Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Let your soul radiate peace. Think, act and speak harmoniously. Be contented and thankful for all that you have. Live your life as a divine vision. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)
30/Jan/15 10:57 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Good Morning all on this Friday that we can thank God for allowing us to take part in. June, love the topp. Great wishes for an enjoyable holiday to you Broni.Happy sleep to you and the dogs Heidi and good to heart the meds are now kicking in for your daughter, to have you take your great attitude and spread it around for all to share in that plan but don't worry tune and we'd have a great choir Julie can practice all of her musical pieces as we learn and then we can add to the group...perhaps get Suzie to bang on some drums, helped by her grandies of course... just having a bit of fun as you can see...all is as well as can be..not as good as it gets...but in keeping with the topp, I'm happy to have what is here. Now over and out, have a good day one and all. May peace and love fill your day.
31/Jan/15 4:02 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hmmm. seems a whole sentence was left out..or at least part of the one to Broni...I was and am wishing you a wonderfully enjoyable, restful holiday and Heidi , I love that you are able to rest and sleep with the comfort of your dogs.
31/Jan/15 4:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I had a busy day here today. We had a speaker, a news anchor from a local station. I enjoyed her talk a lot. I did one of the fastest shower/shampoo cause I had forgotten what time she was coming. Only had 30 minuets to get the muffins out of the oven, do the shower and hair and get downstairs. I was a few minuets late.

Caught the veggie man just fore he left, got some fruit, things I only wanted a couple of, instead of the larger packages from Aldis. As the veggie man was leaving, his tire was up on the curb, as it bounced off and he made the turn into the busy street, door swung open and two boxes of veggies hit the street. Cucumbers mostly stayed in the box, but the box of tomatoes tipped and scattered. I got most of them picked up, but not the ones that landed in the middle of the street cause of the cars speeding by. I asked one of the staff if they could phone him and let him know, not sure when she got around to that as she was trying to get the lunches out to those who had ordered. Hope he did not loose more as he continued to his next stop.

I want to make vegetable lasagna, and could not find an eggplant. I did find spaghetti squash, so shall make baked spaghetti, with all the layers of cheese as in lasagna. I find this freezes well and will be something else to have on hand for after the biopsy.

Once I got home, I had a nice lunch and then napped in my chair, guess I needed it hehehe.

Mama, One of the best things I ever learned, when I was in nursing school, was the thing about worry. It is a bit more than I wrote here, but it has worked for me for about 30 something years now.

Today was one of those deceptive days, the sun was shining, and it was so warm if you could find a place out of the wind. the wind was brutal, and the windchill almost unbelievable. I did enjoy the drive today, sun coming through the car window felt so very good.

Well, it is time to eat again, I have been late for all my meals today. I have more Mexican soup, and lots of fruit to chose from for tonight.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
31/Jan/15 1:00 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY
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Very sore today. But I took it easy. Tomorrow I take a few 2014 calves to a sale barn. We sorted them out yesterday after I caught and tagged the 2 newborns.
31/Jan/15 1:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Thanks for a great TOPP, June. I'm sorry I didn't realize last night that I was taking the last post of page 150. You were very alert to realize we had turned the page!

Mama, I enjoyed your post! You are always so upbeat!

MizT, seems you had a very busy day, including chasing vegetables! I suspect the fruit & vegetable man realized he had lost them when his door came open, but couldn't get back or pull over due to traffic. Hopefully he was able to get his door pulled shut quickly. I have never had spaghetti squash, but your post suggests I should try it! I'm glad you could enjoy the sun coming through your car windows and that they could block the wind!

Heidi, no wonder you're sore if you had to sort calves yesterday. I hope you get a great price for them!

Time to head to bed. Good Night, Everyone! Please enjoy the healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and !
31/Jan/15 5:56 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I nice day weatherwise. I got some more ironing done this morning and spent some of this afternoon with a very kind neighbour. Sharon would have been 47 today.
31/Jan/15 9:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm sore because I got kicked.... hard.... by a 600 lb. bull calf.

Off to load up the heifer and steer I'm selling. The 2 young bulls are being sold as breeders to a Vet in Tennessee.
01/Feb/15 1:27 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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OUCH!!! Heidi.
01/Feb/15 3:03 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, do breeder bull calves bring more than heifers or steers? I agree, OUCH. I hope you get over the soreness soon. Was Gil involved in the sorting, and perhaps even the cause of your getting kicked? I hope you get a great price for all the calves you are selling. Take care of yourself, let those bruises heal. You do take a beating caring for your animals.

JUNE, huge hugs to you, birthdays are hard I know. It is good you had someone to spend the day with, that might make it easier. I love Mamacita's idea, on Sully's birthday she makes his favorite meal, eats and drinks a toast to him.

Julie, I do not think he was aware his door came open. It is a tradesman's van, so the door is far behind him. There were spaces he could have pulled over, too. I never did find out if he came back for his tomatoes and cucumbers, as I left for the grocery store after I turned in the boxes.

We have sunny day again today. It dipped below freezing for about 4 hours last night, but so far the primroses are looking OK. Monday night we have forecast of 12 hours below freezing and the high all that day barely above. I think I shall cover them that night.

I washed the blinds and then the window in the bedroom. the blinds get to feeling gritty, do not look to dirty but not pleasant to the touch. I cannot take them down to wash, they are a bit longer than the bathtub, so spray and wipe them in place, the reason the window has to be washed at same time. I see with the sunshine I left a streak on one window. After a rest I shall have to re do that spot.

Now it is time to read and rest for a while. I do want to make the baked spaghetti today or tomorrow. It has been a few months since I made it last, or veg lasagna, I can almost taste it and my mouth is watering

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

01/Feb/15 3:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Saturday All
June, Sharon's birthday was made special with you spending the day with her close, while sharing a nice day weather wise with a kind neighbor...meanwhile, Sharon celebrated with rest and joy in a place we all seek to full of love and peace. A birthday to be remembered indeed, even when we wish them here with us, we just let it be. Hugs my friend.
Tricia, I'll bet that veggie man will have some really nice veggies for you on his next trip when he finds how you tried to help recover the spilled veggies...many wouldn't have tried...Good onya for always showing that one should do the right thing because its right. really take a beating and keep on ticking..I'm going to have to start calling you So sorry that you suffered the kick from the bull...I can't even imagine how that hurts. Take care
Julie, thanks for thinking I sound upbeat in my post..I often think I may be depressing others with some of my complaints and I'm glad some come across in a lighter manner...cause I do feel that way often.
Okay folks, I'm going to try my bed again..up much of the night with Jazz again...he's now resting so I'd better do so too.Peace.
01/Feb/15 5:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The sale barn I took the two calves to today was one that IH wanted to use. The price was lousy, but at least he's finally agreed that we only use my favorite sale barn from now on, tho' it is twice as far away.
01/Feb/15 11:31 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We went to the movies and saw Mr. Turner. An intense movie and quite disjointed. He grunted a lot as it was the last years of his life. Came back to Epping for dinner. We were going into the Vietnamese noodle house but it was full of young Asian students. We then went next door to the Chinese restaurant which had quite a few Asian families. We were the oldest and only Caucasians. Our suburb has changed in recent years. We did enjoy our meal. Fortunately I only need one hand to use chop sticks.
01/Feb/15 10:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, pleased that you only sold 2 calves if the price was low. The higher price from the other sale yard will make up for the extra time and petrol.
Looks like it will be a long night of tennis. Ken's sister is in Melbourne at the match. She goes every year.
01/Feb/15 10:49 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mamacita, Sharon's favourite meal was corned beef and I cooked it for the last meal that she was here. It took me nearly two years before I could cook it again. We actually had it last week and I finished the left over yesterday. Ken missed out as he was at bowls all day.
Tricia, take care. Thinking and sending good vibes.
Julie, I do wish I had your energy. I would love to be able to play an instrument but I have no concept of tune, tone or whatever.
01/Feb/15 10:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends, my house is smelling good today. the two pans of baked spaghetti are in the oven, almost ready to come out. One pan to eat, one to freeze for later. I think I shall call Tanya to come for lunch. Not sure she will accept, what with the rain.

We have had a rain, it is dark with continuing clouds. Hope the clouds continue through tomorrow, Ground Hog Day, I am ready for an early spring.

Heidi, I am sorry you did not get a good price on the calves, but glad it was only 2 sold and glad Gil now agrees to send calves to the better sale barn. What makes the difference in the price you receive from the two different sale barns, any idea?

Mamacieta, I always enjoy your posts, no matter the subject. I do hope Jazz is OK, and not keeping you up any more nights. Is he having seizures again?

June, glad you enjoyed your meal. I wish I could find a Chinese restaurant that the had Asian customers. The Chinese restaurants here change recipes, adding sugar, to make the food appealing to American tastes. I have often wished I could ask to be served what the Chinese employees were having for lunch. I did find a Mexican restaurant that the local Mexicans frequent for their lunch out, and the food is fabulous. It is back in Montevallo, too far to drive for lunch now, bummer.

I have dishes from cooking waiting for me. they have not learned to wash themselves. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

02/Feb/15 7:21 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm glad I had corned beef yesterday, in honor of Sharon's memory. That's my favorite meal, too.

The sale barn I like is a graded sale. The cattle are grouped and sold by carcass quality determined by state graders. You get paid by what you produce. The sale barn that IH liked was not a graded sale. Animals were bought by the whims of the buyers. I was told that the buyers wanted black colored cattle, not red, though there's no difference once the hide is removed. They use that as an excuse to steal good cattle from sellers who aren't ''good ol' boys''. It was obvious to me that I was cheated when holsteins (dairy cattle with big bones and little meat) of the same weight, but with significantly poorer quality and quantity of meat carcasses (but being sold by ''good ol' boys''), brought much higher prices per pound than mine did. I ended up getting nearly $1000 less than I should have for those 2 animals. I will get even with them, though. I plan on letting people know what happened, and their business will be hurt by more than I was cheated out of.
02/Feb/15 7:48 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Somehow, my post from yesterday is not showing. I distinctly remember hitting 'Submit Comment' and it appeared to go through, though I admit that I didn't check it. Please know that I was thinking of each of you. And now, there's no time to read & comment tonight. I apologize, but send an extra supply of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and !
02/Feb/15 6:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It WAS there, Julie, but isn't there now.
02/Feb/15 7:12 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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COOOOLD day today! with light flurries. I'm not going to complain because it could be a LOT worse.

Punxatawney Phil, the Groundhog, saw his shadow today. That means 6 more weeks of winter. I hope Phil was wrong.
03/Feb/15 7:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I read today that P. Phil could NOT have seen his shadow , it was snowing heavily. the article said the producers of this 'prediction' had made up their minds a couple of days ago, they would announce 6 more weeks of winter. I was a bit surprised to read that, and I checked the weather site, yes, it had been cloudy and snowing. In fact the weather was so bad, snow wise, that there were 5000 fewer people attending than last year, a 33% reduction! OH, and the ground hog bit the gloved hand of the handler, too. But as my dad always said, if the groundhog saw his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter. If he did not, spring would come in a month and a half hehehe.

Ever put on a coat you had not worn in over a year, put your hand in the pocket hunting the gloves, and pulled out cash instead? Lucky day, I just found $20 in my coat pocket, folded inside a sales receipt for Dec 13, 2013, cash back when I paid with my debit card. I should do something special with my found money hehehe. I have found cash stuck in a pocket a few times before, usually about $20 or less, but once so long ago that the $20 had a LOT more buying power than today. . It brought a smile to my face. Did you ever find cash in a pocket? What is the most you have found?

I was putting on the heavy wind proof jacket to go cover the plants outside. the temp will be below freezing for 12 hours, thought they might like a bit of cover. the wind had died down, and it did not feel as cold as earlier when I made a dash across the drive to building 1. I think I told you, one of the two elevators in building one is being replaced, only one is working, to service about 100 apartments. We have only one elevator in building 2, but only 44 apartments, it is much faster to get our elevator. Since they added an automatic door opener for building 2, it is easy to just dash across. So I make the dash across the drive and up the sidewalk, takes only a minuet and half, not enough time to get cold. BUT earlier today for first time in forever, the wind got inside my Crocs, with no socks on (I do not wear socks, even in winter). I felt the chill. I put on heavy wool socks to go cover plants tonight, there was no wind, and my feet got HOT hehehe.

Time to think of something for a light dinner. Tanya came for lunch today, we had baked spaghetti and a nice large salad so I am not very hungry tonight. I might just have a bowl of oatmeal. Even though I am warm here in my apartment, something about the cold weather outside makes hot comfort foods sound good.

Hugs to each of you, with extras
03/Feb/15 11:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I regularly find cash in pockets. Recently I found $40! I'm always misplacing money, but eventually it shows up. Yesterday I lost a $5 bill. It could turn up tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.

I hope Phil was right and his handlers were wrong. He should have bitten his handler for putting the wrong prediction in his mouth, so to speak.
03/Feb/15 12:24 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! After 28 hours of snow we had a beautiful sunny, blue-sky kind of day. Of course, the ground hog saw his shadow! Winter rarely ends before the end of March for us anyway.

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear you were kicked by a bull calf, but also sorry you were 'robbed' by the good ole boys at the sale barn. You'd think IH would realize eventually that you know what you're doing and do things for a good reason.

MizT, it's always nice to find money in a pocket or purse! Sure wish it would happen more often! Your baked spaghetti sounds yummy. I think we're about due for some spaghetti here!

Better head to bed, as we have appointment with the dental hygienist in the morning. Sending lots of , positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy for everyone!
03/Feb/15 6:33 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A sunny start for this cold Tuesday morning. I need to dress and get downstairs and remove the coverings on the plants. I had forgotten till just now. 'dress' means to put on a bra, or else a jacket to hide the fact hehehe. If I have any plans to stop and chat downstairs, would get too hot in the heavy coat, so bra it is, bummer. I hate those things Back later, hugs.
04/Feb/15 3:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to pick up my prescription for pain meds, then to do some grocery shopping. Tomorrow we're gonna try to sort out the last of the early 2014 calves to sell... at my favorite sale barn!... and get the young bulls ready for sale. The buyer is getting very excited about them, now that he's seen pictures and pedigrees.I believe we'll have 5 of them for him.
04/Feb/15 5:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got errands done. As I was pulling in the driveway, I spotted a newborn calf getting to it's feet. So I dashed inside to get the tagger before unloading groceries. It was a nice bull calf, the second born today. That makes 5 heifer calves and 4 bull calves so far, not including the 2 (1 of each gender) that froze in the below 0˚F temperatures.
04/Feb/15 9:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Looks like MizT and Heidi have had a busy day.
So have hubby and I, and I'm falling asleep, so heading to bed.

All the usual good thoughts for everyone! Take care!
04/Feb/15 6:45 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Not really a busy day yesterday, Julie, more a blah day. Nothing wrong, just no energy, and cold all day, even though my apartment was toasty warm and I had on warm clothes. I kept climbing back in bed just to try to get warm again. The only thing I accomplished was uncovering the plants and feeding myself.

Today should be warmer outside temps, but no sun so far today. I need the sun, I think I am part plant.

My current book is not that interesting, need to finish that and find one more to my liking. No activities planned downstairs, until scrabble with my friends at 3 today. Maybe I should make some snack to take to scrabble, that would be something to do I think I have a cookie mix in the pantry.

But for now, I am climbing back in bed. It is still early morning, and I am not ready to face the day.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
05/Feb/15 12:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Had 2 more calves born today... one of each gender. The heifer calf is definitely a keeper. Her mother always produces the largest calf at weaning time, and out of the 14 calves she's given us, thios is only her second heifer.
05/Feb/15 10:15 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Sitting on the banks of the Murray River, gentle breeze and sunshine. Could not ask for more. Just had bacon and eggs for breakfast, Bella is snoozing and all is good with the world.
05/Feb/15 10:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm jealous, Broni. I can think of nothing more restful or therapeutic. Enjoy it for me, too, please.
05/Feb/15 10:45 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sounds wonderful Broni, enjoy your holiday.
We have been shopping today. The larder was getting empty. I cannot lift groceries etc into the boot one handed. I would like to buy some new stretchy pants but the only ones I saw that I knew would fit were black and white and I already have a pair that colour. It is quite an effort trying things on in the shop so I think it best to wait till I get this cast off.
You seem to be doing well with the calving Heidi.
05/Feb/15 2:07 PM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hi is my blah day..nothing major...just out of sorts I guess...and I too have been cold and in bed to get warm...that only added to my
Broni...your day sounds wonderful and very welcomed I'm sure...I hope the rest of the days are as good...enjoy. Heidi...hope all goes well with the sales and congrats on the increasing numbers. Tricia, I just finished two great books, one, The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline and Pomegranate soup by Marsha Mehran and I highly recommend both. The second book also has lots of soup recipes that may interest you. I'm about to read the last book just recently released by Colleen McCullough before her death...Bittersweet.I'll let you know if I like it, but am sure I will....I've enjoyed all of her works that I've read so far. Do hope you get sun soon...I know I'm looking forward to warmer weather. If I felt better and was feeling better about Jazz's health, I'd be going to Florida for a spell..I'm so tired of being cold...Oh well...this too shall pass...just wish I could hurry it along a bit. I must remember that my mom used to say that I was wishing away part of my life when I'd say things like at this late in the game, I'd better be careful of what I wish for huh. Time to find some thing sweet to eat, I've been having ice cream fits and my grandie just shakes her head when I say I'm cold after eating a dish of well, no accounting for taste..enjoy while I can.
To all who I haven't mentioned by name, know that you are always included in my heart and know who you are and so do I. Take care good to others and better to are certainly worth it! Peace.
05/Feb/15 2:08 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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MAMA, my cold feeling went away today, I was hot and sweating. One extreme or another, huh? maybe some little bug making me feel off, or else my personal thermostat has malfunctioned. At the moment I feel just right temp wise YEAH

Scrabble today was fun, I won one game and second in the other, but we had a new player today. Lynn had a guest and they were out sightseeing, so we invited a newer resident, Carolyn, to play. As ften happens with a new player, me, namely as the last newbie, they are last till they catch on, but she was not that far behind on our scores.

I found a new cheat sheet, with words from the new 2014 word list. Several new 2 and 3 letter words, I found a list that puts the new ones in red, easy to find in the alphabetical listing.

Time for bed now, hugs to each of you. I did read, but falling asleep here now, will go back and read again tomorrow and comment. Hugs, friends, with extras.
05/Feb/15 4:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a brief Hello to all!

Great news about more calves, Heidi, I hope they and you all remain healthy.

Broni, what a wonderful description. I think we'll all join you - at least in spirit! Enjoy your R and R!

June, do you have your second cast now - or still on the first? I think I have been forgetting to read - or forgetting what I read. I hope the healing is going well!

Mama and MizT, I join you in being cold today. Maybe things will heat up tomorrow for me, as they did for you, MizT. Two nights ago I couldn't get warm in bed, especially my feet. I finally got up around 2:30 to find some toasty socks to put on. It was a big decision to expose the rest of my body (finally warming up) to the cool bedroom temperatures to go find the socks.

Had a cello lesson today and tried a different cello. Also asked my teacher for help fingering the first movement of the quintet we'll be playing in spring semester (beginning in 2 weeks). We didn't have time to go over all of the music she had assigned, but she had me start on the rest of the piece she had me start last week. I'm not sure if she thinks I'm doing quite well, or if she has altered (lowered?) the goals for my playing, but we seem to be moving through music quickly. It's getting so that I need 2 hours minimum to practice each day - not a complaint, just a statement of fact.

I apologize to anyone I failed to mention. Certainly hope all are well!

The bed is calling me, and I need to get up and moving quickly tomorrow for an appointment with the dental hygienist, so I will say, 'Good Night!'

Sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and for everyone!
05/Feb/15 6:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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JULIE, I think the two hours of practice a day is the reason you are now moving through music so quickly. Keep up the good work. I know what you mean, making the decision to get up to find the socks. sometimes I need to pull up the quilt, but am so comfy where I am, I do not want to move to get it, sort of the same thing, I think.

Broni, enjoy sitting looking at the water for me also. I miss the little river that goes through Montevallo, and the 'car picnics' Al and I had there, on sunny winter days, or even on very hot, to hot and humid to enjoy the outdoors, in the summer. I need to find some little body of water close by, with public access and parking, so I can do that again. I had not realized how much I missed it till this morning when I saw the sunshine outside and wished I had a place to enjoy it.

Tanya phoned, she is coming for lunch again today, I need to find something to eat. we had baked spaghetti the last two times she ate with me, need something different today. she will be nearby for a doctors appointment, and then a bit of a wait till time for her hair cut, so coming to visit. What to make today??

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
06/Feb/15 3:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Quiet day. No calves born, fortunately, 'cause it's cold outside.
There are only 2 bull calves from 2014 to wean, but I want to wait another month. The 3 bull calves already weaned, in with their father, may be going in a few days. Gotta make room for the new babies.
06/Feb/15 10:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I spoke too soon. There was just another calf born... a bull calf. Mama stupidly gave birth against the fence of the yard, causing the dogs to go insane, as well as IH. He was convinced that 1) the dogs were gonna keep the cow and calf from bonding; 2) the calf was gonna freeze to death because of the lack of bonding. Many cows have given birth that close to the fence, with no problems with bonding. IH wanted to towel the calf off, then surround it with hay to keep it warm. I told him if he surrounded the calf with hay, the whole herd would gather around to eat it, trampling the calf to death. I did give him permission to towel it off, though. But he threw a tantrum over everything, and got mad at me for not having a pile of towels available for him to use on calves. I prefer to let the mom dry the calf off, to help them bond. There is no problem, but IH is throwing a major tantrum right now, claiming that this is a disaster. I really want to kick him. Hard. Where it hurts.
06/Feb/15 11:52 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Oh Heidi, I had to laugh although I know you are not laughing. It is always the most intelligent people who have no common sense!
I cooked 1 kg of peaches this morning. I just went to put them in a container to freeze. Putting the lid on with one hand was a disaster and they all ended up on the floor. (I carefully picked up the peaches to save but left all the juice behind) I now have one corner of the kitchen with a clean floor!
06/Feb/15 3:34 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, no, June! What a MESS! I know you must feel so frustrated with that broken arm.
06/Feb/15 3:44 PM
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