Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   June  From Epping.NSW
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Me and the diabetic medications do not agree. I get awful pains at night and only sleep in small amounts before I wake up again and have to get up and walk around. Went to the diabetic clinic at the hospital yesterday. A change of medication last Monday so she said to stay on that to see how it goes but after tonight I have had enough of that. Not even maximum panadol helped!
19/Aug/16 2:38 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Sorry did not count the posts.
'Here is a wish for us all to get rid of what ails us'
19/Aug/16 2:39 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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MizT, pleased that your back pain is better.
Heidi, hope that you sort out your sleeping problems. I was also wondering about your Father in Law.
Sat at the computer long enough. Managed to drink some water as I was starting to dehydrate. Feel a bit better so back to bed.
19/Aug/16 2:42 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friends!

June, I hope the doctor can find a medication that does what it needs to do without contributing to pain levels and depriving you of sleep. I definitely agree with your TOPP plus one! Here's hoping you have a abetter day (and night)!

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and for each of you!
19/Aug/16 2:51 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tahli's preschool held Olympics today and Tahli participated! She wouldn't do the closing ceremony, but she participated in the events! A year ago she would have stood off to the side crying. This is huge! She even got a medal and told strangers she is a winner. Dana making sure she got early intervention, even before the official diagnosis is working!
19/Aug/16 8:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, how wonderful for Tahli. Did a bit of swapping around of Meds yesterday and had a good nights sleep. All that is not helping with the sugar readings though.
Pruned the top of the orange tree yesterday. It was just going to start flowering so will miss all the orange blossom perfume )still some left). Maybe now I will be able to net the tree and keep the white cockatoos from eating all the oranges and making a mess.
We have Laura at the moment and she is asleep in my bed. She was on a school camp last week so she was happy to go to sleep early last night.
20/Aug/16 5:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sandy's obsession with skunks has gotten out of control. She got lightly sprayed yeterday, and sprayed again a few minutes ago. My eyes are burning!
20/Aug/16 11:12 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, hubby finds the fastest way to get his sugar down is 40 minutes on the treadmill. It really wears him out though and he doesn't do it often enough. Neither do I. I failed my cholesterol test again and I think more walking might fix it. I'll try harder.... Don't you have grapefruit too? Or is my memory totally messed up?

Ewww Heidi! Do you bathe her in vinegar or something? Is there anything that works? We might have venomous snakes and spiders, but we don't have to deal with skunks..
20/Aug/16 1:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, great news about Tahli! All of Dana's (and your) efforts are paying off!

June, I hope they can soon get your meds sorted out. Entirely too much difficulty getting your sugar readings where they need to be and still allow you to sleep!

Heidi, I don't envy you! How does one train a dog to stay away from skunks? I'm sure you find it very frustrating!

Sending , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and positive thoughts for Everyone
20/Aug/16 5:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I got to a page where I can post, but not the new page to read, so will post, then hope to move on to the correct page.

Still having mild headaches, what I call a bruised brain after such severe headaches as I had. Legs and arms a bit weak, but I have found this too can be a side effect of treatment. You know me, if It can happen, it happens to me. I think the back is going to be good, It just feels a bit weak standing for long, not the pain I was having. I am to check in with the doc Monday to let them know how I am doing, hope by then all is well.

Miss getting to the site, it has just been too time consuming to wait for the computer to connect, first to an old page, then to get another long wait to connect to the current page, if it will connect at all. Hope everyone doing well, have seen a few of you over on FB, but it is not the same as on our little board. Hugs to each of you, with extras, til later.
21/Aug/16 12:42 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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After watching the little 'wait' signal for 5 minuets, the post went through, yeah! I have read this page, but know I have missed posts back a page.

June, I am so sad to hear the troubles you are having with diabetic medications. I add my hopes and wishes that the problem is soon resolved. It is important toget those numbers down, but you must also be able to sleep and have quality of life! Huge hugs, dear friend.

Heidi, I had thought most dogs would stay away from a skunk once sprayed. You have to have an exception. It seems Sandy just got mad, wants to take out that thing that sprayed her. Hope you can get rid of some of the odor somehow, yuck!

Suzi, I was thrilled to hear how well T did at the olympics at her school! Yes, early intervention is the key, and Dana is to be commended for being her advocate, getting it for her. Know from experience how dedicated an advocate must be to get the needed intervention, and am so very proud knowing Dana has done this for T.
21/Aug/16 1:00 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I've uploaded a photo of a painting Tahli did at preschool while I was watching her. I loved it because I got to ask what each thing was as she painted. She painted the sun, then the wind, then the kangaroo, then the rock. My favourite was the wind.
22/Aug/16 9:44 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Lucky you Heidi - Sandy wearing 'Chanel for dogs'. June hope you can get the sugar right - my son has the same problem. He came back from China on Sat. with another chest infection. His pancreas gave up with the last infection from there so fingers crossed this time. Suzy - So glad to read Tahli is going so well - good on Dana and you. Hope you are feeling better MizT. All ok. with you now Julie?
22/Aug/16 10:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The recipe for skunk odor remover is:
1/4 cup baking soda,
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap, &
1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
It works like a dream, fortunately. Since Sandy has declared war on the entire skunk population of central Kentucky. And Sandy NEVER backs down or forgets an insult.

Still sleeping excessively.
22/Aug/16 2:41 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings and Salutations to All!

MizT, I'm so glad you were able to post, but sorry about the headaches. I certainly hope you are feeling much better by Monday! It's too bad there isn't a 'short cut' or faster way for you to get to this page!

Midge, I love the 'Chanel for Dogs' comment. Very descriptive! Hope your son's chest infection clears up quickly, and glad he's at home to help treat it!

Suzy, what a great painting from Tahli! Her representation of the wind, especially, is great!

Heidi, I think I should copy your recipe for removing skunk odor, as we have 3 grand puppies, and you never know when it might come in handy!

Sending lots of warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , prayers, healing energy and positive thoughts for All!
22/Aug/16 5:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I'm glad you have a working formula! Though bathing Sandy when you are tired can't be any fun.

MizT, I hope your head ache is completely gone by now.

Midge, hope your son is better soon!

Well, we now know the smoke alarm battery is working! Apparently coconut oil doesn't like high temperatures.

A couple of years ago a gaol was built in my small town. We've just had our second escape, though this one got himself taken to the hospital first. No news on what he was in for. He's probably been picked up by family by now. If not he's very very cold as he was only wearing a pair of shorts.
22/Aug/16 7:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone! Hoping you have all had a good morning/afternoon/ evening/night!

Life remains crazy & busy for us, so just dropping by to say Hello and send wishes for positive thoughts, healing energy, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Take care, Everyone!
23/Aug/16 4:41 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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My ear infection is back. Headache, and bloody fluid oozing out of the ear. This may be contrubuting to my excessive sleeping.
24/Aug/16 5:34 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Everyone!

Oh, Heidi, you certainly have more than your fair share to deal with. I hope the ear infection can be quickly treated and DEFEATED! It's time for you to have improved health. Take care!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to Everyone, and , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers!
24/Aug/16 5:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, I kind of hope the infection is causing your excessive sleeping because then, when it's gone, you will be back to normal, or as close as you can get. We are all getting older and I'm learning that comes with a stiff price.
24/Aug/16 5:38 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Frustrating visit to the doc's office this morning. On the phone the girls pretty much blow me off, it's all easy and cool. Then I get in and point out in person the things I said on the phone and all of a sudden it's not so easy. That was a pretty big polyp he found last year. Oh, you're on Plavix. Yes. Didn't say I told you so. No, there's no letter from the neurologist here. Didn't say you assured me it would be with my file. Oh, well I'm going to have to get the doc to read your file and we'll call if he needs to see you first ($200!) and you'll have to see the anaesthetist before the surgery (?$).
25/Aug/16 12:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick peek in to say Hello and send good wishes, healing energy, , positive thoughts, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to each of you!

Just a glance above, and I share your frustration, Suzy! That is NOT the way things should be done!
25/Aug/16 5:01 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Forgot to mention I was 6 inches from being run over today.......on a crossing!
25/Aug/16 10:18 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have something nasty blocking my bile duct so into hospital today for some surgery. I will be in overnight. This is why I have lost 22 kg!
26/Aug/16 3:24 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Good luck, June. That is NOT the way to lose weight!
26/Aug/16 9:54 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I'll be thinking of you!
26/Aug/16 11:38 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Oh dear - not a good time for so many. thinking of you all and sending best wishes. Mamacita's words would be good now.
26/Aug/16 12:27 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Good wishes, June, for a top-notch surgeon & medical team and speedy healing!

Midge, you're so right, we could use some of Mama's words right about now!

Sending healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
26/Aug/16 5:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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To make things sadder... I have to have another elderly collie put to sleep. Cindy is a real love, but she can no longer stand or walk. And she will not get better. Her litter sister Missy will really miss her.
26/Aug/16 11:51 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I hope all are well!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear that it's time for Cindy to cross the Rainbow Bridge! This has been a rough summer for you. I hope your ear is better!

Sending the usual prayers, healing energy, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
27/Aug/16 5:22 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, sorry to hear that!

I was hoping to hear how June is doing. Hope you are home and recovering well.
27/Aug/16 6:39 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Back home. They cleared the bile duct so my colour is better. The rest was exploratory surgery and we will not know the results till Wednesday. It is in the head of the pancreases which is the best place to be. Blood tests show it was not there in April. I do not wish to have anything on FB. I will still have all the pains until some decisions are made. I am off to bed as I am very tired.
27/Aug/16 7:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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So glad to hear from you June. I hope they are able to help you!
27/Aug/16 9:27 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone.
So sorry to hear that many of you are having health problems.
June,MizT,Heidi,Suzy,Midge. My best get well wishes that you all improve very quickly.
It seems that Julie and myself are the lucky ones.
I have another car as of Aug 25th. Ford Mondeo, and it is real luxury for me.
Renaes girls turned 9yr yesterday.We had a family gathering at the beach for them, but too cold to swim. The beautiful sunny day/BBQ, still made it special.
Take care all!
28/Aug/16 6:42 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Very bad news, as well as good.
The good news is that Cindy miraculously improved! After 3 days of being unable to walk, or even stand, she slowly stood up and started walking again!!!! Bit by bit she's getting stronger! I'm so glad I didn't have to put her down.
The very bad news is that my Father-in-Law passed away this morning, in his sleep. He was a wonderful man who treated me more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law. I loved him dearly. I'm grateful that his passing was peaceful and that he didn't suffer long from the cancer. Gil is grateful that he made the effort to visit his father every 3 weeks since the cancer diagnosis, and that he spoke to his father every few days. He's glad that he was able to say his good-byes, and he feels like he had closure. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made, but I already know I won't be able to go. My epidural is in 33 hours, and I'm not allowed to travel for nearly a week afterwards. It's a weekend so I cannot call Pain Management and reschedule the epidural that I need so badly. And I have the first appointment Monday morning.
The ear has stopped bleeding, but still hurts a bit.
28/Aug/16 1:02 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm so glad that you have some good news, June. I hope you have better news on Wednesday!!!
28/Aug/16 1:05 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello from Illinois, USA!

June, I'm glad you're back at home and have had some good news! I hope the results of the exploratory surgery that you hear on Wednesday will be favorable! Hoping you get some relief from the pain and are able to sleep!

Nola, congratulations on the new car and Happy Ninth Birthday to Renae's girls! It seems like they were just babies not so long ago. How nice that you could have a family gathering at the beach, even if the water was too cold for swimming.

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your FIL, but happy for him that it was a peaceful passing. Luckily Gil had taken his condition seriously and made the effort to see him as frequently as possible and phone him regularly. I'm sorry you won't be able to attend the services for him. Perhaps someone can record it for you? I hope the next hours pass quickly and that your epidural will be a real 'humdinger'!

Hooray for the good new about Cindy, Heidi. I hope she continues to show some improvement!

Suzy, I hope you are doing well and hope the same for all family members!

MizT, I hope the weekend has gone well for you and the week gets off to a good start! Enjoy the new chair for your desk!

Midge, thinking of you and hoping you, your son, and all family members are doing well!

Thinking of all Sudokuaholic Friends and sending positive thoughts, prayers, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
28/Aug/16 4:02 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Anecdote: izzy wasn't happy at dinner eating only my carrots. She was crying, refusing to eat anything else, and signed finished to Dana. As in Auslan signed. We'll have to teach her more because, although she can talk,she doesn't like to. Tahli learns some Auslan words at preschool, izzy and Daniel learn them from her.
28/Aug/16 6:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Nola, congratulations on your new car. I'm not good at remembering cars so I'll google it to see what it looks like! Happy birthday to the girls!

Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. It's a shame you won't be able to travel to the funeral to say goodbye. Hopefully you'll be able to do that from home.
29/Aug/16 12:31 PM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Heidi, I am sure that your FIL would be happy for you to not attend his funeral under the circumstances. It is MUCH more important to show our love to others while they are here with us. Your FIL showed that love to you, which you appreciated so, do not feel guilty.
Condolences you and Gil at this sad time.
29/Aug/16 4:57 PM
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