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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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'Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.'
M. Kathleen Casey
(on Spike Milligans stone, except it's written in Gaelic)
10/Jan/15 6:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Talked to my Doctor's office. They told me to just take OTC Sudafed to dry up the fluids in my head. They don't seem concerned.
10/Jan/15 7:27 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi all.
I just popped in to see how your ear was Heidi.
Hope you get some relief soon.
June..what a nuisance breaking your wrist after a lovely day out. Do you have much pain?
Theresa...great news about FIL/MIL finally getting into a home together where they will get the care needed.
Big hello to you all even if names aren't mentioned.
10/Jan/15 9:18 AM
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Congrats Suzy on Grandchild #3.
Hope all is well with mother and child.
Dana sure has her hands full with 3 under 3yrs.
10/Jan/15 11:20 AM
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June, sorry to hear about your broken Wrist
10/Jan/15 11:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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So nice to see Rolanda pop in for a visit. Are you still on Holiday? I see an occasional post of yours on TOS.
Heidi, good to know doc is not overly concerned about ear drainage. I hope the sudafed helps dry up all the leaks.
HI NOLA, good to see you also. what is going on in your little corner of the world?
JUNE, so sorry to hear you broke your wrist. I am sure that 5 hours at local hospital was most unpleasant. I remember the problem of needing someone to assist will all sorts of activities of daily living. I think I slept in a gown, no nickers, so I could go potty by myself. Is the casted arm in a sling? I do remember figuring some way to pull up my slacks, elastic waisted only, once I did not have to have a sling. Basically it was to put casted arm at my side inside the waistband and stretch waistband outward, while pulling up first front then back with the good hand.
Hummm, spell check does not think wasited or casted are words. I thing they say what I want so will leave them with their little red lines under them hehehe,
Unfortunately I have forgotten what was on page 147, but I did read it. I do remember Theresa saying her in-laws were in nursing room together, at last. I do hope this makes things easier for all, and that FIL does settle in soon. You made a very hard decision about the dysfunctional family members. I know from experience, having to do the same, and the guilt Al and I felt for some time, but that does fade. There comes a time when one has to say ENOUGH and walk away. I am glad you were able to do that.
The phone calls have started again. Remember me talking about collection agencies phoning my new number when I first moved in here? I had another just yesterday. If I remember right, I had a spat of them last January. I think that the first of the year is when these debts are once again listed in the legal newspapers, and rekindled interest by debt collectors sets the phones ringing again. I do wonder just how many phone calls they make before finding any debtor still at the same phone number.
Wind was not blowing today and so the 32*F (0*C) did not seem as cold. I made a short trip out to go to bank, to pharmacy, and to fill up car with gasoline. Prices are way down, just over half what they were a few months ago.
Time for my dinner, so I will send hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
10/Jan/15 12:16 PM
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Hi Tricia.
Yes am on Holidays.
Do not pop in very often in here or on Easy..
10/Jan/15 12:26 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We have had unbearably cold nights here... 2 nights below 0˚F.... and we lost the 2 youngest calves. I would prefer not starting calving until mid March, but that means turning the bull out with the cows during extreme heat. When it gets too hot, fertility in bulls goes way down. If we wait until it cools off to breed, the calves are born in the hot weather, and the flies eat them alive... starting with the umbilical wound. The other option is to breed in winter and calve in fall, but then you have to supplement the cows like crazy over the winter while they're nursing little calves... and that's costly. More and more farmers do it that way because you don't have the calf losses. (Plus, with very early spring calving, the calves are ready to market when the prices are highest). I would prefer early fall calving, but I can't get IH to agree to it. We weren't supposed to start calving until Mid February, and we had the bull separated from the herd, but some cows must have snuck in with him ahead of time. I don't know how.
10/Jan/15 12:44 PM
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Greetings, All!
June, I'm so sorry to hear about your broken wrist. I hope it heals quickly and with very little pain and inconvenience!
I like your TOPP, Heidi! I'm glad to hear that your doctor is not concerned about the continuing drainage from your ear. I hope the Sudafed will help!
Hi, Nola! I hope all is well with you and your family! It's so nice to see your post!
Rolanda, I hope you're enjoying your holiday! Are you able to stay cool enough in the caravan? Please travel safely!
Heidi, I'm sorry you have lost the 2 youngest calves. Hopefully there won't be any further surprises and the other calves will come later.
MizT, those collection calls can be so annoying! We had many for the same person over the course of about 5 years. We even received mail addressed to the person, but at our address. Interesting, since a phone number and street address don't go together. The most troublesome was that the person had the same first name as mine, and same last initial. Unfortunately at least once, the caller asked for 'Julie' and I answered, 'Speaking.' I never was able to convince the caller that I was not the person he was hoping to speak to. Hopefully you don't have similar problems and the calls will quit soon!
It's time to say Good Night. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
10/Jan/15 5:30 PM
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June, noooo! Not good weather for it. Nag hubby about needing the air con. Hopefully the replacement cast will be cooler.
Theresa, that would have been a tough call, but it seems like a good one. Thinking of you. So glad your in laws are finally together! So much less for you and hubby to worry about!
10/Jan/15 7:56 PM
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Yes Heidi, same father. Ive hated him for 5 years but she loves him. Hoping that this cures her
10/Jan/15 7:59 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Up early, to load and take 6 calves to a different sale barn that IH wanted to try out. He came with me and we sat through the sale to see what they looked like and brought in comparison to the other animals there. I think ours were the nicest (but I'm biased) but I think they could have brought a better price. They would have at the other sale barn. But still, the price was decent. Just not top of the sale. On the way home, I stopped at a pharmacy for some sudafed. Thanks to the meth lab people, it's hard to get hold of. They actually had to do a background check on me!!!! (this wasn't my regular pharmacy, but mine would have had to as well, by law.) Once we got back home, we treated a sick calf (about 5 months old... born late), then I crashed. Four hours dead to the world. Now to defrost some thick chuck eye steaks (one of the two tenderest steaks of a beaf!) for supper, along with green beans and fried onions.
11/Jan/15 11:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Is there no way he can be drugged and neutered, Suzy? At this rate, you'll be having more grandchildren born every 10 months! Who knows where it'll stop!!!
11/Jan/15 11:17 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi from the cold of Pa.
While its plenty of cold in these parts, my house if comfy and warm...hate to venture out, but life seems to keep me having to go when I don't want to. My daughter was here the other night and could barely walk...not sure what happened, she said she woke up in pain when moving...I ended up taking her to the hospital to be sure it wasn't something wasn't but she was told the pain could hang around for a good while...makes life difficult, but she will manage. June...I've been where you are and it's no sorry about the's really bad timing especially with all of the heat so I'm sending you extra healing vibes for a full recovery. I do hope its not real painful too. Heidi, good to know that the medical team is not too concerned about the draining ear, but if the Sudafed doesn't clear it up in short order, I'd press for more information or another opinion. Ears don't just keep draining. can go to the head of the class for the best topp to fit this group for now...we'll have to do something to make that an untrue statement with better health folks...come on...we can do
Good to see Rola, Nola and Theresa posting...drop in post are a good thing...treats to be enjoyed by all.
Tricia...on the next collection call tell the caller that you'll get the person to the phone...and then just keep the line open for a while...they'll soon hang up or stop calling...of course, don't respond if they start to try and stop you...dirty may help.
Hope all will find the weather in their area a bit more manageable in the upcoming weeks...too hot or too cold just doesn't get it...Off to do some puzzles...more later Peace.
11/Jan/15 11:33 AM
Mamacita 2
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Forgot that I wanted to let Suzy know that it's a good thing that the kids all share a father and were born from their Mum's love of their Dad...That first love is a very powerful thing, as Dana has found out and is experiencing...but having a third kid so soon will not bring about much to destroy that matter her hardships or disappointments...only he can do that.I wish her joy and know you do too...even when her choice isn't what you hope to see continue. Just keep encouraging her to find a way in her busy life to still get an education and to surround herself with young folks her she grows and develops more...she may find that she will outgrow this love and find others more to your liking...we all are pulling for her I told you early on that I thought she was a late bloomer...and that time is approaching...hopefully. Be at peace. My two cents worth, unasked.
11/Jan/15 11:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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My FIL has the 'Flu, Pneumonia and Bronchitis!!! He's 90 years old, and they sent him home from the hospital because they didn't have room for him!!!! My attitude is... MAKE ROOM! At his age, any one of those things can be fatal!!!!
11/Jan/15 2:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I can't believe I misspelt 'beef' in my post of 11:14 am.
11/Jan/15 2:49 PM
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Hello and hopefully improving health to all!
Mama, your words are full of wisdom and warmth, and certainly worth far more than two cents! I hope all is well with you, and hope your daughter has less pain to deal with.
Heidi, you have not tried the other sale barn and know what to expect, so can choose wisely between them. I hope your ear continues to improve! I'm glad you are still able to get extra sleep! Is IH able to help you with meal preparation?
Prayers for your FIL, Heidi! Is there someone who can check in on him regularly, since the hospital is full? If so, it may actually be better for him to NOT be in the hospital and exposed to all the additional germs there.
Suzy, it's good to see your posts! Your frustration is understandable. Your support of Dana and her little ones is admirable, and as your friends, we support you. {{{HUGS}}}
June, I hope you are feeling better and the heavy cast is not too warm. I'm sure you're looking forward to a lighter and hopefully cooler cast next week!
It's time to head to bed. Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
11/Jan/15 5:48 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil's sister lives just 3 blocks from their father. She's caring for him.
The Sudafed has stopped the ear draining!!!! MAJOR improvement!!!
12/Jan/15 9:15 AM
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That's wonderful Heidi. I got an ear infection once when in UK and about to fly home Dr. suggested Sudafed (when you could get it over the counter) I was sick all the way home as it did not seem to agree with me.
12/Jan/15 2:22 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, I'm glad Gil's sister lives near their father and can check in on him! Hooray for the Sudafed and the end of ear draining!
Hi, June! How are you feeling today? I hope the swelling is gong down!
Gotta hit the hay. We have an early morning. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
12/Jan/15 4:41 PM
Alabama, USA
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Awake and aware for intermission, will need to get back to bed soon. I thought I should check in before anyone missed me.
I received my new eyeglasses yesterday afternoon, and waited till after a sleep to put them on, suggestion of an eye doc in the past. I am not happy with them so far, I cannot see to read on the computer comfortably, bummer. I will see what happens when I read a book or watch TV.
Later today is my repeat mammogram, hope that goes well. I will go by EP bus, as there is a lot of distance from either the drop off of passengers or the parking deck to the office, walking would be a pain. Going in my power chair is much better for me.
I have read posts, will need to come back to comment later, but sent good wishes as I thought of each of you this morning. Huge hugs, with extras, till later.
12/Jan/15 10:03 PM
Mamacita 2
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Good day to all.
Rainy and a tad warmer then it has been recently. All is well with me and mine...Hope the same can be said by all of you. Heidi, glad the meds have helped stop the ear draining and hope your fil is feeling better and has a full recovery from those scary illnesses.
Tricia, I'm wearing old glasses for the same reason...they just weren't right this's almost time to get another pair, but since it's now dental time, the glasses will have to wait... make my head hurt with your business...but I glory in the fact that you can stay so busy and still drop by to give us a shout out...June, hoping the weather has eased a bit and is making it less uncomfortable to have a cast on. Wishing you well. To all of the rest not mentioned by name...know that thoughts of you are with me, just not able to say all that overflows in my heart or mind...stay well and at peace. Off to shower and start my day, after about 5 hours of doing nothing that I can put a finger on...unless one considers Have a great day, one and all.
13/Jan/15 4:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Same weather here, Mama. I would prefer to have it below freezing, though, 'cause the mud forms so quickly when it rains.
13/Jan/15 6:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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FIL is feeling much better. The fever has brokem, and he's breathing much easier. I'm so glad he caught it early.
13/Jan/15 6:26 AM
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Heidi, your FIl probably recovered better by not having to be in the hospital. As long as he got the proper medication.
I have one pair of glasses for the computer and another for reading. They have different focal lengths. They are the only times that I wear glasses.
Mamacita, pleased things are OK with you and your family.
I am sure I could not keep up with your pace Julie. Early mornings AND late nights.
13/Jan/15 1:22 PM
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I have to catch up with some overdue Emails. I do find just using the shift key with my left hand it soon gets a bit achy.
13/Jan/15 1:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My ear is oozing again!!! And there's more of a pinkish/orangish tinge to the fluid than I'd like to see.
13/Jan/15 5:45 PM
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Hi, All! Just a quick visit before calling it a night.
June, I hope you're doing OK with the cast for now!
Heidi, so sorry the ear discharge is continuing!
MizT and Mama are both dealing with less-than-perfect glasses.
MizT, I hope the repeat mammogram showed that all is well!
Mama, sending good wishes that your dental appointments go well!
Thinking positive thoughts for all and sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
for everyone!
13/Jan/15 6:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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What an ordeal the repeat mammogram was. I sat in waiting room for an hour, just so clerk could call me to sign a consent sheet. I had been 'preregistered' because this was a repeat. I do think they should have a way to electronically sign the consent sheet back in the mammogram room. the waiting room was for ALL imaging done there, they were running behind.
then I wait again to get the mamo, wait third time until the doc could see if the films showed what she wanted. They did not, so she ordered an ultrasound of BOTH breasts, of a restricted area on each. Obviously she sees something there, but I do have a cyst in each breast, been there for years. I hope they are just being over cautious. I waited again to get the ultrasound, and yet again to have the doc look at those films 'so you do not have to come back again.' All in all four hours spent getting this done,11:30 till 3:30 PM, past my lunch time, and way to long for me to sit in my chair without hurting. They will send me a letter next week with results.
I slept all early evening. Of course that meant I did not sleep last night till the wee hours, then up for early appointment for the epidural. That went quickly, gone from home only 1 hour, a quick breakfast, and to bed. I slept till mid afternoon, and after getting up developed a HUGE headache. Docs will tell me I should not be getting a spinal headache from an epidural, but have the last two times, not fun. I really need to be back flat in bed, but this old body can tolerate only so much bed time. So not a pleasant 36 hours past.
The good of this is, at the moment, my back only hurts at the injection site, and the shoulder is 100% improved, they should have done the shoulder long time ago. I know they got the right spot, cause it HURT, even under the twilight sleep, boy I popped awake fast.
Headache not letting up, I will close this and come back to comment on the posts I have missed.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
14/Jan/15 9:25 AM
Mamacita 2
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Hi All, Tricia....what a horrible experience you had with the mamo...hope the results, whatever there are will clear the mystery up for the doctors and prevent you from having to go through that again. I also hope that your headache will have gone away when you return, but am glad at least somethings have gotten better...suppose
after all that ,you still felt 100% glad you included the upside too. Take extra care.
after all that ,you still felt 100% glad you included the upside too. Take extra care.
Heidi...time to talk to the doctors again and get some answers...sounds like a blood leak may be a part of the problem. I don't like the sounds of the continuation of the discharge.Julie...I'm with June...I think you might be the energizer of this thread with all that you do...but stiff competition with Heidi of course...and you June are a third runner up when you aren't wearing a I can't hold a candle to any of you so I won't try...just watch and enjoy that.
Took Jazz to the vet today and that wore me out, since I have to help him in and out of the car..his little legs and heavy body and his age make getting in and out of cars difficult for him...but once on the ground, he moves too fast for me to recovery from my exertion...silly dog. He has a tumor on his eye and a loose tooth that need to be fixed, but they will have to wait until the vet is satisfied that his seizures are better managed to be sure that he can safely have it done... I'd be rich I think if I didn't have a and yesterday cost me over 300 hundred dollars of my fixed income..I don't know how folks can afford multiple animals...but find that we all manage to find money for our furry kids...and that's a good thing. I'm off to check the other sites and send hugs and jugs to all. Take care..I care. Peace.
14/Jan/15 11:47 AM
Alabama, USA
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Mama, Thank you for your comments. Yes, I am thankful there was an up side to this, more than you know. another good thing, D#2 had my breakfast ready to put in microwave, my lunch in the fridge, even left the top off my bottle of kool aid for adults, since I have trouble opening bottles. I had chicken cooked in fridge for dinner, I quickly sauteed some peppers from freezer, added salsa, put on flat bread with some cheese, a fast tasty dinner with enough for tomorrow left over. So another very good thing, a daughter who plans ahead, and can leave me alone since I really need rest. OH, she got out my small walker put at bedside in case I was dizzy or otherwise incapacitated when I got out of bed for bathroom or food. sometimes you just have to look for the good, it make life easier.
Heidi, any experience with headache after your epidurals? Would appreciate your input. for now I plan to deal with it for over the 24 hours since it started, and phone doc by Thursday morning if not better.
In reading about headache after epidural block, I find that the headache could be caused by an allergy to the steroids injected. That happens a bit more than a 'wet tap', but still rare. Of course I do rare things. Why should I make it easier on myself and the docs to treat me??
I think the allergy usually clears up or gets better in about 24 hours, if I read right. The wet tap with loss of spinal fluid lasts a LOT longer. I have added benadryl to the mix of meds just in case it is allergy caused.
Back to bed. I remember thinking when I was a young busy mom that being able to stay in bed all day would be wonderful. I find at my age it really is not.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
14/Jan/15 2:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I've had over 60 epidurals,and I don't remember ever getting a headache after one. But I'm making up for it with this sinus infection.
14/Jan/15 3:21 PM
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Just a brief hello. Running late due to meeting tonight (that ran later than usual). Need some sleep so I can get up and practice & listen to tape of my last lesson.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
for All!
14/Jan/15 6:23 PM
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Tricia ,what an ordeal for the mammogram. I generally turn up about 15 early and I am back in the shopping centre nearby before the time of my appointment.
I do hope the headache clears up soon.
Heidi, you need a ENP specialist to sort out your drainage problems. It has been going on too long.
14/Jan/15 8:41 PM
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Mamacita, poor Jazz. I do hope they can help him without any more seizure problems. It is hard for animals, like people, to suffer the problems of old age.
it was a hot but with a breeze today. I did a couple of loads of washing and just threw them over the line and put in a couple of pegs.
Ken accidently rolled onto my arm this morning so it has been a bit uncomfortable today.
We are going to the City tomorrow and having lunch in Centre Point Tower. A revolving restaurant overlooking the city and as far as the Blue Mountains if the weather is clear.
14/Jan/15 8:47 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greet6ings friends,
A bit of steroid insomnia last night, but after a 5 hour nap yesterday morning, I did manage to get some good sleep, about 5:30 am till 11:30 am. Just not at the normal time, but it will do nicely, especially since I woke with headache MUCH better.
I was up about an hour and a half, had to go talk to staff about a late notice I received. Bank shows I had paid the rent, somehow it just did not get on EP books. Also I had been over paying my rent for 6 months, so we had to re-figure what was due for Feb, and get that straight. Good thing I have a printer with my computer, and with online banking documents I printed out, no going to bank to get verification to take to the office, yay! Got my tomatoes and bananas from veggie man, he also had mushrooms at a very good price, they will go into turkey soup I am making tomorrow. I had time for an hour in bed to help the headache that was returning, got it down to a dull roar.
Dave had been invited to come join us at scrabble today, he said it was doubtful he could make it, and he did not, bummer. I think Mary is trying to play matchmaker, pairing up Dave and me, did not work this time hehehe.
My apartment was chosen by HUD for inspection. I do not think that was good for EP, I know of 5 things that have work orders turned in, things found on the last 2 inspections getting ready for this one, that were never done. I am sure their inspector found them all. I was not here when they came, but across the hall in a common room, where we play scrabble. Our director stuck his head in and told me my apartment had been chosen. Two staff members accompany the inspector, the other was the maintenance man, who had a key to my door. when I returned an hour later, my door had been left unlocked. I sent off an e-mail to let the director know I was a bit concerned they had left my door unlocked. Luckily I was not away for long.
Time to lay my achy head on my pillow again. Need this headache gone. I need to go to grocery, and bank, then the big anniversary party is Saturday. I have found there is a no service chrge checking for seniors at my bank, I am going to take advantage of that if they can help me get online banking changed to new account, and tell me how to get my monthly check changed to that account also. I have been meaning to do this for some time, why give them my money every month when I do not have too??
I did read, will try to get back later to comment. sending hugs to each, Mama, I hope Jazz is doing OK. About having to lift him into the auto, could you get a light weight ramp for him to go up, one that would store somewhere in auto? that might help you some.
June, I see you are finding creative ways to do things. with your breezy day I am sure the clothes dried just fine. Enjoy (or hope you did enjoy) your lunch out, it sounds fun. A revolving restaurant is something I have wanted to experience, but never have.
Julie, hope your practice went well. How do
15/Jan/15 11:26 AM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, hope your practice went well. How does it feel to you, listening to the pieces you have played, on your recordings? Do you find that restful or anxiety producing, always listening for what you could do better? Do you think listening does help you to play better?
Heidi, thanks for the info, I did not think you had mentioned headache after epidural.
OK, stick a fork in me, I am done
15/Jan/15 11:27 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
June, I hope you are feeling better after Ken rolled into your arm. It's good to know you are being inventive and finding ways to get things done. Happy Birthday! Is that the reason for the dinner at the revolving restaurant? Sure hope you both enjoy it!
Heidi, I hope you are feeling better and the discharge has ended. Don't hesitate to see your doctor - or a specialist - if necessary.
MizT, I'm glad the extra sleep helps, even if it comes at a strange time. So sorry the mammogram was such and ordeal. Hopefully, they got all the views they needed, and you won't need to think about it for another year! Great idea to look into the different checking account, and good for you for getting the rent straightened out. All those things can be so time consuming! Happy Anniversary to your sister and her hubby! I hope the party will be a huge success!
Mama, I hope you and Jazz are both doing well! MizT's idea of a ramp to help Jazz get into the car could be a big help. Hoping for the best at the vet!
Time to roll into bed in preparation for a busy day. Hubby will be getting up early, which means I will be, too. Just gives me more time to practice - and get some bills paid - and do some cleaning, etc.
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
to all of you!
15/Jan/15 7:06 PM
Alabama, USA
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My house smells so good! I made the turkey vegetable soup today, and it is yummy smelling.
Headache is better today, have not been back in bed, and I slept better last night also. Now having the jitters, withdrawal from the cortisone, but that is expected. Used the jittery energy to make the soup, all without stopping to rest till it was done.
Only Judy and I showed up for scrabble and 2 handed is not much fun. We had a new game, scrabble slam, using cards, making 4 letter words from cards in your hand, by changing one card in the previous word. No waiting turns, you see a word you can make, call it out and put down the card, reason it is called slam. Judy is not fast, she always has to be prodded to make her word in regular scrabble so I won both games, got rid of my cards first. We will be at an advantage over the other players, but can teach them how to play.
there is one thing not explained, what happens if no acceptable word can be played, while players still hold cards? We almost got to that point in game one, but found one word that got us out of that spot. I imagine if truely there were no way to make a word with the letters remaining in our hand, the game would be over and the person with fewest cards left would win, I shall suggest that be added to house rules, I think.
Tanya is coming over this afternoon to bring me milk and half and half, I can now postpone the grocery store till next week. I had forgotten tomorrow, our planned day, we have a soup lunch downstairs, given by the residence association, and I want to go to that. Gives me more time to rest up and recover for Saturday.
Hugs to each of you, with extras. I will check back to look for new posts. HI JULIE, Bye Julie.
16/Jan/15 6:01 AM
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