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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Mamacita 2
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Good Morning Everyone
Tricia, What a great idea....a lightweight ramp...and I have several that fit the bill from when I first got my scooter. I really haven't used them and I had looked at those steps in dogie mags, but rejected them because Jazz does't do steps since I don't have any in the house...just the one at the front door to enter. I have time to help him become used to using it before he has to go back, and it will really be a big help... Thanks for the idea.Glad you felt up to making your soup and are beginning to feel better...
Julie, nice having you find the time for such nice newsy post recently.How is the practice coming along now that you've been able to get back to it a little more? Are you still using all three cellos, or just sticking to one for now...Oh, I seem to remember one being in the shop, so perhaps you weren't trying to use them all interchangeably. June, the lunch sounds really neat...I had the pleasure sometime ago to dine in a revolving restaurant, but for the life of me I can't remember where...
most likely in New York or one of the Caribbean Islands, possibly Martinique. It was a fun experience that is memorable . I do hope your day will also be fun and memorable. Heidi, hope things are headed i the right direction for you...keeping my fingers crossed that the infection is soon history.
Time to try and get some sleep, but I don't really feel sleepy, but maybe reading awhile will help...I'm still sleeping crazy times, much like Tricia...but hey, at least I'm getting sleep now..
Passing hugs, jugs and good vibes for all. Peace.
16/Jan/15 4:54 PM
Mamacita 2
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Oh shucks...missed topping correctly, so I'll add this for now...and it's heartfelt.
I realize this precious moment is a gift that will never come again therefore I celebrate life and the joy of being.
Here's to Life!
16/Jan/15 4:58 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Mama, I love your almost-TOPP. I hope Jazz will learn to like using a ramp to get into the car. It would be easier for both of you!
MizT, the soup sounds yummy. I think I should have soup more often. Scrabble Slam sounds fast-moving, so possibly more challenging than regular Scrabble. I hope the headache stays away!
Back to playing on one cello. Should be using another with no tape lines to help me find the location of notes, but learning a Minuet from Bach's 1st Cello Suite, and it's very difficult, so am relying on just 2 tapes on the other cello. (Time to grow up and not use tapes as a security blanket, I guess.) Through much of the Christmas-New Year holiday, I rotated between the 3 cellos and 3 bows, but find with new material to learn, it's best that I stick to one. Supposedly, there may be another one or 2 cellos to try from this dealer. I told him I don't 'love' either of the ones he had me trying, and I can just keep renting if I don't find one I like.
Time to head to bed. Thinking of everyone! I hope Heidi and her ear are improving! Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and positive thoughts for everyone!
16/Jan/15 6:44 PM
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Had a lovely lunch on my birthday. The day was pretty clear so we could just make out the outline of the Blue Mountains but all around the City and Harbour was clear.
Had the cast replaced today. Doc said it was starting to heal, but a lot of arthritis!. The new cast is waterproof so easy to shower and just let the water drain away. It is lighter but I am up because I could not get comfortable in bed and it started to ache a bit.
I came into the computer room and then lost the glass of water I had 15 minutes earlier. I think I am about to have a repeat performance so not back to bed for awhile (actually Laura is asleep in my bed).
17/Jan/15 1:40 AM
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I did go back to bed, kept everything down and got three hors sleep. I will go back again shortly.
Laura likes pasta so last night I made Spag. Bog. and I think I got out every appliance to do onions, carrots etc to make them small enough to include. I will have to put all the attachments together and put them all away today.
I must not get this plaster near any heat. Over the stove, the hair dryer, opening the oven etc. That should curtail some activities and persuade Ken to help with cooking.
17/Jan/15 5:10 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, I do hope that Ken will step up and help with some of the cooking. there is a lot you can do with just a bit of his help. How I wish I had had such a cast. It took Al to tape up my plaster cast in layers of plastic and tape, then keeping my hand elevated while in the shower so no water could run down my arm to get inside the cast, just to get a shower. I imagine if I ever have to have the other thumb joint replaced, I shall go showerless for 6 weeks, if such a cast is not now offered. YUCK!
I guess I have never had Spog Bol, never put carrots into my spaghetti sauce, though lots of onions, peppers, mushrooms tomatoes and spices. Perhaps I need to look up a recipe, always interested in adding as many veg as possible.
Today we had a soup luncheon. Instead of the usual, asking residents to cook soup, either donating it or being reimbursed for cost of ingredients, the soup was catered in. A resturant called Ladle and Spoon, seems they specialize in soup. We were told the chef would circulate about the room, talking to us about his menu, giving out cards, and that they would deliver soups to us on the weekend (when we do not have meals brought in from a different source). I ate the broccoli and cheese soup, more broccoli than cheese, but it fit my eating plan. It seemed to have a lot of black pepper in it. Others at my table had chilli or the chicken wild rice soup. Both of those were spicy. I never got a card or chance to talk to him.
As I was going into the room to find a seat, Dave was coming out, we met in the hall and found a table to sit together, somehow without prior arrangement or exchanging a word. We stayed at the table for THREE hours, talking. There were 5 of us at lunch and as some of them began to drift away, others joined us, we had a lively conversation going on for the entire time!
Julie, enjoyed your post about the cello and am trying to envision your tapes, to help you find the marks for your fingering. Cellos have no frets like other stringed instruments, right? I imagine it could be very difficult to find the right position without frets. I think the bass also does not have frets, are those the only stringed instruments without? I hope you can find a cello that suits, for you to purchase your own, but so good you can continue to rent until you do.
HEIDI, I do not think we have heard from you in a couple of days. Hope all is well. We need just a word or two to know you are OK when you can.
Mama, I too like your TOPP message today. WE each should think more often about the joy of life. I am glad you have a ramp you can try with Jazz, hope he will acclimate to it and save you the strain of getting him into car. Tell him how much more dignified he will look strutting up that ramp instead of being lifted like a little puppy hehehe.
It is late, I should have been abed ages ago. Headache all but gone today, jitters from the meds better too, and I am going to enjoy my sister's party tomorrow. Hugs to eac
17/Jan/15 4:42 PM
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Just a quick hello!
June, so glad you had a nice lunch and also got your new cast. I didn't realize there was actually a water-proof version these days, and hadn't thought about how heat could be its enemy. I hope Ken steps up and helps with cooking! Also glad you got some sleep after feeling unwell!
MizT, so sorry you weren't able to meet the chef and get his card. Perhaps letting office people know would at least get a supply of cards for those who didn't receive one. The broccoli cheese soup sounds yummy. I'm also glad you had Dave met up and had a lovely discussion with others joining you for a time.
Violins, violas, cellos, and basses are all 'fret-less' instruments. It can be challenging to know where to place your finger to get the correctly pitched note. We had quartet today, and found out that next semester another adult viola student will join us to play a Mozart viola quintet. It has been on our regular violist's bucket list for many years. He is in his 80's, former psychologist and university professor, incessant reader (just finished reading War and Peace), and all-around good guy. I'm so glad he asked me to play in a quartet.
Time for me to head to bed as well. Sending lots of healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, and prayers for all who post here. Looking forward to seeing posts from many in the coming days.
17/Jan/15 7:19 PM
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Mamacita, your two cents worth is priceless! I hope Jazz is doing better.
June, I thought you could still get sudafed over the counter here. You just have to ask for it, and maybe show ID. That's how I got it last time anyway. Not that I'm allowed to take it anymore :(. How's your arm? I might find out when I read on. Oh no! Ken rolling on it would not have been a good thing!
MizT, hoping I find your retest results are good as I read. They should be after what you went through to get them!
17/Jan/15 7:42 PM
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Mamacita, Re: the ramp. Jazz will need to get used to it. It may be helpful to lay it on the floor,perhaps in a hallway, where Jazz can learn to use it. I had a ramp, previously, for dogs and they loved it. (after they got used to it.)
18/Jan/15 7:17 AM
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Everyone, Re: Revolving restaurants. My 'ex' and I used to make our reservation for about an hour before sunset. When seated, we would 'take our time' perusing the menu over a cocktail, talking about what looked good. Of course, it took a while for the meal to be prepared and served. Eating, slowly, followed by after dinner drink(s) and coffee, we usually spent about two hours. During that two hours, the restaurant made two revolutions. One before dark and one after. Watching the change in light patterns, and the sunset, was great! Fond memories.............
18/Jan/15 7:28 AM
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DoA. We went for lunch and they kick you out after one half hours, about a revolution and a half.
Suzy, you may still be able to get the Sudafed but it did not agree with me so I have not tried. Guess you are a busy lady at the moment.
Laura went home yesterday. We did not see as much of her these holidays. Now that she is older she can be left at her other Grandmothers more.
Tricia, ken is a reluctant cook. I prefer to organise the meals but get him to do the jobs I cannot manage. Last night I made fried rice and ken had to do most of the manual work involved. (served with marinated pork rashers). Ken's idea of cooking is order take away.
18/Jan/15 8:05 AM
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I am making plum jam in the microwave. I cooked the fruit yesterday but when I added the sugar it was too heavy for me to lift one handed.
Ken put the dish back in for me but has now gone out! It will have to stay there when it is set and wait till he comes home before I can put it in jars.
18/Jan/15 3:45 PM
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I also picked up a table last week from the council clean up. Someone was throwing it out. It has nice cabriole legs but the top needs stripping and polishing. It is more a small coffee table while I have been looking for a side table to put beside my recliner. It is frustrating as I cannot start to strip and French Polish the top!
18/Jan/15 3:48 PM
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Running very late tonight, so just a quick Hello and hope all are well!
18/Jan/15 8:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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Still no Heidi, I hope all is well with her.
Suzy, I have not yet received results of the repeat mamo and ultrasound. I did get a letter from the facility, in Friday's mail, saying I should contact my doc for results. His office is closed Friday, bummer. Having to wait till Monday, or possibly Tuesday if the doc takes the holiday off, is a big bother.
JUNE, the table will be there in 6 weeks when that cast comes off. Might even be good exercise to get wrist back in shape. I am happy for you that you found the table, but understand the frustration of waiting to get started. I imagine you have mixed feelings about seeing Laura less. Her having less time for grandmother is sad, but that she is developing relationships with others, has an active life, shows that she is developing as she should. Bitter sweet I know.
Your Plum Jam sounds very good. How much did you make? Will it be freezer jam or will you have to reheat to get it into jars and to seal? I miss making the plum jams, from different varieties of plums, from dark dark 'plum' colored, to lightest apricot color. Lots of plums when Al and I lived for 3 years on the farm, and luckily the different varieties came ready at different times, so I could finish with one before the next were ripe.
It is intermission, I came in from the 50th anniversary party and melted into the recliner, tired, but luckily not hurting. Of course I fell asleep early in the chair. Woke for the little room, and not sleepy now.
The car trip took much longer than advertised. Because Tanya chose the interstate option on her GPS mapping, it took us the long way around, an hour 20 minuets instead of 45 minuets on less traveled roads. It was a long day, no really good comfortable seating for old bones, but I had a wonderful time. Saw some friends and cousins that we had not seen in ages, and the last 2 times only at funerals. So much nicer to see them again for a happy occasion. My sister from Georgia and her husband drove over, she is having health problems. Many friends and relatives could not make it, because of same, and so many are recovering from flu. Heck our friends are as old as we are hehehe. One cousin came in, and asked my sister, 'I know this is a strange question, but was I IN your wedding?' Yes, and sister had the framed photos and computer slide show also, to show.
Ever looked DOWN on soaring raptors? Turkey buzzards were enjoying the thermals off the cliff behind the lodge in the park where we had the party. They would be just over our heads, then glide down the face of the cliffs, showing us their backs instead of belly, about 5 of them. It was occasionally startling when they came silently from behind, and their shadow fell across you, or just in front.
I think it is time for bed again, there is another 3 hours of dark yet, and I have nothing against sleeping past dawn either hehehe. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
18/Jan/15 8:55 PM
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Tricia, I made three jars of jam. It was still hot enough to jar when Ken got back and poured it into the jars for me. We love home made plum jam on pork chops.
Lets just hope Heidi's computer is not working. Although the problem with her ear has had me quite worried.
18/Jan/15 10:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, same with me, I am worried that she is sick with that ear infection. Last time she was missing, though, you are right, it was her computer at fault.
I made Jam from dark purple plums, From trees with dark purple leaves. It was so tart, daughter called it 'Plum good Relish' instead of jam, which is sweeter here. We used it with meats; pork and with Turkey and chicken. Wish I had more of that now. Those trees only bloomed once in the 3 years we were there, they were an early variety, and frost got the blooms every other year.
I had another nice sleep and past sunrise too. Also past time for meds, so I think I shall go back once again till these just taken begin to work. Still tired but only a tiny bit achey, marginally amazing after my 8 hour trip away from home and recliner yesterday!
Sis has put up the first photos of the party, these taken before guests arrive. they are on FB, but I will ask her to change her privacy settings. I get the message not everyone can view, when I tried to share.
19/Jan/15 1:01 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Actually, I'm feeling somewhat better. My body decided to add extra sleep to fight off the infection. I've been sleeping about 21-22 hours a day. The bleeding has stopped and the ear is finally drying up.
19/Jan/15 8:48 AM
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Thanks Heidi, nice to know that you are feeling better.
19/Jan/15 8:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Dental appointment tomorrow to get a crown in. Simple and easy. I like those.
19/Jan/15 5:33 PM
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Another busy day and too-late night! Hello to all! It's good to see Heidi posting and knowing that the additional sleep helps. Will need to read later.
Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
for Everyone!
19/Jan/15 7:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Back from the dentist. Easiest appointment ever. The new tooth was a perfect fit... it required no adjusting whatsoever!
20/Jan/15 8:23 AM
Mamacita 2
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Early morning here and I'm about to go to bed, but had to let my joy known that Heidi not only is back, but doing much better after tons of restorative sleep...YAY!
All is okay here...I've been experiencing lots of pain because I am once again passing gall stones from my incision area... It feels much like labor pains and giving birth when the stone passes...not a lot of fun, but it id what it is...and I just have to live with it. I took a page from water birthing and found that standing under a hot shower must relax muscles to allow easier I live and learn.
Sending good wishes to everyone and hugs and jugs as well. Take care...I care. Peace. Oh, DOA..thanks for the suggestion to place the ramp in the hallway to start Jazz's becoming alimated to it..I'll so so in a few days when the stone production eases a bit more...thus far I've had a least one large stone every day for a week...the little ones are no trouble...the large ones are about the size of small marbles, but feel like beach balls...Lol. Enough of that..this too shall pass. pun intended.
20/Jan/15 4:50 PM
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Greetings to Everyone!
Good to see that Heidi is here and feeling better. Also, the crown appointment went easily!
Mama, I can't imagine what you're dealing with. Gentle {{HUGS}}, and hope it will pass soon!
D or A, your suggestion for the ramp is a good one! I hope Jazz becomes accustomed to it quickly!
June, the plum jam sounds yummy. Good to know that Ken is able to help with some of the kitchen work! Working on that table sounds like good therapy, when the time is right!
MizT, so glad the anniversary party seems to have been a success! It must have been so nice to have multiple types of plums for you to make a selection of plum jams.
Thinking of all who post here, even if infrequently. Sending lots of positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
20/Jan/15 7:29 PM
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It was raining this morning so the committee meeting at the club was held this morning. Chatted with my neighbour this afternoon. Although it is a bit cooler it is humid and I have swollen up and the cast is feeling very tight. I will go to bed early and put on the AC.
going to lunch with my sister tomorrow. A late birthday celebration.
20/Jan/15 8:54 PM
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Mamacita, I feel for you. I do hope you soon get rid of all those stones. I have had a few problems the last couple of years but they are nothing compared to you, Heidi and Tricia.
20/Jan/15 8:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Very gentle (( HUGS )) to you, Mama. What a nightmare!.
Sorry to hear about the problems with the cast, June. Why do these breaks always seam to happen in hot weather? I've never had a cast on at any time except the heat of the summer. Does hot weather make us clumsier?
This morning, a big chunk of hardened goop came out of the ear, followed by some brownish fluid. That must have been what was messing up the hearing, because I'm now able to hear out of that ear again!!! WOOHOO!!!!
21/Jan/15 1:05 AM
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Stupid idea going to bed early. Went to sleep for a couple of hours and now awake and cannot get back to sleep. Still a bit puffy but when I have a shower I will run some cool water down inside the cast.
Heidi, so pleased that you can hear again and that you are feeling so much brighter.
21/Jan/15 2:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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June, just in case your doc did not say this, watch your fingers for numbness or a color change, or lack of feeling or movement, what with the cast feeling ti8ght. It could interfere with circulation if it gets tight enough. Elevating the arm higher than your heart might let some of the puffiness dissipate, too.
Heidi, you should begin to get better, if you got a glob of whatever out of that ear. It was probably harboring germs, letting them grow in a 'shadow' where antibiotic could not get to it.
It is spring-in-winter here, mid 60's, shirt sleeve weather, and sunny. I bought blooming primroses today! Some will go outside, some in my window. Also went alone to grocery, and enjoyed the doing of it. I did stop after one store, need a few things not offered there, but can go tomorrow morning or even later to do that. Now to have a bite of lunch, take bread and bananas to Myra, see if Dave is at home and take him some salad ingredients (good price on spring lettuce, but enough for 8 salads? would ruin before I could eat it, and Dave is a big salad eater).
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
21/Jan/15 5:46 AM
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Tricia, both hand were puffy, nothing to do with the cast. I do have all those directions. Sometimes the tips of my fingers are numb. But that comes from my neck and was worse before I broke my arm. After my shower today I walked around outside in the sun to let my skin dry under the cast. I do not think I would like to have a cast like this in the winter when I think it could get cold before the skin dried underneath.
Shopping sounds good Tricia. I like to wander around the shops by myself. I will be so pleased when I can drive again.
I have been out and had a nice lunch with my sister. We went to a local plant nursery with a very popular café. We both had prawn and mango salad.
21/Jan/15 2:33 PM
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Just popping in for a quick hello, then right back out again. Life is busy, but that's a good thing. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
and hope everyone is experiencing improved health. Thinking particularly of Mama, June, Heidi and MizT. Take care, All!
21/Jan/15 7:17 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Yes I have been missing for no other reason than I could not think of anything to say. Did have lots of comments as I read but alas they are out there somewhere.
All is good here, both Bella and I have had some arthritis problems but have found green lipped muscle and turmeric tablets have helped us both...although it has been giving me a dose of the trotts. hehe.
Will be taking two weeks holiday in two weeks so hope I will find time to chat.
Luv and jugs.
21/Jan/15 8:18 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
So nice to see you here Broni! Hopefully we'll see you again before your holiday! Sorry to hear about the arthritis! Take care!
Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and
for everyone!
22/Jan/15 7:28 PM
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all those storms Broni. They play havoc with the arthritis.
The green lipped muscle tablets work well I used to take them some years ago. Enjoy your holiday.
Bought myself a nice ripe mango. Not easy to eat one handed!
22/Jan/15 8:17 PM
Alabama, USA
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June, I felt sure your doc had warned you about the problems of a tight cast, just wanted to say it matters not why the hand/arm are swelling or puffy, injury related of weather related, the cast could still cut off circulation. So far after your injury, just wanted to remind you to keep checking.
Tuesday was a busy day here, grocery, some planting of primroses, visiting Myra, then to the play that night. I was really tired yesterday, and found a chunk of time for my recliner to rest. I did cook a small pork tenderloin roast, seasoned with rosemary, and cabbage and apples cooked with it. It was yummy. I have several packages of roast in freezer already, and more in fridge for today and tomorrow. My house did smell good.
Today the housekeeping lady comes, so I do not have to deal with changing sheets this week, she will do that also, yeah. enjoyed my scrabble yesterday.
A friend, Loraine, was taken to hospital yesterday, from what staff said and did not say, I think it is pneumonia. they cannot answer 'what did Loraine have?' question, but when we mentioned that one man and his wife both had flu, she said those were the first diagnosed case of flu among residents, the rest had been pneumonia.
Mama, I hope you soon stop spouting Gall Stones, I know you must be miserable. Gentle hugs to you. Happy that Heidi's dentist appointment was good. June, enjoy your mango, even if you do drip juice eating it one handed
Time for another cup of coffee and some breakfast. today will be not quite a warm as yesterday, rain in forecast tonight and tomorrow, bummer. I did enjoy the sun we have had recently.
hugs to each of you, with extras.
23/Jan/15 12:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm still sleeping ridiculously long hours. And NOT getting my work done.... except for tagging a big bull calf yesterday.
Today is Gil's 66th birthday. I got him a book he really wanted. But I've been sleeping too much to go to the store and get the ingredients for his birthday dinner. Oh, well. It's not the end of the world.
23/Jan/15 7:26 AM
Mamacita 2
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Happy Birthday greetings to Gil, and hope he enjoys his day. Work will always be there waiting Heidi...far more important for you too regain your health fully, and if that means sleeping a be it. I know there are somethings you must push yourself to do or they won't be done, but hope you are able to keep that to a minimum...continued healing vibes being sent.
Tricia, glad you've had a chance to rest up from your busy your expression of 'sprouting gallstones cause that's exactly what it seems I was doing. It has slowed a tad, none since Tuesday night, but am still tender...yet no where near the discomfort of the 'sproutings'.
June, I have never earen a mango out of hand. I've had and enjoyed mango sauces, but never any others...I must try one...but please tell me how to be sure to get a ripe one. Should it be firm to the touch or spongy? What color should I look for...I know that we're told to pick melons that are brown on the bottom where they've lain on the ground and peaches should be sorta sponge like, yet firm...or shucks...too hard to describe w/o being able to demonstrate I guess. Perhaps easier just to compare with a fruit like a peach I think.
Broni...still hanging around bad company huh? That Arthritis guy isn't too nice so do your best to continue to avoid him as much as possible. Share that with Bella too. What is a green liped muscle tablet BTW?Have a great holiday and don't worry about not having much to say...just flap your lips and we'll enjoy what comes out when you can...Stay well. Julie...sending you some extra energy pills just in case you run short. Take some deep breaths and sleep fast girl...I glory in your busyness...I'm just a tad envious that I don't have some of your get up and go...mine went far too long ago.
Okay ladies...a toast to your well being no matter where you may be, or if your name was mentioned...Prayer covers thoughts for all of you who may read and enjoy this site. Add what you can when you can and give a smile to help someone's day be blessed. Peace....I'm outta here for now.
23/Jan/15 8:14 AM
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Just a brief hello. I'm dragging tonight and need to be able to stay awake to drive tomorrow.
Hello to Broni, June, MizT, Heidi, and Mama! Hoping all of you are improving in health! Sending much healing energy, gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and
Sorry I can't stay longer and 'chat' with all of you!
23/Jan/15 5:15 PM
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Mama, green lipped muscles are found in the waters around NZ. They make an extract which can be a big help with arthritis. I took them for quite some time but eventually got tired of the fishy after taste. It has been another warm day so time I went out and gave the garden a water.
I bought myself a nurses watch as I could not wear my normal one. Cost $5.50 and free postage. I cannot see how they can make any money.
23/Jan/15 5:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Now I understand my confusion! June meant Mussels, not muscles. Seafood!!!
It's starting to snow. We're only supposed to get up to an inch accumulation, so no problem.
24/Jan/15 1:55 AM
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