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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Friends do not live in harmony merely, as some say, but in melody.
(henry David Thoreau)
25/Mar/16 4:53 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I hope you really get some helpful answers. My fingers (and eyes) are crossed for you.
I'm up at nearly 4am because of IH. I was just drifting off to sleep when he INSISTED I get up and deal with a major emergency in the calving pasture. What??? I didn't hear the cow bellowing in agony??? He then looked at me accusingly, like he couldn't believe how uncaring I was. I heard nothing. So I got dressed and went outside with my flashlight. Not a sound from the calving pasture. So I looked around the calving pasture. All the cows were laying down, chewing their cuds. (A cow only does that when she's relaxed and feeling good.) No cow in distress. Not a sound from there. I did hear a cow and her calf calling back and forth from a different pasture where we move them after they calve, so they can get supplemental grain feeding. But they were just conversing. No emergency. I bet he dreamed about a cow in distress. There are times I feel like strangling him.
25/Mar/16 6:57 PM
Alabama, USA
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DORA, yes, there are several in family, computer gurus that is, from my great nephew, age 13, to his 16 yo brother, his dad, all about 45 min north of me. then my sister, her husband, and BIL has remote access to my puter, but has not yet recovered from the marathon job of recovering data from ded had drives and building my computer. then my daughter, who learned from her dad. Lost the only 'resident' guru, by husband, in 2011, and I never learned from him, a great gutu, not a great teacher. the computer that died was the last one he built for himself, a gaming machine whose graphic card is still wanted by daughter. she took home Dad's last computer, minus the 2 hard drives. It is just finding one now who has time to visit he and do these bits and pieces. I think best chance is BIL and his remote access to my puter. thanks for the advise.
I think I need to get myself a 'windows 10 for dummies' book. I could do any of this if had consise instructions. Example, my middle sis was trying to tell how to do something on the android cell phone, rambling a round, 'no, wait.' kinds of messages. Her son saw us talking in our closed family facebook page, came in, and in 9 words, gave me the directions. Ease peasy, problem solved.
Suzy, I am sorry I never told you, yes, Tanya got her meds, one day after Shannon, MY social worker/services coordinator, made one phone phone call. She made it her problem to do this, cause Tanya without her meds was affecting MY health. Just love that woman, she is amazing.
25/Mar/16 11:22 PM
Alabama, USA
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Part 2: and part one took forever to load, bummer.
I will not sing the praises of my improvement for fear of jinxing it. but i traded back problems for a headache from hell. Happened the last 2 previous times I had spinal injection, bummer, so I knew pretty much to expect it. NOT a wet tap, no spinal fluid leak and the classic spinal headache, but only in cause. theory is the steroids, which I am very sensitive to, have irritated the dura, the covering of spinal cord. (epi dural means outside the dura, but you probably knew that) symptoms are the same, pounding headaches, worse when head is not on pillow flat in bed, nausea, and no amount of narcs will touch it. Caffeine, fluids, some antihistamine, and lots of time flat help. Also ice to head. Ihave on one of my new caps to hold ice bag in place. Only reason I can sit up long enough to type. I cannot yet access Sudoku on my cell, but facebook is the first I earned. hehehe
Heidi, do you ever get the crushing headaches after your epidurals?
JUNE, have a wonderful trip, and yes, fall sleep and wake at your destination. Do I remember Japan? I have not had time to catch up here on reading. Safe travels, dear.
HI JULIE, bye julie.
Thanks to all for the well wishes for improvement of my back. by time I got to pain clinic, levels were a strong 9.5. Only reason I was not sobbing and screaming with pain is that I tried that once, and pain shot up to about a 12, know better now, but tears were rolling down my cheek. Relaxation and visualization so strong, both daughter and doc had to touch me to get my attention, got me through the wait for anesthesia. Luckily before i had to present myself face down on the hard table, lying with a pillow under my belly to curve back, the last pain pill began to take effect. I timed that one just right.
busy day today, so busy I made a list. Penciled in times for flat in bed also hehehe. It is time now. Will turn the page later, and start from there next visit. I have found on my puter, long posts take forever, so will send in 2 parts.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/Mar/16 11:40 PM
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LOVE THIS. (Kathy - Valrico, sent it to me)
You just have to appreciate this one.
Young people forget that we old people had a career before we retired.....
Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Bunnings
(Aussie version of Home Depot or Loews)
, just couldn't seem to get to work on
time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really
tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their 'Older Person Friendly' policies.
One day the boss called him into the office for a talk.
'Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you
finally get here; but your being late so often is quite bothersome.'
'Yes, I know boss and I am sorry and am working on it.'
'Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear.”
“Yes sir, I understand your concern and I will try harder.“
Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment,
“I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you
showed up in the morning late so often?'
The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said
with a grin,
'They usually saluted and said, Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir?'
One of my favorite stories, ever!
26/Mar/16 3:42 AM
Magnolia, KY
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No, MizT, fortunately I do NOT get those headaches after the epidurals. I get them on many other occasions tho'.
26/Mar/16 6:37 AM
Magnolia, KY
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26/Mar/16 6:39 AM
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Just dropping by to say hello and send {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for all!
26/Mar/16 6:30 PM
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Just have to brag a little. Hubby and I went to the mall today. Dana happened to bring the kids so they could see the Easter bunny. Not planned. We had drinks and doughnuts together. Hubby said, we'll see you tomorrow at Grandad's house. Tahli says grandma's house! Hehe.
26/Mar/16 7:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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Very busy day, but I made it through. LOTS accomplished. I did not take down the camera to take before photos, bummer, but there was a lot of dirt and water involved. Martin did a wonderful job, worth the cost to me, NO way I could have done that. the bedding plants were smaller this year, the 6 packs were in tiny cells, more cells to the flat. We had thought we would need around 125 plants, put in 240! this will be a much wider border of plants. I offered to pay more than his estimate, since we planted more, but because Tanya and I reported the ferns after he got them out of the containers, re-potting them was in estimate, he settled for his estimate. he is also going to bid on doing the mow, blow and go job for entire building.
I do hope they hire him, it would prevent such fiascos as have happened with the lovely stand of wild woods violets that have been first pulled from the ground last fall, and early today, the new blooming seedlings half cut down with the weed eater. I went charging out when I saw them cutting , and that power chair can charge, screaming STOP STOP! the little plants were IN BLOOM, and he was merrily cutting them to shreads! 'they said cut back to the hose edge. ' Well someone had moved back the hose, I did a quick education and got them stopped. Asked they pull back the dead brown runners of the lantana, he starts to pull up live green branches of Acuba. does not know a dead stick from a healthy green shrub, obviously in it for payday only.
Martin was sympathetic, understanding why I wanted a plant that sows itself, requires no maintenance, forms a thick ground cover to keep down weeds and keep moisture in, and blooms profusely early spring. It would be so wonderful working with him, and I shall tell the powers that be just that.
I know I shall hear flack about the condition I left the patio for Easter weekend, but I know I could not have swept up the dirt today. We pulled out the old plants on one end of the patio, because it was near the supplies needed. Martin did take the de potted plant out to the yard to divide with his machete. From the 2 Boston ferns, we got 6 divisions. Took the largest plant into 4ths, the slightly smaller plant in half, to return to the larger container. I got the maintaince man to move those down this morning, he played so dumb, what plants from where? You need them down NOW? It was Tim E, only one working today, Dean was on vacation. Bos Tim B had told him he was to help me today at 2 pm. I found him goofing off, pretending busy, and told him I was ready to check out the watering system, that Tim B had said I could have his assistance. he starts talking about an earlier conversation, pretending he did not know a thing about this. I asked him if I should go get boss, and he suddenly remember Mr B did say something about making sure the faucets worked. When did I need it? NOW would be good. he dissapears to the kitchen, and Tanya had to go retrieve him. He did not help Martin get
26/Mar/16 8:16 PM
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MizT, I will never understand the impulse to avoid work that was assigned. When I still had a working brain and body I loved being challenged. It sounds like you and the new guy made a huge difference. Today.
26/Mar/16 9:24 PM
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Risky business - Political
Isn't it amazing how the elected officials in Washington can unite against Trump, but they can never unite to help America and the people...
27/Mar/16 5:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Uniting against Trump IS uniting to help America and the people.
27/Mar/16 5:48 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Unfortunately, they didn't start early enough.
27/Mar/16 5:49 AM
Magnolia, KY
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27/Mar/16 2:19 PM
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Hello! Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter! Sending blessings to all!
Prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts,
, and healing energy being sent your way!
27/Mar/16 5:16 PM
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Happy Easter everyone. We've had a wonderful, though exhausting, day with the grand kids. They looked really cute in their new jammies. Driving home with Tahli made me sad. Her life is going to be so hard. She had 2 major and 4 minor panics in a 15 minute trip. I had to pull over for the majors, but was able to sort them out relatively quickly. Poor baby.
Now I'm going to have a glass of wine.
27/Mar/16 9:43 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I am having an awful day. I've got at least one severely accessed tooth, maybe two. They started hurting last night, and I'm in agony now. Painkillers taken too frequently can barely take the edge off the pain. And of course I can't get hold of my dentist on Easter Sunday. I've tried. Repeatedly.
28/Mar/16 6:21 AM
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Heidi, hope you last until your dentist is available! Here you'd have another day as Monday is a holiday too.
I've just uploaded a photo of the kids Dana took today.
28/Mar/16 1:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My dentist got back to me at 10pm. She's been out of town all day and left her cell phone at home. She'll see me as soon as she opens this morning at 8:30. That's 8 hours from now.
28/Mar/16 3:32 PM
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8 long hours....
28/Mar/16 3:49 PM
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Greetings to all!
For Heidi and everyone, sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
! I hope those eight hours fly by, Heidi! Pleasant dreams to all!
28/Mar/16 5:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I hope the offending tooth is now taken care of, as it is past 9 am local. At least hope she has it deadened while trying to decide what to do.
Saturday morning I did get the back patio cleaned of dirt and mess. BUT I did not do it myself, I asked for help, and several different residents assisted getting the patio cleaner than it was before, even. I put some photos on TOS of the back garden, give you some idea of what I am doing. I cannot get them to this site yet, have not figured how to get from phone to computer. I am not sure if Heidi's cell phone receives photos, and I think most everyone else visits TOS.
Today I feel soooo much better. All traces of headache are gone, back is much better, the drug hangover, steroid high seems to be over, I just must be careful not to over do just because I feel like moving now
. I checked behind my helpers, and found one of the large ferns did not have enough dirt in it, a big air space. Must corect that today, then see if I can find both wheels Tim E managed to shake loose from the wheeled saucers under the plants, get the hose I use back in place, he moved it to use, 'I needed it.' but never replaces it when finished. Poor Tanya will b=get to drag it around the building since putting in a work orde for T to do it would take till middle of next week and the plants would die of thirst!
Lovely spring day today after a dull drippy Easter, I am going out to enjoy it. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
Suzy, that particular staff member is notorious for slacking off. They rewarded his lackadaisical behavior by promoting him recently. Go figure.
DORA, loved the funny. It happens here far too often, staff and others we deal with forget we lived long and often rewarding lives before retiring here. I can troubleshoot maintenance problems, usually pinpoint the problem, know what needs to be done, but woe is me if I happen to mention this in the presence of maintenance staff. My husband for a while had a construction crew, they did repair on old historic homes, I was often with him cause I loved seeing the older homes, and I learned a lot. But to the young people, we are just little (or not so little) grey haired ladies who know nothing, and will .
29/Mar/16 1:32 AM
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No Risk
Camping -
When You Spend
A Small Fortune
To Live Like A
Homeless Person…
29/Mar/16 2:07 AM
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(or I feel like Suzy's avatar...)
29/Mar/16 2:18 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The tooth root was broken. The abcess was the worst the dentist had ever seen. The pain exploded so horribly that I had to be taken from the dentist's by ambulance to the ER. I just got home half an hour ago... gone for 10 hours!!!! It was a day I want to forget. The pain hit a 10 out of 10 for 6 straight hours.
29/Mar/16 8:58 AM
Magnolia, KY
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A more appropriate avatar.
29/Mar/16 10:51 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Wow, Heidi, you are amazing to have dealt with all that pain! Thank goodness your dentist had the presence of mind to get you to the ER! I hope you never have a repeat of that experience!
Sending prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts,
, and gentle {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
29/Mar/16 5:23 PM
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Oh Heidi! You didn't mention what your pain is like now. Or if the tooth is gone. I hope you're better now.
Tried to take Alie to the train station to catch a 4.12 train. There was so much traffic (tourists leaving to head back north) that we missed the train by 2 minutes. They run every hour on weekdays and with the tourist traffic we knew we'd never make it back to town and then back to the train station in that time so we went to a cafe and had coffee. So dumb! I'll be still reading at 3am now....
29/Mar/16 6:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The broken tooth HAD to be removed immediately. No choice.
My dentist gave me a couple of prescriptions; one for a strong antibiotic and one for a strong painkiller. Both are working. The hospital didn't give me any pain meds for 6 hours... my only relief during that ordeal was pain medication I had in my purse. I had to self medicate in the ER!!!! My dentist (who called repeatedly to check on me) was mad at me for taking stuff on my own without supervision, but I saw no other choice. The physician's assistant who saw me after a 5 hour wait (I never even saw the doctor!) lied to the nursing staff, telling them that I had refused pain medication!!!!!! Fortunately, Gil was with me and confirmed to the head nurse that I had NOT been offered ANY pain relief. The head nurse moved fast after that and got me the strongest pain shot they had available. But tho' my dentist had ordered several tests for me (CAT scan, etc.), both on paper and over the phone to the hospital, the physician's assistant refused to run any of them! I hate that hospital. But all the EMS and ambulance services in several counties have a contract with that awful place, and all patients HAVE to be taken there. And I was not capable of driving myself to a different hospital. I tried. I got one block and was stopped by police who could see I was in no condition to drive. They escorted me back to the dentist's for an ambulance to be called. We also called Gil at that point, but it would take him 1 1/2 hours to get to me, much longer than my dentist thought I could wait.
The whole side of my face is still swollen badly, and I have no movement on it yet, but that SHOULD return in a few days. BUT I got some sleep last night. I hadn't slept the previous 2 nights from the pain .I'm heading back to bed in a few minutes for more sleep.
29/Mar/16 11:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Big bull calf born this afternoon. Calving is winding down. Just 2 days left in calving season, plus the 10 days leeway you allow for pregnancy.
30/Mar/16 8:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie... what's so amazing about dealing with so much pain? I screamed and cried uncontrollably most of the time... and would have shot myself in the head if my gun was available. I lived thru' it. That was all. I wouldn't wish that much pain on anybody. Ever.
30/Mar/16 8:56 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, how awful to miss the train by 2 minutes! Hopefully you and Alie enjoyed a relaxing cup of coffee while waiting for the next train!
Heidi, I speak for all of us when I say we're SO glad your gun wasn't available! Are you considering taking legal action against the physician assistant? I hope that kind of behavior is NOT typical for a physician assistant!
Hubby called for an appointment (referred by primary care physician) for any doc in an 8-doc practice. The first available appt. was 1 month away. We tried to explain his situation needs to be addressed sooner than that. He was offered an appt. with the physician assistant in 2 weeks. He took that, but will call daily to see if they have any cancellation. It's no wonder people go to the ER, rather than wait so long to see a doc! (Stepping down from my soap box now.)
Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for each of you!
30/Mar/16 5:40 PM
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Heidi - what a helluva time you are having. For you to be in so much pain and show it, it must have been horrible. Hope the swelling has settled down and with the antibiotics clears up soon for you. Glad Gil was with you in the hospital(?)- if you can call it that.
30/Mar/16 5:59 PM
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Lawsuit? Seems like a strong case of 'mal-practice' by hospital staff, to me...
Perhaps a good dose of legal action would ''wake up'' the hospital...
31/Mar/16 5:19 AM
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That from me, who thinks there are way too many frivolous lawsuits.
31/Mar/16 5:21 AM
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Dora - lawsuits against hospitals are very difficult. Our so-called fantastic specialist private hospital cut my femoral artery trying to do a central vein, left me for 10 hours before they operated to repair (recommended time is 2 hours max and after 8 units of blood) and called my hubby in to say goodbye at 4am. This resulted in being transferred to another hospital, three more operations and a vacuum pump attached to my thigh for 5 weeks - legal opinion after spending nearly $8k is 'accidents do happen and they thought I was dying anyway'. Not worth the bother - just look forward.
31/Mar/16 9:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Finally some progress. A couple of hours ago, I started getting movement on the left side of my face again. Still on full strength painkillers, and still swollen like a balloon, but progress.. I'll be talking to my dentist tomorrow, and she'll let me know if I need to see a specialist.
No, no lawsuit. It would cause me too much stress, cost me too much time and money, and I'd be dealing with liars and lawyers.
31/Mar/16 3:25 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, we'll take the progress you're making. Hopefully, there will be more soon!
Hi, Midge and DOrA! Lawsuits can be very 'trying.' Don't mean to make it a pun, but rarely do they accomplish what you hope for, and at a horrible price. Midge, your experience sounds horrifying, as does Heidi's. Survival sometimes is the best outcome.
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
for Everyone!
31/Mar/16 6:57 PM
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Midge, just when the stuff you've gone through seems as bad as it can be, it gets worse. I'm glad you are finally improving and am in awe of your strength.
DorA, I agree about frivolous lawsuits and that sometimes they aren't frivolous at all, just unwinnable.
No comparison, but my last test in hospital really really sucked. The recovery room set off the hypervigilant part of my PTSD. I was about a minute off walking out when they came to do obs. They apparently should have done them earlier as they'd already called hubby to come get me. I was so hyped that my blood pressure was up and they wouldn't let me go! I kept thinking that if they'd done what they were supposed to I'd be out of there already. Which pushed my blood pressure up even higher. Luckily the young thing who was supposed to be looking after me went on break and the person who took her place had PTSD herself and was able to talk me down. My blood pressure was still high, but down a bit. She let me go. It was hours and hours before my insides stopped shaking. If I was a normal person it would have been mildly annoying to be ignored and have to be in hospital a little longer than expected, but because I'm not normal it was agony. I'm going to have to get it put on my charts or something. This woman is weird, get her out fast.
Anecdote. An older man across from him had super high blood sugar levels. He knew he was diabetic. They asked him how he was checking his sugar levels. Oh, if I feel tired I know they're high. He had a test kit, he just didn't use it.
A younger than me, 30s?, guy was in having the same test I was because he'd had a stroke.
01/Apr/16 12:17 AM
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