Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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'Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!'

Walter Gibson aka Maxwell Grant
07/Dec/14 3:38 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hey all. Life is hectic here and I don't get a lot of chance to be on the computer right now.

FIL is back in the hospital after a fall. We are waiting for the x-ray results. Hopefully he can go straight to a nursing home, but life is always full of surprises.

Maggie has a flu, her youngest has a flu, and the oldest has just gotten over it. I've been spending some time helping out.

Lot of problems on my side of the family right now. Wish we could pick our relatives .... sigh.
07/Dec/14 6:34 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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When I said a lot of problems, I wasn't talking about Maggie. I just realized it sounded like I might be. There are some horrible things going on with one of my siblings and his family. Makes me wish I had the money to legally 'unrelate' myself. Some garbage you don't need in your life, related or not.
07/Dec/14 6:36 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The weather here has been cold, cold, cold. Then last night we were under a freezing drizzle alert, and then it started to warm up a bit. Should mean slippery roads in the morning. I totally dislike winter.
07/Dec/14 6:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I wasted a good 2 hours. I don't have Shadow. He wasn't in the barn waiting for me when I went to pick him up, and he didn't want to be caught. So I'll try Plan B tomorrow or Monday. That's luring him up to me with a bucket of grain so I can get a rope on him. I didn't have any grain with me today. Plan C, to be implemented if Plan B doesn't work, is to get some expert help.
IH surprised me. When I got back from wasting my time, he had already caught the calves!!!!!
07/Dec/14 7:38 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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WOW Heidi, had he had a bump on the head?
I'm pleased he has managed to do something good to help you.
07/Dec/14 10:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A quick hello to everyone! Gosh, isn't retirement wonderful? We seem to be busier than ever!

Heidi, great TOPP. Too bad you weren't able to get Shadow today. Good luck with Plan B! What a great surprise from IH!

Theresa, it's good to 'see' you. So sorry your FIL fell and is in hospital. Good luck with the X-rays and possible move to a nursing home! Hopefully everyone will soon be over the flu! Sorry to hear there is drama in a portion of the family. Hopefully you can distance yourself from it!

Sending prayers, positive thoughts, healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
07/Dec/14 4:36 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The calves have been delivered to the sale barn, and I picked up some good horse feed to use to catch Shadow. I'll go after him tomorrow morning with Plan B.

It's so much easier to load the calves in the trailer by myself. When IH helps, he's so hyper that the calves get upset and are difficult to control. When I'm by myself, they calmly walk up to the trailer and hop in without urging.
08/Dec/14 9:11 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, good luck collecting Shadow. Hope you get a great price for the calves.

Julie, you stay busier than any two people I know. How did you ever have time for working?

Brenda, I agree, it is about time Gil did something to help Heidi a bit.

Theresa, so happy I do not have the freezing weather you must deal with. Sorry to hear about your FIL's fall. I do hope they take him to nursing home this time. Try to stay away from the drama going on with your extended family. You can choose to stay away from dysfunctional family, you know. It is not easy sometimes, but best in the long run.

That's all for this page. If I try to go back to refresh my memory, most likely would loose this poat, so good night from 'Bama, catch you in the morning. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/Dec/14 3:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Another late night here, as we had a Christmas gathering with 2 other couples from 2 until almost 9. At least we were home by midnight, which is sometimes a challenge.

Heidi, I'm glad you were able to get the calves to the sale barn. Crossing fingers for a really great price for them!

Healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive vibes, and for everyone!
08/Dec/14 7:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Had Laura on the weekend. Decorated a gingerbread house, did some shopping. Today I went into the city and had lunch at the garden Bistro at the casino. Met up with some friends I used to work with. Still coughing but a lot less today. Very steamy tonight. I do not have a lot of energy and I am looking at all I have to do in the next couple of weeks. Sorry, but I am a bit tired so no energy to answer and comment on all your doings. Thinking of you all though.
08/Dec/14 9:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I just received the cutest little, tiny Christmas Tree. The lady who does flowerarrangements throughout the year, from flowers donated to her after weddings or corporate banquets, plus from her own garden, has brought a 12 inch tree for each EP resident. Each one individually decorated, and the staff picked the PERFECT tree for me! It is decorated with miniature hoe, rake shovel, with a watering can topper, and tiny real red clay pots on it! How appropriate for the flower lady hehehe. It has tiny electric lights, even, so it sits on the pass-through from Kitchen to dining area, just close enough to an electric outlet. What a grand surprise for a gloomy Monday morning.
09/Dec/14 4:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Plan B worked like a dream. Shadow does love his sweet feed. He's back here and in with the other horses, and he and Buddy are thrilled to be back together. He remembers the place, too.
09/Dec/14 7:25 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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What a lovely outcome for Shadow. It makes you feel good when you can do something so wonderful for an animal. And what a thoughtful gift for you MizT to brighten up your day. It sounds nice enough to leave as a permanent decoration. I have a special Santa that I keep in the loungeroom all year but because I like him. Went to see Dr this morning and he wont take my plaster cast off - says another 4 weeks - yecch! So hard to sleep - can't lie on either side - and try brushing your teeth with the wrong hand!! Many other things too that can't be mentioned. Take it easy June - I have found that most things can wait.
09/Dec/14 10:18 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I put a photo of Laura and her gingerbread house on my page.
09/Dec/14 11:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, I was in a cast on my off hand for 7 weeks after joint replacement surgery a few years ago. Even though it ws not my dominate hand, there were so many things I could not do one handed, so I know a bit about what you are dealing with. I hope the 4 weeks pass by quickly for you, and that you have help with some of the things you cannot do for yourself. I bought the slider closing baggies back then, I could put leftovers and whatever into those and close one handed. I also bought Reynolds Wrap Pop up sheets of aluminum foil, cause it takes two hands to tear out a sheet of foil from the roll. I wore skirts more than slacks, easier. I am sure you will find things to make your life easier if you hunt around. Sending all good wishes that you get better and get that cast off soon.

Heidi, how great that plan B worked with Shadow. How wonderful that he remembers the farm and his friends from years past. How old is he now and how long is he expected to live? Is his health good now?

Today was the December birthday party. A really good cake and cups of ice cream, so easy for the servers. for entertainment, they brought a pianist who played Christmas carols for us to sing. I was at the back of the room, and so many people were talking amongst themselves, was a bit hard to keep up with what song we were singing, but I did enjoy the party. It was good to get out of the house for a while today.

Daughter sent me a box stuffed full of paperbacks. she sure is a neat reader hehehe, the books look new still. I am not that good with a paperback, they look well loved once I finish reading them. I cleared some paperbacks I had already read, and a few that did not interest me, down for the free table. I had run out of room for new books, and I think daughter said this was the first of the boxes, oh dear! I may have to pass on books before I can read them, but I am sure other residents will enjoy them.

It is early, only 8:45, but I think I shall find my pillow and call it a day. Hurting enough to zap my energy. Tomorrow right after noon, I have appointment with the pain clinic, we need to talk about changing some things, or adding something, there should be better pain control than I am getting now.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

09/Dec/14 1:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Shadow is now 20 years old. I got him as a 2 year old wild caught Mustang. I think he was 6 or 7 when I sold him. He seems to be in good health except for his badly neglected feet. I would expect him to live another 10 years if all goes well.

I just got back from the sale barn with the check for the calves. They brought a respectable price.

I am tired and sore from a full day. I have to water the birds then I'm going to bed. I'm too tired to comment, though I read everything. Or most of it. Sorry.
09/Dec/14 3:17 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends!

June, I'm glad you were able to have lunch with friends! It's good to know that you are coughing less and hope it will turn into NO coughing soon. You need your rest and renewed energy, especially this time of year!

MizT, you have received the perfect little Christmas tree! It sounds like the December Birthday Party was fun and mostly enjoyable, except for the talkers. I hope they weren't too annoying. Enjoy reading your new supply of books!

Midge, you must be so disappointed to have another 4 weeks with the cast. I remember the year my mom broke her shoulder (dominant hand side) and how difficult so many tasks, including personal hygiene, were for her. I hope you heal quickly and the 4 weeks fly by as well. Hopefully you'll be able to start the new year without a cast.

Heidi, hooray for Plan B. You know Shadow well to know his favorite food would get his attention. How nice that he will be able to live the remainder of his life with other horses he knows and with your kindness and attention! So glad your calves brought a respectable price. Hopefully you will have a less busy and energetic day tomorrow!

I'm hoping to get to bed soon, as we have a meeting tomorrow. Seems there's always something, and we haven't done any holiday preparations yet.

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, , and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!

I'm heading over to June's page to see the photo of Laura and her gingerbread house.
09/Dec/14 5:16 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello to all on this rainy Tuesday...I've been busy with lots of stuff but have read and commented to I can't remember what I wanted to say...oh well..
Please know that you all were thought of. In the middle of decorating so will not linger much longer but wanted to wish all well. Peace.
10/Dec/14 7:06 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all! I'm wondering if we'll get ready for Christmas on time. At least the tree is put together and most decorations on it. That's about all so far.

Mama, you sound mighty busy yourself! I hope you will soon be finished with your decorating!

Sending lots of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
10/Dec/14 5:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A meeting this morning and spent the afternoon sorting my overseas Christmas mail. I will probably post it early Friday and break the bank. Postage has about doubled the last couple of years. As well as cards there are some calendars and parcels.
A bit muggy again tonight. If the humidity would go away I might stop coughing. I see the pain management Doc tomorrow. I have stopped taking all her medication while I have been taking stuff for my cough. This is the last time I intend seeing her.
10/Dec/14 7:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nice to see Mamacita and Midge. Thanks to those that commented on Laura's gingerbread house. I will show her the comments next time she is here.
10/Dec/14 7:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It looks like we're on track forthe closing next Tuesday. Long story. I'm buying the house that my friend Debbie lives in so she can have a place to live. The house belongs to her grandfather's estate, and while every member of her family has a part of it, her uncle has control over it. The other family members had agreed to let Debbie live there, but her uncle decided that he wanted to sell and had his lawyer send her an eviction notice! Nice uncle. Being on disability, she had nowhere else to go, and can't afford to rent a place. So I'm buying it and letting her live there. Debbie helps take care of me and my animals. The least I can do is take care of her. I was able to get the place for a ridiculously low cost, since it's a 2 story house, with basement, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, on 2 acres of land with a separate garage and another outbuilding. It's located across the street from the church Gil attends.
11/Dec/14 11:22 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I do hope the purchase of the house has a double advantage for you Heidi. You are able to help your friend but that you are also acquiring a worthwhile asset for yourself. You are always such a generous person to your friends.
I had an appointment with the pain management Doc today. I went by train and when I got there they said my appointment was next week. I pulled out the card they had give me and they said 'we changed that to next week'. Anyway she did agree to see me. I have just about stopped all her medications and can manage my own 'pain' so she decided she did not need to see me again. I knew I did not need her.
Now I just need to get rid of my cough!!!
11/Dec/14 1:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, I am glad the pain doc agreed to see you while you were there. It would be nice if her staff would inform the patient of changes that they make. I too hope you get rid of that cough soon.

Heidi, what some families can do to family is terrible. You think you have heard it all, then another story like Debbie's. You are to be commended for stepping up to see that she has a home. Seems like the uncle was not the best person to be in charge. I am glad you got it for a good price.

June, I understand about the increases in postage. My online quilting group had to stop sending things to and from Oz, once we thought nothing of sending everyone little gifts at Christmas and birthdays. Now postage is more than the value of the gift!

Julie, just set priorities with the decorating, do the ones most important to you, and if the others do not get done, who will notice 5 years from now?

HI MAMA, same to you, greetings and also hopes you can get your decorating done.

Heidi, is shadow still enjoying the other horses and being back at your farm?

I need to get a shower and get ready for the day. I slept most of yesterday, I need to get some errands done today. Tanya is coming to help, we might even have lunch out today. So I am off to the shower, catch you all again later. Hugs to each of you with extras.

12/Dec/14 3:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I got a bit more of the gift shopping done today. I need to find one more thing for Tanya, and order one more for Joy, then get something for the Dirty Santa Party here, and will be done. I think I will make a rice sock for the Dirty Santa Party, those are easy and most anyone could use one.

Tanya found and bought my gift for the family party. that one is always hard, but a bit easier this year since girls bought a gift for girls and boys for boys. finding a generic, gender neutral gift that would be of interest to anyone there was hard. Other than chocolate, nothing else would fit for everyone hehehe.

It was just cold out today, very windy so that made it seem colder. I think at least one of the stores had AC on, or was just bringing in outside air, it was too cold and I had left my jacket in the car.

I am still looking for a couple of things That I ordered to come in. I do hope I ordered erly enough that they arrive in time.

Tanya and I came home and fixed lunch here. We tried 2 different resturants, and both had closed in the neighborhood where we were. I had taken some sliced roast pork from the freezer just yesterday, had a bag of cut greens and some tomato for a salad, and had cooked a nice veg dish last night, so we had a nice lunch together here. We were counting up the places we had gone for lunch since she has been back, and it has been about once a month, good enough for me.

Nothing else to report, so I am out of here. More hugs coming your way, pass them on.
12/Dec/14 12:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Friends! Just a brief visit for now.

June, I'm so glad the pain management doctor agreed to see you - both because you had been cutting back on the meds and because they had changed your appointment without letting you know. I wonder if that happens often? Hopefully you can be rid of that cough soon!

Heidi, you are an amazing friend to so many! How thoughtful of you to purchase the house so Debbie has a place to stay. I'm glad it was reasonably priced! I suspect she is very appreciative of your efforts on her behalf!

MizT, your shopping trip today sounds productive. Too bad you and Tanya weren't able to find a restaurant for lunch, although the lunch you prepared at home sounds quite yummy. I, too, am waiting for the arrival of some items purchased online. The last two items were ordered early this week and have ALREADY arrived. Something I ordered Nov. 28 is still not here. We still have 2 weeks, so crossing fingers for both of us.

Here's the current supply of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and healing vibes. Good Night, Everyone!
12/Dec/14 5:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I still have one more book for Laura to be delivered. I did order a few things on line this year.
We had a big raffle draw for the year at the Bowlo tonight and we won a half ham. It will be nice to have at Christmas (and for weeks after).
There were thirty 1/2 hams in the raffle plus some Christmas hampers.
12/Dec/14 9:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Getting close to having my shopping done. Then I have to post a large parcel to Melbourne.
It has been a busy day so might plan an earlier night.
12/Dec/14 9:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My truck got a flat tire. My spare tire was stolen, so I don't have one. I went to get my tire repair kit and inflation pump, only to find that they've been taken from my truck as well. A neighbor came over with his inflator, and put air in the tire, then he and IH took my truck in to the mechanic's and left it there. So I don't have my truck now.
13/Dec/14 6:12 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today is flying by, but I have accomplished a few things this morning. I made my gift tags for presents. I like large sized tags, they are hard to find, so I print my own from print shop, 10 to a page of letter sized card stock. I have the software, the ink, the card stock, and a paper cutter, so really all it takes is a few minuets of my time. I usually make several pages of santa tags for my sister, and take to her at thanksgiving, but did not get to it this year, bummer. she is such a nut about Christmas and Santa. she has over 300 Santa decorations she gets out every year. her hubby indulges this cause he loves her, gets them down from the attic for her, an puts the empty boxes back away, then the reverse after Christmas. OH, that is not counting the different Santa ornaments that go on her tree.

June, congrats on being so near having your shopping done! Now you can just enjoy the season. What a nice surprise, winning the half ham. Save the bone for ham bone soup, I am still eating on the huge pot of ham bone soup I made, it is yummy.

Julie, what is keeping you so busy these days? You have to keep us in the loop, you are doing so much we cannot keep up.

Let's see if changing my avatar to something Christmasy worked.

Time for a nap now, pain meds stopped working. I am cold and I am hurting but it is time to take again, that is good. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
13/Dec/14 7:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, sorry to hear someone took the things from your truck. I hope you get it back soon, with the tire repaired.
13/Dec/14 7:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have the truck back..... with a new spare tire! Gil arranged for that! I am in shock. He's turning into a human being. Of course, I paid for it. But he had arranged for them to get me a new tire and rim without me saying a word. That's a MAJOR improvement for Gil!!!
13/Dec/14 12:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It's time for me to start getting in the spirit, too. I'm picking up the tree tomorrow, and I've sent out ONE Christmas card so far. That's A LOT more cards than I've done the past few years.
13/Dec/14 12:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, perhaps Gil is getting ready for the Christmas season. He knows Santa is watching hehehe
13/Dec/14 3:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have the Christmas pudding bubbling away in the saucepan and the Christmas cake cooking in the oven. The house is starting to smell very Christmassy. It does not look it though as there is mess every where. Presents to be wrapped and cards to be completed. I am here just having a rest at the moment.
13/Dec/14 3:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, sorry about all the things you have lost from your truck but so pleased that Gil arranged everything and surprised you.
MizT, I sent you and Email. Several weeks ago you asked what I put in the Christmas puddings. It was easier to send you the recipes.
13/Dec/14 3:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, not so great news about your flat tire and the missing items from your truck. Good news that IH is on his best behavior before Christmas, including doing something thoughtful for you! THAT may be your Christmas present.

MizT, I like your idea of making the gift tags! It sounds relatively easy. Maybe I should look into it.

June, you are so organized in getting ready for Christmas. Good for you, and good for winning the ham!

Warm greetings to anyone I have missed and those who are less frequent posters. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah in case anyone visits soon, but isn't able to get back before the holidays.

Warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , positive thoughts, healing vibes, and prayers for all of you.
13/Dec/14 7:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm getting ready to hop in the tub, then head down to Campbellsville University ( just over 1/2 hour south of here) for a performance of 'It's A Wonderful Life'. We know some of the young people who are performing. I was fighting off a massive headache all morning and never got out to get the tree. The headache has abated somewhat, and I'm not worrying as much that it might turn to a migraine. I'd rather stay at home in my bed, but that would disappoint people. Tomorrow I have to go to the Christmas meeting/dinner/party at the Lions Camp Crescendo. I'm on the Hospitality committee, so I HAVE to go.
14/Dec/14 7:04 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Going with JD's brother to catch up with the grandkids today.
Hope you are all well and happy.
14/Dec/14 7:50 AM
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