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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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“Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.”
― José N. Harris, MI VIDA: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love
24/Nov/16 9:48 PM
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Dana's friends baby is not looking good.
24/Nov/16 9:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm so sorry to hear that, Suzy.
To me, that's proof that there is no God. Innocent babies should not suffer like that.
25/Nov/16 4:04 AM
qld, australia
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Welcome Uno...before I become chopped liver MizT.
What Hiedi said Zusy.
Bella the Basset Hound is getting more and more spoilt by Pete. Today at lunch and she had already eated her chew, this demanding hound was talking to me wanting what we were eating, when she didn't get her way just sulked and gave ME dirty looks Pete is the one that caused this. Later I was having a chocolate snack a gave her a small piece(yes she has always had a small taste of chocolate and I am not stopping when she is 13.5yo) Well didn't she carry on because I had no more. This hound runs our caravan!
Love and Hugs to all.
25/Nov/16 6:15 PM
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MizT posted this on TOS.
Greetings friends. Would someone who is also on the s. A. Site please post that my computer is down and I cannot get there from my cell phone. I think I left them with a last post in my continuing Saga of the headache having gone to the doctor and maybe even returned after a knockout shot. They might think I'm dead. My headache is much improved. But doctor said we might have to settle for it getting better at the time. I was able 2 A10 my family gathering for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time. I am up act 3 a.m. for intermission. They will know what that means. Thanks in advance and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Typos misspellings and punctuation courtesy of talk to text.
25/Nov/16 8:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I like the A10 = attend. Fun talk-to-text autocorrect.
26/Nov/16 5:14 AM
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Greetings, Everyone!
What a fun and politically correct Thanksgiving play. Sort of puts things in perspective!
I admit going to uno hu's page with a welcoming message, but I'm not sure if I remembered to welcome DOrA originally. My apologies if I didn't. I must admit to enjoying posts from both of our newer members, who are equally welcomed!
Suzy, so sorry to hear about Dana's friend's baby. Sure hope some prayers can be helpful!
I may get a big head from so many positive characteristics attributed to me. The same could be said about any of us posting here. (Well, maybe not the part about the being the cellist of the quartet.)
And that's not particularly correct for me lately. I have had very few opportunities to practice in the past month - and haven't been able to participate in my quartet or string orchestra. We're hoping for a better year in 2017!
Broni, good for Bella figuring out ways to get what she wants! She's a senior lady living with a couple of people who love her. Good for you and Pete making her life so pleasant!
MizT, I'm glad to hear Thanksgiving went well! Also, good news that T is feeling better. Hopefully your suspicions are not correct and all is well in her work environment. Sending prayers and positive thoughts that you are feeling bette!
Suzy, what a great TOPP! How have you been? I hope you and yours are all well!
Heidi, you are a friend indeed! I'm glad your friend Debbie has found a clinic that charges what people can afford for the care of their pets! I also noticed A10 and thought if quite clever for 'attend.'
June, thanks for sharing MizT's post from TOS! I hope all is well in your world. Did you have a treatment on Thursday, since it's not a holiday for you? Please take care! You're special to us!
I know this is not a Thanksgiving holiday around the world, but I really would like to express my thanks for my Sudokuaholics friends!
I'm sorry I missed a few days here. We went to a doctor appointment for hubby Tuesday, and they sent him to Emergency and he was admitted to hospital. What might be a 'run-of-the-mill infection for some became more complicated because he's immune compromised. He has a blood infection that they started treating immediately with a broad spectrum antibiotic as they have attempted to identify the specific culprit and determine the most appropriate antibiotic. I stayed with him until mid-mornng today, then came home to pay some over-due bills and take care of some household chores that were left suddenly when the home nurse said we had to get him to the hospital. Weill check tomorrow morning after doctors make rounds to see if they will predict when he might come home, then decide if I'll return to the hospital tomorrow or Sunday. (He is feeling quite a bit better than when we first got there.)
Thinking of all of you and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
26/Nov/16 3:05 PM
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Sorry for the incomplete message!
Thinking of all of you and sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
for Everyone.
26/Nov/16 3:05 PM
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Julie, I'm sorry hubby is in hospital but I imagine that could mean a night of sleep for you with no bag emptying or leakages. I hope so anyway. Get well soon wishes for hubby, and sleep well wishes for you.
Hubby loves going to the movies, but it is hard for me. My foot or my hips cramp up and make me miserable. Today we did a day trip to visit Alie and she told us that a local cinema now has reclining seats. Every seat in all 6 theatres is now a reclining seat. Perfect! I got to see fantastic beasts and where to find them in relative comfort!
27/Nov/16 1:07 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm dying to see that movie. Maybe tonight or tomorrow night. My epidural is first thing Monday morning. Debbie is my driver.
((((( HUGS ))))) to Julie and Hubby.
27/Nov/16 6:32 AM
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I just got this from Tricia.
June, this is Tricia here. I cannot get to my computer now. If you receive this please let people on our SA page know that my headache has improved but it still bothering me all the doctors are still treating it and I will be back as soon as we find out from the power glitch we had made my computer not want to come back on
27/Nov/16 7:13 AM
Alabama, USA
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uno hu, missed the parodying part, but at that particular, I could have missed my own name. Probably could have missed an elephant. Was having a bit of a rough patch. I can't figure the time it was here, Well, I could if I put more effort intoit, that was the day of the knock out injection. there is no telling what I said nor what I missed.
Suzy, I think I saw that on FB, I have also seen similar on worlds dumbest Criminals, or something like that. Yep, not planned out very well :) I am glad you clarified that it wa not your u[date. Good to know no one came into your house, but just why was anyone sleeping daytime?? hehehehe
posting fore I turn the page, hugs
27/Nov/16 12:15 PM
Alabama, USA
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I am having to remember how to navigate on the desktop, once again. My computer went down Wednesday night. while I was dosing, we had an almost rain. You could see dampness on windshield, but that rain caused power to flicker off. Just long enough to shut down my computer and TV. I was able to reboot the TV, but could not reach doown and under desk to get to the power strips. I realized today, those strips were plugged into the wall outlet at end of my desk. I could reach that, same same as unpluging just the box. should have seen all the lights come on, move through thier reboot dance. Most lovely sight, the blinking green lights as the moden and wifi counted up to full power.
Do you know how often a day you go to your computer? I was preparing to leave for t giving lunch, huuum, can't find recipe, and walk into a blank screen computer. Same for I wondered if I needed a light or heavy coat, realized I would have to handwrite the identity of the yellow liquid stuff that I previously needed recipe for. Cheese sauce was not to difficult to just wing it.
Falling asleep here at 7:30. Need my dinner, night time meds, and a change into night clothes fore I do. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
27/Nov/16 12:25 PM
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Happy happy birthday Julie! I'm guessing nobody made you breakfast in bed, but you are loved....
27/Nov/16 1:14 PM
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Night shift MizT.
27/Nov/16 1:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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27/Nov/16 2:22 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope it is a doozy, come Monday.
I have been playing advocate for my next door neighbor. Serious surgery. No family. Doc Sent him home Wednesday night, before the 4 day weekend. Our services coordinator (social worker) here at EP, who will make sure he has what he needs, not here. Came home with around the clock care givers on HIS dime, and hospice care. I went to his door Thursday night, to take him a 'to go' plate of food from our family gathering. I knock on his door, no answer. I ring his phone, no answer. I had told him, and our social worker I would not hesitate to call 911 if I thought he needed it. I did Txt social worker on her holiday to ask should I phone police for a wellness check or call asking for paramedics. She said call 911 and tel them what I told her and you here. Medics arrived, with police cars in attendance, since medics could not break in, police could. Since police needed if a person dies in his home alone. BUT the care giver arrived just one minuet before medics. She had not opened his door before I saw medics turn the corner.
I wondered at the time if she had heard first responders drive up and decided she might should check her patient. (yep, later found that was so) she had gone on break ( allowed) without leaving his phone or his button within his reach!! NO way to call for help. No idea how long she was downstairs. I had seen a caregiver walking down our hall, toward the elevators 30 maybe 60 min before. Only saw back and uniform colors of company uniform
Medics had to 'lay eyes' on the resident. I apologized to them for the false alarm, but they have a LOT of false alarms. One first responder, just at our EP Tgiving dinner (they were invited to come eat with us) said they had much rather find a false alarm, with the resident OK than some of the things they have seen. Bad has happened here, a good friend of mine who did not wear her 'cant get up' button, estranged family. Stroke, now in a full care nursing home, and on a slippery slope toward the end.
27/Nov/16 3:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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JULIE, sorry you had birthday alone, with hubby in hospital. that kind of infection requires fast action, glad he got to hospital soonest. Happened to my Hubby after surgery once for real, and 3 trips just cause his temp went up. You might remember my stories about ambulance and firetruck to get us across a flooded road, at the little bridge over a little creek, that was no longer a little anything! I am happy he is getting treatment, and hope you can get home a good part of the time he is in hospital. YOU need a rest, or you will not be able to continue to care for him. speaking both as a nurse, and someone who has been in your shoes. Same reason, his imune system was not working, We were in hospital 17 days, with another 17 days of IV antibiotics, me as his only caregiver. It is not easy for you OR him. Sending thoughts wishes and prayers for his quick recovery.
Suzy, I knew night shift, was a poor joke,
27/Nov/16 4:04 PM
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Just a quick hello to everyone!
Thanks so much for birthday greetings! I got a surprise early birthday gift. Hubby was discharged from hospital today.
Feel free to skip the following rant! Hubby called as I was about to take a shower this morning before going back to the hospital to see him. Yesterday the 'hospitalist' told me he would definitely NOT go home today. They had just identified the bacteria and were starting the specific antibiotic. Today was her day off and a different hospitalist who had never seen him decided he could go home. When she came back to his room, hubby put her on the phone with me. My first question was if she knew he was a renal transplant patient and therefore immuno-suppressed. I asked her specific questions for about 20 minutes, such as how would we have known he had a UTI since he had none of the symptoms we had been told were possible when the Foley catheter was removed? Her answer, symptoms are different for a person who is immune compromised. (Boy, does that ever help - NOT) If we have concerns, who should we contact first - renal transplant coordinator or doctor? Urologist? Primary care doctor? She told us to go to Emergency. (Keep in mind that this hospital is 1 1/2 hours away from us.) I was not impressed with her answers and don't fee particularly reassured about the situation. I'm just so thankful the home health care nurse was scheduled to come on Tuesday and had a hunch that we should go to the Urology clinic! As MizT pointed out, quick response is necessary when the bacteria starts spreading in the blood stream. I told the doctor I wouldn't be able to be there before mid-afternoon. (That give the nurse time to administer 1 more IV dose of antibiotic.)
Suzy, I'm so glad you could see the movie in relative comfort! I would really like to see it, but hubby really isn't up to an outing.
Heidi, I hope your epidural on Monday is a real doozy! I'm glad Debbie can be your driver! Hopefully you can take at least a couple of days to really rest and recuperate afterward!
MizT, you have really had your share of difficult situations lately. I hope next week and the coming month will be much easier for you and those you love! I'm sure your next-door neighbor is thankful for your attentiveness. I know hospitals try to 'empty' some rooms around holidays, but it seems he would have been better off with an extra day or two still at the hospital. You have given good care and attention to so many family members and friends!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts for each of you! It's time for me to hit the hay.
27/Nov/16 7:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Good for you calling 911, MizT!!!!!! Keep doing it as needed.
Niiiiiice Birthday present, Julie. I hope he has an uneventful recuperation at home and no more hospital stays. The two of you have been through a nightmare.
I'm impressed by your knowledgeable questions. (If it had been IH, I would haven't cared. Unfortunately, the slimeball has never had any serious illnesses or injuries. He needs some to understand what others go through.)
I leave for the hospital in 18 1/2 hours.
28/Nov/16 4:38 AM
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• Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!
• How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it.
• England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
• I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
• They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a typo.
• I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now.
• Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
• I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can
stop any time.
• I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.
• This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but
I'd never met herbivore.
• When chemists die, they barium.
• I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.
• I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
• Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
• I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
• Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job
because she couldn't control her pupils?
• When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.
• Broken pencils are pointless.
• What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
• I dropped out of communism class because of terrible Marx.
• I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
• Velcro - what a rip off!
28/Nov/16 1:00 PM
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All together, now - GROAN!
28/Nov/16 1:01 PM
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28/Nov/16 1:46 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I leave for the hospital in 6 1/2 hours. I'm allowing extra time in case of school buses.
28/Nov/16 4:11 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Here's my contribution to DOrA: GROAN! (Well, there WERE some cute ones.)
Heidi, crossing fingers for a real hum-dinger doozy of an epidural! Thanking positive thoughts for you!
Sending lots of healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
for Everyone! Please feel free to share!
Off to bed for me, as I need to get up early - having a very old crown replaced.
28/Nov/16 4:44 PM
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Hope it truly sucks Heidi!
28/Nov/16 5:50 PM
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Julie, your birthday wasn't great. I'm not too impressed with the hospitalist (I've never heard of that role before). I hope it works out okay.
MizT, I'm hoping your actions will mean the caregiver takes her job a little more seriously.
28/Nov/16 8:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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Skipping all but the post from Julie. WARNING, this is gonna be long!
JULIE am I right to assume your hubby is old enough to be on either original medicare, a medicare advantage plan, or have a medicare supplement plan with original medicare? things may have changed, but I know for a fact that at one time medicare had a right for family to disagree with a planned discharge, you got a 3 day 'free stay' at hospital, while they re evaluated patient's ability to go home and receive adequate care. I believe I read in my current coverage, you have right to appeal decisions and a specific way to address that, and rules that say what both you and they are required to do.
Back story, doctors have specific guidelines from medicare medicare what clinical points a patient must meet and then MUST be discharged, UNLESS the doctor was able to ask for exception. Lots of paper work. there is usually that fail safe something in place to protect the patient, but you must know the correct words to s ay. You did an excelent job talking with doc. I know it is harder now than it was in my story, but I have used this several times with my mother and my husband. Ask for a discharge planning nurse or the hospital social worker, or both if they have thhem. Explain all the reasons he could not get proper care at home, until everything is properly in place. Site your age, how long you have been caring for him, your medical problems, your fear you might make a mistake, overlook something, how far it is to ER, and your difficulty driving, falling asleep at wheel, EVERY thing you can think of. Tell them you thought medicare had some plan to address those conditions. His inability to care for self, his lack of strength, your inability to give medications to him, fear of making mistakes. All of this has to get to the right person, may have different names in different states, and have different rules, but there should be SOME way to disagree with and challenge the hospital for sending him home.
for my Mom, many years ago, she was evaluated to see if she could benifit from Rehab. It took me almost screaming that the woman they saw in that bed, who could not remember how to move in bed, could not help to do any of her care, was NOT what my mother could do. she had gone dancing, for 4 hours, just the day before her reaction to medication. 2 weeks in rehab and a month of home physical therapy and occupational therapy, and she was same self. It is to Medicare's adb=vantage to get patient back to their level of functioning prior to whatever reason they were admitted. In Illinois, may be different, but try. If you have an advantage plan, or supplemental plan, ones who are private managed, you have good luck in mentioning that it is gonna cost them more if they do not do whatever, because you will be back in ER or hospital, repeatedly, and they must pay at least part. In Alabama, ambulance is free, covered, IF it is life threatening problem. Infection in an imuno suppressed
29/Nov/16 12:40 AM
uno hu
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All these posts about hospital visits etc reminds me of when I was visiting a mental asylum. I asked the director how do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized. 'Well', said the director, 'we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask them to empty the bathtub.'
'Oh, I understand,' I said. 'A normal person would use the bucket because its bigger than the spoon or the cup.' 'No,' said the director, 'a normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?'
29/Nov/16 2:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Oh dear, I lost part of the post above. I remember it would not go through, but do not think it is still on the clipboard. IF I have copied anything since, it will not be. I need to check. posting now fore I can check. Hugs
Suzy, many doctors hee will turn over a patient who only visits hospital patients, patients he has never seen before. It takes to much of doctors time to travel to and from hospital once or twice daily. time they could be seeing paying office patients, not stuck in traffic nd running more and more behind schedule. Like anything else, some are excellent doctors, trained more like ER doctors, to see and treat changes quickly, while some are more like the one Julie experienced.
29/Nov/16 3:00 PM
Alabama, USA
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I think I am going to need to order groceries again. Tanya much better but still having to much trouble sleeping,and falling asleep daytime to send to grocery for me and I am not yet ready to go to grocery.
Remember me telling you I had to use a drug I had side effects from before, for anesthesia during my procedure. I am wondering if it is causing my forgetfulness, lack of consternation, inability to focus at times. Twice I went to get meds and forgot to take them. At least I did not take too many, right? Since the first time I have been counting pills. Pain doc has not cooperated at all with me. My PCP has been treating my headache, but even he not interested in why it happened, just lets get the headache gone. Will be 3 weeks Wednesday.
29/Nov/16 3:01 PM
Alabama, USA
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NOPE, that is not what I left on clip board from SA post. glad it was not the scantily clad dancing firemen on my clipboard hehehe. That was just a note to a friend, and only bad thing is that you have seen far to much about my headache already, boring!!, Apologies, and let me sign off fore I do really embarrass myself.
29/Nov/16 3:05 PM
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Hello, Friends!
MizT, thanks so much for organizing thoughts and ideas to help me know how to deal with medicare supplement! Your efforts are TRULY APPRECIATED, as I know you're dealing with your own health issues/headaches! One thing I've learned is the value of the home health care nurse! When we were younger, we would probably have said it wasn't necessary to have one or would have only agreed to a minimal number of visits. Now, I look forward to her visits and expertise! I really think she saved hubby from a much worse fate.
Thanks for sharing, uno! Yep, I might want to fight you for the window.
MizT, I hope Tanya will soon be able to sleep better, and feel better. Deepak Chopra has some youtube videos about sleep. I also heard there are apps for a smart phone.
Right now, I think I could fall asleep without help, so I will say Good Night. Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, positive thoughts, and healing energy.
29/Nov/16 6:44 PM
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MizT, it's about 15 minutes from one end of this town to the other so, unless the doc works in Berry or south of town, travel time isn't too much of an issue here. Sydney and Melbourne might be different.
I hope you got your groceries okay.
Nothing from Heidi today. Hope that means it was a doozy.
29/Nov/16 10:30 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I hope so also, about Heidi.
Julie, sorry I lost a part of that post to you. WHEN this headache leaves me with a clear head I will try to read, recreate what was lost, if it was important. Hope some bit was something you needed, something you had not used before, and that it applied to Hubby and Illinois.
Suzy, I doubt your local docs would use hospitalist because of size of town. the more specialized a doc is, the more likely he is to use this service, I have seen. But my doc in small town Montevallo had no partner in medicine, solo practice. No one to share on-call duties with, so each had some down time. To get a holiday, he used a hospitalist. I was unlucky enough to be treated by two of them in one week while he was on holiday, Christmas to New Year , and they had me having multiple reactions to drugs I should not take. after long stay in rehab to over come the reactions THEY caused, first visit with my doc after I was discharged, he walked in reading notes from hospitalist and rehab, shook his head, and asked, 'were they TRYING to kill you?' It took me a while to recover from thier mistakes.
Heidi, I do wish we had asked to have Debbie to notify us when you were home. Do rest well, and hope this was a really bad one! you deserve an eppi that will last 3 months.
DORA, G R O A N! ! ! . Had seen most of them before, but did get a chuckle.
Tanya update. Was slowly getting more sleep, I could see improvement, but left her feeling sleepy daytime. SO, she said she went back to the sleeping pill that helped her get more sleep. the one she was taking before the ER visit. Only problem, it energized her too much, daytime. she was here till 9 pm, even she said she had never stayed that late. this after ONE skleeping pill Sunday night. Was going to take another tonight, they ARE prescribed, but just not best choice for her. Likes that it does not make sleepy daytime, who can blame her, but headed toward the energizer bunny?? Not good. she does not need this, and I do not need to deal with it ATM. And she took home my credit card I gave her to buy take out. Oh dear!
30/Nov/16 12:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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It was a doozy. I didn't get up from bed for over 24 hours. The back feels great now.
I have an appointment with my lawyer tomorrow afternoon. I just want to get this over with now.
Thursday I have an appointment with the dentist. On Sunday, one of my molars broke off, and I temporarily replaced it. Thursday, they replace it permanently.
30/Nov/16 7:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, where is your dentist going on this next vacation you are subsidizing? You really have trouble with those teeth. I gave up on my teeth many years ago, got 'store bought ' ones as my dad said. Have not regretted one bit.
Mr Ernest had a bit of a set back today. Fluid in lungs and build up in body. His nurse came today, got new meds ordered for him. Saw him again this afternoon, when he went outside, looking so much better.
Why do I always get sleepy when it is so close to medicine time? holding my eyes open for 15 more minuets. So a lot of good wishes and hugs to each of you.
30/Nov/16 2:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Her last vacation was to the Bahamas. The one before was to Paris. She really loves me.
30/Nov/16 2:52 PM
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Time for a late night post, so Hello, Everyone!
MizT, thanks for explaining about hospitalist. When hubby had surgery, the primary practice watching him was surgery team, but renal transplant also kept tabs on him. Because he was admitted from ER, he 'didn't have a doctor.' He was assigned to a hospitalist. Luckily, the renal transplant hospitalist also followed up (and we like him). The nurse practitioner from Urology (who sent us to ER) also came to check on him the first day.
MizT, can the dosage of Tanya's sleeping pills be adjusted? I'm guessing the time she takes them is really crucial! MIL used to have difficulty with them - much worse when they didn't have an effect as soon as she wanted and she took another one.
Heidi, I'm SO glad you were able to get the sleep after your epidural and you're feeling better! Too bad about your tooth, though!
MizT, I hope Mr. Ernest continues to improve tomorrow!
Sending healing energy. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and
30/Nov/16 6:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is so difficult for Tanya to get attention from her mental health doctors. She is seen by a nurse practitioner who is known for taking over long time to return calls. Tay has 2 or 3 different things offered for sleep. Two are herbs, one not, is stronger, but leaves her too excitable. So, she figured out what is now working. Take the REAL sleeping pill every other night, to get more leep, next day the herbal remedies, to keep her be more gentle. Has enough energy without driving her over the edge into trouble. Yesterday she spent 3 hours and about $170 if MY money re provisioning me. I have food for another 3 or 4 weeks, and other provisions, still did not get tree finished.
WE HAD RAIN! big rain Monday night. another on it's way here early Wednesday night. Overly warm, meeting cold from north, and we are into our second tornaso session. 3 killed in Alabama so far, and the line of storms headed our way. Hard to go back to sleep knowing what is coming.
Storm when went through NC and georgia brought tragety to wildfires. fire deaths as people tried to evacuate down long 2 lane winding roads, with ire on each side. Link above.
NOTICE, whoever is praying for me to have strength, lease stop! I am strong enough. You can receive strength, but whatever you are given you will be tested. Been tested enough, I need comfort and a good night's rest.
hugs, later
30/Nov/16 10:38 PM
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