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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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I had to postpone the trip to pick up the conure for a few days. Long story. Oh, well. Such is life.
22/Oct/14 4:52 AM
Small Town Canada
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Hello all. Another cold, wet, windy day here. Brrr.
We have a small grocery store almost across the street from us that sells local beef, and hubby can really notice the difference in taste. It is pricier, but I get it when I can. I am not much of a meat eater; I prefer veggies.
22/Oct/14 5:16 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, Late Tuesday night here, but thought I'd check in since tomorrow I'll have real work done on my mouth...something sort of like a root canal...but not quite sure that I recall all that's to be done. He had me start taking Amoxicillin today in preparation.
Heidi, thanks for taking the time to let me know how difficult it is to follow your beef...I thought perhaps it would be complicated for you to find out, yet they would be able to know the source of the sold beef. I thought the local butchers were better trained in the proper methods and cuts of meat, but since they no longer do the actual slaughtering, I see why its a lost art. Well I guess I can give up the hope of ever really having steak as good as we use to have with today's over processed meats and since I couldn't afford the Japaneses meat prices. I know the Kobe beef is too pricey for me. Another of life's goodies that has come and gone.Sorry you weren't able to get the conure today, but safe travel when you do pick it up. Enjoy the free time you have and know that I too am glad you've been able to find some reliable help around the farm.
Brenda, happy to learn that your leg is improving...enjoy your time visiting your brother and auntie. Try as I might, I can't remember the other comments I had for the others on the other page..I remember that Midge said something about vegans and soap making, Tricia and the garden and Julie with the grand puppy that had struck a cord in me for a response, but is now gone...ah such is Well it's late so I'll just say good night from here...take care..I care. Peace.
22/Oct/14 2:18 PM
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Hello everyone. Good luck with your dental visit Mamacita - I certainly don't envy you. Sorry you couldn't get to pick up your Sun Conure Heidi - I know how you were looking forward to it. Maybe when IH gets back you can have some time off. Las Sat. night I went to see Prof. Brian Cox in his show Making Sense of the Cosmos. He was fascinating and for me, easy to understand. I didn't do Physics at school (always thought it was above me) but he made sense with some very out-of-the-way ideas and suppositions,. I cam away with the thought I am insignificant but inevitable - a great idea for my epitaph haha. Looking forward to his new series on TV in November. Nice and peaceful at home with hubby and son away - but could do without the extra work at the office.
22/Oct/14 2:59 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, so sorry you weren't able to pick up the Sun Conure today. Hopefully, you'll be able to get it soon!
Hi, Theresa! How have you been? A cold, wet, and windy day (much like we have been having lately) does NOT sound like fun. Like you, we don't eat much meat & haven't found a good shop for buying the small amount we purchase.
Mama, I don't envy you and your dental appointment tomorrow. I hope everything proceeds well - and painlessly!
Midge, seems like you have mixed blessings with hubby and son away, but having to do extra work at the office. Just doesn't seem fair.
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
for everyone!
22/Oct/14 3:56 PM
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I have had a large huntsman spider on the wall in the TV room for the last 3-4 days. It was interesting today to watch it shed it's skin. I was not sure what was happening at first and when hubby came home he thought that we now had two spiders. I once had some eggs hatch and I had lots of tiny spiders all over the ceiling and some dropping down on their cobwebs.
This spider is about 2-2 1/2 inches across with his legs out. I generally catch them when they come inside and put them outside but I would need to move furniture and get out the step ladder to reach this one.
I got some shopping etc done today and tomorrow off to the flicks to see 'the Judge'.
22/Oct/14 11:16 PM
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Hi June - leave the huntsman inside - they eat the horrible white-tail spiders. I only remove them if they do something unacceptable - like come really close! I do remove them out of my car though - they freak me out when they run across the windscreen whilst driving. Heidi - when are you picking up your Sun Conure? So sorry to hear the news of the gunman in Canada. I wish all this religious hate would go away.
23/Oct/14 9:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Religious hate will only go away when religion goes away.
I hope to pick up the Conure on Friday..... if I'm feeling better. I have a bit of the 'flu... it started yesterday.
23/Oct/14 11:36 AM
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Greetings to all Fellow Sudokuaholics!
No time to read, so just sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
23/Oct/14 3:49 PM
Small Town Canada
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Well, we certainly had a scary day yesterday. We live fairly close to Ottawa, and hubby works there. We are close enough to Ottawa (probably 50 km from Parliament Hill) that our schools were in partial lockdown, called hold and secure, where the kids were not allowed outside of their classrooms and recesses were indoors. What a sad time we live in.
24/Oct/14 12:04 AM
Alabama, USA
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busy today working with dead flowers. trying to finish so I can reclaim my dining table, and get flower petals off the floor.
another lovely autumn day. Nights are getting a bit cooler, it was into 40's last night. NO rain predicted, forecasters say it will be clear and sunny into first of November.
Heidi, hope whatever bug you have is short lived and you are soon better.
June and Midge, your talk of spiders reminds me how daughter #3 wages war on any spider she sees. Untill she bought her house and lives alone, she now has to deal with them herself, and she is really afraid of them. she keeps a shoe and a broom and hairspray in her arsenal, uses the broom to sweep them off a wall, the hair spray to stun them when they hit the floor and the shoe to finish them off. Proud of her for handling them herself, before she would run and scream for whomever she lived with, her Dad, her partner, her roommate hehehe. I left spiders who ate spiders inside, when on the farm, but see no spiders now.
Mama, hope you are OK after the dental work, was that today? Thursday? I hope it was not too stressful for you.
I have an appointment to see an ophthalmologist to look at my cataracts, and see if they are really bad enough to get them done now. The office is very close to me, but is a satellite clinic for the Eye Foundation Hospital here in B'ham, one of the best around, and the lady doctor I chose was trained there, then stayed on after finishing her residency in ophthalmology. Also am in process of making several other appointments. I just discovered all my specialist and radiology co pays will DOUBLE in Jan, let me get as many done now as I can. I have mammogram, chest cat scan, appointment with rheumatologist all in the works. Waiting for rheumatologist to call with appointment, others are scheduled. I think I am going to be busy, keeping the bus busy taking me to appointments. I also have appointment with pain management and my PCP before end of the year!
OK, I have to finish putting away my play pretties, and then get some lunch. Work and rest is what I am trying for today. Hugs to each f you, with extras, till later.
24/Oct/14 6:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'll be leaving to pick up the bird around 2 am. That'll give me plenty of time to get down there, and to take a nap once I do get there, before our meeting time. I'm really looking forward to meeting her. She's into birds in a big way, she's a long time horse person, she showed dogs (tho' small ones) for many years and she presently has a Smooth Collie!!!
Gil won't be home until late morning. But the dogs will take care of the place while we're both gone. Both of our trucks are parked out front (he rented a small car) so it looks like someone is home.
I'm not feeling 100% yet, but the window for picking up the Sun conure is rapidly closing. I have a dental appointment on Monday, and my epidural is scheduled for the next day.
24/Oct/14 10:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... Change of plan again. The RV's headlights aren't working. So I'll be driving my truck. Which means I leave at 5 am, and no naps on the way.
24/Oct/14 1:03 PM
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You will certainly be busy MizT. Heidi - hope it is just a loose wire or something simple to fix. Always a nuisance when things don't work as they should. Hubby wants me to sell my Avensis and keep his car - it is costing us nearly $1000 to have the power steering and rotors fixed today - ouch!! A beautiful day here - about 30degrees and no wind. The weekend looks like it will be the same.
24/Oct/14 1:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I suspect it is just a blown fuse. Inexpensive, but inconvenient.
24/Oct/14 1:52 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Theresa, our thoughts are with all who live in Canada. From what I've seen, Canadian news dealt with the situation in a much calmer and more sane news than would have taken place in the U.S. I'm glad you don't live too close to Ottawa.
MizT, I hope all is going well with the sachet/pot pourri items you are making for the upcoming sale! It's a good thing you found out about the co-pay change after the first of the year. Good luck getting all of your appointments scheduled!
Heidi, drive safely when you go to pick up the Sun Conure. Too bad you are having the light problem with the RV and can't use your Plan A, which would have been more restful.
Midge, I hope the car repairs are done well and you'll have safe and economical driving for many years.
Time to head to bed here, so sending the usual supply of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
24/Oct/14 5:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm off, a few minutes behind schedule. But my schedule allowed for an extra hour.
24/Oct/14 8:31 PM
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Safe driving Heidi. It was around the 30*c here as well. Quite warm. I did a bit of digging in the garden to get rid of some weeds and some getting rid of some rubbish in the house. Doing just a bit at a time.
Theresa, I understand how you must feel with the shooting in Ottawa. We are all on tenterhooks throughout the world.
24/Oct/14 9:39 PM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Friday all...Theresa...first of all, condolences to you and your country men and women...I stand in solidarity with you against these horrific happenings in the world today and pray for sanity to be restored if possible.
Safe driving and lots of enjoyment in meeting this lady who seems to have many of your same interest. Enjoy the time together.
Julie, watching the the Canadian response to the current tragedy reminded me of the manner in which our country came together right after 9-11....I wish we could regain that united feeling in the wake of our current crisis's
Midge, Ouch...when cars start costing that kind of money it's understandable to think its time for a change...I do hope this fix will hold for a very long time.
You go Tricia...try to get as much done before having to spend the extra just have to be a tad quicker in time management right now, but hopefully you will come out on top.
My dental experience , as I told the dentist, felt as if he was doing wheelies on a dirt road then giving me a water torture treatment and then starting to plow the gums in preparation for tooth planting...not fun while he was working, but due to pre- medicating me and the post treatment which still has me taking pills until Sunday, I've not experienced much pain, bleeding and no swelling...all in all, a good job. Gums had to be cut and stitched and I go back on Wednesday to have the dressing and stitches removed and find out what the next steps are in this on-going reconstruction of my mouth. I'm a very satified camper of this dentist.
June, enjoy your nice weather and weed pulling and continue to take it easy. That same message really is for all of us...June simply leads the way along with Tricia in demonstrating how to be busy energizer bunnies getting lots done and doing it in as easy a way as possible...good messages fro both.
Okay...hugs and jugs to all along with love and concern always...take care of each other and better care of yourselves...Peace.
25/Oct/14 6:48 AM
Mamacita 2
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I see that my comment to Heidi didn't have her name shown, although I though I had typed it...go figure. Heidi, the comment right after Theresa's was meant for you, but knowing this group, everyone of you already knew that...but for my own sake I had to clarify...LOL. Peace.
25/Oct/14 6:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back home safe and sound with my new Sun Conure ''BooBoo''. She's a real sweetheart. The lady I got her from is wonderful. We had so much in common.... even more than I'd already stated. She'd even been in Costa Rica at the same time I was living there!
The drive was a bit too exciting. I witnessed a fatal accident. An SUV a quarter mile ahead of me in central Tennessee was changing lanes in heavy traffic (the road at that point was 5 lanes going in each direction, with a wide grass median) when they lost control, flipped the SUV several times onto the median, where the gas tank exploded. Of course traffic stopped dead while people tried to help. So I got to watch all the emergency vehicles arrive. One ambulance tore off quickly with lights flashing. But I saw them puting a body in the other ambulance. There was no flurry of activity around that one. Very sad.
25/Oct/14 12:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm very tired, since I didn't have my nap today. So it's off to bed early.
25/Oct/14 12:48 PM
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Good Evening!
June, I'm glad you're able to get some gardening done and the weather cooperated!
Mama, your dental experience sounds excruciating. Your report of it suggests that your doctor is amazing if he could spare you much of that pain. Sounds like a keeper! Continued thoughts for your recovery!
Heidi, what a frightening experience. I'm so glad there was plenty of space separating you from the accident. I'm glad you and BooBoo arrived home safely!
Sending prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
for everyone!
25/Oct/14 5:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've slept most of the day. I want more sleep.
I'm glad you have a good dentist, Mama. Good = painless. They're worth their weight in gold. I have one now, too. Quite a contrast to previous dentists I've had, one of which should have lost his license. That was the dentist I had as a child. When I got scared, he would slap me... hard... across the face. My mother's instructions. She was having an affair with him.
26/Oct/14 8:11 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm on strike until this page picks up on posts by others.
26/Oct/14 2:20 PM
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I will help Heidi. It is rather warm here today so too hot to spend too much time in the computer room. I have watered the back garden but will have to do the front one soon.
26/Oct/14 4:08 PM
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Heidi, so pleased that you met someone you could chat with on so many topics that interested you both. How lovely that you have booboo back home. I hope that the birds are now happy together.
I am pleased that you did not get involved with that accident. How quickly things can happen, even when you are doing the right thing.
26/Oct/14 4:12 PM
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Mamacita, I generally do not mind going to the dentist but I do think I would enjoy the ordeal you are going through. (nor the bill at the end).
The huntsman spider has now moved to the kitchen. When it gets into a position where I can trap it I will take it outside. Spiders do not worry me unless I get them on me. (like when you walk through a web in the dark). I really am not keen on cooking with it a couple of feet above my head.
26/Oct/14 4:17 PM
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Greetings from here to there - wherever you are currently.
Heidi, a good, long sleep sounds like a great idea!
26/Oct/14 4:32 PM
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June, I hope the temperature moderates a bit, especially when you are outside working in the garden.
26/Oct/14 4:33 PM
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Our SIL came out Saturday afternoon for a visit. We had dinner at Outback Steakhouse. (He worked at one while he was on college and has fond memories.)
26/Oct/14 4:36 PM
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Of course, he wasn't 'on' college, but 'in' college when he worked at Outback Steakhouse!
26/Oct/14 4:37 PM
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Temperatures here reached 70 today. The sky was blue; a light breeze blew through the trees. Leaves shook in place on their branches or danced along the sidewalk and street. It was a beautiful October day, and was, as many people say, a great day for football. No, we did not play football, but watched a college game on TV when we got home after dinner.
26/Oct/14 4:41 PM
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Our grand puppy is usually a very good girl, but found a book to chew on one day this week. It happened barely 10 minutes after I had checked on her. I have learned that it is not wise to leave her for long without supervision.
26/Oct/14 4:44 PM
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Because we know she can get into mischief quickly, my practice time has been reduced considerably. My teacher wanted me to record three of my pieces before my next lesson. Since that requires both of us (me playing the cello, and hubby running the video camera), I don't thing I will be able to complete my assignment.
26/Oct/14 4:45 PM
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Exhaustion is beginning to creep in. It reminds me of a line from a girl scout camp song I learned many years ago: 'Bed is too small for my tiredness . . .'
26/Oct/14 4:47 PM
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Please enjoy and share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and
26/Oct/14 4:48 PM
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And to make it a double 'CP,' I wish all of you, 'Good Night.'
26/Oct/14 4:48 PM
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Midge, I hope you got the alpaca wool at the craft show. If you spent that much money on your car you now need to use it to get the value of the money spent.
26/Oct/14 8:17 PM
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Julie, if you have a stand for the video camera you could set it up and just let it run while you played. Edit out the blanks etc later. Dogs certainly get up to mischief quickly. Minnie has chewed a couple of the ends of mats I have to keep the carpet clean. She has a recesses lower jaw so cannot chew too much. I have to cut her meat up small. One more week and she goes back home.
26/Oct/14 8:20 PM
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