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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a spark that creates extraordinary results.
15/Sep/14 11:18 PM
Alabama, USA
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Just in from having lunch out with Tanya. It is her birthday and I took us for a BBQ lunch. Then we stopped at the grocery, I was out of a few things. Tanya bought me flowers, said THANK YOU for having me, sweet. A lovely half dozen long stemmed yellow and pink roses, and they smell so good, too.
Time for a nap, all the groceries are put away. boy so much faster when 2 are putting them away! It is cloudy, rain north east of us, moving away, but it is cooler and the dreary day will make for good napping. Back later, Hugs.
16/Sep/14 6:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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To whoever took the old Tanya, and replaced her with this one:
16/Sep/14 9:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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On Friday, IH had talked to the Vet about the cow and calf. The Vet clinic told him their first opening was on Monday. I assumed that IH had grabbed the spot. He hadn't. So I couldn't take the cow and calf in today. They have an appointment for 11 am tomorrow. The new Diamond Doves are arriving at the USPS hub around 1:30 pm tomorrow. There'll be plenty of time to get them after the Vet appointment.
16/Sep/14 9:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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In case anyone is interested, I put up a picture on my page with the 3 varieties of Diamond Dove I will have tomorrow. Right now, I just have the Blue (wild type) ones.
16/Sep/14 9:47 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
What a great TOPP, June! It's too bad Laura didn't opt for a smaller peach. (Of course, the book's title is 'James and the GIANT Peach.' I'm guessing she will opt to change into regular school clothes, rather than remain in the peach costume all day.
MizT, Happy Birthday to Tanya
! There certainly seems to be an improvement! How nice to be able to enjoy her company!
Heidi, it seems perfectly reasonable to expect that IH would have agreed to that first available appointment. Instead, he didn't make ANY appointment? It must be frustrating. The Diamond Doves are beautiful! Thanks for letting us see them! Do you know how many different kinds of birds and how many total birds you have now? It must be wonderful to go in to see them!
Time to head to bed. Here's an updated supply of positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Good Night!
16/Sep/14 4:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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In a half hour, I'll be hooking up my livestock trailer and loading up the lame cow and calf. I hope the Vet can do an easy fix on both.
17/Sep/14 12:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the Vet's. The cow just had a cut between her toes, and the calf had a bad puncture, resulting in an abcess. Both will be fine in a few days.
I just got the call. The doves are waiting for me at the post office. I'm leaving as soon as i finish lunch.
17/Sep/14 2:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I got the Doves. They look exactly like the pictures. They're settling in quickly, but I'll still keep them separated from the others for 3 more days.
Once I got them home, I fell asleep, and just woke up. The back is hurting again.
17/Sep/14 9:07 AM
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Looks like a very slow day here today. Heidi, I'm glad you were able to get the cow and calf to the vet. Good news that they should both be much better in a few days! So glad the diamond doves arrived and are settling in. I hadn't thought about the necessity to quarantine them. I hope your back is much better tomorrow!
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for everyone!
I'm off to bed. Good Night!
17/Sep/14 4:15 PM
qld, australia
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Dang! Just lost a post.
Went to the docs today and am on antibiotics, blood pressure is up so she has done a few tests. Can guarantee everything will fine, think it is just the fever and being run down.
Luv and Jugs.
17/Sep/14 6:54 PM
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Why is it when I need to get to sleep as I have to get up early I cannot get to sleep.
We have a busy day at the club tomorrow. Our club is hosting the District Veteran's Day. (Bowlers over 70). I am making the pasta salad for nearly eighty people. I have the cream to whip for the pavlovas and a few other jobs. I have cut up the vegies for the pasta so just have to cook the pasta and add the dressing and vegies etc. A few pots of cooking as there is 2 Kg (4lb) pasta to cook. Just got up to have a warm milk drink.
I will be bowling again tomorrow. I bowled Tuesday but I am not coordinating properly. I did get some bowls down properly but a lot of other wobbled all over the place.
18/Sep/14 1:14 AM
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Broni, take care and get well soon. Heidi please watch your back. A hard thing to do with a farm to run. Enjoy your new doves.
18/Sep/14 1:16 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Slept all day. It didn't help. I'm still very sleepy. I need to feed and water the birds, then back to bed.
18/Sep/14 11:41 AM
Alabama, USA
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I need to get to bed early tonight, will be up before 6 am, to get ready for my epidural pain block. I hope this one is very successful and lasts a long time.
I guess I will just set alarm for 15 till midnight, and have my last snack and drink for the day, as I do not want to wait up that long.
Nuttin else going on here, so I will say good night, and catch you again tomorrow. Hugs to each of you with extras.
18/Sep/14 1:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good luck with the epidural, MizT. I hope it's a lulu.
18/Sep/14 1:30 PM
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Howdy, Folks!
June, you'll be busy. I hope you'll be able to enjoy the gathering after all the work. Also hope the bowling gets better with each time you try!
Feel better, Heidi!
Get a good night's sleep and a humdinger of an epidural, MizT!
Broni, so sorry about a lost post. I hope the antibiotic does the trick and you will soon be feeling better!
We have an early alarm tomorrow, so I'm off to bed! Good Night!
Healing energy, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, and prayers for all!
18/Sep/14 2:37 PM
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A great day at the club yesterday. Sunny day but a cool breeze early in the morning. A good fun game of bowls. One of the ladies on our rink was ninety and bowling better than me.(but I am still having trouble getting my hands to cooperate).
The lunch was lovely with lots of compliments on our catering.
I was exhausted when we got home and slept well last night.
Lifting the pots when I was doing the pasta has left my shoulders rather sore today but they will improve over the next week.
I go two of the stitches out of my leg today. He is leaving the last one in for another week just to make sure the wound does not open. The cyst was benign, as I expected.
19/Sep/14 11:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Good news about the cyst being benign, June! Even though you expected it, it's still great to know for sure.
19/Sep/14 1:32 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Of course, we expected that the meal at the club would go well and be appreciated, June! Also not too surprising that large pots of pasta would affect your shoulders. I hope your hands will cooperate a bit more each time you bowl! Great news about the cyst on your leg, and no doubt a good plan to leave the remaining stitch for 1 more week!
Heidi, I hope you slept well and will sleep well again tonight. With luck, your back will begin to feel better. I hope the diamond doves are continuing to acclimate. Take care, my friend!
For those who have been able to post in the past week, and those for whom it has been a bit longer, please share these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
19/Sep/14 2:47 PM
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I think Tricia should have had the epidural by now and is resting peacefully. We miss you Tricia and your long chats.
19/Sep/14 11:16 PM
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Greetings! I hope everyone has had/is having a good day!
MizT, I hope the epidural was a lulu and you are hope sleeping peacefully!
Heidi, I hope your back is improving and you're able to get some rest from all the farm chores! I hope the cow and calf are improving, and hope the diamond doves are settling in!
June, hopefully you have been able to get some rest and your shoulders are better!
Broni, I hope the antibiotic is working and you're feeling better!
Theresa, Midge, Nola, and Tami, thinking of you and hoping all is well!
Rolanda, I hope you're enjoying the visit!
Amelia, Judy, Brenda, you're on our minds.
For all those I have forgotten, I apologize. I'm not thinking well tonight, but would like to include everyone!
I'm going to call it an early night, as I'm falling asleep and my throat and neck are hurting. Something is trying to get the better of me.
Sending prayers, positive thoughts,
, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}} for everyone!
20/Sep/14 12:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, yes, I have had the epidural by now, Thursday am, about 36 hours ago. It was a humdinger, but not in a good way. For the first time ever after an epidural, I got a spinal headache. That is what kept me from the computer yesterday.
It is not usual with an epidural. A spinal headache comes when spinal fluid has leaked. To leak, the dura has to be entered. By definition, an epidural means outside the dura, the covering of the spinal nerves. But on rare occasion, in an epidural the dura is nicked and there is spinal fluid leaked. I think this is what happened. If you have once had a spinal headache, you recognize it.
I came home by 8:30 and went to bed, the anesthesia leaves me groggy. I slept till after lunch time, and not long after getting up the headache set in. That is one sign of a spinal headache, onset appears when you are newly upright. Usually they resolve themselves in 24 hours. Mine is much better, but not totally gone, I keep having to go back to bed. I am being sure to drink drink to keep well hydrated. One thing newer since my only other spinal headache, after spinal anesthesia for surgery many years ago, is the use of caffeine for the headache. I do not use caffeine, did not have any, was not able to go buy any. Tanya reminded me she had left some full caffeine instant coffee here, for her use. I have sipped some terrible coffee, not a fan of instant, just for the caffeine. Every time the headache comes back, another cup. Going down for a nap also helps, so that is my day for the last 2, up and down. I did get out to water today, it was the long day, when everything had to be watered, even the in ground with the soaker hoses. Day is long cause the soakers have to be on for at least an hour, better at an hour and a half. I got it all done, and back to bed after an hour and a half today.
Today I have had the third person approach me about running for office here at EP. They want me to run for president. I am not a political kind of person, and I feel I would not be dependable. With the different things ailing me, I could be out of commission on days when I am expected to be at meetings or such. Besides, I only have so much energy to spend each day, and it changes daily. I could not keep up with an office and the gardens both. I think I should stay with my flowers, no one would take that job if I did not do it, and there are others who want to run for office. I feel honored to be asked, not once, but three times, but I think I shall have to continue to say no.
June, glad to know the cyst was benign. I hope it is all healed and remaining stitch(s) will come out at next appointment. sorry the big pots of pasta left your shoulder unhappy. Best wishes that it is all better soon.
HI JULI, what is going on with you? another short post all about others, which we like, but love hearing about you too.
I am off to bed again. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
20/Sep/14 1:06 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tricia.... Excedrin contains caffeine. So does Coca Cola and Pepsi. You don't have to drink coffee to get any. I've been through that headache, too, and it isn't fun.
I think you're making the right call about running for office. The gardens keep you as busy as you can handle, and bring you joy. An office would just bring you stress. There are people who thrive on ''being in charge'', but I don't think either of us is that kind.
Busy day. I woke up with a headache and my back hurting, but I had promised a friend that I would use my 16 ft. trailer to help her move all afternoon. Once I got home, I crashed for an hour, until I remembered that I was out of dog food. So I dragged my body out of bed and drove to the nearest Dollar store. As I pulled in the driveway, a calf calmly walked through the hot fence in front of me and started nibbling on the grass along the driveway!!! I started honking the horn of the truck, and chased him at a walk back up towards the house. There is a gate next to the lawn to let an animal or person into that pasture, and I coaxed him back through. A half hour later, IH got home and I told him about it. He grabbed a flashlight and the fence tester and went out to investigate while I made supper. Once we'd eaten, we grabbed all the equipment we'd need and we repaired the 3 places where the fence had been compromised. The fence now has 9000 volts on it, enough to throw a person back 8 feet, and make 'em hurt for 5 hours afterwards. Nobody else is going through the fence.
20/Sep/14 1:44 PM
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A good nights sleep. I think I went to bed about 10pm and did not get up again till 7am. Why am I still yawing?
I have to umpire bowls this morning. It is mixed pairs. Other years Ken and I have played together but this year he has had to find another partner.
21/Sep/14 7:32 AM
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Yesterday I got some gardening done, including some digging which I am not supposed to do. The rain we had a few weeks ago has certainly made the weeds grow. I do have a lovely patch of blue bells and the azaleas are flowering. I did put a net over the pansies so the cockies are no longer picking them.
21/Sep/14 7:36 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hello all, It's been awhile since my last post...all is well...just running everywhere...doctors, funeral, dancing class with Angelique and more doctors. I have found a great dermatologist and she has had been getting different test to see if we can find a way of controlling these leg eruptions and my family doctor is having me see a wound specialist to try and see what if anything can be done regarding this gall bladder incision that just won't lots to be determined in the near future. Broni,Tricia and Heidi, I do hope you all are on the mend...I've been where you are and know how good it is to get past it, so I'm hoping for that for you three and anyone else who may not be up to par. Better days to all. June, you are the Ever-ready just keep going and both are a wonder to have when I need some motivation....Jazz is now making all kinds of wild sounds to get me to take him out...never fails that he wants attention when I've been on the computer longer than he likes...but its time so I'll close with best wishes to all for now...Peace.
21/Sep/14 9:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Off to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. There's a big community picnic in Magnolia, and I got roped into doing the Bull Bingo. There's plenty of work in doing the 100 square grid in the pen we put the bull in.
21/Sep/14 12:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Vivacious Viv!
21/Sep/14 1:01 PM
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Heidi, I would love the details on how you do Bull Bingo.
Cool overcast this morning but now warm and sunny. I had to umpire at bowls this morning. I only got called once (took about 5 minutes) so I spent the time getting a start on my Christmas cards. Got about half done.
Now out to do some work in the garden. There are more weeds than I can cope with.
21/Sep/14 3:38 PM
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Lovely to hear from you Mamacita. I do hope they can sort out your healing problems. I imagine they have tested you for diabetes. That is what I always think when people have healing problems.
I do not have as much get up and go as you think. I also think that you are 5 years older than I am.
21/Sep/14 3:43 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
It's good to see MizT, Mamacita, June, and Heidi visiting! I'm dragging, so off to bed. Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
21/Sep/14 5:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Headache all better now. Tanya and i went out to lunch yesterday, It was pleasant enough to eat outside beside a lovely fountain. I loved hearing the water fall as we ate. Visited a thrift shop, where Tanya found a very nice sweater for the coming colder weather. Not a lot of sweaters in her wardrobe in California Then to grocery, where I found an item I had hunted for months, soy flour. I use it to make a low carb zucchini muffin that I really like for breakfast. I have been missing them.
Yes, Heidi, can you explain bull bingo. I have some very silly ideas about what might be involved hehehe.
June, sorry that you could not partner with your hubby for the mixed couples bowls, but good for you being umpire. How smart you are getting a great start on Christmas cards. I have not thought about Christmas yet. I did notice days getting shorter, it was dark at 7 pm. I am wondering how long I will wait to put the clear lights into the plants in my window. I did as part of decorations last Christmas, and left those long after the other things came down. I found the lights comforting during the short days, long nights of last winter.
I am having trouble staying awake. I think it is my pain meds. this happened once before, and both times it was when I got meds although the same strength, were from a different manufacturer. these are twice the size of the usual very small ones. something they are using as a filler, inactive ingredient is somehow making me sleepy. If this keeps up, will talk to my doc about it, and the pharmacists, too.
Mama, good luck with the doctors, hope you do find some answers, some solutions.
BTW, Heidi, Excedrin has asprin, I cannot take that, so none on hand. I could have gone down to the cola machine for something with caffeine, but was easier to just drink the coffee. I did not have to get dressed.
I think a nap is in order, no reason not too that I can see. Hugs to each of you, with extras. till later.
22/Sep/14 7:49 AM
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I have now decided to make a paper mache ball for the peach. I tried buying a big balloon but they wanted $20. I have decided I can use the lid of my BBQ. Do a top and a bottom. I will then use some cardboard for around the middle and glue on the material I bought. I now have to buy some wall paper glue. I prefer that to flour and water.
22/Sep/14 3:34 PM
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Hello from me to all of you!
MizT, so nice to hear that the headache is better. Now you need to get caught up on sleep. At least you have something to blame your tiredness on!
June, so sorry you couldn't do the mixed couples bowls with Ken. At least you could be involved by being the umpire. Will the paper mache peach be something to Laura to carry? I hope your shoulders are better!
I hope all who are feeling less than wonderful will soon be improved. Mama, I hope the doctor can correctly diagnose what is going on!
Heidi, I hope your back is feeling better and you're getting enough sleep!
I'm not sure why I'm so tired. (Yes, I know. I don't get enough sleep.) But the last 2 or three days I have been getting about 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night. I have read that you can't 'catch up' on sleep lost, but it sure seems like my body is trying. So, I'm headed off to bed.
Please feel free to share from the abundance of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, healing vibes, and prayers that come with this post!
22/Sep/14 3:44 PM
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Hi all, I didn't realise it had been so long. It's all good here. Dana has the flu, we've all had the shot so hope they guessed right this year. I've been seeing a physio about my shoulder, it's amazing. Still a long way to go, but progress finally.
June, it sounds like you are gradually improving. That is a relief because for a while there it seemed like you were going to be stuck in pain forever.
Julie, I have no idea why you would be tired, unless it's doing more than 2 normal people, or more!
MizT, sorry to hear about the headache. Lunch with Tanya sounded nice. From memory, we have a much wider selection of instant coffee here than you do. It's much more commonly used, though I suspect decreasing as more people buy espresso machines for at home. Drip coffees have never been big here. Presses more so.
22/Sep/14 7:58 PM
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Broni, hope your test results are good.
Heidi, hope you got lots of sleep.
22/Sep/14 7:59 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My back has been on the warpath something fierce! It's rarely ever been this fragile. Yesterday about killed me. I'm back to bed in a few.
Bull Bingo is probably what everybody is imagining. A grid of 100 squares is set up (that's what did my back in), with a minimum of 2'x 2' per square. Then you set up a pen around the grid. Once you've sold chances on enough squares (all are numbered), you put a bull into the pen. The winning square is the one the bull poops on.
A variation is Cow Pie Bingo. That's where they take an entire football field, turn it into a huge grid with all the possible Bingo numbers, sell people Bingo cards, then turn a bunch of cows loose on the field. They'll call the numbers as cows plop. Country folk have their own forms of entertainment.
23/Sep/14 3:23 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Gooday everyone.
Sorry to be gone for so long. Time just gets away so quickly. are so inventive, by now trying a paper mache peach! With bowling, cooking for so many people, and weeding the garden,you are a very busy lady.
Viv..belated Birthday wishes. Hope it was an enjoyable day.
Broni...hopefully, you are feeling better with AB's. Quick recovery ordered for you!
Heidi...very sorry to hear that your back pain is very bad now. The epidural didn't seem to last any time at all. Are some of the new hatch lings out of the nest yet? You said that you could hear them, but hadn't seen them yet. I also, had no idea what Bull Bingo was, so that was both funny and something I have learn't.
MizT. is the headache now after the epidural? Your knowledge about meds and your body's response, is a credit to your nursing experience. Wish I knew my body like you do yours. It is pleasing to hear that Tania is more cooperative with your needs and enjoyable company. Your decision to not take up the president position as you feel you have enough with the garden, must have been hard. You would have been a great advocate and asset but we have our limits.
Mama...wishing you comfort and resolution to your leg problems and pet issues. Take care.
Suzy...Lovely to see you post. Glad that the physio is helping with your shoulder and hope it continues to improve. Hope Dana is feeling better soon after getting the flu. are busy as always and your posts are a great reminder of issues, which you seem to remember about each of us.
Raining here which is very welcome.
23/Sep/14 5:52 AM
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Hi, Everyone! I'm heading to bed without reading. The alarm will go off too soon, as tomorrow is platelet donation day.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for everyone, with extras for those who can use them!
23/Sep/14 3:13 PM
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