Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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''Never appeal to a man's 'better nature' - he may not have one.''

Robert Heinlein
20/Nov/16 11:25 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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But, then again, he may...

20/Nov/16 11:36 AM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Awwww shucks DorA, made me all teary.
20/Nov/16 12:21 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Visiting without reading. The page was turned, so I'll need to find time to back up and read the posts I've missed. Seems like we have a TOPP, TOPP + 1 and TOPP +2 tonight. Welcome to all!

Sending cheerful good wishes, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, prayers, and for all!
20/Nov/16 6:58 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, hope you and t and j got some sleep.

June, you seem to be keeping very busy! Hope all the news is still good.

Broni, did you have withdrawal symptoms or was it a nice break?

Nola, how are you going?

Uno hu, I done no hu, but that's okay.

Heidi, good news about your bull. I know he's been a favourite.

DorA, I agree. I know a man with a good things to offer. At least one. I also know some individuals who are a waste of oxygen, both genders.
20/Nov/16 9:05 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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If u nu uno like I nu uno......
21/Nov/16 3:56 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Suzy, you did a great summarizing post. Thank you!

Broni, hope all's well as you travel. Hopefully there are many beautiful sights to be seen. Stay healthy!

Nola, I hope all of your posts go through. It sure can be frustrating if they don't! Take care and stay healthy.

June, you are always so busy and know how to fill your days with mostly enjoyment. Hopefully your treatments will lead to good news and improving health!

MizT, hoping you, T, and J all are feeling better and getting enough sleep!

Heidi, I'm glad Rede will be going to a good and caring home, and that you'll be able to visit him! Hoping only positive results come from meetings with Gil, and that your attorney gets everything well covered in the paperwork and proceedings.

Suzy, how are you and your family? Prayers for the baby of Dana's friend!

It's kind of fun having our mystery guests, DOrA and uno hu! You're both welcome here as long as posts stay positive.

Apologies to all I've missed!

Exhaustion is setting in, so I'll say good night. Sending healing energy, prayers, , positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
21/Nov/16 4:57 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how hard it must be for you to sell off your herd you have worked so hard to raise. Such good stock, good bloodlines. And to sell your bull who you can load like that, so much time and training and skill to first buy with such an easy going temperament. I know you cannot handle a large herd alone, cannot hire competent help. But I had an idea. Can you hire out as a consultant? Get paid a reasonable fee for your knowledge by young farmers like the one you sold the cows and BeBe to? Go with them to auction, help pick what they need to improve their herd? Help them decide where they need to spend their limited funds to get best long term return. Your knowledge is valuable, I know you would give the help free of charge, but you are starting a new life now, and could use the income to keep your animals and yourself in a manner you deserve. In the right local, your knowledge would bring a huge price. In Kentucky it could bring what the farmer could spare, but something for you for extra income, and a job that is easier on your back. Just something to think about.

Posting fore I turn the page and loose this.
21/Nov/16 9:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Welcome to uno, and no I do not, but still come on down, sit a spell, get to know us.

Julie, June, and anyone else with medical stuff right now, thoughts, prayers and wishes being sent.
MONDAY 5 am.
I am up for intermission. my eating plan, if i wake after about 5 hours or near middle of time between bedtime snack and breakfast, I should have another. limited to 20 gram carb, so I had 1/2 cup dry cereal with almond milk. It and/or meds that were also due, gave me immediate indigestion, so must sit up so no reflux. can't do for one symptom without causing another.

Continuing saga with T.

T got very little sleep in ER, she said they kept coming in and giving more atavan, any time she moved to get drink of water or go to potty. YEP, they sure did, trying to get enough into her to put her to sleep. Once she was at last sleeping, THEN wanted to discharge her at 10 am, and her speech so slued she could not make me understand. That made her mad at me. NO, T, Mommy cannot come take you home, I cannot drive. J did not get to bed till after 5 am, so we cannot wake her till noon. Beside, she has migraine. Tell them she cannot come till afternoon. We somehow lost connection, she could have fallen back asleep,maybe.

It was 1:30 before I heard from her again, so I managed to get J on the phone (with her migraine meds, sometimes difficult)She picked her up about 3 pm, only 12 hours after she was first medicated. I hope she got some sleep then.

She should have slept all afternoon at home, or at least to bed early, but found to many things to keep her awake. she had started cleaning out her closet the night she got NO sleep, had a bed full of clothes that had to be put away. Her job is just across the breezeway, and they called on her for things. she said she got 4 hours sleep that night, not sure. I do hope she got more last night, she phoned me at 8:30pm Saturday so tired and sleepy. We will see. It is difficult to watch her make less than the best choices, but I cannot make them for her. I have to sit on my hands to keep from taking over, and remember to make suggestions. Not easy.

I did get sleep, almost 7 hours, only up to potty and meds once. Woke able to lie and bed awake and just enjoy.

Headache returned early in morning, on sunday, lasted all day. I have finished the steroids, so a phone call to my PCP to let him know, and see where we go next. Also the indigestion for a band aide on that, know he will want tests, but I cannot do those with this head. AND for icing on cake, another rash on low abdomen that is not responding to treatment.

Busy day today ahead. Uncover flowers IF forecast is stable for no more freezes. Locate saucers for the plants that will come in for winter. Phone 2 docs and insurnce, means I must do the outside chores fore I phone them so I can be here for return calls, bummer. Go to grodery or sels order again. I do need to try to drive so I can drive myself to Thanksgiving dinner. J did not offe
21/Nov/16 10:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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((((( HUGS ))))) MizT.

Hiring myself out as a consultant won't work. This is Kentucky. If you don't come equipped with testicles, you aren't worth listening to.

I leave for the dentist's in half an hour. Just a cleaning. But I also have to stop at Debbie's. The electricians I hired start work today redoing the entire house..... from replacing the severely damaged old fuse boxes with circuit breakers to rewiring everything and adding outlets. We just finished putting in the new windows yesterday.
22/Nov/16 1:08 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I enjoyed the first of my Thanksgiving dinners with friends last night. I got to regale them with my favorite (?) Gil Thanksgiving story.
We had been married for about 7 years.I had made a SERIOUS effort for Thanksgiving, starting with buying some day old turkey poults to raise up for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. They grew beautifully, and I kept showing them off to Gil and reminding him that one was for Thanksgiving. Two days beforehand, I butchered and dressed out one (Gil admired the job I did and said you couldn't find a more professional looking job in a grocery store.) Thanksgiving Day came and I worked my butt off cooking everything from scratch. The table was set with the best china and crystal.... with a nice flower arrangement in the center. Gil sat and watched me making all these preparations, commenting how good everything smelled. Finally, I announced that the meal would be ready in half an hour. He then walked out to his car and drove off without saying a word. I thought that his timing was lousy to run an errand. I sat and waited for him to return. And waited. And waited. FOUR HOURS LATER, he returned. I asked him (fuming) where he had been. ''Oh, my friends the Horn brothers invited me to their place for Thanksgiving dinner.'' ''What (expletive deleted) do you think I was making here all day?'' ''Oh, it's OK. I can eat another meal!'' I have never forgiven him for that. It was insulting to me on every possible level. And he still doesn't know what he did wrong.
22/Nov/16 1:25 AM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Haha IH will never get a job....
22/Nov/16 3:23 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Julie, hope everything is getting a bit easier for you both. Same for you MizT and Tanya. You all have had such a hard time. Suzy - prayers for the little one. June - glad to hear you had a lovely time with friends - a good break from your treatment.
22/Nov/16 3:32 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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IH owns his own business. He's a Veterinary Parasitologist and has a reseach and consulting firm. I just want to get rid of him, so I'm not going to fight for half his business, which I'm probably entitled to.
22/Nov/16 4:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Heidi, how about billing yourself as Initial, Initial, Surname, consultant. In person or over the phone, you could be the 'secretary' or 'assistant' or 'daughter' of the 'president' of the company who would be assumed to have the 'parts' necessary to make the knowledge worthwhile. I'm sure there are people in KY (and elsewhere) who could benefit from your knowledge and expertise!

MizT, it's difficult to have an adult child who could benefit from your knowledge and input, and yet know that it wouldn't necessarily be appreciated. Regardless, hopefully T is feeling better and J doesn't mind being of help when necessary. Wishing you a good week and improved pain-free days leading up to Thanksgiving!

Things are going well here, for the most part. The Foley catheter is gone. We seem to be doing a bit better with the other bag, but I don't want to jinx things!

Sending the very best of good health, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, , and healthy vibes and energy to everyone!
22/Nov/16 5:53 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Thanks for the welcome Julie. I was half expecting DorA to play devil's advocate and take Gil's side, (just for the hell of it).
I do hope Heidi takes the bastard, (pardon the language), to the cleaners tho. Can't stand pieces of crud like that.
22/Nov/16 7:15 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Ooooo, the controls seem to have lightened up. Uno hu got to swear! A multi use word that isn't always swearing though.

Heidi, the threat of half his business might work better than the alimony threat....

MizT, I was a bit confused over who had the migraine, j I think. I hope she has found some time to recover.

Julie, hope you are getting some sleep.
22/Nov/16 9:20 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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I don't recall crud as ever being banned Suzy.
22/Nov/16 9:23 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Uno, I've had posts not go through and been blocked from posting for a period of time. I can't remember how long, half an hour maybe.
22/Nov/16 10:43 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I'm going to risk being banned again and say you know very well I meant bastard.
22/Nov/16 10:44 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Wow! That went through? I noticed ''hell'' did too, earlier.
22/Nov/16 11:10 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm off to run an errand for Debbie. She has a busy day today, and a cat of hers has an appointment to be spayed at a clinic 45 minutes away. To make her day MUCH less complicated, I offered to take Coco in to the clinic. This is a great clinic, they neuter and give all the shots for a tiny percentage of the cost. Next week, Debbie has an appointment for 4 young male cats to be neutered and vaccinated for only $10 apiece! Today is their mother's turn. It's a little more costly because she's female (bigger surgery job) and pregnant again. Debbie has tried to keep her inside and away from males, but her idiot husband (Boob) keeps letting her outside.
Of course, once I get back home, it's back to sleep.💤💤
22/Nov/16 11:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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By the way, I forgot to welcome you to Sudokuholics Anonymous, uno hu. Sorry. And WELCOME!
22/Nov/16 11:24 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I really hate ''Cat Puns''


And I ain't Lion...
23/Nov/16 5:07 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I have forgotten, is Gil asking for part of your business?? Like price of cows? Bargaining chip, you keep your business, I keep mine, or. . .

My lawyer used this to get me some things, He did that negotiating, not me. Just a thought. Yep, I know, Kentucky has that sell everything in contested divorce. We have community property here too, and neither of us wanted a contested divorce. Just something to think about. I just fear you are getting the short end of the stick, Gil is manipulating you, once again. Sorry If I should just butt out, tell me.

Like Julie's idea about H. _. surname as your business name. there are ways to always tell the truth, important to you, but still do this. H._. is very busy at the moment, but says you should do this, and that and the other. that will be $25 please. :)Not a lie, just a bit of a smoke screen so those Kentucky good ole boys would listen to you I think it would be fun hehehe

Suzy, I like the swear words Uno used . They fit. I do not remember crud being banned either hehehe. Nice scense of humor there, uno.

Heidi , I did welcome uno, and was totally ignored for doing so. Julie gets thanked. what am I, chopped liver?

Heidi, yep, a spay of a pregnant cat is the most complicated of the spay/neuter, by far. Boy cats make it so much easier, having the necessary parts outside. BTW, interesting fact#1 for tonight. Bull elephants parts are mostly internal, only the one part is external, sort of has to be if he will ever be a daddy :).

OK. quick medical catch up. good, I have an urgent appointment with my doc. Bad, I had another unusual side effect to one med, and a real roller coaster of crying jags to another. Maybe even a third. I hate combination drugs, which I received Last night for headache. Almost missed EP Thanksgiving dinner cause of it.

for T, the good, she seems to be catching up on her sleep. At least she said so, and she really sounded better when I phoned her, so none of her waiting till she felt better in her ups and downs to phone me. I can tell a lot from her voice, and her choice of words.

the bad, I had concerns about her 'job'. Just some red flags that gave me this funny feeling in pit of my stomach. Talked to my BIL who helped J back when she was being stalked, he shares my concerns. Remarked HELL NO to several remarks I repeated. Family beginning to gather round to suggest some things to her, and to get some information from her, without her thinking we are just against her. I hope suspicions are false, but until we check it out, some things are very scary. all I can say at the moment in a public forum. If you want more, PM me on FB, or phone me. Couple of people have my number.

BTW, BIL did a cleaning and dusting of my computer today. Found 3 unrelated problems, cleared them. he hs long arms, he was in his work shop in his home in NE Georgia, and reahed out to my computer electronically Modern technology amazes me. Have a good start on my
23/Nov/16 7:51 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Have a good start on my cooking for tomorrow, Sweet potatoes cooked and in fridge. Topping mixed. I will assemble some time tomorrow, and bake AM Thursday, before we leave. Only about 30 min or less trip. I do hope we are both on best behavior and no problems like we had last time we went further than grocery store. thoughts of that day leaves me in
Forgot to say something, but it escapes me now. Evidence I really am getting sleepy now. OH, remember. a couple of times today I would not have been capable of remembering how to sign in to site (my link somehow lost the already signed in part during the clean up) Tis nice when brain is back in gear.

OK, intermission about over. slept a bit over 2 hours from 11 till 1 am. One of the things the medicine did for me, caffeine in that one, plus Tylenol and a third, was keep me awake. I am now not taking that med. Hope my sleepy time tea will get me back to sleep, 'tis still a couple hours till next medication, bummer.

Huge hugs, to each of you, till later.
23/Nov/16 7:58 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Hells bells Miz chopped liver, how remiss of me. Must have missed that one but then again Julie did put out the welcome mat on my page.
23/Nov/16 8:07 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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DorA, if I was a dog I would have to pause for thought over your last post.
23/Nov/16 8:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Thoroughly enjoying our 13 degree evening (55?), yesterday's 36 degrees were miserable (97?).
23/Nov/16 10:43 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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uno hu
24/Nov/16 4:37 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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This 'skit' is hilarious! icy=3&rel=0

As usual, watch out for and remove any 'pesky spaces' that appear...

Happy Turkey Day, all Y'all - Gobble 'till ya wobble.
24/Nov/16 4:38 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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There is a space in 'pol icy'.
24/Nov/16 4:38 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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uno, Julie always one ups everyone else here. Best summary of all the posts, great TOPPS best manners, and she is the best cello player in our string quartet. Now she came to YOUR page with her greeting. WOW, first class all the way.

You missed my post

24/Nov/16 9:33 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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BTW, uno, the name is MizT
24/Nov/16 9:34 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Uno says 'If u nu uno like I nu uno.....' nest line is OH OH Oh what a gal. is that a hint to your identity?
24/Nov/16 9:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Can't stay and play, head is better when in recliner. Do not want it to start again, as the injection I got today has worn off.

Happy Thaks giving to the members in the us, and any others who celebrate with us.
24/Nov/16 10:19 AM
   uno hu  From uno where
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I know your name is MizT, I was parodying your rebuke of me for having missed your welcome.

And no, its not a clue to my identity.
24/Nov/16 11:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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24/Nov/16 12:21 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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On my fb page today.

WARNING.....if you're going to attempt to steal my stuff out my house in the middle of the day while im sleeping you shouldn't drop your phone with your FB app unlocked so I can see your information right on the screen...before I call the police.....NAME AND SHAME...
24/Nov/16 6:28 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Not my update by the way.
24/Nov/16 7:52 PM
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