Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Chilli and chocolate festival! We had chili dogs from the southside smokehouse. It's a new restaurant in town and they had a stall there. Apparently true southern cuisine... Hubby asked the guy with the American accent where he was from. He said, originally, LA. hubby goes, me too! Then they do the how long have you been here thing. I didn't taste any of the chilis, my tummy has been weird for a couple of weeks now, but really enjoyed my chili dog.

Nola, great news about Paul's dog!

Heidi, hope your air conditioning is working at 100% now!

Julie, hope hubby's health is continuing to improve!

More hugs for June.
31/Jul/16 12:21 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, dropping in to say hello.

This itch is maddening. I have meds for it, only works soso, then itch is back again. It usually puts me to sleep for 2 or 3 hours, sleeping is better than itching. Today woke to 3 huge new patches of rash. Of course it is weekend, neither of my docs keep anyone on call weekends, to go ER or urgent care clinic.

Tanya came Friday, we cooked a steak on the grill, it was yummy. Had steamed veggies and salad with it,

No housekeeper this week, 'someone will phone you to set up a replacement', but has not happened yet.

Had a nice rain today, I will still have to check in the morning to see if everything got enough water, but it should be quick and easy.

Suzy, yes, it was thoughtless and laziness , squishing my wreath. but I do like it, gives me a smile every time I come into my apartment, so bright and cheerful, and not expensive, either.

nothing else going on around here. How are things in your little corner of the world? Heidi, is your AC back 100% yet?

Time for bedtime meds, see you all again soon, hugs to each of you with extras.
31/Jul/16 1:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends! Hoping to get here earlier tomorrow and have time to read and respond. Have had family staying here the past few days, so schedule has been revised. Perhaps back to normal (whatever THAT is) in a day or so.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, , and positive thoughts for everyone!
31/Jul/16 3:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, for you I think normal is flat out busy! Hope Hubby is still improving.
Lovely day out. I made up 4 loaves of bread into sandwiches this morning for a party at the bowling club. This afternoon I have been digging out a few weeds from the garden. Unfortunately they seem to grow faster than I can remove them.
31/Jul/16 3:42 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I did read about the chocolate and Chilli festival. Sounded interesting. Hope you are soon feeling better. I understand that funny tummy feeling. My meds are giving me so much indigestion I keep waking every few hours during the night.
Heidi, hope that A/C is working at full capacity again. When we were young we could take the heat but not now as we get older.
MizT, I do hope that they can do something for the itching. When I was in my forties I had hives for almost two years so I do understand the frustration.
31/Jul/16 3:49 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still sleeping excessively. And the a/c is still not at full capacity, but better than nothing,
01/Aug/16 4:34 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to all

June, I hope that feeling of indigestion goes away. Wouldn't it be great if a medication could be developed that had NO side effects?

Heidi, I guess some air conditioning is better than none. Hopefully the additional sleep is helping!

Sending all good wishes and heading to bed. Good Night!
01/Aug/16 6:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I'm sorry to hear you are still itching. Torture!

June, I hope you get some sleep tonight! I've been lucky in that whatever is going on with me hasn't woken me during the night, touch wood.

Heidi, hope those new meds kick in soon,and that your air con is fixed!

Alie messaged me today with a photo of her thermometer, 38.9 degrees! That's over 102. She was still planning on coming down to work so she could cover her rent! We sent her the rent money and told her to go back to bed. Her boss would have sent her home anyway and this way she gives herself a chance to get better.
01/Aug/16 10:21 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hello everyone! Haven't been here for quite a while - hope you're all well. We took a trip a few weeks ago - we were thinking of going to Europe, but decided that might not be a good idea ... so we went down the middle of America, and saw a lot of fantastic places! We started off in Canada, then down the centre of America. It ended in Honolulu, where took a tour of a volcanic site, which Rob was very pleased about.
It was a great trip, and we had a wonderful time! (Rob is already thinking about where to go next .... !!
02/Aug/16 3:38 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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It must be so annoying MizT having the constant itch. Any idea what is causing it.?
Suzy, hope Ally is soon on the mend. Thumbs up for sending her rent money. What would our children do without us. I for one, am very grateful for the help of supportive parents, when I needed it.
Heidi, How are you managing the birds, dogs, cattle etc when you are so tired? In the heat without the a/c must be truly draining.
Julie, looking forward to hearing how your last few days have been.
02/Aug/16 3:53 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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WOW, good on you! America is amazing and I now want to see Canada and the West Coast of the US.
On the bucket list though.
02/Aug/16 3:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

I'm running on empty, so heading to bed. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy for everyone!
02/Aug/16 4:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Looks like a quiet day here with everyone too busy! Thinking of all of you and sending the usual good wishes! Take care!
03/Aug/16 5:57 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still sleeping.
04/Aug/16 6:21 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Nola! So glad to hear Paul's dog is happily bouncing and being a dog!

Hello to Everyone! Seems a lot of us are busy and finding it difficult to visit here as much as we once did. Thinking of all of you and hoping all is well in your lives. Sending positive and cheerful thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and . Take care!
04/Aug/16 3:55 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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That's really weird! I know I saw a post from Nola just above the comments box as I typed. I wonder where it went.

Heidi, I'm glad you're getting lots of sleep! You obviously need it!
04/Aug/16 3:56 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Well, now I've figured it out. Nola's post is at the bottom of page 226 and I didn't realize the page had been turned a few days ago. Duh! Guess I'm more tired than I thought. Good Night, All!
04/Aug/16 3:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Bad day today... It feels wrong to say I have PTSD when others got it fighting wars, crime and/or saving lives.
04/Aug/16 9:01 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, we can all suffer from different types of stress. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Doc gave me some pills to help with the night time 'wind' but my back is playing up and all my tricks for that are now working tonight. I am down to play bowls all day tomorrow so I would really like to get some sleep!
05/Aug/16 3:06 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, of course you can have PTSD without fighting a war, though sometimes it might almost seem like you have. {{{HUGS}}}

June, I hope you are finally able to get some sleep and can enjoy bowls tomorrow!

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and for Everyone!
05/Aug/16 4:36 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Friends! I hope all are well! Sorry that I haven't been reading & posting much, but trying to get more than a few hours of sleep each night.

Sending positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, and
06/Aug/16 4:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Another day with the grand kids. It's exhausting! I should make sure I'm the one to drive them home though. I'm much more patient with their overtired or spectrum antics than hubby is, even when I'm so tired I'm walking funny. Tahli has a 'tell'. If she says she's scared, she's reached her input limit and gentle is needed to get the next thing done. Hubby missed it tonight and came home frustrated by her screaming instead of knowing not to push her to do anything. Like get out of the car. When she's at her limit she can't stand on asphalt. You know like roads have. We have to carry her to the concrete or grass. He forgot. She screamed. His brain exploded. For his sake I should drive them home.
06/Aug/16 10:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It sounds tough on everybody, Suzy.
07/Aug/16 10:44 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sending {{HUGS}} for you, Suzy, your hubby, Tahli, and Dana! How fortunate that you have learned to read Tahli's actions to know how to react! Heidi, you're right! Tough on everybody!

Heidi, I hope you're feeling better and getting enough sleep!

And I'm off to bed to try to get some sleep, as well. My 'Fit-Bit' tells me that I didn't sleep last night. I know I was very restless. I think it may pick up on my restless leg difficulty. But, to be honest, I'm falling asleep at the computer.

Sending healing energy, , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
07/Aug/16 4:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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HI, Everyone! Another busy one, followed by late night and early morning, so I'm off to bed. Thinking of everyone and hoping all are well. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
08/Aug/16 5:17 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I do not think you should drive when you are that exhausted. I take it you cannot also fit in the car with the three Grandies.
Still getting some indigestion from my medication although Doc. has given me some anti indigestion meds. It is more bearable. Still waking during the night. Weight is still going down. Now I have lost 20k. Bowled in a carnival last Friday but we lost all three games. It was so cold I could hardly hold the bowl.
We had a busy day in the garden on Sunday and filled three large trolley bins. (two belonged to neighbours) I have a couple of monsterios and they were getting very overgrown and up near the gutters. Still more to be cut back.
Off to the dentist after bowls today. We went for check ups 4 weeks ago but I have had two teeth with bits missing since. One at the back has had bits come away three times.(twice when I was eating soup!)
That about catches up on my doings. Thinking of you all.
09/Aug/16 3:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Looks like a couple of pages I have not read. I got this far into the site, will post a 'here I is' kind of post before trying to get to current page.

One week from tomorrow I have injections scheduled for my back. Not the usual epidural, but the new kind they did in March, 6 different sticks. IF this one is as successful as the March one, I will be a candidate for a more permanent type procedure that could relieve pain for 6 months to two years. Hope all goes well. I am again unable to stand more than 5 minuets or BIG back pain. Tanya took me to grocery today, I hope I got enough food to last the next two weeks. I paid enough, if that means anything.

We had a nice off and on rain this afternoon, cooled things down considerably. Hope it was enough to keep plants happy an extra day. I had watered them this morning early.

I have a few blooms on the torenia that I put in a spot with some morning sun, and the freesia is blooming after fertilizing it. Hope I get more blooms from both of these. Filled the fountain and back flushed so it is flowing from the water jar once again. I get soaked when I do this, it is very cooing

Bought more chocolate for Scrabble this week, and the bread man came with more from Panera bread. Tanya got 2 large rolls they use for soup bowls, I got a cookie, a very good chocolate chip cookie.

I have managed to stay awake today. I think I slept most of the day yesterday, then could not get back to sleep till 3 am. That is what the meds are doing some days. sleepy now, might visit my pillow for a bit and listen to the distant thunder.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, and I hope to get back to read posts soon.
09/Aug/16 7:35 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Well, I did have a nice nap and also made it to this page in sudokuland. Suzi, it is so difficult to remember all the signs with T, I am sure your hubby is trying. I do hope he gets better at reading them, but for some reason our MOM gene kicks in and we catch on faster. Huge hugs to all of you.

Nola, my itching started as a side effect of a medication for arthritis, Paquinil. I have not yet discovered how long this can last after discontinuing the med. I just hope and pray it is not a chronic thing now. I have an antihistamine tablet, and a steroid cream for when it breaks into a rash. I think I need to find some cotton gloves to wear at night, as I sometimes wake clawing at the itch, even to the point of breaking the skin. The antihistamine acts as a potentiator for my pain meds, cannot take those too close together, or I will sleep for hours! Hopefully the scheduled injections will help the back pain and I will need less pain meds. I have an appointment in less than two weeks with the rheumatologist, hope they can shed some light on the itch thing.

Heidi, did you get the OTC meds your doc said would cure the chronic fatigue? It does not seem to be working, if you are taking it. bummer, I hoped you would be again energetic and awake.

June, meds and indigestion is not a happy combination. I hope the new meds for the indigestion give you lots of relief. Congrats on the continuing weight loss. I think I have found what you lost

I had lost my good water bottle, I had left it unattended while watering flowers on Saturday. When I finished, it was not where I left it. I had looked everywhere on first floor, to no avail. this morning I ordered a new one, love it because it does not leak, even if upside down. With Amazon, I can change my mind within 30 minuets of ordering. Tanya came in about 45 minuets after I ordered with my lost water bottle, she found it in 'lost and found' downstairs. Now I shall have two

Seems I missed a post somewhere. Is Allie sick? What is going on with her, Suzi? Is she living close to you now?

I am off to get ready for bed. I am ready for a nice loose fitting gown in hopes it will help the itch. clothes are a bother making it worse if they hold in heat, if they are tight, if the itch gods do not approve of what I am wearing. Time for cream and antihistamine and whatever other meds I have not completed for today. Hugs to each of you, with extras.

09/Aug/16 11:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

June, I hope the combination of meds, indigestion can be separated!! Hope the dentist appointment went well!

How delightful to have 2 long posts, MizT! Certainly hoping that new kind of injection does the trick, MizT. Wow! Amazing that it might be able to work up to 2 years! We can certainly hope! Is there a way that you can put your name on your water bottle, so that when it goes missing it can be returned to you? Sometimes it's nice to have a second, though, so hope it wasn't too expensive.

Here's hoping the itching will soon depart, MizT!

Sending positive thoughts for everyone, as well as {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, , and healing energy! Take care, Everyone!
09/Aug/16 3:58 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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In the last 24 hours, I have been awake for a total of ONE hour!!! To me. this seems more like a relapse of the Mono than Chronic Fatigue. I've been on the OTC meds for over a month and have noticed nothing in improvement. But if this is Mono again, there wouldn't be any improvement. Unfortunately, I can't stay awake long enough to safely drive to the doctor's office.
Gil was out of town, visiting his father, and I slept through the whole 4 days without noticing. And he never called in to check on me! His father is not doing well. The cancer is rapidly spreading and he spent the last 3 days in the hospital with pneumonia. I have the bad feeling that he won't be around too many more months. And I HATE thinking that.
09/Aug/16 4:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi to All!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to read about your FIL. Sending prayers and positive thoughts in his direction, and to you, as well. Do you have anyone to help you with the animals?

Exhaustion has set in, and I've dozed off too many times to count while at the computer, so I'm saying good night. Sending , prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for Everyone!
10/Aug/16 6:26 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Heidi - wishes to your FIL, you and Gil. Pray he is comfortable. You have done so much for your neighbours and local community I hope they can help you now. it must be so hard to look after your animals whilst you are feeling so lousy. June - good on you for your weight loss - and the visit to my nightmare (dentist). I agree with Julie MizT - so nice to read you are slowly on the improve. The injection for your back sounds wonderful - it would be good if Heidi could have the same. Suzie - your insight with Tahlia must be a great help - so hard for the little pet to cope with change. We have been looking for our 'weekender' and still haven't found anything within 2-1/2 hours drive from home. I found what I thought was perfect - 100 acres of bush, under conservation covenant, with a river through the middle of it - only it is 3 hours drive so I guess that will be out. It would have been perfect to put the caravan there and just veggie on the weekends. Main objection besides so far away, have been the number of snakes in the area but that is something we have to put up with if we are going to go bush. No 2 son off to Japan on Monday for a holiday and no. 3 son off to China on Sunday for work. That leaves hubby and I to keep the office going - not looking forward to it. My compensation case is starting to move and I have been to court the last 2 Fridays so have been very busy. Have crashed a bit this week and have stayed in bed until late in the morning - but worked back each night - it catches me every time - can't seem to lessen my time at the office by much. New gloves arrived from the Ukraine - have bought some lovely fingerless leather gloves to hide and protect my hands (they are permanently brown now from knocks and steroids)- hubby says all I need is a whip!!! rambled on enough for today - best wishes to everyone and take care.
11/Aug/16 11:42 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Forgot to tell you the best night I have had for a long while. Went to see Professor Brian Cox last Friday night talk about the Cosmos / Universe. My daughter and I saw him last time he was in Melbourne and enjoyed this last session. If anyone gets the opportunity to see him, please try and do so. I am certainly not good at physics / maths / evolution etc but he makes it easy to listen to, if not understand.
11/Aug/16 11:47 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Sorry, Friends, but I'm off to bed. Falling asleep at the computer. Sending good wishes, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for each of you!
11/Aug/16 5:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I hope the indigestion goes away soon! Do you want to have a go at my very neglected gardens next? They're baaaad. We don't have green bins :(

MizT, I really really hope the new injection works! Not being able to stand makes everything from cooking to showering very difficult. Alie had a bad cold or the flu. She's a lot better now but I made an appointment to take her to the doc tomorrow because she has had persistent abdominal pain for a while now. When I asked why she hadn't made the appointment we'd been talking about for months I was told that she had never made her own appointment before and was too nervous to do it. She's going tomorrow.

Heidi, I'm sorry to hear your FIL is not doing well. I think I remember you saying a long time ago that you have a lot of respect and affection for him. I'm also sorry to hear that the meds aren't helping your chronic fatigue. And maybe mono too....

Midge, I would love to hear the rock star physicist speak! Unfortunately we don't rate visits here in the boonies. I was shocked to hear that Dami Im is performing here this weekend. We usually get cover bands and homegrown musicals. For a few years Jon English used our town as the test run for his tours with unknown artists. That was amazing!

Julie, I hope you catch up with your sleep soon.
11/Aug/16 6:33 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I just googled, Jon English Rock Revolution I think the tours were called.
11/Aug/16 6:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Hoping those who have been under the weather are doing better. including June, Heidi, MizT, Alie, and others!

Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
12/Aug/16 4:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Just helped Dana take the kids to see the Minions movie at the PCYC. I didn't get to watch the end of the movie as it turned out the mother of the little one who had been giving Dana and me hugs grew up just up the street from me, her mother and mine were pretty close. So we chatted instead of watching. Not something you can do in a movie theatre. We're now fb friends. The beginning of that movie was hilarious! I was a bit worried about the kids because animals and cave men were dying all over the place, but it seemed to go over their heads so it was all good. Tahli made new friends, or tried to, she's socially awkward so does it all wrong (part of the spectrum thing). She didn't run back to us in tears so she wasn't given a hard time at least. The younger ones started to run around toward the end. I was standing guard at the door at one point so they couldn't run out (again). I'm now home with a glass of wine and an ebook.
12/Aug/16 9:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh, I took Alie to the doc today. She was given a prescription and asked if I'd help her get it. We both expected maybe $30, even the prescription I was given where I was warned it would be expensive was only $50. 105 flipping dollars!! I guess it's worth it if it helps, but it was a shock when he said it.
12/Aug/16 9:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still sleeping....
13/Aug/16 3:04 PM
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