Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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The mind becomes clear and serene when the qualities of the heart are cultivated.
Friendliness towards the joyful, compassion towards the suffering and happiness towards the pure.
10/Sep/14 7:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I hope you got the garage door fixed OK. I sometimes wonder how that you find the time for all that you do.
I went better at bowls yesterday than the week before. I changed the way I held the bowl and then I did not throw them as much. It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday but we have had a shower again this morning.
Heidi, I was pleased to read that you got the lawn finished and the back was feeling better.
10/Sep/14 7:51 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi to All!

Great TOPP, June!

The garage door is fixed and things are returning to normal. I have a cello lesson and my Quartet Strings/string orchestra class tomorrow. Unfortunately, heavy rain and wind and a possible tornado or forecast. We'll keep an eye on the weather before we decide to head out.

Tonight was our wood turning meeting, so I'm just skimming through the usual online sites. Time for bed now. Feel free to share these positive thoughts, healing vibes/energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
10/Sep/14 4:09 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
June, I had to chuckle when you asked Heidi what she was putting in the garlic immediate thought was arsenic!
Glad a few of us are feeling a bit better. MizT know what you are talking about with hurting, that seems to be the only lingering problem I have, still coughing and congested of a morning but clears for the day.
RIP Ian.
Thoughts to you all but need to put my head in the feeding trough now.
Luv and jugs.
10/Sep/14 6:31 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The garlic shrimp was pre-packaged by a company called Schwan's. I just cooked it up. There was a longish list of herbs in it, as well as a lot of garlic. Delicious!
10/Sep/14 8:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I am off in a few to the pain clinic for my regular 3 month visit. I am going via power chair, they are only one block away, the new sidewalk to street ramps are in place so an easy drive, no rain forecast, and I cannot tolerate sitting in the waiting room chairs in that office, so I am taking my own hehehe.

Yesterday was a total rest day, only thing I did all day was feed myself and de-clutter my dining table, chair side table and desk. My housekeeper came, everything all clean at the same time, for about 2 hours, until I had to make dinner.

Heidi, your garlic shrimp sounds very nice, and prepackaged and ready to cook the way to go.

Julie, glad the garage doors were repaired easily and not too costly.

Broni, hope the cough continues to get better. I hate those lingering illnesses. Get totally well soon.

June, I am so happy for you, that bowling went better yesterday. I know how much you enjoy that, hope you continue to improve.

OK, breakfast is finished, time to brush my teeth and hit the sidewalk. Hugs to each of you, with extras, until later.

10/Sep/14 11:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Happy birthday Broni, enjoy your day. I was pleased to see that you understood my question to Heidi about what she was putting in the garlic prawn!
Tricia, a good way to go visit the pain management person. hope the wait is not too long. Reminds me that I have to go visit my Doc later to have a cyst taken out of my leg. It is just that it is in a spot that I rub against and then it gets sore.
11/Sep/14 1:14 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck at the pain clinic, MizT!!!

Happy Birthday, Broni!!!!
11/Sep/14 4:56 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I am scheduled for an epidural pain block a week from tomorrow. the last of the 3 I was approved for by insurance. I had a very cute and very married young male nurse practitioner today. He got everything scheduled, gave me my scripts, and i was back home in about an hour.

Today was a busy day for me. I had to drive the auto to drug store to get first pain meds filled. Then Tanya came bringing my clean sheets, we made lunch and she once again took a nap in my bed. We visited the veggie man, I got some peaches, pears, bell peppers, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. I think that was all. Then we had a storyteller today, Elizabeth. she came last year and we all loved her. One of the biggest groups for any activity in a while, I think there were 30-35 residents present. Then scrabble, I won the second game. It is not usual to beat Mary, but she keeps score, and we always kid her when she wins hehehe.

Reading a good book one of the residents is passing around, glad I got on the list. John Grisham, Sycamore Row. Set in a town that was setting to at least one if not 2 other of his books. I am enjoying that.

Ahhh, Broni, sorry I missed your birthday, hope it was a good day and you did something special just for you.

Time for bed now, catch you tomorrow.

11/Sep/14 1:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

I'm running very late tonight and need to hit the bed.

Happy Birthday, Broni!

June, I had the same thoughts about the ingredients in the garlic shrimp.

Heidi, that sounds delicious. Maybe I should look into Schwans.

MizT, I'm glad you'll be able to have your next epidural soon. I don't remember when Heidi's is scheduled, but her last one was relatively recent, I think.

Sorry, folks, but I'm out of here. Enjoy these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
11/Sep/14 6:02 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Gooday all
Happy Birthday to Broni and Jane.
Lots of well wishes to you both.

11/Sep/14 7:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Birthday Broni! Hope it was a good one!!!

Since it's the day R U (all) OK?

I was asked a dozen times by kids today. One kid came late to class and tried to bluff me with a c0cky hi miss, how are you? I just smiled and said I'm fine, R U OK? He went from c0cky to laughing out loud and showed me his bracelet.
11/Sep/14 7:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had a small cyst taken out of my leg this afternoon. Felt OK till the anaesthetic wore off. Not too bad but just have to be careful. it might make it hard to sleep.
I have the bed covered in rubbish I was going to sort. I had better go and move it.
Pleased that you are getting some work Suzy.
11/Sep/14 9:04 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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If it does hurt, June, it won't hurt for long.

Could you explain that, Suzy? Is that an ''in'' joke?
12/Sep/14 3:27 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
MizT, you did not miss my Birthday it was only 1:30pm when you posted so you were well in time and thank you to everyone else for their kind wishes.
It was a beautiful sunny day and looks like it will be the same today.
Was planning on having a sleep in this morning but Bella had other plans, oh well a bright early start to my day.
12/Sep/14 6:28 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Not an 'in' joke Heidi. They now have a day for R U OK?(Are you alright) Where you reach out and speak to people that may not be handling life too well.
Seems to me that just about every day is allocated to some good cause or another. Don't get me wrong, but I do get tired of being harassed daily to donate time or money. OK off my soapbox!
12/Sep/14 6:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say Hi and leave some {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
12/Sep/14 4:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, Broni is right. This is a day about depression and how reaching out to someone can make a difference. I wasn't asked for money for anything.

June, hope you are feeling better.

I had acupuncture for the first time today. I couldn't believe that it worked, I really didn't think it would. There was no denying the absence of rock hard muscles in my shoulder though... Slipping back now so I have a hot pack on it and am drinking the recommended glass of red wine.

A day full of ignorance today. A politician on TV sounding like all the old communist era fear mongering only he was talking about Muslims. I'm over fear mongering! Then I hear a science teacher, a science teacher spouting rubbish about the Gardisal vaccine! Then I go on tos and someone shared a link about the alert level being raised and blamed refugees! I wanted to bang my head against a wall!

12/Sep/14 7:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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As a person who suffers from Severe Clinical Depression, and thinks about suicide on a daily basis, I don't understand why a cutesy term like ''R U OK? is used to question a depressed person. Trust me.... ''cutesy'' seems like a way of blowing it off, or belittling the depression. That makes a depressed person feel like you're just going through the motions, you don't REALLY care how they feel. You're just trying to look ''IN'' or ''cool''. The only difference it can make is making the depressed person more depressed.
13/Sep/14 11:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not the way it is marketed here Heidi. It's actually accessing the younger generations use of shorthand and Australians in general tendency to shorten everything. Or change everything. I don't think anyone here thinks it's cutesy, but that might be a me, or a cultural thing.
13/Sep/14 1:16 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi all,
I think the R U OK, can sometimes open communication lines.
Most people will say OK. But some might say 'NO'.
It does make you think and not meant to belittle.
13/Sep/14 1:32 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Greg and I went to Maroochydore for a Dementia workshop and spent 2 days there. It was quite good.
I worked afternoon shift yesterday,very rewarding.
Today, just catching up on washing and housework.
Hugs to everyone.
13/Sep/14 1:37 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good to see you Nola.
Laura wants to go as a peach in the book parade next term. Guess who it trying to make a peach costume. (James and the Giant Peach/Roald Dahl)
I found a pattern for a ball and enlarged it 4 times. I put some boning in circles to hold it out but I am not happy with the result. I think I might ask Ken to get down the vacuum bag with all the wedding dresses etc and see if there is a tulle petticoat I can put inside. I also think I have a few meters of Vilene lining somewhere so I might have to also use that. I wish Laura had picked something more simple.
13/Sep/14 4:42 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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June..hope you manage to find a few pieces that will help make the peach costume. You are a goer with helping others. What are you going to use for the peach that the vilene you wanted t find?
13/Sep/14 5:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say Hi and Good Night! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and for everyone!
13/Sep/14 5:21 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Heidi...I hope you know, that all of us here, really love reading your posts and are here for you.
Never think that suicide will help. Life is precious and with meds, support, and help, it is manageable. Mama is the one with wisdom and words that give hope in overcoming life's issues.
13/Sep/14 6:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, I have made the peach out of peachy coloured material. It is cut into 6 pieces to make the 'ball'. I just have to find a way to keep it stretched out. Ken got down the bag with all the wedding dresses and there is two full tulle petticoats so I will put a straight lining and stuff the tulle inside. There are animals to pin on the outside. (Grass hoper, Bugs, Spider) I have till 12 October.
13/Sep/14 10:42 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Saturday Afternoon to all. Quite an undertaking June, but it seems as if your resourceful self has found a way to make a costume that Laura will the idea of the critters on the outside of the peach...neat.
Heidi, I had no idea that the depression you had mentioned was so deep seated. I can understand you not particularly liking the term, are u ok...however something/ anything that will open doors to let those who are dealing with dark issues know that others care, is needed. As one who suffers from this serious and debilitating problem, do you have any ideas that would be useful? It would be great if we could find out how to best help someone to move beyond the moment when the only relief that is seen is death. All of us, I believe, think you know how much we care, but would love to be more comfortable that you find the joy in life and not need to seek death as a way out of tough going, and help if we could. Perhaps when the mood strikes you, you can share any thoughts you might have with us...I for one will be most grateful...and feel the others will also.
Things continue to move on. My legs are bothersome but manageable, the dental work continues...costly, but so is not doing it, so at least I'll look better when I smile and enjoy my food more...that's a lot. Jazz had a couple of seizures last night and during the wee hours of the morning, but I had been given some emergency meds to help break up these cluster seizures and it seemed to work...he's doing well this morning. While it's scary to see him struggle during these episodes, and I have seen the overall decline since they have affected him, He is okay and enjoying life for the most part...and that's a good thing...Life is good here and I do hope the same is true with all of you..take care of are so worth it. Peace.
14/Sep/14 3:18 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Heidi, especially for you:
14/Sep/14 10:13 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for caring, everybody.

The hot weather is over here.... now I'm hearing people complaining that it's too cold!!! I think the temperature is perfect.
14/Sep/14 12:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It is a perfect day here Heidi. I am about to go outside again and enjoy the sunshine.
We all care Heidi, and especially all your animals. I think they are your lifeline.
14/Sep/14 4:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, All!

Mama, I hope your are continuing to feel better. I'm so sorry to hear that Jazz has had more seizures. I'm glad you had dome meds on hand to help her!

June, you are so creative. When you have finished the peach costume for Laura, please take a photo and share.

Nola, it's always good to see you visit. I hope all is well. The dementia workshop sounds interesting. I hope you and Greg are well!

Heidi, I wasn't aware how serious your depression is. You certainly have much in your life to contribute to it. We care about you and want only the best for you! We look forward to your posts!

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
14/Sep/14 5:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I KNOW they are my lifeline. As long as a have a large number of critters/companions, I have to be here for them. If I had just one or two, they could be placed in homes, but with this many, it isn't possible. So I have to stay around. Whenever I start feeling more depression, I buy myself a few more. I have 6 more Diamond Doves coming on Tuesday afternoon.
I am on medication for the depression, and my Doctor regularly increases my dosage as I need it. I see no reason to go in for more therapy. I've already spent 10 years with a great shrink and understand the situation pretty well.
14/Sep/14 5:13 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, is there some way you can use whatever was used in hoop skirts, the petticoats under those huge antebellum dresses? I know there were either steel bands, some were even made with willow branches, in a circle and run through a casing to give the round around the 'equator' of your peach? Does this make any sense at all to you? I can see what I am saying, not sure anyone else can hehehe.

Heidi, our weather has cooled down about 8 degrees for a high, we are in the mid 80's this week. If the humidity is low, would be a wonderful temp. I noticed you were cooler than we were. I think after my epidural on Thursday of this coming week I shall be finished with doctor appointments for a while. How is your schedule for the week of the 21st? I am so looking forward to seeing you again! Remind me that I have something for you here. Tanya bought this for you after you came for Al's funeral, she meant to mail it to you, instead she brought it to me after she moved here. It has only been 3 years hehehe.

I had my hair cut Friday. Of course she got it very short once again, but it is so much easier to wash now. Styling is a bit of mouse, and a round hairbrush as I blow it dry, good to go. NOT falling into my eyes now that is a big plus.

I think I shall have a bit of a nap, then need to do something today. I have a few things to choose from, priority one is to pot up a few more cuttings of houseplants, to offer at the rummage sale. About 7 weeks, and I think they should root nicely in that amount of time, but this week is it, get all of them done now.

I read all the posts, and thought about you, but I need the nap now, I hope to be back and make comments later.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

15/Sep/14 3:12 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, I understand your suggestion. I have looked at hoopla hoops and that is when I thought the plastic boning would give a more even effect. And easier for Laura to carry to school. I have left the Vilene at Belinda's place. That will stiffen the material and I have two tulle petticoats from wedding dresses and I think that will be enough. I will print our some of the animals and Laura can colour them so that will not add too much weight. They are the animals that came out of the peach in the story.
15/Sep/14 6:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I hope you haven't bitten off more than you can chew, June. (an allusion to the peach).
15/Sep/14 7:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We have a cow and calf sorted out of the herd, and up in the horse barn. Both are lame. The calf has a cyst between the toes of the back right hoof. We've had her on pain killers and antibiotics for the past 3 days. The Vet didn't have an opening until Monday. We caught the cow yesterday, and she has a badly swollen right front foot. At her size, it's a bit too dangerous for us to lift it and inspect it without the right equipment, so we're leaving it to the Vet. I'll take them both in tomorrow. This is one of the oldest calves, and can do just fine without it's mother for a few days. I don't know who it's mother is. IH had recorded that this cow that we have up with her is her mother, but they both disagree. IH had given her credit for having calved 3 different times during this calving season because he's lousy at reading ear tag numbers!!!
15/Sep/14 3:11 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Heidi, I'm so glad your animals, both four-legged and winged members of your 'family,' are of so much help to you! Have the diamond doves that have already been delivered made a good transition to your aviary?

June, I was going to ask if you would need to drive Laura and her peach costume to school. It seems as if you have everything well controlled. Laura is one lucky little girl!. I think your idea for the animals is a good one

MizT, I'm glad you will be getting your epidural soon, and then taking a break from doctor appointments! Good luck with all of the cuttings for the rummage sale. It's a good thing you're philosophical about the length of the haircut. Is it similar to the last one you had?

Heidi, crossing fingers for the cow and the calf when the vet sees them tomorrow. I laughed when you commented that IH has credited the cow with having 3 calves this season! Truly miraculous.

I'm about to head to bed. I hope you all share these healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
15/Sep/14 4:23 PM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends,
Have read and laughed a little, particularly about the cow having 3 calves in one season.
Heidi I think you do not have a problem so much, as the people around you... Not discounting that depression is real.
Think I am coming down with the flu/cold thingy again. So if not better by the morning will go and see the Doc.
Luv and Jugs to you all.
15/Sep/14 7:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, Laura's father takes her to school. On the book parade day the children are allowed to wear their costumes all day at school, if they are comfortable. I think Laura might have a problem walking around all day inside a 'peach'.
I had a dress of mine that I could easily turned into a peach but she wanted something bigger. Once I get the Vilene from Belinda or buy some more I will be able to finish it.
Heidi, I laughed about the cow having three calves. Made me think of an absent minded professor, extremely clever but no application for simple tasks.
15/Sep/14 11:15 PM
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