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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
― Linda Grayson
13/Jan/17 4:51 PM
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I met up with Broni and Pete today. And Bella of course. Too short because Alie wanted to get to the train station so she could go to a basketball game with her bf. It was great to see them! Your turn tomorrow June.
The hot weather is annoying, but I'll be complaining about the cold in winter so...
13/Jan/17 4:58 PM
Alabama, USA
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checking in here at my bedtime, just to say hello and here I is. Nothing much going on. Weather did a drastic change, snow was gone by Tuesday and today it was unseasonably warm, in the low 70's F, or 22 C. I was out in a long sleeved shirt and too warm, especially with the high humidity we had.
Played 3 handed scrabble on Wednesday, Lin was not able to play with us. this is 2 or 3 weeks in a row, she is just not doing well. COPD can take it's tole, and not sure if there is more the doctors can do for her. We miss her playing with us, and hope she will be better and able to return next week.
I went out to get my flu shot today. I honed my regular pharmacy to see if they gave flu shots, Yes, they did. Went down, filled out the paperwork, and waited. Later the pharmacist came out, said some insurances covered the injection under the prescription coverage, but mine covered under another, called Part D, and they were not set up to handle that. He could give it for a cash price of $59.00. I said NO THANKS, and found one of the larger chain pharmacies that could give it free under my insurance. Lots of driving, but my car needed to be driven to keep the battery charged, it was very weak when starting today. If the engine had not started first try, would not have been anything left for a second try. It is nicely charged now. I just need to drive it more often.
Tanya is not doing well now, I know she is not sleeping, and I think she is not taking any of her medication. I am worried about her and her actions and the thoughts she tells me about. It is hard for both of us at the moment.
OK, off to bed, see if I can get to sleep. does not seem the sleeping pill is working, may need the repeat fore I can get to sleep tonight. It is also warm here and very humid. I might have to turn on AC just to reduce humidity. In January, geeze. A week ago the heater could not keep up with the cold, running constantly, and tonight need AC? Strange weather.
\Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
13/Jan/17 5:15 PM
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Hi, Folks! Another quick visit without time to read. Please take care of yourselves!
Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, positive thoughts, and healing energy!
13/Jan/17 7:04 PM
qld, australia
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Great to catch up with Zusy today, just too short. Pete was in a lot of pain so we ended staying just out of Nowra. I am looking forward to having a normal shower in the morning before we head off to see June tomorrow. Amazing how the humidity increased with an hour and half drive.
Love and healing hugs to you all.
13/Jan/17 10:27 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Warm and wet here. And I have another sinus infection. I'm setting SO sick of them.
14/Jan/17 4:19 AM
Small Town Canada
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to anyone in need to thoughts now.
14/Jan/17 5:26 AM
Small Town Canada
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That should be in need of loving thoughts. I need to proofread my stuff better. For the last few days the spasms in my right shoulder have started again, and generally they are more funny than painful. Try eating a bowl of soup while having spasms - by the time it gets to my mouth the spoon is empty!
14/Jan/17 5:28 AM
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Greetings, Everyone!
June, i have been thinking of you and hoping all of the treatments are going well and nausea is minimal. I imagine the hot weather is likely to contribute to feeling worse. Crossing fingers that the special cream you ordered helps!
The reason I didn't let the dermatologist know of my injury is because I was in one of those 'lovely' gowns - and nothing else, so was concerned about getting dressed, rather than have a few nurses, etc. rush in and try to 'help' me, which would undoubtedly have required me to get back up on the examination table - needing to step up on the offending step. The home healthcare nurse who has been checking in on hubby - after first surgery because of the ostomy, now after more recent surgery checking on healing of former ostomy site and being sure the self-catheterization is going well - arrived early on Wednesday as I was checking on my toe. She agrees that it looks like it's broken and that taping it to the next toe would be all they would have done in the ER. The reason we didn't go to the ER is because the dermatologist's office is at least another 20 minutes away from the hospital, being treated at the ER would likely have taken several hours, and we needed to try to get catheters for hubby and get things printed for our meeting that night. Hubby, both D's, and I have all had a broken toe in the past, so we weren't terribly concerned.
Heidi, your suggestion to DOrA about putting the money in a separate account makes sense! We have seen those coin counting machines in a grocery store, but have never used one. I think one of the banks in town still has a counting machine - probably charge for its use if you're not a bank customer.
Heidi, I'm glad your truck treats you well! So sorry that the part it needs is so expensive, but certainly far less expensive than a replacement truck!
What a great idea to take your own meal from home for the Cattlemen's meeting!
Suzy, great picture of your grandies - and all of them in good spirits at the same time!
MizT, I hope the weather doesn't get so cold again, and roads stay drivable for the rest of the winter!
14/Jan/17 12:41 PM
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Just turned the page to 249. What a great TOPP, Suzy. What a great sentiment!
Wow, MizT, temperature hitting 70*! That's amazing! And accompanied by high humidity? No wonder you were having difficulty sleeping. Keeping you (and Tanya) in my thoughts. It's really difficult to function well when sleeping is elusive! I hope your suspicions are wrong and that Tanya is taking her medications! It's hard on both of you to try to keep things on an even keel under such circumstances.
Suzy, I'm so glad you were able to meet up with Broni, Pete, and Bella, even if it was for a relatively short time. I'm also glad June was going to have a turn the following day!
Broni, I hope Pete is feeling better! Hope you had a nice, longish, enjoyable shower! (That's how I felt after a day or two staying with hubby at the hospital. It just feels so much better and more refreshing than a 'sponge bath.'
Heidi, I hope you can get rid of that sinus infection SOON!
Theresa, we'll gladly take any thoughts, though loving thoughts are best! I hope your shoulder spasms calm down!
I'm off to check email. (I decided to come here first tonight so I wouldn't be too tired to read or comment.) I hope everyone's day (or afternoon/evening/ or night is calm and enjoyable!
Sending lots of positive and friendly thoughts,
, healing energy, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
14/Jan/17 12:55 PM
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Miserable night here last night. The temp didn't drop below 29 (84) until 4.30 this morning. That's about when I got to sleep. It was about 25 (77) at 8.30, then it started going up again. It's 32.6 (91) now. It was great out at greenwell point yesterday. There was a cool wind blowing. A little bit too much wind, but it was nice to stop sweating for a while.
Theresa, I'm glad you are able to keep your sense of humour while dealing with something that seems like it would be very frustrating.
MizT, it must be frustrating to not be able to get t to take her pills when you can see her suffering because of it. Big hugs!
Hugs to June who would be getting a day off treatments.
Heidi, sinus infections suck! Feel better.
Broni, safe trip home and good luck with everything once you get there.
14/Jan/17 1:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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My truck is still sick in the repair shop. They had to order more parts. She's really showing her age right now, but is in the right place to get help. She's in the hands of good people. I know they won't cheat me, either. It's still much cheaper than getting a replacement.
I've got people coming tomorrow to buy some more cows. It this point it'll take 3 cows to pay for the truck repairs. I still have 10 for sale, and this buyer wants them all.
14/Jan/17 3:31 PM
qld, australia
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Spent a couple of hours with June this afternoon, she kindly made us Ham off the bone with a lovely salad followed by fresh fruit salad. Bella got to sit in front of the air con and snooze. Pete and June chatted about their respective times living on a farm. She looks really good but gets tired easily so hope we did not wear her out, it was wonderful to sit in the cool and chat.
We are heading back to Brissy as finally Pete has an appt with the eye doctor next week. Both Pete and Bella are snoozing again, the heat knocks Bella around and Pete is still in pain and needs to rest the body.
Love and healing hugs to you all.
14/Jan/17 7:01 PM
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It was great seeing Broni and Pete. I had the AC on so the house was cool. Bella did not want to leave. I had a Nanna nap after they left. I am getting quite a bit of back pain but taking panadol does ease it. Enjoying a couple of days with no treatment.
Hugs to all those others with aches, pains, sinus infections, sick trucks etc.
Off to lunch with the family today. I think we will have yum cha.
15/Jan/17 3:00 AM
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Thanks to 'Mr Google' I now know what yum cha is...
I could go for that.
15/Jan/17 4:09 AM
qld, australia
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Happy Birthday June, Hope you have a lovely day and everyone fusses over you.
15/Jan/17 6:31 AM
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DoA If 'somewhere' was a bit close to 'here' you would have been welcome to join us!
15/Jan/17 9:08 AM
Magnolia, KY
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May your life be as happy as you desire it to be.
15/Jan/17 9:47 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Those 3 Pomeranian goose smilies STILL haven't cleared customs past Gath or Hall Monitor. I suspect they really don't care. What do I pay membership for?
15/Jan/17 9:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I pity everyone in the sweltering heat down under. At least with cool weather, you can bundle up to stay warm. In the heat, if you strip down too much, you either scare people or are arrested for indecent exposure. And that still doesn't cool you down.
15/Jan/17 9:55 AM
Magnolia, KY
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We were able to catch four of the cows for sale, and load them up. I didn't want cows getting upset, or people getting injured, so we didn't try that hard to round up the whole herd. We got about 1/3 of them, and 4 of the 10 were in that group. My concern was because we were working in mud and pouring rain. It was too easy for someone to slip and fall, and I didn't want that. I'd rather sell fewer cows and have no injuries to anyone. He still wants to buy the others, and I have reassured this guy that I consider them all sold to him, and nobody else will get them. So there isn't a rush to sort them out and load them up.
15/Jan/17 10:02 AM
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Happy happy birthday June! I hope it's a good one!
June, I suspect if DorA was somewhere near you he wouldn't have had to Google yum Cha. I haven't been since I was at uni, and even then only once. My budget was very very tight back then. Isn't everyone on a tight budget at uni? Then, when I finished uni, I was working in the western suburbs. One day I will take hubby.
15/Jan/17 11:31 AM
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June I just need 24 - 30 hours plus a week or two notice... (My tele-porter is on the fritz.)
15/Jan/17 1:57 PM
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I just spent a rather frustrating 24 hours, trying to install a 'password ap' on my pc. It was supposed to make my life easier. It didn't. I gave up,and 'restored' my computer...
15/Jan/17 2:03 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I was paid the ultimate compliment today. The fellow Im selling the surplus cows to thanked me today. He said it was a real pleasure dealing with someone who treats him fairly and honestly like I'm doing.
15/Jan/17 2:28 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
I'm nearly falling asleep, so it's off to bed for me without reading. Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, and positive thoughts!
15/Jan/17 6:43 PM
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Thanks for the birthday wishes. I did have a good day and we enjoyed the Yum Cha. I need some sleep. Not hot enough for the AC but not cool enough to get to sleep easily. (and a bit humid)
16/Jan/17 1:57 AM
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Have you ever seen a recipe that looked really good, made your shopping list and acquired all the ingredients, then a few days later been unable to find the recipe...
16/Jan/17 4:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Day 9 of my wait to get the Pomeranian Geese smilies approved. I even sent TPTB a message yesterday asking if there was a problem.
16/Jan/17 7:52 AM
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DorA, I'd have to say no because I don't cook. But it does sound like something I would do.
June, sleep wasn't east for me either, but for a different reason. It's hard for me to turn my brain off to sleep so I read in the dark after hubby has gone to bed. It can take an hour, or 3 or 4, but in the quiet and dark, it eventually happens. Last night I was getting close at around 1.30 when Alie decided to get up and make herself something to eat. Took another couple of hours to get back to ready to sleep. I'm dragging a bit today.
16/Jan/17 10:48 AM
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Greetings to all fellow Sudokuaholics!
Suzy, I'm so sorry to hear how difficult it is for you to get to sleep! The heat and humidity certainly don't help!
Heidi, I hope your truck will soon be as good as new, and without too much outlay from your wallet. I also hope the appointment with the attorney a few days ago went well!
Suzy and June, I'm so glad you both had the opportunity to visit with Broni, Pete, and Bella!
I wish I could send some of the cold temperatures we have been having to our friends down under! I agree with Heidi; it can be easier to put on more layers when you're cold than removing them when you're too hot.
June, I hope you can enjoy your treatment-free days! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Happy Birthday!
I hope your birthday was one of the treatment-free days!
Broni, I hope Pete's pain subsides somewhat and hope he receives good news at the appointment with his eye doctor!
DOrA, thanks for the link about yum cha. I know I have seen the word before, but didn't know what it meant.
Heidi, I'm not surprised that you received such a nice compliment from the buyer! I think you may be one of the most honest, decent persons left in the U.S.
DOrA, perhaps you could consult Mr. Google for similar recipes. Also, at one time there was another page here filled with recipes. Does anyone know if it is still available?
Heidi, maybe you should re-submit the Pomeranian Geese smilies. Or maybe we should ALL submit some. That might shake up TPTB.
Heidi, I hope your sinus infection is improving! It probably didn't help that you were out in the rain and mud to catch the cows! (I saw a really interesting video on Facebook about a cage-like attachment to pull behind a tractor or ATV to catch a calf safely when it needed to be tagged or treated and to encourage the mother to follow behind when trying to separate from the herd. I didn't see a way to link to it, unfortunately. (I'm sure you're very capable without it, but thought you might find it interesting to watch.)
16/Jan/17 12:31 PM
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Sending positive and cheery thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for everyone! Have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night!
16/Jan/17 12:32 PM
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Julie, The Recipe page is still available at:
Jane from St. Simons Island, Georgia, USA had them all compiled into ''SUDOKUDOS'' (Wongerful recipes from the world of The last revision was published Dec 14, 2010. It contained a couple of cross-references. One for weights & measures. The other for terminology. It is a great resource.
There used to be a link to download it somewhere on the site, but I can't find it now...
16/Jan/17 1:22 PM
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The Three Little Pigs
The mind of a six year old is wonderful! Here's a true story from the First Grade.....
One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to accumulate the building materials for his home. She read, '...And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said, 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'' The teacher paused then asked the class, 'And what do you think that man said?' One little boy raised his hand and said, 'I think he probably said ''Holy cow a talking pig!' The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.
16/Jan/17 1:39 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Julie.... when we first moved here, a great neighbor showed me his invention to safely catch calves so he could tag them without the mother getting him (he had a few really nasty tempered cows). He took a round hay feeder, wrapped a cattle panel around it so the calf couldn't escape, and carried it around on the hay spear of his tractor. When he spotted a new calf, he's drive up to them and drop the circle over the calf only. Then he'd hop out of the tractor cab, climb over the side of the feeder, and easily grab the calf and tag it. Because he made the trap out of a round hay feeder, it was too strong for even the nastiest cow to break thru'. It's interesting that you can get a LOT closer to a newborn calf and it's mother in a motorized vehicle than you can on foot.
17/Jan/17 4:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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DOrA.... that's a smart 6 year old. I wish some adults I know were that insightful.
17/Jan/17 4:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Day 10 of the wait for the geese to clear customs.
17/Jan/17 3:25 PM
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At this rate they'll be DOA...
17/Jan/17 3:33 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, has died.
17/Jan/17 3:38 PM
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He was of an era where our hero's were worthy of hero worship.
Unlike today's overpaid athletes and entertainers who will do or say anything to stay in the ''limelight''. The majority of which should make good on their promise to leave (if they can find a country that will accept them).
17/Jan/17 4:51 PM
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