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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
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Small Town Canada
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Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend.'
- Albert Camus (also attributed to Maimonidies).
25/Aug/14 9:06 AM
Small Town Canada
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My neighbor found the other family of kittens and mother that were outside. They had been in a shed behind our garage, but the mom moved them. They were found beside their air conditioner outside. She (the neighbor) has taken them in. There are four of them and they appear to have eye infections. Such cuties. I helped her set up a bed for them. It's the same neighbor that I looked after their cats this past weekend. Such good people.
25/Aug/14 9:08 AM
Small Town Canada
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There is such turmoil in the world, I just wanted to tell you about my neighbour's good deed. There are a lot of nice people in the world.
25/Aug/14 9:11 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just another quick stop in.
I forgot who asked but I am teaching 6th grade this year, mostly 11-12 year olds. I am teaching a math elective. That means the kids have 2 different math classes. I am teaching at a lower level, right now mostly times tables that they should have learned but did not or they forgot. I get to do more hands on and play games as I am not tied to the text book.
25/Aug/14 10:03 AM
Alabama, USA
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Today was grocery day. I went by myself, and managed to get most of what I needed at wal mart super center. I also did a bit of looking and buying non food items. I needed a new notebook for keeping pain medication times in it, got it today for 25 cents, back to school clearance. I got another hose for the garden, a light duty regular hose, to replace that 'as seen on TV' hose that shrinks. Was going to add it to the hose the maintenance men have outside their shop, but that one has been moved. They did pressure wash of the front covered patio/entrance, and left them out there. Not unusual, they leave things out just like a 12 year old boy. I found some pretty vinca, a ruby red with white centers, and replanted the pot the pansies were in. Here the 4th week of August, I dug out the remainder of the pansies. Still a few trying to bloom, but mostly looked ragged and brown.
I found a new pair of cotton knit black pants, these fit, many of those handing in my closet are too big.
Daughter #2 came over yesterday, and took my laundry home with her. she loves her new washer and dryer, said would be easier to do them at her house. cheaper too :), and I have found my clothes are dingy often when washed in our laundromat. It is almost as if they do not rinse the cothes well, do not get all the soap and dirty water out. We will see if wht she took looks whiter, I do hope so.
TAMI, I think I asked what ages and subject you were teaching. I am glad for you that the class is not as structured as some, and you have a flexibility to play games and get their attention, get them interested in math.
Heidi, sounds like you had a good time at the concert. I do like your new profile photo. which of the collies is that with you and when was the photo taken? A good shot of both of you.
Teresa, thanks for teling us of your neighbors good deed. I am glad this litter of kitties is being taken in my someone other than you. Spread the joy, fun and responsibility around some.
I am ready for a cup of coffee, my bedtime meds, and a sit down with a good book. I found a trilogy by Nora Roberts, all bound together, IRISH BORN. I today finished book 2, on to book 3 tonight. The only thing I do not like is this trilogy is heavy, I have to sit with a sofa cushion in my lap to hold the book! Even then if I read too long, shoulders to hands get tired and achey. I must send book on to Caudelle when I am finished. she came to check on me after my treatment at urologist, had phoned to ask a question, and could tell I was not well, came to see about me. she is fast becoming my best friend here. Both of our husbands were named Al, it is strange hearing the name applied to someone other than my Al.
So very hot, my coleus are wilting every day in the heat of afternoon. I moved both containers to shade for duration of this heat wave.
OH, I got a dozen little grape tomatoes from the vines that came up volunteer. As I had expected, they just do not get as mu
25/Aug/14 12:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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they just do not get as much sun as they need, very leggy and viney. but the few tomatoes they have produced are so sweet and tasty. I will put these in my salad at lunch tomorrow.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/Aug/14 12:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I took this picture 7 years ago with my computer. I know it was 7 years ago because that's Angel as a 3 month old puppy, sitting on my lap.
25/Aug/14 1:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Maybe she was 4 months old. Somewhere in there.
25/Aug/14 1:49 PM
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Greetings to All! We have a long day ahead of us, so hoping to get to bed momentarily. Thinking of all of you and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing vibes, and
25/Aug/14 4:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's swelteringly hot in the house and I cannot sleep. The central air has stopped working and even with the windows open at night, it's in the mid-80's (˚F) inside!!! Tomorrow I'm calling the repairman.
25/Aug/14 6:11 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Once I threatened to call the repairman, the A/C started working again, but not at full efficiency. Oh, well. I guess I'm gonna have to spend the money.
26/Aug/14 2:36 AM
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Your A/C might need regasing Heidi. You need to keep comfortable at night as you need your sleep.
I took the sewing to the teacher yesterday. She was very impressed and very appreciative of all the work I had done.
I got a lot of laundry done and dry yesterday. It was nice last night to get into clean sheets.
I also saw my GP as I felt my BP was high. I have this woosh woosh in my head as I hear the blood pushing through. It was up a bit so I got told to do more walking. (40 minutes a day/ 6 days a week). I do not take blood pressure tablets.
I think I might try a game of social bowls today, that is if does not rain.
26/Aug/14 7:20 AM
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Good top Theresa. You do seem to have a lot of stray cats around your area. Pleased someone else found the next lot of kittens.
Tricia, I do hope you are still getting better. Hope your A/C is working well. It is hard to keep your garden watered in the heat. Can you go down in the evening when it is not too hot?
26/Aug/14 7:26 AM
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Theresa - you are one of the good people for all you do for the stray cats. Bless you. MizT so glad D#2 is helping you with the laundry - a tedious job. My D went to the animal shelter yesterday to adopt a 3 legged puss but just missed out. Instead she adopted a beautiful 5yr old white puss who has to be kept indoors - perfect for her as she lives on a very busy thoroughfare. Puss spent hours last night exploring his new home (in and out of all the cupboards) and then settled himself on her lap for the night - think she has made a good friend. Quite foggy here today with the sun to come out this afternoon - I love this type of day - makes you glad to be alive. Hubby in Sydney for the week so enjoying the peace at home and the choice of what to watch on TV. I too like your photo Heidi - Angel is well-named. How is your mouth now? Hope you are feeling better June, let us know if the walking helps. I have been trying to increase exercise every day as I want to go in a 5km walk in October.
26/Aug/14 9:43 AM
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It is raining so no bowls. Should I go to the movies or do some house work? I think I had better do the latter as I am going to the movies tomorrow.
Midge, I know the walking will help, I just have to get motivated to do it.
When we lived in Melbourne I hated those foggy mornings when a pale sun showed through at about 11 am and misted over again about 3 pm. I thought there was nothing more depressing than seeing a dozen nappies hanging limply on the clothes line. We came back here 40 years ago.
26/Aug/14 11:25 AM
Mamacita 2
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Evening all,
Monday night has fallen and all is well for now. I am experiencing very little pain, but am allergies again, but things could be so much worse. I can say that life is good.
My great grand niece had a fabulous 4th birthday party this past Saturday and while the weather wasn't the greatest, that little girl couldn't have been more celebrated. My niece has grown up with themed parties and she passed it down to my great niece, who continues the tradition..This was a candy store treat. They have a huge yard and it was filled with things for the kids to be able to run and play or bounce around w/o danger and there were candy stations all around with every type of candy imaginable. Of course there was food aplenty too. There were folks of all ages in attendance from 2 to the upper 80's and all had a blast. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to Angelique returning to school in about two weeks and looking around for a dance school for her. She loves to move and is quite good, so hoping to get her started soon. Jazz seems to have settled down, but is still not sleeping really well at night. He has allowed me to catch up a bit on my sleep though. Our weather has been fairly comfortable of late, but we are said to be heading towards hot, humid weather again in a day or so...glad my a/c has had a chance to rest. The unit is 15 years old and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get through the rest of the year w/o a need for a replacement. Many of my neighbors have had to do so...I'd like to finish my dental work first before having to spend that kind of money. Well I think I've filled you all in on the things around here, and I am sending hugs and good vibes to all of you, and hope that good health and few pains hang around. Peace.
26/Aug/14 11:27 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It's wonderful when a child is encouraged to enjoy their interests, like Angelique.
That birthday party sounds like an expensive spectacular. For a 4 year old? I don't always understand modern child raising.
26/Aug/14 1:08 PM
Mamacita 2
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Heidi, Yes, the party sounds very expensive, but the large equipment such as the blow up bouncer and the merry go round were purchased on sale when my niece was a baby and have been used every year...the candy purchase was also done over time during the year... and signs from the candy company were donated by the companies as special donations. My niece is a smart shopper who plans ahead and since she has a business that requires she work with different distributors, she makes out pretty well when looking for party favors. The biggest expense was of course the food served and the all in all...looks can be deceiving when one plans and has contacts to help defray cost. However, that being said, many young folks do spend far too much and seek to impress others to their own financial detriment...I'm happy to say this kid learned to squeeze a dollar and still do lots of things w/o going into debt. It's really who and what you know that often turns the tide.
26/Aug/14 2:26 PM
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I haven't read in a while, I've had a cold and been working a bit the last couple of weeks. Sorry. If I don't work tomorrow, maybe I'll read then. Tonight my excuse is alcohol, which was explained on tos... Scared the cr@p out of myself today.. Feeling numb now...
26/Aug/14 8:52 PM
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Mamacita, what a wonderful celebration for Angelique! We have always spent money on things to do rather than things to have so I thought it was a brilliant birthday!
26/Aug/14 10:10 PM
Mamacita 2
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LoL...Suzy your alcohol was showing and I certainly understand why. That was a bad scare and I'm happy that you are you said, it could have ended differently. About the was for my great grand niece...not great grand daughter...BTW, Angelique is almost 7 years old now ( Jan birthday) and would be upset to think she was 4 again...although I did like her better at that age...Forgive my manners...Good Morning to all...and have a wonderful day.
27/Aug/14 1:47 AM
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Mamacita, what a wonderful party for your grand niece. One all ages enjoyed.
For those not on FB, we have had a lot of rain and even more where Suzy lives. Wet road, corner and touch of the brake and her car did a 180* spin. Lucky no other cars on the road.
We just had a lovely rainbow out the back. Too many trees to take a photo.
Off to the movies today to see Manic in the Moonlight.
I was good yesterday and stayed at home. Sorted out some paperwork. I was publicity officer for the bowling club and I have handed it over to someone else. Needed to hand over all the files that I had done.(They were on bits of paper everywhere)
27/Aug/14 8:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We just had to catch a sick calf this afternoon, and rush him to the Vet's. His back left hock joint was horribly swollen, he had a serious umbilical infection, and a high fever. Gil believed that he had a broken leg, and my impression was that he had joint ill. I was right. (Joint ill is a disease that starts from a navel infection and spreads to the joints.) The Vet treated him for the infection (after killing all the maggots inside the navel) and all other symptoms. He has to have daily antibiotics for 10 days, as well as daily multivitamins. The calf is only 6 weeks old, so will need to be bottle fed as well. Gil decided that he wanted to keep him in a pen inside his lab, in the a/c, and I agreed. He'll be cooler, and easy to take care of there. We think the reason he came down with this was because his immune system is weak. He was rejected by his mom, and adopted by another cow, so didn't get all the colostrum he needed.
27/Aug/14 9:32 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greet6ings friends. Yesterday afternoon, I went to see D2's apartment for first time. she has it so finished, everything unpacked and in it's place, and she has a LOT of stuff hehehe. Photographs of family in frames on tables and shelves, all her collectables in 3 different display cabinets. It is an interesting apartment, lots to see and Ohh and ahhh over. I was surprised at some of the things she had kept. there is a little cedar box I got as a gift when I bought a full sized cedar chest as my 'hope chest' when I got engaged. she has another a bit larger from her grandmother and a smaller one from a friend, stacked together on a lamp table. there were more I cannot recall at the moment, but just little mementos and arranged in the most interesting ways. I enjoyed my visit. LOVE the lazy boy recliner/lift chair she brought. It was bought for her father, who is not using it, and it fits me nicely. do not need the lift mechanism, but if I ever do, it will be moved to my apartment. It is very nice to have a really comfortable place to sit and visit.
Lots of windows in her apartment, all east facing, so shady when we were there. Her small patio is so secluded, facing a wooded area, cannot see or hear any other patio. she has been putting out bird seed, and had a mourning dove visiting her patio while I was there.
A very nice feature, a handicapped parking space right at the entrance to the breezeway where her front door opens, and her apartment is on walk in level, very easy for me to manage walking. She can be very thoughtful when she wants to be.
She is doing better at anticipating my needs, like bring the car around to pick me up (visitors are not allowed to park in the parking lot, and sometimes it is a bit of a long walk to her car), and buckle me into the car. I guess she was listening when I talked to her about that, about how it is difficult for me to ask for help, and I will attempt things I should not rather than ask for help.
Today I went to the dollar store, I needed a few things from there, and several more th8ings jumped into my cart hehehe. I have not yet recovered from the walking, but I did enjoy. I have not been there in ages. I found daughter some dish towels in her accent color (black and white), found myself a small notebook, takes up less room on the counter than the full sized one I had bought earlier this week. Some cleaning supplies and sponges, quart and gallon zip lock baggies with a slider closure, some artificial greenery, to replace some in my huge arrangement that sits atop my book case. I had green tipped in white greenery filler there, and decided it needs to come out, looks too Christmas. I just looked and browsed and bought and still came away with change from my $20 hehehe.
I find the slider closures on the baggies so much easier for me to operate, these hands some days will just not open the others.
Well, I need to see if I can open a file sent to me and print some request for donati
27/Aug/14 10:19 AM
Alabama, USA
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Well, I need to see if I can open a file sent to me and print some request for donation fliers, I need them on Thursday for a meeting for the Silent auction. I shall return to comment on posts later.
OH Heidi, how is the AC unit doing? I noticed you have terrible humidity once again! the dew point is as high as ours was last week, 75*F, no wonder you are suffering! Ours is down to a delish 65*, and relative humidity is therefore so much lower than usual for August, more like deep into fall!!
Hugs to tide you over till later.
27/Aug/14 10:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We just gave the calf his first feeding since we got him caught and treated. I told the Vet I was going to teach him to drink his milk out of a bucket rather than from a bottle, and he didn't think it would be easy. But getting the calf to drink his milk from a bucket is much easier on the back. Well, I started with the bottle, and I could tell he was hungry, but didn't like being manhandled (or woman handled).So I poured the milk into a small bucket, and set it before him. He happily drank all his milk from the bucket once I stuck his muzzle and tongue in it. Easy, peasy. Gil is thrilled. So am I. I hate wrestling with sick babies. At least his temperature has come down a bit from the 106˚F / 41.1˚C it was 5 hours ago.
27/Aug/14 12:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tricia.... I'll be mailing my silent auction donation tomorrow.
27/Aug/14 12:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Now to bed early. My back is very sore. But that 6 week old calf HAD to be lifted. He cannot walk.
27/Aug/14 12:57 PM
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Heidi,I do hope Gil helped lift that calf. Remember the foal you thought Belinda should have put down a couple of years ago. Well it had similar joint infections but from a scratch on the shoulder.(He is now over 17 hands high)
To get a calf to drink out of a bucket we used to put milk on our hands and when the calf sucked our fingers we would lower our hand into the bucket. We would do that with week old calves. (we needed the cows milk for the dairy).
27/Aug/14 2:25 PM
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I enjoyed the film. A bit of fun with some laughs. Loved the costumes, scenery, old cars, music. It was set in 1928 in France. Plot was probably a bit week but who cares when you leave the theatre feeling good. It was a seniors special with morning tea all for $8.
27/Aug/14 2:29 PM
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Greetings, One and All!
Didn't have time to pop in last night. We had gone to my middle sister's for hair cuts. Decided to go with her to see BIL who is in nursing home & not doing well first. As we got to my sister's, the sky was getting darker and darker. Hubby checked weather on his phone and found a big storm was due to arrive in a matter of minutes, but would only stay strong for 20-30 minutes due to 60 mile per hour winds, so we decided to wait it out. Good thing we did, as when we were able to leave, a 40-45 minute trip took almost 2 hours. There were large tree branches and even entire trees, as well as downed power lines, across quite a few roads, so we had to turn around and retrace our path, then try a different road at least 4 or 5 times. We're so glad we weren't on the road during the worst of it! So we saw youngest sis, BIL, and niece. Middle sis cut BIL's hair, and while we waited for pizza to be picked up, cut hubby's hair, too. We ate, then returned my sister to her house with a stop first at the salon where she works to cut my hair. Hubby decided to stay on major highways rather than smaller country roads on the way home to avoid more detours.
Hi to Midge, Theresa, Tami, MizT, Heidi, June, Mamacita, Suzy, and others I have forgotten to mention.
Midge, I hope your D enjoys her white kitten/cat, and hope you enjoy some quiet time at home watching the TV programs you choose!
Theresa, I'm glad another family found the other Mama cat and kittens and decided to take them in and care for them. You certainly didn't need another litter to care for. Hope you're having luck finding new homes for them.
Tami, I hope you enjoy your 6th graders and the elective math. Crossing fingers that it will be a good year for you - and for your boys/young men also.
MizT, I enjoyed the description of D#2's apartment, and so glad to hear that she is becoming more thoughtful and understanding. I hope your are feeling better and the heat and humidity remain lower.
Heidi, I hope your house is cooler and you can get by with just an AC repair and nothing too costly. So sorry your back is bothering you, but having to lift a calf will do it. I hope you can get some rest and feel better. Good for you for getting the calf to drink from a bucket! I hope it recovers.
June, I'm glad the teacher was impressed by the sewing you did. Good for you for getting through some paperwork so you could enjoy the movie today!
Mamacita, the birthday party for your great grand niece sounds like fun! Her mom does well to plan ahead and get good prices on the necessities for the party! I'm glad to hear Jazz is doing somewhat better, but wish he would sleep well at night so you could, too!
Suzy, the 180* hydroplaning in your car sounds frightening. I hope you will feel more relaxed tomorrow. Are you happy with the amount of teaching you're being called for?
D is coming in the morning for hubby to take a look at her car. She's concerned about some of the
27/Aug/14 3:56 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends,
Have missed chatting with you but have been laid flat with a flu/cold for weeks and still trying to shake it off.
Have thought of you as I was reading so hope you got my healing/happy hugs and vibes.
Luv and Jugs.
27/Aug/14 7:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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((((( HUGS ))))) Broni.
28/Aug/14 4:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... that technique works wonderfully with a newborn calf that hasn't gotten used to anything other than suckling. This calf is 6 weeks old and has been grazing and drinking out of the creek. I was primarily concerned that he was too sick and weak to drink anything on his own. And he isn't used to being handled by people... and doesn't like it. He's allowing me to touch him, but he's gotten agressive with Gil a few times. So anything that allows Gil to feed him, without handling him much, is good.
28/Aug/14 4:32 AM
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Animals can sense a kind heart Heidi. How is Sere?
28/Aug/14 9:28 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Sere is doing GREAT. She looks like her old, chunky self again.
The A/C is still on the fritz. I hope to be able to call the repairman tomorrow. I had a splitting headache today and didn't want to deal with anybody. Plus, back was sore.
28/Aug/14 12:28 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tricia....I sent you an email.
28/Aug/14 1:22 PM
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Just a brief hello, sent with lots of
, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HYGS}}}}}, and healing vibes for those in need! Take care, Everyone! Another busy day here.
28/Aug/14 4:47 PM
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Hope you're all soon feeling much better, Broni, Heidi, Midge, Mama, MizT, Suzy, June!
28/Aug/14 4:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Well, the A/C repairman was here. There was nothing he could do. The heat pump is 20 years old, and is working as well as it can. He said that the problem was a combination of old heat pump, extreme heat outside and insufficient insulation in the attic. Once it cools down outside, the tempinside will improve. What we'll have to do is re-insulate the attic and get a new heat pump. That doesn't help to cool the house today.
29/Aug/14 10:04 AM
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