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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
09/Sep/16 2:29 PM
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If everyone who thought about taking their own life could see what would be left behind before they acted, more of them might make it through another day. What a horrible weekend Midge. Big hugs to you and your daughter.
09/Sep/16 2:33 PM
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Hello, All!
Sorry I didn't realize or forgot the Alie comes home every week. It's nice to know she takes good care of her nails, has learned the technique, and wants to share with you and Dana. With siblings over the weekend, we were remembering how our Mom frequently did her nails (BEFORE there were 6 of us) and always left the 'moon' polish-free. This is about 55-60 years ago. Would that have been how proper ladies did their nails in Australia? I did my nails for a while, but not in the past 4 1/2 years, as I need to keep them short to play the cello.
I wonder why your hubby doesn't like to pump gas, Suzy. That can be quite scary to be driving basically on the 'fumes.' And you're so right, it's unlikely that a gas station now would trust someone to come back and pay for a couple gallons of gas, though it would certainly cost MUCH more now.
Midge, your gasoline story tops us both! I can't imagine what it must have been like to have so many cooped up in a small hotel room with nothing to do while waiting for a new fuel pump! What a great reminder to be sure to refuel before it's too late!
Sincere condolences to your daughter and her friends, Midge. What a shame that young man didn't know how many people truly cared for him - and probably would have done just about anything to help him if they had known. What a difficult time for his single parent, as well. Please give your daughter some extra {{{HUGS}}}!
And now, here are some extra {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, and
for all of our Sudoku friends.
09/Sep/16 4:32 PM
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What a great thought for a TOPP, Suzy! Thank you! Definitely agree with your TOPP + one comment, as well.
Good Night, Friends!
09/Sep/16 4:34 PM
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Hi Julie, I don't know. The only 'proper' person I knew was my grandmother and I don't think she painted her nails. She was very proper though, I was a little intimidated by her. It's funny that she came up because Alie has decided to research our family tree. My grandmothers maiden name was Jones which is almost as bad as smith really. And kind of ironic since 'keeping up with the Jones' fit her well. She spoiled me rotten because I was the only granddaughter. It was only years later, as an adult, that I was annoyed by that. My uncle married a woman who had 2 daughters and raised them as his own. She didn't consider them her granddaughters.
09/Sep/16 11:12 PM
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It has been interesting trying to explain the family tree to Alie. My grandfather left when my father was 11, my uncle a couple of years younger. My grandmother remarried and my uncle took his stepfathers name, but my father didn't. My grandfather later had another daughter who he named after my grandmother. She's very close to my age. It's all very weird.
09/Sep/16 11:20 PM
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Just had a visit from some Mormon missionaries. Tahli introduced us all, I'm Tahlia, this is Izzy etc etc. what you called? Sister bla and sister bla. Where you from? The church of Mormon. Oh, we don't have church, we have granddad. He's on the toilet.
Tahlis form of autism apparently translates into not knowing what it is appropriate to say to strangers.
10/Sep/16 3:31 PM
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Greetings and Salutations!
Thinking of June, MizT, Heidi, Midge, Broni, Nola, Suzy, DOrA, Rolanda, and others I am forgetting due to lack of sleep. My apologies!
Suzy, wishing Alie good luck as she tries to unravel family history! It can be frustrating, but also exhilarating! She should watch the website, as they occasionally give a free month. If you can arrange your time well, there's often quite a lot to be learning in 1 month. Then take the time to organize the information collected so you're ready the next time there's a free month.
I bet Tahli made the day for the Mormon missionaries. So funny, and not completely unusual for little ones, even without an autism diagnosis.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and
for everyone!
10/Sep/16 5:09 PM
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Izzy rarely speaks and when she does she whispers. She has developed a form of sign language that works for her. Yesterday I drew pictures and named them and she repeated the names after me. She can talk, she chooses not to.
Alie is using a free trial of Hers is only for 2 weeks though.
10/Sep/16 6:27 PM
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Laughing: every week I ask Alie to send me a message telling me she got back to her place safely. Every week she forgets. This week I sent her a message, a couple of hours after she should have arrived home. 'Did you die?' A few hours after that she sent back, 'no, I didn't die, sorry'.
10/Sep/16 11:50 PM
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Growing old is hard work...
The mind says ''yes'',
BUT the body says
''What The Hell Are You Thinking''
11/Sep/16 3:17 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, I have forgotten; is Izzy older than 2? If she's still quite young, she just not feel a need to talk, especially with older siblings who may be helping to be sure her wishes are made known to others. The fact that she CAN talk when motivated should help to allay any concerns.
Ali obviously had a sense of humor. It can take time to establish a habit, like calling to let you know that she arrived safely at her destination. I've heard it can take at least 21 days, but that's 21 consecutive days performing the same act. Our children learned it well - and will call to check on US, if we forget to let them know we arrived home safely.
DOrA, great reminder. This 'growing old' thing can be really annoying sometimes!
Sending everyone
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and much healing energy!
11/Sep/16 5:32 PM
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Daughter and I went on the Kidney Research Fundraiser Walk in Melbourne today - a beautiful sunny morning. We were talking so much we got lost - looked around and not a red shirt insight (all wear red). it was good for her to have a break from all that has happened this past week. Suzy - aren't children wonderful? You should note their comments down for later on (their 21st - only time you can get back at them haha) - priceless. Hoping all are going well - very quiet here. Cheers.
11/Sep/16 6:10 PM
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Midge, hope it didn't take too long to find the rest of the red shirts again. I love walking around Melbourne.
Julie, Izzy is 21 months old. It's weird for me because both my girls were nattering away at 12 months old. Dana has now reached the stage where she wishes Tahli would stop talking. Speech therapy has done wonders for her. Unfortunately that means she talks nonstop. It is a relief because it means her future will be better, but it can be frustrating too, it was funny this weekend. Tahli was sitting on the arm of my chair watching me play a game on my iPad. I didn't even notice that she was repeating something over and over until Dana told her to stop. I had tuned it out!
11/Sep/16 6:54 PM
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Heidi, hope you're not in too much pain, though I suspect you are.
11/Sep/16 6:56 PM
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Just had some Endone and a couple of panadol. I should sleep well till morning!
Why do the pains come at night when I can cope with them during the day. (yes they are worse when I lay down). Tuesday I will find out the next stages of my treatment. Chemo!
11/Sep/16 11:43 PM
Alabama, USA
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checking in to say Here I IS. Not sure I can get to the current page to read, so posting this. Nothing new going on here. The humidity is not quite as high, but temps still say SUMMER, and fall nowhere in sight.
Our EP Buss was out of service for three weeks, just back Friday, yeah! It made back to back trips to take residents to the grocery, residents came home with more than usual groceries, cupboards were getting bare. .
Hope everyone is doing well, Hugs to each of you, with extras.
12/Sep/16 8:28 AM
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Just a quick hello, as it's later than I thought. The alarm in the morning waits for no one.
Heidi, I hope you're feeling somewhat better.
Midge, I hope it didn't take you and your daughter too long to find the others wearing red shirts. You were obviously having a great conversation!
Suzy, maybe Izzy is waiting for a quiet moment to start talking - just being polite while Tahli is talking . . .
June, here's hoping you sleep well and the news on Tuesday will be better than you expect.
MizT, we're glad you found us again. You have been missed. I'm glad the bus is running again and able to take residents to the store.
I hope all are well and send
, prayers, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for each of you!
12/Sep/16 5:26 PM
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June, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
12/Sep/16 10:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I haven't been on here for a while.Keyboard committed suicide. I'm using an older one which is acting up. So I need to order a new one asap.
12/Sep/16 11:47 PM
Magnolia, KY
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((((( HUGS ))))) June!
12/Sep/16 11:47 PM
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June - wishing you the best for today. The sooner you start treatment the better. Chemo isn't so bad because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Good to see you posting again Heidi - also hope you are coping ok. You too MizT. Daughter's friend's funeral today - was to be a small private one but his workplace have closed for the day and hired a bus to take them to Wangaratta (about 3 hrs from Melbourne). Why does it have be a wet miserable day. D drove there last night to stay with his mum and won't be back until Wednesday. Hubby in Sydney again this week and quite cross I wouldn't go too - just need some space. He has been very protective since I have been ill and I love3 a bit of freedom occasionally - like a dog off the leash. I would miss my Truman too much anyway. It has been raining non-stop for the past day and the roof is leaking again - it is scheduled for repair on Friday and the internal kitchen ceiling to be replaced next week by insurance co. It is strange it didn't leak for a couple of months before they did a temporary repair. Pool has gone green yet again - I will never have another pool. We are thinking of draining it and letting it go - so much work. Saw my possums (and fed them) on the roof last night - the dog next door has caught a few and my neighbours don't care grrr. The possums sit outside my lounge window (bay window with glass roof) and watch us - they are really beautiful, especially when they have their babies on their backs. Luckily Truman couldn't care less - the only thing that would motivate him would be if they ate his food. Labradors are so food motivated - I can get him to do almost anything for a snack. Off to the vet tomorrow - his arthritis is getting worse and he can't use the stairs very well which is hard because our house has four levels and lots of stairs, as well as living on a steep block. Best wishes to everyone, I have garbled on enough.
13/Sep/16 10:18 AM
Alabama, USA
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JUNE, I have just read about your health issues, and am sending huge gentle hugs, thoughts and Prayers that you are soon MUCH better.
DORA, thanks for sharing your week with the trail hikers. It sounds like you enjoyed and at the same time were a big help.
I love the wounded warriors program, we have a lot of them at Lakeshore, where I went for pool exercises. They even have family style cottages for the warriors who are in the program there, rehab, so families can be kept together, learn what will be needed once they leave rehab, etc.
Heidi, I do hope the ear is getting better and you are somehow managing the back pain, until you can get the epidural.
My back is doing much better, most of the time. I made the 3 weeks without back pain, so I now qualify for the longer lasting procedure, I forget the name of it, but they will 'burn' some nerves in the area with needles and current. If successful, pain relief could last 6 months to 2 years. the headaches have got much better, coming for short periods, seem to be just before afternoon medication is due. Have appointment to discuss the headaches and talk more about the 'nerve burn' procedure, I have a LOT of questions. Hope I get good answers, keep fingers crossed please.
MIDGE, how very sad that your daughter's friend took his life. It is so sad when a young person feels they have no other options. I too wish he had known how well liked he was. Thoughts and prayers for all his family and friends, and your daughter too.
posting before I turn the page, hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Sep/16 12:21 PM
Alabama, USA
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I do hope today's ease of getting around the SA site continues. I have missed all of you so much, but it just took so long to get here, and then no guarantee my post would go through.
Flowers, especially the petunias are looking sad. they were hanging on till a sudden, short but violent t storm came through last week. Huge heavy raindrops just beat them into the ground. The grape vine is loosing leaves, it somehow knows the calendar date is headed toward fall. At last I have torenia and Fuchsia blooming, took me all summer to discover what they wanted. I shall know for next year. Though sold as a total shade plant, the Torenia want a bit of morning sun, being hanging pots on shepherd's crooks, I could relocate them. I give 2 of them sun till they bloom, swap out for the two that are in total shade, it is working so far. the fuchsia wanted weekly fertilizer, so miracle grow in the watering every weekend, nice blooms now.
Brian, the new resident who is now assistant gardener, planted some Mums I had bought, in the ground out back by the alley. I wish I had counted how many ladies told me they saw a MAN working in the garden hehehe. I need to be sure those are being watered, too. Still have to check on everything, but it is so much easier then DOING everything.
At the moment there is no other time available for the cleaning lady, so I will just have to make do. Mary, who was the best cleaning lady I have ever had, is no longer working for either of the agencies that supply cleaners here, but is now independent. I have arranged for her to come one hour a month, to do those things that Stephanie just cannot get the hang of. today Mary scrubbed bath and kitchen floor with a brush, to get up old build up that has been on these floors for years. Still not perfect but soo much better, we will repeat next month. We cleaned out the boxes under my bed, and I got rid of a lot of things that found their way there. Started to set up the new coffee maker I have had in closet a while, but found the permenant basker (in place of the paper filters) from the old one would not fit the new. OH WELL. Must order one that fits. All this in one hour and her rates are very reasonable. she will be coming an hour a month now, to do things like this and well worth it too.
I will try to get back here more often, more hugs.
13/Sep/16 12:56 PM
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Hello, Friends!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, June.
No time to read, as tomorrow is an early alarm day.
Here are some {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, and
for everyone!
13/Sep/16 3:46 PM
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I follow a page on Facebook called PTSD Poetry. There are wounded warriors posting on there. The poems are sometimes dark and full of pain and sometimes hopeful.
I follow another page. A couple of days ago she posted about what it felt like when she wanted to take her own life. She talks a lot about where she is now too. It's mostly a positive page. it was very educational.
13/Sep/16 5:15 PM
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I now wait until I hear from the oncology team as to when I start the chemo. It will be just one drug once a week for three weeks and them one week off. There will also be radiation therapy. After 12 weeks they will do scans etc. and if the tumour has shrunk they may then be able to remove it. Once on Chemo some of the pain should reduce. Last night I had little pain and no endone. Tonight I have taken two and my back is still aching. I have had some sleep earlier.
Pleased that you have got on the site today MizT. Probably worth paying a bit extra to have a cleaning lady that does what you want doing.
13/Sep/16 10:19 PM
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Midge, if ever you do come to Sydney with Hubby please let me know and I can get a train into the city or wherever and we could have lunch or a coffee.
Heidi, sorry about your keyboard. I thought it was your health issue keeping you away. Hope that you can soon have your epidural.
And Julie, busy as always but you still find time to send hugs and prayers to us all every day. How is hubby doing these days?
Actually I thought of you a few weeks ago. We went to a 'Last night at the Proms' concert (very British!) and they had an Australian guest cello player who was learning to play in Berlin (possibly on scholarship). She was playing solo with the 50 piece orchestra accompanying. She was very intense in her playing. You would have enjoyed it.
13/Sep/16 10:29 PM
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June I would love t meet up with you. We always stay at Bankstown Travelodge (close to our main Sydney customer)and we could meet up 1/2 way maybe. I have an old friend in Blacktown to visit but that is a night-time one - she works at Westmead Hospital. Next trip will be Nov. So glad you have a schedule now for chemo. After one week off, do you start another 3 weeks? Good to hear from you MizT and getting help from Mary and your 'man'. Wish I had your energy Julie - you are so busy. Cheers to everyone
14/Sep/16 3:36 PM
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Suzy, my daughter loved your topp. Her friend was an only child and he lived with his mum (single parent).
14/Sep/16 3:38 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Just briefly scanned for June's results. Prayers for the very best outcomes!
It's late, and I haven't been sleeping well, so I'm headed to bed. Bur first, here are the nightly {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy.
14/Sep/16 5:47 PM
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Another quick visit to say hello, then off to bed for me.
Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
15/Sep/16 4:02 PM
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I now have a date. Thursday 22 Sept. I was hoping to start earlier but apparently that was the first available date. The pain is increasing, something I do not like as it is now over 4 weeks since the diagnosis.
I will have the chemo once a week for three weeks then a week off. The cycle will be repeated three times and then scans to see if the tumour has shrunk. There will also be radiation but I have not heard from that person as yet.
Midge, I am not driving as much these days but I can get a train to Bankstown. Though Hubby is good at meeting up with my Sudoku friends.
15/Sep/16 9:46 PM
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June, that is so long to wait. The three months are going to feel like 3 years too. I hope the chemo acts quickly and the pain reduces quickly. Big hugs. If you want to talk to pass the time, please call me. I said that I wouldn't call you because I don't want to make you talk if you don't feel up to it, but if you want to talk, I'm here.
Midge, I can't imagine what the mother of your daughter's friend is going through. Too hard to even imagine.
Julie, have you heard of the Two Cellos? They do an amazing blend of new and classical. This is the first one I heard. I've listened to a lot since this one.
16/Sep/16 11:02 AM
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I love their version of Thunderstruck, but I'm an Acca Dacca fan.
16/Sep/16 11:12 AM
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Hi, All!
June, I hope the time passes quickly, and somehow the pain can be reduced! Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!
Suzy, yes to the Two Cellos and also have heard the Piano Guys. There's a lot of good music that can pass the time quickly on youtube and others!
Thinking of all fellow Sudokuaholics and sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
. I'm off to bed for now. Good Night!
16/Sep/16 5:33 PM
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I learned today that my parasympathetic nervous system probably doesn't work, at all, I've lived my whole life in flight/fight/freeze mode. Yep, sounds about right.
16/Sep/16 10:35 PM
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A little risky (Risqué), maybe.....
If this one doesn't make you laugh..... you need professionl help !
In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a woman who was waiting for a bus was wearing a tight leather skirt. As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get on, she became aware that skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus. Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would give her enough slack to raise her leg.
Again, she tried to make the step only to discover she still couldn't. So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little more. For the second time, attempted the step, and, once again, Much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg. With little smile to the driver, she again reached behind to unzip a little more and again was unable to make the step.
About this time, a large Texan who was standing behind her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step of the bus. She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and screeched, 'How dare you touch my body! I don't even know who you are!'
The Texan smiled and drawled, 'Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured we was friends.
17/Sep/16 6:10 AM
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Quickly stopping by to say Hello! Hope all are well!
DOrA, I didn't see that one coming! It gave me a chuckle.
Sending everyone
, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and healing energy.
17/Sep/16 4:41 PM
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DoA, seen that several times before but still gave me a chuckle.
Just took two panadol so hopefully I will get back to sleep. I had a good day and got quite a bit done in the garden. If I have a good day I seem to have pains at night and visa versa.
At the moment I can get Emails but cannot send any out. They are all collecting in my outbox. A nuisance at the moment. I will see if Ken can take my computer back a week and see if that fixes the problem. Suzy, I got your Email. I am not good at talking on the phone much at the moment. I need to keep moving about.
18/Sep/16 1:31 AM
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