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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Alabama, USA
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Thought of the day:
If you don't like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change the way you think about it. Unknown
06/Jul/16 10:32 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Talked to Gil. He had a shocking bit of news. His father has melanoma that has spread to several organs as well as his bones! He stayed with his father through the first treatment today.
06/Jul/16 10:40 AM
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So sorry to hear that Heidi - melanoma is so hard to treat as it is so silent - hopefully they can help.
06/Jul/16 12:21 PM
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Good Evening, Everyone!
Great TOPP, MIzT, and SO true!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear the news about Gil's father. Prayers for him are on their way!
Time to hit the hay! It has been extremely difficult to get a good night's sleep, and days hare been draining. Sending lots of prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
06/Jul/16 4:16 PM
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Heidi, sorry to hear about Gil's father.
06/Jul/16 6:36 PM
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The Importance of walking
Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 65 years old
To spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
Home at $4,000 per month.
My grandpa started walking
Five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old
And we have no idea where the hell he is.
I like long walks,
Especially when they are taken
By people who annoy me.
The only reason I would take up walking
Is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I have to walk early in the morning,
Before my brain figures out what I'm doing...
Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise',
I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
I do have flabby thighs,
But fortunately my stomach covers them.
The advantage of exercising every day
Is so when you die, they'll say,
'Well, he looks good doesn't he.'
If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
Start with a small country.
I know I got a lot of exercise in the last few years...
Just getting over the hill.
We all get heavier as we get older,
Because there's a lot more information in our heads.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Every time I start thinking too much about how I look,
I just find a pub with a Happy Hour
And by the time I leave, I look just fine.
You could run this over to your friends
But just e-mail it to them!
It will save you the walk!
07/Jul/16 1:48 AM
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Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married.
One broom was, of course, the bride broom, the other the groom broom.
The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress.
The groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo.
The wedding was lovely.
After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and said to the groom-broom,
'I think I am going to have a little broom!'
'IMPOSSIBLE !' said the groom broom.
Are you ready for this? Brace yourself; this is going to Hurt!!!!!!
07/Jul/16 2:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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07/Jul/16 3:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil got back home around noonish. He's worried about his father, but feels quite positive about the treatment they've started. He says it's the same treatment that was used to beat President Carter's melanoma. I'm concerned because it's such a rapidly spreading cancer. My FIL was given a thorough exam with CAT scan just 6 months ago and they said that there was no sign of cancer then. He has a fist size tumor now and various other growths. I don't have a good feeling about this, but I don't want to say that to Gil.
07/Jul/16 5:14 AM
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Heidi, I wouldn't say anything either though I agree it doesn't sound good. I'd encourage another visit soon too so he gets to see him again. Soon there will be a generation growing older who knew sunburn does more than hurt for a few days and we might see a reduction in melanomas. Though people with olive or darker skin who don't burn easily will still get melanoma as they get more sun, or at least that's what my African American dermatologist told me.
I've posted a few 'I live in bogansville comments' lately, but today I have some 'there are decent human beings here too anecdotes. Yesterday Tahli had a meltdown while Dana was shopping. With her you never know if it's a tantrum or if a change in the order things were done upsetting her brain. Anyway, when it happened a couple bought 3 toys from those coin operated dispenser things ($6!) and gave one each to Dana's kids, meltdown stopped. Today it's raining and Dana was at the mall. A woman paid for Tahli to ride in the car ride with her son, a group of boys about 12 made balloon animals for the kids and when walking home in what she thought was a break in the rain turned into them being drenched a couple pulled over and offered to help them home. I can't even drive them home because I can't fit all 3 car seats in my car!
07/Jul/16 3:30 PM
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Hello and Good Night. I'm on my way to bed and have an early wake-up call. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for all!
07/Jul/16 3:42 PM
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DorA, I groaned too.
07/Jul/16 4:26 PM
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It may have been a ''Groaner'', but I have to be vewy, vewy, careful when I post a risky (Risqué) item. What some may think 'cute', others may deem 'crude' - 'rude' even...
08/Jul/16 2:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Those were some wonderful people, Suzy. I have been known to buy toys from those dispensers for kids, too. That's probably the best purpose for those silly things.
Last night, Gil told me that he had a dental appointment first thing this morning. When I asked him a little while ago how it went, he looked embarrassed. He drove out there (an hour each way) only to discover that he was one day early. He has to go back tomorrow.
08/Jul/16 5:02 AM
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Heidi - I bet that made you smile. Suzy goad to hear Dana is getting some understanding - having 3 so close together is hard enough on it's own. Off to the bush this weekend - looking for a weekender to buy with some acreage for my sons who ride motorbikes, and far enough away to not annoy anyone else. Must have a creek running through it so not many around. Maybe one day we will find such a place....
08/Jul/16 1:07 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Another long day preceded by not enough sleep, so off I go to bed.
Sending healing energy,
, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts to everyone!
08/Jul/16 3:44 PM
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Heidi, those machines drive Dana mad! Her kids are always running off to stand in front of them and ask her to buy one for them. At $2 each that could add up to a lot with 3 kids and multiple trips through town every week! She can't give in even once or she'd never get through town without a meltdown, or three. I laughed about Gil and the dentist!
DorA, in my pre-marriage days I was the butt of many family jokes because I didn't get the risky jokes. After being married for 26 years to a man who has always found it funny to try to shock me, very little shocks me, or offends me. If we're talking risky anyway. Racist or abusively sexist on the other hand.... Although I'm told I have blonde hair, maybe strawberry blonde, I think of my hair as light brown so even blonde jokes are okay. The first engineering job I really wanted I didn't get because I was blonde, 5'2' and 104lb. The senior manager didn't think I could handle 'the guys'. One of the other bosses called and offered me a job anyway, but I didn't want to work with the big boss so turned it down. If I hadn't I wouldn't have ended up meeting my husband so I should have called and thanked the sexist guy.
Midge, the place across the road from me would have been perfect for you. It has a creek and several acres (10?) suitable for bikes, horses, goats, sheep. It has had almost every type of farm animal since we've lived here. The people 2 doors down on my side of the road ride bikes down the back, but we only have a creek when we get heavy rains. You can see the bike tracks they've made on google earth, or google maps. I know I'm too far away from you to be considered for a weekender, but you made me think...
The PCYC had a movie night tonight and Dana thought it would be a good test to see if the kids were ready to go to the movies. Short answer, no. But it was fun and although Tahli was overstimulated and stressed so we left early, they had fun up until then. There was even face painting.
08/Jul/16 10:00 PM
Alabama, USA
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WOW, today was the easiest I have signed on here in months and months. Click, click and I am here, yeah! I have no idea what happened but hope it continues.
HEIDI, I am so sorry to hear that Gil's father has such widespread melanoma. It is good that he was with his dad when he got that terrible news. I hope treatments can help him, sending healing thoughts prayers and wishes for him. Do keep us informed as this progresses, please.
Suzi, please, what is PCYC? Sorry the movie did not work out for the children, but I am not surprised. Movies are not easy for awesome children to handle, and the other two are still too young, in my experience. It was good to hear of the encounters Dana had with some decent people recently.
HEIDI, I am surprised that Gil admitted he had made a mistake. I would have expected him to make it your fault somehow. I am happy that he did not, this time.
Julie, I do hope your busy life slows enough you can get the sleep you need. then perhaps you could tell us about some of the things that kept you busy. It is good to see you post every night, I can tell how many days Ihave missed posting myself by counting YOUR posts hehehe. IF I can continue to get access to sudokuland as quickly as I did today, I hope to be here more often. I cannot count the times I try to sign on, it takes forever, I leave the page still trying, go off to do something else and forget to check back. OR did check back and find I am on site, but on wrong page, and click for new page and wait and wait, and THEN forget to check back once again. Keep fingers crossed for me.
DORA, thanks for the groaners, I did get a smile from them.
OK< must get dressed, still in my robe. The grill will be fired up downstairs, and I have red meat to burn! I do love beef on the grill, and it will feed me for several days, too. I also bought a basket that hholds either burgers, fish or hot dogs, so will have some dogs cooked also. Lunch and dinner for the next 5 days!
After the grill, Tanya and I are going to grocery. I am out of cereal and oatmeal, milk, bread, some of those things it is difficult to work a menu around without. Do NOT like grocery shopping, but will be easier with Tanya driving and helping get them to the apartment.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
09/Jul/16 2:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just got a call that my lawnmower is FINALLY repaired!!! I'm off in a few to pick it up.
09/Jul/16 5:58 AM
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Hello, Friends! Another long day, and falling asleep at the keyboard. Just wanted to drop by and send lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers,
, and positive thoughts!
09/Jul/16 3:46 PM
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PCYC is police citizens youth club. A community organisation affiliated with the police. When Tahli was screaming because her balloon flew away a 7 foot tall officer sped around the corner to make sure she wasn't being hurt. Well, maybe only 6'6 or so, but a giant next to me.
Met Alie's bf's mother today. She's down from Queensland for a week or so. We had lunch in huskisson and then went to Moona Moona. Silly me said to Dana, don't worry about changing the kids into their swimmers, it's only 13,degrees. They ended up swimming naked! That's 55F! On the way home Tahli was telling me off because she was cold so the car heater should be on blue. No matter how many times I tried to explain that when you are cold the heater needs to be on red to warm you up, she wouldn't believe me and kept yelling at me, no grandma! I'm cold, put it on blue! She was wearing my jacket so it was staying on red. I was cold!
09/Jul/16 5:42 PM
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I should have been clearer, Moona Moona is a beach and creek. The kids were running away from ocean waves, then sitting in them in 13 degree weather!
09/Jul/16 5:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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In from morning watering of garden. A heat advisory in effect from noon till 8 pm today, forecast 'feels like' temps of 107. Afternoon rain and T storms also forecast hope we get the rain. that would at least cool temps temporarily.
Was out yesterday to buy groceries. Just from car to store was horrible. The parking lot was black, it seemed to intensify the heat. But I do have good food to ear now. Grill was open yesterday, and I grilled hot dogs for lunch, and a steak for dinners, have cooked meat for the next 5 days.
HEIDI, I am glad the mower is repaired. Do take care being out in the heat mowing. Take plenty of water too, keep hydrated. I know you are happy to have it home, hope it stays running for you now.
Suzy, thanks for letting me know what PCYC and Moona Moona was. Children and water, they are gonna get wet hehehe. The first time I saw the ocean I was about 5, and waded in the surf in only my slip. Younger sister and brother only in thier panties. It was an unplanned trip, were at a family reunion about 2 hours inland, and dad decided a trip to see the ocean was the thing to do, since we were 'so close'. I had not thought about that in forever!
Today took a bit longer than yesterday to get here, but still considerably less time than previously. I will take that.
I think I shall go back to bed, was not ready to get up when I woke, but knew I had to get outside in the relative cool of the morning. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
10/Jul/16 12:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm gonna wait until it starts to cool off before starting to mow. And I'll probably only do half the yard. It's too easy to overheat in this sauna outside. But I know I should try to mow it all today. We're supposed to have thunderstorms for the next 4 or 5 days, starting tomorrow.
10/Jul/16 4:11 AM
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MizT, those temps sound awful! I hope you don't have to go anywhere and can stay in the air conditioning!
Heidi, if your temps are going to be anything like that, even half the yard might be too much. Take care!
2 hours away from the beach seems weird to me. I've always lived near the ocean. I love the beach but don't go often. Summer trips to the beach usually leave me in pain for days. Moona Moona isn't too bad because there is actually grass and shade trees all the way up to the beach. Hubby was stunned the first time he saw it, he didn't believe that type of area existed near beaches. Your comment about what you wore in the water made me laugh because I flashed on Tahli yesterday. She was still wearing her shirt and sweater when she handed her panties to her mum and said 'I want to put my butt in the water' and she did. Sat right in the sand. The shirt and sweater of course got wet, which is how she ended up naked.
10/Jul/16 9:18 AM
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By the way, at 13/55 degrees there weren't many people to see the kids naked.
10/Jul/16 9:19 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I only got a quarter of the lawn mowed. I'll do the rest tomorrow.
10/Jul/16 11:54 AM
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No time to read or comment. Will try to get back earlier tomorrow. Hoping all are well and sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
10/Jul/16 3:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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No mowing was done today. I didn't wake up until after dark today...... I HATE chronic fatigue syndrome!!!!!
11/Jul/16 12:07 PM
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Heidi, hopefully those pills will kick in soon!
Drama anecdote: hubby got an email yesterday. Spoiled his whole weekend. Some guy who said he'd worked with hubby a few years ago and couldn't get out of his head that hubby had said sometimes results were fudged. Could hubby please explain, and don't tell anyone because he didn't want this to escalate. The tone was as if he was writing to a good friend and just wanted private reassurance.
Hubby is responsible was water supply sampling and testing for the whole area. Hundreds of sites! He is so confident of water quality that we are encouraged to drink tap water. If he had any doubts at all, I'm pretty sure he'd want his kids and grand kids drinking bottled water. When I say hubby is responsible for all that stuff, he coordinates the contractors who do the sampling and monitors the results that come back from NSW health. He has no opportunity to fudge results even if he wanted to.
He was shattered that someone was questioning his integrity and drafted a response that pointed out that everyone he loved drinks the water and also the no opportunity to fudge thing. He talked to me and we agreed he should take it to his bosses first thing Monday before sending a response.
Turns out this jerk has been pulling this for years! He obviously thought he could sucker hubby into falling for his bull. He even said in a previous letter that hubby fudged things and his bosses didn't even bother asking hubby because they knew it wasn't true. They apologised for not telling him last time.
My conclusion. Work emails should not be read at home!
11/Jul/16 12:48 PM
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Hello to All! Hoping everyone is well! Feel free to share
, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and healing energy!
11/Jul/16 3:59 PM
Magnolia, KY
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What an awful person, Suzy!!! That's the kind (like Trump) that makes me ashamed to belong to the same species.
12/Jul/16 12:53 AM
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I find it interesting that the people
who tell me Donald Trump Would
be a bad president...
Are the same people who told me
Barack Obama would be a
good president.
12/Jul/16 5:50 AM
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Barack Obama would have been a great president if he hadn't been blocked and stopped at every opportunity. Even people living overseas could see that. Maybe we saw it clearer because we weren't buried in bull.
12/Jul/16 9:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I agree with you 100% Suzy!!!
And remember, the wisest person we all knew was an avid supporter of Barrack Obama..... Mamacita, aka Ouima Snowden. She actively campaigned for him.
12/Jul/16 1:32 PM
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Suzy, what an awful person that was trying to instigate trouble for your hubby!
Heidi, thanks for the reminder of Mamacita's support for President Obama. I also appreciate your perspective Suzy.
Hope you're feeling better, Heidi!
Finally had some time to practice cello for a bit today. It was very difficult, partly because of this past week when I had no time to practice because of hubby's many doctor appointments and lack of improvement after eye surgery. It was also very difficult to get back to practicing the last song (kind of sad and slow and beautiful) that I had started learning with my cello teacher before her death. I will have a lesson with the teacher who was recommended by my previous teacher on Thursday. I hope I can practice enough in the next 2 days that I'll feel comfortable enough to play it without crying.
Off to bed now. My Fitbit tells me I didn't sleep last night, though I certainly spent time in bed. I'm having trouble with the mask for my C-PAP machine leaking and making sounds like a sick trumpet. It keeps both hubby and me awake.
Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
12/Jul/16 3:44 PM
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Julie, that is hard! Also wonderful. Whenever you play that piece, a part of your friend/teacher will be with you. Hard/wonderful.
We did a lousy job with our elections this time too. One woman is so racist she'd join the KKK if we had it here, and indigenous people voted for her just so they didn't have to vote for the big party idiots! They forgot I think, it's been awhile since she last ran (and got put in jail for fraud- they let her out though because it became obvious she didn't deliberately commit fraud, she was just uneducated and didn't know it was fraud), but they'll remember pretty quickly. With the parties so evenly balanced with their seats, she'll have way too much power. The world will be laughing at Australia for the next few years at least. And we'll deserve it.
12/Jul/16 6:28 PM
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I take 'exception' to the ''blocked at every turn'' comment. The 'press' was on his side. The 'media' was on his side. The courts seemed to be on his side. The Republicans, even when they had the majority, failed to stop some of his antics. We seem to have more than a few ''RINO's''. (RepublicansInNameOnly). One day the 'rose colored glasses' will come off and americans will realize they, by bellying up to the trough, have given all their freedoms away, as they sang 'Kum ba yah'.
13/Jul/16 7:30 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Off to bed without reading. The alarm is set for 5:30. Hoping I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Sending all the goodies - {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, and
13/Jul/16 2:42 PM
Magnolia, KY
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We're all entitled to our own opinions, DOrA. Only time will tell what really happened.
I slept all day again. Yesterday I took Angel to the Vet Clinic. She has 2 cysts on her neck that have to be removed. We've scheduled the surgery for next Monday. While I was in there, a nice couple came in with a Chihuahua they found hanging from a fence by the back foot. They think the poor little thing was hanging from the fence for a couple days!!!! The damage to the foot was horrific (all that was left was one pad and a few small bones), and yet the poor little dog was so sweet and patient. The couple wanted to do everything they could for the little dog, including keep her, but they bemoaned the fact that they really could not afford to do much for her. I went in to see the Vet first, told him about the Chihuahua, and told him that I would pay it's Vet bill. I also asked him not to tell them who was paying it. I love doing good deeds like that.
13/Jul/16 4:43 PM
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