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from Alabama, USA
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Magnolia, KY
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Be yourself.... everyone else is taken.
.... Unknown
29/Aug/14 10:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The calf with joint ill isn't doing well. He's getting lethargic and has lost his appetite. I'm heading over to Gil's lab to stomach tube him, to try to give him a fighting chance. But it doesn't look good. The Vet suspects that he didn't get his colostrum when born, and few calves make it that don't get the colostrum. The Vet says that if he had gotten the colostrum, he probably wouldn't have gotten the joint ill.
29/Aug/14 11:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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IH lost my stomach feeding tube, so I had to wing it. The calf refused to drink the milk out of a bucket this time, but I was able to get him to drink (slowly ~ 1/2 hour) from the bottle this time. Gil doesn't have the patience to do that, so I'm taking over his feedings. As long as he eats, he has a chance. The calf has filled out since we got him up, and altho' he still can't stand and walk, does look better. Unfortunately, he's still not in the clear yet, and won't be for a while.
29/Aug/14 12:48 PM
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Greetings from Illinois! Heidi, I like your TOPP. I'm so sorry things don't look very good for the calf. I know you're doing everything you can, and hope it will be enough! Unfortunately IH is showing his true colors. Good luck!
Someone keeps stealing hours out of each day, and I don't know who it is or where he's putting the hours. I want them back!
Sending lots of positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for each of you!
29/Aug/14 2:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The calf refused the bottle this morning, as well as the bucket. Maybe he'll be hungry tonight, At least his temperature is back to normal.
30/Aug/14 3:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil fed him this evening, and said that he drank his milk.
We found out today that we have to replace the roof, add a LOT of ventilators and re-insulate the attic as soon as possible. Once that's done, the house will cool off dramatically. Now we have to find out how soon the guy we selected to work on the roof can do the job. From insufficient ventilation up there, the temperature in the attic is over 200˚F / 93˚C, causing the shingles on the roof to curl and melt, and overpowering the cooling system in the house.
30/Aug/14 3:52 PM
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Heidi, no wonder the A/C could not cope. That sounds like afire risk. Hope it is all done very quickly. I hope Gil was right about the calf drinking. Hope the calf will be OK.
30/Aug/14 5:04 PM
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A miserable day. Overcast with some showers. I have done very little. Watching 'the great escape' for the ump time. Replay in remembrance of Lord David Attenborough.
Also thinking of my Mum who would have been 101 today.
30/Aug/14 5:06 PM
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Belinda had her cat Jack put down yesterday. Son Neil found Jack in a garbage bin near where he worked. He had him for several years until he moved into a place where he could not have a cat. I then had him for some time until we were going on holidays and Belinda took him while we were away. He was so settled with Belinda that she then kept him at her place. He was about 15 years old and had cancer. We will all miss him.
30/Aug/14 5:11 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Wow, Heidi, thank goodness you found out what the problem was with AC/attic/roof. I hope the work can be done quickly and economically. I, too, hope Gil was right about the calf drinking his milk! Crossing fingers that all goes well - in all regards!
June, I'm so sorry to hear about Belinda/Neil/your cat being put down. It's never easy. Our now 19-year-old cat is still hanging in there (4.3 pounds yesterday at the vet). So far she seems comfortable and happy to be around us.
Time to head to bed. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, healing energy, and
30/Aug/14 5:54 PM
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The above post should have read Lord Richard Attenborough. Mixed up the brothers, although I do who was who.
30/Aug/14 7:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Our humidity has returned! Not happy about that, it does make for a muggy feel when outside.
I am still just tired, perhaps this hanging on bladder problem. One good bit of news, insurance has agreed to pay for the expensive blue pills. My pharmacist did not have any in stock, could not get any in till Tuesday earliest, Monday being a holiday. He 'ran' the script he had on hand, to check that it was now covered, and how much my co pay would be. then he phoned around several pharmacies until he found the medication for me, transferred the script. I am all ready to go get them later this morning! Even the pharmacist was surprised they OKed the med. I am too, but very pleased they did. Goes to prove, it does not hurt to ask.
I am falling asleep here at the computer, so back to bed for me. It is early morning here, I have been up and busy a while, intermission is over.
Hugs, till later.
30/Aug/14 10:06 PM
Mamacita 2
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Yabba dabba doo and good morning to all of you. Happy Saturday here and where ever you are no matter the day, may it be a great one in all ways.
Nothing much to do or say, weather is lovely at the moment, but we too will soon be facing high temps and humidity. Hard to believe that summer is fast coming to an end...but school will soon start up again and the weather will be moving back into the cold snowy days that I dislike. good , the bad and the ugly....yet all in all I wouldn't have it any other way.
Heidi..I do hope the calf makes much care being tried, thankfully. Also the repairs you must make do seem to have come to your attention before anything more dangerous, such as a fire, happened...another blessing. I do hope you are able to get the work done quickly and are able to enjoy comfortable temps in the house. June, I read about Belinda having to put the cat sorry it has come to that...I understand the mixed feelings, but know it was made in the cat's best interest.Suzy has been fighting a bad cold, and I pray that she is feeling better I do hope that Tricia is back to her spunky self. Julie, If I find who keeps stealing your hours and days from you, I'll be sure to let you I will now move about and see what else is going on around me...May the stars aline in a manner that favors peace and joy throughout.
30/Aug/14 11:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I liked Sir Richard Attenborough, but I adore David Attenborough.
The calf had to be put down this morning. He couldn't breath well, and gave up. We knew his chances of making it were slim, but we had to try.
30/Aug/14 11:30 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My new Diamond Doves will be arriving here next Wednesday! I bought 2 pairs of the wild color (like the one pictured on Brenda's page) and they're shipping them on Sept. 2nd.
30/Aug/14 11:35 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I had a pleasant afternoon. One of the neighbors just retired from the army after a long career, and he and his wife threw a huge all-day party today. I spent several hours there and enjoyed myself imensely.... especially since IH wasn't there.
31/Aug/14 10:55 AM
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Just dropping by to say hello and send positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
! Stay well, Everyone!
We went to a farmers' market yesterday and got some sweet corn and a small watermelon. We were surprised when we cut it open tonight and discovered the inside was yellow, not pink. Hubby's initial response was that it smelled 'off.' When he started eating it, he was pleasantly surprised.
31/Aug/14 4:05 PM
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Just dropping in to say hi! All is good here.
31/Aug/14 8:30 PM
Stevenage UK
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We are sorting the attic out again. We really have to get rid of some stuff.
31/Aug/14 9:44 PM
Alabama, USA
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Mama, here in Alabama, we still have a month to 6 weeks or more of summer weather. If we are lucky we will then get fall for a bit, but last few years, summer temps dragged on till mid November. I would like a nice long fall, with lower humidity at least, and lower temps would be nice, too.
Julie, I imagine the yellow watermelon was a shock to hubby, if you were not told they would be yellow meated. they are usually some of the sweetest melons around.
Heidi, so sorry the calf did not make it. I wonder why some animal mothers will reject their offspring. Do you suppose it had some defect that she was aware of, and you could not see? I know the illness that took the calf was a result of not nursing from Mom, getting the necessities, but still I wonder about the other.
Suzy, get over that cold, soon. did the grandies share with you?
Brenda, good luck getting attic sorted and getting rid of some of the stuff.
a wonderful rainy day on Saturday. We had several small showers and one really big downpour that lasted over an hour! As many residents said to me when they saw me outside, under cover, enjoying the rain, 'no need to water your plants today'. hehehe Nope, not Sunday and maybe even Monday.
Feeling so much better with the medication. So lucky that insurance is paying for it! Even my pharmacist was surprised that they elected to pay. My thoughts: it never hurts to ask.
I have a huge basket I have had over 40 years. I now keep a flower aqrrangement in it on top of my bookcase. Yesterday I took it down and re did it completely. the red berries should have been taken out last spring, never got around to it. some of the greenery was varigated, white and green, that and the berries looked to Christmas to me. I bought new artificial greenery and some new red mums, and it looks like end of summer, fall, now. I am happy with it. Saving all the red berries, will put with the cream poinsettias come December.
Need to find another good book to read. I finished the Nora roberts Trilogy I found in the library, and passed it on to Caudelle. Ramona is reading a good one now, gee, forgot the author, but one I read a lot, and it will come to me when she finishes. We do get good mileage out of books here.
I do need to get outside before it gets hot again. The 4 urns and one small planting area under cover need water. That will not take too long. Then I must do some cooking, no planned overs in my fridge , except for the last of the beef stew.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
01/Sep/14 12:26 AM
Small Town Canada
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Rainy here today. We had a thunderstorm during the night and the power went out ... just long enough to have to reset the electrical clocks so hubby's alarm would go off on time. It seems to be quite a bit more humid after the storm and rain. September is my favourite month weather-wise. Cooler weather and less humidity.
The three remaining kittens and their mom are running loose in the house. My other cats are not quite sure what to do. Hopefully they'll sort it out soon. Mama cat is in heat again, the second time in the last week and a half. And she likes to let everybody know!!!!!
June, sorry to hear about the kitty. At least he had a good life. Heidi, sorry about the calf. It's very hard when you have put so much work into trying to keep it alive.
Off to do some swearing. Catch you all later.
01/Sep/14 1:59 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All,
Happy Sunday and all is good. Very hot and sticky and the same is forecast for the week. I've turned on my a/c so the house is comfy.
Trica. I like the Alabama weather this time of year...spent time in Mobile and enjoyed... the heat and the humidity was a little more than we have here on a regular basis, but not by much and I could deal...however the cold was so much nicer than we have that I fell in love with that...but didn't like Mobile that much. Can't have everything can we? Heidi...sorry about the cafe too and hope things only go up with the birds coming...that's going to bring a smile to your face I'm sure.Good to know you were able to party hardy and enjoy after all of the work and pain you've had.Theresa, are you able to keep mama cat from frisking around and having another litter? Must not be easy for ya.Good that the kittens are now able to mingle and become socialized, but your other cats are most likely none too pleased. Hope things soon work out for you. Glad you stopped by Suze..hope you're feeling better. Brenda, you and Richard enjoy traveling so plan on a trip here....and a visit to see me someday soon. Of course you'd need several weeks at the least and perhaps could share your expert help in cleaning and sorting...and you wouldn't even have to climb to do so...My poor garage is so in need of
With that message in mind, I'd better take my leave for now...have a great time enjoying something pleasurable during some part of each day. Peace.
01/Sep/14 4:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tricia... I agree with you. I think the mothers sense something is wrong with the calf when they reject them... especially when it's a cow with a history of being a great mother. But with cattle prices being at an all-time high, we fight for each one. We could have sold him for $1000.00 at just 4 months old!
01/Sep/14 4:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Wet and rainy here. We're under flash flood warning! Fortunately, the house is on high ground, and the County work crew just finished cleaning out the big culvert under the highway, next to Gil's office, so that won't flood. (They call it a highway, but it's a winding 2 lane country road.) I started mowing the lawn yesterday, but got rained out after only half an hour. I may be able to finish tomorrow.
01/Sep/14 4:42 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all
Just a brief call in, to let you know all is fine with me.
Loved reading the posts especially the ones where you are enjoying life.
Sorry about a few animals passing away for June and Heidi. You never really get used to it.
Greg has gone down to Stanthorpe to visit one of his sisters. Quite cold down there for what we are accustomed to.
I have had a bit of work lately which I have enjoyed. ,The arthritis in my hand has been very painful and I couldn't do much at all.Luckily this started on days off. Using my left hand wasn't easy.To write, eat or even wash up was just about impossible, but it is now getting much better.
MizT, great that your insurance covered the meds and I hope you are much improved now and you can get out in the garden.
I have forgotten what else I was going to comment on.
Take care.
01/Sep/14 7:52 AM
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Hi, Friends!
MIzT, I hope you actually have an autumn this year with cooler temperatures and less humidity!
Heidi, what a shame that the calf wasn't able to fight the illness! You certainly made an effort, but it's hard to fight nature.
Suzy, I hope you are soon feeling better and no more cold! Are you still teaching in spite of feeling so poorly?
Mama, I hope your temperatures moderate so you don't need to run your AC a lot! Does the temperature affect Jazz? I hope he's showing some improvement
Brenda, good for you in sorting through things in the attic! I wish you much luck. If it goes well, would you consider doing the same in our basement?
MizT, I'm glad you finally got some rain - and a bit of a rest from watering! I'm so glad you insurance approved the medication, and more importantly, I'm SO glad that it's working! Will you be posting a photo of the basket you arranged? It sounds wonderful! Have you found a good book for your next read?
Heidi, I'm glad you don't need to worry about the flash flooding!
Theresa, is it common for the mama cat to go into heat so quickly - and frequently? It sounds like she and her remaining kittens are making themselves at home.
Nola, it's good to see you visiting! I'm glad you've been able to get some work - AND you're enjoying it! Hopefully, the arthritis will improve!
We're enjoying our yellow watermelon. I hope everyone is well or getting better! Sending warm feelings, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
01/Sep/14 5:01 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just a brief stop in. It is Monday and I have a day off but a lot to do. Papers to grade and In-laws coming over later. I have a cold so it is not fun. Still working at Target on weekends but I will be giving notice soon. It is getting too much. At my new school I have 100 students and papers to grade. I have not had to grade papers in the last 3 years (I was lucky).
02/Sep/14 1:17 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Did Suzy generously share her cold with you, Tami????
02/Sep/14 2:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We're having a thunder boomer right now, so it's a good excuse to relax inside instead of mowing the lawn. At least it's cooled off a bit, so the A/C is able to cope.
02/Sep/14 2:02 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Not sure Heidi. You know that germs can travel long distance so who knows.
02/Sep/14 3:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I don't know what I did to my back, but it's SCREAMING at me.
02/Sep/14 7:10 AM
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MizT have you read any of Ayn Rand? I am re-reading one I first picked up 40 odd years ago called Atlas Shrugged - really enjoying it again. Still recovering from a very busy weekend - the Caulfield Races on Saturday - good fun. We went there for Hubby's birthday - 8 of us for lunch and to lose our money (as usual). Sunday to the local farmers market and then to visit my sister and brother in the afternoon. After dialysis on Monday was so very tired so didn't stay at work - had to go home for a sleep. Today all is good again. My daughter and partner have his family arriving this weekend from Scotland so will be busy again. They will be here for a month. Heidi - you know why your back is screaming - you just do too much. I am constantly amazed at what you achieve. It is time you let someone else take care of some of your work and take care of your self. Sorry to hear about the calf - but glad to hear of your efforts to help him. So many farmers wouldn't bother. Hope all the 'sickies' are feeling better...
02/Sep/14 12:57 PM
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Greetings, All!
Tami, it sounds like your school year is off with a bang! So much to do and so little time. No wonder you will need to give notice at Target. I hope your cold improves soon!
Heidi, I'm glad the thunderstorm is forcing you to stay inside and hopefully rest, instead of being out mowing the lawn! I just wish your back wasn't causing you so much pain and discomfort!
Midge, it sounds like you have also been very busy! Enjoy the visitors! Remember to give yourself some 'me' time. I'm glad you're finding time to read. Do you read or watch TV while you're at dialysis?
It's time to head to bed here. I'm thinking of all of our regulars and less frequent visitors and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
02/Sep/14 4:36 PM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, I hope I can now take photos and upload them. Joy worked on that for me while she and Tay were over Sunday for our little Labor Day celebration. I have not tried doing it all from taking photos to uploading to computer then to sudokuland, but have done each separately in the past, maybe I can get the photo up. I will try, promise.
Tay had a bit of scatterbrain hit her. she was to bring fish to bake and a nice rice dish, many different rices together. when Joy got to my house (she had a family lunch with her Mother's side of family first) and text Tay she was here, Tay walked out without either! Luckily I had made a casserole with the intent some to eat and some to freeze. We had that for our meal instead
. I am supposed to be the one with memory problems hehehe.
Monday was our Labor Day Picnic Lunch that residents Association provides for us. I was able to find some oarts I could eat and stay on my eating plan. Menu was hotdogs with all the topings available. I had mine minus bread, with a large serving of slaw. for desert we had ice cream sandwiches, and for once, they bought Skinny Cow brand, much lower calorie, and not but 4 grams over my carb allowance. The plan was to leave the last bite, and be 'legal' but somehow it found it's way to my mouth.
We had entertainment too! One of the resident's son in law is an entertainer. I went often to hear him in a trio 25 or more years ago! He came solo Monday, and did a lot of the oldies but goodies, some singalong, accompanying himself on guitar. Brought all his sound equipment and set it up so everyone could hear. I think he put on a 30 minuet set, we all enjoyed that a lot.
Rest of the day I napped and read. I was just tired, and still having a bit of trouble sitting for a long time. Feels like I am sitting on my bladder, so, lying in bed was good for that. I had two nice naps and still was to sleep last night by MN.
Tomorrow is back to the urologist. Not sure if she will do another treatment, but I plan to have someone here with me after, in case it is a repeat of 2 weeks ago. Planing ahead, I think we can control the 'little bit of stinging and burning' (yeah right). If she wants to do treatment again, that is.
time to water the containers again, the petunias and begonias are so large they drink up a LOT of water per day. In ground plants should be good for a week after that nice rain.
Off to start my day, I will have to get back later to comment. I did read and thought of you. Sending hugs to each, with extras.
03/Sep/14 12:22 AM
Alabama, USA
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Midge, Yes, I read Atlas shrugged for the first time about that long ago also! I know I have read it at least twice more over the years. I am reading one set in the Cherokee Nation now. I was not aware that pre civil war and the trail of tears, there were Cherokee Planters who had huge plantations, with antebellum homes and dress, just like the white settlers, using Negro slaves for labor. The Cherokee nation spread across north Georgia, East Tennessee, Alabama, and into Kentucky. The fictional plantation in this book is in North Georgia, very interesting read.
03/Sep/14 12:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Another horrific day with my back. I wish I knew what I did to it.
03/Sep/14 12:15 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Seems like maybe I should find time to reread Atlas Shrugged. I'm not sure when with fall semester started: weekly cello lesson, 'Quartet Strings' (string orchestra) and actual quartet.
MizT, you have had a busy weekend with Joy and Tay and residents' association lunch. Good luck with your visit to the urologist. Crossing fingers that all goes well!
Heidi, I hope your back improves soon! You usually know why it's acting up, so I can imagine your surprise that you don't this time. Rest as much as you can!
Early morning tomorrow/today. The car I drive needs starter motor and brakes, so we need to get it to the mechanic early. So, off to bed I go. {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy for all!
03/Sep/14 3:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've never read Atlas Shrugged. Maybe I should, with all of these raves about it.
The back is still screaming. I got up to get more pain meds, and decided to check in here. I'm gonna have to go into E-town (half hour drive each way) tonight, to pick up my Diamond Doves at the main post office hub. That'll save them 8 hours in transit time.
04/Sep/14 2:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What a surprise! The Diamond Doves arrived at the hub in E-Town at 1 pm, and I just got home with them (also picked up more pain meds). This saved them 19 hours of transit time. They're settling in well. They're SO cute!!! They're doves the size of canaries. Fortunately, driving never seems to hurt my back any more than it's already hurting. Well .... back to bed.
04/Sep/14 5:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Post #5000!!!
The pain meds have kicked in, and I'm relatively comfortable.
I like these Diamond Doves so much that I just ordered three more pairs. These aren't the wild color. Two pairs are Blue White Rumped, and one pair is Blue White Tailed.
04/Sep/14 6:12 AM
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