Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Yesterday is ashes, tomorrow wood. Only today does the fire burn brightly. Live Today!
- Old Eskimo Proverb
20/Aug/14 8:05 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Mama, the unrest lately just breaks my heart. It is unbelievable in some instances. I can understand the turmoil you must be feeling. It is hard to wake up hopeful each day, but we must do so. Not to do so would be to give in.

I have not had a great day - very weak and bright lights in my eyes almost entirely blocking my vision. That went away about half an hour ago, so I was able to come here and read. My blood sugars are a bit low right now. I just don't have much appetite and have to force myself to eat.

Three of the kittens have gone to their forever home. The remaining three and the mother will be coming out of the bathroom tomorrow to join the rest of the motley crew. I was going to do that today, but just haven't felt up to it. The bathroom needs to be thoroughly scrubbed down.
20/Aug/14 8:11 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Mama..... ((((( HUGS ))))), and many of them. I don't like people in general, but I love individuals. People in general terrify me, because I feel that there is nothing they won't sink to in the way of inhumanity. I avoid cities and crowds because of that. The warm, caring friends I make on this site show me the best side of human nature.
Have you thought of using a night light for Jazz so the lights won't go off completely?
I know it's awful facing the passing of a much loved furry family member, but consider the alternative. Your life would have been lacking all that fun and unconditional love if you hadn't had him in your life. I feel that the trade off is more than worth it.

Great BOPP and TOPP, Theresa. I hope your eyes improve soon. You don't need to let your blood sugars get out of balance. Ever.
((((( HUGS ))))) to you, too!

I spent the day sleeping today. I must have been more stressed out by the oral surgery than I thought. I'm heading back to bed soon.
20/Aug/14 12:01 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're having a nice thunderstorm right now. There's not much use in trying to go to bed now. A few of the collies will be crawling all over me. It's funny how as they get elderly, they suddenly start freaking out at storms which never bothered them as young dogs.
20/Aug/14 2:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Mama, your concerns about human nature and the state of the country and the world right now are well-founded. I sometimes wonder how much longer the human race can exist in this state. I hope there will be a change soon, but wonder if it's possible. I'm so sorry to hear about Jazz. He has been such a faithful and loving companion for many years. Heidi is right, though, in looking at the alternative of never having had him in your life.

Great TOPP and BOPP, Theresa! I wish you luck in finding forever homes for the rest of the kittens and the mother cat. I also hope you will soon be feeling better and your eyes will pose fewer problems!

Heidi, I hope you're getting plenty of rest after your time in the dentist chair! I hope the thunderstorm didn't last very long and the collies let you sleep.

I am falling asleep in the computer chair, so it is time to say goodnight. I'm sending a huge supply of {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing vibes for all of you and those you love.
20/Aug/14 5:00 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hi everyone,
I do hope you are all well. I started a long post but left it a few days and now it is so out of date that it is not worth sending.
Mama...we understand your pain at seeing the world in such turmoil. Your faith in God must comfort you.
As for Jazz, it is very sad. We love our pets, and they love us more.
The funeral was today for friends baby girl.
She looked beautiful,so small and it was just like she was asleep.I didn't go, but got a picture.
It is nice, just to share our daily issues with people here who have empathy.
You are all a great bunch.
Catch up soon I hope.
20/Aug/14 10:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tricia reporting in. I read, and thought of you, but know I will not be able to be here long.

Went to the urologist today, and she found nothing wrong. bladder looked fine, call her for a culture and sensitivity if I think I have infection. She had no answer when I asked how would I know if I did, since I had every symptom now that I ever had with an infection? I told her then I was still in a lot of pain, what was the next step for that. she came back into the room and asked, You are hurting now? Yes, and have been for last 3 weeks since we last met. So she decided they could do a treatment today, if I wanted. Medication into the bladder, something to deaden bladder a while, something for the inflammation and something for the spasms. She did not tell me of the possible side effects, and of course I had to have them.

Hold medication in bladder for an hour and a half to 2 hours. Not a mention that expelling it would be like passing acid accompanied by ground glass, and the severe spasms that would follow. Nothing about what to do for it if it happened. I tried everything that had in the past helped with bladder spasms, and somehow made it through an hour and half of misery before it began to get a bit better. when I called the office, was told this was 'normal'. Not in my dictionary! Not a normal I could live with for sure. I have an appointment for another treatment in 2 weeks. Hard decision when the treatment is 5 times worse than the problem. I will have to have amazing results for next 2 weeks to entice me back for that torture.

Still not back to my normal, so I will find my bed again. It is the most comfortable place for me at the moment.

Mama, I hope you can find a solution for poor little Jazz, to make his remaining time more comfortable for both of you. Theresa, hope the 3 kittens and mama cat fit in with the other cats with out problems. Heidi, rest is what you need, glad you are getting some.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till I can return to comment further.
21/Aug/14 1:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slow day. We're still having intermittent thunder boomers, so not getting much done.
21/Aug/14 2:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That does NOT sound fun, Tricia. I sure would think hard about going back to that torture!
21/Aug/14 2:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, All!

Nola, if I left a comment from one day to the next, I'm sure hubby would have shut the site down (not vindictively, just assuming I was finished & not thinking to ask). Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the time to write a long post these days. I hope the parents were able to find some relief and support at the funeral for their little angel! I can't imagine how it must feel to lose a toddler - or any child.

MizT, I don't know how you could stand that torture. The urologist has obviously never gone through that procedure - or would have had some empathy, as well as better explanation of what to expect! I'm with Heidi; do you have an option of another doctor to try, or is this the only doctor on your 'plan'? I hope the coming days and weeks bring you some relief! Gentle {{{HUGS}}}} coming your way!

Heidi, I'm glad the weather is helping to enforce your reduced activity for now! Hopefully, this epidural will last until you're scheduled for the next.

Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
21/Aug/14 3:34 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Tricia, how awful to have to endure that. I do hope it clears up and that you do not have to go back.
Nola, what a beautiful baby and how sad that she did not live. (Nola Emailed me a photo)
Heidi, keep resting as much as possible. I just wish you were able to take more care of your back but that is difficult when you have cattle on a farm.
Mamacita,I can understand your concern with what is going on is America and the rest of the World. When one has a loving peaceful nature it is hard to understand those people who are hurtful and aggressive with no thought for their fellow man.
21/Aug/14 9:10 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Theresa, I do hope that you find homes for the rest of the kittens. we have become a no animal family. We want to travel and it becomes hard when animals are involved. Anyway we only have to go to Belinda's if we want animal therapy.
I have been sewing again today. Last night my shoulders were very sore and I did wonder if it was from bending over the sewing machine. A couple more days and I should be finished. I do limit my time at the machine.
We had a fine day so Hubby mowed the lawns and I go some winter woollies dry.
21/Aug/14 9:16 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well pooh, I lost a long post. Again. The short version is I think this treatment might have helped, feeling much better this morning even before taking the 'blue pill' I got as samples once again. Still not sure I would go back for treatment again, but it is in the 'maybe' category now instead of no way.

Sending this much before I loose it again.

22/Aug/14 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad you didn't suffer for nothing, MizT. But still.... that's an awful thing to have to go through. There must be an easier treatment to go through than that hours-of-suffering stuff.
22/Aug/14 6:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. It is late here. Just got home from baseball practice and had to scan something to send to my school email. Figured I might as well pop over and say hi.

Big {{{HUGS}}} to all who need or want one.
22/Aug/14 12:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to Everyone - and Good Night!

Hoping June, Heidi, Theresa, Suzy, Mamacita, and especially MizT are feeling better! That 'procedure' sounds awful, MizT!

Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, , and healing vibes for everyone.
22/Aug/14 5:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, Heidi and any others who commented on my 'torture treatment':

I am told that not everyone, only a small percentage of people, has a bit of burning and stinging from this procedure, and my more extreme reaction to it is probably because of how inflamed the bladder and urethra were, and 2, because I have fibromyalgia. The same pain stimulus others feel as a little sting and burning is just worse for me. I too am glad it was not all for nothing. Now the trick will be if after the 'blue pills' are gone, will I still feel as good as I do taking them. They gave me 6 pills, take 3 a day. I am not needing that much, taking 1/2 tablet a couple of times a day, and being very comfortable.

OH, just remembered, I must phone insurance, get them to send a form to doc requesting an exception. that is to get them to pay for a drug not in their formulary, but needed because nothing else is working. Wish us luck on this. I will try to get back later. Hugs to each of you with extras.
23/Aug/14 3:55 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Friday from here.
Another sleepless night for me, but Jazz seems to be just fine...sleeping like a baby as I have to be awake and about....I think he's enjoying
Well I do want to thank all of you for thinking of me as I go through what all animal lovers must...Heidi, I use a night light and thanks for the thoughtful reminder. I'm not rushing things with Jazz, but trying in my own way to see that all good things will end. I have been so happy with the many dogs I've had the pleasure of sharing the love they give so freely, that I must now prepare myself since I know that will end with Jazz. I'm just not able any longer to give another animal all that it deserves, so Jazz is the last in line for me...this is best for all of us, but still a bitter pill to swallow.
Comments, I have a few....first, Tricia, I'm so glad that after all that you endured, you started to feel better.That experience was off putting to say the least. I do hope complete healing comes soon...It's time for a break from pain and discomfort. Heidi, Glad your weather is helping you to do as little as possible and hopefully your back will have an opportunity to get a little stronger. Tami, how many kids will you have this year? I do wish a happy, productive year for all, the boys especially. Mike's daughter starts 6th grade this year and I feel the same way about that as you feel about Mitchell being a senior...the years they do fly. Theresa, I do hope that you are not as weak and off kilter today as you have been Having to deal with poor eyesight and wondering if things will improve only adds to your stress and uncertainly...I want you to know that I have been speaking to the man upstairs and hope HE will soon see that healing happens. Keep the faith. As Nola noticed, I do gain much strength from my faith that things happen for a reason and while we don't understand or like the current state we may find ourselves living with, we must remember that this too shall pass and things will change. Not everyone finds this to be a comfort for them, but I do hope you may, and also that complete healing will come sooner rather than later. Rolanda....That sweet grandie is filling your heart up...Enjoy and do let us see some more pictures next time you all are together. June, You are a teacher's dream help. Trying to find folks who not only have helpful skills such as sewing, but are also willing to help out is such a gift. I know it must bother your hands, shoulders and neck while you bend over the machine or cut out the patterns, but you also must take great pride in being so helpful or you wouldn't do it so well....Good onya. Julie, it's a wonder how you can accomplish so much and to have a partner who is just as involved is a joy. I'm so happy to read about the gift of caring that you two share. With your wood burning experiences, the musical involvements and the voluminous paper work you do as well as donating blood and family time, you guys give seniors a true pictur
23/Aug/14 4:33 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Well I see I ran over with my post and of course I didn't copy it before hand. I was almost finished so no need to think you missed out on anything special...just a shout out basically to all the others who read and visit from time to time. Love,Peace and long life.
23/Aug/14 4:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I completely forgot that I'm going to a concert with friends tomorrow. It's a group that my friends love ,and they thought that I would enjoy, too. It's called ''Sawyer Brown''.
23/Aug/14 6:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH MY, anyone need a bit of warmth? We are having more than our share and I do not want to be greedy . I would gladly exchange some heat for some of your too cold. Last two days our feels like temp was over 100 before noon. Humidity so high even if out early when the feels like is only 90, it is like walking into a sponge. I had to go water some of the plants, had heard on the grapevine some plants looked wilted. A friend asked the person why didn't they give it a bit of water then? OH NO, Tricia does not want anyone touching her flowers. Wonder where that came from? I begged for help, no one volunteered, so I just did it myself. Old women and rumors, aaaaagggh!!

Heidi, I hope you enjoy your concert. I have not heard of that group, you will have to tell us all about it when you return.

Mama, I do hope you can sleep tonight. Is Jazz the reason for your sleepless night? Not good at our age to miss out on sleep.

Tami, how is school going? what are you teaching, and to what age children? Your sons stetting into another year of school?

June, I too am a no animal family. It is first time in I-can't-remember-when I have not had a pet, usually a kitty. I just cannot have an animal that would need my attention on my bad days. Oh, it would be great to have a purring fur ball to snuggle up with me on such days, but the downside of having to clean a litter box, having my apartment smell of cat, having to put her needs before mine, just cannot do it. I visit my friends who have cats. Most of the cats run and hide, but at least one comes and rubs my legs, sniffs my hand when I reach down to it. For my animal therapy, I go downstairs the nights Hands and Paws come, bringing some beautiful dogs that are trained as therapy dogs. Wish they would bring a cat who would come sit in my lap and purr a while. I think it is wise for seniors to know when it is time for no more animals. Glad you can go to Belinda's to get pet therapy.

Time to think about dinner. I am thinking of a faux potato salad using steamed cauliflower instead of white potatoes. I have some roasted chicken, can have some corn and sliced tomatoes, yep, that's a dinner plan hehehe

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
23/Aug/14 9:16 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Thank you for your kind thoughts everyone.

Mama, decisions about our furry friends are never easy. When we had to put our dog down it was one of the hardest things ... I had definitely lost a best friend.

Heidi, Sawyer Brown sings The Boys are Back, but that's one of the only songs I remember about them. Enjoy your day!

MizT, I wish I lived closer to you so I could bring a kitty to visit you. I have a calico that is super friendly and will lick your hand and arm for as long as you let her, purring all the while.

This weekend I am kitty-sitting a neighbour's two cats. I visited for a bit today to find out where supplies are kept, instructions, etc.

Well, got one more load of laundry to do before I call it a night. That plus dishes, scoop litter boxes, feed kittens, and on and on and on. As MizT would say, I better get my fat frances off the chair ........
23/Aug/14 10:49 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Next time I visit, I'll bring Angel again, Tricia. She's very fond of you.
23/Aug/14 11:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to bed early. I have to get up early, because I have to go to town first thing in the morning for cash from the bank and feed for my birds, then I go back home, bathe and go meet my friends. The concert is 3 hours away, and we want to go out for an early meal before the concert.
23/Aug/14 12:54 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, yes by all means bring Angel, she was a sweetie! Enjoy your concert with your friends.

Theresa, thanks for the kitty thoughts, I can go to sleep thinking about your little calico. Love a cat with a good purr motor hehehe.

the cat Al had when we met was the best nurse cat ever. she could tell when I was not feeling well, and could tell where the pain lay. She would come squeeze herself between me and the sofa cushion, when I lay on my side, propping my aching back against the cushions. And purrr! the kitty warm and vibration did wonders to relax me! Funniest thing imaginable, though, I had a palm held vibrator for muscle spasms, and would have that against my back. She came to lie on it and see if she could out purr it hehehe.

Bed now, and hope each of you has a great weekend.

23/Aug/14 2:42 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Running late (as usual, I guess), so just a brief hello and sending of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}}, and
23/Aug/14 5:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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YAH! I have finished the sewing. Tomorrow I have to pick up all the pins and vacuum all the bits of sparkly material.
here was quite a bit of fiddly sewing which I found hard because my fingers do not co-operate, especially my left hand. It was very hard picking up pins and pinning things together.
Some more rain tonight. Ken cut the lawns on Thursday and I should have given them a dose of fertilizer. Ken does not agree because he thinks the grass will grow quicker!
My aches are so much less and I am sleeping better. I am thinking of you all still in so much pain and I do hope you are soon feeling better.
23/Aug/14 10:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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A quick brekkie, then off to E-Town for bird food.
23/Aug/14 11:15 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I managed to sleep in this morning. Outside feels like temp when I got up at 9 am was already mid 90's, (35C) headed to 105-108*F (44C). It is that very high dew point driving the feels like temps up and up and up. we are under a heat advisory. Now that is an interesting thing to figure, because they must factor in not only the actual temp, the humidity, but what the local peoples are accustomed to. Heidi is several degrees lower than us, and still in a heat advisory. At those same temps as she has, we would not be here.

Forecast says a cooling down by mid week, with highs in the mid 90's. That is not very cool to me! No rain forecast either, just hit or miss, mostly miss for us here it seems, pop up summer thunder showers. I really need to turn soaker hoses on to the smaller section of the garden. I forgot I had turned that section off at the manifold, as it does not take as long to water as the larger sections, and the short section did not get water yesterday. A quick out and back inside to the cool will get that done.

D#2 plans to come over today. I am not sure what we will do today. It is too hot to want to be out even in the auto today.

24/Aug/14 12:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Our humidity levels put the heat index through the roof. It's nearly 100% humidity, and you're wringing wet within seconds of going outside. And it's not even raining!!! Though storms are forecast on and off all day.
24/Aug/14 2:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... I just looked it up. It feels more humid than it is. It's only at 63%, but that puts the heat index over 100˚F right now.

I'll be back after my bath........
24/Aug/14 3:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm leaving in 10 minutes. I'll let you know late tonight how the concert was.
24/Aug/14 4:21 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Back from a weeks holiday. The internet and phone connections were either bad or non existant so not much vontact with the world.
We could do with some of your heat Tricia. Even though it is supposed to be summer the heating came on in out holiday cottage because it wss so cold. Apart from that the holiday was enjoyable the scenery is spectacular. As it was in the area I come from I was able to see one or two family members while I was there. Especially pleased to see my aunt who had suffered a really bad stroke about a month before we were due to go. She is paralysed down the left side but is making progress.
24/Aug/14 7:07 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from the concert. We all had a great time, despite the hot but rainy day. The group Sawyer Brown put on a marvelous show of country, rock & roll and borderline pop music. They've been together for 34 years and have released 23 albums, so they're pretty polished but put on a high energy show as well. I'm looking forward to going again.
24/Aug/14 3:03 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Welcome back, Brenda!
24/Aug/14 3:03 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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So pleased that you enjoyed the show Heidi.
Where did you go Brenda. I am always interested as It may be somewhere we have been. I sometimes think we have seen more of UK that a lot of the English. Ken is now contemplating another trip early next year. It is just that there is still places he wants to go and he is worried about hiring a car if he gets any older(75 in Dec). We are also still planning on South America in September so I have a lot of work to do getting fit!
24/Aug/14 9:15 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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It has been a nice sunny day and we have been out. Ken was helping grade some junior baseball players and I sat in the car and read the paper. Then we went for lunch at a nearby shopping centre. Laura wants to be a peach in the school book parade (Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach) so I bought the material and some boning to make this peach. I think the parade will be next term as it is not listed for this term. Laura wants it to be like a big ball with just her head out the top. It will be quite a challenge.
24/Aug/14 9:22 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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June we went up north this time. Stayed in a place called Eggleston which is near Barnard Castle in Teesdale. We didn't go to any railways this holiday but there are a few around. Part of the national railway museum wasn't too far away. Plus the small Weardale railway and Tanfield railway too. This part of England is my stomping ground, near where I lived for the first 44 years of my life.
24/Aug/14 11:38 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, that is the one part of UK we have not been. In '88 we did go to Scotland, then back down to The Lakes district and across to York. We went back to York last year.
I just got up to get a hot drink to get me back to sleep.
25/Aug/14 1:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sleep well, June.
25/Aug/14 5:23 AM
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