Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Heidi, you were lucky I lost my vent, for at least the last 6 years they have been treating symptoms and never once found the cause.
05/Oct/14 11:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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05/Oct/14 11:13 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927
05/Oct/14 11:13 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Just read this again for the first time since the song was popular.
Made me realise that things change but are still the same.
Think it is a good reminder of the troubled times we are living in now.
05/Oct/14 11:16 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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to Everyone!

Wonderful news, Theresa! I hope you continue to feel better each day!

Heidi, so glad the new roof is helping to maintain temperature in the house! Seems like it's money well-spent!

Broni, how awful to lose a long post! Such frustration. But the issue with doctors unable to make a diagnosis is even more frustrating! At least it's a relief that you don't have Hemochromatosis. (I think hubby had that or something similar that required frequent trips to 'Dracula' for 'blood-letting.' It seemed such a shame that the blood couldn't be donated for those in need.

June, I hope Belinda's dog make a quick and complete recovery. Do you have a deadline by which the peach costume must be completed? Thank goodness you have had some time to work on it!

Broni, thanks for your 'almost' TOPP! Much to think about!

Feel free to use and share the healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
05/Oct/14 4:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I am up at a time that is early for me, tummy a bit queasy. I am hoping my cup of coffee will settle it so I can get another little nap. I did sleep over 6 hours and that all at one time last night, unusual for me. Something usually wakes me every 3 to 4 hours.

Yesterday our temp high for the day was only 58, and that only for a few hours late afternoon. Tanya came over when it was much cooler, saying it was COLD. 'In California, 50 degrees is cold, it is going to take some time for me to get accustomed to this.' I thought it was wonderful. Last night's low was 44, that is the coldest for the season, but will be much warmer rest of the week. I did not have to turn on my heat, but did get a warm throw to cover myself watching
TV till bedtime.

we got out for a while, went to Wal mart for some tulle and some cording to make bags for the (gee, cannot get close enough to the spelling for spell check to help, the dried flowers with added essential oil) sachet another word for it I think. We did find what I think will work, I should make up a sample to see how I like it.

HHEIDI, any days next week are OK with me, I do not have anything on my calendar the entire week, so you choose what works for you. I too wish there was parking for your RV, we are just too urban, too congested. there is not sufficent parking for residents, visitors do have a hard time finding parking. Did I say that management has taken one of our parking places to move the designated smoking area? It is under my building, in a corner where noone lives above, storage room and then the community room just down the happ from me. they were having a problem with former area, smokers nor other residents happy. Smokers were out in the open, could not smoke when it rained. Residents could hear them talking outside even into the wee hours. I have heard them at 2 am, and that with windows closed. Residents said our
ac units this building was picking up smoke bringing it into apartments. Management hopes by no one living one floor above them, this area will solve problems. the smokers are never going to be happy, being told they cannot sn=moke in thier own homes, but this is happening all over the country. A representative from the management group that oversees our property said a LOT of HUD subsidized buildings have gone totally smoke free, no smoking on the property anywhere. It could happen here, and the smokers do not realize they should make the best of a bad situation before it gets worse. As a former smoker, I can sympathize with them, but this is a city and county wide law, smoking only in designated areas in any public building or government run facility.

Broni, I am glad your trips for blood letting are only once a month now. Yes, I hope they do not take too much, but I imagine they will be running blood tests to keep up with that. Sorry you lost your long post, but sometimes I find just writing a long vent is helpful, whether I post it or not
06/Oct/14 12:04 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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sometimes I find just writing a long vent is helpful, whether I post it or not. Kinda gets it out of your system, ya know?

June, I am glad you are so far along with the peach costume. I hope you can finish it quickly now. I have forgotten the date it is needed for school, but think it is getting close?? So sorry for Belinda's dog having a broken jaw. I hope you can help care for it during it's recovery without too many issues. with it's jaw wired, what and how will it eat?

Julie, nice you had time for more than a HI and
BYE post, but still no mention of what you are doing. How is practice on the cello going? anything new with the wood turning group?

Tummy settled, think I will try for this early morning nap. It is still a bit cool, good sleeping weather Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
06/Oct/14 12:05 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The dog with the broken jaw is still at the vet. Belinda will pick it up Tuesday night. I have Minnie for 4 weeks and the mother dog is on heat so shut in the house. For the next two weeks Belinda will get home about 8pm.
The book parade is the 16th.
Today I have to make some slices for a friendship day at the bowling club.
Pleased that Heidi will have a trip to see Tricia. I know both will enjoy the break.
Daylight savings has started and I should be asleep. My medication gives me an awful taste in my mouth and tonight it is keeping me awake. I cannot go into the kitchen as I would wake the dog and she would start barking.
06/Oct/14 2:05 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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About 10 years ago Ken bought me a robot dog. Yesterday Laura got it down from the top of the cupboard in the computer room. She must not have turned it off properly as Minnie came in here and barked and the robot dog barked back. It happened a couple of times.
06/Oct/14 2:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ha ha ha ha ha ... That sounds HYSTERICAL, June! I can just picture it!

I pity that poor dog with the broken jaw! It may be on IV feeding for a while.
06/Oct/14 4:15 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello all and Happy Sunday from here.
All is well with me basically. My dear grandie shared a cold that had me out of sorts for several days, and I continue to go to different doctors so they can look at different parts of my body that they find They must love their view since they keep having me return...or perhaps it's all the money they get to say how great I'm doing.
June, I'm sorry about Belinda's dog's jaw,and as Heidi said, I too think it will be getting lots of I.V feedings.I don't see any other way for it to eat. I'm glad you get to spoil Minnie while
she's away, enjoy.She is such a cutie. How big is she now?Looking forward to new pictures when they are available.
Theresa, I was so happy to see that you were feeling 'almost human' I'm looking forward to you having a full blown attack of 'feeling great' soon. Hope word comes soon regarding the eye surgery.Heidi, glad the roof job is paying off for you. Due be careful but enjoy your trip to Tricia's. I hope you both are able to have a good time celebrating feeling good, because I know the rest of the visit will do you both good. Jane and Sacky(Marge) are in my area today and tomorrow, we'll meet and have lunch together. I haven't seen Jane in about 4 or 5 years and this will be a first meeting with Marge as she tours the Eastern part of the USA. I'm looking forward to that. I hope they will have cameras since I have no idea where mine are anymore.
Broni, sorry you've been having problems with lost post, but so glad you kept posting and ended up posting those fabulous words of beauty. I don't think I've ever seen or heard those ideas expressed in that way before, but I'm going to write them down so that I can remember them better. They so fully express my feelings in so many ways....yes...I simply love, love, love that post.One of my top ten FB post I would say. Thanks girl. BTW, glad you only carry the disease and will therefore only need to give up the blood to the blood ghouls monthly.....not as difficult or unpleasant as weekly donations.
Well folks, I've shared about all that I know, so I'm off to try to refresh my brain cells with new information. I'll leave you with good thoughts for strength, safe travel and well being as you go through your days. I'll add hugs and jugs too. Take care...I care. Peace.
06/Oct/14 6:12 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Mama and others, you may want to listen to this, hope you can.
06/Oct/14 8:41 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Broni, thanks for the link, that was very nice. I could listen to that voice for a long time. Beautiful!
06/Oct/14 8:53 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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That was Kamahl doing Desiderata MizT, sure if you googled it you would find more.
A truly kind man.
06/Oct/14 12:33 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Will someone please give me a slap up the side of the head and tell me to unvelcro my butt from the computer seat and finish all the things I need to do before I go away for 16 days this Thursday?
06/Oct/14 12:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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MizT.... I talked to IH about schedules tonight. How about if I head down there Wednesday morning, and head back home Thursday afternoon? IH has a bunch of trips coming up, so there aren't many free days for me. We try to have someone here at all times.
06/Oct/14 1:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

MizT, I hope your tummy felt better as the day progressed! As you described what you will be making, my first thought was sachet, but of course you had that word. Might it also be called potpourri? I'm surprised your temperatures have dropped so low. Ours have been in the 50's to 60's during the day and 40's at night for a few days, so we have turned on the furnace. I hope things warm up a bit for Heidi's visit during the week!

June, I hope the robot dog can be turned off so it doesn't keep responding to Minnie. Hopefully Minnie will be a good guest and not make extra work during her 4-week visit. (We'll be 'hosting' our D and SIL's miniature schnauzer the last 2 weeks of Oct. and first few days of Nov.) What kind of slices have you made for the Friendship Day at the bowling club? I'm sure they'll be delicious, so not likely to be able to bring home any 'left-overs.' Hopefully you were able to get some sleep, in spite of the medication-y taste in your mouth!

Mama, I'm glad you're recovering from your cold. Hopefully all of your visits with doctors will provide some answers/a diagnosis and not just bills! I hope you have a wonderful visit and lunch with Jane and Marg!

Broni, I'm glad you were velcroed to your chair long enough to post the link and tell us the name of the artist. I listened to a few more you tubes of Kamahl and read about him on Google. (He'll turn 80 in November.) I hope you'll be able to accomplish everything you want to do by Thursday!

Heidi, I hope your back is feeling better so that you'll be able to enjoy the drive to and from MizT's and your visit with her. It's a shame it must be so brief, but most understandable considering all the animals who rely on you.

I am trying out a slightly smaller cello, but doing it in shorter segments of time than I usually practice. Rather than going straight through for 2 or more hours, I'm practicing for 30-40 minutes at a time, but several times a day. I'm hoping that will make the adjustment faster and more comfortable. Last Friday at quartet practice I felt quite unfocused, possibly because of feeling less 'acquainted' with the cello. It seemed difficult to play in tune for some reason. I found it very frustrating and kept apologizing to the other members.

We have been busier than usual with the woodturning club. We had a regular monthly meeting, a meeting of the education committee, and the annual picnic last month. Already this month we have had an all-day demonstration/seminar by a woodturner from Ireland and will have a monthly meeting and another education committee meeting this month, as well. I haven't found any time to turn lately, but hubby spends at least as much time turning as I spend practicing the cello.

We have another early alarm tomorrow, so I need to prepare for bed. Take care, Everyone, and stay or get healthy! I'm sending the usual positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and [hea
06/Oct/14 3:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Luckily, I copied the post, as it ran over. Here's the rest:

I'm sending the usual positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
06/Oct/14 3:59 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Thanks Broni. Now get up or you will start to look old and haggard if you remain at the computer too long...I know. Heheheheeeee.
Julie..loved hearing about your busy days...makes me happy to know how much one can do when they want to...Having recently read a post from Col on tos, I was reminded of how I would respond to all that you do...Col's post read something like....I feel a need to get some work done...I think I'll sit down until it passes....LOL. Cyn, don't tell him that I messed up his funny...but it was cute and to the point. BTW, Theressa had a couple of really good jokes recently too...wish I could tell jokes ..but I can't so will leave it for those who can. Back to bed for now so that I can get things done here before I go meet up with Jane and Marge.
Have a great day all. peace.
06/Oct/14 4:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, enjoy your lunch with Jane and Margaret. Unfortunately we visited those areas before I knew anything about Sudoku and the friendships I would make.
I have made a jelly slice (a favourite of my mother's) and some packet mix chocolate brownies. We will serve them with some ice cream. We will also have a trading table but it is rather hot today and I did not feel like doing any more cooking. There should be more slices than needed so they can sell off the extra.
Minnie is keeping me busy. She always lives inside so is not house trained. She is not using the paper that I have put down so I have to keep taking her outside. When we had a dog we had a doggy door or she barked to go outside. This dog is deaf and very puppy like. probably in the slow learner category. I still have to find something to close off the kitchen at night, rather than my suitcase.
Broni, if you need somewhere to stay in Sydney you know where I live. just give me 1/2 hour to clear some stuff off the spare bed.
06/Oct/14 9:25 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks for the offer June, would have loved to catch up. Last minute thing because the airlines did not adjust the arriving times for daylight saving when I booked my flight to Bathurst on the Friday morning. Staying near the airport Thursday at Arncliffe and you are on the northside.
06/Oct/14 10:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Lost a long post, boo hoo. Will hit the high spots.

Heidi, Wednesday and Thursday sound fine with me, come on down! I am so looking forward to seeing you again. It has been almost a year. Will e mail later, so we can talk about ETA, foods you like and don't, and such. If we are both feeling well, we might go out to eat. I remember you saying you saw resturants, Indian, Thi, and Greek, and you did not have many of those in Ky. Just recently went to one, the Purple Onion, has been same location for 25 years or so. They do fantastic burgers and yummy gyros. which is what Tanya and I had. Just across from Aldi's, so not far.

Julie, yes, thank you, tummy was fine rest of the day. Occasionally medicine will give me a bit of nausea and unhappy tummy, I think that was all it was. Thanks for the good wishes for a happy tummy hehehe. Potpourri, yes, that was it, and I left out the T, spell check did not know what I was talking about hehehe. The cooler temps were temporary, it is back to low 80's daytime and low 60's night, maybe a 59 scattered about. but it is so cloudy!! I have not seen the sun in over a week. We keep having rain in forecast and only clouds materialize.

Mama, good to see you posting, hope you enjoy your meeting with Jane and Marg. I think they have cameras with them, I have seen other photos, so hopefully they will get photos of your visit.

Julie, is there a special reason you are trying a slightly smaller chello? I can imagine there would be a lot of getting accustomed to it. I am thinking of the few times I tried a guitar, and translating how difficult it would be to go to a smaller one. Maybe a bit alike, both of them being a string instrument with a neck that needs fingering. Your muscles get a memory of how to move. If you move the same on a smaller instruments, you would have a different note, right?

Time to make some dinner here. sorry I did not recall everything in the lost post. My fault it was lost, I went to Google something and did it wrong, left the Sudoku page without meaning to, bummer.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
07/Oct/14 10:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll talk to you tomorrow, MizT.
07/Oct/14 12:41 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi all, Happy Monday night...I had a great day with Jane and Marge, and the weather was beautiful. Marge was so easy to talk to and of course Jane and I had met up a couple of times so it was really an enjoyable visit. I have yet to meet anyone from this group of folk who wasn't as nice as they seemed from their post...I'm so glad I found my way to Sudoku AU...chock full of good folk.
I'm tired and tomorrow I have another appointment with a doctor...Surprise, surprise and will get pushed and probed some more...looking forward to all of this investigative stuff to coming to an end, yet I don't want to stop in mid-point. All tell me that while these things are hard to pinpoint, an answer will come so I'm trying to be patient since I'm not happy with the way things are now.
Take care good to are so worth it. Peace.
07/Oct/14 1:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick visit to say hello. Will read & respond tomorrow (I hope).

Sending {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and !
07/Oct/14 4:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I am a happy vegemite! I bowled today and everything worked as it should. My team won but the good part was that I could bowl properly which I have not been able to do since mid April.
Everyone enjoyed the slices I made as well as all the salads etc that others made. I will just make an easy stir fry for dinner. It was a mixed day so Ken has also had a good lunch. (I was on his team)
07/Oct/14 5:21 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Great news, June!!!

Today has been a day of almost nonstop thunderstorms, rain and hail! Lots and lots of hail. In places it was 4'' deep on the ground! There's an ongoing thunderboomer right now. Oh, well. We needed the rain, but the tobacco farmers who hadn't gotten all of their tobacco cut and in the barn had a disaster. The hail shredded the leaves and destroyed it.
07/Oct/14 5:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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June, so happy for you. I know how much you love bowling and living life.
Hopefully the thunderstorms made you rest today, Heidi.
Mama, glad you had a great day. Know what you are talking about with the pushing and probing. Just a thought..why don't you push and probe them more? Hang in there chook!
Julie I can understand a less bulky chello may be easier to handle but is the neck and frets the same size? Did play guitar so not sure if the terms are correct.
Going to the vampire tomorrow. Then will be away for over two weeks the next day. Not sure what internet options I have and the FFS makes it difficult to use my Iphone.
Think I may not have told you that I have only one gene that they know of for the high iron so my vampire visits will be monthly not weekly now.
07/Oct/14 7:47 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Phew! This new computer with Windows 8, if I rest my hands, I am not sure where, takes me on adventures I do not want until I have posted. Lucky this time.
07/Oct/14 7:50 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck at the vampire's, Broni. I hope they help you feel better for awhile. It will be interesting hearing if that really does help.
08/Oct/14 12:12 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up early, for me. Not my idea. IH scheduled the guy -for the estimate on adding cellulose insulation to the attic- for this morning, time unknown. Then off he goes, while I have to lock up the dogs this morning, then wait for the guy. I had a lot to do today, and this is a major inconvenience to me. But IH never thinks of my convenience.
08/Oct/14 12:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And the guy never showed up. I'm starting a slow burn.
08/Oct/14 3:25 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, it is bad enough you had to be up early for the tradesman, but him not to show up is uncalled for. Try to extinguish the slow burn, fore you burst into flames

Yesterday we were forecast rain that never came, once again. I did get all the containers watered yesterday morning. the impatiens and the petunias are in a decline. Nothing I can see wrong, it is October and the sun angles have changed, it has been cloudy, and they are just not happy. I need to start looking for pansies for replacements. Loraine's daughter Patty said she had seen some for sale, I forgot to ask who had them now.

OH, Loraine had a fall over the weekend. She is not sure what happened. She is pretty much wheelchair bound, gets to her bed and her lift chair recliner, and that is about it. She said she was unconscious a while, but Patty, who was telling me about this, said she did not see any bruising on her leg, the one she was lying on. I saw her yesterday, and could see the faintest bruise on her cheek and jaw. Yes, she did fall on that side, she said. She did not call medics, or see doc to have tests run, and I think she should. Either she lost consciousness and fell, and would need to investigate why she lost consciousness, or she fell and hit her head hard enough to knock her out. If that second is what happened, she needs to see if there was any bleed in the brain, even a slow one. She did not listen when I suggested she still should let the doc know, see if he wants tests done. Oh well, I tried. I do hope she will be OK.

It is noon, I have only started getting my apartment in order for Heidi's visit. I did put away the clean laundry, and the fall outfit I had ordered. Now to wash dishes, clean off the dining table, it has remnants of the crafts I have been doing plus the sewing machine. Sweep and mop the kitchen, something was spilled in the entry hall just off the kitchen and not cleaned up. Best get at it since I shall do a bit and rest a bit. That makes it take longer

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/Oct/14 4:05 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm not coming to see your apartment or your your stuff. Don't worry about it. Please.

It turns out that the insulation guy is out of town today. And never told us.
08/Oct/14 5:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just about ready to go. Only a few things to load in the truck in the morning. I'm SO excited about seeing MizTricia again!!!
08/Oct/14 1:45 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Enjoy your visit Heidi. I am sure you will have a great time.
08/Oct/14 4:18 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Broni, cello is similar to guitar. Yes, the neck is a bit narrower, but there are NO frets. I just need to develop a motor memory of the correct location for the notes, and they aren't the same distance apart as on the larger cello. (That's the reason for trying a smaller one - more advanced pieces have required larger stretches in order to play the notes, causing discomfort in my hand and forearm.)

Heidi, so sorry about the problem with the insulation guy not letting you know he would be unable to come. Maybe IH should let you make the appointment, if he's not going to be around.

June, absolutely WONDERFUL news that you were able to bowl successfully today. Your patience has paid off! Congrats on the win!

Broni, I hope the dracula appointment goes well, and your time away will be pleasant and restful!

MizT, listen to Heidi. She wants to see you, not your apartment. Have a wonderful visit! And I hope you are able to find pansies on sale so you can replace the impatiens and petunias! Hopefully your friend Loraine will reconsider a doctor visit and find that all is well!

Time to head to bed. The alarm is set for early, so I need to get my 'beauty' sleep. (No, it doesn't work for me.)

Sending positive thoughts, , healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
08/Oct/14 4:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Leaving in a few minutes. I'm hoping to get out the door with the minimum of stress. IH is harrassing me over the tires to the creep feeder. One was completely flat, and both are dry rotted. We'll be filling it with 3 tons of feed next week. I tried to repair the flat one myself, but it's beyond help. I told IH that it has to be replaced. I also told him that it's a good idea to replace both before the second one blows out once the 6000 pounds of feed is put in it. IH is mad at me now because he thinks that I want to spend money unnecessarily. And he's bugging me like crazy about it. I feel like I'm saving money doing both at the same time because we'll only get charged for one service call. He thinks the second tire could last a long time, and we don't need to spend money on something that doesn't need fixing right now. So I'll let him deal with the hassle of calling the farm tire repairman again next week.
08/Oct/14 11:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Waiting for Heidi's arrival here. I am excited too, Heidi. Do not fear, I did not over do house cleaning, this was just stuff I needed to do anyway, had not cause of feeling so bad lately. I needed that stuff off the little dining table and out of the dining chairs, it was bugging me. As small as my apartment is, when things are left out, even if you gonna use them again in a day or two, just makes the place seem smaller, walls closing in. so I did it for me, Heidi.

OH, today I have better pain relief than in weeks. I opened a new bottle of pain medication, it is generic also, but made by a different manufacturer. All the difference in the world, from the first dose last night. I know there was one that kept me asleep for weeks, do not want that one again, now adding another, no pain relief. I cannot believe there is a difference, depending on manufacturer. It once was, generic was as good as brand name, but that is fast becoming untrue. Different countries making the meds and I do not think they are as careful as meds made here, in Canada or in Australia. I just read of a company in India that is now banned from sending meds to USA and other countries. So far I have not been able to find names of the manufacturers, there is just a code on the script bottle.

I need to run down and water a few pots this morning fore Heidi gets here. will chat with all of you later. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Oct/14 2:58 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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My son's birthday today. I do not feel old enough to have a 50 year old son. We celebrated his birthday in Melbourne last week when it was school holidays and Belinda and Laura could came as well.
09/Oct/14 6:05 AM
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