Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”
― Maya Angelou
04/Sep/14 10:27 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi Everyone...Happy Wednesday to all. I've had a busy day at the dentist, and now I have to have two cavities filled and a final gum exam to see if I'm ready to start replacing the lost teeth from the accident...I think there will be at least eight teeth to be replaced....ahhhh,,, not even going to think about the cost for now...I know it'll be best in the long run.
Jazz is doing well and while my legs continue to act up once I've been off of the meds for a short while, I'm doing okay life is good.
Seems most of us are back to the point that our pain is being controlled for the most part...hope all have lots of pain free time. I too am doing lots of reading and enjoying it a football is back and I love the game so lots to do that way...Off to see what else I can get into before I'm ready for bed. See you all on the next go round. Peace.
04/Sep/14 11:54 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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I was having the darnedest time trying to post the above...then it dawned on me that enter doesn't work here...he he...finally hit submit and had no problems....I know it's time to go now...Lol.
04/Sep/14 11:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Just realise I have not posted here for several days. I did try to get back to bowls this week. Played half a game on Tuesday. A bit of a disaster as I do not seem to be able to control my hand properly. I was not letting go of the bowl when I should.
Tomorrow we have a fashion parade at the club (using a local shop). I have been busy cooking for morning tea. I just took a gluten free nut and date loaf out of the oven. It is amazing how many people need gluten free food.
Yesterday I went to the movies and saw Hundred Foot Journey. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
04/Sep/14 1:13 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, FB annoys me because I hit enter to start a new paragraph and the post has gone! I know I do not say much there and I do not play the games. (That is Laura and Belinda playing my page)
A funny day weatherwise. I had two loads of washing on the line. One was all the woollen jumpers. I t came over dark with a few spits of rain so I brought them all in. That was about 15 minutes ago. Now I look out the window to sunshine and some blue sky!
04/Sep/14 1:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, please take care of your back. I know it is hard with a farm to run but just because medication blocks the pain it does not mean that you are not doing damage when you push yourself too hard.
Tami, sounds like a busy but interesting school year ahead of you. How are your parents? We have not heard much about them lately.
Tricia, hope the last/next Doc. procedure is not as painful as the previous one.
04/Sep/14 1:22 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Today's treatment was nothing like last time. some minor stinging, and a lot of relief from the constant ache. I was prepared to treat the burning if it happened, and tanya stayed with me untill we were sure it was not going to be a repeat of the first time. I go back in 2 weeks, unless I think it is all better by then. So the first one must have done some good. I even felt good enough to go to scrabble this afternoon, and enjoyed it too.

I started potting up some cuttings of my house plants, for the rummage sale in 2 months. I think they should root nicely in that amount of time.

Rain again today, yeah, no need to water tomorrow. I might try to do a bit of weeding. there is an area just over a meter square that had a lot of weds pop up, well, it was bigger than that, but pulled weeds from the area, leaving only that square meter to be finished. after this good soaking rain, it should be easier to pull weeds tomorrow.

Heidi, think it was the feeding of the calf, and the listing of calf that got back started complaining?

June, sorry to hear you do not have good control of your hand when playing at bowls. I hope with practice it improves for you, cause I know you enjoy.

Mama, I do the same thing when changing over from Facebook to Sudoku. enter just does not do it here hehehe

I have forgotten what was said a page back, and if I try to go back I will loose this post. so I shall close for tonight, and tuck myself into my bed. Hugs to each of you till later.

04/Sep/14 1:46 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Lifting of the calf, Duh
04/Sep/14 1:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'd love to kibbutz in another of your scrabble games, MizT. I had so much fun that day.

Back to bed.
04/Sep/14 2:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Heidi, how nice that the Diamond Doves arrived at the post office hub earlier than expected and you were able to pick them up, get them home, and help them get settled in. After you are feeling better (and the three pairs you have just ordered arrive), perhaps you can post a picture or two?

Theresa, thank you for the Maya Angelou quote for today's TOPP! How have you been feeling? How are the mama cat and kitties? I hope they're not making a lot of extra work for you!

Mama, I hope the dental appointment was pain free! Since you'll be needing to replace so many teeth, perhaps you can talk your dentist into a 'bulk rate'. I'm glad to hear that you and Jazz are doing well!

June, how disappointing that your hand isn't doing what you want it to while at bowls. Hopefully, it's just a matter of conditioning/practice and you'll regain your form quickly! Have fun at the fashion parade tomorrow!

Mama, June, and MizT, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who gets confused going back and forth between here and Facebook. I've done the same thing too often.

MizT, so glad today's treatment was much less painful than last time! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the Scrabble game, and hope the weeding tomorrow goes quickly and easily!

We have an honest mechanic. He said we could go almost another year before we need to replace the brakes. Time for bed here. Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
04/Sep/14 4:00 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Starting to feel better. Cold is definitely on the better side.

My parents are doing well. My dad goes to the clubhouse a few times a week so that is helping him. He had a bad fall a few months ago. He ended up fracturing a rib but thankfully that was the worst. Now he has a bad shoulder, torn rotator cuff, but not sure how he did it. Doctors do not advise surgery (he is 86). He was given a cortisone shot and that seemed to help, for now.
05/Sep/14 10:27 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my Friends,

Beautiful sunny day here, more like summer than spring.
Have finally recovered from my cold/flu and a month of bills that nearly crippled me. YAY!
Luv and Jugs.
05/Sep/14 2:23 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Took my car in for a service and walked home with Bella, a magpie actually attacked me walking through the park (have never been attacked in my life)
Walked back thru the park to pick up my car and he/she was still in attack mode but I gave it a good run for it's money.
05/Sep/14 2:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Silly bird. Maybe you came close to it's nesting area?

Speaking of birds and nesting.... we have our first baby cockatiels!!! They've just hatched, and I've only heard them, not seen them. Mama is a lutino and Dad is a grey pied. I can't wait to see them!
05/Sep/14 3:33 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Tami, I'm glad you're feeling better and could drop by for a visit. Good news about your parents doing well, though your Dad's fractured rib was probably very troublesome for a while. I hope the cortisone shot continues to give him relief for his torn rotator cuff!

Broni, a beautiful sunny summer-like day is great for the spirit! So glad your cold/flu is in the past and bills are getting under control. Hopefully the car servicing doesn't set you back again. If it's spring there, perhaps the magpie thought you were too close to a nest (with eggs)?

It's time for me to head to bed. May you all reap the benefits of many {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and !
05/Sep/14 3:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends.

Yesterday took a downhill turn after my post, today is starting in it's footsteps. Nothing seems to help the bladder much, everything seems to make it worse: sitting, walking, standing. It was bed for me often yesterday, and I am soon headed back there again. Bladder is complaining constantly now, what a bother.

Heidi, come for a visit on a Wednesday again, and join us for Scrabble. We have moved location again, not upstairs in the elevator lobby/sun room, but in the large meeting room here on my floor. We can control temperature here in the Jackle Room (named for donor of furnishings I believe). OH, did you know there will be a new Scrabble dictionary soon? It holds 5,000 new words. I found a list of 30 of them that have been per-released. there are 3 new 2 letter words, that will be very helpful. As soon as the new dictionary is released, I hope to get one for our group. One of the words I remember is 'selfie' hehehe

Wednesday, we had need for DA as a word. It is listed in the older dictionary we had when you were here. Judy recently bought another dictionary, and DA is not listed. Wonder if it will be in the new improved one?? We must decide house rules on that one, whether to allow DA or not. I think we said not.

Broni, I am so glad you are feeling better now. I hope the car repairs are soon over and done inexpensively.

Julie, thanks for the report on your family. I have been thinking about them. It is good to hear you are feeling better, too.

I do need to get to grocery sometime soon. If Tanya comes today will get her to go with and help. OK< back to bed for me. I did start feeling better with introduction of Benadryl. One theory for cause of IC involves a histamine release to tissue irritated by caustic urine. Some docs treat with Vistaril, an antihistamine. No Vistaril on hand, but I do have Benadryl an over the counter antihistamine. whatever works.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

06/Sep/14 1:30 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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DUH, not Julie, but Tami with report on her family.
06/Sep/14 1:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi MizT....
My feeling is that if SI is allowed (Spanish for YES), then DA should be allowed (Russian for YES).
I will have to bring a book I have on the language of Scrabble. It has a list of the accepted words that have no conventional vowels... such as CRWTH (a musical instrument).
BTW... do you need the display stands?

I'm off to get some food for my birds.
06/Sep/14 5:13 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A very busy day yesterday at the bowling club. We had a fashion parade in the morning (I bought a top) with 90 ladies and our monthly SSQ dinner and we had 112 people. It took a while to cook all the steaks and sausages.
MizT, I hope the bladder problem clears up soon.
Tami, thanks for the update on your parents.
Heidi, enjoy all your birds.
06/Sep/14 6:04 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have lots of magpie stories. They run on the bowling green looking for insects. The just jump out of the way when the bowls come near them.
I can remember as a youngster we had one that used to attack at nesting time. I can remember getting under a wire fence holding a dry cow pat over my head for protection.
When we first moved in here and before we put a patio on the back, they used to nest in a very tall tree a couple of houses behind us. As soon as I walked into the kitchen one would hop onto the top of the nest, spread its wings and soar down to the kitchen window to get some meat.
06/Sep/14 6:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yes, please for the display stands.

I am off to bed again, just tired of hurting and tired from hurting. ATM it is better, cross fingers the worst is behind me.
06/Sep/14 8:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'll bring 'em along when I visit you.... hopefully in a couple of weeks. We need to compare schedules.
06/Sep/14 12:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow will be a fun day. Don & Barb will be in town, and the 4 of us are going to an outstanding restaurant. The reason?... Don & Barb celebrated their anniversary on the 4th, and Gil and I celebrate (???mourn??) ours on the 8th.
06/Sep/14 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations! Sorry, no time to comment, as we have an early vet appointment for our cat (now 19 years old). We were there Thursday and she received fluids. Afterwards, it was decided that she was due for blood work - not a good idea after getting 200 cc saline solution. So, we go back tomorrow morning.

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy/vibes, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
06/Sep/14 3:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi all, I'm very tired. It's been a busy few days with a long day today. Alie's singing school 'the con' had their Xmas concert today. They do it now because Xmas is so busy. Rehearsal was 3 to 5, then we took Alie to get changed in the toilet at maccas, the locals went home to get changed, then back for the performance. The first girl left me with tears running down my face. She is autistic and doesn't talk, well she talks but only repeats what is said to her, but she sings! Most of the younger ones made me all teary, but this one had me crying. Alie was as good as usual and I heard someone comment on how good she was. Everyone got big claps but I didn't hear comments... Maybe I wasn't listening though....
06/Sep/14 11:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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06/Sep/14 11:06 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Delicious supper!! Mmmmmmm. Most things on the menu were in French, and I kept the waitress busy translating for me. And the food was outstanding! AND the restaurant gave us half off everything since it was our anniversary.
07/Sep/14 11:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, did you video Alie? No wonder you're tired with a long day today. Have you been getting called to teach a lot? The spider dog is hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

WOO HOO, Heidi! A French restaurant! And half off because it was your anniversary! Amazing! I bet Gil was thrilled, too!

I hope MizT, Mama (and Jazz), June, Tami, Broni, Theresa and others are in better health! That goes for Suzy and Heidi, as well!

The bed is calling my name, so I will say Good Night! Here's hoping everyone has a great day/evening/night! Healing energy/vibes, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
07/Sep/14 3:30 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, feeling a lot better today after a long day of doing nothing yesterday. The plan was to go grocery shopping with Tanya, but I was just too tired and hurting when I stood/walked/sat upright. So she went for me with my list and my debit card. She did a very good job, too, the only thing on my list that did not come home were fresh blueberries. Aldis was out of them.

I am getting totally spoiled. Tanya also took home my dirty laundry to wash. she loves her new washer dryer, and would rather take home to do than help me do them in our laundry room here. she even treats for stains, boy it is like getting a new shirt when she can get a stain out . My great outing for the day yesterday, I went down with her, carrying my duffel bag of dirty clothes on the foot rest of my chair. She picked them up at the loading zone.

she had been trying to get an Alabama Drivers license. I know she went about 3 times unsuccessfully, the system was down, state wide. On the third try, the clerk gave her a phone number to call before coming back, to make sure it was up and running again. So at long last, yesterday she got her Alabama drivers license. Next trick is to get an Alabama registration tag for her auto. In Jefferson county, that involves hours standing in line. I hope she can get it done. That long line is why I still have a Chilton County tag on my auto. Not sure what penalty I might incur if that is ever noticed by low enforcement. 'Twas not my doing, Joy bought my tag last two years, and found it easier to go to Chilton County, where usually you walk in and maybe have 2 people in front of you in line.

I am off to check the flowers in containers. I know the 4 under a roof will need water, it has rained again day fore yesterday, so others may still be OK.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/Sep/14 3:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Over 12 hours with no posts? I hope everyone was busy doing fun things.
08/Sep/14 3:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yeah..... sleeping.

I need to work on mowing the lawn. It's about waist high right now. The back is finally feeling up to it,
08/Sep/14 5:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Taking a break. The grass really IS knee high in places. Between dog fertilizer and the 7 inches of rain we've had in the last 1 1/2 weeks, it's growing too fast.
08/Sep/14 7:50 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Done for the day. I still have part of the back yard to do, but I'm out of gas in the mower. I have to wsait for IH to refill the tank 'cause the can is too heavy for me to lift.
08/Sep/14 8:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

It's good to see that you're feeling better, MizT! Tanya has really had a transformation, it seems, as she's become a big help for you! I hope watering flowers wasn't too strenuous, as we'd like for you to be able to function at 100 per cent.

Hooray! Heidi is also feeling better! I hope you didn't do too much with all of your mowing. For once, I'm glad to hear that you ran out of gas (literally) and had to stop.

I'm falling asleep at the computer and need to be up early in the morning, so it's off to bed for me. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy and vibes, and for everyone!
08/Sep/14 4:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So sad about Ian
08/Sep/14 7:01 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Monday here, even with the sad news of Ian's passing...he no longer has any worries or pains, and that's a good thing.
All is well on my front and glad it seems to be improving for Heidi and Tricia...may the trend continue throughout.
Have a great day everyone, I was up very early so off I go for a nap. Peace.
09/Sep/14 1:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm going back to the mowing. The back feels fine, so I should be OK.
09/Sep/14 5:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The lawn is mowed. The grass on the last patch was waist high! We've had so much rain lately! I just got back from the dollar store. I needed more dog food and a few basics.
I'm making Garlic Shrimp tonight for our 35th Anniversary. I can't believe I've let him live so long!!!!
09/Sep/14 7:58 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, what are you putting in the garlic shrimp tonight?
I am going to have another try at bowling today. Looks like a nice sunny day. Just hope it keeps that way.
In the Women's World baseball Australia won over Canada to come in third.(Japan, USA). Ken coached one of the women in the Aussie team when she was younger.
09/Sep/14 8:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

RIP, Ian Lewins, and Chris's (Canberra) father.

Mama, wonderful news that all is well there.

Heidi, so glad to hear that your back is feeling fine and good for you for finishing the mowing! Garlic shrimp sounds yummy! Congratulations on reaching your 35th Anniversary!

June, I hope all went well with bowling today! Hopefully, the weather will continue to cooperate.Congratulations to Ken on helping to get that young woman off to a good start in baseball! Good showing by the Australia team!

We had to have work done on both garage doors today because of broken cables and cables that needed to be adjusted. Luckily it wasn't anything major or as costly as the new starter motor for the car last week.

Even though I had a short nap this afternoon, bed is calling my name. But before I go, here is a supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and for everyone!
09/Sep/14 2:47 PM
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