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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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qld, australia
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Heidi, I really hope you have someone you can talk to, you really need a friend now.
June, thanks for the bed offer, will talk soon.
18/Oct/16 9:42 PM
qld, australia
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some days are diamonds some days are stone
18/Oct/16 9:45 PM
qld, australia
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Wishing you diamonds.
18/Oct/16 9:46 PM
Alabama, USA
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just lost a long interesting, entertaining
post, but need to be downstairs now for a fire safety meeting. Hugs!!
19/Oct/16 2:56 AM
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Hard times ahead Heidi, but when it is all over you may be a much happier person.
On a better note we are celebrating 53 years today. Not going out as we did that last week when we were away. Our outing will be to have my blood test done this morning!
19/Oct/16 4:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just bought a salad from the shop Tanya and I buy from often. Drove through while out to go to bank. I got home, ate one bite of salad, second bite had slimy rotten yuck lettuce in it. All the deep colored, purple lettuce was DAYS past it's use by date, if condition was any evidence. I phoned the national customer care number on the receipt (it is a chain eatery) and told them. Some time later I got a phone call from the local shop's manager. really nice young man, and we are now on the list to pick up TWO salads of choice. Just tell them our names, and ask they check his list. Tanya will pick them up for us next time she is over. that is the way to take care of your customers.
Nothing new at out fire safety meeting, except one resident asked many totally inappropriate questions. I noticed one of the staff holding her head in her hands, shaking head about the third time she had interrupted.
I wish I could remember what I wrote on the post I lost. Know I mentioned June, and Heidi, talked about gardening, and a few other things. But I feel a nap coming on now, it is cloudy and dark looking outside, wonder if we shall have rain>
More hugs, till later.
19/Oct/16 9:26 AM
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Greetings to all! Great TOPP, Broni!
June, I'm so glad you and Ken could enjoy a couple of days away - and without major weight change!
Suzy, I hope you are feeling much better!
Heidi, I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share with us. You have a difficult time ahead, but it seems like IH nearly always contributed to a difficult time for you! We'll be cheering on your attorney!
Broni, how nice to see a few posts from you! You are often in our thoughts and prayers. All the best to you, Pete, and Bella!
MizT, you certainly keep yourself busy at EP! I hope everyone is as appreciative of your efforts as much as we do cyberly! Hooray for the chain restaurant that will make things right after selling an out-of-date salad to you!
It's nice to pop in for a while this evening. The next few days are quite unpredictable, but I'll visit when I can!
Sending positive thoughts, prayers,
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy for everyone!
19/Oct/16 2:12 PM
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Broni - hope you are enjoying your time in Vic. We certainly are giving you a taste of our weather - sunshine, hail, winds and storms. Julie - hope you are on the mend. Let us know how you and hubby are now. Good words for Heidi - I too will be cheering for her. June - congratulations on 53 years - you must have been a child bride. Suzy - how are you? MizT - I would have thought a weeks worth of salad would be fair compensation. How inconvenient to take it home and then have to go back again. Leaving Office early today - was up all night with an ambulatory blood pressure machine going off every half an hour - couldn't wait to get it off this afternoon. Now just have to return it to the hospital. Cheers to all.
19/Oct/16 3:44 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Happy Anniversary wishes to June & Ken! What a wonderful accomplishment! Definite role models for all of us!
Broni, thinking of you and hoping for the best possible health for you and your traveling companions!
Heidi, you GO, Girl! You deserve SO MUCH better!
Suzy, I hope you're feeling better!
MizT, hope you're enjoying your salad! Did you get the rain you needed?
Midge, I can imagine your exhaustion after dealing with a blood pressure machine going off every half hour all night! I hope you won't need to deal with that again! Hoping the day went well, and a good night's sleep is in your immediate future!
The blood pressure machine's beeping sounds even worse than the sleep interruptions in the hospital (stayed with hubby Sunday and Monday nights). I came home for 3 appointments in last 2 days, and will return tomorrow afternoon to stay again, if necessary. So far, the worst possible cause of vision loss has been ruled out. Saw a rheumatologist and my primary care physician// internist today for some history and past testing review and new blood tests to try to rule out a few more possibilities. Results of current testing probably will be available by Friday afternoon (2 days from now).
Take care, Everyone! Sending lots of prayers, cheerful and positive thoughts,
, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and flowers
to brighten your days and nights!
20/Oct/16 12:56 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OK.... I've made an appointment with a great lawyer who HATES men that cheat. She's super busy, though, so her first opening isn't until the 28th. But I'd rather wait for the perfect divorce lawyer than settle for one who may be free now, but isn't as good. IH stopped by yesterday and wants to sit down with me soon to work out the details between the two of us cheaply, without lawyers, He said it's because he wants to live in ''a good christian home'' as soon as possible. I didn't know that ''good christians'' committed adultery. I will not sit down and talk to him until I have seen the lawyer. Preferably, the discussion then will be in the presence of my lawyer.
20/Oct/16 2:25 PM
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Why does 'cheaply' sound exactly like something Gil would want? And he wants a good Christian home? He'd better live outside of it then. Hmmm. Yep, after you've talked to your lawyer sounds good to me.
June, congratulations! That's longer than I've been on the planet! Just. Thinking of you as I do every Thursday now.
Julie, hope all is well with your health, and your hubby's.
Midge, that blood pressure machine night sounds terrible! Glad it's done.
Broni, hope you are having fun!
I am doing well. I've finished the antibiotics so I've taken steps to get the side effects taken care of. I might have to change chemists though. He offered me probiotics to treat it. And evening primrose oil for my polyps. Sigh. They are so much cheaper though, and I can order my refills by phone....
20/Oct/16 3:23 PM
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MizT, your salad story made me feel a little ill. It's good they are giving you a replacement though.
20/Oct/16 3:24 PM
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Warning TMI... stop reading unless you like medical stuff.
Hubby just asked me if I'd passed the clamp yet. How would I know? Was my answer... the doc told me he had clamped the spot he'd removed the polyp from because of the blood thinners I take. I accidentally found out the clip was metal (asked a question about something else and it came out). Do I need to mention that if I have another MRI I asked. No, you'll pass it he says.
I swear I need a sign: I'm an engineer so I'll probably understand what you've done, but I don't have a medical degree so I won't always know what questions to ask. Just tell me, it's my body after all!!
20/Oct/16 8:26 PM
Alabama, USA
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Well, just post the post in progress, again. this time I was trying to correct a typo, and instead, was sent back a few pages. Of course that looses everything on this page. Bummer.
Heidi, I agree with both your points. You do not need to talk to Gil without your lawyer, and good Christians do not commit adultery. Your appointment is only a week away, he will just have to wait. Agree with Suzy also, 'cheaply' and Gil go together, he has a habit of getting you to pay for everything he can. Don't think that is gonna work this time. Way to go girl!
Not sure what happened to my last post, and apologizes you had to read it twice.
Suzy, when is the MRI scheduled? If it were me, I would mention to the tech doing the MRI that a metal clamp had been used, and you do not know if it has passed yet as the doc said it would. Let them them decide what should be done. An yes, doctors should explain more. Sometimes we have to tell them almost exactly what you said, let them know you want to know and you are capable of understanding. I have to remind my docs repeatedly that I was once a nurse, give me the more detailed explanation.
I do wish our spell check here was as good as on my phone. I see sometimes what I typed has NO letter that should be in my word, but the phone has 'guessed' the correct word. I click it and go about my message. Here, I can get one letter off, and the 'off'' letter sits beside the one I wished on the qwerty keyboard. Guesses by the spell check are way wrong, nothing near what I wanted to say.
My cleaning lady is due here shortly, need to get breakfast. she said she knocked at 1 pm yesterday. I know at 1 pm I was in my recliner, with no TV , radio or noise at all. If she knocked, she tapped lightly. I am thinking now of ordering one of those wireless door bells. I did not leave my door opened, as we have had robberies at gunpoint and car break-inns across the street, and 'unauthorized' persons gaining access to our building, following visitors in after hanging around the door waiting for just such access. Nope, no more leaving door open now.
hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
21/Oct/16 1:46 AM
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Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.
One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end.
He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.
Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out.
When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable.
When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.
The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.'
Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry..
How soon can I go home?'
21/Oct/16 10:28 AM
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thumbs up DorA. Suzy - my ex SIL told me applying natural yoghurt the best treatment - it certainly worked for her. Messy but if it works who cares. MizT - the wireless bell is a great idea. We have one as our front door is a fair way from the hub of the house which is downstairs. Thinking of you and hubby Julie - wishing you the best outcome. Heidi - what about getting Gil to put in writing what he wants and send it to you, You can then show your lawyer what a twit he is. You are right, Christians don not lie or cheat. He must be delusional.
21/Oct/16 11:25 AM
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Risky (Risqué),as all get out...
Husband Store
A store that sells new husbands has opened in Melbourne, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:
You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs
She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs and love kids.
'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.' So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking.
'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead good Looking and help With housework.
'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!' Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with housework, and Have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.
22/Oct/16 3:06 AM
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To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.
The first floor has wives that love s ex.
The second floor has wives that love s ex and have money and like beer
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.
22/Oct/16 3:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've noticed that my stress levels have eased up. For years, my skin has been breaking out in sores all over my body, and the more stressed I got from Gil, the worse the sores got. They're actually starting to heal now! Maybe I'm allergic to him?
22/Oct/16 3:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Somehow I missed seeing several posts earlier, missed both of Julie's long posts. I am very happy that the worse causes of vision problems have been eliminated. Hang in there as you await results of latest tests, this afternoon? It is Friday morning as I write this.
Midge, I do not like blood pressure cuffs, they all pump up too tight, and leave my arm aching afterward for many minuets. Every 30 minuets would soon have that a constant ache. I am glad you can return that and be done with it now.
MUCH cooler this morning. A t storm went past last night, missed us again, only ne tiny bit of rain about a week ago. Only rain in almost 3 months now, our drought d=continues, but we did get the cool down. and wind, a constant wind with gusts. Wore a hoodie to water this morning, and was much later than usual going out, still got cool.I was tempted to put up the hood, my ears were cool. Flowers are loving this cooler weather. Summer flowers have made a grand comeback, well except the petunias. some flying insect had moved in, petunias not happy. Lost half the blooms in several pots before I figured what to do for them.
i have become popular of a sudden. back to back phone calls, and a visitor at the door. Now it is time to clean kitchen as I bake spaghetti for lunch. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
22/Oct/16 4:06 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, you are allergic to the way he treats you. Stress can do all sorts of things to a body, your sores are among them. I am so glad they are getting better. Huge Hugs to you dear. AND it is fine to feel relief that he is gone. No guilt needed on that score. You tried, went far beyond what most women could have done to make it work. He broke it, not you. Enjoy the stress free days now
22/Oct/16 4:13 AM
qld, australia
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Well Midge, the weather in Vic us not all it's cracked up to be. Looks like we will be stuck at Phillip Island in the paddock, it is that muddy we won't be able to pull the caravan out.
Heidi, what Tricia said. Love and licks from Bella and me.
Zusy, hope all is well.
Love and hugs to you all.
22/Oct/16 5:08 PM
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Heidi, I'm glad to hear something so positive for you!
MizT, always love your flower and plant stories.
Broni, I hope you aren't trapped for too long!
Julie, hope your and your hubby's health is okay. Midge too.
June, hope you are enjoying your time away. And it's not too cold.
I'm doing well. I chose the least messy option for my treatment. Just one little pill.
23/Oct/16 5:05 PM
Alabama, USA
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Just in from the garden. Weather is a bit chill, temp is 58 with a brisk breeze. Feels even colder if you have managed to get a bit wet from the watering cans. First order of business when I got in was find warm dry clothes. Second is a hot cup of coffee.
Suzy, so glad you mentioned flowers, it reminded me to put a small cutting of coleus into water, see if it will root. I found one small piece today that had bent to the breaking point, it was not viable on the plant, so cut it at the break and put it into the pocket on my power chair. It is not in a small vase, on the shelf over my sink, my plant nursery. I also have some wondering Jew rooting, some helicopter or spider plant (grass looking plant that has babies on long stems hanging over the side) and another I cannot remember the name. I already have two tiny plants of coleus in the window. In the past I have kept cuttings alive over winter and back to pots outside for about 5 years. Last years did not do so well, had to buy coleus this spring. Hope these do better this winter.
Anyone want to mention the C word? I have started my gift shopping, online. I have found a major gift for each girl already, and little gifts for my friends here, well up to 7 of them
. Tanya is getting a sweater that was well beyound either of our budget, but was able to get it during a one day 50% off sale (got myself a few new things for fall/winter too) Joy is getting a Fiesta ware cutlery set with storage block. Found that on a 50% off lightning deal on Amazon. Friends are getting magnetic book marks, they can mark the line you are reading, not just the page. I lost the one I previously had, looked them up on Amazon, pack of 8 at a price I could afford, so one for me and one for 7 of my friends who read here at EP.
Did I tell you that last week my housekeeper said she knocked and I did not answer door? I almost missed another visitor, perhaps my hearing is not so good now. Well, problem will be solved this week. I have ordered a wireless door bell. Comes in 2 parts, the transmitter (door bell) sticks on the door frame, the receiver plugs into a centrally located outlet, and you have a door bell. It plays songs or you can have the standard ding dong, and all for just over $10. Something to make life easier for Tricia. Did I say I love Amazon Smile? Can find most anything I need, and the Smile part, Amazon donates a small portion to charity of choice.
Suzy, hope the one little pill was effective for your treatment. Good choice, never liked the 'mess' of some treatments.
June, hope all is going well with your treatments. I do read every one of your updates, but know you get so many replies, I can just chat with you here.
Julie, do let us know how both you and hubby are doing. Is he still in hospital? Having major stuff at the same time can be rough. good thing is, once over, you both can relax, but balancing two illnesses at once is difficult.
Broni, you would not have that problem h
24/Oct/16 2:02 AM
Alabama, USA
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Ran long, imagine that hehehe. Here is the last paragraph.
Broni, you would not have that problem here. No mud anywhere, soooo dry! We need rain, badly. I hope you are happy where you are, since ya gonna be there a while.
OK off to have breakfast now, hugs to each of you, with extras.
24/Oct/16 2:04 AM
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Just a quick hello, as I'm home for the night and need to get some sleep. Thinking of all of you and wishing you the very best! Sending all kinds of positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, and prayers.
24/Oct/16 3:09 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Nice, quiet weekend here. I didn't see or hear from the adulterer.
24/Oct/16 5:33 PM
qld, australia
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G'day my friends.
Well we did make it out from the quagmire then repairs to the car (just throw more money at it)
Zusy, happy the pill option is working.
MizT, you sound way to organised for that 'C' word.
Julie, hope Hubby is improving and you get some good rest tonight.
Heidi, so glad you had a quiet weekend, make sure you keep your phone on silent so you can monitor what calls you want to respond to.
June, thanks for the update. Thinking of you.
DOA, keep 'em coming.
Love and hugs to you all.
24/Oct/16 8:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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It's OK, Broni. He doesn't know my cell phone number. He has no idea how to enter phone numbers into the directory on his phone, and he can't remember my number for more than 5 minutes if I tell it to him. I've had this number for many years.
25/Oct/16 3:21 AM
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Greetings to all!
Hubby MAY come home from the hospital tomorrow, he thinks. Unfortunately, they started him on a new drug that he MUST have a couple of times a day. I spent almost 2 1/2 hours at the pharmacy working with a pharmacist trying to get it approved either by insurance or medicare, either under brand name or generic. Pharmacy manager told me she will try again when she comes on duty at 8 a.m. Even if doctors think he is ready to come home, I will refuse unless we have the medication in hand. This is crazy!
Broni, so sorry about the car. At least it is now free of the quagmire, though.
Thanks for good wishes for hubby and me. My return to ophthalmologist confirmed no improvement in field of vision & no ideas as to why vision was lost or what to do next, other than return in a month, unless things might get worse before then. General feeling seems to be that it's not likely to get worse, but not sure it will get better.
I'm exhausted and headed to bed. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, prayers, and positive thoughts to all.
25/Oct/16 4:06 PM
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Heidi, hoping the quiet and calm continues!
25/Oct/16 4:07 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good luck to you and Hubby. Julie.
25/Oct/16 4:08 PM
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Thanks for the well-wishes, Everyone, and Hello! I'll apologize right away to anyone whose name I don't mention or to whom I don't respond.
Heidi, do you have notes on any of the ridiculous things IH has said and/or done stop share with the attorney when you meet? Unfortunately, some of what he has done is so outlandish as to be almost unbelievable. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Well, guess I've jinxed him again. Foley catheter is back in, poor night of sleep, back to several other complaints which prevent him from leaving the hospital. It's just as well; we still don't have the medication he needs, so he couldn't have come home anyway. He wants me to come back and stay at the hospital with him. That means I don't get any sleep either, and you know he's going to expect me to wait on him when he gets home - like he is at the hospital. I hope by being away a few days and nights, the nurses get an accurate picture of how he is functioning (or not).
Broni, how are the car repairs coming? Hopefully no new surprises of parts to be rehired or replaced accompanied by bills for the work and/or parts.
Suzy, I hope you're doing well!
MizT, how are you and Tanya? Sure hope the replacement salads were worth the return trip to pick them up from the restaurant!
June, how are you feeling? I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you, Midge, and hope all's well!
DOrA. I enjoy your risky and funny stories/anecdotes/jokes!
Lots of running to try to get things done today. Did I mention we still don't have the medication? Very frustrating. He wants me to come back, but I can't do all of these things from the hospital and need to find a ride to get there. (I fall asleep within 10 or 15 minutes in the car, and the hospital is about 40 or 45 minutes away in GOOD traffic, could be 1 1/2 hours in bad traffic. Cab ride is about $75 to $100 each way, nothing to sneeze at.
Sending along lots of positive thoughts, prayers,
, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for each of you!
26/Oct/16 2:26 PM
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It's scary when
you start making
the same noises
your Coffee Maker...
26/Oct/16 2:48 PM
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I keep hitting
But, I'm
Still here.
26/Oct/16 2:50 PM
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Lines To Make You Smile
My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
26/Oct/16 2:51 PM
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And, finally -
I'm starting to wonder
how bad
four years
with No President
would be...
26/Oct/16 2:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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Getting the new replacement salads was not a problem. Used the drive through, as we were on way home from grocery shop. they were very good salads, too, or perhaps we were just very hungry
Heidi, I am glad you had a peaceful weekend. Maybe you should just read some of your past posts to find some of the things Gil has done, the times he has borrowed farm equipment and returned it broken, left gates open and let cows escape and on and on. Our posts here are almost like a diary, we can refresh our memory just by reading back to previous posts.
DORA, some of your latest posts gave me a nice chuckle, thanks.
Broni, glad you are not still stuck in the quagmire. I hope necessary repairs can be done quickly and inexpensively, wishing you good luck on that.
I am not sure how the cap locks was activated, and I should retype that paragraph, but it is late, I am running on empty, it just is not going to happen tonight. Apologies.
STILL no rain here. Temps are much warmer this week than normal, back into eighties for highs. Days are getting so much shorter, and we loose daylight savings this weekend, it will be dark so early. I need to find my fairy lights to chase away the early gloom. I do have several electric candles, and they have a 4 hour timer, I can set to come on and burn for 4 hours.
I have phoned to get process started for next back procedure. It is a good thing I asked just what they were going to do when I was surprised at how quickly they had approved , and were ready to give me an appointment for tomorrow. ANY of the procedures I have had take longer than that to get insurance approval. What she was scheduling for me was not for the nerve burn I was told was next step. We really have to follow up with questions, advocate for ourselves now to be sure staff at doctors do their job correctly. It is scary at times.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
26/Oct/16 4:01 PM
Magnolia, KY
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That's what I was thinking, MizT. I can just look back in the archives over the past years and write down the incidents with dates.
26/Oct/16 4:58 PM
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Kind of risky (Risqué) ~ ~ ~
As I was getting in bed, she said, 'You’re drunk.'
I said, 'How do you know?'
She said, 'You live next door.'
27/Oct/16 5:17 AM
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