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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Hi, Everyone! Looks like I forgot to 'Submit Comment' last time I was here. I hope everyone is well. Just dropping by on my way to bed to send some healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and
. I'll try to get here earlier tomorrow, as we'll have an early alarm, so early to bed (I hope). Take care, everyone!
19/Mar/16 5:12 PM
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Guess who didn't check the numbers. Yep! Here's an almost-TOPP:
“If you have the chance to help someone and you don’t do it, then you are wasting your time on this earth.” ~ Roberto Clemente
19/Mar/16 5:14 PM
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Lovely day with the kids today, even had a quick visit from Alie and Bren. We detoured on the way home to buy Dana a bottle of wine. The kids didn't want to stay in the car so we let them come in with us. The guy who served us was huge, which scared poor Tahli. Then the parking lot didn't have as much light as she'd like so she was scared again. Then we went over a bump which must mean something was wrong. Then we actually took her home when she wanted to stay here with Gizmo. By the time I got her out of the car she was inconsolable. Life on the spectrum really, really sucks. But we are learning and will do the best we can to make things a little easier for her.
19/Mar/16 9:48 PM
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{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all, including Tahli, who had a rough time. How are Alie and Bren doing, Suzy?
Greetings and salutations, and wishes for a good night - or day - to everyone!
, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy. I hope to have more time tomorrow!
20/Mar/16 3:58 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tagged another heifer calf a little while ago. I think there are only 4 or 5 cows left to calve now.
21/Mar/16 10:12 AM
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Greetings to all! Sending prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
for everyone!
21/Mar/16 5:40 PM
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Hi all, hope everyone is well.
One week I'm melting in shorts and a sleeveless top, the next I'm cold in a sweater and long pants.
22/Mar/16 1:38 PM
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I just got the call TOE tomorrow.
22/Mar/16 2:25 PM
qld, australia
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Grrrr just lost a long post.
Zusy, let us know how you go when you feel up to it tomorrow.
Has anyone heard when Mama's service is going to be?
Luv and Jugs.
22/Mar/16 4:45 PM
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Greetings to Everyone!
Hi, Suzy! Hope all is going well!
Hi, Broni! I haven't heard here or on Facebook. I'm sure someone will let us know when the service will be! Hope all's well with you.
Either a cold or allergies have struck hard today. Lots of running nose, sneezing, tickle in throat. I've washed my hands so many times, they're dry and cracking. Heading to bed, and hopefully sleep.
Sending positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and
22/Mar/16 5:19 PM
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Weather is cooler so I slept right through last night. Yesterday was a funeral and the day before visited a friend who has now been taken off all her cancer medication as nothing is helping any more. Along with Mamacita they are all in their seventies. Makes me feel vulnerable.
Off to the hairdresser this morning and to a friends place for dinner tonight. And I have to finish packing for Japan. it will only be about 12*c in Tokyo this weekend so need some warm clothes.
23/Mar/16 7:50 AM
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Afternoon all,
I'm home and all is good. Though I still don't know why I'm having strokes.
23/Mar/16 12:49 PM
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No time to read. Just a quick Hello and updated avatar.
Sending lots of healing energy,
, positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
23/Mar/16 6:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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MizTricia is BACK!! the site looks different on my new puter, running on windows 10, but I got here. Does anyone know how to enlarge the font on here? I need a magnifying glass to see, and I have forgotten how to change it.
I read on FB Mama's Granddaughter say there would be a memorial service when they could get all the details together, and she would let us all know. I think she said in a couple of weeks, but no date was given. How I miss her.
Heidi, congrats on the new heifer. Only 4 or 5 to go? What is your count of living calves from this year??
Suzy, big hugs to you and your patience with granddaughter. Good nothing bad was found, bummer there are no answers on strokes, though.
Boy I have missed all of you here. Some I saw on TOS, Facebook was the first I learned on my new smart phone. Camera was second, and I have over 100 photos, no time to delete the not so good ones yet. typing on an alpha keyboard on a device is coming back to me. /Second to last phone I had was with the alpha numeric keyboard, and the skill is still in the brain. If I do not think about it, I can type quickly and accurately (but I hate auto correct). Stop to think and blows away that stored memory and my eyes are looking the entire board, searching for next letter.
Lots of garden plans in progress. We will have 'garden day' In about 4 weeks, and see how much we can get done. At resident's association, I asked for more money for this, no one made a motion to give me more. My best friend seems to think the Episcopal foundation should be paying for it. they only have $200 in budget for it. But she has talked against RA paying for it, and she is on the executive committee, so no vote of the membership for or against. It really hurts that she has done this. but I decided I would go ahead, and it would be paid for somehow. then I received unexpected cash , a rebate from over payment, so I decided that was to be for this project, and made a donation of this. WE WILL go forward with the refurbish of the garden. More about plans later, with before and later photos.
Intermission over, back to bed. Only 31 hours till the injection in BOTH sides of back. I still have not heard exactly what X rays said, except 'degenerative changes'. she was looking to see if back is stable. I know it is not, have felt something move many times since X rays, and have recorded the events in my medication log book. will count them up and have a bit of discussion if doc will slow down enough to listen. . Something is not right, hope this double sided injection will help. I am less and less able to be up doing the things that need doing. So thankful I have Ann 2 hours a week and Tanya, they have been doing my cooking, leaving meals for me to just warm at meal time. I often have to leave apartment in power chair, I see so much that needs doing, but just cannot stand long enough to DO it without pain really escalating. Bummer.
Can you tell how much I missed you by how i c
23/Mar/16 10:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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by how I cannot leave? Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
Hope this goes through faster, thought I had lost last post.
23/Mar/16 10:31 PM
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MizTricia Re: font (and everything else) size - try pressing the control key and rolling the scroll wheel on your mouse...
24/Mar/16 4:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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How would I do that on an iMac? No scroll wheel on my mouse.
24/Mar/16 8:35 AM
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I don't do mac, Heidi, but I'll see what I can find...
24/Mar/16 8:52 AM
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Heidi - this page may have your answer...
Hop e this helps.
The 'zoom' function also is a help when pictures are posted on someone's page and they are way to big to see...
24/Mar/16 8:58 AM
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Heidi - there are quite a few options mentioned on the page - depending on which mac you have. You could try 'command' and the + or - key. That might work for you...
24/Mar/16 9:04 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, my!!! Command and ''+'' worked!!! Thank you!!!
24/Mar/16 10:52 AM
Alabama, USA
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DORA, thank you so very much, that worked wonders. Will that work on other sites also? I hope so. Now I can see what I am doing. But I fear it would not control ':everything' size hehehe. Going to the naughty corner now.
24/Mar/16 5:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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Tomorrow is my double epidural. Here is hoping this works magic, I need pain relief. Must also convince doc that even though they cannot 'see' it, something is moving in my back. Have felt that click, and a reduction in pain, 11 times in 2 weeks, and that is the ones I have written on list.
I am without my medic alert button tonight for the first time ever, since I moved in here. Mine started malfunctioning. going off by itself. We thought we had it resolved when it stopped for a brief while after I suggested my actually pushing it, to see if it might reset it. NOPE. then after we decided to have them ignore calls from my button, still got 3 more calls, before everyone got the message. I talked to Shannon, our services coordinator, at home, and tomorrow they will get me a new button. Has happened before, was a battery problem, but this was a NEW button, just received 2 weeks ago. So glad i was home, sitting beside phone, and no medics were involved.
Way past bedtime, meds are making me sleepy, but not relieving pain tonight. wish me luck getting a few hours sleep tonight, would love to sleep till 10 am, or it shall be a long hungry wait for my appointment at 11:30 am. .
Hugs to eah of you, with extras, till later.
24/Mar/16 5:25 PM
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Greetings, Everyone!
I hope the double epidural works its magic tomorrow, MizT!
Hoping all are well. Sending prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
24/Mar/16 6:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is taking forever for the site to open, back worse than before the new computer. Makes me sad, but I go off and read something else, while waiting. I am glad to get here, missed everyone so much!
think I shall try sleeping a bit more, it will be a long wait, if I stay up.
Hugs to each of you.
24/Mar/16 10:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope your double epidural is a real humdinger, MizT. When those things work, it's like magic.
My epidural isn't until April 11th.
25/Mar/16 2:38 AM
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Risky (Risqué)comment, eh, MizTricia?
25/Mar/16 7:57 AM
Alabama, USA
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yeah, today the site opened as it should, hope it continues.
Heidi, the anesthesiologist never got me 'under', and although medicated (my pain pills) and some effect from the IV drugs, I still felt it. The spot that hurt the most the last 2 weeks was a doozie when injected. Do not know how you do those without anesthesia.
Tanya said I have 6 band aids on my lower back, sacrum, so they shot me up good. Just had my first pain med since the injection, and pain levels are lowest in months. I hope this lasts and lasts.
Just a tad risky, DORA hehehe. Your suggestion did work on a lot of apps, but it has not worked on things resident on computer, like on tool bar, the search box, etc. Considering this puter came without instructions of any kind, I think I am making good progress. Two new devices to learn in less than 2 weeks. Still learning things the smart phone is capable of doing. Not shabby for an old woman.
25/Mar/16 8:44 AM
Alabama, USA
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Strange thing happened yesterday afternoon and last night. My medical alert button that I wear on a chain around my neck malfunctioned. I got first call asking what help did I need, told them I had not pushed button, but there was a slim possibility it had been bumped. Five minuets later, same thing, this time I KNEW it had not been bumped. I kept getting calls, was told to call customer service, who could do nothing because mine is wireless, throughout our building. I was later told to notify manager of my building. I sent an e mail, but got no response. all was quite for a couple of hours, I get call again. Tell my sad tale once again, was told to go to customer service. Explained CS had sent me to building manager, and now there was no manager or staff on site. I kept getting calls, untill one caller got her supervisor, this after 10 or more calls. It was getting late, past my bedtime. I suggested perhaps me actually pushing my button, see if that might reset it. It seemed to work for a while, then more calls. I could see when the button activated, green light came on, when it was sitting on my table, alone, nothing touching it. It was going off at least 4 times a minute that I could see. We decide to put a do not respond to my alerts for the night. I got 3 more calls after that! I got a bit stern with the last one, asking that he notify his supervisor NOW, make sure everyone gets the message, do not respond to my alerts. that must have worked. No more calls.
I phoned Shannon, our service representative, to let her know it was malfunctioning, and for her not to come over if she gets a message medics are on the way. she must show up if there is no answer of phone. If I did not get to phone in time allotted any call, medics would be pounding on my door. The only good part is that did not happen.
Shannon had me a new button this morning, said she had talked with the rep from the company, who asked her if I was someone with severe mental problems that was just holding down the button. Said they had never seen that before, he had looked at the log, and my button was going off every 5 seconds, for TWELVE HOURS. button is going back to the manufacturer, to see what caused it. Be interesting to find out.
I had to test the new one, did not do that till late afternoon, after getting home and a nap. I got one of the many phone techs I had spoken to last night. I can imagine what she thought hehehe. 'Not her again!'
25/Mar/16 8:51 AM
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About time?
25/Mar/16 10:02 AM
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How about now?
25/Mar/16 10:02 AM
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Well it's close but I can't count worth beans !
25/Mar/16 10:04 AM
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MizTricia, if there is a 'resident computer guru' in your life, ask them to help you 'personalize' your display to make the text larger. It isn't that hard, but, there are multiple screens to go through and a system restore point should be set before making the changes...
25/Mar/16 10:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What an ordeal with that malfunctioning button, MizT. Yikes!!!!
25/Mar/16 11:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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DOrA.... the bottom of this page is post #8360.
25/Mar/16 11:24 AM
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THX, Heidi
25/Mar/16 12:07 PM
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MizT, hoping the pain relief works and sticks for a while. Any luck with Ts meds yet? I've been hoping and thinking of her.
DorA, I've got you one step closer!
4 day weekend for Easter here. Even after all these years hubby is finding all the paid public holidays hard to get used to. He was planning on working today.
Well the three worst health tests of my life are over and now I just have to wait for the neurologist to fit me in again and I'll find out if they helped at all. This guy comes down from Sydney once a month, and he doesn't have fixed days so they can't schedule until he decides.
25/Mar/16 2:09 PM
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Hope you keep feeling better MizT. My Mum went to sleep at the kitchen table and leant on her alert, several times. The phone was in another part of the house. She woke to find all these people rushing in the kitchen door!
We are taking the lap top so I should be able to post when I have time. garden watered, bags packed (still have lots of room) and they weigh 15 kilo. Room to buy some gifts. It is 25*c here today and will be 3*c when we land in Tokyo. I have packed lots of layers.
We leave home in about 2 1/2 hours.
Must go and unpack the dishwasher and organise something to eat before we leave (a stir fry). I think tonight might be one of those nights when I am asleep before the plane leaves the terminal. (I have done that a few times then complained that they did not do the safety instructions)
25/Mar/16 4:03 PM
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Suzy, I do hope they can discover what is causing your strokes, but more importantly find out how to do something to fix the problem.
25/Mar/16 4:05 PM
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Just a quick Hello and Good Night!
Sending lots of prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts,
, and {{{{{HUG}}}}}
DOrA, maybe this will send us over to the next page?
25/Mar/16 4:22 PM
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