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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Big day today. When I tried to drive home my leg was so tired it was shaking trying to hold the clutch in. Why did I think a manual was a good idea?
Went with Dana and the kids to the NAIDOC celebrations at the Showground. We don't know for sure that they have any indigenous Australian blood, but they probably do, and they definitely have Native American so that's close. There was so much there to do! And free food! Dana had a kangaroo burger, the kids had sausage sandwiches. I though about having the Moroccan soup but I didn't want to spend that much time not able to chase a young one. There were several rides for young ones, and one for big kids. The little ones were fascinated by that one and we had to drag them away from it. It was that circle one that you ride standing up while it spins and tilts. There was also a fire engine where they got a colouring book and a sit in the drivers seat, an army stand, snakes, a navy stand where they got to make kites, a family health stand where they got balloons, bracelets and a ball, a mental health stand where Tahli entered a colouring competition, they had their hair coloured and they painted a tshirt. All with very strong winds and feels like temps below 0C. I ran into my brother and his family there. Two were 'working' on the mental health site. My niece is a psychologist. My brother and other niece were visiting for lunch.
Now I'm sitting. And I'm going to stay sitting.
13/Jul/16 4:57 PM
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Did it again.
Even though you're growing up (grown up) you should never stop having fun.
13/Jul/16 4:58 PM
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You have a kind heart Heidi - I wish there were more people like you.
14/Jul/16 11:13 AM
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Suzy - how wonderful for Dana and her children if they have indigenous background. You must try and find out for sure as they will have many extra advantages in this country as they are growing up. My son's mate was backed for his own house at the age of 19 - something the so-called 'invaders' will never be able to get from our govt. Sounds like a lovely day was had by all except for the cold. Very cold in Melbourne now - we had snow in the Dandenongs. The most amount of snow I remember where we live in Ferntree Gully was in 1976 when my first son was born and our heater didn't work. I don't like the cold and would like to move north if only the rest of our family would too. Re the elections - I have a very dear friend who has only remained that way because many years ago we agreed to not talk politics, but strangely she hasn't answered my phone messages of late. Hubby off to Sydney next week so quiet time ahead. I have too many hospital and legal appts to be able to go this time. Cheers to all.
14/Jul/16 11:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm going in to the Vet Clinic tomorrow to see how that poor Chihuahua is doing. I did NOT give my Vet a limit, but I trust him to do what's best for her without running up the bill excessively. (He gave me what he believed to be a high ballpark figure and I OK'ed it.) He's a good man and an excellent country Vet.
14/Jul/16 2:56 PM
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The official report on Tahli has arrived. It's very thorough and I wanted to share some of the awesome and awful.
Natahlia mostly played to her own agenda. Eye contact was inconsistent. She answered some questions, but did not sustain a to and fro interact give play with the clinician. Bla bla she presented as a child with a paucity of social reciprocity skills and with restricted repetitive play interests. Bla bla
When asked to copy block designs she said 'why not make an animal'. She would answer questions but she also made comments off topic. Bla bla
Occupational and continues speech therapy will help.
14/Jul/16 3:56 PM
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Midge, I'm not sure how to find out as nobody older than my generation is still around. My conviction comes mainly from the amount of time my ancestors have been here. First settlers and bushrangers included, probably convicts too. I'm also only a few generations from Irish or Scottish on my fathers side, my maiden name is a Mc, hence the fair skin and freckles. The second clue came from my grandmothers getting their ancestory story thing done. We were told about the French nobility, the first man knighted in Tasmania or Victoria or somewhere and the bushrangers, but never shown the results. Both were racist, (weren't most people of that generation?), so I've always suspected, a little gleefully, that there was some colour in our background.
The kids don't have enough Native American in them for it to be recognised in the states. My husbands grandmother on one side and great grandmother on the other I think. Pinky finger only, but still cool.
14/Jul/16 5:30 PM
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Midge, was today warmer? I hope so. It was here. We almost made double digits in the feels like temps.
14/Jul/16 5:32 PM
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Suzy - you could start your ancestry with Bureau of Stats online. You can actually go a long way back with this by linking births, deaths, marriages. When you go as far back as you can in Aust, there are many ancestry sites to search on. I have been doing this for a while and traced hubby's family back to County Cork and Belfast in the 1800's. Hubby's ggf came here as an 18yr old on a merchant vessel and stayed. My father's side was easier as there are two villages named after them in Yorkshire and a clan in Scotland. So far have gone back to early 1500's. Mother's side not so easy with a common name like Black. It is very interesting and I have found quite a few 'family' members I didn't know about. Glad Tahli's report has finally arrived. Now you know what areas you can help her 'awesomeness' in. Still cold but hey, I live in Melbourne!! Who knows what each day brings.
15/Jul/16 11:11 AM
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Heidi - hope your little friend is doing o.k.
Terrible news about Nice - the violence and loss of life is absolutely sickening.
15/Jul/16 11:13 AM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Suzy, sounds like you had a very full day with Dana and her 3 at the NAIDOC celebrations! You certainly deserved a good long rest after such a busy day! I'm glad Dana has received the report after Tahli's testing. I'm glad they included the awesome parts, as well as the awful! I suspect some of it was not a surprise. Hoping she can get all the support she's entitled to!
Heidi, it also comes as no surprise to us that you have a heart of gold. I hope the little chihuahua is making progress, and hope Angel comes through her procedures and make a rapid recovery!
Midge, I hope your many hospital and legal appointments go well. At least you will have a somewhat quiet household while hubby is away.
Suzy, what a great TOPP plus one! Let's all keep working on the 'having fun' part!
Sending positive thoughts to those we don't see very often. We think of you, even if we don't always mention you by name.
Sending healing energy (for 2-legged AND 4-legged friends,
, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
15/Jul/16 4:29 PM
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Hi all,
I was hoping to see how the chihuahua had gone. Hopefully Heidi will tell us soon.
Midge, my grandmothers maiden name was Jones. I'd run into the same trouble as Black I think. The other side would be easier, another Mac, one that I hear a lot, and a weird one I've never heard anywhere else. Any indigenous blood goes back a bit, at least on my side, and having watched the hassle a friend went through with a father who was not only half indigenous, but related to half of the indigenous people in town, I'm not sure it's worth it. On government forms you might only need to check the box, but the local indigenous people want actual proof. It got into double digits here today. I actually put the windows down while driving around! 12 degrees felt warm!
Julie, the report was 6 pages long and there were few surprises. The biggest surprise was how thorough the testing they did was. Dana described it as them playing with Tahli. It helped that Dana had every piece of paper ever written about Tahli with her.
Julie, I'm having to guess and imagine what you are up to based on historical posts.... I hope that at least some of what you are up to is fun.
15/Jul/16 4:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OK.... Chihuahua
She went home with her new family last night. The remainder of the foot had to be amputated, but the Vet says she's already adapted to walking on 3 legs and is acting very happy. She'll be OK. They were as impressed with her attitude and disposition as I was.
16/Jul/16 1:29 AM
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Good News! Onya, Heidi, for your compassion & caring...
16/Jul/16 2:15 AM
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Greetings to All!
Suzy, I'm glad to hear that both the evaluation AND the report were quite thorough! I suspect Dana will need to be an advocate for Tahli to secure the best possible education for her.
Heidi, wonderful news about the chihuahua!
It's always good to see posts from others, including DOrA, even without a 'risky' story.
WARNING: The following paragraph is a bit of a downer, so please feel free to completely ignore it and skip to my daily good wishes for everyone! Just as an update, our lives have been very busy and full for several months. Hubby has had a few upper respiratory infections and a few bouts of diverticulitis, so lots of antibiotics this year, and a number of CT scans and X-rays, with an MRI next week. Gastro docs hope to keep him off antibiotics for at least 4 weeks, then do endoscopy and colonoscopy (last one done 4 years ago). Since the first of the year, we have added cardiologist and gastro docs, and he has had another cataract lens 'repair' (third one in about 7 years, I think). So, we have had MORE than our share of doctor appointments, trips to hospitals for tests, second opinions, consultations in the past few months. If we add in a new grandie with some baby-sitting, about 10 days of grand-puppy-sitting, the illness and passing of my cello teacher/friend, monthly wood turning club meetings, as well as education committee and committee for the biennial seminar (NEXT WEEK), and we're just kind of overwhelmed. We have had tough times in the past and know we can get through them, but this has hit him harder than in the past, and when you're exhausted, it's hard to find the strength to deal with things. He just seems to be tired most of the time, and gastro docs seem to be leaning toward surgery, hence our search for a second opinion.
Sending lots of
, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy for everyone!
16/Jul/16 4:50 PM
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Huge huge hugs Julie! Thoughts and vibes and healing energy back at to you and your hubby! It sounds overwhelming! I knew you were busy by your lack of posts with more than thoughts and hearts, but I didn't realise you were going through so much. More hugs...
Great news about the chihuahua Heidi! You must feel good to have been able to help, you should feel great about it.
We've got all 3 grandies overnight. Hubby is about to tear his hair out. It's 9.45 and we're still in the 'get back to bed' phase.
16/Jul/16 9:44 PM
Magnolia, KY
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((((( HUGS ))))) To Julie and her Hubby!!!
17/Jul/16 1:12 PM
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, Good Friends!
Thanks so much for the support, healing energy, {{HUGS}}, and good thoughts and wishes. I had been putting off saying very much here, and we just try to keep remembering how we have been able to get through other situations that were not exactly to our liking. It is what it is. There's always someone who is dealing with much more. Unfortunately, while hubby has been getting discouraged and seeing the worst possible outcomes, I have become less patient with him. I'm trying to work on that, but sometimes it seems like if I give him too much sympathy or understanding, his negativity gets worse. So - i've resorted to 'tough love' on more occasions than I probably should have. We'll get through it, and I'm sorry I unloaded here.
Heidi, since the family that adopted the chihuahua doesn't know of your help and support, I suppose the only way you'll be able to get updates is if the vet shares information with you. I hope the pup heals well and makes an excellent adjustment !
Suzy, I can't imagine having all 3 grandies for a 'sleep-over', especially with them being so young! Hang in there. Eventually, they'll get tired enough to sleep!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers,
, and positive thoughts for everyone! I hope all are well!
17/Jul/16 5:37 PM
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Hi Julie, you didn't unload, you shared. There is a difference. More hugs. More healing vibes.
Around lunch time today we started sending Dana messages asking if she was awake. Then we sent if you want to get your kids back alive you might want to wake up. In the end I called her and woke her up. The boy drew on hubby's keyboard and monitor. The girls were screaming on and off all night. Bizbel started it, waking the other two. Tahli was up next. Bizbel was next because Tahli knocked a lamp onto her. I think the rest was mostly Tahli. A bit of overload maybe. I took the early calls (still late), but hubby was too quick for me after that. Reminded me of when the kids were little. When Dana was born, I'd wake up quickly, but hubby always beat me to her anyway. In the end I slept until he handed her to me to feed. He trained me well.
17/Jul/16 7:38 PM
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Julie, what a time for you and hubby. Please let things be much better soon.
Heidi, wonderful of you to pay for the dog. I do hope that you are able to follow his progress.
Suzy, why do kiddies always kiddies seem to want to play up when being looked after when they would probably just gone to sleep when at home. So pleased that Tahli's analysis was so thorough. I do hope that she can get all the help that she needs as she goes through school.
Sorry I have been missing in action for so long. I had some problems with my medication and kept getting moving pains and lots of wind and indigestion. I stopped taking those and went back to some earlier tablets. I now have a referral to go to the diabetic centre at our local hospital. I am having trouble keeping the sugar down but I am still losing weight (17K now) I am a shadow of my former self!
17/Jul/16 8:30 PM
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School holidays are over. I did spend three days at Belinda's painting. Washed and painted her bathroom ceiling and then half the lounge room ceiling. That room is in two halves. That is something I could not have done 6 months ago. Walking everywhere without the walking stick as well. I am not doing as much walking as Doc. would like but I am not keen to go out when the days are cold!. we have an athletics field close by so I have been doing a few rounds of the running track (only I walk!)
Midge, if ever you come to Sydney let me know and maybe we could meet for a coffee or something.
17/Jul/16 8:36 PM
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Julie - what a time you have had! You both sound like you need a few days break somewhere different without your commitments following you. Keep hanging in there - tough love is good - but it can make the recipient cranky towards you. Hope the next second opinion is encouraging. Please let us know how you go.
Heidi - glad to see your little friend is doing well. How many fur babies do you have now? How are you going?
Mizt - same goes for you. Miss hearing about your garden and what you get up to. Where are you?
June - would love to meet up with you next time I am in Sydney. Opted out this time as besides drs appts etc. just need some space and time on my own for a while. You are doing well - painting a ceiling is really hard work - and 17kgs is fantastic. Do you have diabetes 2 or 1? My 3rd son developed d1 (insulin dependent) after a virus he picked up in China nearly 2 years ago set off an auto-immune reaction that knocked his pancreas for six. Has trouble keeping his d stable. Not easy.
Suzy - what else are grandmas for? I think you are allowed to bribe them!! Sounds like a wonderful madhouse.
Cheers to everyone.
18/Jul/16 12:06 PM
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Hi all,
Dana tells me the kids have been horrible since she got them home. While I was on the phone she yelled something like, cut it out or you won't go to grandma and Grandad's ever again.
June, it's amazing how much better you are getting around even though your sugar isn't good.
MizT, I just checked the weather in Alabama, looking for bad weather that might keep you away. Still 24C at 11pm with 94% humidity and no wind. You are probably a gooey mess in the middle of the floor. Is that normal for this time of year?
Julie, I hope you can carve a day,, or even half a day out for yourself soon. Someone once said something about needing to take care of yourself first so you have more to give someone else. Or something like that. Big hugs.
18/Jul/16 2:25 PM
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Midge, one of the drawbacks of using my iPad, I just tried to scroll through your message and almost reported it as abusive!
I've heard of viruses causing arthritis, but hadn't heard of them causing diabetes! That's a hard souvenir to bring home. I hope your son finds the balance soon!
18/Jul/16 2:28 PM
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Hi, Everyone, and thanks for the encouragement. Hubby seems to be feeling a bit better. His eye is less cloudy, so he has begun doing some driving, which helps him to feel like he's regaining some control. And the diverticulitis symptoms are milder ! Hooray. Maybe I should have shared with everyone sooner?
June, you are doing amazingly well! Paining a ceiling is HARD work! It seems like there is always something for you to do wherever you go. Hopefully you can have more success keeping your sugar level down, and hoping your medications can be adjusted for optimum results!
Suzy, I'm exhausted just reading about your grandies' sleep-over! Thank goodness you and hubby could do some 'tag-team' supervision. How fortunate those of us who had a spouse or partner who shared some of the duties were/are!
Midge, I hope you enjoy some quiet time at home! Sometimes it's easier not needing to worry about getting all the clothes clean, folded, packed, etc., and toiletries and any other anticipated needs packed in order to be away from home. Some quiet time at home without the usual demands on your time can sometimes be better than time spent away from home.
MizT, we miss your posts. Hopefully all is well!
Heidi, I hope you're getting plenty of rest and not overworking your back!
Broni, we hope all is well!
Sending positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, and
18/Jul/16 5:31 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Angel is now at the Vet Clinic to have the 2 cysts on her neck removed. I'll be able to pick her up at 4:30 today.
Angel is now 9 years old. In this avatar, she was 4 months old.
19/Jul/16 12:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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posting without reading, I managed to get here, but to page 219, and it took over 10 minuets to get this far. I will try to read after posting this.
Thank you Heidi for the text this morning. I did not realize it had been that long since I made my way here. I was at the doc, regular once every 6 month check with my primary care doc, that's why I could not give you much of an answer.
I am still having problems with page opening, not sure what is wrong with my computer. Many times I try opening the page, and it takes so long to open I have read facebook, left the computer and it still had not opened.
I have been dealing with continuing itch and rash, doc is sending me a new script for that. Another cream, I hope this one helps. Itch got so bad over weekend, it was no longer an itch, it was pain. Took a while and using all the meds I have for this to get it to calm down. I am thankful we have meds for such things, but boy I wish I did not need them
Hot and hotter here, I, who likes to sleep till 9 am, have been stumbling out of my bed at 6 or 7 am, at least every other day to water flowers before the heat and humidity is unbearable. By 9 am, after an hour and half in the garden, I am thoroughly wet, hair dripping kind of wet, sweat dripping in your eyes kind of thing. Clothes too wet to put into laundry hamper, they must dry on the rack or they would mildew. So I must shampoo every other day whether I wanted to or not.
I came in from the doc to find we had Panera bread on offer in the kitchen, FREE. I got a half loaf of whole grain wheat bread, grains sprinkled on top, then a sweet roll, HUGE at least 2 serving size, with a half cup of pecans on top. Breakfast today and tomorrow. This is donated bread, what did not sell over weekend, brought to us by a very special young man. Do you have Panera bread restaurants down under? they have the most delicious breads.
hope to get back soon to the current page and read. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till them.
19/Jul/16 1:47 AM
Alabama, USA
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I did get to read this page, but seems I missed out on some things perhaps back a page.
Heidi, I am glad the little dog is doing well, adapting to being a tripod. Animals do seem to adapt so very quickly. I Hope all is well with Angle, give her a scratch behind the ears from me.
June, you have been a busy lady. Painting a ceiling? OH MY, above and beyond the call of duty! Hope you can get your numbers under better control. Was it medication for the diabeties that did a number on your stomoch? I know I had problems with Metforman, and doc put me on Janumet, a combination of Januvea and Metforman. He said I would receive a much better quality Metforman this way, and it should improve the stomach problems, it did. whatever it was, hope your tummy problems are better by now.
Yes, the 24 C (75 F) with 99% humidity is common this time of year. It is called the dog days of summer, about 6 to 8 weeks July and August. I do think the dew points have been higher than normal, and those are a better indication of how sticky, humid it feels than percent humidity. With 75 degrees and 99%, the dew point would be around 74. any time itis higher than 70 it is miserable. Thursday and friday, predicted dew point is to be 77. I do not recall EVER it being that high. We will have dangerously high 'feels like' temps, 110 (44 ) or more. If we do not have rain those days, I might have to be up at 5 am, to finish watering before temps start to rise again at 7-7:30 am.
Midge, enjoy your quite days at home, sorry you were not up to the trip this time. Maybe next time?
Suzy, T will need an advocate, I hope together you and Dana can advocate for her to get the best education for her. It does make so much difference. My grandson, who is severely autistic, was non verbal when he got his diagnosis, and daughter started searching for the best education for him. Her hard work paid off, he was placed in THE BEST private school for autistic children in the northeast ( area known for it's quality schools). What is amazing is he was given a voucher from the public schools, because they could not provide the services and level of care he needed. He would not have gotten any of that if she had not educated herself on the laws, the programs available, the methods of teaching, and been his advocate 110%. I told her she could be a consultant for other parents seeking the best for their children, and earn a fantastic salary while helping other children. she said no amount of money would be enough for the blood sewat and tears involved. He has made so much progress, it is amazing, but he will always need a caregiver, and assistance. But he now talks, he listens, can calm himself when a meltdown is coming on. So much more, to much to say. I do hope T can make as good an adjustment as he has made, as much improvement.
Julie, so sorry to hear of the problems your hubby ishaving. Good on you with the tough love, sometimes they need it. I am glad his attitude has omprove
19/Jul/16 8:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Angel is home. She has a 4 inch long incision on the back of her neck. The Vet gave her a shot of painkillers, so she's kind of out of it. Fortunately, the cysts were nothing serious.
Thanks for responding to my text, MizT. I was getting worried..... and it seems the worry was justified. Itching to the point of pain is a horrid thing.
19/Jul/16 10:01 AM
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Good to see you MizT! I think if the military knew how horrible itching is they'd use it to get information! Tell us what you know and we'll give you the cure! I hope yours works!!
Which reminds me, Allies bf reacted badly to his meds and they took him off everything. He's on a one a day steroid that he says fixes all of his problems. He loves it. They will only let him take it for 2 weeks.
Heidi, I'm glad the cysts were just cysts and not something serious. Though a 4 inch incision is still nothing to sneeze at.
Midge, I hope you have started your peaceful 'break' and feel like a new woman afterwards! Alie has arrived home for a few days. Man she talks loud! And a lot! Good to see her though.
Julie, hope everything is continuing to improve. Big hugs!
Anecdote: hubby was telling me about a weird dream he had. We were living in a city (weird on it's own), but not together anymore. Someone told him I had another stroke and couldn't drive so he was trying to work out how I was getting food etc. do you see why I love my hubby? Even though in his dream we weren't together he was still trying to take care of me. He's not perfect, but he's pretty damn awesome! The dream got even weirder with a basement filling up with lava, but that's another anecdote.
MizT, I loved hearing about the progress your grandson has made! When Tahli started getting speech therapy her frustration levels greatly reduced. Just being able to communicate her needs helped reduce meltdowns. There is a new challenge right now, I'll have to sit down and talk to Dana about it. She's saying she is 'afraid' of things. It happens when she is overwhelmed or uncomfortable. After our NAIDOC day the other day we had to stop at the store on the way home. I was alone with her and Daniel because I can't fit everyone in the car so Dana was walking down with Bizbel. Tahli was crying, I'm afraid of the road! I couldn't pick her up because I also had Daniel, and also because she's 4 and a big girl now. I had to wrap my arm around her and say let's get to the path quickly where it's safe. It kind of worked, but you know parking lots, more road than path. I got her to the store, put her in a trolley/cart and got her feet off the scary ground that way. When she stayed overnight she was afraid of things too. It's become her way to express her general anxiety I think.
There are awesome photos of her on TOS today. She got her first haircut and her smile is soooo wide. It's only a trim, but she loved it.
19/Jul/16 4:31 PM
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or react, but thinking of everyone and so glad to see a post on this page from MizT!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts for each of you!
19/Jul/16 4:52 PM
Alabama, USA
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Ahhhh, friends, you make me feel so good, and so bad at the same time. I feel good from all the welcome back messages, but so bad because it was my fault I was not here for so long. Something like that, maybe you can understand.
It seems we had a rain yesterday afternoon that I missed
It is not unusual for me to miss seeing a rain. Apartment is so sound proof, unless the rain is coming from the south, which is not it's usual direction it does not hit my windows. I went down to water this morning at 7:30, and the ground in garden was too wet for me to ride my chair out from the patio. Only flowers well back under thickly overhanging trees needed any water at all. they were damp, could have lasted the day, but since I was not planning on watering tomorrow, they got a nice big drink. Same out front, only those plants under the overhang, under the roof needed water.
Question for any gardeners. Have you ever grown torenia? they were advertised as 'full shade' plants, but mine are not blooming. they each had a couple of blooms earlier, but now, nothing. I have 4 of them in hanging pots, and the plants have not even filled the pots yet. I am wondering if not enough sun? Maybe they could use some Miracle grow to help them bloom? Same is happening with the fuchsia. They were in full bloom when transplanted to larger pots, now not a bloom at all. I am so disappointed. I spent more than I usually do for annuals, just to get some color in that shade garden, and not working. I moved one each of them to the front patio, that gets early morning sun, and shade rest of day, to see if it is the light factor. Tomorrow I should fertilize them, really most everything, July is about when the extended release fertilizer I use will need replenishing.
I had forgotten to phone the pharmacy yesterday. Unless I do, they do not get the scripts filled and out for delivery. Luckily they have not sent out the last delivery yet. It is so nice to have this service, especially since they are so nice too.
Suzy, yes, itching would be a successful method of obtaining information. It can be quite maddening. Itch, itch itch, and in my sleep I scratch, scratch scratch until that wakes me. Of course scratching makes it itch all the more, and I know that. does that keep me from scratching? nope.
Suzy, one of the things that was most life changing for my grandson and the entire family was receiving his service dog. Grandson was 5 years old, and could not be outside the house unless two strong adults were with him, each holding not his hand, but firmly holding his upper arm. You see, he would bolt at the slightest provocation, and he was so fast, you could NOT catch up to him. On the day the social worker and the trainer of the dogs came out to see if having a dog would be beneficial for him, He went for his first walk in the neighborhood. He held onto the dog's harness, and walked for blocks, as calm as you please. After his mom went away to the camp to learn
20/Jul/16 3:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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ooops, I see it did not fit, and I have no idea what was left off, what I said.
It is raining a bit again, perhaps It has cooled down some, I am going down to see. Hugs!
20/Jul/16 3:10 AM
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Grins and
I was in the six item express lane
at the store quietly fuming.
Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead
of me had slipped into the
check-out line pushing a cart piled high with
groceries. Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the
woman to come forward, looked into the cart and asked sweetly,
'So which six items
would you like to buy?'
(Wouldn't it be great if that happened more
20/Jul/16 3:21 AM
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Because they had no reservations at a busy
restaurant, my elderly neighbor and his wife were told there would be a 45
minute wait for a table.
Young man, we're both 90 years old,'
the husband said.
'We may not have 45 minutes.'
They were seated immediately.
20/Jul/16 3:23 AM
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The reason Politicians
try so hard to get re-elected is that
they would hate to have to make a living under the laws
they have
20/Jul/16 3:23 AM
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All eyes were on the
radiant bride as her father escorted
her down the aisle. They reached the altar and the
waiting groom. The bride kissed her father and placed
something in his hand. The guests in the front pews responded with ripples
of laughter. Even the priest smiled
broadly. As her father gave her away
in marriage, the bride gave him back his
credit card.
20/Jul/16 3:24 AM
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Women and cats will do
as they please, and men and
dogs should relax and get used to the
20/Jul/16 3:24 AM
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Three friends from a
local congregation were
asked, 'When you're in your casket, and friends and
congregation members are mourning over you, what
would you like them to say?'
Artie said, 'I would like them to say I was a
wonderful husband,
a fine spiritual leader, and a great family
Eugene commented, 'I would like them to say I was a
wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in
people's lives.'
Al said, 'I'd like them to say, 'Look,
he's moving!''
20/Jul/16 3:26 AM
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Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to
get close enough to talk to God.
Looking up, he asks the Lord.
'God, what does a million years mean to you?'
The Lord replies, 'A
minute.' Smith asks, 'And what does a
million dollars mean to you?'
The Lord replies, 'A
penny.' Smith asks, 'Can I have a
penny?' The Lord replies, 'In a
20/Jul/16 3:27 AM
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