Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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I wish I was a magician so I could make you fit and healthy with the wave of a wand
28/Sep/16 1:52 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends!

No time to chat, just sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
28/Sep/16 5:49 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Suzy, what a wonderful and appropriate TOPP!
28/Sep/16 5:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends Just h9me from Scrabble, and headed to bed till time for next meds. Not sure why, but pain came rushing back well before next dose is due.

Weather is much cooler overnight now. I had windows open all night last night, it was lovely.

Nothing much else going on here. I have started planting some pansies to overwinter here. three containers planted, need a lot more. Have not yet found a good price on ornamental cabbage, but it is still early in the season.

Heidi, glad your epidural was a doozy, I hope it lasts and lasts. you deserve some pain free days.

June, thinking of you and your second round of chemo, it is today? Hope it goes well.

Hugs to each of you, with extras,
29/Sep/16 8:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT. Hubby just paid over $60 for 5 bags of proper corn meal so he can make corn bread. He's tried polenta and it sucked. Anyway, I told him I knew a southern lady who might have a good recipe. That's you! Do you have a good corn bread recipe? Ta in advance.
29/Sep/16 1:13 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I'm so glad you were able to visit, MizT, but not glad to hear about the return of pain. Hopefully the next dose of medicine reduced the pain enough for you to get some sleep!

Suzy, corn bread sounds wonderful! I hope MizT has a good recipe!

June, I hope you are feeling OK after another round of chemo!

Heidi, I hope that doozy of an epidural has a major impact in controlling pain!

Take care, Everyone! Feel free to share , prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
29/Sep/16 4:24 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I will have to hunt my recipe for cornbread. I have not made any since last Thanksgiving (to use to make dressing) I shall see if I can find it for you. I had to mail cornmeal to California to daughter when she lived out there. After that, she would take some home in her luggage any trip home. She could find a ground corn product for making corn tortillas, but it was not the same as our cornmeal.

Last night we had the lowest overnight low of the autumn. It was 59*F when I went out to water flowers, and did not get out of the low 70's all day. I had to put on a heavier long sleeve shirt to be comfortable out.

I forgot to check with either my doc or pharmacist to see if I could have flu vaccine. I have a vague memory of reading I could not take it with one new medication, perhaps one that I could not take. But to err on the side of safety, I did not go down for the flu shots offered today. A pharmacists comes out, and anyone with medicare can get the shot free, just show your card. I shall have to get mine at the doc, or go to a pharmacy now, once I find out I can take it this year.

A young lady came to help residents with cell phones and other devices, I had half an hour with her, sorting out a couple of problems, and loading a coloring app to my phone. something to do while waiting for the bus or doc appointment

Tanya did some filing for me today, I fed her lunch. I had made baked spaghetti, with spaghetti squash instead of pasta. It was very good. We have enough for lunch again tomorrow.

June, hope you are doing well after second round of chemo. Heidi, I hope you are resting your back, not doing anything to jeopardize your epidural results.

that is all from here for now, hugs to each of you, with extras.
30/Sep/16 8:39 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! I chose 'Evening' instead of 'Night' because I'm here before midnight. But I'm on my way to bed, as we need to be up by 5:30 to get to an early doctor appointment.

It's so good to see you and your post, MizT. I'm surprised by your cool temperatures - similar to ours. Thanks for reminding me about flu shots. I have had mine, but we need to check with hubby's doctors whether he should have one. Thinking about corn bread and wishing I had some. It would have gone well with your baked spaghetti!

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy.
30/Sep/16 2:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Slowly rejoining the human race!!! I'm being extra careful about the back and really taking it easy.
The work on Debbie's roof is progressing fast and professionally. She's thrilled at the good job they're doing. And it looks good, too.
01/Oct/16 3:17 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Folks!

Just a quick visit, as I'm about to fall asleep.

Heidi, what great news. Keep taking care of yourself so this epidural lasts! So glad to her that Debbie's roof is going on quickly and professionally! Take care!

June, thinking of you and hoping all is gong well!

Sending prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and healing energy for Everyone!
01/Oct/16 3:41 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Pretty risky (Risqué),


A retired older couple return to a Mercedes dealership where the salesman has just sold the car they were interested in to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde in a mini skirt and a halter.

'I thought you said you would hold that car till we raised the $155,000 asking price,' said the older man. 'Yet I just heard you closed the deal for $130,000 to the lovely young lady there. You insisted there was no way you could discount this model.'

'Well, what can I tell you? She had the ready cash and, just look at her, how could I resist?' replied the grinning salesman.

Just then the young woman approached the senior couple and gave the car keys to the old man......

'There you go,' she said. 'I told you I could get that a*****e to lower the price................. See you later, dad.'
02/Oct/16 8:09 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings (while yawning)! Yep, it's way too late, and I should be in bed. Can't even take the time to read DOrA's 'risky.' Will save it for tomorrow.

Thinking of all our Sudokuaholic friends and sending healing energy, prayers, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}! Hope to 'see' you all tomorrow!
02/Oct/16 6:32 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good one DoA. Heidi, I am pleased that you are taking things easy after the epidural. I hope this one gives you very good relief.
My last Chemo went well will little after effects. I had my son and his family here for a couple of days which was lovely. I do not have a lot of energy and find I tire easily when I do jobs, shop etc. We did go to a nursery today and I bought a few plants. A couple of azaleas and 5 pots of petunias. I have planted two of the petunias but have to do some soil prep before the other things go in.
02/Oct/16 10:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Absolutely LOVE that one, DOrA!!!!!

Gil's been gone the past 5 days and 4 nights..... still in the neighborhood but sleeping elsewhere. It's allowed me to have plenty of rest without stress. He's been staying at his cousin Don's place 8 miles away so he can drink heavily in the evening and not have to drive home or listen to my lectures about how stupid he is to drink so much with his family's history af alcoholism. That ended today when Don's wife Barb joined him at their farm. (Their main home is in Cincinnati.) This stay at Don's was not discussed ahead of time. He just didn't come home those nights, without contacting me. He's an idjit!!!!
03/Oct/16 6:06 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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to June.
03/Oct/16 6:09 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Major Risk!

I had a power outage at my house this morning.

My PC, Laptop, TV, DVD, IPad and new surround sound music system were all shut down.

Then I discovered that my iPhone battery was dead.

To top it off, it was raining so I couldn’t go for a walk, bike ride or run.

The garage door opener needed electricity so I couldn’t go anywhere in the car.
I went to the kitchen to make coffee and then remembered this also needs power, so I sat and talked with my wife for a few hours.

She seems like a nice person.
03/Oct/16 9:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I bet you loved seeing all of your grandkids together! That would have been brilliant! Im very glad you were able to manage the pain a bit better this time. Still wish I had a magic wand though....

Heidi, I'm happy to hear that your shot was a doozy and that you are taking care to make sure it sticks. Using my iPad can be hazardous, I nearly reported your comment as abusive! Luckily I caught it and was able to cancel it.

I learnt how to use the preprogrammed thingys on my treadmill. I'm not up to running on it yet so chose the program that changes the incline every minute or so. I really felt it in my legs! Hubby is going to do that too now.
03/Oct/16 4:48 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just a quick Hello and Good Night! Exhaustion has set it.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
03/Oct/16 6:07 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I really hope you find that recipe. Hubby has tried 2 different ones already, the first was inedible, the second I had to pretend to like. It was better than the first, just.
03/Oct/16 7:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Just heard that a very dear friend, and former neighbor, just passed away. I'm really gonna miss James. I got my first cows from him and used to help him work his herd when he still had it. He was a wonderful and knowledgeable man with a LOT of common sense. The funeral is supposed to be Thursday, but nothing has been posted yet.
04/Oct/16 11:58 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm sorry to hear that Heidi. It's hard to lose friends. Hugs.

It's very windy here today, scary windy. So far we've been sitting around 50 kph with gusts up to 89 kph, but the weather warning says we might gets winds around 90 kph with gusts to 110. Hope not, that would definitely bring down trees.
04/Oct/16 4:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Heidi, So sorry to hear about the passing of your friend and neighbor James! May he R.I.P.

Suzy, I hope a perfect recipe for cornbread will soon be found! Have you searched online? Hopefully MizT will soon find her recipe!

Alarm is set for way too early, but appointments were made and must be kept. Sending everyone {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, , prayers, and positive thoughts for All!
04/Oct/16 4:54 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Luckily we still have power
04/Oct/16 8:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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We keep losing our internet so posting while it is on. All well here. saw the oncologist yesterday and he was happy with my progress.
Heidi, sorry about your friend. It is always hard when we lose a dear friend.
One of my Mum's friends passed away a couple of weeks ago. She would have been 110 at the end of November. She was still mentally active.
It was very windy here today but you get stronger winds where you are Suzy. Hope you are all OK.
05/Oct/16 2:39 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. Today it was much easier to get here, as good as it was before I started having problems. YEAH. I have no idea what is different.

Heidi, so glad your epidural is holding, and that you had the opportunity to take it easy, with Gil away from home. He could have at least phoned, ya know.

Temps here are a tad warmer day time now. today mid to upper 80's, but the higher temps are for far fewer hours than previously. Not hitting 80 till noon, dropping below by 6 pm. today is the warmest forecast for the next 10 days.

I have been reworking the plants in my window. they had overgrown, outgrew their containers and when I was having problem standing, did not get the care they needed. A couple were not salvageable, others did fine when cut back severely and soaked in water to be sure the entire root ball was getting wet. I bought one new plant, a cyclamen, white blooms. It had lots of buds when I bought it, so should bloom for a while. the foliage is varigated, and nicely marked, so it will be pretty even not in bloom. One of my African violets is blooming, I think the neglect triggered lots of blooms once I watered and fertalized. Thought it should bloom (reproduce) while it had a chance hehehe.


OH NO, forgive the all caps, hit cap locks accidentally, and do not have enough time to retype. I am not yelling, I promise

Suzy, hope the winds did (do) no damage. Constant wind can leave me a bit anxious, do they bother you like that?

Julie, seems as if you had a lot of early alarms lately. I do not like early doctor appointments, cause I hate having the alarm wake me. MUCH better when I wake on my own.

I have one more inside pot ready to fill. I rooted some coleus that were accidentally broken, hope to be able to keep them over winter. I love the colors of them. I already have some Wandering Jew cuttings potted, those root so easily I just cut and put directly into the pot. I remember once finding Wandering Jew growing in 1/4 inch of soil atop concrete. Wind broke some from hanging plant, and it grew where it fell. Remember me telling you about one container of that I had, it grew up under the blinds and filled 1/3 of my huge picture window hehehe. Wonder if my new one will get that big?

Heidi, sorry your farming friend has passed away. Will you be going to the funeral?

June, your Mom's friend had an incredibly long life, at 110 years and still mentally alert. That is wonderful.

this may be too long for one post, but let's try. Hugs for each of you.

05/Oct/16 3:41 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! We had our dental appointments this morning. I have a crown (about 16 or 17 years old) that is leaking and needs to be replaced. We have other medical issues to deal with in the coming week or two, so it will need to wait until the end of the month.

June, it's good to hear that your oncologist is pleased with your progress and things are proceeding as hoped.

MizT, hooray for a good link-up to this page today! I hope that continues!

Heidi, we hope you are continuing to take care of yourself!

Thinking of everyone, including those I haven't mentioned. I'm about to head to bed. Take care, Everyone! Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and positive thoughts!
05/Oct/16 5:02 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had so much energy today. Did some gardening, (I do take rests so that I do not exhaust myself), washing, shopping by myself. (not grocery). I organise the entertainment for the Christmas lunch at the bowling club and I wanted some bits for the costumes. I want to get things organised as I might be having ray treatment in December. I am having witches ghosts and a fairy.
The get up and go will be gone again tomorrow!
lovely to get a long post from you Tricia.
Suzy, did you lose power from the wind last night?
05/Oct/16 9:59 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Good morning friends, it is a lovely day in the neighborhood today. Cool nights, warm midday with a breeze, hot only if you are in the sun. Residents and I are enjoying being outside , more people than usual on the back patio, and the chairs along the drive. Only thing lacking is some rain. At my location, it has not rained in over 35 days. Watering from a watering can is just not as good as a nice soaking rain.

June, I am so happy for you, an energetic day and you got so much done. glad to hear you had your rest breaks too, they do help. Hope the next chemo goes as well as this, or even better. Huge gentle hugs to you.

Julie, I hope the crown that needs repair will hold off any problems until you can fit in another dental appointment.

Question for you. We all make typos, what is your most common one now? Do your most often made typos change as mine do? I still cannot type their correctly, even spelling it to myself as I type. I change the ei to ie every time. NOW, having more and more problems with words with double letters. I will leave them out of words that need them, put them into words that do not. Latest 2 in my comment to June hehehe thank goodness for spell check. were apointment and untill in the comment I made to June. Thank goodness for spell check.

I got a couple more things settled in at my inside window garden. I had coleus rooted in water, put those into a nice painted clay pot I inherited somewhere along the way. Residents leave me pots of different sizes, as their flowers gifted them for holidays succumb to lack of proper conditions.

I had volunteer wanting to overwinter something in their elevator lobby. We settled on a 16 inch pot of mixed ferns, and perhaps a 10 inch pot with a nice smaller leafed caladium, going up to the eighth floor. Now to get approval from our director, make sure he approves. Deanne asked if I wanted them moved today. Nope, we will move them at first frost or freezing temps, could be as far as 2 months away or more. A frost without freezing temps, they could survive, since they are under the two story high passageway between buildings, no frost would touch them, but ferns do not like sustained temps below 40 degrees, will have to watch forecasts closely in another month.

Did I say I had a perm on Monday? It was a bit more, tighter curls when it came out of rollers, but after the comb out/blow dry you cannot even tell I had a perm, same style as before except it stays. Day three, and needed only minor touch up with the styling brush, right side, cause I sleep on that side. I wanted bigger, looser curls, so that days I could not deal with hair, I could just shower and towel it dry, let it curl. Until it relaxes some, I might go down and let her do a comb out once a week, IF I can maintain this set for a week. We will see. I do like it though, much more body, it looks as if I have more hair, no thinning spots showing.

Today my housekeeper comes, laundry and the floors, du
06/Oct/16 2:18 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Not room for all my chat today, here is the remainder.

Today my housekeeper comes, laundry and the floors, dusting will be done. Scrabble later, and I need to get down and water this morning. Best get going, as I slept in and Stephanie will be here in 2 1/2 hours.

Yesterday I put the rest of the pansies I had bought into containers. Pansies were purple, one container I had had yellow marigolds, some dying back already. I cleared out the dying ones, planted pansies around those remaining. Yellow marigolds with purple pansies look nice now, and the pansies will grow to fill in as the marigolds give up.

Hugs to each of you, till later.
06/Oct/16 2:20 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening/Night, Everyone! I'm off to bed, as we have another early appointment tomorrow. Actually, the appointment isn't so early, but it's a drive to get there, and they called today and want hubby there much earlier for a blood draw (just an annual check).

Greetings to everyone. Sorry, no time to read or respond. Just enough time to send {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers!
06/Oct/16 4:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I haven't read yet, Alie is down and hasn't stopped talking to me. I deserve a self restraint medal. If I disagree or question her I do it just because she said it, so I try to avoid it if it's not really necessary. Today she announced that it has been proven that marijuana cures some kinds of cancer. My brain is going 'who says that, what's the source, is it natural news or a science based source? if that's true why aren't they yelling it from rooftops?' All my usual questions when I hear extraordinary claims.. Instead of saying any of that I moved the conversation to legalisation of medical marijuana so research can be funded. She moved to countries that have never made it illegal, then to the healthiest way to use it. When Alie researches something she puts her all into it. This one started with her researching treatments for rheumatoid arthritis for her BF. She says there are mornings where she has to hold him up until his legs start to work. He has moved onto a drastic treatment that could destroy his liver because the alternative is that he'd be in a wheelchair in a few years. According to the specialist anyway. He's on meds to protect his liver. 19 years old and he rattles when he walks.
06/Oct/16 7:30 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I know marijuana is the only thing that alleviates cancer pain, but I've heard NOTHING about any cure. I really pity Alie's BF, tho'. ... 19 years old and he's passed the best years of his life. Life sure isn't fair. Why couldn't this happen to Donald Trump instead of an innocent boy?

I'm leaving in half an hour for James' funeral. I hadn't realized that he was as old as he was.... I thought he was around 75 and he was 85. But he had a great life and got to do everything he wanted to do. So I get to celebrate knowing him and being his friend.
06/Oct/16 11:48 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends. Still fast and easy to sign on this site, you may see too much of me again

Suzy, so sorry you have to be so careful in what you say to Alie. I am sure it takes away much enjoyment of her visits, always having to watch what you say. Like you, I have never heard of any cure for cancer, let alone Marijuana. I do follow M news, to see if it might become legal for chronic pain. Fat chance here in the south USA.

Heidi, I am glad you got to attend your friends funeral. eighty five is a nice long life, and I think that still realizing that is just 12 years older than I am now.

Tanya (daughter, for those who still need a play bill) is still not feeling well. Nausea, diarrhea, stomoch cramps, headache, muscle aches. We first thought it might be food posioning, we ate Oriental seafood dish that I thought the scallops were a bit off. she ate hers, I did not eat mine. but this is lasting longer than most food borne bacteria should last. I wish she would go to doc, but early on I made mistake of saying doc could only treat symptoms, there was no cure. OOOPS

I must call Wal Mart to see if glases are ready. I see a missed call from WalMart, yesterday when I was out, so they must be. I need to pick up a few groceries and pick those up today. I hope I like them as well now as when I tried them on, and sure hope they improve vision. Getting where I have trouble seeing WITH glasses a d really bad without.

Yesterday at scrabble, we ordered pizza, a large pizza gives us 2 slices each, and that is enough. None of us will order pizza for one, even a small is too too much, so we enjoy our days ordering together

I have so many friends up and down the coast who are in harms way, on high alert as the hurricane approaches. For those not on FB, Jane has decided to leave, they have secured the new house and her condo, the boat is in the drive and staked down. I hope she and everyone come through this with minimum damage.

Hugs to each of you, with extras.
07/Oct/16 12:13 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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In a previous comment, I'd replace Donald with Hillary...
07/Oct/16 1:46 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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This is a conversation between a man and his wife.
Please note that she asks 5 or 6 questions which he answered quite simply, but then she is speechless after answering only one question.
l bet this happens more often than not to most husbands out there;
I'm just saying......

Do you drink beer?

Man: Yes

How many beers a day?

Usually about 3

How much do you pay per beer?

Man: $5.00 which includes a tip (This is where it gets scary!)

And how long have you been drinking?

About 20 years, I suppose

So a beer costs $5.00 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each month at $450.00. In one year, it would be approximately $5400.00 correct?


If in 1 year you spend $5400.00, not accounting for inflation, the past 20 years puts your spending at $108,000.00 correct?


Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?

Do you drink beer?

Where's your Ferrari?
07/Oct/16 3:12 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends! Just visiting; not reading tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I'll find more time. We had a lot of time-consuming errands added to the day today, so hopefully tomorrow will be easier.

Sending healing energy, prayers, , {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
07/Oct/16 6:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello and Good Night. Need to be up about 5:30 for an all-day class tomorrow.

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUG}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and
08/Oct/16 3:43 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. another beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Good to hear from Jane and other of my friends who survived hurricane Michael. Still no rain here, I noticed yesterday, after the lawn care people had mowed grass, that it was browning out from no water. My assistant gardener Brian gave it a sip, standing with a garden hose and nozzle on spray, as we do not own a garden sprinkler thingy. I hope it was enough to help.

I convinced daughter Tanya to go to doc yesterday, she has mycoplasma, the kind that causes walking pneumonia, but it had started with her as headache, nausea, stomach pains and diarrhea, which it can some 20% of the time, and even sometimes earache. she was feeling so tired she did not go to have script filled yesterday, but did manage this morning. Now she is getting the cough so may be starting the more familiar symptoms or pneumonia. It can be contagious for more than a week after taking antibiotics, oh dear, guess she should not be around me or the older people here for another week.

I have a list of things Ihave put off doing for some while, none of them really time consuming, I just did not get around to them. Made a list and decided today was the sday to do them. Two are already off my list and I have only been out of bed two hours.

DORA, your funny reminded me, when I stopped smoking, I was paying $10 a week for my cigs. I decided as long as I did not smoke, I deserved that $10 as a reward. It was just as I started the new hobby of quilting, and I spent $10 a week on supplies, tools an fabrics for my hobby without the least bit of guilt.

That's all for today, hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.

09/Oct/16 3:41 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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When I quit 'burning my money', cigs were $3.50 a carton. OK, so I've managed to date myself...

Don't ya just love it when you see 'pan-handlers', on the corner, smoking. In my ntbho, they don't need my money - they have money to burn.
09/Oct/16 5:39 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I used to smoke, too. One day I woke up and realized that I was spending more money on cigarettes than I was on dog food for 18 collies. I figured that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard of, and quit cold turkey then and there. I also figured that my dog food was now free because of all the money I was saving.
09/Oct/16 7:45 AM
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