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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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''Education is what you get when you read the fine print;
experience is what you get when you don't.''
- Pete Seeger
09/Oct/16 7:50 AM
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Hi, All! Great TOPP, Heidi!
Greetings to all who have posted in the last couple of days! It's good to 'see' MizT and Heidi. Hope you both (and June, too) are feeling well!
I'm running on empty and sore mid and lower back and feet after being on my feet almost all day for the beginning wood turning class. Two more Saturdays for that, but lots of good information!
D and grandies arrive tomorrow for a few days. Haven't seen them since March, so will try to spend as much time as possible with them!
Sending today's supply of prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, and positive thoughts!
09/Oct/16 4:29 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. thanks for asking, I am doing pretty good at the moment. Waiting till pain gets worse for the next, new procedure, the radio frequency ablation.
Yesterday we had 2 forest fires, one about 50 miles north of my location, one about 50 miles south southwest. Neither really huge, one 300 acres, the other 200 acres. I cannot find information on either today, must be under control or out. forest fires are infrequent here, but with the drought, any little spark could set one off. We did not even smell smoke, nor did my sister, who is much closer to the one to the north. Her hubby and son both said they saw smoke on horizon as they exited the freeway very near their houses.
A bit of excitement downstairs today. One of our new male residents and a long time male resident were exchanging heated words. New guy was asking question after question of old guy. 'The first one, maybe even two might have been just conversation, but he kept on and on, asking personal questions. Old guy took exception, rather gruffly called new guy on 'getting all into my business, aren't you?' and the words began to fly. Reminded me of kindergarten. Neither would back down, or back out and leave the area, they tossed insults until they ran out of steam. they were both sitting at the same table as I (was sitting, so yep, use I
)Guy 3 came down later, sat at another table and HE and new guy were exchanging words soon. Yes, new guy can be very annoying. He needs to watch his mouth or he is going to find himself very unpopular here, with no friends.
Temp this morning was 55 F (12.7 C) when I was out to water plants. First day I needed a hoodie. spilled water on my leg, thankfully near end of my stay, so a complete change of clothes when I got in, as leg was getting cold. I climbed into bed to get warm again, and fell asleep for almost 2 hours. Well, I did wake this morning at 5 am and could not get back to sleep. guess I needed my nap.
I hate my new perm. Washed it yesterday, it did fair just scrunched and let dry. this morning when I woke, it was just a freezy mess standing all over my head. I did not want to wet it again, because I was on my out to the cooler temps. Brushing it, round styling brush and hair dryer, neither did much for it. Tomorrow I shall go down and let beautician do a comb out, or shampoo and blow dry. Until it relaxes some, I shall probably need to repeat this each week, and TRY to make the set last till she is here again. NOT what I had in mind.
Very good TOPP Heidi. I have forgotten your comments from page back, sorry, and if I go back now, will loose this post.
Julie, hope you enjoy the grands, and can find a lot of time to spend with them. Over 6 months since you saw them, I imagine you will find them much grown.
That's all for today. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
10/Oct/16 10:55 AM
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick hello!
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, prayers, positive thoughts, and healing energy.
10/Oct/16 6:10 PM
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Posting from hospital while I can. The Internet is unreliable. I have managed to turn a routine colonoscopy into a night in hospital. While in recovery I started to shake and my blood pressure went through the roof. Then my temp went up. I thought I was just cold but apparently they've dislodged bacteria when removing my polyp and I have to stay here on antibiotics overnight. Feeling a lot better already.
10/Oct/16 8:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OMG, Suzy!!!!!! How scary! I have to admit, tho', that when you do something, you go ahead and REALLY do it!
Glad that you're feeling a lot better now.
11/Oct/16 7:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've been out doing small good deeds... hauling a stove for one person and a dishwasher for another. Keeps me out of trouble.
11/Oct/16 7:58 AM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I am glad you are feeling better now, but so very sorry you had this complication from your colonoscopy. Just goes to show, these 'routine tests' can become anything but routine in an instant. Stay as long as they need you to stay, get that bug under control. Sending gentle hugs to you.
another lovely day today, almost a repeat of yesterday except the overnight low was not as cool. I sat outside a while today, waiting for the veggie man who did not make it today. Enjoyed my bit of fresh air.
Tanya is feeling better tonight, but sounded terrible when I talked toher this morning. A horrible headache. As she described it, it began to sound familiar, and yep, her antibiotic can cause headache. for me that med makes top of my head feel as if it is coming off, and the cure, or treatment for it is lots and lots of water. So today Tanya drank, tonight head is almost back to normal. Other symptoms have decreased, guess the headache is worth it when meds clear up the infection as much as it seems they have.
Had my hair shampooed and blow dried, it looks so much better then when I tried to wash and set it. Seems I will need a weekly 'do' until this perm grows out. I am just glad she can make it look presentable. Beautician told me 'it should have been easier for you to manage yourself' after the perm, nope, and I have always done my own hair.
Mary, my second housekeeper came today. She will do things the company will not allow Stephanie to do. We cleaned out my walk in closet, with shelves for storage, not for hanging clothes. I now have one of the 5 shelves empy=ty, and every basket or box has only one type item in it, so I can find what I want. One for fabric, one for sewing notions, one for Christmas lights etc. Took us only one hour together. Well, cost me a back ache, standing too long at a time, but worth it to get that done. We pur up some more hangers for items on the walls, for wreaths and decorations for door. I found my Autumn door decoration I had made last year, had forgotten it, a basket with scarecrow, pumpkins, corn and grapes, with some wheat. It will be good till I am ready to put up a more formal thanksgiving wreath I bought at a trade day last year. think I paid $2 for it
Heidi, good that you could help friends move items, but I hope you did not do the lifting of appliances. We want your back to STAY as good it is now.
Hugs to each of you, with extras.
11/Oct/16 1:36 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Hope all are well - or nearly so!
Suzy, so sorry to hear that the colonoscopy led to further medical intervention! Hopefully your one-day hospital stay will do the trick and you'll be back at home feeling better than ever soon!
Heidi, why am I not surprised that you are finding things to do for others? As MizT says, please be sure that your good deeds are not at the expense of your back.
MizT, sounds like you and Mary accomplished a lot in the walk-in closet today. I'm sorry all the standing had affected your back! I hope Tanya will be better with each passing day. So glad that the beautician was able to calm down the perm with just a shampoo and blow-dry!
We were going to have a family photo taken today with D's and grandies. Instead, I ended up having an appointment with the ophthalmologist followed by an appointment with a retina specialist. Things are never dull!
Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers,
, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for all!
11/Oct/16 4:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My good deeds involve driving my truck with trailer attached.... OTHERS do the lifting. I'm a diva at backing the trailer into position.
11/Oct/16 6:34 PM
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My temp spiked to 39.2 so I have to stay another night.
That was from yesterday but my connection fell out and I couldn't post it. Feeling like a new woman today and providing my temp didn't go up again I'll be going home at lunch time.
12/Oct/16 9:20 AM
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5pm now. If they delay it again I won't be responsible for the results!
12/Oct/16 11:49 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Heidi, it's so good to know that you're a trailer-backing diva who's smart enough to let others do the heavy lifting! Your job is the hardest, by far.
Suzy, so sorry your hospital stay got extended. Is there any way you can just sit back, relax, and pretend you're at a wonderful spa, rather than be considered about being home instead? (It's easy for me to say, as it's not directly affecting me.)
Well, another long day with more doctor appointments and then a very long meeting tonight. It's off to bed for me.
Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
12/Oct/16 4:34 PM
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Home! No longer tied to a stupid IV that drove worse than a shopping cart! It was touch and go at the end. My temp was 37.9 and the cut off to go home is 37.5. Luckily they couldn't reach the doctor and the nurse and her supervisor let me go. Apparently the limit used to be 38 and they were old timers. I have antibiotics here so it's all good.
12/Oct/16 5:46 PM
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Just for fun I will tell you why next year I'm going to pack a just in case bag instead of relying on hubby to choose stuff to bring me.
1. He packed my ugliest nighties
2. He forgot deodorant
3. He packed face wash instead of body wash
4. He packed 2 shampoos instead of shampoo and conditioner. I've got a serious fluff ball going on!
12/Oct/16 6:19 PM
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Suzy, pleased you are home. it always takes hours for them to organise the discharge papers after they say you can go home!. Had a laugh at what hubby packed for your extended stay. At the moment I have left my bag with all the toiletries packed inside. I do not expect to be back before next year but one never knows.
12/Oct/16 7:34 PM
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I think I may have overdone the digging in the garden. I have been having a few back spasms.
We are having a few days away for R & R. Staying at a resort hotel with heated pool and spa. Only just over an hours drive north but will be lovely to get away from everything. We will only be away two nights.
12/Oct/16 7:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Gil just asked me for a divorce.
13/Oct/16 11:54 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, that is some bombshell you just dropped, with no elaboration! What are you thinking now? Were you kinda expecting this or a complete surprise. What are your thoughts about this? Huge Hugs to you, dear. Divorce is never a good subject for conversation between a couple. whatever happens from here out, I hope it can be the best outcome for you. Will be thinking about you.
June, I do hope the 2 nights away will do you a world of good. May the back spasms be short lived and being away, perhaps you will not be temped to over do working outside. Enjoy your R and R, you deserve it. The heated pool and spa sound wonderful.
Suzy, one good thing about having your ugliest nightgowns when in hospital, if the IV comes out and you bleed a bit, it is not on your favorite, prettiest gown hehehe. June's idea of keeping a bag with toiletries packed is a good thing, we never know when we might be glad we did. Congrats on no longer having to drive that IV pole, those are always difficult.
I have not said all I meant to, but my neck/shoulders are hurting all the way to finger tips, it is difficult to type, as you could easily see if not for spell check. corrected about a dozen typos already, ooops.
Hugs to each of you, hope to get back tomorrow and finish comments.
13/Oct/16 2:02 PM
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Hi to All and Good Night! Alarm is set for 5:30, so I'm off to bed!
Hope all are well Did a quick read & got a chuckle from Suzy's post. Your hubby's intentions were good . . . At least you're home now!
June, great idea to keep a back of toiletries packed! I hope your back is soon better and hope 2 days away, especially with a heated pool and spa does the trick! What a great plan!
Heidi . . . I'm at a loss for words. Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the best for YOU, whatever that is.
MizT, bombshell is definitely the word! Hope you and Tanya are both doing well. Being sore from your neck & shoulders to your finger tips is no fun.
And now, I'm off. But first, some extra {{{{{{HUGS!!}}}}}}, positive thoughts, healing energy,
, and prayers for each of you!
13/Oct/16 2:47 PM
Alabama, USA
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Good Morning friends,
See, I told ya you might be seeing me more often than you wanted, now that I can get here with two quick clicks. Not sure why, but so glad for whatever changed making it easy again to join the chatter here.
Another lovely day in the neighborhood, perfect except for the lack of rain. A tad warmer this morning than the last week, but a lovely breeze, nice low humidity. I enjoyed my time out in the garden today.
Steffanie, my housekeeper, asked my advice on some house plants. and something to put on her porch. Of course Pansies for this late in the year outside, and I am rooting cuttings today of Wandering Jew and Helicopter or Spider plant for her. I found some small clay pots in my stash, that will do as starter pots for her. the Jew I am rotting straight in the pot, they usually will root anywhere. The 'babies' on the Helicopter plant are in water since they had not started any roots yet on the plant.
A fun day at scrabble yesterday. Mary had clothes in the dryer, so did not make the first game. I won that one handily, lots of good letters and good places to play them. Mary joined us for game 2, and I was reduced to third place that game. We have such an enjoyable time together.
Tanya seems much better now, just fatigued and sleeping, and has self imposed quarantine till all her antibiotics are taken, since this mycoplasma bug can remain contagious a while even when on antibiotics. She did get out to pick up take away yesterday, as she is running low on groceries. Her breakfast was a peanut butter and jam sandwich.
Heidi, I am gld you just drive your trailer, and are a champ at backing it into place, and leave the lifting to others. That epidural needs to last and last.
Was hoping to hear more from you, Heidi. I have been thinking about you a lot since yesterday. Huge hugs, friend, and come and vent when you feel the need. We all care, and are here for you.
OH, Julie, thanks for the good wishes, the pain in the neck, shoulders is much better today. That is what I tell daughter now, when I answer her 'how are you today, Mom?' Tell her what hurts but say it will get better, it always does. Sometimes just takes a bit longer than others, but so thankful it always gets better.
Julie, the appointment with the ophthalmologist followed by an appointment with a retina specialist sounds as if it might have been unplanned. did something happen suddenly with your eyes? Or was this a routine appointment you had forgotten, or that took longer than you thought, to keep you from the planned family photo? A retina specialist sounds serious. I hope all is well. Please let us know what they found out, we care. Hugs to you, too dear lady.
Hugs to each of you with extras, till later.
14/Oct/16 2:18 AM
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Heidi - hugs to you. No matter what trials and tribulations you two have been through, divorce is never easy. Thinking of you and wishing you a huge pile of extra strength.
14/Oct/16 4:50 PM
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Heidi, I'm really sorry. I know he doesn't treat you well, but divorce is still difficult. I wish you a brilliant lawyer followed by years of peace. Hugs.
14/Oct/16 5:04 PM
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June - glad you are coping with your treatment and you are getting good results, and having some R&R time. Most important to sit back and smell the roses.
Suzy - glad also you are out of hospital and at home where you can be spoilt rotten and watched over. You will be a sitting duck for a while for Alie to expound her theories on. Liked what your hubby brought in for you. Mine brought in his flannelette bogan style shirts for me to wear....
Julie - what has happened to warrant all the drs appointments? Hope you are o.k.
MizT - happy to read you are going well (or at least getting better) and Tanya is on the improve.
Went to Brisbane for work last week (mainly a break for me). Wonder how Gail went with the bad storms and winds we had whilst I was away. She lives in an area that was badly hit with severe winds. Many houses are still without power from last Sunday. We had a very difficult week prior to this - friend with severe MS went downhill very quickly. I called to pick her up to go to dinner. She was in the shower when I arrived so I called back in half an hour. In that short space of time she had collapsed and was paralysed and wouldn't let us get an ambulance. Hence I spent the next few days looking after her until we could convince her to go to hospital. I did the cooking and cleaning and hubby and son did the lifting. She is now in rehab whilst a full-time carer is being arranged.That is a cow of a disease.
Having a few teeth out tomorrow - crunch came when a couple more fell out (body gets rid of what it can't support). Had dentures made nearly 2 years ago and I have been too chicken to go to the dentist, When I read of Heidi's problems with hers, I cringe. Years ago I knocked nearly all of my front teeth out in a bike accident and spent years trying to save them with various horror treatments. After all that has happened to me over the past few years, I want to p** when I think of the dentist.
14/Oct/16 5:14 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends,
I have been mia for way too long, hope everyone is on the mend.
We are now in Victoria heading down to Phillip Island for the GP bike races. We also had a hiccup in South Australia, Peter was in hospital for 3 days in excruciating pain, after a few days on morphine they discharge him. There is not a lot that can be done that he does not have medication for.
Zusy, glad you escape their clutches.
Heidi, don't forget you have friends here too and you can vent anytime. Thinking of you.
Love and hugs to you all.
15/Oct/16 11:35 AM
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Greetings, Sudoku Friends!
Broni, how nice to see you! So sorry that Pet has been having some troubles. Please take care of yourselves and enjoy your travels and experiences!
What a wonderful post, MizT! Good news that you are feeling a bit better! It's good to know that Tanya is improving, too. Thank goodness the weather is conducive to the outdoor gardening you so enjoy! And how nice to share that love with your housekeeper!
Midge, what a great friend you are! I hope your friend with MS is able to get some good help and a bit of respite from the MS! I have heard there have been some breakthroughs.
So glad you are home, Suzy! Take care of yourself and enjoy being waited on (we hope)!
Heidi, thinking of you. Please let us know if there is any way we can be of help. We're always here to offer a shoulder!
Having a hard time typing, as my eyes were dilated again today. Here's the story of what happened. Last Saturday when I got up, my right eye felt a little strange, so I just thought the mask for my CPAP had slipped a& my eye was uncomfortable from air blowing in it. After a while, I realized I couldn't see anything in the lower half of my field of vision in my right eye. We have prior experience and know hospitals in our are don't have an ophthalmologist in the ER, and may not even have one on call. As there was no pain, I figured there wasn't much I could do about it until I could see my doc on Monday. I even tried calling his answering service on Sunday, but no one answered, which surprised him as he received the messages.
Saw him Monday morning; he felt I had a swollen optic nerve. One possibility he mentioned was a mini-stroke. He arranged for me to see a retina specialist Monday afternoon, who sent me to hospital for a blood test for Sed Rate (which was normal) & C-Reactive Protein (elevated). He put me on Predisone and arranged for me to see a surgeon Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday afternoon I had out-patient surgery (bilateral temporal artery biopsy) to check for inflammation and rule out possibility of Giant Cell Arteritis, which could also go into other eye and cause blindness. I got biopsy results this afternoon, and those were pulled out, so off to my primary care physician/internist next week to check on cholesterol, lipids, diabetes, & other possibilities. Ophthalmologist today said it may get better, or may not, and many people learn to live with it. Because I had tried to get appointment Monday afternoon, Tuesday, & Wednesday unsuccessfully with primary care doc, the ophthalmologist was able to get a call through to him, so appointment was sent for next week. We love the doc, but his office staff & central call center for affiliated docs & hospital are horrendous. In the meantime, besides the urgency of my situation, hubby had a bowel resection yesterday. When it rains, it pours! So, I'm off to bed in the hopes that I can get some sleep lying in my own bed instead of sitting next to hubby in ICU.
Thinking of ev
15/Oct/16 12:48 PM
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Thinking of everyone and sending much
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts for each of you!
15/Oct/16 12:49 PM
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Broni , sorry to hear about Peter's pain. Hope he stays well for the rest of your trip!
Julie, you have been through the wringer. Crossing everything that your eye gets better and that hubby is healing well.
Heidi, I hope you are ranting to someone because you're going through the kind of thing that should be ranted about. Not sure if that's a word, but hopefully you know what I mean.
In code for the women. I have been on various mega antibiotics all week and am still taking some. The sometimes side effect is making itself known. Ow!
15/Oct/16 6:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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OK.... here's how the slimeball broke it to me.... He showed up for dinner on Wednesday evening..... ate his meal and told me it was delicious...... then immediately asked me for a divorce. He said we had little in common, and he wanted a wife who would spend a lot of time involved in church with him. He wants to continue having a business arrangement with me with the farm and cattle. Then he admitted that he's been cheating on me for a L-O-N-G time! I'm looking for a cut-throat divorce lawyer who will take him for everything. I've got a good lead. He's now living with his girlfriend. I HATE liars and cheats.
16/Oct/16 10:16 AM
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Just a quick check in to say hello!
Suzy, I hope the antibiotic effects are soon cleared! Hubby had 2 days of prep for surgery, so we understand.
Heidi, I want to let you know that we are all here for you, with broad shoulders and thesauruses full of adjectives for the person doing this to you. (I won't say 'man.') When I think of all he has put you through, I'm glad you're looking for a divorce lawyer who 'knows the ropes.' It's amazing that IH thinks you would still be willing to continue the business arrangement. Huge {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you!
Just a quick update on family medical issues. Hubby was moved to regular room today, but remains on liquid diet. Not really much of a surprise there. It may be a few days before pureed food is introduced. Doctor had indicated that he is happy with the way things are going. No change in my vision, but they have taken me off the high Prednisone dose. We'll see what next week's appointment bring.
Off to bed. I had hoped to be there an hour ago, but meeting I went to ran long, then had a few errands, laundry, and packing, as I'll spend a day or two at the hospital with hubby for encouragement and moral support.
Sending much
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone!
16/Oct/16 2:57 PM
qld, australia
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Gekko my friends.
Zusy, ouch! hope it clears soon.
Julie, you are so kind to hubby, make sure you are kind to yourself too.
Heidi, hope you take that slimeball to cleaners. Hopw you don't know the biatch and she does not live close you.
Take care all my friends.
16/Oct/16 4:43 PM
Alabama, USA
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It is tomorrow already, and I am not in bed. Took two late afternoon early evening naps that I did not intend to take, now my sleep schedule is confused. Very nice long naps, though.
Planted 3 more large pots with pansies. I have almost planted all I bought this week, I think I have about 6 white and purple ones to go. Brian helped me with the pots today, especially moving them for me. My back complained all day yesterday after I picked up 3 more large containers.
We have a very small chance of a light rain tomorrow, keep fingers crossed we get some. today Brian was behind the huge azaleas, trying to get water to the roots of those plants, so dry. Of course the hydrANGEAS NEEDED WATER AGAIN, PLANTS ARE REALLY SUFFERING. aS i TOOK OUT EXHAUSTED COXCOMB FROM A VERY LARGE DEEP CONTAINER, i FOUND IT WAS ONLY WET HALF WAY DOWN. THE BOTTOM WAS BONE DRY, EVEN THOUGH i HAVE FAIGHTFULLY WATERED EVERY DAY. wELL, THE ROOTS DID NOT GO THAT DEEP, BECAUSE IT WAS DRY? OR BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT THAT DEEP ROOTED.
Pardon the caps, I was not shouting, and too late to retype this early am.
Two days of planting, over 50 plants, my back is complaining, has most yesterday and today both. I napped away the afternoon yesterday also. guess I needed it, but at least the plants are in the soil now.
OH dear, I see I really need to read some posts, let me close here and read before bed, I can comment later, Hugs to each of you, and seems Suzy and Heidi need extras today.
16/Oct/16 5:16 PM
Alabama, USA
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Hugs to Julie and husband, to Broni and Pete, to Suzy with the fungus, to Heidi and anyone I forgot to remember. Will be thinking of each of you, with well wishes and prayers as needed. More later.
16/Oct/16 5:31 PM
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Heidi, thinking of you and know how you must feel. If you would like to talk let me know and I will call you. Sometimes it is nice to have someone to talk to who is not involved and does not know the other party.
Julie, you and hubby are going through so much at the moment but not a word of complaint or distress about your health problems and they are ones of great concern.
MizT. I think I achieve a lot in the garden at the moment but nothing like you and all your health/back problems. Pleased that you have Brian to help.
Great to hear from you Broni. You know where we live if ever you would like a bed in Sydney.
16/Oct/16 9:32 PM
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We had a nice couple of days away. I really needed the break. It was a lovely Motel and we did make use of the large outdoor spa although we did not get in the heated pool. The bed was one of the most comfortable I have slept in. We organised our own breakfast as we had a small kitchenette but ate out for other meals. I ate lots of thing not on my diet . Did not affect the diabetes too much. I thought I might have put on some weight but still the same. At least I have not lost any more. Back to all the treatments again this week.
16/Oct/16 9:37 PM
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Heidi, you told us a long time ago that you had caught him cheating. He is right, you don't have anything in common, thank goodness, since he's a lying cheating ar53h0le. And how hypocritical of him to want someone who will go to church with him, while he's committing adultery. Sigh. Hope your lawyer is really really good and hishypocritical backside hurts.
16/Oct/16 10:18 PM
Magnolia, KY
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No, I hadn't caught him cheating before. I had gotten numerous phone calls over the years, mostly anonymous, informing me that he was cheating. But I had no evidence. And I don't really believe things without proof. Only suspicions.
He has told me in the past that he's a better person than I am because he goes to church and I don't. Only a moron would believe THAT!
17/Oct/16 5:48 AM
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Heidi - IH makes my blood boil. The most decent people in this confused world of ours are compassionate, caring and kind to animals. How can he believe he is so wonderful? He has done you a favour by leaving. You are worth more than that.
17/Oct/16 11:06 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I think I have found a good lawyer. She comes highly recommended as a good one who hates men that cheat, and she believes in taking them for everything. I'll be calling her tomorrow morning and making an appointment.
18/Oct/16 12:49 PM
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Go get him Heidi! I'm not a huge fan of divorce, but in some cases, like this one, they are warranted.
18/Oct/16 2:36 PM
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