Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts.
12/Apr/16 1:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Great TOPP, Suzy, That sure describes my family! I hope all are well in yours!

Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy for everyone!
12/Apr/16 3:47 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Recovering from the epidural. It was a good one!
13/Apr/16 6:08 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Glad it was a good one Heidi. Now for you to go against the grain and rest - can you do it? Is Gil help9ing you? Great message Suzy - describes my lot too but luckily we are all a bit nuts - makes life more interesting. Hubby and son no. 3 in China so it is so relaxing at home except for the fact I am trying to clean the house as I have finally relented and hired a cleaner for tomorrow. Just have to get out of this office early today. Had a biopsy a few weeks back and there are no signs of rejection from my donor kidney - hooray. Brought Truman inside last night as our weather is starting to get colder - he happily destroyed the laundry for me and looked pretty pleased with himself this morning. I know why he was a pound dog!! I can't be cross as he is always so glad to be with us - even our vet thinks he is the happiest dog he has seen. Neighbour has seen a couple of feral kittens in our backyard and I found them on the weekend - now to feed them and catch them before they get too old to be rehomed. How I hate people who do this to animals. D has just been to the pound and (as I expected) came away with a beautiful basenji/shepherd/kelpie (don't really know what he is). A bit aggressive so I think she will have a lot of training ahead of her. Her cat (Leo - also from the pound) has decided to accept him after lots of peeing everywhere to claim his space. Glad it is her and not me!! MizT - how is Tanya now? You certainly have had a busy time - hope you are feeling better and have your alert fixed. I was appalled when AI read your button didn't work. Happy to see you sign in Julie. Cheers for now.
13/Apr/16 10:10 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Midge, I was given a new button, it worked when we checked it.
staff is now saying I have so much problems cause I wear mine in the shower. We were told shower is OK, just not in pool or tub, do not soak it. Lately any problem seems to be the resident's fault. I was told there is a different color button that is 'more water resistant'. I am waiting to get one of those. for now, I take mine off and leave it beside the tub, and hope that if I fall in the tub, I can reach it.

Heidi, hope this epidural lasts and lasts for you.

Ihave been planting containers. I had 2 hanging baskets on a double shepherds hcrock, it rained 2 inches, the pots got very heavy and bent the crock. those changing pots just to large I think. I think I have some smaller ones. I had forgotten to pull the plug in new hanging baskets, and the new plants were swimming in water. Drained them, then I could not get the plug out, so I got a Phillips head screwdriver and poked a hole in the rubber plug, pots drained nicely now. These are the Blue Wave Torenia, they should bloom all summer in the shade, I do hope so. those hanging baskets will be under the cross walk between buildings, so no rain to make them too heavy, I hope they work out well there.

tomorrow I must get ingredients for making cookies, bake sale is Friday. Tanya is making a cake, I am baking cookies as our contribution.

It is unseasonably cook=l and damp, not a lot of sun, and lots of wind. I am not accustomed to wearing a jacket outside this late in spring, but need one now or I get chilled. Today I dug up some woods violets and transplanted them back in an area that will not be mowed. Grould was very soft after the 2 inches of rain the previous 24 hours.

Nothing else going on here, just keeping busy in the garden. Enjoying my time outside. tomorrow is a busy day, have to straighten clutter before noon, because Ann cannot clean if she cannot see the surface hehehe. then scrabble, and I need to check on all the plants that are under cover, did not get benefit of the rain. Also must get to grocery, so I best get up and get a move on in the morning, to fit all that in.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

OH drats, I also need to figure out how to pay for next months cell phone, I think it is time. Oh well, tomorrow.
13/Apr/16 1:26 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, Everyone!

Just got home from a long day, and have another tomorrow, so will head to bed soon.

Heidi, so glad to hear the epidural was a good one! Now, to get plenty of rest and let it do its work! Hopefully you will have some help, or at least no hindrances! Take care!

MizT, you sound very busy. Hopefully all or your work with the plants is appreciated! You bring such beauty to EP for everyone! I hope you can get everything on your to-do list done tomorrow! You'll really need to keep hopping to get it all done. Good luck to you and Tanya shopping for ingredients and getting things baked for the bake sale!

Midge, I hope you can truly relax a bit while hubby and S#3 are in China! Isn't it amazing that people need to clean in order for someone to come to clean the house? I'm sure I would be that way! Such FANTASTIC news about the results from the biopsy! I hope all continues to go well and there are never any signs of rejection! Your Truman sounds like a handful, though so nice to hear how happy he is to be with his forever family! Good luck finding and catching the feral kittens! Will you try to find homes for them on your own? Good luck to your D with her new adopted dog! Thank goodness that her cat has decided to accept him, though the process seems a bit difficult.

It's time to send healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
13/Apr/16 3:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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WONDERFUL NEWS about the biopsy, Midge! I'm so happy that the transplant is working. It sounds like it has improved your quality of life!

IH was supposed to be gone for 48 hours; from Monday noonish to Wednesday noonish. Instead, he left Monday evening (after I got back home from the hospital) and returned at 8 pm tonight. So much for a stress-free recovery time/ vacation.
13/Apr/16 4:25 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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It certainly has improved my life - no 5 hours of dialysis 3 times a week. I still have lots of hospital appts but so long as they don't keep me, I'm happy. What a shame IH didn't stay away longer - I suppose he felt he had to come home and help you???? MizT can you put some photos up for us to see your wonderful garden work. I planted some ranunculus and freesias a few weeks back and they are actually sprouting other than that, my poor garden is an overgrown mess, I think one of the kittens is a bit older than originally thought - has a bit of a tummy. The only person I know who would take them in has a german shepherd that kills my possums when they go on our fence line so I will try to send them to a no-kill shelter if they become tame enough. The possums are nesting in a couple of trees and creeper and I occasionally feed them on our flat roof area. They come every night making a huge noise but they are so lovely. They hiss at us through our wall window and make us laugh. When we did an extension, we cut the corner off the house and made it a large bay window and ceiling of glass so we didn't have to cut down our gum tree. Absolutely beautiful when it rains - the trunk has many colours. Julie you are always sobusy - bare you still making the lovely pens? Cheers for now. btw the cleaning lady was fantastic - I found so many things around the house I thought had gone forever and have 4 boxes for the op-shop. Another couple of times and we may have a 'normal' house again.
14/Apr/16 2:54 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! No time to read or chat. The alarm will be going off in 4.5 hours. YIKES!

Sending all the usual good thoughts for everyone!
14/Apr/16 3:31 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Finally getting some sleep after spending 4 nights sitting in an upright chair. Only way I could stop coughing. Apparently I was on the verge of pneumonia. (I got up to have a drink but I just lost that!) I was given this medication to help stop the coughing. At least I have been able to be in bed but still waking coughing every couple of hours.
15/Apr/16 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OMG June! Please take care of yourself!
15/Apr/16 2:06 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hope you got some sleep Julie. Sorry to hear you are not well June - part of my routine with bronchiectasis is to huff not cough. Try it - it really works with congestion. Are you getting enough rest Heidi? Are you ok Suzy?
15/Apr/16 2:12 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

June, I hope you are or will be feeling MUCH better soon! Please take care of yourself! Traveling can be extremely exhausting!

Heidi, I hope your are also resting and taking care of yourself!

Midge, I had never heard the suggestion to huff, instead of cough. Now if I can just remember that the next time I'm congested and/or have a tickle in my throat.

Sending positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , and prayers for everyone!
15/Apr/16 4:44 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, your daughter is an awesomely talented painter!
15/Apr/16 10:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Two calves born today. One bull calf with no problem, and a heifer calf that was a breech and had to be pulled. Both cow and calf are OK. Pulling the calf was a little hard on my back. When I was laid up and alone after the epidural, we had another cow with problems, and I didn't notice. We lost that calf. I BELIEVE we have only one cow left to calve. And she should be in the next day or two.
16/Apr/16 12:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I was just outside planting a small lilac. I attached a hose to the outside faucet and turned it on to soak in the shrub. Thank goodness Debbie was here. She suddenly started screaming from the basement that we had an emergency. Ran down there to discover a flood in progress. Ran back outside aand turned off the faucet. The pipe inside the wall is broken. What a mess!!!!! It's always something!!!
16/Apr/16 2:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Now our telephone is dead! I am NOT a happy camper.
16/Apr/16 6:08 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Midge, your biopsy news is the best!

Heidi, glad your epidural was good and hope you haven't undone it pulling the calf. I hope you've had your three things go wrong now.

June, hope you are feeling better.

I'm good here.
16/Apr/16 5:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings (and Good Night) to All!

Enjoy some positive thoughts, , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers!
16/Apr/16 5:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And now my lawn mower won't work. The mower blades are frozen up. It has to go in for repairs.
17/Apr/16 4:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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.... And the vacuum cleaner just went up in smoke!

I'm really getting sick of this!!!!!!!
17/Apr/16 6:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, you really need a break! Sorry so many things are going bad/obsolete/causing problems for you!

Hope all are well! It's really late, so know I'm thinking of everyone, sending the usual good wishes, and heading to bed
17/Apr/16 7:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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After we found that my mower needed repairs yesterday, a neighbor offered to mow the lawn for me! Guess what? As he started, HIS mower broke down!!!! He thinks he can fix it himself (retired mechanic) and will try again this afternoon.
I'm beginning to suspect a curse.
18/Apr/16 1:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At least the phone company got the phone working again. The problem was at their end, not ours.
18/Apr/16 1:55 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I just had the best nights sleep that I have had in over a week. All the coughing and sleeping in funny places has put my shoulder out so when I move it often gives a small spasm. That woke me twice in the night.
Laura came last night. Originally I was going to stay at Belinda's place for a few days with Laura. However I do not feel well enough for that so we will take Laura up this afternoon and pick her up Thursday. One of my medications says 'do not drive' so I am limited what I can do with Laura.
18/Apr/16 7:07 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Back from a care plan visit to doc. He has the results from all of my tests. I couldn't work out what he was saying about the MRI, but I have a completely blocked artery in my neck. Swearing a little here. Not telling the kids so this doesn't go anywhere else.
18/Apr/16 11:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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At least you have an answer, Suzy. That's a good start. Now what are they going to do about it? And when?
18/Apr/16 11:33 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Good news Suzy but more to contend with. At least knowing what is wrong helps. Are they going to clear the artery? I imagine it would be sooner rather than later. Heidi - what a few days you have had - IH there to help? Guess not. Trouble is you are so competent it would be expected of you to fix everything. Hope your back is holding up o.k. My weekend was lovely - instead of going to the football, I sat (knitting more beanies) and watched it on t.v. in between flicking over to watch the F1. Unfortunately my team lost but was still nice to be on my own (I think I learnt a few new swear words at the umpire). Hubby and son 3 home tomorrow - both are ill and will be bringing back China bugs. Wish they would stay away for a while as I have no immunity and have to be careful. My feral cats turned out to belong to neighbours and they like my backyard better than theirs. They are trying new type of food for them as they are not looking that healthy. Also warned them about next doors dog who likes to kill whatever it can. My poor possums!!
18/Apr/16 12:18 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Unfortunately it could be a month before I see the specialist again. So it's hurry up and wait.

Midge, I hope you can avoid getting whatever illness your family brings home.
18/Apr/16 12:26 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Funny story. Doc tells le my artery is blocked, then tests my blood pressure. He's surprised that it's high.
18/Apr/16 12:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Funny, Suzy!!!!

I go back to see the dentist in the morning.
18/Apr/16 1:28 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I'm here earlier than last night (just before midnight), but the alarm is set for 5:30, so I'm off to bed.

June, I'm so glad you have finally had a good night's sleep, but sorry to hear about the spasm in your shoulder. I hope you can enjoy some time with Laura and Belinda.

Heidi, at least some things are being taken care of. Hopefully there will be no more difficulties for at least the rest of the month. Have all of the calves been born now? Good luck at the dentist, Heidi!

Midge, I hope your hubby and S#3 stay far away from you until their China bugs/germs are gone!

Suzy, at least you have an answer. Now you need a solution, but I guess you need to wait a month or more for that.

Greetings to all I haven't mentioned. I hope all are well!

Sending the daily supply of , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and positive thoughts!
18/Apr/16 2:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have 2 more teeth that are about to cause trouble. They're both being worked on 11 days from now.

I ordered a new mattress for the RV today. The one in there is too hard for my back.
19/Apr/16 9:38 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: the last time I picked up Dana and the kids she was in the middle of dressing Daniel. He very proudly showed us he has a p. I said grandad has one too. He walked around hubby trying to see it.
19/Apr/16 1:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I should have emphasised that hubby was dressed so Daniel had to take our. Word for it.
19/Apr/16 7:04 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Typical boy story, Suzy. Kids can be so much fun.
Cough so much better but I am a bit worried about the spasms in my shoulder and neck. I just hope it soon feels better and I do not have to have physio to get it back in shape. I had enough of that two years ago when there was talk of a neck operation.
At the moment it does make it uncomfortable to do much typing at the computer.
Suzy, you should have that blocked vein seen to immediately. Is it worth seeing a specialist in Sydney? You can always stay here to save travel and the new Macquarie University Hospital has all the latest equipment. The top specialists generally have time put aside for emergencies.
19/Apr/16 10:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Slept 6 hours without stirring!
20/Apr/16 5:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good for you, June!!!
20/Apr/16 7:34 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've called the neurologists office and they are doing something to speed things up.
20/Apr/16 11:28 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Fantastic news, Suzy!!!
20/Apr/16 11:30 AM
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