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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Stevenage UK
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That should have said 'Europe are'
29/Sep/14 12:28 AM
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Flying to Frankfurt, doing a Trafalgar tour, Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, Vienna, Prague ,Frankfurt, then train to Paris. Then doing the Battle fields. Train to London and about a week in UK.
Some of those places we have been to before. We will be away just under 5 weeks. South America will be later in the year.
29/Sep/14 1:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off in a couple of minutes, once I eat brekkie, to hook up the trailer, load up the cull cow and 3 big calves (3 big steers and a big heifer with a spooky disposition that I don't want on the farm) that we sorted out yesterday, and head down to the sale barn.
29/Sep/14 3:15 AM
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Heidi,I hope they all do well at the sale.
29/Sep/14 7:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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So do I. I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and spent over $300 on groceries! That included only 2 bags of dog food!!!!
29/Sep/14 8:47 AM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Sunday night here...almost early Just a quickie to say hello and all is well. Busy running, yet not really doing much other than seeing doctors about one thing or another...nothing serious and I'm feeling pretty good...who would have thunk it...Bronie, as June said, its good to know what ails ya and that there is treatment will do well. June, your European trip sounds really nice...enjoy. Enjoy the new roof Heidi and hope you get a great price for your cows...Wish I had some cows to sell so I could quickly pay off the dentist's bill ...oh well...I don't I'll do the next best and schedule payments like always....not having dental insurance is costly, but I've never had it and managed and will do so again. Well, complaining about dental cost has made me forget my other comments, so I'd better just say goodnight for now...
Take care and know that I care...hugs for all who wish or need them...extras are plentiful. Peace.
29/Sep/14 12:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good to hear, Mamacita!
Among the big load from the grocery was plenty of fresh fruit and vegies. The birds have just been fed and watered for the night, and they're enjoying handfuls of romaine lettuce, shredded carrots, kale leaves, sugar snap peas and sliced apples. The larger birds (conures, cockatiels and plum-headed parakeets) adore the sugar snap peas especially.
Two nights ago, one of the baby cockatiels fell out of the nest box. It's OK. It's the same length as the parents but much fatter, and it has only pin feathers on it. So it looked more like one of those spiky puffer fish! I couldn't stop laughing. Tonight while feeding, the parents finally let me watch the babies being fed. There are 2 of them, both look like daddy. Grey Pied, maybe with Pearl genes. Mom is white with a yellow face.
In about 2 weeks they should leave the nest box looking like overweight adults. The parents do that so they have massive fat reserves while being weaned. Birds are cleverer than you think!
29/Sep/14 3:10 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is one of those nights (has just turned into early tomorrow) I cannot get to sleep. Nothing that should be keeping me awake, I am just tired enough the bed feels good, and I am sleepy, but thoughts keep going round and round.
Today we got one pillow ready to sew together. It has the split back, both edges hemmed, where the pillow form goes in. Tanya did a good job of learning how you iron as much as you sew :). She even caught the fact that grain was going differently on back than it was on front, when she first put pieces together, she is learning. My back gave out, we took a break for lunch, and never got back to sewing. There is no deadline, so I am not worried about it. I might sew a bit tomorrow, when I will have all day to sew a seam, and rest, sew another. Yep, I found out just why I have not been sewing lately, just no fun when it makes achies flare up again.
Tanya will not be up tomorrow to sew, her apartment maintenance will be coming to change AC filters and check for other problems. she has a list for them, and someone needs to be home for them to come in, so I get a day off tomorrow without having to ask :)
Yesterday I made a huge 6 qt pot of chicken veg soup, that was our lunch today. It was really good, loaded with good healthy low carb veg. Another version of my 'what you got' soup. Chicken, celery, green beans, tomatoes, onion, zucchini and yellow squash. Rosemary for the main spice, and it was yummy. Would have put in some okra, but did not have any, and forgot that I had bell peppers in the freezer. No matter, the pot was so full I could not have got another thing in it. I will freeze a couple of servings of it, it is always good to have a meal ready in case I do not want to cook.
Enjoyed my zucchini muffins this morning. Recipe said it would make 12, I thought I remembered it making more than that, and I was right, it made 18 muffins. They freeze well, so I shall have muffins for over a week now.
We did not get the promised rain, bummer. tomorrow I will be out watering containers and even the in-ground, has been 9 days since I watered those and about 3 weeks since a rain. Now they say maybe rain tomorrow, but I cannot wait around on it with the big chance it really will not rain.
tomorrow is flu shots also. Nurses from Walgreens Drug will come out and give them to us, saves me having to make appointment at the doc. I am so thankful for little things like that, things that make life simpler.
I did read, seem to have forgotten what. I think Heidi is taking cows to the sale, Mama is making payments to dentist, and June is making plans for a trip to Europe. I hope all goes well with all of those things.
Time to try the bed again, hugs to each of you with extras.
29/Sep/14 3:13 PM
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Hi from here to all of you!
Will try to get here earlier tomorrow so I can read! Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy to one and all!
29/Sep/14 5:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back to bed. I am HURTING!
30/Sep/14 1:07 AM
qld, australia
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Hi my friends.
Everyone seems to be in a chipper mood.
All is good this end.
Luv and Jugs.
This message was started last night.
30/Sep/14 6:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Busy day tomorrow. I have to head to the sale barn at the crack of dawn for my cattle check. If I get there after 9 am, they mail it and I won't get it for 3 more days. Then to the bank. After that, I head off to the pharmacy for more pain meds, then to the Chamber of Commerce, to get a permit to have a booth at Lincoln Days this weekend. After that.... back home to bed! Let's see... It's 42 miles from here to the sale barn. Then 50 miles from the sale barn to the pharmacy (the bank is in a direct line between the two). The Chamber of Commerce is half a mile from the pharmacy. Then 15 miles back home.
MizT..... I am thinking of visiting you between Lincoln Days (Oct 4th & 5th) and the next Lions Club board meeting on Oct 19th. Any particular couple of days work best for you?
30/Sep/14 2:32 PM
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Thinking positive thoughts for everyone tonight and sending prayers and healing vibes, as well as {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
30/Sep/14 4:50 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... easier day than I'd expected. I got up early, IH was already awake (he's a morning person) and we discussed the importance of getting the check today instead of in a few days. He decided that it wasn't that urgent after all. So back to bed, then into Hodgenville after I wake up for real.
30/Sep/14 9:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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No booth space left for Lincoln Days. They filled up 3 months ago! But I have my pain meds, so I'm happy.
01/Oct/14 4:51 AM
Small Town Canada
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Here I is :)
Have started preparations for a colonoscopy on Thursday. Because I am diabetic, instructions are a bit different than last time, and I have to stop taking some meds or cut them in half. Can't wait. I am still not feeling 100 percent after the cold and flu, so taking laxatives is not something I like. I guess I won't be going far from home tomorrow!!!!
SuzyQ, the mommy cat, goes for her little 'nip and tuck' surgery tomorrow. She is currently in the bathroom because she has to fast. Some of our males are starting to spray and/or pee in the house, because of her, so I will be glad when she has been done. We still have two of her kittens to find homes for.
01/Oct/14 11:52 AM
Small Town Canada
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Still no word about the cataract surgery. It has been almost three months since I saw the surgeon, and it took four months to get the initial appointment with him. Sure wish I could see better. But it will all sort itself out. At least I can see almost everything, even though it is blurry. Life could be a lot worse; I am grateful for what I have.
01/Oct/14 11:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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That's a VERY healthy outlook on life, Theresa.
01/Oct/14 12:37 PM
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Hello Sudoku Friends!
Heidi, I'm glad you didn't need to make the trip to pick up the check. Too bad al the booth space for the Lincoln Days had already been taken, but hooray for your pain meds! I hope your back is feeling better!
Theresa, I hope the colonoscopy is a breeze! I had mine 2 months ago. The prep is the worst, it seems, so hope all goes well. Maybe you'll soon hear about your cataract surgery and things will be looking up. I hope Suzy Q's surgery is scheduled for the morning before you need to begin the prep, and hope you'll soon find a home for the remaining kittens. (Are you going to keep her?)
Hello to Broni, MizT, Mama, and June. I hope you're all feeling well, or at least better than before. May your days be full of positivity and happiness!
I know this comes as a complete surprise to everyone. We have another early start to the day tomorrow, so I'll be heading to bed momentarily. Please feel free to share the abundance of healing vibes,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
01/Oct/14 1:55 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I need to be up earlyish myself, to clean out my stock trailer, then deliver it to a friend's house. They're gonna use it for moving. I'm going to leave it there for them to load at their leisure. Once it's loaded, I'll return and transport the trailer where it needs to go.
01/Oct/14 2:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It took a loooong time to clean out that trailer. My back slowed be down tremendously, and so did having to find tools to clean it with. IH helped himself to every one of my tools in the horse barn and hasn't returned them. I blew a gasket screaming at him over that, as well. He has been told that I will shoot if I ever see him near the horse barn again. The only reason he has for going near there is to steal my equipment. He's also been informed that as soon as I am physically able to, I'm going over to his lab and office (and probably his cousin Don's farm. I will be carrying a gun with me. He has been informed that for every item of mine that I find, I will shoot one of his goats, starting with his research animals. I have had ENOUGH! Over the years, thousands of dollars of equipment that I paid for has been taken by him and vanished.
But right now my back is in major spasm, and I cannot walk upright or without a cane.I called Pain Management to move up the next epidural, but they're so booked that the only opening was one week earlier on Oct, 28th. So I took that, but it's still almost 4 weeks away.
02/Oct/14 9:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tami the Troublemaker!!!
02/Oct/14 10:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow, Theresa.
02/Oct/14 10:02 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Happy Birthday, Tami!
Good luck tomorrow, Theresa! Hope all goes well!
Heidi, I don't know what to say. I hope IH is busily looking for everything he has taken and plans to return it first thing in the morning.I think your anger is more than justified. I'm just so sorry that your back is so bad and you have such a long wait until you can have an epidural. Gentle {{HUGS}} being sent your way.
And yet another early morning tomorrow - this time for our dental hygiene appointments. Hopefully, there will be no surprises.Then home for some SLOW and CAREFUL cello practice. My teacher wants me to try a slightly smaller cello. (We have realized that the additional stretching to play in tune as pieces have become more difficult and complex has caused some pain in my left hand and forearm. She has asked me to try a smaller cello that belongs to her to see if that will help, so there will be an adjustment period.)
Thinking of everyone who has posted recently and those who haven't and sending healing energy,
, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Take care, everyone! Be safe.
02/Oct/14 3:50 PM
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Back from Melbourne. Enjoyed our visit. Lovely having all my family together.
02/Oct/14 4:11 PM
Small Town Canada
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Colonoscopy didn't happen today. I had a vicious reaction to one of the laxatives I had to take yesterday ... much vomiting and other stuff all night long, and I wasn't able to take the last laxative. Spent most of today in bed. The doctor called and wants me to come in in the next few weeks to talk about another colonoscopy with different laxatives. OMG, I was soooooo sick. Doctor said if I don't feel better by the end of today to go to emergency because I'm probably dehydrated.
SuzyQ had her little 'nip and tuck' operation yesterday. She is currently closeted in the bathroom until she recuperates a bit. She is such a sweetheart. But she hasn't stopped meowing since she got home. I think she's telling me off!
03/Oct/14 8:30 AM
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Greetings, Friends!
Welcome back, June! It's wonderful to have a pleasant family gathering! So glad that could happen for you!
Oh, Theresa! How awful - NOT the kind of prep you should have. Hopefully there will be another alternative that will not affect you as violently! I'm glad SuzyQ's procedure went well. She'll forgive you in a day or 2! In the meantime, I hope you will SOON be feeling better!
No news today from Heidi. Hopefully IH returned at least some of her tools! I hope your back is better today, Heidi!
MizT must be busy with Tanya. Hopefully you're feeling well, MizT!
Broni, I hope you're continuing to feel better! Take care!
Mama, I hope you and Jazz are both doing well!
I'm about to begin preparations for bed. Looks like I'll get there by midnight tonight! But first, here are tonights shares: lots of positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and
03/Oct/14 2:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The back has been hurting all day, so I've been taking it easy all day. The high today was 86˚F / 30˚C. Tomorrow a cold front is moving in, with a possibility of rain and a low of 41˚F / 5˚C and a high of 70˚F / 21˚C. By Saturday, there's gonna be a high of 59˚F / 15˚C and a low of 36˚F / 2.2˚C!!! That's a BIG drop! Brrrrrrrr
03/Oct/14 3:21 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That does NOT sound like a pleasant day, Theresa. The prep for the colonoscopy is far worse than the test itself, but that's the worst reaction I've ever heard of.
03/Oct/14 3:22 PM
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A quick drop in. BBQ at the club tonight. Got some shopping done today. I also have the skeleton of the peach made. Now to put the covering over the top. I will do that tomorrow. It will be glued on with spray glue. I have Laura with me.
One of Belinda's dogs has a broken jaw. She was not sure if she should pay the $1.300 to have it fixed or have the dog put to sleep. I have had two phone calls and I am not sure of the final decision. Belinda will be marking art exams for the next 4 weeks so will seldom be home. I will be looking after 'Minnie' and she will be paying someone else to feed all the other animals.
03/Oct/14 4:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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We had a T storm overnight. I remember seeing flash of far away lightning around 5 am when I ws up to take meds. I am told it was some noisy storm with a lot of wind and thunder, I slept right through it!
I slept a lot yesterday, I remembered that benadryl sometimes helps with fibro flares and took every 4 hours or so yesterday. It makes me sleepy. I had better pain relief than in weeks, and occasionally no pain at all, I had almost forgotten how that feels
About 7 am, I heard knocking on a door. I tried putting it into the dream I was dreaming so I did not have to wake, but that did not work. It did delay my waking up though. I checked to see if someone was knocking at MY door, noone in the hall anywhere. Most of my friends here know I sleep in most mornings, I am not an early riser.
Heidi, I do not now have anything on calendar between the dates you mentioned, so it is your choice. I just hope your back is up to a trip. I know you say driving does not bother it, but sometimes being away from home can. Well, you know how the bed here sleeps and how the sofa sits, so you be the judge. I did have the red loveseat when you were last here, didn't I? I cannot remember when I bought it now that I am thinking about it.
I need to get to grocery this afternoon, and must meet up with Betsy who is in charge of the silent auction. I have another item to turn in to her today, her last pick up day for items. I think I shall go to grocery right after meeting Betsy at 1 PM. I can work in a short nap if I do that hehehe.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
04/Oct/14 1:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Hi Tricia!!! We had those same thunderstorms last night.... and they're still here! We really needed this rain!!!
Which days next week work best for you? I really want to see you again. I really wish there was parking space for the RV there, then I know my back would be happy. I know that your sleeping options didn't hurt my back before, so that should be OK. You got the red loveseat after my last visit, so I'm looking forward to seeing and admiring it. I think a spot of red would look great in your apartment.
04/Oct/14 4:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We received the check for the cattle today. IH was in shock. Those 3 calves and the old cull cow brought a ridiculously high price! We got over $1000 MORE that we'd hoped for!!!! That'll give me some travelling money to Alabama.
04/Oct/14 4:56 AM
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Just a quick Hello and sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
, as we have another early morning to get ready for an all day seminar.
June, good luck with the peach! So sorry to hear that one of Belinda's dogs has a broken jaw. Enjoy the BBQ at the club!
Heidi, wonderful news about the check! So sorry your back is still causing so much discomfort!
MizT, so glad the Benadryl helps with pain control and helps you sleep.
Thinking of everyone, as I head off to bed. Good Night!
04/Oct/14 2:47 PM
Small Town Canada
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Yay, I'm feeling almost human today!!!!
05/Oct/14 1:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Congrats, Theresa.
The new roof has really made a difference. It got down to 44˚F / 6.6˚C last night, and is 57˚F / 13.3˚C now, yet the warmth has stayed in the house and I haven't had to turn on the heat yet. I will tonight, tho'. It's supposed to hover around the freezing mark tonight.
That's quite a change from the near 90˚F of 2 days ago!
05/Oct/14 6:08 AM
qld, australia
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Dang! lost a long post but you are lucky it was mainly me on my soap box about doctors misdiagnosing me for the last six years.
All is good, I do not have Hemochromatosis I am only a carrier so instead of seeing the vampire weekly it will be monthly.
05/Oct/14 8:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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So what is causing the problem, Broni?
It's like Doctors only guess! How many of them paid attention in Medical School to anything except bad penmanship and billing? Jeez!!!
05/Oct/14 9:44 AM
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Broni, that sounds like good news.
Heidi, so pleased the new roof makes such a difference.
Going to Belinda's to pick up Minnie and then drop off Laura. It was hot and I was tired so I have not finished the peach. Belinda paid to have the dog's jaw wired. She had him tied up and she thinks he got his jaw tangled trying to chew though the lead.
05/Oct/14 9:52 AM
qld, australia
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Still have high iron Heidi, but since I do not have the condition they still treat it with the Vampire monthly instead of weekly, just have make sure they do not make me anemic. My brother still needs to be tested.
05/Oct/14 11:10 AM
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