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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Small Town Canada
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Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
Albert Einstein
30/Oct/14 7:35 AM
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Hello, Everyone!
Heidi, I hope the week passes quickly and you can get an appointment for the epidural soon. Good luck with the Lions Club auction.
MizT, good news about the scan. Hope today's appointment went well. Good luck with the auction there!
Theresa, so sorry you weren't able to find homes for the last two cuties. I know they'll be treated well there!
Great TOPP, Theresa. Looks like you followed Einstein's advice!
Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
30/Oct/14 5:52 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Another bad night. I really need that epidural! They have confirmed that I meet with the doctor on Monday, but who knows when the epidural can be scheduled. I predict an unpleasant few weeks coming up.
IH's truck broke down this morning and had to be towed to the mechanic's. I'm letting him use mine until his is fixed. I can use the RV if necessary.
31/Oct/14 6:02 AM
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Another rather warm day. I have just finished watering the front garden. It has been beautiful the last week but with the heat the last few days it is just past it's best. There are pansies around the letterbox. My flowering cherry near the front door has been a mass of pink. The roses are all flowering, the snowball viburnum is just coming into a mass of white balls, a few flowers on the orange hibiscus and a lot of other small white flowers that blow in the breeze.
31/Oct/14 10:27 AM
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Heidi, we often smile at some of the silly things that IH does, but messing up medical insurance is definitely no laughing matter. I do hope that you are able to get the epidural very soon.
Theresa, good news about your health. It is so nice to have everything working out and for you to be feeling better.
31/Oct/14 10:30 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi all, late Thursday evening here and all is well. Computer had a few problems and I wasn't able to get on the internet for awhile, but finally worked it out.
Yesterday a return trip to the dentist to have my stitches removed and the area is healing well. I return in two weeks and the next step. This man is really good and nice too. My daughter used to work for him, she's a hygienist and she said she knew he was good. He's also giving me a professional discount on all of his if only the other dentist can give me a financial break, I'll be good. I don't want to have great teeth and then be unable to afford food on the Ah. life's challenges.
Theresa, happy to hear you are getting your health issues under control, and that you are making life better for yourself in doing so. June, the flowers sound wonderful...enjoy.Tricia, hope all goes well with the ophthalmologist visit. Good that you too are able to write off a doctor visit since you've
had no further growth of the spot in 3 years...that's a really good thing. Heidi, I'm so sorry that of all the things Gil does wrong, his messing up with your needed health care is beyond the pale. I really feel for you having to wait to get needed treatment. Good that you are going to take matters into your own hands after this...but that doesn't help too much right now. I do hope the relief is long term once it comes.Julie hope things are slowing down a bit for you and you are able to figure out the best way to get your cello lessons done...I'll add my voice to the others to let you know how we hope to be able to hear your efforts soon.Hello to those concessional visitors and hope all is well with them.and I'll try hard to be a bit more consistent in my posting too. Take care everyone...I care. Peace.
31/Oct/14 12:01 PM
Alabama, USA
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Mamacita, I agree, you need food to try out those new teeth. good luck on making financial arrangements with the other dentist. It is so sad that medicare does not think we elderly need teeth, so sad there is no help from them for dentist bills.
It is late Thursday night here also, cause I fell asleep in my recliner and had a great hour or more nap. I had a glass of milk for my required bedtime carb, to help me keep my numbers down over night, and am waiting for it to settle before lying down again.
Today was MUCH better pain relief, I am so grateful when I have a day as good as today. Tanya and I filled the first of the sachet bags, after we finished sewing and trimming the last of them. I do hope they will sell at the Fall Festival.
Tomorrow will be Halloween party. Tanya has volunteered to help set up for and serve at the party. she said today she was very bored staying home, had deep cleaned her apartment cause she was too bored. I am unable to entertain her every day, I have things I want to do some days, and others I just want to rest, not an option when she is here, so perhaps this will work, her helping out here. I am sure she will still be up here because she asked if I could help her lace her bodice on her medieval themed costume. Coordination on that, means she will be here in my apartment while I am at a meeting, and I am not too happy about that.
For those who asked, I will NOT be having cataract surgery. This doc said I will not qualify at the moment, I would have to have 20/40 or worse vision before medicare will pay for surgery, and they were able to get mine to 20/20 with new glasses. She said I am in that unfortunate stage where I am bothered by the cataracts, but just nothing can be done now.
Heidi, I agree with June, Gil messing up your medical insurance is not good, nor something we can smile about. Wish you some pain relief until you can get your epidural again. Is Gil aware of what he has done to you, the pain he has caused you by messing up the insurance?
Others I should comment on, but falling asleep now. Will be very busy tomorrow, so might not make it here. Hugs to each of you, and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, or just an extra nice October 31, your choice.
31/Oct/14 3:07 PM
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Theresa, the kittens are adorable and have found a good home- with you! I hope your health continues to remain good and you can enjoy them for many years! I also hope all is well with your hubby, D, and grandees! Also hope things are stable for your MIL and FIL.
Heidi, I am so glad you will be able to take over your health insurance policy. I can't fathom why IH insists on being in charge of things he can't handle. If only he were to suffer the consequences, instead of you! I hope your doctor will be able to pull some strings and exert some effort on your part in order to get your epidural scheduled ASAP! I hope each day is better than the previous one for you! Take care, Sweetie! P.S. I hope there are things not being done for IH, like making meals, doing laundry, etc. He really owes you big after this mess-up!
June, your flowers and garden sound wonderful! It seems like your spring comes more quickly after winter than ours does.
Mama, some good news from the dentist! It's great that the healing is coming along nicely. How marvelous that the dentist is providing you with a professional discount! He sounds like a wonderful human being! I hope the other dentist is as good! Good luck with your dental and medical proceedings!
MizT, hurray for a better pain relief day! Good news that you and Tanya have moved on to filling sachet bags! It's nice that she has volunteered to help with the Halloween party tomorrow! Must she be IN your apartment while you are at the meeting? Is she actively seeking employment? It's nice to have her help when you need it, but she also needs to build a life of her own, as I know you're well aware. It's too bad you won't be able to have the cataract surgery sooner, rather than later.
31/Oct/14 4:34 PM
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I was not able to get any recording done. Hubby insists we shouldn't put the dog in her crate, except when we must be out of the house or at night. I'm sure she would be fine. I'm not sure about letting her have a toy. She is a REAL chewer, and is very strong for being a small dog (miniature schnauzer). She can get through a toy in a matter of minutes, even the ones rated for strong chewers. If there's a squeaker, it's the first thing she goes for, so they must be removed, which leaves an opening for her to pull out stuffing. I think we should just put her in, and she's likely to take a nap.
We also disagree about walking her. She's quite a puller because of all the sights and sounds in our neighborhood (backing up to a forest preserve or conservation area), because she's a big city dog and isn't used to it. He has rationalized that she's 'just being a dog,' but comes home from her walks very frustrated. I suggested we go for training with her to at least teach her to heal. I think she would be a happier dog if she knew she was doing what we want her to do. We could then reward her with some extra time (still on leash) at the end of the walk to enjoy the outdoors. (We don't have a fence, and knowing how much she wants to explore, don't trust the 'Come' command.
31/Oct/14 4:45 PM
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Happy Halloween, Everyone!
I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, so must get to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for each of you!
31/Oct/14 4:46 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all,
Sorry that I haven't been here for a long time.
Hope you are all going O.K.
At the moment, Renae and I are living it up at Peppers Resort Airley Beach for 1 week. We are off to Daydream Island this morning and more tours booked for the next 2 days.
It is pure luxury for us.
Take care.
01/Nov/14 7:23 AM
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Sounds great Nola. Enjoy!
01/Nov/14 7:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Cold and rainy today. And I have a splitting headache. Oh, well.
01/Nov/14 8:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's SNOWING!!!!!
01/Nov/14 10:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it is way early for you to have a snow. I hope you are in for the duration.
Temp is dropping very quickly here. I am trying to cover plants here outside, but wind is so strong it is blowing under the coverings and whipping them about. I even used tape and rope to keep them in place. If tonight does not get them, then tomorrow night will, it will be below freezing for longer tomorrow night. No idea what the wind chill will be, but I got very cold out covering plants, and I had on a sweat suit, with hoodie, and that hood UP and snug around my head. I think you DUGs call then track suits, or tracky dacks?? or some such.
Very busy day today, I get tired just thinking about it. I got up on the run and stayed that way all day, much more than I can usually do. and I am alive to tell about it, too hehehe. Not sure when this cold front will bring on the achies again, they always do, but so far so good. It was nice to be able to do things more like I once could today.
Julie, no, Tanya will not be working. Tanya is Bi-Polar, and her heavy medication keeps her so very sleepy she falls asleep when she should be awake. she is on disability, a tiny sum no one could live on, and her father has set up an annuity for her to be able to live on her own.
Reason I do not want her here when I am not, she moves things, and has no memory of moveing it. I find this difficult for me, as I am accustomed to things being just where I put them.
. I would like for her to find one or more places to volunteer, at least a couple mornings a week, but she is still very clingy to me at the moment. Wants to only volunteer here. Not enough for her to do, and defeats my reason of wanting her to be elsewhere. This move was a very big thing for her. Maybe sometimes soon. I do limit the number of days a week she can come over. If she gets bored enough, then she can get out on her own and find something to do. Anything I suggest just will not do.
OK, posting fore I loose this, might make it back later, but it is time to make dinner. I have a nice bit of fish baked yesterday, and some steamed broccoli, that is a good start.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
01/Nov/14 11:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Everything is WHITE outside, and it's still coming down!!! WHAT IS GOING ON? This is unheard of for Kentucky!
01/Nov/14 3:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The snow has melted, and we sorted 4 of the biggest calves out of the herd this morning to take to the sale barn tomorrow. Now I get to try staying warm today. Tomorrow will be busy.
02/Nov/14 2:50 AM
Small Town Canada
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We haven't had snow yet, Heidi, and I'm not looking forward to it.
The appliances arrived yesterday and they have all been tried already. Yay, they work!
As to number of cats I have, currently I have 10. Yes, I said 10. I can't believe it myself. Sigh. I WILL NOT TAKE IN ANY MORE. Famous last words. In the past we have had more than that, but not for quite a few years.
02/Nov/14 7:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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10 cats are a lot, Theresa. You're gonna have to put your foot down about being kind hearted to strays. And to people who have unwanted cats. Then just let attrition take over. The best thing to do is make sure that all your cats are neutered. It's too easy to be kind and let your population explode.
02/Nov/14 9:00 AM
Small Town Canada
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All my cats are spayed or neutered, except for the kittens. In about a month they will be old enough to be done. And none of them go outside because we live on the corner of two fairly busy roads. Good thing I like cats.
02/Nov/14 10:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good for you, Theresa. I should have known that you were a very responsible pet owner.
02/Nov/14 11:36 AM
Small Town Canada
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One of my pet peeves when it comes to cats is when people say, 'Oh, we only get males, that way they don't come home pregnant.' You just can't fix stupid.
02/Nov/14 1:15 PM
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Greetings, Everyone! I'm running on empty and need to head to bed. We have been getting up early every day since our 'grand puppy' arrived for her visit. I don't suppose she understands that daily savings time is ended, so no sleeping in during our 'extra' hour.
Sending lots of healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Take care, Everyone!
02/Nov/14 4:25 PM
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I just realized that my post from yesterday isn't here. I know I typed one. Did I forget to Submit it? Hope to see all of you tomorrow!
02/Nov/14 4:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends,
I had to turn on heat this morning. I was hoping not to, but it was really cold in here, the sun had not come out this morning. Now that it has, I shall probably be able to turn it off in a hour or so.
I have not been outside to check flowers yet, it is still 35 degrees. According to Weather Underground, and nearby weather stations they have reporting, we did not get below freezing here, well at least within a couple miles or less in several directions. The official low out at the airport, which is not far away, it did reach 31 degrees for an official low.
All my clocks are now back on central standard time, except for my phone and my cell. Whomever should be changing those is behind. My TV cable box did change, it and telephone are from same provider, go figure why one changed and one did not.
I have a full week ahead, what with the Fall Festival being next weekend. I did get price tags on all the things that go on my table, out on the patio. So far I am keeping up with the daily tasks I set, should have everything done in time this way without too much at last minuet.
Our Halloween party was fun, and I did not get off my eating plan too badly, but all that chocolate, how could I resist a bite here or there? I did not wear a costume this year, but Tanya did while she was serving. Best costume was a 'Witch Doctor', lady dressed in black as a witch, with a red cross on her witch hat, a stethoscope, white lab coat, and mask. she was pushing our 'little person' Kirk in his wheel chair, and he was bandaged, his shirt cut down the front to reveal a stick on wound that was HUGE. Bandages taped on his head and arms. As they stopped for photos, the doc said 'He did not have insurance' and got a real laugh.
Second place was a bag lady, who was dressed in black trash bags and an old shirt, her hair in disaray, and pushing a cart filled with trash: empty boxes , papers cans and such. Third a sumo wrestler, she was inside a blow up plastic costume inflated to huge sumo proportions, complete with the 'diaper' they wear. Honorable mention was a resident in PJ's, robe, slippers with her hair in curlers, a shower cap over that, not much of a costume until you saw her sign, 'E P RULE BREAKER' because no PJs, robes and slippers allowed in the building lobby hehehe.
OK, that is what has been going on here, what have you been doing? did you have trick or treaters? None here, our building is locked at 5 PM when staff leaves.
Speaking of building locked, my phone rang about 9 pm, caller ID that flashes on TV said E P, I wondered who was calling from the office downstairs that should be closed, but it was a resident from the call box at the locked door. 'Tricia, this is ----, I am locked out in the cold, I forgot my keys, can you let me in' I recognized her voice and pushed the button to open the door for her. My good deed for the day.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. I am off to make breakfast.
03/Nov/14 12:41 AM
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What fun Tricia. We had 4 young girls come in a group. I put on my witches hat to open the door. All I had was some individual mentos. Apparently there was a notice at the local shops to put out a balloon if you wanted trick or treaters. I did not know but I did put a snowman with a candle inside in my window but as it was daylight they would not have been able to see the candle.
It was the birthday bash at the Bowling club last night. We do it every two months. Generally ken got a slab cake at the Saralee outlet but they have all closed down. I said I would make a couple of packet cakes. Found some cheese cake on special so made the two into a slab, using baking paper so I could lift it out. The cake was very bland so I has some frozen berries and I made a red jelly in 200ml of water, added the berries and poured it on top. It was rather yum!
03/Nov/14 1:09 AM
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I am up now because Hubby came to bed as I was getting to sleep and put on the TV. I then get agitated and achey and cannot get to sleep. I will have a hot milk drink soon and that should do the trick.
03/Nov/14 1:11 AM
Alabama, USA
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I do hope you got back to sleep June. I totally understand how being disturbed just as you are falling to sleep can keep you from going back to sleep, happens to me too.
Waiting for it to be a bit warmer fore I go outside ti uncover plants, but already turned off heat over an hour ago, now, have bedroom window opened about an inch.
03/Nov/14 2:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We had a hard freeze last nighr. 28˚F / -2.2˚C. I'm not ready for winter. I havern't had much of a chance to wear any fall-weight clothes!
I need to have brekkie, then gas up my truck, hook up the trailer and load the 4 calves we sorted out yesterday. Then off to the sale barn. On the way back, I need to stop at Wally-World and pick up all of their bulk cans of chili and beans, as well as purchasing crackers to go with it. Gil is donating the beef to go in the chili (it comes from a calf of ours that broke her shoulder and had to be taken to the processor for burger.) Right now, we are the only 2 healthy members of our Lions Club who can pick up things for the supper and auction on Saturday.
03/Nov/14 3:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it warmed up considerably here today, I hope it got warmer in KY for all your trips about today. The official weather report said 31 for a low last night, but local weather stations say it did not get that low here. Tricia said it did not get that low here, also
Some of the coleus look sick, the ones exposed to a cold cold wind. One begonia looked a bit sad, but all the impatiens in the ground survived, and the ferns look great. I uncovered about 11 o'clock. Temp was reported to be 50 at the time, but was a bit strange. In the sun I was hot in my sweats, and actually perspired a bit. But in the shade, with the wind, and that fine sheen of ladylike perspiration, it felt COLD.
I took a LONG nap this afternoon, I must have been tireder and colder than I thought. Once I got warm again, I really felt good and slept and slept, about 3 hours.
Julie, did you do like I do on occasion? Hit ENTER like we do on facebook, and thought you had sent the post yesterday?
OH, how I miss the afternoon sun. It is already dark, and not yet 6 pm. OH well, in 6 weeks the days will start to get longer each day hehehe.
I want to put up my little clear lights in my plants in the window, they just make me happy and forget the days are so much shorter, but we have ANOTHER inspection, this is EP's check of building 2 to see that we will pass the HUD inspection for our building that will come later. Gives them time to repair anything they find. HUD will pick a number of apartments at random to check for doors that close and latch, stoves and refrigerators in good working order and clean, condition of walls and floors. No power cords across pathways, no overloaded power strips. something new I have not seen listed before, that windows cannot be blocked, I do hope they do not mean my plants around window and sitting on window sill will have to be relocated. ONE window must open easily, my bedroom does. The living room window can open, and I do open it occasionally, even with plants there. Tricia will not be a happy camper if they say no plants!
Now about the lights, I had them all last winter, and they are UL rated for outdoors, where they get rained on, so the little bit of water that MIGHT get on them when I water plants is not an issue, but they could decide it is if they want. If I wait until after inspection to put them up, might be better. RULES and more rules.
Off to make din din, I have planned overs for tonight. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
03/Nov/14 10:58 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
MizT, you might be right; I may have pushed 'Enter'/'Return' instead of Submit. OR, my computer may be acting up, for some reason. I had to LogIn tonight. It's just trying to keep me on my toes, I guess.
Our heat has already been on for over a week. Hubby has started wearing a hooded sweatshirt in the house. He seems really exhausted and may be getting a cold. The early mornings to walk the dog are adding up, so he is also sleep-deprived. Our D returns home tomorrow. We'll meet her at the airport with the dog, crate, toys, etc., and take them home.
June, I'm wondering if our community also had some way to indicate that trick-or-treaters would be welcome. We had about half as many as usual. Of course, the cold and strong winds also kept some away. The cheesecake sounds like a good idea for the birthday celebration. I hope you were able to get to sleep quickly after Hubby interrupted the process.
Heidi, I'm amazed at your early freeze! I hope you drove extremely carefully to the sale barn, as the roads may have been slippery. I hope IH will be of some help to you, as it seems it's up to both of yoyo to get the food ready for the supper, since everyone else is apparently sick. Hopefully, this means that the jerk who found it funny to add seasoning to the chili won't have an opportunity this year! I hope the supper and auction raise a lot of money!
MizT, I hope all your preparations for the sale go well! I like your reminder that in 6 weeks, the days will begin to get longer again! Seems like a wise choice to delay your decorating with lights! Hopefully the inspection will be soon, and you'll be able to put them at your window!
It's time to say Good Night. May you all be blessed with lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy!
03/Nov/14 5:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The jerk who harrasses me with the pepper is with the Cattlemen's Association, not the Lions Club. If he was with the Lions, I wouldn't be active with them.
I'm off to the Doctor's now. I hope I can get that epidural scheduled really soon, but I'm not holding my breath.
03/Nov/14 11:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back home. I cut my errands short after Gil called me to tell me that he had suddenly developed severe vertigo with waves of nausea and vomiting. I think it might be the 'Flu, tho' he has no fever.
The epidural is scheduled for Nov. 25th, at 7:40 am. That's the earliest they could make it. The Doc said that they would have been able to do it today, but I didn't have a driver.
04/Nov/14 4:49 AM
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Hello everyone! I just realised I haven't been here for ages, so I've been having a quick look around ...
Heidi, I hope you can get some help for your pain - it sounds horrible!
Today is Melbourne Cup Day, so we get a holiday - ahh, those racing men really know how to live it up! We'll find something to do - or spend the day watching tv!
Got a very good report from the doctor the other day - he said I sounded pretty 'normal' and he'll wait 6 months, then put us on yearly visits, which is fantastic news!
Also our son is engaged, and we've had the first of those wedding 'functions' - with trauma and (some)fun attached! Her family is Asian, and they really like to make a big fuss, but she would much prefer to have all her friends around her ...
Adam (son), has been travelling the world with a children's show - as Big Bird! Then he was back in Oz for a while (can't remember what, or where!), but travelling right round the country - he's definitely seen more of Australia than I have!
Daughter 2 has a job! She seems to be doing fine, though she frequently complains about the stupidity of the clients ... ! She's also working on craft (crochet) and making gifts for friends' babies ...
I'm still doing my piano lessons (very badly, but there seems to be SOME improvement), and I'm working on my Miniatures - this year I've fixed up a lot of old projects. If anyone knows the 'Brother Cadfael' books - I've done miniature scenes (and yes, I AM quite proud of them!) We've also done an office with all the furniture (not finished yet), a Wizard's Table, an Antique Shop and A Christmas Dinner table ... so, quite busy!
(If anyone goes to the OTHER site - you can see some of my mini's there)
Well, that's it till next time - take care, everyone!
04/Nov/14 9:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm making some soup for supper.... chicken with wild rice... then off to the sale barn. I'm gonna watch some of the cattle sell (not all, because the sale has already started), then pick up my check at the end. We need to deposit it fast because there are mortgage payments coming through tomorrow.
I wish my back would settle down. The pills are taking the edge off, but I really need that epidural. Sometimes I regret that I am so scrupulously honest. If I had lied to the Doc, I could have already had my epidural.
04/Nov/14 10:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off I go......
04/Nov/14 11:49 AM
Small Town Canada
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Oh Heidi, such a long time to wait for the epidural. Plus a sick man in the house!!!!!
04/Nov/14 3:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm back. The check was quite acceptable.
IH went to see his doc today. They told him that he has a stomach bug that's going around, and that it usually lasts about a week. I put him on hot chamomile tea with honey, and he's feeling much better. The old time remedies do work.
04/Nov/14 3:33 PM
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Just a brief visit to say Hello and Good Night and send the usual positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
04/Nov/14 6:43 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Sorry I have not been around since my holiday, work has been hectic and I have been working longer hours and will probably do so until mid next week...long story but at least I have a work ethic. Also had friends all want to catch up with me last weekend so by Sunday I was exhausted but feel very lucky that my friends wanted to see me.
All is good here, Bella has pulled up a bit lame since I got home but am treating her gently and she is due for her shots this month so if things don't improve we will see the Vet earlier rather than later.
Had a good trip catching up with family and roughing it in a caravan to watch cars and bikes race around tracks. Our meandering back up the coast was cut a bit short due to a couple of problems but I just went along for the ride and took it all in my stride.
Have read most of your comments and wanted to say so much more but need to organise dinner.
Luv and Jugs to you all, may you find the spark of happiness in all you do.
04/Nov/14 7:54 PM
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