Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Miracles surround us on every hand. Life itself is the miracle of miracles. (George Bernard Shaw).

And that is something for us all to be thankful.
25/Nov/14 9:29 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It is not that it is really hot but it is very humid. I have water dripping down the back of my neck but hubby insists on turning off the AC. The humidity does not bother HIM!
I have done some ironing and mending out in the sunroom where it is not as bad but I think I will now go to bed and I can put on the AC in there!
25/Nov/14 9:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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What? Ironing in that heat and humidity? Are you nuts, June???

I leave for the epidural in just over 1/2 hour!!! I hope it's a BAD one!
25/Nov/14 9:58 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I did not do very much ironing, just the fancy pillowcases and bed cover for our bed. The sunroom is outside temperature and it was about 9 pm at night. Much more comfortable than 'inside'.
Thank goodness the time has come for your epidural. Please rest as much as possible afterwards so that it last right through till the following one.
25/Nov/14 11:42 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I hope the epidural works wonders for you. Yes, as June said, rest, do not do anything to shorten the effectiveness of this one. I think in the future it would be more cost effective for Gil to rent a vehicle when his is in the shop, would be cheaper than the bills to repair the damage he does to your truck!

Our day is starting out cool and cloudy. No rain forecast, but it is very humid, damp today. I meed to get out this afternoon, make a trip to Aldis. the ham I bought is not spiral sliced nor fully cooked. I do not want to have to cook it, so that one goes back and with more dollars, can get what I want. We will have our community thanksgiving service and meal today. I made chocolate mint cookies for my desert to share. they are very good.

Nothing new from the doc, except he is testing my thyroid. All these skin problems plus being so very cold so much of the time he decided to add that in with the lab work. My appointment took much longer than usual, 'everybody is sick' said the nurse, and are not getting over it either. When I went to the lab, there was a long line just to turn in your ticket and be put in line for getting the blood work done. They sent us back out to the main waiting room, which immediately filled up. the wait was not as long as I thought it would be, they had 3 'vampires' on duty but only one clerk handling paperwork.

I had started making my cookies when we got the reminder that a lady would be downstairs with beading for us. I made a black, silver and crystal necklace, and then helped Margaret work on hers. We used leather cord, and were to put on beads, then knot at the bead and again 1 inch away to make a pattern of beads spaced apart. Margaret was having trouble tying her knots, so I helped.

June, you Aussies are so fortunate that the temps go down at night and it is much more pleasant after the sun goes down. But i would not have the energy at 9 pm to be doing ironing. To tell the truth, I never have energy to iron hehehe.

Tanya is leaving today to visit her father in California for the Holiday. she just text me that her plane is late, and she is worried she will not make connecting flight. I hope that does not happen.

Not much else going on here, so I will leave hugs for each of you, with extras.
26/Nov/14 12:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, Gil will not be using my truck any more.

The epidural wasn't one of the worst ones, but they got it in the right place. They may just have done a great job of numbing it, so it didn't hurt as much. I plan on being VERY careful for the next week.
The next epidural is scheduled for one week after my 60th birthday.
26/Nov/14 2:48 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, as others have said, please take it easy!

Nasty wind last night and some of our roofing tiles lifted and one came off. We are waiting for a roofer, but the waiting list is long. Our house is over 100 years old, and the roofing tiles, known as cobbler's squares, are probably the original ones. Thankfully I found the missing one on the sidewalk this morning, so it can be used again. A neighbour's tool shed was knocked over by the wind, and hubby tipped it back into its rightful position this morning. A lot of banging going on all night long.
26/Nov/14 7:43 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I had a nasty time with the oldest grandie this morning (she's 11). She is probably autistic, but there are certain things I will not put up with. It took me an hour to get her up this morning and I finally dragged her out of bed. Then she heaped a lot of yelling on me, telling me I'm mean, bossy, stop yelling, leave her alone. She would not stop, so I took her cell phone away (it is currently at my place). She is furious. She can have it back when I get a sincere apology.

As the psychologist said, we have to pick our battles with her. I am picking this one because I refuse to be yelled at for an extended period of time like this morning. Thank goodness that doesn't happen too often. I love those kids, but sometimes life can be a challenge.
26/Nov/14 7:50 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, I feel your pain. Hubby does not like an AC in the bedroom and I can't breathe or sleep properly without one when the weather is really humid, so I end up sleeping downstairs with the AC on.

MizT, could I have some of those cookies???? We have long waiting lines for blood work here, especially if they are fasting tests. One lab in our town only, and it is quite frequent that you can wait up to an hour or even more before your number comes up. Most of my blood work now is not fasting, just random, so I can go in the middle of the afternoon with very little wait time.
26/Nov/14 7:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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If we need blood tests our Doc. has us come in 8-9am before his surgery hours. He takes the blood and the lab comes and picks it up.
Theresa, not easy dealing with children with 'special needs' as they seem to call them here. My grandsons are ADHD and impossible when they have not had medication.
26/Nov/14 9:32 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi everyone...Tuesday before Thanksgiving here and I'm up a creek without a paddle... My garbage disposal went on the bum and clogged up my kitchen sink...thus cooking or dish washing is nie on to impossible. Can't use the bathtub, or rather I won't use the bathtub for these the turkey or dish washing so things are on hold with food prepeation. Now the weather guessers are telling us that we may be in for a big snow storm with the possibility of 6 plus inches of snow...I wont drive the distance to get to my niece's house and back with that threat...and to make matters worse or harder to fix.... My plumber has retired and I can't get one here before the SIL will try to clear things up for me but can't do it until tomorrow..but I'll take what I can get...always something....Okay ..rant over for now.
Theresa, kids can really be difficult and those who have special needs are no different in that...good on you to know that battles must be had and stands made...the more life is real for all, the better adulthood can be understood, but its very hard dealing with the tears and yelling. I taught kids with special needs for years and found that the ones who had family that made certain demands of them had better results...hope that is the case with ours. Continue the tough love, but remain firm when needed. June..I hear the understanding in your post. While I hate the meds that kids have to take some just are not able to respond to any routine w/o out them. Much like those of us who are in need of pain meds to function on any real can be hard for many.
Heidi, I will simply keep you in mind and hope that your epidural will hold up and you will not be in pain for your birthday or even before like you have this time. I know you will do your best to make that happen.Good to know that your truck will also be off limits to Gil..unbelievable how careless and irresponsible he continues to be with your vital equipment in the face of refuted damage....Shaking my head.
MzT, your sweet potato casserole sounds much like one I like to make...but I add either rum or bourbon, crushed pineapple and mini marshmallows to mine to make it more of a desert.... makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I know that would not sit well with your dietary restrictions though. Hope Tanya's visit with her dad goes well and gives you some needed space and rest too so that her return will add to the holiday glow. Finally, Suzy...when are you going to ask your sil to teach you to make a dish you enjoy? Get busy girl and learn to fix those candied yams...they really are easy and oh so good.
Julie and the rest of you who choose to celebrate more than life..enjoy and have a blast...I'll do the same. More later...keep reading and posting.
Until the next time...Peace.
26/Nov/14 12:06 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

June, what a great TOPP, especially since we're coming into the season of miracles! I don't envy you and your high humidity. I know that really affects me, too. You need the AC on to remove some of the humidity from the air. Hopefully you are/were able to get some sleep in an air conditioned bedroom! I am impressed that you were ironing in the heat & humidity. I can't remember the last time I ironed, as we have VERY little that truly needs it. Hubby has a couple of dress shirts (rarely worn) which he takes to the cleaners for laundering when they have a 99 cent sale. It's not worth it to wash and iron his dress shirt when it can be done by someone else for just a dollar.

Heidi, I hope your epidural was even worse than you think and provides relief until the next one. It's about time IH realizes that you need to have time to rest & recover and not overwork for a week or so. What are the chances of that? He's a big boy and should be making meals for you and helping, not making more work for you. I give him credit for asking to borrow your truck, but the credit stops there, since he always seems to break something. It seems like any mechanical equipment that belongs to you should be off-limits to him. I give you a lot of credit for dealing with so much. We care about you and don't want to see you being hurt.

MizT, I hope you were able to get a replacement ham that was fully cooked and spiral sliced! I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving service and meal today. Did Tanya make her connection and get to her father when she expected? I hope she and her dad enjoy the visit! I'm glad your doc is testing you thyroid function along with other blood work. Some of your symptoms suggest he may be on the right track. It's good that there was a reminder on the intercom about the beading. It's great that you were able to make something and assist Margaret with hers!

Theresa, that must have been an awful wind! How fortunate that you were able to find the missing tile on the sidewalk so that it might be replaced. How awful that you had to endure the yelling of a grandie! You are right to expect respect from her, as she will need to learn appropriate ways of interacting with others in order to get along in the world. Does it help to give her a pre-warning (maybe 5 minutes ahead) of something she must do? Life is certainly a challenge - for you, and for your grandie. Chances are that she is not happy with herself after such an 'explosion' but doesn't know what to do to avoid it or end it once it has started.

Mamacita, how awful to have your garbage disposal act up as you're trying to get ready for a holiday meal. I hope your son will be able to correct the problem. FYI, our garbage disposal refused to work a couple of weeks ago. Hubby looked under the sink and pushed a button on the bottom of the disposal. Luckily, it did the trick, and the disposal has worked properly since then.

Hello to Broni, who posted on the bott
26/Nov/14 5:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's the rest of that post:

Hello to Broni, who posted on the bottom of the previous page.

I think it has only been a week or so since Midge posted.

Hello to Roma, Rolanda, Gail, Tami, Suzy, Vicky, and all others I may have forgotten to mention who we don't see on a regular basis. You are all in our thoughts, especially as we in the U.S. prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving.

May everyone be blessed with good health, happiness, the love of family and friends, and enough wealth to make living comfortable. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
26/Nov/14 5:50 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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happy birthday Julie. Have a wonderful day celebrating.
27/Nov/14 12:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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27/Nov/14 12:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off in a few minutes to get my truck.IHhas been informed that he will no longer be allowed to drive it. He didn't treat it with proper care or respect, and, believe it or not, yesterday morning he had the gall to tell me that he wouldn't let me drive the rental!!! He was told that that comment meant war.
27/Nov/14 12:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, dropping in for a quick post so I do not become missing in action

the service yesterday was sweet and brief, the food was the best ever! The staff sponsored this dinner and hired a caterer for the core of the meal, turkey and dressing, and two veggies, green beans and squash casserole. Staff did the sweet potatoes, slaw, bread and cranberry sauce. The ONLY problem I could think of was not enough cranberry sauce for a cranberry lover. In my family when I was growing up, the jellied cranberry sauce came out of the can in a cylindrical shape, and was sliced into nice thick slices. A lot more CB sauce than one gets now, in the little white paper cups.

Our director and his partner did the table centerpieces, and they were just beautiful. they bought large federal gold plastic chargers at the dollar store as the base, with floral foam in the center and then an arrangement of fall leaves, the type that are everlasting, having been cut fresh and soaked in a glycerine solution. then they had fall colored daisy like flowers, just beautiful. they were offered up for residents to take to their apartments, and since we sat 4 to a table, and had a few tables empty, about a third of the residents attending got one. They were too large for my available space, the chargers were about 14 inches, (I did not measure, but big) they would take up too much room. they did have a few arrangements in vases, much smaller and I did get one of those. Even the vases were decorated, with raffia and leaves and printed scrapbook paper, really pretty. I did not know Tim was so artistic.

I did not make it to the grocery, came home and crashed. Back hurting, sciatica, not fun. I am hoping it will get better this morning so I can go. It is a lovely sunny day outside, but cool and will be even cooler tomorrow.

I saw Dave downstairs Monday, on his way back from the doctor. Stubborn man drove himself, and he has a manual transmission. The knee replacement was the left knee, which is needed for the clutch. Even then, he said he had more trouble getting into and out of his sports car, a Fiat of some style, than driving. He is going to visit a daughter Friday for the weekend, and going by train. It is not far to the train station, so I offered to drive him if needed. He wrote down my phone number, so perhaps he will call. I also asked if he had a place for dinner Thanksgiving day. No definite plans, said he was waiting for a phone call which might never come, so I invited him to go with me to the family gathering. I know he would be welcomed, anyone always is at 'mema's' Thanksgiving or Christmas. Jody, our hostess, my nephew's wife, had that morning issued a facebook open invitation to anyone who did not have a family to visit, so she is continuing the open door police that Mema had. I do hope he will go if he does not get his anticipated phone call, he would fit in with the eclectic group we are. I do not like to think of anyone who is left al
27/Nov/14 4:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I do not like to think of anyone who is left alone on a holiday, and since he cannot drive much distance to take themselves to friends, more so for him. Heck, he might not even have a meal that day as no deliveries Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of the usual lunchtime meals. Tinned soup and a sandwich for Thanksgiving? Unthinkable!

Dave was very interested that we would be gathering in a dome house, one that Al built the kit; the triangles, specially shaped studs and connectors.

Pretty sure this will run over, so I should copy and close. Last meds seemed to help the hip, if that continues I am off to exchange the ham and the yuck (to me) french green beans. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Nov/14 4:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH, I forgot to mention the desserts. Residents were asked to bring their favorite dessert to share. The two long tables groaned from the weight of the plates, each containing 3 different selections. I chose lemon meringue pie, pound cake and a small cocoanut log, (a finger of plain cake rolled in a light whipped not so sweet icing and then rolled in cocoanut, not very sweet but very tasty, just my preference. I ate the lemon pie, brought the others home. One for dinner last night and the other for lunch today.
27/Nov/14 4:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That sounds SO delicious, MizT.
I'm glad Dave is joining your extended family tomorrow. I would love to have a holiday meal in one of Al's completed dome houses, too. Unusual and beautiful! It would seem like part of Al was there, as well.
27/Nov/14 10:07 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving to all in the U.S.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, June and Heidi!

Heidi, I hope the truck repairs weren't too expensive! What's the chance of getting IH to pay for them? It's interesting that he didn't think you should be allowed to drive the rental. VERY interesting.

MizT, the special meal sounds wonderful! And so nice that the special table decorations were shared with those in attendance. I also hope Dave accepts your invitation to your family Thanksgiving! The alternatives don't sound very appealing. And an opportunity to visit one of Al's dome houses seems like extra enticement!

It's time to hit the hay, so I'll close by sending lots of healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and !
27/Nov/14 5:48 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Happy Birthday, Julie. Knowing you and having you in our Sudoku lives gives us all something to be thankful for.
28/Nov/14 12:40 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, you must be a mind reader hehehe. After I posted yesterday, Dave phoned to say if the invitation was still open, he would like to join me for Thanksgiving lunch with my family. He said 'what was I thinking, that I would be better here alone, feeling sorry for myself, than accepting your kind invitation.' So we will drive up in a couple hours. My sweet potato casserole is in the oven, and I must now get ready to go.

I am expecting Judy, a neighbor, to come down for me to clean her incision again this morning. she had a fatty tumor removed from the back of her head, and cannot see it to do the twice daily cleaning with vinegar and water, and apply a coating of Vaseline. I get asked to do this kind of thing on occasion, and am always happy to help out when I can.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the topsiders, and have a great Thursday/Friday to the DUGs.
28/Nov/14 1:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I woke up this morning to an inch of snow on the ground. It doesn't show much interest in melting any time soon, either.

Some neighbors gave us a last minute invite to a Thanksgiving meal at 1 pm today. It was nice sitting down and chatting with them.

The back is still a little tender, and I'm being VERY careful with it.

MizT.... I just knew he would take you up on the offer if he got a few minutes to think about it.
28/Nov/14 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, Julie... the truck repairs were fairly expensive... just over $800.00. I couldn't prove with solid evidence that IH did the damage to it, so I had to pay for it. An honorable person would say that since the truck was running fine when he borrowed it, he misused it by driving it over bumpy fields, then it broke, that he was responsible, but IH is not an honorable man. It also had a full tank of gas when he borrowed it, and I got it back with less than half a tank (26 gal.) I don't expect to get that back either. I guess IH thinks I have to pay for the privilege of letting him use my truck.
28/Nov/14 7:54 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Most enjoyable day today, good food, and so much of it, good conversation, only thing that could have been better was some sunshine. But we did not have rain, just cold and grey skies. Brought home leftovers, as usual, and had that thanksgiving night special, a turkey sandwich, which for me must be topped with cranberry sauce, yummy.

My Bil David and Dave seemed to have a lot in common, I heard them talking about jumping out of 'good running airplanes' (seems they were both paratroopers in the service way back when) cameras and photography, Travel, automobiles and I do not know what else. Dave said he enjoyed himself a lot, and the food was excellent. I enjoyed talking to him on our trip out and back. He said 'next time I must drive you in my sports car'. I said when we both were better able to get into and out of it hehehe. He is only 3 weeks past knee replacement surgery, you know.

Vincent, my one year old great nephew, was so cute. that hair of his, a light red, is curling up at the neck in the back, something that did not show in his photographs. He was so excited with all the people there, it was hard to get him down for a nap. He late in the day went to sleep in Daddy's lap. Not sure which one of them went to sleep first hehehe when he wants something, he points and says something that sounds very much like 'that'.

I found something that brought good relief to the sciatica pain, and so very simple too. Last night a TV advert for a medical appliance gave me the idea. It was a brace or band sort of thing that applied pressure to mid calf, and they said it would relieve back pain, especially sciatica, a kind of acupressure. OK, did not have the band thing, but I did have an ace bandage (elastic bandage, not sure what you call them down under). Back pain got better instantly, and by morning was gone. made the day go so much better, and cheap enough, as I had an old but usable bandage on hand

My house is smelling good. Sister sent the turkey bones home with me to make broth and harvest the little bits of meat for soup. I did not have room to keep it cold in fridge, so immediately put it into crock pot, and it will simmer all night. It does leave a nice aroma in the house.

Night all, will catch you tomorrow. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
28/Nov/14 2:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Thanksgiving. Topsiders!
28/Nov/14 7:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Theresa, thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

Tricia, I'm glad Dave agreed to join you and your family for Thanksgisving! Thanks for mentioning about the medical appliance to ease sciatica pain. It might be worth the effort for me to track down an Ace bandage and give it a try.

Heidi, I hope the snow doesn't last. What kind neighbors to invite you to join them for Thanksgiving dinner. As to IH, I think it just proves that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I doubt that any of us expected he would pay for repairs or refill the gas tank.

Thanks, Suzy! Have you checked in with your SIL for the yam recipe? You might also look on line, as I'm sure there are many recipes to choose from.

Time for bed here. Good Night, Everyone! I'm thankful for all of you and would like to share the usual supply of positive houghts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
28/Nov/14 7:47 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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All the Thanksgiving Dinners sound lovely.
I coughed a lot last night and did not get much sleep. The cold has returned. Went to the Doc today and I have bronchitis. Off to bed to get some sleep.
28/Nov/14 9:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH has his truck back. HIS repairs only cost $200, and AAA is paying for the rental. Why is it that I get the short straw?

I'm VERY glad that you went to the Doc, June. I was concerned that you might be segueing into pneumonia.
29/Nov/14 2:33 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hey Everyone, Good to hear that the topsiders had a good Thanksgiving from all accounts...mine was also great. My potatoes turned out well, as did my turkey and all of the other dishes were, as always, excellent. My son-in-law was unable to fix my garbage disposal and my sink stayed blocked until I was lucky enough to have a neighbor give me her plumber's name and number, a call to him resulted in his getting here within 45 minutes...about 6:30 in the evening...he was able to fix it in short order and didn't charge an arm and a leg.He had just come home from what he thought was his last job for the evening and said he would also be off I was really lucky. I now have a new plumber, and this one is fairly young. His father and grandfather were both plumbers and he's been a master plumber since he was 17 years old...can't sneeze at that experience. I told him he was able to put the Thanks back in Thanksgiving for me. I was exhausted after cooking late into the night and going to my nieces's house, but I was able to collapse and sleep well last night and will try to get some more good sleep tonight...Glad to hear that you are taking things slowly Heidi and was able to enjoy the day with your neighbors...we too had snow that is hanging around on the grassy areas, but gone from the streets so that was an added blessing.We got less than 2 inches overall.
June, my respiratory problems started with many bouts of reoccurring fun to deal with. I do hope you were also given meds to ease the cough and to help break up the mucus that clogs the lungs....lots of fluids and staying away from dairy produces for awhile also helped to quell the buildup of the mucus in many...hope you feel better soon. Trica, good onya for trying the ace bandage and finding it helpful in easing your back problems. I'm happy that you felt lots better and was able to have a great time...glad Dave and David found so many common interest...bodes well for repeat visits. Julie, I do hope your birthday was enjoyable and apologize for not sending birthday greetings in a more timely manner...but hey..I'm sure am glad to send them now. :-)
....late but well meant. Oh yes, time pictures are placed on fb...don't sit know we wanted to see you and you were hidden...was that Dave, your neighbor, leaning forward next to you at the table? Tell Joy, that hers was a very nice picture...Lol.
29/Nov/14 1:40 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say hello to everyone!

June, I am also glad you have been to the doctor and hope he provides help to lessen your coughing and cure your bronchitis!

Heidi, it certainly isn't fair that IH's repairs were less and the rental was paid by insurance. All the more reason for him to pay (or at least contribute to) the cost of your truck's repairs! Please continue your rest and care of your back!

Mama, I'm glad your Thanksgiving went well. Thanks go to your neighbor and her plumber who came through in a pinch! I hope you get plenty of rest to recover from a very hectic few days! Thank you for the birthday wishes! We had a great day!

It's time to head to bed. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing energy to everyone!
29/Nov/14 6:14 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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There was a craft show at the bowling club today so I was able to get a few gifts. A wood turner had pens and I bought one. I will send you a photo Julie as he had a rubber stylus at the top to use on your phone or tablet. (I thought it was a rubber!)
Still coughing. I have a puffer to get air back into my lungs. I will now go and have a puff before going to bed. I made another pudding today for our lunch at the bowling club that is the fourth and last one. Each should be enough for 12 people. I still have to make one for myself. (it will have many more better ingredients and be a proper Christmas pudding)
So pleased you got everything fixed Mamacita. It is nice when you know good tradesmen.
Keep resting Heidi. We want that back to be comfortable till your birthday in February.
'nite for now.
29/Nov/14 11:48 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mama, yes, that was Dave blocking me in the photo on FB. I did not know it was being taken, or would have leaned forward. The lovely young lady at the head of the table is my nephew's wife, Jody. Isn't she gorgeous with all that curly red hair? Her hubby Greg was at other end of the table and he took the photo. The other white headed lady is my sister, Edna. I agree, that was a great photo of Joy, but she takes a nice photo most always.

Heidi, it does seem so terribly unfair that Gil's repair was so much cheaper than yours was. He seems to live a charmed life. I do hope that you are resting a lot and that you have good relief now from the epidural. How long did you have to wait for the dead wagon to pick up the cow? I do hope it was not long. At least it ws not mid summer, the heat would affect how much and how quickly it smelled up the area.

I am surprised that I have not heard what I think is the latest gossip going round here at EP. Dave and I were spied coming in together Thanksgiving afternoon, and overheard when he said he would phone me the next day. That is enough to make the rounds of the gossips. Then Friday, he appeared at my door with an overnight bag in hand, and actually came inside with it hehehe. I was to drive him to the train, he is now in Atlanta visiting his daughter, but with some of these gossipy ladies here, I am sure that could be a juicy tidbit for the gossip mill. My thoughts on that? it just gives others a rest if they are talking about me hehehe.

I had something strange happen driving home from train station yesterday. My car, twice, had something flash then ding, only lasted a second, could not see what warning light it was that flashed. The engine seemed to loose power momentarily, then regained with a surge. Of course it is a holiday, I cannot phone the repair shop to see if they think it is OK to drive it until I can get it down to them Monday. I intended to pick Dave up from Train Sunday on his return, I may have to phone him to find another ride home. I would hate to be stranded downtown Birmingham on the weekend, noone is there. I realized it has been some time since fluids in the auto have been checked, bad Tricia, but Joy had previously taken care of that for me. Once it gets warmer today, I shall get outside and see if I can check them, and hope just something low was the cause of the red light that flashed on and right back off.

June, I hope you are feeling better by now. Bronchitis is no fun. Take care of yourself, get plenty of fluids and more rest, that might help you get well faster. What goes into your Christmas Pudding? It is not something I have ever tasted nor made.

Julie, it is good to see you drop in, even if your message was short and sweet. What is keeping you busy these days? I am sorry I missed sending birthday greetings. So a bit late, I hope you had a lovely day and best wishes for a great year to come.

It is cloudy and grey out today. I have my little lights on to
30/Nov/14 4:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
Check out my page

It is cloudy and grey out today. I have my little lights on to help cheer me, but for reason unknown, I am just cold today. I hope to get results of my thyroid test Monday, and it would be nice if low thyroid were the problem, that is easily remedied . I had a little nap this morning after Judy came down for me to check and clean her incision, I hoped that would get me warm. It did, but did not last. Cold and achey is not a good combination, so back to bed I go.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

That's all you missed. someone asked how I always have the extra bits when my post goes over. I habitually do a copy of my post before I submit it. First just highlight the entire post by holding down the right button on mouse and run it over the post from bottom to top. Once the background of all the post turns green, I press the 'control' and C key together. On windows, that puts a copy of my post to the clipboard. I then send it off. If I run over. I put my cursor into the comments box, and press the control and V key together, that 'pastes' the entire copy back again. I highlight and delete the part that did post, leaving the part that did not. Then just submit as a new post. MUCH easier to do than to read hehehe.
30/Nov/14 4:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wish I could see that picture, MizT. Maybe you could email it to me if you don't want to put it on your page here?

I'm not feeling well today. I have a fever and am really out of it.
30/Nov/14 8:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello! No time to read. Practiced for quite a while today - not sure exact time I started, but must have been about 2.5 hours. I have music in three books, music for string orchestra, and music for quartet & trio. I wish I knew if our violist will be able to play this week, so I would know if I should practice the quartet or the trio music!

D had a couple of tickets for concert tonight. Her MIL and her hubby couldn't go, as MIL is leaving early tomorrow for home, so tickets were offered to us. It was an 'At the Movies' concert with selections from most of the animated movies made by PIXAR. Good music and enjoyable, but with travel time, we were out of the house from before 6:30 until after 11:30. Not the best time to start checking email, Facebook, etc.

Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy (take note, June, Heidi, Mama, and MizT), , positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
30/Nov/14 7:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Coughing again when I lay down. Tummy feels yuck with all the meds and cough lollies. I was almost better so did not want this relapse. Even the puffer is not as effective as it should be.
I hope I did not give this to you Heidi. I do hope you get rid of the fever and up and about again. Mine is just annoying!
30/Nov/14 11:13 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
Check out my page
I hope you didn't give this to me, June. I'm still feverish and sluggish. I am getting a LOT of sleep, though.
01/Dec/14 2:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
Check out my page
Well I did get to sleep last night. % hours and then another 1 1/2. I did some gardening (had to be done but I was a ball of perspiration and coughing) and then went shopping for some necessities. Warm but quite humid so hubby and I have differences about the AC. I had it on and closed off from where he was. he came to the kitchen to get a drink while I was coming back from the bathroom and the was turning it off. Grrrrr. His cold has freshened up as well.
I should be getting my cards finished but I really have not got the energy.
Must go and clean up the kitchen.
01/Dec/14 7:42 PM
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