Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''I like your Christ.
I do not like your Christians.
They are so unlike your Christ.''

... Mahatma Gandhi
06/Feb/15 3:46 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MizT, I'm sure you found or made something yummy for lunch! But I'm curious as to what it was! Some days I just can't think of anything of interest to prepare for a meal - or can only think of something for which I don't have most of the ingredients. I hope you can find a moving body of water with nearby parking! That sounds like such a great idea! I grew up just blocks away from the Mississippi River. Your reminiscing reminded me of how much I miss it.

Heidi, I hope IH didn't prevent the new calf and his mother from bonding. I wish he would listen to you and respect your intelligence and experience with the animals! I'm sure we would all understand if you slipped, fell, and one or both feet flew up from the ground accidentally making contact with him.

June, how awful to have the peaches and the juice end up on the floor! You must have been so frustrated! If only some of us lived nearby and could drop by to help out when one hand just can't accomplish your goals!

Broni, I hope you're enjoying each day of your holiday!

Heidi, what a great TOPP!

I'm headed to bed, so am sending an abundance of healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and ! Good Night, Everyone!
06/Feb/15 6:42 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have that Gandhi quote on a bumper sticker on my truck. I had the same quote on my van before it.

Just tagged 2 new calves. ..a nice bull calf and an exceptional heifer calf that I'll be keeping. That's now 2 heifers that I HAVE to keep.
07/Feb/15 1:59 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Hello one and all from a very cold and still snow covered Pa. city. Hope all is well with you and life is treating those of you who have not posted for awhile well.
To those of you who keep this group going with your daily post, a great big thanks for helping to keep things going so well. I for one am so glad to read your comings and goings...helps to know that I am not alone even if I am by myself. Sometimes we forget that the mundane things that happen have a purpose in helping us remember our humanity. When we lose sight of those every day occurrences of others, and focus on ourselves too much, we become isolated in mind, body and spirit.... and that's not good.
Heidi, Love that topp!!! Particularly now with so much negative attention around the various religions regarding the different religious practices and teachings, especially of Christians and Muslims. The quote, 'Religion is the opiate of the people' comes to mind far too often.I do think folks are just becoming too divided and judgmental of everything. Live and let live seems like a common sense solution, but we all know common sense isn't very common any more, I think. We all are on the same planet, so believers and non-believers alike need to just move on. If you treat each other as you wish to be treated, the world would become so much nicer....Okay...Off of the soap box, at least for now.
Julie, I owe you a word of thanks. Reading your post made me realize that while I had started reading several other post, I hadn't finished them and was able to go back and find out what was said. Seems I am becoming more easily distracted lately...hmmm, maybe I'm just getting old...I know , I know...I'm there already...but hey...need some excuse don't I?
Today is my Grand daughter's birthday and they ( my daughter and SIL and G Grand)are going out to diner to celebrate. Since they are all vegans/vegetarians, I'll pass the diner and enjoy some alone time...I don't get enough of that anymore, so looking forward to this evening.Lots of good reading available and some movies to watch too...I'll just have to decide which to chose.
To all that wish to celebrate all that life offers...go for it and watch how great things can be...Have a wonderful day/night where you are or wish to be. Peace.
07/Feb/15 5:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just tagged 2 more newborn calves (one of each again), retagged a week old calf that had lost her tag already, and helped a mama cow get her calf, born earlier today, across the creek. So I have wrestled with 5 different calves today, one twice. I am tired. Today's haul, so far, is 2 bull calves and 2 heifer calves.
07/Feb/15 9:19 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Another cow is in labor. Busy day.
07/Feb/15 10:33 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And another bull calf born!
07/Feb/15 12:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Friends!

Mama, it's always a pleasure to see that you have posted. I hope you enjoyed your alone time today and found either a good book or something worth watching on TV/movie!

Wow, Heidi! Is this a record-setting day for you? Five calves burnin one day! And I'm so glad you have at least 2 good heifer calves this year that you will keep! That will help to keep your breeding lines top-notch! I hope you don't suffer physically tomorrow for all your activity today!

Heading off to bed in a minute. Thinking of all of our posters and visitors and hope all are well! Sending lots of , positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
07/Feb/15 6:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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HOW did born become 'burnin'? My apologies!
07/Feb/15 6:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Oh, wait, it was supposed to be 'born in'; now that makes more sense.
07/Feb/15 6:14 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I just got back from the pharmacy (pain meds) and farm store (more calf ear tags). Now off to do a thorough calf check. At least the temperature is a balmy 54˚F / 12.2˚C, with clear skies.
08/Feb/15 4:41 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Walked all the fields (IH left a gate open, and the cows are now scattered over ~50 acres, unlike the usual 12 acres of the calving pasture.) and checked every single cow and calf. No new calves (yet) and only one who might be going into labor soon. There are 3 heifer calves so far that I NEED to keep. One is out of a wonderfully sweet purebred cow who usually has twins (her registered name is Doll, which fits her), One is out of an old cow who always produces the largest calf out of every calf crop, and the third one (last one born yesterday) is out of an old cow whose calves always grade choice or higher. It's been a long time since either of those 2 older cows has given us a heifer calf to keep.
08/Feb/15 5:32 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Julie... 5 calves born in one day isn't a record. That happens once or twice each year. But 6 calves in a 24 hour period IS a new record.
08/Feb/15 6:49 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Another blah day here today, no reason, just cause. Tomorrow will be another day. I am checking in before bedtime to let you know I am alive and well.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
08/Feb/15 2:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how old must a heifer calf be before she can be bred? Having 3 added to your breeding stock could be a nice increase to income, I hope these 3 work out well for you.

It seems I slept so much today I am caught up on the need at the moment. I am lucky to have both the computer and a book to keep me company here at almost midnight. A nice cip of sleepy time tea should help, it will at least keep me warm.

Hugs, again, to each of you.
08/Feb/15 4:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

Heidi, I'm glad to hear that you had a record day, and that you have 3 'keeper' heifer calves so far this year! That's great news! IH leaving a gate open is NOT so great. Will you try to get everyone back in the smaller calving pasture - or leave them scattered now? It must be so frustrating.

MizT, I hope tomorrow will be a better day, and hope you are able to get some sleep tonight! Here's hoping the tea does the trick!

I need to sign off the computer soon. It's in our bedroom and hubby is having difficulty falling asleep. He has apparently picked up a cold (hopefully nothing more) and is not a happy camper.

Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for All!
08/Feb/15 5:22 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A rather warm day 32*c but I did some gardening late in the afternoon. I twisted my back, just what I did not need so I am being very careful tonight. I also got the cast rather dirty so will see if I can scrub it clean tomorrow. (I did not want it to be wet tonight). It is also too warm to put a hot water bottle on my back. Just hope it feels better tomorrow.
Tricia, hope you feel better tomorrow.
So pleased that you are getting the calves that you want Heidi. Nice to have some good heifers.
Julie, I do hope that your hubby is not getting sick. Hope you both have a good nights sleep.
08/Feb/15 10:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I need to keep some replacement heifers, since some of my cows are getting so old.Heifers can be bred at 1 year old, so these will be bred next year for calving in 2017. There are a few other cows that haven't calved yet this year who I hope will have heifers. I'd like to keep 6 or 7 heifers.

Off to do a cow check. It's a balmy 55˚ F/ 12.8˚C, but cloudy. Great weather for calving.
09/Feb/15 7:47 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Gekko my friends.
Internet not too good on the river but at least is still working.
The big water ski race was yesterday, a lot of fun. Now most of the campers have left so is beautiful and quiet here now. You can hear the birds and the wind in the trees. Gentle banter and laughter from the next camp and lay back day.
Hope all is well in your world.
Luv and Jugs from Bella and me.
09/Feb/15 10:04 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sounds blissful, Broni. I wish I wasn't on the other side of the planet, or I'd join you.

No calves so far today. At least one is due tomorrow, when the temperature drops.
09/Feb/15 10:17 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to Each of You!

June, how nice that you could do some gardening, but the twisted back isn't so nice, or the dirty cast. If you clean it tomorrow, will the dampness help you to feel cooler?

Broni, the peace and solitude sound wonderful! Enjoy every minute!

Heidi, I didn't know you could breed the heifers at a year. It will be nice to have some younger breeding heifers in the herd next year! I hope you get a few more desirable ones in the remaining calves to be born!

I hope all are well! Thinking of everyone, including Mama and MizT, who didn't post today. Sending much , prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy for everyone!
09/Feb/15 6:47 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Hi all my apologies for not being around lately. I have been reading but as I had nothing happy to post I thought I would leave it at that.
To cut a long story short, my brother and SIL went out to Australia in November to see their daughter. They had only been there two days when SIL was taken into hospital and diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They were repatriated by their insurance company, who were wonderful. they arrived home on the Sunday before xmas. The sad end to this tale is that my SIL died last Tuesday.
On top of that we found out that my middle brother's FIL died the Thursday before that. Both of their funerals are next week one on Wednesday and the second (SIL) on Thursday, so we have to travel up north for two funerals at the same place on consecutive days.
Also I have been having some health problems which could have been serious but after one lot of tests it doesn't seem to be serious but have to have a hysteroscopy tomorrow morning to find out what has caused the problem.
10/Feb/15 2:20 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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All this has put a bit of a damper on what were supposed to be celebrations for my 60th birthday in a couple of weeks. A surprise visit from my youngest brother, who lives in Canada, had to be revealed as the plans they had have had to be reworked because they were going to be staying with Brian and Ann(SIL who died) Part of the surprise plans had been for two brothers, their spouses, Richard and I were going to spend a few days together near Canterbury. Four of us are still going, which was decided yesterday.
10/Feb/15 2:26 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK
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Happy Birthday Heidi hope you have a great day.
10/Feb/15 2:26 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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When it rains, it pours. Brenda, I'm so sorry that life has been sending so many challenges to you and Richard and offer my condolences to all on the loss of life. It is difficult enough to deal with the losses we face, but when coupled with illness, travel, holidays and expected celebrations, one has hardly time to collect themselves, so that having gone through that, peace will come and the Canterbury trip will give you all a chance to enjoy being together and afford healing to begin.
Broni, glad you are able to collect yourself in such a wonderfully sound manner and you and Bella are able to take full advantage of the beauty that is provided. So many don't seem to understand just how necessary the rejuvenation of body and soul is to continuation of all that matters.Enjoy and drink in as much as you can for backup to those trying times that rear their heads to our dismay.
Heidi, I do hope that you get all of the calves born in areas that afford the cows with protection as the weather grows colder for the good of all, most especially you, while dealing with labor and ear tagging. I also wish that Gil would learn to close the darn gates so that the cows would stay in their confined areas...but hey, guess I may just be wishing for a bit too much. Julie, thanks for the good wishes and kind words you always send. Thus far your loving thoughts and hugs have served me well and are most appreciated. How is practice coming along? Are you feeling more confident yet? I know some folks are never really satisfied, but I do hope you find the practice has allowed you to advance to a point that you can see improvement in your playing even when faced with the challenge of time and various cellos. I think you have, or else you would not continue to find enjoyment on your own...I know that when I was taking piano lessons, I became easily frustrated because I didn't play well enough to find any joy. That feeling is not good. Sending you hugs and wishes for lots of good music.
June, I didn't know you could clean cast...but do hope that cleaning yours will result in success for you. How much longer will you need the cast and are they talking about rehabbing your wrist once its removed? That could also affect the shoulder problems you've been having. Take it easy and be careful.
Time to get away from the computer and read awhile or nap...haven't decided which just yet. If I start to read, sleep may decide for me..we'll see. Have a great day wherever and whatever you do. Peace.Forgot to say hello, so hello Theresa,Nola, Rola,MizT and the rest who read and occasionally post.
10/Feb/15 3:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We had a nice purebred bull calf born this morning. I wish it would have been a heifer, 'cause I wanted one out of this cow, but hey, this'll be a great calf, and she might have a heifer next year. It's still above freeing, but the temperature is dropping steadily.

Brenda... I don't have the words thatt Mama has to thell you how I feel for you with all you and your family have been going through. ((((( HUGS ))))) Please let us know from now on when things are diffcult. It helps to share the pain, and know others really do care. That's what friends are for.

I didn't realize we are the same age. Today begins the 2 day celebration of my 60th birthay. I'm celebrating it quietly. I told IH that I just want to have lunch at the restaurant in Magnolia, which serves really good, but simple, fare.
10/Feb/15 5:18 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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A happy two day 60th. birthday Heidi Enjoy your lunch. It is nice that you are going somewhere that you know that you will enjoy. (I have sent you an E-card but before I had read your post).
I am contemplating playing bowls today. Depends on the weather (not too hot) and how I feel at about 8am.
Mamacita, the cast is fibreglass and I get it wet when I have a shower. I just put some soap on it and scrubbed with a brush! It has yellowed from the sun. I have full use of my fingers so I do not think I will need any special physio when the cast comes off on 20th Feb.
10/Feb/15 5:54 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda, big hugs to you and Richard. What an awful time for you all. Once it is all over I am sure you will enjoy your birthday celebrations near Canterbury.
10/Feb/15 6:00 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, simple food done well can be so satisfying. I hope you enjoy your lunch out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, friend! Will you be selling this purebred bull calf as breeding stock next year? Our weather is still spring like here, high for today is 60, a bit cooler than yesterday's 67, but it feels muggy and is cloudy. A brief shower earlier, I noticed the plants were wet.

Brenda I am so sorry to hear so many sad things have happened with your extended family. Huge hugs to you. I hope you do get to enjoy your trip with some of the family to Canterberry. Safe travels for both the funerals and the holiday. Do keep in touch more, as was said, troubles shared are troubles halved. We care about what is going on with you and your family and are here for you, but you have to let us know

Broni your holiday seems most relaxing. I hope it helps recharge your engine for work once you get home again.

today was grocery day. I got them home and the cold things put away. The others can wait till after my nap.

One of my friends, Loraine, has been in intensive care for over 2 weeks. It was reported they almost lost her early on. It started with pneumonia, but more and more problems are raising their head. any good wishes, healing thoughts or prayers for her would be welcomed.

Another of our residents was taken to the hospital over the weekend, with flu. I know everyone who had played poker with her just hours before was notified that they had been exposed, and to report any symptoms. I had not seen Dee for over a week, so not exposed to this one. Flu is hard on us older folks, some worse than others, and the vaccine is not as good as it could have been. .

Mama, I know just what you mean, your body will decide for you, between reading and sleeping. It will do what it needs, so hope you enjoy whichever way it happens.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

10/Feb/15 6:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just got back from the Vet clinic. We took in the 3 weaned bull calves and started them on the vaccinations their buyer wants. Boosters in 2 weeks, then delivery to Tennessee 1 week later. I suspect that he will buy more bull calves from us in the future.
10/Feb/15 9:08 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Birthday, Heidi! I hope you have an amazing day!
10/Feb/15 6:50 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Brenda, it's good to 'see' you. Sending condolences to you and your family. What an awful couple of months you and your family have had. Here's hoping that turns around and the rest of the year is looking up. Happy approaching Birthday! Enjoy the visits and share good memories! Mama said it best, but I want you to know that we all care! {{HUGS}}

Mama, your words are so heartfelt and lovely! Have you ever written professionally? You would be a very popular blogger, I think. I hope you enjoyed reading or a nap, whichever developed. Either would be enjoyable!

June, enjoy yourself if you play bowls. I hope the weather cooperates! Sounds like your cast cleaned up pretty well! I never thought about a cast getting discolored from the sun, but it makes sense.

Heidi, congratulations on another healthy bull calf. And I hope the buyer for 3 bull calves is delighted with them and buys more!

MizT, I'm so sorry for your friends and sending prayers for full recovery! I hope you can stay healthy!

Tried cellos today with D, who kindly came to help. I am surprised how different they can sound when someone else plays them, as opposed to listening to them right under your ear. She is very perceptive and noticed that the neck of one wasn't set correctly, which I could probably adjust to, but would require additional stretching to play in tune. She also had some good pointers for me. If we lived closer and she had more spare time, I think I would be able to take lessons from her. Of course, that's my prospective; it might not be a comfortable situation for her. I guess what I'm saying is that I think she is an excellent teacher.

Well, the witching hour is upon us, and I must soon head to bed. Please feel free to share these positive thoughts, healing vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and !
10/Feb/15 7:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Got back from a delicious lunch. Now I'm trying to get inspired to go outside and do a thorough cow check. Maybe I'll take a short nap, first. Yeah, that's what I'll do.
11/Feb/15 6:43 AM
   broni  From qld, australia    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday Heidi, wishing you health and happiness.
11/Feb/15 7:14 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.
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Happy Birthday Heidi...glad lunch was good. Now enjoy the rest of your day.
Hello all, here's hoping you will also enjoy what the day/night brings...Peace.
11/Feb/15 8:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OK... took the UTV out to do the cow check. Found a cow that had just calved and was trying to hide her calf in some bushes.... a nice bull calf. There was a heifer tagged by IH this morning. Calving is going well, except for the 2 we lost early to sub zero temperatures.
11/Feb/15 9:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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In basketball tonight, Kentucky beat LSU in a really close game. Today is the coach's birthday as well as mine. Kentucky is now #1 in the nation with a 24-0 record. We have no pro teams in any sport in the state, but we don't need 'em. We've got better. We have the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Western Kentucky University and Murray State University, all Division I, and all great. Especially in basketball.
11/Feb/15 1:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I really thought I had submitted a post, but do not see it. Wonder what happened?

Today was cooler, but tomorrow is forecast to be another spring like day. I have to be out tomorrow, so that is good. I go for the testing that is required before one is put to sleep. The biopsy is 2 weeks from today, testing is tomorrow. They said allow up to 4 hours, bummer, that is a long day, but at least I can eat. I should prepare a snack, as it will be long after lunch before I get back home.

I bought groceries yesterday, and got them put away by this morning. Mary my floor cleaner came today, nice to have everything clean at once again. We signed up today for the Dept of Agriculture's coupons we can use for fresh fruits and veg, as long as we buy from the farmer who grew it, farmers markets and such. Should get those by May in time to use for early produce coming in. I want to go get peaches with some of my coupons, I love peaches.

I need to get a shower and then get ready for bed. Find something appropriate to wear. that is a challenge lately, today it was heavy sweater, tomorrow will need lighter wear, what with changeable weather.

Heidi, I have ordered the newest Scrabble dictionary, 3000 new words in it. We had bought a new one last year, but just months before they announced the new edition. About 5 new 2 letter words, that should make playing interesting. We will not play tomorrow, as I will probably not be back in time, Lynn is not well, and Mary is going shopping, said she just will not have to hurry now to get back in time

Hugs to each of you, with extras.

11/Feb/15 1:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Happy Birthday, Heidi!

Hello to Everyone! Heading to bed after a long day with a long meeting. Sending lots of , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, and prayers for everyone!
11/Feb/15 7:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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A very cold start to a beautiful warm Sunny Wednesday here in Alabama. Twas 25 *F as the sun came up, now up into the 40's, headed for 60 around noon. How I love seeing the sun again.

I am off to get the pre admission testing done in an hour, ready and waiting on the clock hehe. Well, almost ready, I need to make some type snack to take with, as I could be there till 3:30 pm. They said 3 to 4 hours, oh my. I do hope not that long, though.

Heidi, enjoy your basketball season, and good luck to your teams.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
12/Feb/15 2:02 AM
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