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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Bundaberg Qld Oz
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I also hope that the epidural gives you huge relief, Heidi, and it would have been lovely to get an improvement in Cindy's health. How is the ear infection going?
Suzy, how cute that Izzy and Daniel are learning to communicate with Tahli.
June, hope you are OK along with others not mentioned, who are ailing.
Julie, how is the music going? The girls are giving a small concert at a local theatre tomorrow night, after a 2 day interschool workshop. They have just begun learning the violin this year. Greg is thrilled as he comes from a musical family.
Better go before I lose the post.
Take Care!
29/Aug/16 5:16 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Oh no. Didn't see that coming.
Resolve to be tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving, and
tolerant with the weak and wrong.
Sometimes in life you have been all of these.
Robert H Goddard (1882-1945)
American Rocket Engineer
29/Aug/16 5:32 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Late night, so I'm just dropping by to check in.
Nola, what a great TOPP-plus-one! I'm excited to hear that the girls are learning to play the violin! Does Greg play any instruments?
Things are still very up-in-the-air about my cello lessons for this fall. I have had a short trial lesson with two teachers, one quite young but is a Suzuki method teacher, the other probably mid-30's and a traditional method teacher. Neither of them has a lesson time open that is particularly convenient for our schedule. We're really struggling trying to decide what to do. I've considered only playing chamber music and string orchestra this semester, but I'm worried that I might regress without lessons and frequent contact with a teacher. I need to make a decision SOON!
Sending warm and positive thoughts,
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for everyone!
29/Aug/16 5:55 PM
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Hi, All! Just a quick visit to say hello, and I hope everyone is well!
Heidi, I hope the epidural was/ will be awful. (I just remember that your said it would be in 33 hours, possibly yesterday.)
Sending many {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers!
30/Aug/16 6:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The epidural didn't happen. The doctor wouldn't do it because of my ear infection. (it's still oozing and bleeding, and hurting like crazy) It's been rescheduled for 4 weeks from now since my appointment with the ENT isn't for 2 more weeks.
Cindy passed away today.
31/Aug/16 7:33 AM
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Heidi, my condolences on the loss of your father in Law, Cindy, and the cancelled epidural.
I had a very good day Monday but that night I was in a lot of pain. This afternoon I see the specialist for the next plan of action.
31/Aug/16 8:00 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, sending sincere condolences! I'm glad Cindy had a few better days before passing. What a week/month you have had. And now you must wait FOUR more weeks for your epidural? Hopefully your ear can be cleared up in that time! Sure hope the 4 weeks pass quickly!
June, good news for your good day on Monday, but having extreme pain at night is not a good thing! I hope the specialist can come up with something to reduce the pain!
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
31/Aug/16 3:50 PM
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Still some more tests before a treatment decision. Unfortunately it looks like the bile duct is blocked again. Another trip to hospital before the weekend. Things are looking positive.
(Julie the Endone makes me sick)
31/Aug/16 8:48 PM
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Heidi sorry to hear of your FIL's passing and your Cindy. August has been a terrible month for you. And a delay in your epidural, the constant sleepiness and your ear infection!!
June best wishes for your treatment - Endone was the medication that caused me to have a colostomy bag for a year - make sure you have aperients at the same time.
Nice to see you Nola - also nice car.
I would love to hear you play Julie - hope you can find a good teacher convenient for your time restraints - and you seem to be so busy I don't know how you fit it all in.
Suzy - can you put some photos of your grandies on your page - they must be growing up so quickly.
Broni - where are you now? DorA? MizT? This site is becoming quiet again. Not much happening here - family all back from overseas, hubby and 1 son off to Singapore in November for work so it looks like hubby and I won't be doing the Rhine River this year - after all I went through to get medical clearance it pips me that it can't be used. I am going to book myself and daughter for a few days away - she is very tired - her last semester at uni (science) and working 36 hours/week as manager of 2 bars in Richmond. I don't know how she does it - also looking after her 2 cats and 1 dog she picked up from a rescue centre. Just have to find a time she can organise around. Cheers to everyone (and those I've missed)
01/Sep/16 11:51 AM
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I will be in hospital for the next 5 days.
01/Sep/16 2:29 PM
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June, you will be in our thoughts and prayers. Also sending prayers for doctors, nurses, and all medical personnel!
Midge, I'm sorry your Rhine River tour won't fit into the fall schedule. Just doesn't seem fair. Hopefully your daughter will be able to find time so both of you can get some rest and relaxation!
Need to head to bed after a short night last night and another early alarm in the morning. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, prayers, and positive thoughts for each of you!
01/Sep/16 4:20 PM
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June, I'll be thinking of you! I'm glad they are keeping you in because I hope that means they'll fix you properly this time!
Heidi, I'm sorry you lost Cindy so soon after losing your FIL. I hope the next 4 weeks aren't too painful. 2 weeks until you can see the ENT seems a lot! Definitely a bad run...
Midge, bummer about your trip! Maybe next year? I'll look for some photos to put up. There's one there from March, they grow so quickly at this age.
Met my new head doc today. She's probably half my age but picked up on a couple of things I already knew, I'm hyper aware and deflect/distract when I'm uncomfortable, and one thing I didn't. Apparently she had to concentrate on moving slowly because when she moved quickly, my whole body flinched. That's weird!
01/Sep/16 6:13 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I managed to get to page 219 today, so I can at least post to say HERE I IS.
Not a lot going on here. this last week a very dear internet quilting buddy passed away, suddenly, unexpectedly. I shall miss her.
There are good people in the world. I had lost a nice bookmark and knew it was somewhere on first 2 floors of our buildings. It is thin silver colored metal, works like a flat paper clip, fits over several pages. I have had it for about 15 years, another quilting friend gave it to me for a birthday present. I was really sad I had lost it, and put up a LOST notice in elevators (everybody uses elevators) Last night one of the residents knocked on my door and asked 'did you loose something?' and held it up! YEAH, I was afraid I had lost it forever.
Somehow, my day and time for cleaning lady was changed and no one notified me. I therefore missed the time last week, was out of my apartment when she came. I happened to phone her yesterday, to see if she was coming today. NOPE, your day is now Wednesday, not Thursday. I am glad I phoned so that I had service Wednesday. If I had not phoned would have missed her again. Not a happy camper. I do not like Wednesday for 2 reasons. One, that is one of 2 days a week we can get bus service for doctor appointments. Two, I play scrabble at 3:00 Wednesday. Scheduled cleaning time is 12:45 till 2:45. She is often late, so is late finishing, makes me late for scrabble, and that inconveniences 3 other people, not good. I do hope they can find me a better day.
I need to get a few things done before a 2 pm doctor appointment, pain clinic.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
02/Sep/16 1:06 AM
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I saw a meme today that reminded me of a few of you: living with chronic pain is like trying to get comfortable on a cactus sofa....
I've lost my address book!
02/Sep/16 9:39 AM
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Greetings to all as I head off to bed. Thinking of everyone, hoping for improved health and many moments of happiness. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers!
02/Sep/16 4:59 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi All.
MizT...sorry about a quilting member passing away whom you will miss. Weren't you lucky to get back your treasured bookmark, thanks to a kind person.. Hope you can get a more convenient time for the cleaner to suit both of you.
June..Hope your hospital stay goes quickly with excellent results. much pain and sadness for you recently. Our thoughts are with you to cope with your medical and personal issues. must be a disappointment not to be able to do your trip, but good luck getting away with your daughter.
Suzy..maybe the new Dr will be beneficial. Fresh minds can sometimes uncover things overlooked by others. Yes, love to see more photos.
Julie..Greg replayed a soundtrack off facebook/computer, of a violin or viola, playing the last post. I was impressed. It sounded quite good.
Take care all.
02/Sep/16 7:27 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Nola summed up everything quite well! Thanks for that! Just reread Nola's post above!
Sending much
, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
03/Sep/16 3:35 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Happy Father's Day to those celebrating. Greg was with Renae and they went bike riding in a dead end street on a hill, to learn braking. They had a great day.
I had to work, but that is fine.
How are you going June, in hospital?
Heidi...thinking of you too with ear and back pain.
Suzy, you would probably have had a busy day. did your Dr and pain clinic appointment go?
Julie, Thank you!
Those of us in Aust would have been busy with FD, eg Midge. Unsure if the US does today too.
04/Sep/16 4:31 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Happy Father's Day to all the dads celebrating in Australia, probably also New Zealand and Tasmania. (We have Father's Day on the third Sunday of June.)
I hope all are well! Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
04/Sep/16 4:43 PM
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Our Father's Day is not over yet. It was complicated. Dana had to share the day between us and three. Alie is sharing the day between us and her BF, it's his birthday. They haven't arrived yet. I preferred having Father's Day in June because hubby's birthday is in October, it's hard to find different presents with the celebrations so close together.
04/Sep/16 6:17 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Suzy...good luck sharing FD, B.days and with other family members!!
04/Sep/16 6:57 PM
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From my friend, the amateur philosopher
Lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age, I don't really give a rat's ass anymore…!
If walking is good for your health, postmen would be immortal.
A whale swims all day, only eats fish, and drinks water, but is still fat.
A rabbit runs, and hops, and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years. And they tell us to exercise? What for?
Now that I’m up in years, I've discovered that:
1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
2. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.
3. Funny, I don't remember being...absent-minded.
4. Funny, I don't remember being...absent-minded.
5. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?
6. It was a whole lot easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
7. Some days you're the top dog, some days you're the hydrant.
8. I wish the buck really did stop here; I sure could use a few of them.
9. Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
10. Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
05/Sep/16 2:45 AM
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11. It is hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
12. The world only beats a path to your door when you're in the bathroom.
13. If God wanted me to touch my toes he would have put them on my knees.
14. When I'm finally holding all the right cards everyone wants to play chess.
15. It is not hard to meet expenses…They are everywhere.
16. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
17. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter... I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder 'what am I here after”…?
18. Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
19. It is a lot better to be seen than viewed.
Have I sent this message to you before...or did I get it from you?
05/Sep/16 2:47 AM
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My Thoughts & Recolections…On 25 August, 2016, I set up to deliver “Trail Magic”, for the thru hikers at the point where the Pacific Crest Trail crosses Forest Service Road 23, approximately 13 miles North of Trout Lake, Washington. It was the same location as one of my two stops, last year. The official distance, from the trail start at the Mexican border, is 2226.4 miles. With “off trail excursions”, for water and into towns, etc., most have hiked considerably more miles…Of particular note were two hikers from the 'Wounded Warrior' 'Warrior Hiker' program. 'Dreamer' and 'Slim Jim'. In addition, I was privileged to meet with hikers from Hong Kong, New Zealand and Germany. (there may be other nationalities who didn't identify themselves.)
I had a total of 56 hikers sign my log book. There were, I'm sure, a few who 'skipped'. My “magic” included: Water, Coffee, Gatorade, Coke, Dr Pepper, Root Beer, Beer, Canadian Whiskey, Rum, and Fireball. For snacks, I offered Polish Sausage, Nutella, Trail Mix, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Chocolate Pudding, Little Debby Oatmeal cookies, Cliff Bars, Clementine Oranges, and candy bar miniatures.There was another “Trail Angel” at the same location. “Coppertone”, is a well-known personality along the trail, having made week long stops a 12 different locations along the trail, during the last 3 months. What he offered was complementary except for “ROOT BEER FLOATS”. There is no way I could compete with that.
I brought a “section hiker” who had hiked, for a spell, with one of the Warrior Hikers, back to town. He had a few days before catching his plane so I did the tourist stuff with him. We visited Timberline Lodge, and Mt St Helens. We went up to the PCT trailhead at White Pass, and picked up his friend “Dreamer”, for a trip to town to pick up his passport, required to finish the trail in Canada, and a Warrior Hiker function in Packwood Washington. The section hiker, I dropped off in Seattle where he spent the night prior to catching his plane home.
Returning home, I received an email, from my brother, advising me that there was to be an evening “Potluck”, get together, to recognize the four “wounded hikers”. So off I went. I’m sure that “Dreamer” was surprised to see me, again. Just guessing, as I didn’t keep track, about 25 - 30% of the hikers were women. One was 75 years old who finished her goal of hiking the “Pacific Crest Trail” from Mt Whitney to the Canadian Border. (she hiked various sections over a 3 year period.) She completed her personal challenge, hiking the final section, ending where I was set up, at Trout Lake. Her niece had arrived, by car a little earlier, and clued us in, so when she came off the trail, she received a round of applause and “whoops n hollers”, from the ten or so hikers, present. In all, in a ten day period, I drove somewhat over 1,050 miles. It was a fun week. Would I do it again? You Betcha!
05/Sep/16 2:54 AM
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The 'orange side' wants to post something so we'll pry the lid off of ''Pandora's Box''.
A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings the girl to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event.
The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, “Sir, this was the most gallant and bravest thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.”
The Harley rider replies, “Why, it was nothing, really. The lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right.”
The reporter says, “Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page. So, what do you do for a living, and what political affiliation do you have?”
The biker replies 'I'm a U.S. Marine, a Republican and I am voting for Trump.'
The journalist leaves.
The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: “U.S. MARINE ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT & STEALS HIS LUNCH”
And that pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days!
05/Sep/16 7:38 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
DOrA, thanks for sharing the thoughts from your friend, the amateur philosopher!
What a busy week you had, DOrA! Have you been involved with this endeavor before? It sounds enjoyable and rewarding.
I'm not sure that the leanings of the media are quite so extreme.
I hope all are well or at least feeling better. Heidi, how about your ear? It will hopefully be cleared up on time for you to have the next epidural.
June, I hope your medications are straightened out so pain control is improved.
MizT, I hope your back is not causing problems and hope you have been able to get your cleaning person's schedule straightened out!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, healing energy, and positive thoughts for all!
05/Sep/16 4:23 PM
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Back home and a long way to go. I will have chemo and radiation before they attempt surgery. Quite a bit of pain at night so have to make sure I do not get addicted to Endone!.
05/Sep/16 8:23 PM
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June, I was once told that you don't get addicted to pain killers while you are in pain. That's why they move you to 'on demand' dosages in hospital. They may have just been trying to calm me down because I was in pain and refusing the pain killers until I was actually sobbing with the pain. That was also a long time ago. I had my accident when I was 22. I didn't know it was so bad that you would need chemo and radiation. I swore a bit when I read your post. I even used the word my mother taught me that I don't use in polite society. Big gentle cyber hugs!
I always laughed on Father's Day in the States. On Mother's Day we saw lots of men with the kids, I guess giving mum a 'break'. That never made sense to me as I wanted to be with my kids on Mother's Day. Then on Father's Day we'd see lots of fathers spending time with their kids. The implication I guess is that mum is always with the kids and dad isn't. Like in the 1950s or something. Maybe 60s too. None of the fathers I knew were that kind of father.
05/Sep/16 9:16 PM
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''Feel Good'' story for dog lovers....
06/Sep/16 3:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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((( HUGS ))) to June.
06/Sep/16 11:13 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Sending {{{HUGS}}} and positive thoughts to June!
Will need to read posts later, as I'm falling asleep.
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
06/Sep/16 3:55 PM
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Hello, Everyone! I hope you are all well!
Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
07/Sep/16 4:29 PM
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Alie is home. Long conversation about finger nails. Sigh.
Still thinking of you June, Heidi, MizT and anyone else not feeling the best....
07/Sep/16 5:05 PM
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Oh my god! More nails...
07/Sep/16 5:14 PM
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Endoscope tomorrow. I am off to bed.
07/Sep/16 8:05 PM
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Anecdote: I was running low on fuel this week but decided to wait until pay day to fill up so I wasn't blowing the weekly budget. Would have been fine except Dana called me this morning telling me she'd left the stroller in my car could I take Tahli to school. It was already 10 minutes past the time she's supposed to be there so I just pulled on yesterday's clothes,mean a brush through my hair and took off. She ended up getting there 40 minutes past her start time, but only 10 minutes behind the other kids start time. It must be hard for them to plan morning activities because a lot of kids were late. But I digress. I thought about stopping for fuel on the way home but I hadn't even brushed my teeth so decided against it.
Later, after a shower, fresh clothes, and washing my teeth (that's what Tahli calls it), I got in the car to go over town to shop. Luckily we have a moderately long driveway because I ran out of fuel just before I reached the street! My first time I've ever run out of fuel and it's in my driveway! And only half an hour before hubby was due to come home for lunch! He had used the last of the fuel in the storage container mowing the lawn last night, so had to go get more. He put a couple of litres in and I drove the 3 km to the petrol station. I put nearly 44 litres of fuel in my 40 litre tank! A record for me I think.
So am I lucky, or what? I screw up and am inconvenienced only slightly!
08/Sep/16 4:26 PM
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Hi, Friends!
June, I hope all goes well with the endoscope tomorrow. I think I preferred that to a colonoscopy, though it's been a while. I hope you get a good night's sleep and the preferred results tomorrow!
Suzy, is it a good thing that Alie is home? Were the conversations about finger nails with her in regards to hers? (Sorry, inquiring minds . . .)
It's good that you could get Tahli to school. I sure hope the change in routine didn't set things off for the rest of the day for her!
As soon as your anecdote mentioned the car being low on fuel, I knew what was coming (based on my own experience about 30 years ago. I had taken our younger child to preschool knowing the fuel tank was very low. I didn't have money or a check book with me, and it was before we had a credit card, so had to go home before I good go to the gas station. Of course, I ran out, but not as conveniently as you did. I was about 5 or 6 blocks from a gas station & had to walk there. Luckily, they trusted me (in a panic & crying hysterically) and had a container I could borrow to get one gallon of guess. Walked back to the car, put the gas in, then drove back to return the container. Then a drive home to get the money I owed the gas station - and a bit more to get another gallon for good measure. I think the gas was about $1.29 per gallon back then. What that all comes down to is that I'm so glad things worked out well for you!
Heidi, I hope things are improving for you! We miss you!
We also miss MizT's frequent visits. I hope all's well!
Sending an abundance of positive thoughts,
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for all!
08/Sep/16 4:51 PM
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Julie, Alie comes home every week, usually Tuesday through Thursday because she works down here. She first showed me how she had filed her nails and described it in detail. Later she came back and discussed at length the relative merits of acrylic vs gel nail coatings, the effect of UV light on the gel and her intention to purchase an acrylic kit which she would use to do Dana's and my nails. Sigh. I stopped painting my nails a couple of years ago and barely manage to cut and file them.
Your running out of fuel story was definitely harder than mine. I wonder if anyone would trust anyone now? I've driven fuel to hubby a couple of times, he hates pumping gas so puts it off until the last minute every time.
08/Sep/16 6:39 PM
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Suzy, I did that once and paid for it. Ran fuel really low, filled up and took my in-laws for a holiday. Petrol pump seized up a few 100ks from home and had to stay with my in-laws, 3 kids and a baby crowded in a small hotel room out the back of nowhere for two days whilst a new pump was obtained to fix it. Since then I fill up before the empty light comes on - then any gunk that has settled in the tank stays there.
09/Sep/16 11:44 AM
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Have had a horrible week. Daughters close friend took his life on Sat. night. Only child of a single parent. His friends are in shock and devastated as they hade no inkling. A fund raising page has been opened to help his mum and after 3 days has already hit 16k. He was well-liked and we only wish he knew that.
09/Sep/16 11:55 AM
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