Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   Suzy  From Oz
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Tell them not to come here... 41.4 today. I think that's 106.5...
17/Jan/17 4:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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OMG! That's TOO hot, Suzy.
17/Jan/17 4:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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'The earth has received the embrace of the sun and we shall see the results of that love.'
- Hunkesni (Sitting Bull)
17/Jan/17 4:57 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello from Here to There!

Just a quick post. I should be in bed! Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, healing energy, , and positive thoughts!
17/Jan/17 7:56 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, but it's cold in winter so climate change is just something some politicians want us to believe.
17/Jan/17 8:43 PM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Julie, DorA et al. Jane from St Simons has changed her name to Jane from Stuart, Florida and the download link to the cookbook is still on her page. For your gastronomical pleasure....
18/Jan/17 3:30 AM
   uno hu  From uno where
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Amazing what Mr Google can do, isn't it?
18/Jan/17 3:31 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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uno hu - Thank you - Why didn't I think of that???
18/Jan/17 7:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I had an interesting day with the Insurance company. For some bizarre reason, IH had told them that I owed them money for the farm insurance, and they believed him. So they got on my case. I also found out that my health insurance had been cancelled when I tried to fill a prescription for pain meds. So I went into their office with a receipt for home, farm and auto insurance that I had paid last month. (I have the health insurance automatically deducted from my checking account.) They looked at my receipt and apologized to me profusely. I was fully covered until April 10. IH was trying to cause trouble. The health insurance was another matter entirely. It wasn't me. Blue Cross/ Blue Shield cancelled all coverage in 75 Kentucky counties if it WASN'T HMO. Mine wasn't HMO. So I had to sign up for a new policy, which costs more and isn't as good. And my GP isn't on their list of providers. But Pain Management is and my ENT is. And my ENT also provides GP services and shares an office building with my GP. So she MAY be covered after all, and if not, I can use my ENT as a GP and not have to worry about looking for a new GP, since I'm already a patient of his. It's BS anyway. But my new plan doesn't take effect until Feb. 1st. My next epidural is Feb. 6th. That's cutting it close.
18/Jan/17 9:52 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

DOrA, thanks for the link to the SUDOKUDOS recipes. I knew it had been a long time since I looked at it. I can't believe that the last revision was published Dec 14, 2010. I can't remember when I first found the Sudoku page, but it was well before that, I think. It's a good thing I haven't kept track of how many hours I have spent on this site.

What a great 'update' to The Three Little Pigs' story. That was one insightful 6-year-old!

Heidi, that neighbor certainly had figured out a safe way to tag the calves! Would it have worked as well for separating a cow and its calf from the herd?

Suzy, your TOPP and TOPP-PLUS-TWO certainly went well together!

uno hu, thanks for the info to find the recipe page! It never occurred to me that Jane would have changed her Sudoku name, though it makes perfect sense!

Heidi, I wonder what other surprises IH has up his sleeve for you. I can't believe the insurance company believed that you owed money for the farm insurance. Had they never dealt with IH in the past and didn't know what a conniving creep he is? And why did Blue Cross cancel non-HMO insurance in 75 Kentucky counties without letting policy holders know? Thank goodness your ENT can also be considered a GP and is in the same office building as your GP. Hopefully, it will all get worked out in your favor! And hopefully, your sinus infection is improving!

June, thinking of you and hoping that any treatment days in the near future are mild and bearable!

To all our friends currently experiencing summer, I hope there will be more bearable temperatures. That 106* F / 41.4* C Suzy mentioned would make it most difficult to do ANYTHING! Sending cooling thoughts to you!

MizT, thinking of you and Tanya and your sisters and hoping you are all doing well/recovering, etc.

Broni, I hope you, Pete, and Bella had/are having a comfortable trip back home.

And, I'm off! Sending a boatload of good wishes, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, , and positive thoughts to all of you!
18/Jan/17 2:00 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Southerly change. Temp is about 18/32 degrees cooler than tyesterday. Was it only yesterday?
18/Jan/17 4:49 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Re: Health insurance - Since obamacare became law, a lot of insurance companies have ceased to operate in un-profitable areas.
18/Jan/17 7:10 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Medicare, national health, became law here just a few weeks after I started my first job out of uni. I'd spent 4 years living on barely enough money to eat and get to and from uni. The money I earned over summer went to text books etc. I had a head on collision and spent 3 weeks in hospital including a 7 hour surgery with two specialists. The information on health insurance was in my glove box. If national health coverage had not been introduced I'd probably still be paying for that accident.

The affordable care act is a freaking great idea.
18/Jan/17 11:55 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, I cannot understand any competent company taking someone's work about payments without checking their accounts. Also a company cancelling health insurance without notification.
We are so lucky with our health insurance system. My Chemo drugs cost $145 but I get them for $6.30 on my Seniors Health care card. I think people on Government Pensions pay even less. Not sure of the proper cost of my radiation treatment but the hospital has it capped at $1500. Less than some of the other private hospitals. That is after they have collected the payment to me by Medicare.
19/Jan/17 1:51 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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For the first time I really felt 'off' this evening. I could not eat much of the lovely fresh fish I had cooked for dinner. Taken appropriate medication and went to bed. Slept 3 hours so now I am awake in the middle of the night. I do feel much better. I had blood tests done yesterday so that will show how things are progressing. (although the results will go to Doc I will not see him till two weeks time.)
19/Jan/17 1:57 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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They probably did notify me. I get so much (almost daily) mail from them, 99% of which is junk, that I rarely read it. The same happened to hundreds of other people in this county.
As to taking Gil's word on it, I don't understand it, either. But Gil is on their Board of Directors (he LOVES meetings) so they probably thought he was telling the truth. They have apologized to me.
19/Jan/17 4:51 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I have read somewhere that the USA is the ONLY first world country where you can be bankrupted from medical expenses. To me, that's just plain wrong. We need affordable health care. But as soon as Trump won the election, and stated that he's repealing Obamacare (which may not be perfect, but was better than anything else we had), insurance companies decided that they could get greedy again and ended all of their programs which were the least profitable for them.
19/Jan/17 4:57 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Well Heidi, (just to play the 'devils advocate), the orange side says -

You are a prime example of part of what is wrong with the current system and the current societal philosophy.

All of the sudden, the health plan you had and were more or less happy with is gone. Now you will pay more for a new plan that might not even come up to the standard of your previous policy. Hey! Somebody has to pay for those who made poor 'life choices' and now can't afford health care.

Everyone 'deserves' a new car, big screen tv, atv, boat, etc.. With all the payments for things that make up the 'good life' that they ''deserve'', there just isn't anything left in the budget for health care, rent, food. It makes no difference that many have squandered their educational opportunities and as a result, of their decisions, have not prepared themselves to make a living wage.

It makes no difference that you, through perseverance and hard work, managed to succeed. You make more money so you should subsidize them. After all, THEY DESERVE IT...
19/Jan/17 6:08 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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How true DoA. Same in this country.
19/Jan/17 7:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It says nothing about a new car or big screen TV (neither of which I have). Nobody ''deserves'' THINGS they haven't earned. But we pay for government services (I pay big time) and affordable healthcare for all should be of primary importance. After all, if people aren't healthy, they can't work to support themselves and their families. Then they become a burden on honest taxpayers.
19/Jan/17 8:37 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I agree with Heidi. Affordable health care doesn't buy you a TV or a car. And I've been one of those poor people who couldn't afford health insurance, we didn't have new cars and all that stuff. People who have never been poor have no freaking idea what it is like and love to make assumptions... if they only budgeted better... if they stopped trading in cars every 5 years... if they didn't have the latest phones... that's all crap. You have no freaking idea.
19/Jan/17 9:16 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, there are some of both. I worked on professor Henderson's poverty inquiry back in the early 70's. Health was the biggest cause of poverty that I could see (before Medicare). There was also lack of education so they had no idea about nutrition, budgeting etc. But there are also those that think they should have all the mod cons even though they cannot afford them. I saw my parents struggle for money but we were lucky that we had the farm and could produce most of our own vegetables and milk. Ken and I both studied part time while working full time. When we were first married we went without until we could pay for what we bought. We had everyone's cast off furniture and carpets etc.
19/Jan/17 11:27 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I will be getting my 17 1/2 year old truck back tomorrow... partially repaired. One of the parts needed to let me open the driver's side door from the inside is on ''National back order'', and probably won't be in for 3 months. I can live with that. I need Thunder the Tundra. I hadn't realized all the different jobs she does for me that none of the farm machinery or the rental car can do. At least they have her running well again.
19/Jan/17 2:29 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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checking in to let you know I am alive and well. I do think I lost one post I typed, not sure if it was operator error or a computer glitch with the site.

I have a new housekeeper, yeah. she came yesterday, so bath, kitchen and floors are clean, furniture dusted, and one load of laundry done. I had done one load, just hours before I got the message she was coming Tuesday, so my laundry basket is almost empty now.

Got a flu shot one day last week, that is what I wrote in my post, I remember that. I drove for the second time since headaches started. the previous time, headache or not, I had to go pick up headache meds the doctor had called in, round trip driving is about 5 minuets, so I made that OK. Today at docs, regular check up appointment, I got the newest pneumonia shot, so I am all caught up on vaccines. I was so late in season getting flu shot because I had been told with one medication ( now discontinued) to check with doc before getting a vaccine. wanted to make sure I had ben off it long enough, so i did not get that checked on before headaches started. After that, a lot of things got postponed.

Had my 2vwery 2 year bone density done. One thing about my doc being in such a large group, they have their own lab, cat scan and bone density equipment, no separate appointment needed, No waiting, barely had time to get into the lovely back tie gown before they came to the changing/waiting room for me. Only thing I know still to so is mammogram.

doc looked at the cervical spine MRI report, said mostly it meant I had arthritis in my neck, and that one atypical lesion they saw. He did not think we need the bone scan Pain Management talked about (and that fell through the cracks, never got done). He said if there was any cancer anywhere, my calcium levels would be very high, so while doing my once yearly physical with all the blood tests, he added one for calcium. Only if it is high will we check further, suits me.

Back to pain clinic next week, and still need to schedule mammogram. whew, too many doctors, to many sticks, to many co pays.

Won one game at scrabble today, second place on game two, just did not have a good assortment of letters for that one. Mary was last place first game, that is MOST unusual, remember it happening to her only once before.

Lin was back with us today, looking better and rested. We think an extended 3 or 4 day visit from her daughter, who was clearing out her bedroom to make room for a hospital bed. she had been sleeping in her recliner, and sitting in her recliner awake, to much pressure on same spot, not good. But having daughter there, she became severely over tired, exhausted, and it has taken over 2 weeks to recover.

Tanya said she had an appointment with her doc today, was going to come by after, but I was at scrabble at that time. I hope they were able to figure some new treatment plan for her. Of course she sounded much better today, so doc will not see her as I have seen her th
19/Jan/17 4:06 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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My father was never out of work a day in his short life. But he had low paying jobs. House painter, taxi driver etc. It was better when he worked on the dam as a dog man then crane driver. I was 14 when we got our first telephone. Mum made my school uniforms, I worked for ballroom dance lessons. Mum was good at budgeting. She had to be because dad was a male chauvinist jerk who wouldn't let her work and gave her just barely enough to feed us. She ended up working for the school canteen. He was okay with that because it was women's work. The only paid position they had, responsible for scheduling, the money, ordering and all that stuff. She was paid 6 monthly and by the time she got the money she knew exactly what she was going to spend it on. That's how she replaced our laminate kitchen table for example. When he died she was 36 with three kids under 16, unskilled, with no experience. She cleaned toilets for years. I did it for her once so she could go away on holidays. I cried every day because people are disgusting. But it made me appreciate her a lot more. In her 40s she trained as an EN. Still not paid well, but more rewarding. She also sold folk art things at markets, things she built and painted, like kids chairs and tables. When she retired she finally started painting paintings but even then she painted more of the commercial stuff and only a few of the ones she liked to do. People got her to donate her paintings for charities.
19/Jan/17 7:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! No time to read or comment. Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, , and positive thoughts
19/Jan/17 8:29 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Day 13 of the wait for my 3 smilies to clear Gath's customs. I have sent 2 e-mails, with no response. Any suggestions?
20/Jan/17 5:33 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Heidi, there were a few people on easy that waited months to get things approved. I just think Gath has other interests these days. With a lot of hassling he did some just before Christmas. I also do not think this is something that is done by the Monitor.
20/Jan/17 8:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Ok. I'll have to put this in it's proper perspective. In the grand scheme of life, a few smilies means nothing of importance.

Meanwhile..... back on the ranch.....
Thunder is home!!! She starts again, and purrs when running. I just can't open the driver's side door from the inside. Again, in perspective, not THAT important. Just an inconvenience. To open the door I have to roll down the window, reach thru' and open the door from the outside. Then while holding the door open, roll up the electric window and turn off the ignition. Then I can exit the truck.
20/Jan/17 9:26 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Heidi, you reminded me of something that made me laugh a couple of weeks ago. Hubby's car has remote locking. I have to use a key, though I do have central locking. I was in a parking lot and dana and I were watching the kids while I walked back to the drivers side to lock the car. I thought about how much easier it would be if I could just push a button. I then remembered that when my kids were little I had to lock and unlock every door singly. It made me laugh about first world problems. I don't remember how I stopped them from running into traffic while I locked the car.
20/Jan/17 10:37 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Checking in again. Today was grocery day, first time I have been to grocery alone in about 3 months. I got it done, put away most of the groceries, after a rest. The remaining few can be put away tomorrow. I took a LONG nap late afternoon, over 2 hours. I think shopping wore me out.

Suzy, my dad would not let my mom work, until he wanted something. It was getting harder to pay the bills as we children got older, and dad wanted a baot. He loved fishing, so he let Mom go to work if she would pay some of the bills and he could buy his boat. The fishing boat soon was upgraded for a combination fishing water ski boat. I was 13, and had to come home from school, babysit my 3 younger siblings and cook the family evening meal. I learned to cook for 6 before I learned to cook for 2, when I married :).

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
20/Jan/17 4:20 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It's WAY too late again, so just dropping by to say hello and send offerings of , healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
20/Jan/17 8:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Friends. I feel like this is the Twilight Zone. Did no one post today, or was I here earlier? Anyway, sending healing energy, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and prayers for each of you.
21/Jan/17 6:53 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, I never learned to cook. My mother wasn't allowed to mow the front lawn either, because the neighbours would see her doing men's work. She was expected to mow the fenced in back yard though. I remember arriving home from practice one Saturday lunch time to dad yelling because he was hungry and mum wasn't there to get his lunch for him. He swore a lot. I remember one day mum swore. He yelled (he yelled a lot) if I effing hear you effing swear a-effin-gain, I'll effing knock your block off. That wasn't an idle threat either. After he died mum became known for her swearing. She'd swear while talking to friends, coworkers, bosses, even the mayor. I always thought it was her way of asserting her independence even though he was dead by then. Some men are a***holes. Not all men, I married a good one. Better than I deserve, though not perfect.
21/Jan/17 11:44 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I think from memory your Mother was younger than me. My life has been so much different to what she endured. Growing up as a child in the 1940's we had very little money and Dad was the only person earning money. We did sell a few pigs and calves and the farm gave us food.
I cannot comprehend what it was like for your Mum and you growing up as I have always had family and friends where the woman was respected.
22/Jan/17 1:20 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Two weeks of treatment. Four more to go. Lots of minor side effects but I am coping. I am finding it is making me very tired. Went to a friends birthday party today. Got home about 5.30 PM and went straight to sleep. Woke about 7 PM (had not heard Ken come home). Ken's sister had left two dinners at the front door. I heated them up in the microwave and then went back to bed. Slept till midnight. My back was aching so I have taken a couple of panadol, eaten some lychees, checked the computer and about to go back to bed.
22/Jan/17 1:26 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Sleep is good for you right now, June. It makes it easier for your body to fight back and heal. You might want to consider sleeping through as much of the next 4 weeks as you can.
((((( Gentle Hugs )))))

I slept through a lot of yesterday myself. Still fighting this sinus infection, but I cannot get medical help until Feb 1st, since my new insurance doesn't kick in until then. So I'm taking OTC drugs, and that always makes me sleepy. But I DID get hay fed to the cows and horses yesterday, so they're happy.
22/Jan/17 6:59 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

June, I'm glad you're already 2/3 of the way through treatments. Your body is telling you to sleep. Heidi is telling you to sleep. Her reasoning sounds quite logical. Please, sleep when and as much as you can and let your body fight its fight. We are with you 100%. Sending healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts!

Heidi, I hope those 9 days pass quickly and you can get some relief from the OTC drugs! Sending healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers your way, too.

Suzy, I'm sorry to hear how difficult your life was when you were young. You may be right that your Mum was asserting her independence by swearing. Also, it's a very hard habit to break. I've been trying to get my hubby to swear less, because I find myself swearing when I hear it so much from him.

MizT, I hope you're feeling better! And the same for Tanya! You both deserve to have better days and nights.

Thinking of everyone and sending an abundance of prayers, positive and cheerful thoughts, , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and healing energy!
22/Jan/17 5:54 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Since we're really near the bottom -
22/Jan/17 7:15 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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and I'm greedy ~
22/Jan/17 7:16 PM
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