Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Tried to read,but my brain wouldn't work. Saw lots of good news, and fun things. Then there was some early cold weather, we're having early hot weather down here.

Busy day today. Worked the coffee van, picked up Alie in kangaroo Valley (over the mountain), watched the Melbourne Cup with Don at his work, hung out my washing then had something cut out of my arm. Don't know what it was yet, stitches out in 9 days.
04/Nov/14 8:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nope, no brain.
04/Nov/14 9:01 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Life is good!
04/Nov/14 9:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well, I voted. Otherwise, I've just been doing household chores. I'm SUPPOSED to be going to Sam's Club for chili supplies, but that can wait until tomorrow.
05/Nov/14 8:35 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Broni, it's good to see you again. Seems you've been VERY busy since returning home. Take one day at a time. Hope Bella will be better. We'll be here to read when you are able to post.

Suzy, also good to see you here. Much has been going on and lots of time with grandies, I suspect. Sorry that summer is coming on so fast. Do you bet on the Melbourne Cup? I hope you will have good news in a week or so about the spot that was removed!

Too bad about the two horses, especially when it seems the one that broke its leg was due to distraction in the crowd. I don't remember hearing about too many horses that have a heart attack at the end of a race. Talk about 'giving his all.'

Heidi, I hope your back is feeling better! I'm glad you are taking things a bit easy and pacing yourself.

Hubby and I voted. We'll see how things work out in the coming days and weeks.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, , positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
05/Nov/14 5:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Rainy day. Cool and gloomy.

I'm finally off to Sam's Club for the chili fixings.
06/Nov/14 6:41 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Hi all, I seem to have been busy the last few days. I have read the posts but not posted. yesterday was a bit cooler so I got quite a bit of ironing done.(I do it in the sunroom which gets very hot in the summer). Tuesday was a busy day at the bowling club. Melbourne cup day. Holiday in Melbourne but other states have lunches, sweeps etc. My bowling was awful. We had a mixed (M&F) day and the opposition skip was one of the best of the men bowlers! The lunch was nice thought. Meat salad and mini pavlovas.
Vacuuming lady comes today so I had better go make sure that she can find the floor to clean
06/Nov/14 8:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That was interesting. They wouldn't let me use IH's card at Sam's Club, and I couldn't be added to his because he is on someone else's household card. I'm dying to hear his explanation for this.
I had to get my own membership and card for $45. But that enabled me to get everything I needed for the chili supper.
06/Nov/14 10:05 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hello Heidi - I am looking forward to his excuse to.....he is such a handful. Hope you are going ok with your back - it is such a long time to wait when you need it so regularly. MizT - glad to hear Tanya is going so well. My niece has bi-polar and lived with us for a year (at age 23) when her parents could no longer cope. (they actually never coped with being parents so nothing was new there) She was delightful (and hard work at times), but well worth it. June - did you back a horse in the Cup? We had a bbq with sister and partner and had a lovely day watching the races and sitting on our back deck looking at the beautiful Friesian cows in the paddocks behind us. Just perfect. Good luck Suzy - hope all is good. Yes Julie, it is a shame about the horses - I hope it was a natural cause for the Admire Rakti - too dreadful to think of (may I say it - doping). Araldo was just a horrible mishap. Hope Bella is coming along well Broni. Will have to post as I cannot go back a page, cheers to all
06/Nov/14 12:07 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, when do you hear the results?

Julie, do you miss the doggy when it's gone?

Hi June and Broni.

Heidi, things that make you go hmmmmmm.
06/Nov/14 12:09 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... when first I asked him about the card, he denied everything, claiming that he had gone in to Sam's Club and gotten a business card for himself. He had no idea what was going on, he said. An hour later, after he had time to think up a plausible story, he told me that he had sent one of his assistants into Sam's Club to buy supplies for him. He can't remember if it was Pam or Sheila. He said that one of them opened an account for his business, with their name as primary user, and added him to it. Considering that he has a photo ID, which means that he DID go in, I'm not sure I swallow the story completely. Pam is the one he's supposedly having the affair with. One of the biggest problems with telling lies is that it's hard to remember who was told what, and how to avoid inconsistencies with the story.
06/Nov/14 1:23 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Oh Heidi I am so sorry. He is not an IH - he is a PIG
06/Nov/14 4:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick visit to say Hello! We had a busy day, with more of the same for a few days. My cello teacher has asked me to do some research for her, which is going to take a big chunk of my time. In the meantime, I will be thinking of everyone, even if I don't have time to post. So, I'm sending a convoy filled with positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, and ! Take care, Everyone!
06/Nov/14 6:46 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I have a question for you. What do you put in the bags (like commercial Magic Bag) for arthritis and sore joints?
07/Nov/14 12:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, they are filled with long grain rice. You could add some Jasmin if you like that scent, supposed to be calming aromatherapy, but I do not like it. The rice is very good at holding heat. It will after many many uses begin to break down into smaller pieces. that is why I no longer just fill a cotton sock, the smaller pieces will work their way through. But I have had this last rice sock over a year and it is holding up well.

I am checking in without reading, I did see Theresa's post, though. Today will be a busy busy day for me, the next 3 will be, the last 2 have been. My sister phoned me and invited herself over yesterday, which was a planned day of rest. I had nothing scheduled but to make a cake. Instead we went out to lunch and bought some things I had suggested for decorations for their 50th anniversary party in January. Christmas is a good time to find silk flowers in gold, and there are a LOT of Christmas things out already, boo hoo. . I should have stayed home to rest for the 3 days ahead, but she has not visited me in months. Even though I was hurting all day, I did enjoy our time together. Some days are worth the hurt to just go on, he4ck I would have hurt if I stayed home.

I have finished all I am doing for the Fall Festival. I wanted to make a few more rice socks, but if they sell quickly, I will take orders and make them later.

Heidi, I have already sold some of the peacock feathers you brought me. Sis wanted them to add to her bamboo sticks she has. I offered to give them, but she insisted on making a donation to EP fund.

I am off to eat breakfast, and clean up the kitchen. I was too tired last night, after my long day out and then baking a cake, to get it cleaned. Tanya is supposed to bring another cake today. AND my clean laundry too . We will start taking things downstairs this afternoon, and help set up at tables. Friday I will be outside on the back patio with the things I have for sale, and the high for the day is forecast to be low 50's. Some people are allergic to scent, my sister is. I had just touched one of the sachets, to show her, and did not wash my hands after. She could smell it and was beginning to have breathing problems while in her car. We found the first public restrooms for me to go wash up. We have so many people here with breathing problems I asked to have a spot outside. I just hope it is not windy, and I shall wear layers of polar tec to keep me warm.

I hope to drop in for a minute Friday and Saturday, but we will see.

I am happy that the terrible sciatic nerve pain I had the last 2 days is gone today, cross fingers it stays away the next 3 days! It will make working a LOT easier if it does.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

07/Nov/14 2:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All the ingredients are at the restaurant that's donating their services for the cooking and use of their facilities. My share of the before-hand work is done. Except for getting change from the bank tomorrow. I got conned into being the club treasurer, so I'll be at the door taking money on Saturday.
07/Nov/14 7:29 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Had a lovely spa last night. Was vampire day yesterday and it hurt. First day of my 3 day weekend, worked long hours again and they wanted me to work way!
Luv and Jugs my friends.
07/Nov/14 8:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Does the bleeding seem to help, Broni?
07/Nov/14 1:28 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Broni, ask them for a script for lignocaine patches for you to put on the area they needle an hour before. They do help. Hope your stall does well MizT after all of the work you have done. enjoy your day Heidi - hope your back holds up.
07/Nov/14 1:43 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Think so Heidi, has been exceptional times just before and after the bleeding for the two times it has been done so far and a bit hard to monitor.
Thanks Midge, googled it and it is a local anesthetic which would help with the big needle but my whole arm was aching most of the day, think I was just being a sook.
07/Nov/14 2:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: so I'm sitting reading at the seedy end of town. I kinda like it there (just across the road from the rest of town) because the crowd watching is interesting and sometimes educational. A couple of shop keepers called the police to complain about the rowdies. (Spoiling my fun). The cops came and the crowd dispersed, except for one guy who'd obviously had even more liquid in his lunch than the others. An officer had to stalk him to get him to move saying 'and keep away from the shops, they don't need your s...t.' Other officers I've seen have been much calmer and nicer no matter the aggravation. Now some people would find this an annoyance and something they'd stay away from. I found it much more interesting than the crying babies and pouting teenagers across the road. I consider it a privilege of my age to not feel afraid of the rowdies.
07/Nov/14 4:28 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thank you, MizT
08/Nov/14 1:44 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, my Ex was being stick for kidney dialysis, and they used a similar medication Midge mentioned. Daughter said it helped him a lot to tolerate the big needle. Nope, you are not being a big sook, those things HURT. Try to find your happy place, with relaxation and visualization. Being tense from the hurt at the stick site can make your whole body hurt. I usually go float on a soft cloud, overlooking some body of water, feeling the breeze and the warm sun and hearing the waves. I can tolerate procedures much better when I do that.

Today was very chilly, but clear and not a drop of humidity. A bit of wind. Even though I was sick all last night, slept only from 5 am till 8 am, I was there from 8:30 till 12:30. We sold a LOT of stuff. Will not know how much till tomorrow night.

BIG VENT: I am going to throw cyber rocks at one resident. A new, very lovely 'statement necklace' was priced at $15. when I told her the price, she said Hump, I like it, but not that much.' I was later asked by one of the women working the check out, what did we price that necklace as. It had come through the check out with no price tag, and this same resident told the check out clerk she thought it was $3. Even when challenged, she said, I am sure it was $3, and they let her have it for that! Heidi, not one of yours, this one was black and silver toned metal, but, bold and beautiful. this from one of the 'entitled' people who live here. I am so angry, but that is only hurting me, gotta let it go. Just makes me mad it is always the same few who do things like that.

I bought a lovely sterling silver ring, a rusty old metal table with no top, and a couple of inexpensive necklaces. I want some of the really worn throws and spreads for covering plants with, before the next freeze. Perhaps I can get something after the sale, before it is taken away by a thrift store that is scheduled to make a pick up tomorrow.

Heidi, the peacock feathers were a great hit! Staff followed me when I brought them in this morning, one asking how much for ALL of them. I told her to make an offer, another made a counter offer that was higher, and it sounded fantastic to me. Yesterday my sister got 5 of them, so they brought a nice profit for EP. Thank you and your peacock for his donation hehehe

I am going to bed to get warm and rest my back and maybe catch up a bit on missed sleep. I get to get up and do this again tomorrow.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

08/Nov/14 8:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad people liked Cotton Eyed Joe's train feathers! I've seen people sell them at poultry shows for $1 apiece.
I call that one resident's removal of the price tag, and statement of a much lower price to the person at the checkout, to be equivalent to shoplifting, and leaving a penny on the counter. She stole $12 from the residents association! What a lousy excuse for a human being.
08/Nov/14 10:19 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I had priced the feathers at $1 each for the large ones, and 50 cents for the short, but when the bidding war for them started, with the donated vase and all, I got just over that for them! All at once, within 5 minuets of opening for sale. I was delighted.

My dried flower arrangements have not been so lucky, but I have another outlet for them if they do not sale tomorrow. A staff member is taking some handmade things from 'EP residents and friends' to a Church Bazzar, in an upscale neighborhood where people who have JOBS will be buying things.

We had a few 'pickers' in at opening today, and there were several things that were collectibles that were priced by unknowing residents WAY to low. Tanya was recipient of one, a designer perfume, unopened in box, it sells for $80, she got for $1! I think she deserved it, she worked hard! I do not know where all the other workers who were lined up to be there were today were, there were to be 4 people on the floor inside from 9-12, then 4 more again from 12-3pm. Tanya handled the inside by herself, I had the patio by myself! The person that was to relieve each of us never showed up. I found our chairman, and she sent her sister who was helping check out to relieve me. We went back down at 2 after a rest and some food and medication, end of sale time, and covered the tables outside. No one was minding the store.

Anyone wonder still why I turned down the request to run for office in the Residents Association here?

08/Nov/14 5:19 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, it is always the same. The work is left to the same few. We will all throw rocks at your deceitful resident. Why is it that people think things should cost next to nothing when hours have gone into making them.
A lovely day here. I was a bit lazy and did not do all I intended. I did start making my 'Christmas' puddings for lunch at the Bowling club. I will make 4. I did let the pot boil dry but the basin was sitting on an egg ring so it was OK. (Otherwise Ken would have been happy if I had to cut the bottom off and he would have had the pudding to eat).
08/Nov/14 8:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Our event is this evening, only. I'm off to get cash for the change now. Then I don't have to show up until 4pm. We start at 5pm. I expect a miserable turnout, due to lack of advertising.
09/Nov/14 3:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good luck, Heidi
09/Nov/14 7:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am in shock. It was a rousing success! I don't know what happened. I have a NET (profit) total of $1,155.00, but I need to itemize everything for the report. I was expecting less than half of what we made.
09/Nov/14 1:04 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Broni, hopefully it will get easier as time goes. I still have lignocaine injections first before they use the big needles as they are moving the site up and down both sides of my arm with my graft. They tell me the nerves will eventually stop hurting but the few times I have tried it without the anaesthetic have been horrible. Well done to MizT and Heidi for their work. Unfair of those who were supposed to help by not turning up - they should be ashamed leaving all the work to a few. And what can I say about the lady who lied???? At work today (and it is lovely outside) for a while - hubby off to Adelaide tomorrow and there is never enough time. Whereabouts were you Suzy? Sounds like fun. Some people like to make total asses of themselves and it is up to us to enjoy it!!
09/Nov/14 4:09 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Congrats, Heidi, on a great turnout for your event. It is always good when these turn out well. It will be interested to see what our totals were. I thing we did really well on Friday, terrible on Saturday, so few people came, again because of lack of advertising. I will be surprised if we made a third as much Saturday as Friday. But we did sell out of bake sale items, and made a fair amount at the silent auction, I think. I bid on and won 2 items that will be Christmas gifts.

Last hour of rummage sale items were 50% off, then at close of sale, anything left was FREE for the taking. the more that was taken, the less for workers to pack away to be sent to a thrift shop. I pulled all the huge flower pots for use in the garden, some comforters, poly filled blankets, (rugs?) for protecting plants from cold, pulled anything costume looking for our staff member who brings things from home for our residents who do not 'dress' for the Halloween Party (swords, crowns, battle axes and other costume props), then all the holiday decorating things for the activity director who keeps EP decorated for every holiday: Red white and blue banners Ribbon and garland for Independence day, Flag Day, Labor day use; Fall decorating things; Christmas. Just anything she might be able to use. I also got all the hand made things that were donated that did not sale because as I mentioned earlier, I have a Plan B for those.

Having trouble getting back to sleep, I fell asleep watching TV and no idea how long I slept. Had to eat and take meds when I woke, now cannot get back to sleep. Maybe too tired to sleep? but I survived!

Back to bed, hope to read and comment later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

09/Nov/14 5:26 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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some of those bots are quick, Heidi and I mentioned peacock feathers, I get an advert for peacock feathers hehehe.
09/Nov/14 5:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nice warm day. Hubby cut the lawns (I wish he would do the edges). I cleaned out the fish tank. Poor fish it was so green and smelly. They are in a big bucket at the moment as the 100 litre garden pot they live in needs a lot more scrubbing before they go back. A job for tomorrow.
Our next trading table is mid December when we have our Christmas party. I think I will just make a couple of small Christmas cakes for that. Ours is nowhere near the size of Heidi and Tricia's.
09/Nov/14 9:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I do think we have more people involved here, just counting the residents, than you have in your bowls group. There are 144 people in our community here, then staff, health workers, relatives, and the public was invited also. We are in an urban setting, so lots of traffic passes to see our signs and come in. Many Episcopal Churches in the Birmingham area also put up notices, so we had a lot of people come through.

I slept from 3 am till 10 am, would prefer to sleep more in the dark hours, but this was a good night's sleep. I did more than survive this week.

I think my bed is calling me again. I did get my kitchen cleaned in the wee hours when I could not sleep, so nothing on my agenda today but to rest and relax. I hope to drop in again today, so sending hugs to each of you, with extras, till then.

A great investment, every time you give a hug, you get one right back!

10/Nov/14 3:16 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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True MizT - pass it forward. June - have you thought of getting some water snails for the 'green'. They do a good job in keeping tanks clean.
10/Nov/14 9:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My back has been shot after yesterday. I've spent most of the day in bed, except when working on the paperwork for the event yesterday. I'm having to write up an itemized report.My initial count wasn't quite right. We ended up with a profit after expenses of $1166.00. This is nearly doubling our treasury! That means we can offer a bigger College scholarship next Spring.
10/Nov/14 3:05 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I do hope you are feeling a bit better. Can you use a support for your back, or something that would help so that your back is not deteriorating. I do hope that you get the epidural very soon.
Did not do all the jobs I had intended to do today. We went looking for finger food for a night at the bowls club in a couple of weeks. It really was a waste of a cool day.(I should have been doing some ironing!)
10/Nov/14 9:37 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Day All,
Happy Monday least things are fairly happy and hopefully will stay that way.
Nothing much is going on...the days and nights are simply following one after the other with little notice of anything but dates and aging going on. I rather like the fact that there is very little drama in my life at the moment.
The biggest disappointment this past week has been what in the U.S laughingly was reported as an informed electorate doing their civic duty and voting. Very few people seemed to be well informed, few voted...the numbers were an embarrassment to those who fought and sought the right to vote,and most who did, voted against their best interest...While this bodes poorly upon reflection, many sought to either question the sanity of the voters here or assured us that we are not the only ones suffering from this problem. What in the world is wrong with the government ideal that governments were to supposed to represent the wishes and best interest of the Majority of the population...NOT just the wealthy???? I do hope the world wakes up before we destroy ourselves, and it needs to be soon since we have fast tracked our common sense.
Okay...sorry I didn't give warning about that rant...but it just bubbled up without warning.
I wanted to say more about you, my friends, but got sidetracked. Congratulations to Miz T and Heidi for successful affairs that they took part in, June, don't worry about the will get done when it does...Suzy...keep safe as you enjoy the thrill of people watching...I agree it can be fun when they are acting up...but random things do happen despite the age protection thingy. Hope life continues to be good for Broni and Julie, it certainly will continue to be busy for you guys. Midge and Theresa...always good to see that you are hanging in and adding to the convo when you can...I understand how hard it can be at times to get to these pages too.
I do hope that as the seasons deepen into what can bring harsh weather and temps, we will all be able to count on decent health to sustain us and lots of joy to brighten our days, and to have peace bring its blessed stillness and quite into our lives when things become hectic. Take care all...I care.
11/Nov/14 5:11 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We care about you too Mamacita. Here is the place to rant and release the tension of things that bother us. In Australia it is compulsory to vote. Then we all see things differently. Many vote for what they think will benefit them directly and not for the best interest of their country.
That silly dog woke me up to go outside at 4 am. It has gone back to sleep and I am wide awake with less than 4 hours sleep. Bowls today so I might see if I can get another hour. The dog goes home this coming Sunday.
11/Nov/14 5:24 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Belinda asked if I would miss Minnie after having her for 6 weeks. ken and I both answered NO! Our home is not suited to an untrained dog who I have to remember to take outside every half hour or so. She was sleeping on our bed and she cannot get off so that is why I was woken so early. When we go out she is shut in the kitchen. The rest of the house is carpeted!
11/Nov/14 5:28 AM
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