Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Heidi, I have just put a photo of a Diamond Dove on my page. I found this bird last year when we were having work done before having the cabin built. It was wandering in the front garden next to where the workmen were mixing concrete. I didn't have a cage so took it into the back garden and made sure the dogs couldn't get to it. Not sure what happened to it.
15/Aug/14 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Brenda. It's a beautiful bird. That's the wild color. They now come in many different shades of grey, blue, pied, red, yellow and white. My favorites are the wild color and the white tailed blue.
15/Aug/14 12:30 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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I have left it a couple of days to comment and I am still gobsmacked by your daughter MizT. I hope she realizes how horrible she has been to you before she has regrets for the rest of her life. Heidi - how is the epidural going? Hope the increased dose is working. All going ok here - away for the weekend so can't stop now as too much to do in the office. Keep safe everyone.
15/Aug/14 1:53 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is feeling great! I'm being very careful with it.

I just bought 2 pairs of Diamond Doves on line. They're both the wild color. Depending on how happy I am with them, I may get some other colors later on.
15/Aug/14 2:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I don't believe that MizTricia's daughter thinks that she has done anything out of line. In fact, I'll go so far as to state that I think she's proud of herself for making such an effort for her mother, and is put off for not being appreciated as much as she thinks she should be. You forget, I'm married to someone who is comparable in selfishness.
15/Aug/14 4:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nearly 3 am. Off to bed. I did have a 4 hour nap this evening, so I'm not really losing sleep.
15/Aug/14 4:56 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, Heidi and all, D#2 has not been back to visit since the caffeine incident. For once she honored my request not to phone me, waking me, since I am having a bit of a rough patch here. I did send a text to let her know I was OK, but resting a lot. Seemed to satisfy her. she has not needed anything last few days, so all is well.

I will have to ask her help Sunday, I must move all my plants from window, again. On management's inspection of my apartment, Linda found a couple of cracks in sheet rock around window and the AC and a previous patch is turning loose. Greg, the independent contractor who does EP painting and sheet rock work, came yesterday to say he would be starting work on those today. In fact at the moment he is just around the corner starting the repair to the sheet rock I damaged when my chair caught on something. It is good for EP he gets paid by the job and not the hour, he talks constantly! He was here 30 min yesterday just telling me he would start work today hehehe. I had to shoo him out then and twice already today!

IF he has to remove sheet rock on that wall that was patched I will have to be out of the apartment for some hours. Cross fingers he does not have to tear into the wall, please.

I do not think I told you about the Water in my floor under ac over weekend. Since there was already a work order to clean my AC coils and fan, Zaire did that as well as find the leak problem. Some bacteria or fungus was growing in the drip pan, made the water semi solid and stopped the condensate drain. So I had to remove all the plants from window Monday for AC work, then put them back . Now I get to do it once again (sigh)

The good part is, I have my AC unit working as it should now. I requested they try repair instead of replacement, because the new units do not have a way to direct some of the air through the interior wall into my bedroom and this unit does.
16/Aug/14 3:51 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Shoot, I lost my post with comments. Not sure what happened. I will try to recreate it later, I am off to bed n ow. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
16/Aug/14 5:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slooooooow day in Sudokuland. Slow day here, too. I'm still taking it easy after the epidural.
16/Aug/14 1:36 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have spent most of the day sewing. I told Laura's teacher I would help with costumes for a dance. (Laura is not in the dance) Her teacher bought 19 dresses and wants wide belts and head bands. She also wants two vests for the boys. I have found the cutting and sewing a bit hard on my hands which have lost their sensitivity.
16/Aug/14 5:06 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Another quick stop just to say hello. School starts on Monday and now is the rush to get last minute details ready and get the boys ready. I can't believe Mitchell is a senior.
16/Aug/14 9:24 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Your boys are growing up Tami. How are your parents doing these days?
Heidi, I am so pleased that you are looking after your back.
16/Aug/14 9:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I sent you an e-mail, MizT.

I hope you're feeling better.
17/Aug/14 8:40 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hello all.

Cold and miserable wet day here. Yesterday it reached 14C, which is way too cool for August. I've actually had to close some windows and dig out a sweater.
17/Aug/14 9:55 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I hang read, but I lost a long post. I'm still exhausted from no sleep when the kids were over (Tahli had leg spasms). I'll get back after a bit more sleep.
17/Aug/14 7:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off in an hour to a district Lions Club meeting. It's a good thing to do on a rainy day. First, I need to feed and water my birds. I wasn't feeling up to it last night. The back felt a wee bit stressed, and I didn't want to push it.
18/Aug/14 3:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Back from the meeting. It was supposed to be a meeting first, then a meal afterwards, but there was a communication problem over the meal, and it didn't happen. Oh, well.
18/Aug/14 7:57 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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One kitten has gone to its forever home, and of course it had to be my favourite :(
18/Aug/14 8:13 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Before I forget, want to say thank you to whomever managed to talk some sense into my D#2. I had to ask her to come today, and get the plants out of my living room window, and then take me to grocery. No way I could have done either of those today, feeling that unwell. Well, not without severe consequences. I MUST tell you how today went.

D came in, gave me a hug, and asked me to tell her where the plants go, and would we need a cart. Since they did not go far, just to the elevator lobby on our floor, she grabbed the hanging plants two at a time, once I showed her the best way to get them off the hooks (she was having difficulty), and in 10 minuets plants were all relocated. then we sat and had something to drink, soft, not adult beverages at 11 am. Next we were off to the grocery. 'Mom, do you need me to bring the car around for you? Pick you up at the door? ' I did and she did. She bucked my seat belt and said, 'I must remember to buckle you in every time, you have a problem with that don't you?' I do and she did, rest of the day. I did have to remind her a couple of times that is was not helpful to push my grocery cart (buggy, trolley), that was subbing for my walker. Coming back to the drive to entrance to our parking lot, she asked me how were we going to do this unloading of groceries and then parked in the loading zone, went inside and got one of our grocery carts, loaded up my groceries, and pushed them into lobby, where I got into my power chair and waited for her. Once upstairs, she put away all my groceries, and took out the trash, with the smelly stuff from meat I had repackaged, while sitting in my kitchen rolling chair. Easiest grocery buying I have done!! So again, whomever had a chat with her, sent strong enough vibes she heard them, whatever, THANK YOU.

Working on replies to comments now, so will get them up in a bit. Here are a few hugs to tide you over till I get back.
18/Aug/14 9:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OH JUNE, you are so much like me in some respects. Someone needs something and your hand goes up automatically, 'I can help.' I think we both forget what that helping will do to our bodies, now that said bodies do not work as well as they once did I also think that Laura's teacher is taking advantage of your helpfulness. That is not help she wanted, not in my dictionary, that is a full time job!! Please tell me that the date they are needed is far enough in the future that you can take your time, and rest between sewing. I hope the dresses are very simple and all machine work. I am angry that anyone would take advantage of my friend so. I do think you and I both need to practice the word NO a bit more. I know for sure that is one thing I need to work on.

Heidi, I found and answered one e-mail, and will check if there is another. I am keeping up with mail more than posts here at the moment, cause like June, I am 'helping' with a project here at EP. Will tell you about it another time. But I choose this job because I can do it when I am feeling up to it, from the privacy and comfort of my apartment, in my jammies if I want, even at 3 am when I am up for my intermission hehehe. It is something I can do over the internet. The feeling better part? Depends on where we are measuring from. I am not well, not sure just why, but perhaps a combination of the bladder 'discomfort' and the side effects of the medication I am taking for it. I get better when the meds are working, and feel worse as they wear off. Two more days until I go to urologist for the cystoscope. I hope she finds something that is easily fixable, but fear that will not be the case. It is looking like it might be another of those things I must just live with.

Tami, good luck for a smooth Monday. You get a double whammy of back-to-school-itis, as both a teacher and a Mom of school age boys. I cannot believe Mitchell is a senior, either. In my mind he is still that young boy in the photo you shared of the 4 of you, back when. Check back in when you can and let us know how it went, please.

Theresa, I would take a days worth of your cold and wet weather, to give you a break . We are needing rain again, today is day 9 since last rain. My plants would be doing so much better with some rain.

OH SUZY, I am so sorry you are having trouble after having the grandies over. I can understand though. It is a good thing we had our children when we were young, would not live through it if we had them when grandparent age. I hate you lost a long post, seems to happen when we are tired and sleep deprived. Our electronic devices seem to take notice of that and mess with us then. I do hope you got back to sleep and woke rested and refreshed.

Heidi, sorry there was no meal at the Lions Club meeting. I imagine there were some tummies growling a bit fore everyone got home to food. I am so glad you were able to put off bird feeding without doing harm to either them with the wai
18/Aug/14 9:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, sorry there was no meal at the Lions Club meeting. I imagine there were some tummies growling a bit fore everyone got home to food. I am so glad you were able to put off bird feeding without doing harm to either them with the waiting or your back if you had pushed.

Theresa, how sad your favorite kitten was the first to leave for it's forever home. Have you found homes for all the others yet?

The only bad thing about my grocery trip, D#2 hit a big pothole, could not be avoided, and just that jarring set bladder and entire lower abdomen to complaining, loudly. Luckily it was medication time, and I medication with me and medicine had worked by time we got home. I had a nice nap after groceries were up, so am better at the moment.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
18/Aug/14 9:46 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, I still need homes for three of the kittens. I am getting mommy cat acclimated to the rest of our cats, but the problem is she has gone into heat .... ALREADY. Time to make her little nip and tuck appointment soon.

I wash everyone's acheys would go away magically. It is just after 9:00 p.m. but I am soon going to bed. I think the cooler weather is making me want to snuggle under the blankets more than usual. Hope mommy cat quietens down a bit.
18/Aug/14 11:09 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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That should be wish, not wash. No, I am not going to wash your acheys!
18/Aug/14 11:10 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Quick stop in. Had to take care of a few things on pooter so I just had to say hi. It will be a busy morning. Hubby leaves first, followed by Mitchell. I leave before Dylan so he will walk himself to bus stop. One of my friends has a daughter starting at Dylan's school tomorrow. She is being driven in and will take bus starting Tuesday. On the days her mom has to work, Dylan will walk by her house and pick her up. He will also walk her home after school. Dylan is just short of 6 feet tall. Not many people will mess with him. He will keep a good eye on friend's daughter on way to/from school. Dylan is taller than me and Mitchell and only about 1/4 inch shorter than his dad.
18/Aug/14 11:17 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Tami, how old is Dylan? I cannot keep up. Heck, I cannot keep up with my own grandchildren, so who would expect me to keep up with your son. Still growing? It is so good that he can walk your friend's daughter to and from bus. How old is she? At his height, I doubt he would be teased by the other boys in the school about walking a girl to the bus hehehe.
18/Aug/14 12:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can't believe that they've grown that much, either!
18/Aug/14 1:40 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've got a dental appointment early morning, so I'm off to bed.
18/Aug/14 1:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A wet and windy day. I did drive out in it to have coffee with a friend.
Tricia, The teacher bought the dresses. I just have to make fancy waist bands, head bands and the two vests for the boys. She needs them by the end of the month. I hope to get them finished next weekend. It is just that there is a lot of cutting out and sewing.
18/Aug/14 7:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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June, sorry I misunderstood about the dresses. The bands and vests are a much more reasonable request, but still can cause hurt to hands that do not work well. Take it as easy as you can, and I hope the sewing is done with minimal ouchies to you.
19/Aug/14 12:10 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm back from the dentist's. I have stitches in my mouth again. I just had to have one filling, but the cavity extended well below the gum line, so the dentist had to make an incision to work on it. The novocain has just worn off, and the ends of the sutures are rubbing against the tongue.
19/Aug/14 3:11 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all.

Heidi, hope you feel better soon. Stitches in the mouth are not fun.

Mitchell will be 18 in December and Dylan will be 14 in November. The young lady is about to turn 12 and is in 6th grade and just starting middle school. Nobody in their right mind would tease Dylan. He is just under 6 feet tall, weighs about 200 pounds and wears a size 13 shoe.
19/Aug/14 9:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This is the second time in less than a month that I've had stitches in the mouth. It's getting monotonous.
19/Aug/14 10:16 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Your boys are at great ages Tami- they must give you a lot of pleasure. I feel for you Heidi - my biggest fear after all I have been through is going to the dentist. I am up for 3 teeth to come out and I am petrified. MizT - I am glad d#2 is being more compassionate and caring- she will be a big help to you if she can take you to your appts - you have enough to contend with. June - is there someone else who can do the cutting for you?
19/Aug/14 10:36 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Afternoon everyone.
my #1 baby turned 28 yesterday.
the other delight, the Melbournian Son, has another cold. Dr has given him Antibiotics
my baby Grandson, is gorgeous. 6 weeks old today.
not much really happening in my part of the world.
much of a muchness!!
19/Aug/14 2:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say Hello and let you know that there will (hopefully) be a bit more time to visit here. Last week was the multi-day symposium sponsored by our wood turning club. Hubby and I were both on committees and had full days, so were unable to view demonstrations. (Hubby was assigned as videographer the entire time in one classroom, so was unable to choose what he would view.) We had many positive comments from attendees, and it ran smoothly except for a few minor glitches which were probably noticed only by those 'working.'

Sending many {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and !
19/Aug/14 4:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Birthday to your #1 baby, Rolanda!
19/Aug/14 4:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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OOPS! Apparently my first comment was marked as 'Sudoku Technique/Question' & may not be visible to all.
19/Aug/14 4:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I could read it Julie. Pleased the symposium was a success, even if you and Hubby were not able to appreciate the show.
Last night I went to bed early and slept right through till 7am. Tonight Hubby came to bed at the same time. He could not get to sleep so he puts the radio on! I have now done the puzzles, had a hot milk drink and see if the radio has turned itself off.
Sorry about the sore mouth Heidi.
20/Aug/14 12:49 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello this Tuesday evening...hope the day has bought an end to bad things and good things are pushing their way through for all.
This has been a week of mixed emotions for much trouble in the USA and around the world that my heart is deeply troubled. There is so much hate in this world and we the people have so little in the way of comfortable relationships with those who look differently from us that we fail to see how much more we are alike.The death of young people of color grows, the fears of many are stoked and the majority of the people are faced with hardships due to job loses and money woes in many cases...we find greed and the need to hold on to perceived ideas and power as a justifiable reason to walk over people, so that we can keep what we think we head hurts with all of the evil that man brings down on himself. Happily, my sanity remains intact when I can come to a place such as this and open my heart and empty the things that are not good and make room for the sunshine to warm the heart with the love and concern that I find on these pages...Thank God for allowing sanity to be restored.
I had a wonderful day on Sunday, I spent the day hanging out with my daughter and SIl and a great niece. We had a beautiful day weather wise and topped off the day with a great meal at a delightful Indian restaurant that I've wanted to, I was prepared for anything...and of course it came...I find that Jazz is starting to show me that the seizures have really played havoc with him...His sleep pattern has completely changed and I was up all night with him trying to help him feel safe and secure...he gets frightened when I turn the lights off and starts to bark or cry...sure hope this changes again soon..but he still hasn't missed a He is such a good dog and knowing that I will lose him weighs heavily on my heart, but I glory in his spunk to continue to enjoy what he his food.
I thank you all for putting up with my need to share my musings..I'm okay...just dismayed and overwhelmed at times and need to share with loving folks...I'm blessed to have a place to do so comfortably here.
Take care of yourselves and know just how much others care. Peace.
20/Aug/14 7:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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BOPP ... something to think about.

'Capitalism inevitably and by virtue of the very logic of its civilization creates, educates and subsidizes a vested interest in social unrest.'-Joseph A. Schumpeter
20/Aug/14 8:03 AM
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