lots of and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
15/Oct/14 5:07 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Onother rainy day, but at least it's a gentle rain instead of a downpour. We're waiting for the feed truck to arrive, so I can move the creep feeder from blocking the driveway to back in the pasture. Then I can feed a roll of hay to the horses. Their pasture is a bit over-grazed.
16/Oct/14 5:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Onother??? How about Another, instead.
16/Oct/14 5:13 AM
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