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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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“The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.”
27/Oct/16 5:20 AM
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Hi, Folks!
Great (and true) TOPP, DOrA! I enjoyed your posts on the previous page, too.
MizT, I read and will heed your advice. I now know lots more than I ever hoped to about the process for getting coverage for medications 'not on the formulary.' Hubby called from the hospital about 6:30 this morning to tell me they were going to let him come home. That set me in motion! I spent from about 7 a.m. until almost 11 on the phone with various people at Medicare, our Medicare replacement/supplemental insurance, pharmacy, nurses at hospital, doctors, etc. The process for Prior Authorization was begun on Monday afternoon. Since then, Medicare and insurance kept tossing the responsibility for paying back & forth. I had calls to our primary care doctor, the hospitalist for kidney care, hubby's nephrologist, and all of their offices and assistants. Finally we got a prior authorization number, and the prescription was suddenly filled within minutes, according to the pharmacist. And yet, when I went to pick it up, the pharmacy counter person checked in the computer and told me it was still waiting for prior authorization. I almost lost it then, as I was planning to go directly from picking up the medication to the hospital to pick up hubby. I sat down for about 10 minutes while she checked further (after I explained all that had previously transpired in the previous days). Suddenly she called me up and said it was a computer glitch that indicated that they were still waiting for approval by the insurance company. After I paid, I received a voice mail telling me that it was ready for pick-up. Somehow, I can't envision hubby going through all of that for me, though, of course, I could be wrong.
Heidi and MizT, what a great idea to look back through the archives of SA to document much of IH's actions. A big cheer for Gath/Garth (I'm too tired to remember which is correct right now) for starting this website. He may inadvertently have helped in the upcoming proceedings.
Thinking of each of you and sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, healing energy, and positive thoughts!
27/Oct/16 5:41 PM
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Julie, what a pain! Make sure to tell hubby what you had to go through, not to complain, but so he knows what to do if you ever need someone to do it for you. I'd write it down though. If he's anything like my hubby it would go in one ear and out the other. Even the fact it can be done could be forgotten. Love him to death and he treats me way better than I deserve, but....
27/Oct/16 7:45 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I leave to meet with my new lawyer in 9 hours. I really hope she has good news for me.... such as I can take him to the cleaners. I figure that I have a bargaining chip that IH hasn't thought of yet. He asked me for a divorce and I responded that I needed to think about it. I did NOT say that I'd give him the divorce. He badly wants to marry his girlfriend, and ''live in a good christian household'', so if I threaten to NOT give him the divorce, he should give in to my demands.
28/Oct/16 2:56 PM
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HI, Everyone!
About to head to bed. I think hubby may be getting a bit more sleep at home than at the hospital. As for me, acting nurse and emptier or random bags attached to his body, not so much.
Thanks for the suggestion, Suzy. I honestly am surprised that I was able to stick to my plan for hours and keep nudging at Medicare, insurance, pharmacy, and doctors in order to get things done. Sometimes I'd get more frustrated and cry, but alway tried to be polite, friendly, but insistent that things had to get done, and appreciative for the help offered. The pharmacy's senior assistant whatever, who worked with me for almost 2 1/2 hours on Monday (and had the day off Tuesday and Wednesday) called me today to be sure things had been taken care of. She had checked when she came in to work to be sure the prescription had been filled and picked up and asked if hubby was able to come home. She wanted to know if anything else needed to be done. When I got off the phone with her, I commented to husband that THAT is what customer service is all about!
Heidi, I hope the appointment with the lawyer went well, and nothing but positives will come of the legal proceedings!
And now, off to bed, until the next check on bags in just over 3 hours.
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
28/Oct/16 4:33 PM
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Julie, hope you can get some time to yourself now hubby is home. what a kerfuffle trying to sort out medication. Hope you are both feeling better soon.
Heidi - even the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying 'Christianity is another word for compassion' where does IH fit in???? think he is delusional. I hope your meeting with the lawyer is all you wish for. You certainly will bear the brunt of responsibility for all the animals you have in your care.
Broni - hope your trip to Vic was enjoyable (except of course the expense of car). Weather is fining up again so I guess you have probably left!!
Mizt - glad the weather is better for you now. Look forward to hearing about your garden. Is Tanya o.k. now?
Suzy - how are you these days?
DorA - like the TOPP
Have had a vexing week - blood tests each day and ultrasound this a.m.. Biopsy on the cards for early next week - renal dr thinks kidney tx may be rejecting. Bit of a bummer but will just have to wait and see what gives - no point in getting stressed out. Big horse racing time here at the moment with the main racing day next Tuesday - Melbourne Cup. Our horse is finally better and starting training again - hopefully will be ready to race in about 6 weeks. Cheers for now to everyone
28/Oct/16 4:42 PM
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Dana just sent me these...
Toddler Test. No coaching. Just ask the question and write down the answer.
•What is your name? Daniel
•How old are you? Big boy!
•When is your birthday? Daddy's birthday
•How old is Mummy? Dana
•What is your favorite color? Umm blue
•What is your favorite food? Blue eat
•Who is your best friend? Steven
•What is your favourite animal? Cow
•What are you scared of? Monster
•What makes you happy? Grandma
•Where is your favorite place to go? Grandma's house
•What do you want to be when you grow up? BIG!
•What does love mean? Daniel ... Yes big boy
Toddler Test. No coaching. Just ask the question and write down the answer.
•What is your name? Tahli
•How old are you? 4
•When is your birthday? Umm 5
•How old is Mummy? Umm I don't know
•What is your favorite color? Pink
•What is your favorite food? Anything
•Who is your best friend? Grandma
•What is your favourite animal? Elephant
•What are you scared of? Spiders
•What makes you happy? You!
•Where is your favorite place to go? Mummy's house
•What do you want to be when you grow up? Tahli
•What does love mean?
I can love anything
28/Oct/16 9:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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To quote Gandhi:
I like your Christ.
I do not like your Christians.
They are so unlike your Christ.
That fits that hypocritical IH to a T. He truly believes that he is wonderful, and sees nothing wrong in committing adultery, because it is what he wanted to do. He's always justified everything wrong that he's wanted to do that way. I was always the bad guy because I questioned his ethics and honesty. Like the time I caught him preparing to go deer hunting with some friends... without a hunting license. I told him that if he broke the law, I would turn him in. He then lied to me and said that he was just going to keep them company, he wasn't going hunting. I reiterated that I would have him arrested if he broke the law. He swore up and down that he would NOT do anything illegal. When I got up the following morning, he was gone.... with his rifle. So I calld the police and told them what he was up to, where he was parked, and gave them his license plate number. They caught him in the act of shooting a deer (and lord knows what else). He was arrested and had to go to court. He was found guilty of 3 separate charges, and fined $3,000.oo. He wouldn't tell me what all the charges were. Of course, he was furious with me, though I told him that it was his choice completely. I don't know what he told his family, but they wouldn't speak to me for a long time, until I explained exactly what happened. They they were mad at HIM. Not long afterwards, he went to a local garden center at night, when they were closed, and helped himself to some equipment. He saw nothing wrong with that because he NEEDED it, and the shop had it there for their customers use. I explained that taking something that wasn't yours... without the knowledge or permission of the owners.... is stealing..... and if he didn't return it I would have him arrested again. He begged ME to return it!!!! When I exploded, he took it back late at night so nobody would see him. But he never understood that whathe did was wrong, he juist got mad at me for threatening him with arrest. I'm SO glad I don't have to deal with that cr*p any more.
28/Oct/16 11:50 PM
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Heidi, I'm so glad you won't have to deal with all that cr@p anymore. You've told us the deer story before, though I'd forgotten it until you retold it. I don't remember the garden centre one. He really is the opposite of a 'good christian' isn't he? As I'm not a Christian myself, I'll add that he's just not a good human being.
Julie, wishing you a good nights sleep, or at least recognition and gratitude from your husband,
Midge, I really hope they are wrong about your transplant!
29/Oct/16 1:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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Just lost a start of a nice post, and no time to recreate it. short version, I am thinking of you this morning Heidi, sending wishes that today's meeting with your lawyer goes even better than you hope.
Julie, I understand about having hubby at home while he is connected to things that must be checked, cleaned, emptied etc. It is hard work. Try to rest when you can between times. Can you at least have some help, someone to come to help bathe him or something? We had a lady who came in 3 days a week to bathe and change his linens, just having one thing taken from the long list was such a relief. did he have a social worker or a meeting with a discharge planning nurse or some such before leaving hospital? I think that is who arranged for the help we had.
Suzy, love the toddler test.
Midge, I hope things improve and there is not any rejection going on. thoughts, prayers and wishes for the best outcome.
DORA, very cute risky today made me chuckle.
I must get a soaker hose ordered from the garden center, so Tanya can pick it up on her way over today. I discovered the shrubs at front of building are dying, presumably from lack of water. Our director said yes, get the hose needed and bring in the receipt. We shall water at night, since the garden hose must cross the walkway. Front door is locked at 5 pm, till 8 am, so no one should be using that walkway over night, hopefully.
Hugs everyone, with extras.
29/Oct/16 2:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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What is happening? double posting of anything in the 'more' section, strange. I did not type it twice, promise.
29/Oct/16 2:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The ''more'' section will double post if you accidentally double click on ''more''.
Met with the lawyer. She's marvelous. A horse and dog person who takes in rescues. We got along great. She reassured me on a lot of things, and clarified things that I didn't know about. It looks good for me.
29/Oct/16 3:17 AM
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Hi, Everyone! I should have gone to bed after the last emptying, but needed to get through some of the many emails that came in while I was otherwise occupied.
Midge, I pray that they are wrong about your kidney transplant! It can truly be a challenge. We will have 18th anniversary of hubby's transplant next month. Sending prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy to you!
Suzy, I enjoyed the toddler tests! What fun to read how the little ones interpret and answer the questions! I hope you are feeling well and your health is improving! Your analysis of IH as not being a good human is very accurate!
MizT, I hope the soaker hose helps the shrubs at the front of the building! How have you been feeling? Hoping both you and Tanya are feeling healthier!
Heidi, I'm so glad you and the lawyer have connected on various levels. Hears hoping IH is completely surprised by what's coming his way! He totally deserves to be treated in a way he has treated so many others, and especially to get a sampling of the way he has treated you over the years.
One of hubby's bags sprung a leak today. Not fun. He proceeded to tell me that the one time it happened at the hospital was much worse. So I proceeded to tell him that they are much more prepared for dealing with that at the hospital. Supplies handy, excellent lighting, a bed that can be raised to a more comfortable height for the person cleaning up the patient and linens, a laundry service to provide clean linens, etc. It's a learning experience. I will need to be a bit more of a nag and ask every 3 or so hours that we check fluid levels. We'll get through this!
Sending very positive thoughts, much healing energy,
, prayers, and warm {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
29/Oct/16 4:28 PM
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Oh Julie, so much for you to deal with and you sound so patient with your Hubby. Sorry that you have so much to cope with at the moment. Makes my problems sound trivial.
midge, hope the transplant is OK and everything works out.
Heidi, I am sure IH is in for quite a shock with what he has started. I just hope it means you will be calmer and more at peace without him.
29/Oct/16 9:31 PM
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Tricia, I work away in the garden for short bursts but I am sure I do not get near as much done as you do.
Chemo went well this week and Iinally got a result on the tumour markers. They have dropped from around 360 to about 160. It means the treatment is having some results.
29/Oct/16 9:34 PM
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Just spent some time looking at DoA's page under his original name. Love all your dogs and the red hair when you were young.
29/Oct/16 9:48 PM
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Today's ''feel good'' story.
Georgia girl, four, forms heart-warming friendship with lonely widower, 82, after noticing him by himself in a grocery store
Full story: ndship-lonely-widower-82-noticing-grocery-store.html
30/Oct/16 5:06 AM
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June, thx for not ''Blowing My Cover''!!!
30/Oct/16 5:08 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I am happy to say the thirsty azaleas in front of our building are mostly responding to a good overnight soaking. I ran it for about 5 hours last night, then a couple of more this morning, in the worst affected area. But ya know, a dead branch is not gonna make a comeback with just a bit of water.
I have the second section receiving water now, and will give more to the section that has a huge oak leaf hydrangea. Tanya clawed her way back under it to place the soaker hose yesterday, I think it was too close to the base of the plant. It is huge, it's roots I am sure are out as far as it's limbs reach. It perked up a bit but is telling me it is still thirsty.
No one has complained about the garden hose going across the walkway. Really no one should be using that entrance, I think I said nights and weekends that door is locked. Residents can go out, but cannot enter that door. When I went out last night well after dark, I took someone with me, to stand at the door to let me back in. I could have gone all the way around building to the side entrance, with the electronic lock, but there have been some muggings and car break-ins just across the street from our building, best not to take a chance. Martha went down with me, stood just inside the door, while I went about 25 feet down the front porch to turn off the water. Nice to have friends to help!
I got the fountain going again this morning too. I love hearing it's quite trickle when in the area between buildings. It's water had got too low, and someone, probably maintenance had just unplugged the pump. So I refilled it with water, let it sit a bit till the water cleared again, then plugged it back in, problem solved.
Tanya had a coffee date Thursday night. This a young man she found online, but they had a mutual friend, someone Tanya went to school with. BOTH of them checked with the friend, who vouched for both of them, so they decided on a coffee date. I am glad she is finding someone to go w=out with. she was gone from this area so long, lost contact with her friends, and most are married and have children now. Hope this works out they can be friends and spend some time together.
I need to cook today. I made slaw, have one piece of fish cooked, that can be lunch, just add some sliced tomatoes. I have a pot of soup that can be dinner, but nothing else cooked. Might make a vegetable slice, I have an abundance of eggs on hand. Always have cheese in the freezer, probably some ham in there. this is beginning to sound pretty good hehehe.
Time to move the hose, more later.
30/Oct/16 5:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've got the 'flu. Feel lousy.
30/Oct/16 4:27 PM
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Greetings, Friends!
So sorry I let off steam yesterday. I didn't realize how much I was ranting. Will try to tone things down if I get that carried away again. It helped that I was able to sleep for about an hour this afternoon.
June, thanks so much for charing the good news that the tumor markers have dropped! That sounds pretty significant. Hooray that the treatment is producing results!
DOrA, thanks for sharing the story about the little girl and the senior citizen. Very heartwarming!
June and DOrA, you now have me quite intrigued, wondering if I once knew you under a different name. Well, it doesn't matter a bit. We enjoy having you here! And thanks for periodically posting happy stories and joke for us to enjoy!
MIzT, I hope Tanya enjoys her coffee date. Hooray for both of you getting water to the thirsty plants and shrubs!
Heidi, I hope the flu departs quickly. Perhaps that's one thing you might want to share with IH.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, prayers, and positive thoughts for everyone!
30/Oct/16 6:01 PM
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Feel better Heidi!
Julie, I think your rant was well earned and not very ranty. You must be exhausted! Big hugs!
MizT, I've lost our soaker hose. The last time I remember using it was on a 40 (104) degree day last year to keep the dogs cool. They work well don't they?
June, I'm so happy about your markers!
Well I'm off to walk on my treadmill. I'm trying to get back into the daily habit. I got out of it when I went to hospital and I'm finding it hard to start up again.
31/Oct/16 11:09 AM
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Hello, Everyone!
Suzy, good for your getting back into the habit of walking on the treadmill. Keep up the good work! We're all cheering you on!
Walking on the treadmill is a habit I think I should get into. I'm also trying to find a way to get hubby moving! Two weeks in the hospital, and never more than twice a day for very short walks, and his muscles really show the lack of tone and strength. By the time he came home, they had a 'Fall Risk' bracelet on him. He is extremely weak and has no stamina. Even using a walker, I don't know how he's going to make it to a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon and another on Friday. He's definitely not ready for a treadmill, even if it were on the main floor of the house, rather than in the basement.
June, I'm hoping those markers continue to improve. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
MizT, I hope the soaker hose is working to bring some life to the shrubs that had been so in need of water! Take care of yourself and don't over-do
I hope you're feeling better, Heidi! Keep a pad of paper and pen or pencil nearby so you'll be able to make your needs known AND to write down anything that comes into your mind regarding IH and his treatment of you.
I'm falling asleep & at least need to get some rest before the next emptying of bags in under an hour.
Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, prayers and positive thoughts!
31/Oct/16 5:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Still sick as a dog.
01/Nov/16 7:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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01/Nov/16 7:09 AM
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Happy Halloween to all!
Sending spooky and positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, and prayers! Take care, Everyone!
01/Nov/16 6:04 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm feeling better today, since I got some severe cold and 'flu medicine. I'm SO enjoying not having IH around here harassing me, lying to me and breaking things. I'm not feeling lonely since I can visit friends anyntime I want to. In fact, I'm going to a horse seminar and banquet at a top restaurant on Thursday evening.
02/Nov/16 1:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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Checking in before bedtime. It is still degrees too warm for November, and dry as a desert here. We badly need rain. One of our sources of water is drying up, luckily the last drought they found a way to bring in water from the far north of the coverage area, from a river that is not so affected by the local drought.
Heidi, I hope you are better soon. June, so glad to hear the markers are down such a significant amount. Midge, thinking of you, hope everything is OK. Julie, you should try for more rest. I know it is hard, but you cannot keep going and going, you are not the energizer bunny. As to getting hubby to doctors appointments, do the doctors have valet parking? Is there a wheel chair available to roll him to the office. those are sometimes available, it does not hurt to phone ahead and ask.
Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later, my bed is calling.
02/Nov/16 2:47 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, glad you are better. Have fun, enjoy the horse seminar and banquet, you deserve some time out with people.
02/Nov/16 2:49 PM
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Happy November, Everyone!
Heidi, so glad to hear you are feeling better, free of harassment, lying, stealing, breaking, judgmental thoughts! Hooray for the way things are now Enjoy visiting whichever friends you want to visit whenever you want to visit them. Especially enjoy the horse seminar and banquet on Thursday. Already your life is improving!
MizT, I wish your area would start getting more seasonally appropriate temperatures and some rain to prepare ground and plants for heading into the cooler temperatures of winter!
I totally agree that I need more sleep. Unfortunately, the getting up every 3 1/2 or 4 hours all night to check and empty bags is non-negotiable. We had a leak yesterday evening. Got everything and the 'patient' cleaned up & laundry done & texted a photo of stoma and raw skin around it to the home health care nurse. She came this morning for a scheduled visit and wanted to see everything and re-do the 'installation,' so another complete set of equipment used. Then, this afternoon, hubby says, 'I feel dampness.' Well, by then we didn't just have another leak. We had a complete mess! More clean-up of everything and everyone (just as I was going to try to get a nap). I banished hubby to the shower for a more thorough cleaning. So, in less than 24 hours, we used 3 complete sets of equipment and did several loads of laundry. I think his T-shirts will be permanently stained. FRUSTRATION, not just because of wasted equipment but also because we haven't been able to figure out what is causing the leaks. Of course, my 'nursing skills' are extremely limited and SLOW, especially trying to cut the barrier to size and place things around bandages and steri strips still attached and covering stitches from the surgery. I'm hoping it will eventually get better!
And now, I'm off to bed. Sending healing energy,
, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts to everyone, even if I didn't mention you!
I will try not to rant tomorrow.
02/Nov/16 3:13 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I did a good deed again. One of the neighbors (lives a mile away) was in need of a bunch of hay for the winter, and contacted IH. He suggested that they talk to me about getting a cutting of hay off my field, and splitting it 70/30. So they called me. I dodn't need any more hay so I gave them permission to cut the entire field and keep all the hay free of charge. I told them that it was going to go to waste otherwise, so they might as well benefit. They were delighted. It looks like they got about 75 rolls. That's enough to feed their herd for at least 2 months. And it's good quality hay. Well fertilized.
02/Nov/16 3:18 PM
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Just a quick hello to Everyone without reading. Thinking of you today, MizT. We'r having a nice slow rain today. Wish I could send some your way.
Hope to be back later.
03/Nov/16 5:20 AM
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Heidi - even IH has to acknowledge what a kind person you are - you have a good heart. I hope your neighbours play it forward. You must feel like a 'dog off the leash' without IH in the background all of the time.
June - so pleased to see your markers are improving and you are keeping your strength up. It is frustrating having to rest but you have to listen to your body and take it easy.
Julie - I am sorry it is so hard for you both now but it will get better. Bicarb of soda is good for the stains, it saved a lot of my clothes when those awful embarrassing leaks occurred. I had silicone circle patches to place around stoma and they worked really well (also came from the US). Hope the nurse can try these.
Hello to MizT, Suzy, DorA, Broni, Nola and whoever I have unintentionally missed,
We had a lovely Melbourne Cup Day - sister and her partner came for a bbq. Hubby gave no. 1 son a tip and he outrageously put $100 on the nose and luckily won $1100 so he had a great day. I picked 3 winners but as usual didn't back them - I just like watching. My creatinine level has come down so I am getting a reprieve from daily blood tests - they think it may have spiked because of the dental work, so I don't have to front up to the clinic for another 2 weeks - hooray. Insurance co. finally fixed the kitchen ceiling and painted - so good to have it all clean again. The ceiling is also raked and very high one side so glad that someone else had to paint it. More expense on the way though - new fence one side (dog next door broke through fence and into the pool area so that is a must) and with the warmer weather we started to get more flying termites inside. So looks like a lean time ahead as both of these are urgent repairs. All up about $6k. We have emptied the pool in case the dog gets in again whilst we are at work. Hubby and no. 3 son off to Singapore this weekend for work so quiet time next week at home but busy at work. Cheers for now. Oh, MizT hope you get the rain you need.
03/Nov/16 10:47 AM
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Hello again!
Heidi, you undeniably have a heart of gold! I'm so glad the neighbors are able to use the hay which you would not have used! How sensible for them to call you after having spoken to IH. Was he thinking HE was going to get a cut of any money?
Midge, thank you for the suggestions! Even though I check connections and adhesives each time we empty, it seems to be the adhesive that suddenly 'fails.' Thanks for the suggestion for dealing with stains! I'm just glad I had not gotten around to replacing some of hubby's older T-shirts yet! The stoma nurse from the hospital who had worked with us returned my call and suggested that we ask the home nurse to order a 'belt' that helps to support the bag/apparatus. Apparently it's designed for people who are active in sports, but she thinks it may help in hubby's case. It's worth a try. I'm not sure how many visits we will get from the home nurse. I think she initially mentioned 4. She came twice last week, once so far this week, and said she will be here Friday morning.
Midge, I'm so pleased to read that your creatinine level has come down. It could well have been elevated due to dental work. I know it's very sensitive for hubby, and they were checking daily while in the hospital. Definitely a reprieve when you no longer need daily blood tests. Twice a month was a big move for us, then monthly, every other month, every 3 months, every 3-6 months (which is pretty much where we are now. Coming up on 18-year anniversary since transplant later this month. Sending prayers that you will one day celebrate that anniversary!
Midge, good luck with your other expenses, including replacement fence and eradicating flying termites. You certainly have your hands full! Enjoy the quieter time at home, even if things don't quiet down at work!
MizT, did you get any of our rain? Apparently Cleveland is getting some of it. I was trying to send it a bit further south.
June, thinking of you and hoping things are continuing to go well for you. Keep up your strength as well as you can. Small amounts of exertion followed by rest periods. (Same tune I'm singing for hubby right now.)
Good wishes to all I haven't mentioned. May your days be full of light and happiness. Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
03/Nov/16 4:01 PM
qld, australia
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Hi my friends.
Yes Midge, now out of Victoria, were you suggesting I brought the bad weather? Hehe!
June, drove near Epping today and waved to you. Hope everything is still improving.
Julie, try and get some rest. I agree with Zusy not much of a rant.
Heidi, Woo Hoo!
MizT, hope you have got some rain.
Take care all my friends.
03/Nov/16 7:58 PM
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Julie, budget and time busting! I'm guessing using up equipment means more time arguing with insurance companies, or standing in line. Thinking of you!
It's Thursday again so no visit from June. I'll check my email tomorrow.
Midge, I'll disagree about Gil. If he acknowledges that Heidi does good things, it contradicts his self justification that he is leaving her for a 'better' person. I think your comments meant that it was the dental work and not a possible rejection that caused your problems. I will quietly cheer hoping I've understood correctly.
Broni, if you are past June, you're past me too. 😩
Heidi, it must be wonderful to know your work will not be undone....
03/Nov/16 11:01 PM
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MizT, sending a rain dance your way.
03/Nov/16 11:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, you come here and rant two or three times a day, if you need to. We will listen, and send hugs. It sounds really hard on you. I remember the days a patient needing this much care was kept in the hospital. Times surely have changed.
Thanks for all the wishes for rain and the rain dance, Suzy. No rain in the next 10 day forecast! More and more birds coming to our bird bath for water, and I have even noticed butterflies and bees stopping for a drink. I am glad we can still water outside plants. NO overhead sprinklers allowed, but soaker hoses and watering from watering cans is not prohibited. I do not think I said, we are on the north side of the 'mountain', really a big hill hehehe, that previously totally separated our water sources. Ours comes from a river that collects water from a wider area, so that has not dropped. It is the lake that is reservoir for the south 'over the mountain' area of Birmingham that is so dangerously low. the connection they were able to make last drought between the two systems cannot carry enough water from the north to supply the south's entire water needs.
I looked back at my gardening calendar, the last rain I marked (when it was enough so I could delay watering a couple days) was mid August.
I have flying insect in my petunias and now in pansies and violas. Killing them. Today I sprayed everything with soapy water, hope I can get rid of some of them. I shall do again tomorrow, if my hand/thumb/wrist allows. If not maybe I can find someone to spray for me.
I need to be off to kitchen. Tomorrow is our Residents Association Bake Sale. Always a good fund raiser, but not many signed up to bake. I made 5 dozen cookies yesterday, and fudge today. Now to get a cake baked tonight. Must have them down by 9 am. Hugs to everyone with extras.
04/Nov/16 10:27 AM
Alabama, USA
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Cake was a total failure. First, the oven must not be level, cakes were nice and thick one side, thin the other. then one layer was burned to a crisp on the bottom. I think it was the one back in the oven. That layer went into trash. Other layer is too brown and dry to sale, I might half it and ice it for personal use. Bummer. No time, energy or the ingredients to make another. Glad I signed up for 'cookies or a cake'. They get cookies and fudge. Such is life.
04/Nov/16 12:29 PM
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Suzy - we actually agree - I meant that even he should recognise a kind heart after this, but of course he is too much of a self-indulgent idiot to do that. How is the treadmill going? Was thinking of getting one a while ago as we live in a very hilly area and walking up and down is not easy. Are you keeping well now? Fingers crossed.
04/Nov/16 1:12 PM
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