Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. All the 'flowers with roots' are now in their new homes. My AC unit is now sending out nice cold air, as it should, yeah. /somehow some insulating board that was on the inside of the cover had loosened, was against the air intake blocking it. It is a wonder it worked at all. I slept sooo good last night in the cool air.

My back continued to complain after the planting of flowers. No help, and most creative reasons different residents could not help. 'I can kill a silk plant'. 'I have a bad back.' 'You do not want me around your plants.' 'I gave some money for the garden fund.' What it really means is they want to see the pretty flowers, but want no responsibility. Took me a while, but I got them done, a bit each day.

Yesterday my back was so bad, pain down legs, and I had tried everything allowed, but still could not stand for more than 5 minuets, sooo, I happened to remember the lidocaine cream doc had me using on neck, when I had headaches. Can't hurt, might help and IT DID. later, I was sitting, bent at the waist and reached down, and so many pops in my back, was like popcorn! Whatever had been out of place, causing pain down legs, all slipped back in and PAIN GONE, so much better. YEAH! I am now looking for a good chiropractor, for when pain gets bad, as this is not the first time I moved just a bit differently and bones realigned, pain was gone.

That second script I received was not a wrong medication, it was just one I did not need and had not requested. It was my medication. (Pharmacy had not been advised dosage was reduced, because doc told me to just cut pills in half till we could see if I could tolerate, then increase to stated dosage.) The pharmacy thinks someone requested a refill for a script number that was written wrong by person answering phone, or stated wrong by the customer, and that is how I got a med I did not order. Someone did not get a refill of a med they DID need delivered on Thursday, not good, but not necessarily fatal. I do think they should update their policy, so that the name of the drug should accompany the request for refill. Just going by a number alone, no built in 'fail safe'.

Been working on paperwork for my re-certification for housing assistance. Must do this once a year. Not a lot of notice given, but I knew it was coming up this month and had already started gathering. AND I can always turn in anything I had not thought of, she will not be checking it till July or August. It gives time for sending requests to whomever, if resident has not got all receipts together. I do as much as I can, take it to her, sure that she has it. Rent is figured on income minus medical expenses, so being sure documentation on every expense is to my benefit.

my soup for dinner has been thawed, microwave is calling me. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
19/May/17 10:45 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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“My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference.” ~ President Jimmy Carter
19/May/17 5:37 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

MizT, Good news that your back is better, and the medication you received was yours, even though you hadn't ordered it. That makes it a little less scary.

Heading off to bed and hoping all is well in your world!

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, , and prayers for all!
19/May/17 5:42 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, I'm glad you're doing okay. Sending more curing wishes,

MizT, I'm glad the cracking fixed your back.

Heidi, I'm bummed about Bear. 4 legged family members are still family.

I'm pretty mellow tonight. Friday night I let myself drink some wine. I'm pretty good most of the week, though I did regress the day the registered mail came.
19/May/17 9:18 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
20/May/17 2:43 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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, Friends!

Suzy, mellow is good, and an occasional drink of wine can be appreciated by most! Hang in there! We're with you! You are making progress day by day! {{{HUG}}}

Heidi, I keep thinking about Bear, as I'm sure you do, too. I wish there were something any of us could do. I suspect it would be a bit easier if you had some answers. {{{HUGS}}}

June, you continue to be in my thoughts as we hope for a complete cure! We can all learn from the way you are dealing with the day-to-day issues. {{{HUGS}}}

Excellent words of wisdom, DOrA!

Thinking of all our Sudokuaholic Friends and sending positive vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , and healing energy!
20/May/17 4:40 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Morning friends! I spent a lot of time in the garden yesterday, just checking on all the newly potted plants, pulling the random weed from the beds or containers, and deadheading both dianthus and Shasta daisies. Remember the 'mow, blow and go' people had taken a string trimmer to the area with violets, lantana and Easter Lilies? Happy to report the violets and lantana have made a come back. Will be a while yet before the lantana blooms, if it does this year, but the shrubs are now about 12 inches tall, headed for the 30 to 40 inch (aprox. one meter) potential. One small hydrangea that had not bloomed the first few years I was here, had one bloom last year, this year has about 8 huge blooms. It is a Mop head Hydrangea, planted too close to a huge Oak Leaf hydrangea. I convinced/educated residents that we must not cut back/break off the dead 'sticks' they saw winter on all the hydrangea, plus made sure that stunted plant got fertilizer, water and a bit more sun by trimming the oak leaf a bit on that side. A good contrast now, the white cone shaped blooms on the Oak leaf, and the huge blue to purple spherical blooms on the Mop head.

I had planned to go back to Lowes today, for a few more hanging baskets while still on sale. the really big planters that had Pansies are now naked, the last of the pansies gave up in the heat and hot winds we have had. a hanging basket plant, once transplanted to the big containers, gives instant color at a price I can afford. But, today is Do Dah Day. It is a fund raiser for the humane society, featuring a parade anyone can enter with their pet, for an entrance fee. Lots of fun, with bands and vendors set up in 2 of the local parks on Highland Avenue. One of the parks is almost next door, only the theater between us.

That means LOTS of traffic, and people hunting parking. they historically disregard the 'residents only' signs in our parking lot, and even ignore us if we sit outside and tell them this is private property, for residents only. If I leave, would loose my spot, and would possibly have to park blocks away from here. No Can Do, so most of us stay home on Do Dah Day, maybe walk up to the park, or go up on 8th floor balcony and listen to the music from the park.

OK, enough for today, time to get something done today even if it is wrong!Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
21/May/17 12:05 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, Love your TOPP. I have a T shirt with much the same idea printed on it.

Start where you are
Use what you have
Do what you can

If I have nothing else, I have a smile, a kind word of recognition, or a hug for someone who appears to need one. It brightens my day, and I hope it does others around me, too.
21/May/17 12:32 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

MizT, I like the way the saying is stated on your T-shirt; fewer words, same message - and it would be uncomfortable having someone staring at your shirt long enough to read Jimmy Carter's quote!

The 'Do Dah Day' sounds like fun, but you're wise to avoid driving in the extra traffic and worrying about getting a parking spot when you got back from Lowe's. Perhaps the sale will continue through tomorrow so you can get the hanging baskets. Or, maybe if they only have a few left, they could be convinced to let you purchase them at a reduced price so they are no longer taking up space and requiring care in the garden shop. It's worth a try . . .

Thinking of all our Sudoku friends and hoping all is well! Sending healing energy, positive vibes, , prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all!
21/May/17 2:58 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings! I hope everyone is well! Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
22/May/17 4:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Treatment day for me. I am anxious to see the blood results from blood taken last Friday. Not looking forward to sitting in the hospital for 5 hours and then waiting around to see the oncologist.
23/May/17 6:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hugs June!

Guess whose birthday it is? I miss her.
23/May/17 8:24 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A sign your granddaughter on the spectrum is being raised by a loving mom.... for her school identity profile she had to answer questions about herself. She answered the question about who she thinks is amazing with herself! Two years in a row.
23/May/17 10:42 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie just pointed out that she calls herself amazing to. I don't think she realised she was implying I'm a loving mom.
23/May/17 11:46 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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June, fingers crossed the the treatment today went well and the blood results from Friday are favorable!

Suzy, I place a comment on Mamacita's facebook page tonight.

Suzy, I think your Ds are amazing, and obviously, so are your grandies!

Thinking of everyone tonight and sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and
23/May/17 3:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I was worried about Alie, nearly wrote her nickname then, so I got her an appointment with a psychologist. she tested really, really high for anxiety and depression but was told this was a normal reaction and has another 5 appts before I have to find a way to pay for them.
23/May/17 3:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Happy Birthday, Mamacita. You are still very much in our hearts and minds.
23/May/17 5:06 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Mixed results today. The haemoglobin had dropped down a bit but not enough to warrant a blood transfusion. They said it would make me tired so why am I still awake at2 am. The tumour markers had risen again but the increase has lesson. I also saw the oncologist who was very puzzled as he had expected a drop. One more treatment and then I will have a CT scan which will show what is happening. With the help of Mr google I have sorted out some of the diarrhoea problem. I am taking a coated Sodium Bicarb tablet. Better than the 2 Gastro stop/Imodium tablets which I was taking every day and they were not working very well.
We all remember Mamacita with respect and love.
I want my birthdate remove from the site when I am no longer here to celebrate. I did that with Sharon's birthday.
24/May/17 2:06 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hello, Friendly Folks!

June, you must be feeling somewhat befuddled by the mixed results you re seeing/receiving from blood work and oncologist! The tired you likely feel from a drop in hemoglobin is more likely exhaustion, and not so much tiredness to help you sleep. At least, that was what my cello teacher seemed to experience last year. She might doze off VERY briefly during my lesson, but didn't find that her night-time sleep was better or different. I hope your next treatment will yield better results, especially a drop in tumor markers! Here's hoping the diarrhea problem improves for you!

Suzy, I'm glad you got Alie an appointment with a psychologist. Hopefully a few more visits will help her sort through things and get a handle on things she can do to help deal with all that she has on her plate. How about you? Would you benefit from someone else's perspective? Keeping you and both girls and grandies in my thoughts!

It's good to see you here, Heidi! Have you needed to start thinking about planting, fertilizing, etc.? Are you planning for calves in the future? How are your birds, including the most recent additions?

MizT, hoping your back is rested and all of the new plantings are doing well!

DOrA, will you be planning another hike or walk-about? I suspect weather will have an impact on your decision!

Broni, I hope you and Pete are doing well!

Nola, I hope no news is good news!

Midge, keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for improved health!

My apologies to those I have forgotten to mention.

While I did not play on the recital because of family visiting, etc., I continued practicing the recital piece. By a week AFTER the recital, it was basically in performance shape, including memorized. So, while I didn't need to deal with the stress of performing, I didn't let myself off the hook. I have now started learning the Gigue movement of Bach's First Cello Suite (not for performing, just learning it as the next logical progression in cello studies, apparently).

Sending , flowers , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive vibes, and prayers for everyone!
24/May/17 12:15 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Well, Julie, my back may be the determining factor. I would like to get back out on the trail, but...

Tomorrow, I get an epidural steroid injection. My DR says that if I don't get satisfactory relief, we may consider surgery, in the fall. At least that wouldn't screw up summer.

Heidi, I hadn't heard of 'Bad Boy' mowers, before. I saw one at one of the local implement stores, the other day. Good looking machine.

The pollen, from the trees has infiltrated my abode. It's just like dust, on Everything.
24/May/17 2:00 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I'll leave all Y'all with this....

A gorgeous young redhead
goes into the doctor's
office and said that her
body hurt wherever she touched it.

“Impossible!” says the doctor. “Show me.”

The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder and screamed,
she pushed her elbow and
screamed even more.
She pushed her knee and screamed;
likewise she pushed her ankle
and screamed.

Everywhere she touched
made her scream.

The doctor said,
“You're not really a
redhead, are you?”

“Well, no,” she said,
“I'm actually a blonde.”

“I thought so,”
the doctor said,
“Your finger is broken.”

All together, now - GROAN...
24/May/17 2:04 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, your results are not reassuring. Let's hope the scan is. Think of you all the time. I actually saw mamacitas birthday on TOS first.

Julie, thank you for telling us about your cello status. I like hearing about it.

DorA, I grinned.

It's official, for kindergarten at least Tahli will be in a support class. She might be main streamed later. Interestingly, she will be eligible for transport assistance. Hopefully dana will have her license by then though.
24/May/17 2:52 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gil is a blonde, too.

Still sleeping excessively. Sometimes 'round the clock.
25/May/17 1:36 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Woo Hoo, it's only Evening, not Night!

DOrA, I'm sorry to hear that your back is acting up. I certainly hope the epidural provides relief. From Heidi and MizT's experiences, it doesn't seem to always be of benefit. We'll hope for a 'doozy' for you! I'm glad to hear that your summer isn't likely to be the target date if surgery is required!

Great Groaner/Grinner, DOrA!

Suzy, it's nice that the plan for Kindergarten has been decided, so that everyone can begin to think about and plan for it! In some areas, transport is automatically linked to a support class. Of course, it will be nice for Dana to get her license, but also nice that she doesn't need to be the only means of transportation to and from school.

Heidi, it's good to see yo! Thanks for the laugh about Gil! Somehow, I had never considered that was a possibility, but he seems to suit the stereotype. I hope you will soon be feeling better and that the additional sleep is beneficial!

June, thinking of you. I hope the next treatment and follow-up CT will find results that we're all hoping for!

Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, positive and happy thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and ! I hope to 'see' you all tomorrow!
25/May/17 1:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I hate getting a phone call at 2 am. Even worse when noone says a word, just silence. Now still awake at 3:30 am. Bummer.

While grocery shopping Tuesday, I took a step and pain shot up my back. After a brief rest, it seemed to settle down. got my groceries home and put away cold things, loading them into auto in the rain. A quick bite of late lunch, then fell asleep in my slightly damp shirt and hair. Woke 3 hours later with spasms in back, severe spasms, every time I moved. tok over 24 hours of heat and ice, rest and increasing muscle relaxers to max dose prescribed to get those calmed down, but much better now.

Ever got rusty yellow pollen from Asiatic lilies on your shirt? I was pulling a few weeds near them and shirt is covered.

Half our parking spaces, those along the alley, are off limits. Have been all day today. tomorrow the huge dead oak tree is to come down. Huge bucket truck or crane will be coming in, needs space to get here, and of course room to maneuver the pieces down to trucks, as well as a margin of safety in case something falls. Luckily I did not have to move my car, it is safely parked under my building. So many had to move autos, and any not moved were towed away. One of our residents said he will get out vid camera and record it. Should keep him occupied a while. Once a newsman, always, even if years retired.

OK, trying to get back to sleep. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
25/May/17 6:49 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I did at last get back to sleep , another 4 hours, yeah. Have cooked a pork loin roast. While searing it to hold in juices, set off the smoke alarm. Nice to know it works but annoying to have to interupt my cooking to set fans, open windows and the door and clear the apartment of whatever.

Big oak tree is almost down. there was NO need to deny parking to many of the spaces blocked off. Because there were power lines on other side of alley, the tree side, these professionals were very careful to keep anything off the alley. They are working on the last branch, then the main trunk to go. I saw one worker hanging from the cable of the crane, where he took the sky route to the next branch above. His job was to tie off the branch so that when he cut it, the tree sized branch was gently lowered to the ground.

So nice my AC works even when I cook in the oven, my apartment stayed cool. Kitchen got a little warm, but temp of apartment not affected. Time to check on my roast, see if it has finished 'resting', and get it to fridge. I did read, thought of each of you, just unable to answer each post at the moment.

Hugs to June, hope your reports begin to improve, that the upcoming scan has more good news than bad.
26/May/17 2:16 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

How nice to see your posts, MizT, but so sorry that a prank phone call at 2:00 AM is the reason you're awake and posting! That mis-step on Tuesday while shopping certainly set you up for many hours of spasms/discomfort! I'm so glad you're now feeling better! I'm so glad you were finally able to get some sleep!

It's too bad so many residents had to be inconvenienced for the tree felling. But, it would have been a much larger inconvenience if a portion of the tree fell on and damaged a car! I'm glad all went well and there weren't any problems!

The pork loin roast sounds yummy! A much better alternative than toasted (not grilled) cheese sandwich that I had tonight! I hope you get several enjoyable meals from it!

We will be getting up early tomorrow for hubby's post-cataract surgery visit with ophthalmologist. I need to get some sleep, as I'll be the designated driver on the way home (dilated eyes on today's agenda with ophthalmologist).

Thinking of everyone and sending positive thoughts, , healing energy, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
26/May/17 2:59 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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I've seen better days, but I've also seen worse. I

don't have everything that I want, but I do

have all I need. I woke up with some aches and

pains, but I woke up. My life may not

be perfect, But

I Am Blessed...
27/May/17 12:36 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I went to a surprise 60th birthday party tonight. The biggest surprise is that with nearly 100 guests, nobody ruined the surprise. We stayed for 5 hours which was kind of amazing since my ability to socialise Taos out at 40 minutes. I wear two gold necklaces. One hubby bought me on our first Xmas, the other he bought me on our 21st Xmas. I have his wedding ring on one of them. A little girl, about 4 I guess, came up to me and asked me why I wear the necklaces. I told her because my husband gave them to me. Why did he give them to you? Because he loved me. Talking about him in the past tense like that is really hard.
27/May/17 12:44 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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27/May/17 1:48 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I love it, DOrA!!!!

Some neighbors have invited me to a barbecue tomorrow evening. It sounds like a lot of fun. I just hope the predicted thunderstorms don't hit when expected, and hold off 2 or 3 hours.
27/May/17 12:31 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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How did your shot go, DorA? My mum, and Heidi, said, if it hurts really badly when they do it, they got the right spot. Notice how I avoided swearing there?

27/May/17 12:47 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

I'm just peeking to see who has visited today. No time to read or comment, but will hopefully have time tomorrow!

Sending everyone healing energy, prayers, positive thoughts, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
27/May/17 4:37 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Messenger is confusing for me now. Alie changed our names to nicknames, after several iterations she chose 'the cutest'. I was messing around with Dana and changed hers to pain in the @$$. She joked about Alie being the cutest while she was a pain so now she is 'cuter than the cutest'. I always forget for a few seconds that they are no longer under their names and have to search. One of these days I'll mess up and send the wrong message to the wrong kid. Hey, I'm not old enough to have adult children so they're still kids to me!
27/May/17 5:19 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Prim a blonde too.
27/May/17 5:20 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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That was supposed to say PS I'm a blonde too, but autocorrect got in the way.
27/May/17 5:21 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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An Email from Nola who has had a knee replacement.

I got home today, one day earlier than expected. The replacement went very well and I can walk unassisted on crutches. Covered in bruises down the leg and tummy.. Off work for another 7 weeks which is going to be hard.
The first 2 days were almost painless after the spinal block and morphine driver, BUT THEN, it hits quite hard especially after physio.
I actually expected it to be worse but I had a great Surgeon who had plenty of alternatives to keep it bearable..
Now, I just have to keep exercising and moving.
28/May/17 1:36 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Thanks for relaying Nola's message, June. I'm so glad she's had the surgery. I have never heard anyone regret having a knee replacement.
28/May/17 3:57 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Fellow Sudokuaholics!

Suzy, I can't imagine trying to keep track of changing nicknames. I've been known to call my children and grandies the wrong name on occasion, and that's without including nicknames in the mix. And, they will always be kids because they're your kids. We still consider our children and their friends to be kids. After all, they're younger than we are, and I still refer to my siblings as the kids.

June, thank you so much for sharing Nola's email!

Nola, sending you lots of positive vibes and healing energy for a relatively pain-free recovery! Keep doing all of your exercises! So glad you're home, where more healing can take place!

It's time for me to head to bed, so I'll say Good Night and send a large supply of healing energy, , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and positive thoughts for all!
28/May/17 4:23 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

A late night tonight, so just sending good wishes and good health for everyone! , {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
29/May/17 5:34 PM
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