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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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Maybe I'll move to Canada.
09/Nov/16 6:49 PM
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When I stopped taking Endone I started taking Targin. I started stopping that and last took it less than a week ago. I just checked withdrawal symptoms and I now know why I cannot get to sleep and have twitching symptoms. Not bad, just a nuisance.
Back to bed as I do need some sleep. We have an appointment in the City tomorrow morning and out to dinner tomorrow night.
10/Nov/16 12:52 AM
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Wonderful reply to T, Suzy.
June, glad you have found out what it causing you more problems - hopefully the twitching will not last long.
Julie, great news - the op for reversal is not a hard one. Now hubby has had good news, I am sure his spirits will lift and he will be on the way to better health. Sitting used to cause my bag to leak and I used a paste in the crease area to 'spackle' up the dent, Maybe this could help.
Heidi - commiserations - I watched the election all day yesterday on the computer at work. I believe this will result in a JFK solution. Wonder how relations will go with France now after the President said Trump made him 'retch'....
Good wishes to all
10/Nov/16 12:12 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Most world leaders stated similar sentiments, Midge, except Putin.
10/Nov/16 5:23 PM
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A difficult day for many around the world. I prefer to focus my thoughts on positive thoughts today (as much as is possible).
June, sometimes it's beneficial just knowing what is causing the unpleasant symptoms. Hoping for better days AND NIGHTS!
Midge, thank you for another wonderful suggestion. Your experience and knowledge are helping us get through this. I'm so sorry your knowledge comes from personal experience. Sending you wishes for excellent health from now on!
Sharing all the
, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, positive and cheerful thoughts, prayers, and healing energy for everyone!
10/Nov/16 6:44 PM
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I've seen a few wonderful posts about going high. How it is more important than ever to show love and tolerance to our fellow human beings, especially those who are in the groups he has vilified, but including those who appear to think like he spoke. (I'm half convinced he doesn't think half of the things he said, except the stuff about women, irl. He just knew saying them would get him votes, which is sad in itself). I count myself lucky that I'm well beyond anyone wanting to grab my kitty cat, and feel sorry for anyone who tried to grab my daughters'. One has thrown more than one guy using aikido. The other did taikwondo and could if she needed to.
10/Nov/16 9:31 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greeting friends. I leave for the procedure on my back in less than 2 hours. Need to do hair and get dressed. I have to keep reminding myself, NO Tricia, you cannot have coffee this morning. If you do not hear from me for a few days, know I was unlucky enough to be one who has a temporary increase in pain and is enough I am just dealing with that. Many have mild or no 'discomfort', after procedure. no way to predict who will and who will not have problems. Tanya is not able to come drive me, her medication change has left her sleep deprived, to the point she cannot drive. She is better this morning after some sleep last night, hoping this continues. Mary, who I play scrabble with weekly, will be my driver, and two neighbors across the hall will check in on me today to be sure I am recovering OK. Our social worker will also check in on me today, so I will be fine.
Julie, it was me who wants the rolling stool, and yes, draftsmen use it at a large drafting table. I just need to find one the correct height, and I KNOW there will be so many to choose from when I search on Amazon, providing I use the correct words
. It is just something I cannot do at the moment. I need to somehow measure just how high I want it to be, hard to do with just my imagination. Once today's procedure is over, if successful, I should be in a place where with help can get this done. Sorry I did not finish reading, time to get dressed and everything ready to go. I will drop back in if time permits, if not, would appreciate the Sudoku prayers, thoughts, good wishes and healthy vibes that seem to work so well.
Huge hugs to each of you, with extras.
11/Nov/16 1:01 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends, I am home. Almost as soon as anesthesia wore off, pain shot down Left leg (they only did left side today) So I hope that means they got the correct spot. I got extra non narcotic pain med injected, and pain got better. I have had breakfast and a nice nap. Back to bed with me now, hugs.
11/Nov/16 7:02 AM
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Thoughts are with you MizT for a quick recovery and pain relief. The rolling chair you are after - could an adjustable office chair without arms be o.k.? Then you can have the height wherever it is most comfortable.
Well said Suzy. So sorry for the reaction in USA - shows both sides are no better than each other.
Heidi - Putin makes my skin crawl.
11/Nov/16 10:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Trump makes MY skin crawl.
Something interesting happened. I got an email accidentally sent to me instead of IH, from his lawyer. He told his lawyer who mine is, and his lawyer has now dropped him as a client!!!
11/Nov/16 11:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that is Unbelievable. Your lawyer must really have a reputation for winning. I am wondering if Gil is trying to find a lawyer willing to handle the case then collect his fee from YOU. Just a thought that popped into my head
11/Nov/16 4:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I asked around, and believe I found the best divorce lawyer in Kentucky.
11/Nov/16 4:40 PM
Alabama, USA
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Midge, I have the type chair you described, I call it a secretary chair. The lift was not enough to give me the height I really need, but was a lot better than it is now when it still worked. It no longer adjusts. If it did, that would give me an idea height I need. Thanks for the suggestion, appreciate your reply.
Heidi, did Gil's former lawyer state a reason in the letter? No need to disclose, just wondering if he did say more.
UPDATE on procedure, you can skip if you want
getting that dern headache again, it is manageable now with lying flat except short periods, ice to back of my neck alternating with ice to by injection sites as instructed. discharge instructions also state among other things to call imediately if sudden loss of bowel or bladder control. Weeelll I have had a slow decrese of urine output, input is many times output. Hands, fingers, arms have been puffy (better now). Of course noone is in office at night, and no choice on the voice mail you get for an emergency number. Just 'call 911 if this is an emergency. IF urine output stoops tonight, I shall, and will TRY to get office in am, but they do not have office hours on Friday, I might not be able to get a live person. option would be to go down there, and see if the door is open and find someone, did that once before. they are all locked in the back so might be a wasted trip. I will figure it out later, do not want to go to ER, I would wait hours to be seen. Urgent care would be an option at 8 am. We will see. I so often do unusual things, mentioned that to doc today, perhaps I jinxed myself???
Both of them make my skin crawl.
11/Nov/16 4:40 PM
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We can throw in our opposition leader - Bill Shorten - a slimy cheater.
If your hands and fingers get puffy and no urine output, please get someone to take you to a hospital, don't wait until morning. If thinking of Niagara Falls and the tap running doesn't do the trick, then you need help. Hope you can get some decent rest.
Heidi had to laugh when I read about IH's lawyer dropping him. It will get out and his friends will know - is his hide so thick it won't embarrass him? Any way you can spread the news anonymously?
Julie I hope your visit from the nurse is helpful. I was very lucky to have a wonderful home nurse from Persia, only saw him twice but he was very good.
11/Nov/16 5:25 PM
Alabama, USA
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Midge, swelling has been getting steadily better. I think I found the cause. the non narcotic injection, toradol, can rarely in one I V dose lead to both puffiness and lack decrease or lack of urine. treatment is to discontinue medication. Diuretics or other medication not advised, a wait till am is not ill advised. I found information in professional literature, from a widely respected University associated hospital. Urine output has also increased, not a LOT but going up every time I go. I have taken sleeping meds and pain meds and am going to bed now, it is only 1:30 am.
took me that long to search, Mr Google was waiting for the correct words from me hehehe
11/Nov/16 6:28 PM
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Just popping in to say Hello and Good Night from here.
Sending healing energy for all, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
. May each of you have the best day ever!
11/Nov/16 6:41 PM
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I would be happy to have a leader, of whichever party, who followed evidence based information, as against politically based.
11/Nov/16 7:54 PM
Alabama, USA
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I think I am all better now. Plumbing working as it should, Right hip pain did not wake me this morning, 'twas the need for the necessary room, YEAH. I can put rings back on, even ankles are slim and normal. Just need to let doc know, so we can add another medication to the 'serious side effects' column. Think I will try for a bit more sleep, as I am yawning, it is just 6:30 am, and I was awake late.
11/Nov/16 11:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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12/Nov/16 6:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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I have the best neighbors and friends here at EP. One brought me fruit and and another brought me milk when each went to grocery, one called to check if I needed her to come help me, one brought me her Ice pack, another brought me a frozen water bottle from downstairs freezer, in our kitchen. My freezer will not refreeze bottle in over 24 hours, bummer. But a frozen one from downstairs that has been in freezer weeks will definitely last over 24 hours, even if I forget to take it back between use. No that ice bottle is not for my head, that is for back, and the water bottle shape fits well into my recliner right at the spot of injections. For my head, I need more flexible, so I use 2 one pound bags of frozen peas, alternate those. The flexible ice pack Connie brought was too big, and it smelled like cig smoke! she is new neighbor that moved into apartment across the hall, the one Barbara kept telling management it smelled like cig smoke. They never believed her, or did not want to smell it. It has gotten much worse since Connie moved in, I think I mentioned once just standing at her door and it smelled terrible. I do not think she smokes, still coming from another apartment. Or maybe from the smoking area if she has her windows open. You know, I think she does, cause I hear her door slam when she closes it, the draft between our hall and the windows will pull it out of your hand and slam it if you are not supper careful.
Medical update follows, read only if you wish, I will never know
Well, everything OK but the headache side effect. It comes and goes. Just had a nice hour and half nap, too late in the day, but wake with nothing hurting once again, not even head, just need for potty. Plumbing functioning as before the procedure. I have been doing facebook on my smart phone, using talk to text, so I can have something to do while almost flat for the headache problem.
OK< back to recliner, as meds are wearing off, and head is beginning to start again. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
12/Nov/16 2:42 PM
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Greetings and {{{HUGS}}} to everyone!
I have spent far too much time (in my opinion) on the computer today. We have a 'built-in' microwave oven that died today. I have been trying to find a replacement that will fit, as we have no plan to renovate the kitchen. Even a small countertop microwave weighs more than hubby is allowed to lift. We called a neighbor who had to replace their microwave in the past year to find out if they found one that would fit in the 'built-in' space. Nope, they also settled for a countertop version. We use the microwave almost daily - my oatmeal in the morning, the 'Bed Buddy' (like MizT's rice sock) for the aches and pains, reheating food for a second meal, etc. We will need to find something that will work until we are able to find the 'ideal' oven that will fit in the space allowed.
My eyes are tired and blurry, so I need to head to bed and take up my quest again in the morning.
Sending healing energy, prayers,
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive thoughts for everyone!
12/Nov/16 5:38 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Just got an email from Gil. He's now willing to agree to all my terms for the divorce and settle it uncontested. I'd forwarded the email from his lawyer to him, that had mistakenly been sent to me, along with a note telling him that we could still settle it uncontested through my lawyer, on my terms, or we would both lose. I thought my terms were very fair.... especially considering his slimy behavior. Well, I won.
13/Nov/16 7:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I hate to hear you saying you will settle on terms you call fair. You are too generous by far, and I think you could get more than what you have asked for. Forgive me if I am wrong or die putting my 2 cents worth in unasked, but I know how generous you to others and I also know how much you want this over. When I divorced, my lawyer reminded me, when I was ready to settle for less than I got, this is the rest of your life you are talking about. You need to look long term, think of your ability to take care of all your animals. If you cannot be greedy for yourself, be greedy for your animals, your dogs, your birds, horses and cattle. Just my thoughts, friend. I do hope it is settled soon and you are finished dealing with him,
Julie, we moved into a home with built in microwave with no microwave in it. We had one that would fit into the space with room left over, and used it that way until hubby could modify the opening to fit the new size. Not as pretty, but it works without taking up valuable counter space. We did not have enough counter space was the driving reason for out solution.
head is better, I can be up longer, and do not have to lue flat to get relief, just back in a comfy angle in recliner. It is getting better, I even went downstairs for a bit, to wait for mail. I had packages coming in today. Two were books, one a gift.
Tanya now has sleeping med she needs, I hope that is all she will need to get better. I send out my request for this to the great unknown, please join me in whatever manner suits you.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
13/Nov/16 9:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What I call fair is: the house and everything in it, 118 acres, and the cattle. He's been left with 37 acres, the lab (former milk parlor) and his office (double wide trailer). I plan on selling most of the cattle (keeping 10) and leasing out the rest of the property for crops.... except for the front 2 pastures (20 acres total) for the few cattle and the horses to graze. I can buy hay for them. That will give me sufficient to live on well. If the divorce is contested, by Kentucky law everything has to be sold at auction, and the proceeds split. He cannot touch my source of income. And in a couple of months I will start to collect a share of his Social Security.
13/Nov/16 12:13 PM
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There is only one thing wrong with your plan Heidi. He's not in another state! Or at least county.... it does seem fair though.
13/Nov/16 3:29 PM
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MizT, sending out vibes to Tanya! I hope the pills work. It sounds like you are doing better. Is the pain relief elsewhere worth the pain in your head?
13/Nov/16 3:31 PM
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Good Evening, Everybody!
Heidi, if you're pleased with the terms that Gil is agreeing to, then I'm happy for you. I'm surprised that he is willing to be reasonable, but am relieved that you have such a top=notch attorney who I am sure will see to it that the settlement is in your favor. The advice MizT got from her attorney was very sensible! It seems that you and your attorney have thought things through well, and you and your animals will be well cared for. Hopefully, when everything is done, you won't need to see much of Gil ever again!
MizT, I am SO glad you are feeling so much better and the procedure apparently worked. I hope Tanya's sleeping medication will have her feeling much better soon, as well!
After between 5 and 6 hours researching microwave ovens and trying to determine if we might be able to buy one that could ultimately fit into the existing opening, hubby decided to spend 30 minutes at most to decide on a microwave. He didn't even ask me to share what I had found or ask if I had a preference based on my research. I let him know that I could have been practicing the cello and checking emails, etc. during the time I spent researching. D, SIL, and grandie who live in Chicago came out for a visit today. SIL and I went to a store where microwave hubby chose was on sale for about $40 off, due to upcoming 'Black Friday' sales. So we have a 1000 Watt, 1.1 cubic foot countertop microwave oven for $109 plus tax. We'll have a chance to try it out tomorrow.
Thinking of each of you and sending
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers.
13/Nov/16 5:10 PM
Magnolia, KY
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He's willing to be reasonable because he REALLY wants a divorce so he can marry his girlfriend, and a contested divorce would hurt him a lot, convenience-wise and financially. And he wants to do this quickly.
13/Nov/16 9:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Just dropped off 2 more cows at the stockyard. They sorted and loaded easily, but danced in the trailer for the full 1 hour drive there. Not fun.
14/Nov/16 4:32 AM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
Heidi, I'm probably over-thinking. It just seems so uncharacteristic for IH to be in such a huge hurry. Is there something we're missing? I hope you attorney can 'read his pulse' to figure out if he has something up his sleeve. I'm not sure how far he can be trusted. (Maybe i'm just super-imposing Trump on him, but his past behavior suggests caution may be warranted.)
Your description of the cows dancing in the trailer all the way to the sale barn painted quite a picture in my mind. I imagine you were thrilled when they could be unloaded! Hopefully such a 'talented' pair will bring a better price.
Sending many {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and
for each of you!
14/Nov/16 5:54 PM
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I had my hair cut today. There is something about my curly hair that makes stylists itch to put product in it and scrunch it into lots of curls. I usually try to soften the curls when I do it myself. Oh well, I'll wash the crud out of it tomorrow and do it my way.
14/Nov/16 8:22 PM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi everyone,
I would like to comment on all the posts, but know that I would lose it before I finish.
So, thinking of you all, especially those with health and other issues.
All Okay here. Paul and I are going to Tasmania early Dec where he will mow his block of land to diminish the fire hazard.
Flying to Launceston this time, not Hobart. which I haven't seen before.
Take care everyone.
14/Nov/16 10:12 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, yes, pain relief for low back will be worth the headache now. In the past, always has subsided in a week or so. This is just day 4. Headache came back this morning in spades, once I got out of bed. I had not done the caffeine that helps after noon yesterday, hoping that would improve my sleep. Did not help much, I was up and down a lot, a yo-yo night. It is such a juggling act sometimes, everything affects something else. Head is down to a dull roar when up now, can get it gone if lying back in recliner. So up a bit, down a bit.
I have learned talk to text for FB. I can do that even when kicked way back in recliner. Do not yet have SA in smart phone, and with headache, cannot figure it out ATM. But that explains why those on FB might have seen me more often.
Heidi, I do like your settlement more now, (not that you should care how much I like it) thanks for sharing it with us. As others have said, wish he did not have to be so near, on same property .
My divorce was not contested, but a lot of back and forth through my lawyer to get it decided upon. Still my lawyer thought I settled for too little, I did not ask for alimony, just child support, and he said I should have. I had proof positive my ex had been involved with someone else for a very long time, and since that was an inter racial relationship, back in a time such was not looked upon kindly in our location. Actually it was still illegal by law, so my lawyer said I had him at my mercy at the time. But I was able to continue to work only part time and still support myself, make mortgage payments ( I got the house AND the payments hehehe) So I thought it fair. We still had a minor child together, and I wanted him to be a part of her life.
Suzy, I have not heard how well Tanya slept last night, but night before was an improvement. Usually if she can get sleep under control, the rest follows. She did say yesterday even the mycoplasma infection symptoms were improving with medication. Thanks for the good vibes for both of us.
Julie, so glad you have the microwave, and that family came to help you buy it. Sorry you spent so much time researching and then the research was totally ignored. But you are back in fast cooking business, hope that it works well for you.
Heidi, a very strange thought popped into my head, when you said Gil really wants to do this quickly. The thought? Is she pregnant??? Assuming not if her age is near to his, unless she is a LOT younger, but I did get a bit of a shock at my thought.
Julie, I see I am not the only one picking up on the 'in a hurry and therefore being reasonable' as not true to Gil's past behavior. And yes, there might be other reasons he is in a hurry besides impending fatherhood. OH, I hope not, on either count.
Nola, good to see you post. Sorry you are loosing posts. Maybe a bunch of short comments and post frequently? Space here is free
meds are at last working on headache today, it is just annoying
15/Nov/16 4:52 AM
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Just what I thought MizT. Drag the time out Heidi - make him squirm.
15/Nov/16 10:53 AM
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Oops - may have been a bit hasty posting but some men really upset me, they are so conniving and arrogant for no reason bar their own self-perception,
15/Nov/16 10:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Since I don't know who the other party is, I couldn't tell. The thought DID cross my mind, though. If she is pregnant, I really pity her. He is WAY too selfish and immature to make a good father. And I'm starting to think about bringing up the subject of alimony on punitive grounds. I'm still furious about the long term adultery, and the fact that he sees nothing wrong with it. But I also don't want to lower myself to his level, and get greedy. I believe I can make do without alimony.
15/Nov/16 11:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, you are the injured party. You should not have to 'make do'. I do not think asking for alimony is greedy at all, espically with all you have done to keep Gil's business going, but it is your call. Just think long and hard, and discuss it with your lawyer as you decide, please. Information from her is good, and just asking does not commit you to it. I join you in hopes she is not pregnant, for her and the child's sake.
Midge, just in case I was a bit short and sounded unappreciative of your concern for me the night after procedure, please accept my apology. Going to the ER for anyone who takes pain medication has become a real chore. Medical personnel paint every user, prescription or illegal with the same brush, DRUG SEEKER. Since my reaction was probably due to the only non narcotic pain medication I could take, they could do nothing much for my head pain that I was not doing. The treatment for the reaction to torodol was to stop taking it (it was a one time injection, no pills for at home) IF I had not found a logical explanation for the decreased output, if I had stopped output totally or if it had not started to improve, I would have pushed my help button and let medics take me in. It was a risk verses benefits decision for me, and I did not see any benefits. I am allergic to, or had so many unacceptable, even life threatening side effects to medicines, I did not trust an unknown doctor to treat me unless it was the ONLY choice. Head was so bad I could not think or talk to be able to explain any of this to a doctor at that time. I was aware I was taking a limited risk, and am so happy that part turned out well for me. Thank you for your concern and I did add your concern into my decision making.
BTW, Midge I do not think you were hasty in posting . It is an honest reaction to information and your empathy, and a valid one
We all love Heidi so, and want to help take care of her now. How I wish I were able to be there in person just so you have someone to listen, Heidi. Know you can phone me any time if you need to talk.
Only information I have had from Tanya today was that today was 'bad'. We never connected via text when both were able to think and talk cause of our symptoms. I just hope and pray she is improving. 'bad' could be so many things for her, some not as bad as others. Most mom's know what I mean about daughter's comments, eh? I do know she had to go out on an errand, that could have been difficult for her, but not as bad as other things could have been. We will see. As Gail always said, it what it is, and my worrying about it now is not gonna change it one bit. she will elaborate when she is ready. Being Mom to an adult can be difficult at times.
15/Nov/16 2:09 PM
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I was driving down a lonely country road one cold winter day when it began to sleet pretty heavily. My windows were getting icy and my wiper blades were badly worn and quickly fell apart under the strain.
Unable to drive any further because of the ice building up on my front window I
suddenly had a great idea. I stopped and began to overturn large rocks until I located two very lethargic hibernating rattle snakes. I grabbed them up, straightened them out flat and installed them on my blades and they worked just fine.
What! You've never heard of . . . wind chilled vipers?
15/Nov/16 2:23 PM
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A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack.
'Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday.'
Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.
The frog says, 'Sure. I have this,' and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about half an inch tall - bright pink and perfectly formed.
Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, 'There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral.' She holds up the tiny pink elephant. 'I mean, what in the world is this?'
The bank manager looks back at her and says...
'It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.'
15/Nov/16 2:24 PM
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A Very quiet, conservative man owns a parrot.
But the parrot is not quiet or conservative at all. He can swear for five minutes straight without repeating himself and this bird's foul mouth is driving him crazy.
One day, it gets to be too much, so the guy grabs the bird by the throat, shakes him really hard, and yells, 'QUIT IT!' But this just makes the bird more angry and he swears more than ever. Finally the guy says, 'OK for you.' and locks the bird in a kitchen cabinet.
This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches and squawks,and when the guy lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective so embarassing that he has to throw a blanket over the bird so the neighbors won't hear. At that point, the guy is so mad that he tosses the bird into the freezer. For the first few seconds there is a terrible din. The bird kicks and claws and thrashes. Then suddenly it gets very, very quiet.
At first the guy just waits, but then he starts to think that the bird may be hurt. After a couple of minutes of dead silence, he's so worried that he opens up the freezer door. The bird calmly climbs onto the man's out-stretched arm and says, 'Awfully sorry about the trouble I gave you. I will certainly do my best to improve my vocabulary from this point on.'
The man is astounded. He can't understand the amazing transformation that has come over the parrot. Then continues the parrot, 'and by the way, what did that chicken do?'
15/Nov/16 2:26 PM
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