Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.

Ron White
06/Aug/14 10:32 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Busy day here today. I went to grocery, and I must have been out of everything. I sure did spend a lot of money, double my usual amount, and I had room to put it all into fridge, freezer or pantry. Well, I will have room to put into pantry , as I have not put those items away yet. I also shopped for Myra, I am not able to buy ALL her groceries, but asked her to write out her most urgent needs, up to 10 items, and I could manage those. With her purchases and mine (she had large and bulky items like cat food, and 3 loaves of bread), it took me 3 trips with my power chair, groceries hanging all over it, to get both our groceries inside.

One of the things Myra wanted was a bowl of watermelon chunks that are sold in the salads section at Walmart. None to be had, they had spears of watermelon, but one container was $7, seemed a bit steep to me and perhaps more watermelon than she could eat fore it went bad. They had a quarter melon for much less, I took it to her, and cut it into chunks and stored in her bowls. There was still melon I could not cut out, a thin layer. I asked if she wanted it and a spoon to scrape it out and eat at the moment, nope, toss it she said. I scraped it and enjoyed the juice and bits of melon I scraped up, and figure it would be good for the UTI also. Watermelon flushes out the system, cannot hurt, eh? My pay for the trip.

I took out her trash from her purchased meals for last 3 days, she is not able to go even next door to the garbage chute, and no one else had bothered. Washed up her dishes, filled her water bottle with ice and water. she is really getting worse, walking the few feet from her sofa to kitchen exhausts her, and has her puffing like a locomotive. I really worry about her and wish I could do more than I do for her. I really wonder where her family members are, some of them are local, but she will not ask for help, proud Cajun she is. I have taken to phoning her before I go up, so she can take her time getting door unlocked for me. When I knock, she tries to hurry and not keep me waiting.

No good deed goes unpunished, I have heard, and guess I can chalk up my aching lower back and right hip to my punishment hehehe. I had to walk in walmart, no riding cart, and although it did not bother me at the time, sure is now. Hope a good night's sleep will help. This is second pain med since I got home, sometimes it takes the second one to really work.

Got a notice in mail today from old hospital saying I am over due for my mamo. I was thinking it was due August, but last year was July 2nd, and I had to have ultrasound also, it seems. Notice said this was my second notification. I did not get that mail. Ahhhh, I see why, they did not have apartment number on this, I guess today the regular postal clerk recognized my name. I always give apartment numbers, and stress that I will not get mail if it is not included. Why the heck can't people get an address correct?

I need to phone current PCP doc an
06/Aug/14 1:14 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I need to phone current PCP doc and get it schedule. Wanna bet he sends me to GYN specialist so I can pay her co pay to schedule a mamo? Well, I have not seen one in a long while, my PCP did a half a$$ breast exam, it might be worth the co pay if (s)he will do a good exam. Have any of you ever had a breast exam from an MD while sitting in a chair?

Computer is flaky, I best send this. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
06/Aug/14 1:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have just a preliminary report about BIL Jon. The judge released him and sent him back to the institution he was in originally. Unfortunately, they cannot force him to stay in the building, and there's the chance he can wander outside and head to a bar. I suggested to Gil that he or his sister contact the bars in that area, in case Jon walks out, and ask them not to serve him if he comes in.... for 2 reasons; that he's a serious alcoholic, and that he doesn't have any money. I don't know yet what we can do to keep him from killing himself if he's determined. Gil's sister has all the details from the judge, and she will tell us about it tomorrow.
06/Aug/14 4:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick hello! Hope to get back to read & comment tomorrow.

Great TOPP, Tami!

Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing vibes, positive thoughts, and !
06/Aug/14 5:31 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi - how horrible for you and Gil. Wise words from MizT. Similar thing happened to a friend's first husband. The violent stage was mainly due to frustration and passed. Unfortunately his personality was never the same whilst he was sober and in a 'hospital' but did have some good quality of life. I hope he has some support from his family and it doesn't all get left to you - you have enough to deal with. My thoughts are with you...
07/Aug/14 9:44 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Does anyone know how Gail is? Haven't heard from her for a long time.
I have finally been accepted for the transplant list so fingers crossed. I feel so much better with a possible end in sight (maybe years)to the continual dialysis sessions.
07/Aug/14 12:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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CONGRATULATIONS, Midge!!! That is the best news I've heard in a long time! I hope the wait is short.
07/Aug/14 2:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil and I live 8+ hours from the facility where BiL Jon is. Their sister Sue lives just 15 minutes away and has the major load on her, since she's the closest family member.. I wish we could do more to help, but Gil does talk to her twice daily so she doesn't have the burden of decisionmaking on her. Their other brother Paul is also consulted regularly. Gil is the oldest, Sue the youngest. Once everyone realized that Jon could never be independent again (or probably not for a number of years) they made the decision to end the lease for his apartment and sell his car. Sue and Paul (who lives in Minnesota and drove out to help) emptied out and cleaned the apartment, and Sue sold his car. The money from the car sale goes to Jon's care. Jon is SO lucky to have a supportive family that really cares about him.
07/Aug/14 2:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, yeah, their father lives only a few blocks from Sue, and visits Jon regularly. But Sue and Gil don't want to dump any of the responsibilities on him, since he's 90. I know this breaks his heart. He tried so hard, for so many years, to get Jon to go with him to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Jon went a few times, but refused to believe that he had a problem. Well, if THIS isn't a problem, I don't know what is!
07/Aug/14 2:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just dropping by to say HI!

Midge, what wonderful news! I hope the wait will be a short one! Prayers for you that a good match will soon be found! Keeping fingers & toes crossed while thinking positive thoughts.

Heidi, I'm glad Jon has family in the area and everything won't fall on you and Gil. Sending positive thoughts your way!

We ended up having 2 meetings tonight. Only found out about one this morning, but the other was more pressing (planning committees and finalization of preparation for the 3-day wood-turning seminar next week.

Sending positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
07/Aug/14 5:17 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Midge what wonderful news. I do hope the wait is not too long. Gail and Hubby are OK and she has been posting on FB.
Heidi, a hard road ahead for you all with Jon. Actually I am pleased that you are not as close. Gil can drive to help out the family and you have more than enough to do on a day to day basis with out anything extra.
MizT,my Doc generally gives a breast check when I have a smear test. I am also eligible for a free mammogram every 12 months. Had the last one 6 weeks ago. they seem to have a more gentle machine the last couple of years.
I have not heard the expression that no good deed goes unpunished. I always say I am building up my account for when the day comes that I need someone to help me.
07/Aug/14 5:38 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Wonderful news, Midge! {{HUGS}}
07/Aug/14 8:59 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Bummer! I had a long post and the computer went off line.
Yesterday I went to the movies and saw 'And so it goes' with Diane Keaton and Michael Douglas. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of laughs and I came out feeling good. My type of movie.
The rest was comparing babysitting grandkids and dogs. I think the dog is more work.
07/Aug/14 10:16 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The back is seriously sore. Only 5 days to go until the epidural. Gil MAY be in Wisconsin then. Sue has an infrequent, and long-planned, vacation scheduled for next week and has asked Gil to come up to be on site in case there is a problem with Jon to be dealt with. He's fully capable of just walking out of the facility and walking until he finds a bar. One of the down sides to Wisconsin (besides the 9 months of winter) is that there's probably one bar for every ten people. He won't have to look far. If he does that, he won't be able to pay for the drinks, and the police will pick him up and hold him until a family member retrieves him and returns him to the facility. I have told Gil that it won't hurt him to sit in jail for a few days waiting for someone to pick him up.... so if Gil doesn't go up there next week, it won't be a disaster. So he's starting to think about staying hime, and only going up there if there's trouble. Jon has no short term memory any more, and doesn't remember a visit 5 minutes after the person has left. Nor does he remember any conversations, so if someone tries to explain what's going on to Jon, and that he needs to cooperate for his own good, he will talk to you like he understands, promise to do what's in his own best interest, then, 5 minutes later you're back to square one. It's frustrating for everybody. I'm trying to be as supportive as I can, but also trying not to interfere with Sue's decisions. I hear too many sad stories about in-laws interfering in family problems like this.
08/Aug/14 3:56 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Great news Midge, hope that you don't have to wait too long.
Heidi, I'm pleased that Gil is stepping up in the care/ worry for his brother. Also hope that maybe he has curbed his drinking too.
I have just received the dreaded letter telling me that my smear test is due and I need to ring my doctor to book an appointment. I will wait until after we come back from holiday...we go awat a week on Friday.
08/Aug/14 6:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just a quick stop in. I received my new classroom keys. I have the weirdest classroom. It is a giant triangle. It is part of a huge square room with a movable divider wall. The divider goes diagonally across room.

Heidi, thinking of you during these troubling times. I respect you for trying to stay out of the decision making. It is not easy for anyone in the family.

Midge, hope the transplant is sooner rather than later. Keeping my fingers crossed.
08/Aug/14 7:22 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Just finished washing the bathroom floor; this is the room the kittens are in. Oh my, I was mauled and climbed upon and now sections of my legs are bleeding. What rambunctious little monkeys they are. I was on my hands and knees the whole time. Can't wait for the next time ... NOT! They do make me laugh.
08/Aug/14 9:28 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a brief visit, as I have an early alarm tomorrow (donating platelets again. It can be done every week, but takes more than 2 hours. That's a lot of squeezing!

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing vibes, and for everyone!
08/Aug/14 3:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, how wonderful that you donate blood so often.
Laura and the dog are asleep in my bed. ken is in the single bed Laura should be in. I needed to get up and move my shoulders around.
09/Aug/14 2:53 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Gooday all,
Midge, great to hear you are now on the transplant list and hopefully the wait isn't too far away.
Heidi...dementia is another cruel disease effecting more and more elderly. . Why cant they put him into a locked area (if they have one) where he can get outside but not able to leave the facility.
I bet you are hanging out until the next epidural. Hope it really works well. Have you been able to see the baby birds yet? must be pleased to have found homes for some of the kittens.I had to smile at the floor cleaning episode,but not the bit about the scratching of your legs.
MizT..loved looking at your pot plants in flower,very colourful and pretty. That was a great explanation on dementia for Heidi.
June...I see that you are still getting broken sleep with your shoulders. Pity that you weren't able to play bowls properly. Lets hope that one day you can get back into it. Ohhhh, Laura and the dog in bed together. How cute. is that rooster and hen fitting in now?
Brenda..seems I missed and anniversary. Belated best wishes anyway.
Broni, Tami, Julie,Victoria and all who visit here. HUGS.
We had very sad news Wed morning when a family friends 18 mth old baby girl, passed away from SIDS or cot death. So tragic. They have 2 other little girls and understandably quite devastated. I dont think you can get over losing a child and finding something to say, to ease their pain is almost impossible.
Until next time xxxxx
09/Aug/14 6:20 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Nola, such tragic news from your friends. As You said, no parent should have to bury a child.

Daughter #2, Tanya, is in Birmingham, has been over at my apartment last 2 days, and I am exhausted! She has done her laundry here, but not mine. I think a nap is in order. Tomorrow she shops for a washer and dryer.

MIDGE, I am so happy to hear you are on transplant list. Sending good wishes that it happens soon.

Tami, a triangle room? I hope you can figure the best use of that space soon.

Heidi, I hope Jon will remain in the facility and not get out and find a bar. I liked your idea of a family member taking his photo around and asking bars not to serve him. Do you think he would be less apt to go out in the freezing weather of winter? Or is his desire for alcohol so strong it will not be a deterrent, only a danger that he will freeze to death being out and perhaps not properly dressed??

Sorry I cannot reply to all, must get that nap. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
09/Aug/14 7:02 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The baby Scarlet Chested Parakeets left the nest box today. there are 2 of them, and both healthy. Until they're 6-9 months old, they'll look like the female. I'm THRILLED!!!!

What a sad story, Nola. I don't think they'll ever be able to prevent SIDS deaths, though. It's just part of nature, though one of the saddest parts.
09/Aug/14 7:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Nola, my thoughts and sympathies with you and your friends. No parent should have to bury a child.
09/Aug/14 10:28 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

June, what a sweet picture I have in my head of Laura and the dog snuggling in bed. Hopefully when you got back to bed you were able to get some sleep!

Nola, I'm so sorry to hear of the SIDS death of your friend's little one! I didn't realize it was still a possibility at 18 months. What a shame. Sending condolences to the family and all who are close to them, including you and your family.

MizT, too bad Tanya didn't offer to do your laundry as well! Hopefully things will soon be back to normal and you'll be able to get a good nights sleep!

Heidi, I'm so glad the baby Scarlet Chested Parakeets are out of the nest box and you'll have more opportunity to see and enjoy them!

Tami, the triangle classroom will no doubt present challenges, but then so do rectangular classrooms. I'm sure you'll find the best way to utilize the space! I hope the teacher in the other part of the room will be compatible and pleasant and contribute to a positive atmosphere for the year!

Time to hit the hay here. Sending lots of healing vibes, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS & JUGS}}}}} and for all to share.
09/Aug/14 5:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, they are in my bed again. The dog was curled into my back so I have had to get out and when I go back I will move her over. They will both go home today. Then I might get my house back into some sort of order.
I bought some clothes for Laura on Thursday but could not find them when I looked on Friday. Asked Hubby (as he was with my and was carrying the parcel. went to the shops yesterday and asked around. No luck so bought another set (they were not expensive). Told Hubby and he said he thought I was talking about a book I had also bought and the clothes were with some things he bought. I will have to go back on Monday and return one set.
10/Aug/14 3:26 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Nola, so sorry to hear about your friends baby. How tragic for them.
10/Aug/14 3:29 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, all!

I'm frustrated, as I just lost a post. Luckily, it was quite short.

June, I hope you were able to get back to your bed and get some sleep before morning arrived. It can be difficult to share a bed with a grandie AND a dog!

How inconvenient to have to make a trip to the store to re-buy all of your purchases, only to find out that you will know need to make another trip to the store to return them. Hubby and I have been known to do something quite similar. I'll buy something, then hubby helps by putting it away or at least somewhere other than where I might have put it or expect him to put it. On the next trip to the store, I buy the item again. Once we had 3 or 4 packages of paper dinner napkins. He put them somewhere that seemed logical to him, and happened to be the top shelf of a cabinet. As he's 12 inches taller than I am, he had no problem seeing and retrieving them. I had no idea where they were. Right now, neither of us know where 2 or 3 containers of sunscreen are, which is inconvenient, as it's summer here, and we need to be using them.

I think I will call it a night. Please feel free to share these healing vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and !
10/Aug/14 3:39 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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This weekend has been an event in the county called Ag-Stravaganza. We had a wonderful catered dinner last night with roast pork, cheesy twice baked potatoes, bacon wrapped green beans, fresh salad and blackberry bread pudding. I want more of it right now. Today they had farm tours, lots of booths with freebies, petting zoo, and a couple of concerts. Gil was manning a booth for the sheep and goat producers. We both were financial sponsors. I showed up mid afternoon to tour the booths and get some food, and brought along one of the collies who needs to be socialized: Sandy. The 15 minute drive there was interesting because Sandy insisted on riding on my lap the whole way, honking the horn on the truck. An adult collie is not the best thing to have on your lap when driving, I must say. At least she behaved well in the crowds, and got a lot of admiration. We didn't stay as long as I wanted to because the sky opened up and gave us a major thunderstorm... about 2 inches of rain or more! I'm finally drying out. But we really needed the rain.

Only 2 1/2 days until the epidural!
10/Aug/14 3:46 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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The feast sounds good Heidi. Please take it easy and rest after the epidural. Lets make this one work.
I think my bed may be warm now ( I turned the blanket on). It will be nice to have most of the bed to myself.
10/Aug/14 9:26 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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morning friends, waiting on coffee to finish brewing, beginning to smell good

Rain again yesterday, and the accompanying aches, I slept a lot and managed to survive with less pain than day before. Rain is good for plants. I was trying to find a way to water some of the shrubs that rarely need watering, they looked so droopy and water hungry. Perked right back up, amazing what a bit of rain can do!

This was the first real rain since our building went smoke free, first of July. The designated smoking area, only place smoking is permitted anywhere on the property, is not under cover, although the director claims it to be. It is adjacent to a covered area, actually between two covered areas, just between the covered parking area under building 2, and the drive that goes under building one.It gets quite wet in a rain. As soon as all staff left for weekend Friday afternoon, one of the smokers moved 4 chairs into the parking area, between 2 parked cars! I do not think either car could have got out of the parking space with those chairs there, and most of our residents would NOT be able to move the chairs if they had their car so blocked. there are a lot of problems between smokers and non smokers now. HUD, the new city and county ordinances all require building to be smoke free, and strict guidelines about where a designated smoking area should be. Smokers who have lived here for 15 years and smoked in their apartments or on their balconies think they should be 'grandfathered in' and allowed to continue to smoke. They do not understand that no provisions for that in any of the no smoking laws passed. The non smokers who used this outdoor sitting area are up in arms, having the area taken away from them, and no place given as a substitute. Do not see a peaceful end of this, I am fearful some of the smokers will be evicted for non compliance. I know one of the most outspoken smokers is smoking in her apartment, as soon as the staff leaves for the weekend. Her apartment is located near the elevator lobby and I smell it as soon as I get off the elevator. I am wondering if staff is going to ignore this, or talk to her, or send her on her merry way. Tune in later for breaking news in the smokers vs non smokers war.
10/Aug/14 10:54 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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As they say, MizT, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.
11/Aug/14 12:23 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Enjoying a quiet Sunday morning. I have to go to work (Target) in a few minutes. I am on weekends only. We will see how long that lasts. I will be teaching 6 class periods this year so with homework to grade I may have to quit.

Julie, the classroom has a divider wall. It is fabric and goes floor to ceiling. It completely separates the two halves into individual rooms, with separate entrances. It can be opened if needed. The problem is you can hear almost everything on the other side. There were a few rooms like this at my old school. Kept divided most of the time, opened when needed.
11/Aug/14 1:20 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Evening All on a very quiet Sunday. Nothing much going on here, but did want to let Midge know how happy I am that she has finally made the transplant list and will be happier yet when there is a donor and every thing comes out as we all want. Fingers crossed and prayers being said. Nola, Prayers to your young friends on their very unfortunate loss. Never a way to bring comfort when one so young and innocent dies for a reason that we can't understand but must accept. I do hope they had enough time with the baby to form some very lasting memories that will bring them some comfort in time.
My leg problem has returned and once again I'm in pain with these frustrating. Will call the doctor in the morning to see if I can get meds or need to visit them again...sigh. Other than not sleeping due to the pain. Trica...hang in there girl...we seem to be both battling these crazy things far too often. Do keep us posted on the news between the smokers and non smokers...having once smoked I understand how how hard it is to not be able to smoke where you are accustomed to enjoying..all part of the addiction, but am I glad I finally stopped..just not soon enough to fully escape the harm it did. I pay for every cigarette I smoked.You can bet it's no fun!
Heidi...You still amaze me with all that you do with that back of yours. I do hope this next treatment brings longer lasting relief. Julie, so annoying to lose a post even when its not a long one...get some rest.The sun screen will turn up this winter and you both will be able to laugh I bet.Tami, Best wishes for the new school year...hope the kids are willing to do the necessary work and their behavior isn't unbearable most of the time. I too had one of those crazy rooms in my early years in the classroom and it was a real pain when both rooms were occupied...never know why they were built for teaching purposes rather than joint reading or lecture classes....SMH. June, I know it feels good to have your bed back sans kid and dog, but know how much you miss Laura too...always a trade off it seems ...and sometimes that's a really good thing.Theresa, what's new on the homes still needed for the kittens...hope you haven't had to send them away. Well, my grand daughter just brought my dinner to me to eat in front of the computer to save the need for I will close for now and eat while its hot. Peace .
11/Aug/14 9:21 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A sad day here in EP land. One of our residents was found on the floor in the hall outside her apartment yesterday. Medics worked on her a very long time, but could not get her back. They say heart failure. I am wondering what caused the heart failure. No one seems to know that she had a heart problem. We were not close friends, but we did chat when our paths crossed, had played a few hands of cards together in Commons.

That is the third resident who died here in the building in about 8 weeks! Usually a resident will go to hospital or skilled nursing home as the end comes near.
11/Aug/14 2:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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That IS sad, Tricia, but at least it was quick, and the resident hadn't had to go through the humiliation of a long stay in hospital while losing control of various functions. I've watched loved ones go through that, and it's painful to watch. I told IH, tonight, that I was NOT going to let that happen to me, and that I was going to end it once it looked like my quality of life was gone for good. That freaked him out seriously, but it makes sense to me. I can't stand the thought of going to a nursing home. I'm too much of a country girl, and need my freedom and independence.

I have heard that the hardest time for elderly people is the cold of winter and the extreme heat of summer.
11/Aug/14 2:44 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Mamacieta, I too am a former smoker, and understand a bit more than others do. I think I have been lucky, I hope I have been lucky. The pulmonologist I saw said for me, at 15 years off the cigs, my lungs should be back to normal and my risk factor is now same as a non smoker. fifteen years to get them clean and repaired, that is a long time. At the time I stopped smoking, Al stopped smoking in the house, so no second hand smoke for 15 years, too.

OH, Mama, those legs must be really bothering you, if walking to the table to eat would hurt you. I hope your legs get better and soon.

I am having some real doozies of pain levels today, still. I should call for injection tomorrow unless it is completely gone . I called Daughter #2, asking if she could come drive me to doc, because I cannot get a transport without 24 hours notice. She has appointment to get her TV, home phone and internet connected, needs to be home. Slim chance I could go on the EP bus if they can work me in, but they also ask for advanced notice. If all else fails, I will drive and use the valet parking, use the walker with the seat. the shot only costs me 51 cents, and I have NOidea why hehehe. I think it is because getting an injection of a medication that can be given orally. Not into my tummy, causes major problems, to stomach and liver both, which is why I do not take it often, even by injection. The valet parking is about $15. so happy my doctor is only a few blocks away.

I am getting very sleepy, I think the meds taken today have kicked in now. I feel more sore at the moment than pain, that is an improvement.

To Heidi, June, Midge and Mama and anyone else having major hurt now, get better soon. I am sending best wishes for all of us to improve quickly.
11/Aug/14 2:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I quit smoking in July of '99, and have never had another cigarette. I, too, have been told that my lungs have reverted to non-smoker status. I didn't quit because I considered it dangerous to my health, though. Smoking can be very calming when you're stressed. I quit once I realized that I was spending more money daily on cigarettes than I was spending on dog food to feed my then 24 collies! Once I realized that I was literally burning up that much money, I stopped smoking cold turkey, then and there. I now consider all the dog food I buy as free. That's all savings from not buying cigarettes.
11/Aug/14 3:28 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just 1 1/2 days to go! I leave for the epidural at 2 pm on Tuesday, and it's 1:30 am Monday.
11/Aug/14 3:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Just a quick visit to say hello. I read briefly.

Heidi, the dinner sounds yummy!

June, I hope the bed was adequately warmed and provided plenty of room for you to get comfortable!

Mama and MizT, I'm so sorry you are both experiencing increased pain. Hopefully that will soon be reduced, even if medical intervention is needed.

Heidi, I should have included you in that comment. I'm so glad you're only a day or two away from your next epidural. I hope it will be a doozy, and you'll be able to come home and rest/sleep as much as needed to make it last!

Tami, I hope the day went well at Target! Will you receive extra pay for the additional class this year? I hope the teacher and class on the other side of the fabric divider will be quiet and cooperative!

MizT, I hope things can be worked out between the smokers and the nonsmokers. Thank goodness smoking is one bad habit I didn't acquire. (I have enough other bad habits.)

It's time to consider getting some sleep. Feel free to share from the abundance of positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and I'm sending.
11/Aug/14 4:00 PM
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