Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I had to remember what jobs my grandparents had when my mother died. My brother had no clue.
14/Nov/14 5:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well that couldn't have been a worse topp.
14/Nov/14 5:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Fire fighters are heroes
14/Nov/14 5:08 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I have quickly skimmed through posts, but can't remember much. It's just too late to function.

Thinking of everyone and praying for the best possible for Theresa's FIL. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
14/Nov/14 7:14 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Suzy. You're so right about fire fighters. (I have a cousin who is one.) Have bush fires begun already? Prayers for all.
14/Nov/14 7:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, there's a big one burning west of Sydney, accessible only by aircraft. Roads are closing, schools were evacuated, houses are threatened... It's been an 'exciting' day.
14/Nov/14 7:30 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Morning from Pennsylvania on this cold, sunny Friday. We had our first snow of the season last night...and it covered the grass areas and stayed around until early this morning...that kind of accumulation is not hard to take.Just a few days ago it was 70 degrees and tonight it will go down to the 20's...a real turn around. Hopefully this winter will not be as bad as last year...but only time will matter that the weather guessers try hard.
Theresa, just want you to know that my thoughts and prayers continue for your family as your Dad seems to be traveling the final road. Remember that there is a time of rest much needed and this is what awaits him as a reward for all that he has given to you and others...May peace be with him.
Suzy, I hope your days are a tad less exciting...fires are so hard on everyone, but those charged with fighting them are heroic indeed.
Angelique has been having a not too fun experience of having to deal with head lice. It seems a classmate/friend unknowingly spread this to several children, and of course Angel had to be one of them. Her Mom has had the unpleasant duty of trying to get rid of them and clean all contaminated areas. too have been exposed and had to take precautionary action...a real pain in the posterior!!!Lol. It seems that this is as common as catching colds when kids are in the early years of school, but I have never been involved when my kids were in their early years...we used more pesticides then I guess and while the pesticides kept this under control, it caused far more I guess this is the better thing to have because at least these are just gross, but not life threatening...sigh.Always something. Otherwise, things are good here and I'm sending hugs and healthy vibes to all. Peace.
15/Nov/14 3:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't ever remember a single case of head lice in any school I attended. Now it seems to be fairly common. Does anybody know why?
15/Nov/14 6:30 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, the grandies have been through this three times in their years at school, and it is a real pain in the posterior, for sure. Hubby and I undergo the treatments as well since we are so close and snuggle with them.

Heidi, I think some parents can't be bothered to do the treatment and send their kids back to school anyway. Years ago a child's head would have to be checked by a nurse at the school to make sure they were clean; they don't seem to do that now.
15/Nov/14 8:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Cold and colder, night two if well below freezing. I think it is already at freezing, and the sun has not gone down.

Ever pulled up frozen plants? I do not recommend it, my hands got soooo cold. But the plants in containers looked so bad, I went after some of them. I bought pansies to plant where the now frozen plants reside. tomorrow we should have a 2 to 3 hour window of 50 degree temps, not much wind and sun, hope to get a container ot 2 planted then.

I just cannot get warm in my apartment today, once again. I think a hot shower, and really warm clothes, but heck, I have on a thermal knit shirt and cords for pants, maybe a fleece sweat suit, or my double faced polar fleece robe?

Head lice have always been with us, Heidi, I am surprised you never had them in your school. My grandmother tells of helping a friend get rid of hers, when they were y9ung women. They used kerosine, and a 'nit picker' comb, with the long hair of fashion then, it took forever. I do not remember having them, but my girls did, acquired from school. I think it became politically incorrect to check children for head lice in schools, you might make a child feel bad, so let all of them get lice .

I am climbing into bed until I get warm again. Gee I was warmer outside in the sun today when the temp was just above freezing than I am inside tonight.

Theresa, still thinking of you. good for you getting hubby to stay home and get some rest. He will need his strength in the coming days, should not start the many things he will need to do after his dad is gone while feeling already exhausted. Huge Hugs to all of you.
15/Nov/14 9:32 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Going to be a hot one over the weekend.
The G20 Summit is on this weekend and I believe Brisbane is like a ghost town, they were given a public holiday on Friday and the roads were gridlock with people leaving town.
Never remember head lice when I was growing up either but quite common now.
Know I told you I had been working long hours but finished the BAS and thought things would settle down. Best laid plans of mice and men! This is now the third employee that has lost the plot and left us. First 25yo tried to run away with the bosses 17yo son. Second and Third who were both friends of the bosses are just crazy. This last one cost us tens of thousand dollars not billing out work we did, we have managed to track back a lot of it. If they weren't friends of the bosses think I would be getting a complex hehe! So I am now working half Fridays, this has got to change because with the extra hours I am doing I am exhausted. OK off my soapbox.
Luv and Jugs
15/Nov/14 10:22 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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In my daughters small school there was a family of 5 children. Dad had taken off so mum was alone. They always had headlice, it is physically impossible to comb through 5 heads in one night, as well as feed the family and do all the stuff mums have to do. We got them over and over again until they left the school. It was horrible. I ended up spending $60 on an electronic comb thing that zapped them. No chemicals, just time, and two treatments 5 or 6 days apart fixed it. It was kerosene when I was a kid too...
15/Nov/14 1:53 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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HI, Friends!

I don't remember classmates having head lice as I grew up. There were a few cases as Ds went through school, but we fortunately avoided them. Crossing fingers that grandchildren will also be so fortunate!

Theresa, thinking of you and your family and your FIL

Heidi, I hope your back is improving!

MizT, have you warmed up yet? I hope you're not currently experiencing pain!

Mama, I hope all is well, and you are pain free!

Midge, I'm amazed that you can do so much while still experiencing dialysis. The local pain patch seems to be a good idea!

Broni, you need some 'Me' time and a bit less 'work' time.

Bed is calling, so I'll wish everyone a good sleep! {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and !
15/Nov/14 6:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, it seems my apartment heating system has joined my body in having only two settings, too hot and too cold I did get warm, and it was as the outaide temps got COLDER, caused the heat to stay on and not blow cooler wind about as it does when the heating element is not on. For some reason, cold outside air is coming through the unit, when on, the unit blows air constantly, so at times it is blowing chilly air about. Pain levels have been better, medication lasting until it is time to repeat. I have got a LOT done.

I am watching the outside temp, waiting for it to get warmer, so I can go plant pansies. the sun feels so good, coming through the windows, I have the blinds full open to let every sun ray come in.

I baked a nice marinated pork roast yesterday. Only a couple of pounds, I got 8 servings of sliced pork tenderloin in freezer for quick meals. I should be making soup now while I wait for temps to warm up. I have found these small marinated roasts on sale twice this last month, so very easy to prepare. Open the package, put roast into an open pan, and into oven for the prescribed time. I manage to send wonderful aroma throughout the second floor halway, everyone knows when I cook, and comment on it.

OH, I came back into Commons yesterday to hear the tale end of a conversation about broccoli cheese soup. when the ladies sw me, one said, YOU, you made that soup. Yep, I did last year, did not make again for fall festival although I was asked. I am not obligated to make for our January soup lunch hehehe. The Residents association will buy my ingredients, but usually I just pay for them and donate. I put the recipe in our cook book, but since it takes a large bit of time, no one has attempted it

OH, I found a new use for spaghetti squash. I had always used it as pasta for a savory main meal dish, but a friend asked if I had tried with a touch of butter and nutmeg. Nope, not until yesterday. No nutmeg, so I used cinnamon, a touch of vanilla and just a tiny bit of sweetener. A nice low calorie 'sweet' for the end of my meal last night. I am happy to say I have more cooked S squash in the fridge (made only one serving to see if I liked it), can have again today. A hot sweet on a cold day is also good!!

OK, I am off to make chicken veggie soup, I love having soup on cold days. Catch you all later. Hugs to each of you, and special ones to Theresa and family, with extras as needed.

16/Nov/14 3:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thinking of you, and your Dad, Theresa. ((((( HUGS )))))
16/Nov/14 6:43 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just got back from spending time with FIL and he is doing a lot better!!!! He's still a little disoriented, but not too bad for 91. They are talking about getting him into a nursing home and we hope that happens. He does not need to end up back home. Time will tell. But it was nice to see touches of his old self today.

Weather is cold here too. Yuck, yuck, double yuck. I want summer back.
16/Nov/14 10:39 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I'm so glad you had a good day with your FIL! Wishing you many more...
16/Nov/14 10:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds wonderful, Theresa.You have some more time with your Dad after all!
16/Nov/14 11:31 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm fixing dinner right now. I got some incredible 1 inch thick prime steaks and I'm cooking them with broccoli florets and fried onions. My mouth is watering. These are to celebrate sorting out some outstanding calves today to take to the sale barn tomorrow.
16/Nov/14 11:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ohhhhhh was that a goooooood steak!
16/Nov/14 12:24 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Stop Heidi!!! I too have steak to be cooked, but I know it won't be as good as yours just due to the source of the came from the grocery store, so I'll delay the cooking for a few
Hello all...nothing much going on allergies and sinus are acting up and making me feel lousy, other wise all is well. Theresa, glad your FIL has rebounded and I hope they will be able to get him into a nursing home also.
Take care all...think I'll try to get some sleep tonight....i hope anyway. Peace.
16/Nov/14 5:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Had a busy day today. (So much cleaning/sorting/throwing away to be done! Also practiced the cello. I don't know how long - got wrapped up in trying to perfect intonation on some tricky shifts (moving up and down the fingerboard, and with no frets, it can be difficult knowing where to stop). Hubby got home from a long morning/afternoon of errands, etc. & asked if I was ready to go. OOPS! Lost track of time. Rushed to get ready to go to wedding vow renewal & 50th wedding anniversary party for some friends. It was VERY nice. Now home and tired, so just a quick visit here.

Good news about your FIL, Theresa! Hopefully he will be able to get into a nursing home.

MizT, I hope the temperature variability of your apartment can be evened out!

Mamacita, sure hope the allergies and sinus troubles go away soon!

Heidi, your dinner sounds yummy!

Suzy, how are you and all your family members? I'm so sorry to hear about the fires and associated problems!

That's all I can remember. Thinking of everyone, whether I have mentioned you by name or not. Sending lots of healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
16/Nov/14 6:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I took Minnie home yesterday. The kookaburras will be wondering why they are not being fed every half hour or so. They got fed every time I took the pup outside.
17/Nov/14 6:40 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Hi all!
Shiela's Mom is 99 today. Would you stop by ''easy'' and wish her a happy birthday and let her know where you're from? Thanks!
17/Nov/14 7:22 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Just lost a long post, operator error, where I commented to every post since my last. Drats! Not gona get retyped now, as I had decided to take a nap.

Sending huge hugs to each of you, with extras.
17/Nov/14 8:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The cattle have been dropped off at the sale barn. It rained lightly the whole time. It's supposed to change to snowe in a little while. I've heard predictions of 3-5 inches of snow tonight. I hope they're wrong.
17/Nov/14 8:52 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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snowe? Where'd that come from?
17/Nov/14 8:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, you can keep your snow forecast. It has got warmer after sun down even, as the moisture comes in from the gulf, bringing warmer temps with it. they will drop rapidly once the rain front passes. Small chance of a few flurries in the AM if the temps fall before the moisture is all gone.

It has rained all day today, started during last night. I think we have had an inch and a half already. It might stop by about 6 or 7 AM.

I hope it does stop early, as I ordered (for store pickup)the saucer/caddy for each of the huge fern pots we brought inside. They are not at my local store, about 5 miles away, but about 20 miles away. Faster and less expensive than ordering for home delivery and paying shipping. I was able to order online, they will be waiting for me at the front desk. I had been giving ferns only 1/4 the amount of water, but more frequently, in hopes of not getting water on floor. Worked well till today, I think all the water ran through and on to the floor, for me to clean up. I need to get the saucers on wheels asap. Having the wheels will make it easier to clean up any spills, and sweep up any shedding that occurs.

OH, I think we have buds on the fatsia that are in urns in the shade garden, under the sky-walk connecting building one and two. I was concerned for the buds with our cold weather, and their late in the season blooming. No need, they are hardy to more northerly areas where it is colder, and they bloom October to March, in the cold. this is first buds I have seen, they do have unusual flowers. Looking forward to seeing them bloom. Only one plant of the two has buds. VERY tropical looking huge lobed leafed evergreen plant hardy to US zone 5, we are zone 7.

Bedtime for me, falling asleep in my chair. Hope each of you is having a wonderful maeN. Huge hugs to each of you, with extras. till tomorrow.

17/Nov/14 4:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now they're talking about only 1 inch of snow in the morning. But it's gonna get REALLY cold after that. Whatever happened to autumn?
17/Nov/14 4:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello from here. Hope all are well! Winter has arrived here as well; stood outside in the cold and wind this evening for over an hour waiting for a church to be opened for a memorial concert for a musician/friend.

Sending a supply of warm positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
17/Nov/14 7:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It was a lovely warm day here today. it will get warmer later in the week. I went to the pictures today and saw 'My Old Lady' with Maggie Smith. She is a real gem of an actress.
I did 3 loads of washing and made two small Christmas cakes for the trading table tomorrow. I love the small of fruit cakes when it comes out of the oven. When they cool a bit more I will tip some overproof rum over them.
Bowling and meeting tomorrow and a Harbour Cruise with people I worked with over 50 years ago on Wednesday.
17/Nov/14 9:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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That should have been SMELL of fruit cakes....
Sorry that all the topsiders seem to be getting early snow falls.
Tricia, I looked at the Fatsia on Google. I do think I have seen it growing but I do not think it is suggested as a Sydney plant.
17/Nov/14 9:56 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The snow was su[pposed to stop by 10 am. It didn't end until 3:30 pm. But it was only a light snow and amounted to only about 1/2 inch.
18/Nov/14 7:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm having a really bad day with the gout. I can barely walk, and need to go out to buy dog food. I'm dreading putting on a boot on that foot.
18/Nov/14 7:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Despite the gout, I'm heading down south to the sale barn to watch the end of the sale and get my check for the calves I dropped off yesterday..
18/Nov/14 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The weather scared off a lot of sellers. There were only 429 feeder calves for sale tonight, instead of the ~7-10,000 that are usually sold each week at that sale! So the prices were really good as buyers competed for the best calves.
18/Nov/14 1:47 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I am glad you got a good price for your calves. the weather did you a favor it seems.

Julie, how terrible you had to stand outside in the cold for an hour. I hope the concert was worth the wait. It being a memorial concert, that means you lost a musicial friend?

June, I knew you meant SMELL, I can read typos hehehe. wish you could send a few degrees of your warmth, it is so terribly unseasonably cold here at the moment. Weather guessers think it will moderate some in about a week, bbrrr, I hope they are correct.

No snow here, but the temp that went UP all night took a nose dive as soon as the rain passed. We got between 4 and 6 inches of rain, depending just where you are within the area. At 4:30 am when I was up to visit the little room and get pain meds, it was mid 50's and still raining cats and dogs. Radar looked as if it would rain forever, the front had stalled in it's southward journey and the rain was coming along that front like a train on it's tracks. By 8:30 am when I got up, rain was gone, the front far south of us, and temp was 33, a BIG drop, and the wind chill or feels like temp was 20. Needless to say, I dressed in warm layers to go out for the day.

We picked up the saucers, Tanya wanted to take me to lunch, but was still too early, so we went by her apartment to see her Christmas tree and take a few minuets break. Lunch was extra long, as Tanya's entree was severely undercooked, too pink for health and had to be sent back. then we were going to do a fast stop at wal mart. Wrong, a stop there is never fast. I had to walk the huge store, our needed items were scattered far in a huge store. got home just in time for the Residents Association meeting. The only good thing I can say about that is I did not have to stay and count votes for the election of officers. Eash office had only one person nominated, so a show of hands to accept them was all needed, yeah! I came home, took my meds and went to bed for a little nap, this at 4 pm. I woke at NINE! and now at 11 pm, I am sleepy again.

good night everyone, hugs to each of you, with extras.
18/Nov/14 4:22 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Tricia, the man who died had been a member of a quite prominent quartet. His wife taught piano and accompanied student musicians at the music school where our children attended. Both of their daughters are professional musicians, one of them a couple of years older than our oldest and the other about 5 or 6 years older. The memorial was very nice and worth waiting in the cold. It was mostly music played by his colleagues and former students, with some spoken comments and reminisces.

June, have a great day tomorrow!

Heidi, feel better soon!

MizT, I'm glad you didn't run for office in the residents' association! I hope your day tomorrow is better!

We have an early alarm set for tomorrow, so I must head to bed. Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, , positive thoughts, and prayers.

Good Night!
18/Nov/14 5:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Boy did I sleep last night. I was back to sleep around 12:30 and slept till 8:00 AM. That alone would have been a good total for me, and added to the over 4 hour nap, a lot of restorative sleep. I am feeling pretty good today.

It is dangerously cold here today for elderly to be outside. At 10:00 AM it is 26 degrees with a strong wind, making the feel like temp 15 degrees. It is a rare thing for that low a temp in the dead of winter, even as a low overnight and it is not winter yet. Normal temps for this date should be 50-60 degrees and climbing at 10 am. No way I am making the planned trip to bank today, it can wait. It was enough to make a dash across the drive, from building one to building two. The wind is always stronger there, as it is blocked by buildings except for this 50 foot 'tunnel', this increases its speed. I will take the time to go up, across and back downstairs if again today I need to get from first floor of one building to the other.

Julie, the service the other night sounds like a great memorial to your friend in the music community. How great of the community to honor him so. Thank you for sharing this with us, I did enjoy reading about it.

I should be baking or cooking something, a wonderful way to keep warm and entertain myself, but did not plan ahead. I have no zucchini for making my favorite muffins, and cannot think of anything I do have all the ingredients for, that fits my eating plan. I did make French toast for breakfast, so nice to have something warm in my tummy.

I am off to put away clothes, the laundry fairy visited yesterday with 2 baskets of clean clothes and linens. Then to see what I can think up for a way to put up Christmas tree. Might have to go on my dining table again this year, but I do need the table to sew a few things. Decisions, decisions. I know, it is a first world problem that many people would love to have.

Julie, you said you had an early alarm today. I hope it was for something you will enjoy, and that you dress warmly. what was your temp and wind chill this morning? Heidi, are you feeling better? Are the animals faring well in this unseasonably cold weather? You still have snow on the ground?

I need to get moving, it is a bit chilly here in the bedroom. If it does not warm up in here shortly, I shall put on my little ceramic space heater. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
19/Nov/14 3:31 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! We may have had record cold for this date today. We were up early to catch a train to go puppy-sitting. She was a smart girl and only went outside long enough to eliminate, then wanted to come right back inside. Normally, she would have wanted to take a walk.

{{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and for each of you!
19/Nov/14 6:33 PM
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