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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Heidi so sorry.
11/May/17 10:27 AM
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Be sure to cultivate positive thinking for the right reason - to enhance the quality of your life and the lives of others. (unknown)
(I think that about sums up what I am trying to do at the moment)
11/May/17 10:31 AM
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You popped in Midge when I went to answer the phone. Hope that you are OK.
11/May/17 10:32 AM
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Heidi, I'm so sorry. Shadow, our shepherd cross kelpie is getting wobbly. We thought we'd lose her a year ago. She's still eating everything I give her so I'm not taking any action. If she stops eating, or getting up at all, I'll call a vet. I don't think now is a good time for the kids to lose someone else though.
11/May/17 12:46 PM
DC, the last colony
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I suggest we all concentrate on Heidi getting to have at least one day without a bad thing happening.
11/May/17 2:27 PM
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Here's a conundrum for you. 10 month old, born deaf. Has a hearing aid or something, but it is only partially effective. I asked if she was going to be taught Auslan. Well, her father can't use his hands so, maybe.....
11/May/17 4:54 PM
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Hello, and Good Night, everyone! Another busy day, so I'm off to bed.
Welcome to Sarah from DC!
Thinking of everyone and sending happy, positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
and prayers!
11/May/17 6:16 PM
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Lovely to see you posting here Sarah. Suzy, maybe this young one will be able to have a cochlea transplant somewhere in its future. Can someone else in the family teach the child Auslan and later to lip read.
11/May/17 8:26 PM
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Risky (Risqué)
After a tiring day, a commuter settled down in his seat and closed his eyes.
As the plane rolled out on the tarmac, the young woman sitting next to him pulled out her cell phone and started
talking in a loud voice:
'Hi sweetheart. It's Daisy. I'm on the plane'.
'Yes, I know it's the six thirty and not the four thirty, but I had a long meeting'.
'No, honey, not with that Kevin from the accounting office. It was with the boss'.
'No sweetheart, you're the only one in my life'.
'Yes, I'm sure, cross my heart!'
Fifteen minutes later, she was still talking loudly.
When the man sitting next to her had enough, he leaned over and said into the phone,
'Daisy, hang up the phone and come back to bed.'
Sue doesn't use her cell phone in public any longer.
12/May/17 2:20 AM
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I failed to remember, not to forget, to change 'Sue' to 'Daisy'....
12/May/17 3:36 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I must remember to use that technique with the next ignoramous who bugs me by talking loudly on their cell phone in public. Don't people have a clue what rudeness is anymore?
12/May/17 5:41 AM
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DorA, I read it as she doesn't. Had to read it again to see what you failed to remember.
There is only one place allowed to call me Sue. The place that makes my coffee. Everyone else is corrected. Unless it's someone I'm never going to see again, then they'd can call me whatever variation they want.
Hi Sarah.
The little girl's mother might be able to teach her, but first she'd have to learn it. If she hasn't already started, I'm pretty sure she isn't going to.
12/May/17 8:24 AM
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How are you going with the treatment June? Hope it is easier for you.
Suzy - What a shame - Auslan will certainty help to ease her frustration with communicating, whether she has an implant or not.
Good one Dora - out for dinner a while ago when a group of Asian tourists came in - all 12 of them were on their phones texting the whole time while they ate - so rude.
Agree with you Sarah - Heidi has had a really bad run.
Just back from my 3rd blood test this week - so sick of them. This DVT is a real nuisance. Dr doesn't know how the blood thinners will affect my aneurism - I think I don't want to know. Hope everyone has a great day - the sun is shining here and not too cold, a real Autumn day.
Got some good news yesterday, the termites are taking the bait and hopefully will soon decide not to try and eat our house. The termite swarms are so disgusting - inside our lounge and kitchen - one thing against open plan living!! Cheers to all.
12/May/17 10:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MY run???? My problems are small compared to Suzy, June and Midge's!
I don't know if it was my imagination, or wishful thinking, but while I was outside just now, calling for Bear again (voices carry better at night), I thought I heard Bear respond from almost 2 miles away towards the east. I hope it was Bear. It was a deep voiced dog like him. But he's been gone for 15 days now, and the chances are slim.
12/May/17 1:30 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I finally made it her 'early enough' to do some reading and responding!
Midge, you have certainly had your share of medical issues to deal with! Hoping you can soon put it all behind you! Take care! So glad to hear that the termites are taking the bait and will hopefully be history and some normalcy will return to your life/household!
June, what a great TOPP! I hope the tooth is better. Keeping you in my thoughts for best possible outcomes from your chemotherapy! Sending healing energy your way!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope a new lawn mower will make at least a part of your life easier! I'm crossing fingers that the deep voiced dog you heard might be Bear and that he will be found in better condition than might be expected! I'm so sorry that your rescue Missy has passed.
Suzy, hoping your dog continues eating well and enjoys many more months/years with you and your family! Thinking of your grandie's comment - the young ones can be so perceptive and straight-forward!
DOrA, I confess to liking all of your posts, whether they be Risque or Risky - or just plain funny!
Sarah, so glad you could stop by!
MizT, I'm so sorry about the plants that tipped in the wind and sorry, too, that some of the new plants have been taken from their new planting
I haven't taken any photos of the wood projects we made. Hopefully I will remember to do that in the next few days. If I forget, don't hesitate to remind me!
Thinking of everyone, even if I haven't mentioned you by name.
Sending powerfully positive thoughts, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for each of you!
12/May/17 3:43 PM
Alabama, USA
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OH, Heidi, I did not at first catch your meaning of 'lead poisoning' till June put it in quotes. I should have caught that, having lived in a rural area with lots of cattle. A stray dog in the pasture, chasing the cows, and the farmer would head for his rifle. I certainly hope that has not been Bear's fate.
Sorry for my long absents here, I do not know where this week has gone. Nothing to account for it, except book 3 arrived, and I have finished it also. Now well into the 900 page first book of Ken Follett's Century Trilogy. Having a bit of a problem keeping up with characters, too too many of them.
June, sorry to hear you are having dental problems. I hope you can get that taken care of soon.
Julie, your turning project bottles with caps sound interesting. I would like to see photos of them, if possible. Please, if you have not already, tell us about other interesting projects from the meeting. I imagine this club, like any club centered around a craft enjoys 'show and tell'. Was my favorite part of being with a cyber quilting guild. Ohotos shared of all the quilts. Even better when the show and tell is live and in person.
June, sorry to hear the cancer markers were up last blood work report. Hugs and prayers for improvement next time.
Heidi, I kind of figured it was another mower you were out to buy hehehe. there comes a time when that is best choice. Not just the money for repairs, but the time it is in shop and grass cannot be cut is a major aggravation.
Looks as if this will get long, catching up on the posts I have missed, so I will post now and not run over. Hugs, friends.
12/May/17 11:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The new mower is a doll. It's a 54'' Bad Boy Zero Turn with controls almost as good as my tractor! This is the first mower I've ever owned that has a gas gauge and a dial to set deck height!
13/May/17 12:23 AM
Alabama, USA
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Midge, the geranium cuttings are still looking good. They are on the back covered patio. Sun is very hot now, so till they are well rooted, out of sun with a jug of water besides them, and have asked a couple of friends to help keep the soil damp. Would love to have a couple more pots of geraniums, only have 3 now hehehe. The mystery plant did not root, and so far, Helen has not found the name of it. She did take photos this week, I think she forgot earlier.
HI to Sarah from DC. Yes, I am sure Heidi would welcome a 'dull day' with nothing happening. Good thought. Come back and join in when you can, tell us who do not get to the other sudoku sites a bit about yourself if you care to. and again, Welcome.
Suzy, I hope Shadow can continue to eat and stay with you a long time. Never is a good time to loose a pet, but agree, now is worse than usual for the grandies. Hugs.
Heidi, do you suppose Gil took Bear? Just because he could? Just to worry you? Would Bear have gone with him? I would not put anything past him, at this point. Sorry to hear of Missy's passing. She had a long and happy life with you, and even though you expected it, I am sure her passing has left a hole in your heart. Hugs, friend.
June, I think it is wonderful that you are getting out and about during your chemo. My friend Connie had her first chemo yesterday. Came home as bouncy and happy as usual and no side effects from this first round. Yesterday got the results of her PET scan done earlier this week. Nasty little critters found in her lungs, and another in the pelvic region, that they did not find on surgery. That moves her to stage four. Her only problem was how long she was there for treatment, hours. she had phoned me to pick up her lunch, since the kitchen is now locked at 5 pm daily. Lunch must be picked up before 5 now, even if you are not able to get home fore 5 pm. Happy to do that for her, gee, I have wheels, so not a problem at all.
My week in a nutshell. My pain meds were not delivered tuesday as they should have been. I phoned, was told they were scheduled for Thursday delivery, but they could get them out today (Wednesday). When I opened the well stapled bag later that day, there was another of my scripts there, one I had not requested, because the doc had decreased dosage. Took till Thursday to straighten that, they should pick up and credit me for that charge today. Wednesday my housekeeper canceled once again, she had 'an appointment'. In the last 2 months, she has been a no show more often than not. I had to do a load of laundry, no more room in the hamper, and by time I got home, back was screaming. Thursday was the choice of the monthly birthday party or scrabble. Since Linn was able to come play yesterday, we opted for Scrabble. Her COPD and oxygen levels have kept her from joining us lately. We had a good game, got to a spot where each of us had letters left and NO WAY to play them, even with all 4 of us hunting, helping. Do not think t
13/May/17 12:36 AM
Alabama, USA
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Do not think that has happened before.
Time to start my day here. Hope the rash that just appeared last night will stay away. I started the benadryl, clariton routine from former hives attacks, and it has calmed down considerably. Of course none of my doctors have office hours on Friday, I am on my own till Monday, or go to Urgent Care, bummer. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
Heidi, the new mower sounds nice. did you trade in the old one? going to sell it or what? Wishing you many hours of happy mowing.
13/May/17 12:39 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I gave the old one to Debbie's grandson. He wants to try to repair it, so he can earn some money mowing lawns. Or he can sell it after replacing the belt and make some good money. The engine runs like a dream, and it looks decent enough. And it's also a Bad Boy, which is a good brand. This one had problems because Robert set it on fire, something covered by no warranty. The heat must have warped some stuff on the deck.
13/May/17 9:08 AM
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Just a quick Hello before I head to bed. Sending the very best good wishes, healing energy, prayers, positive vibes, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and
for each of you!
13/May/17 4:17 PM
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Greetings from Illinois, USA!
MizT, I hope you're feeling better and that the rash has disappeared. Sure hope it has no impact on your ability to enjoy the weekend! I hope the begonia cuttings continue to do well, and hope the mystery plant can be identified!
Heidi, you are so generous to give your old mower to Debbie's grandson. Here's hoping he can successfully repair it and build a nice lawn mowing business! In the meantime, enjoy your new 'Bad Boy' mower! (What a great name for a mower! It obviously means business!)
Sending Mother's Day greetings to all who celebrate as a mother or mother-figure for 2-legged or 4-legged family members! Sending warm thoughts for Suzy, D's and grandies! {{{HUGS}}}
Sending warm thoughts for all, whether mentioned above and/or including Midge, DOrA, Broni & Pete, June, Sarah, Nola, and any others I have missed!
Everyone, feel free to enjoy and share
, healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive vibes!
14/May/17 12:40 PM
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Happy Mother's Day!
14/May/17 4:28 PM
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So I woke up this morning to a loud knock on the door. Not the kind a friend does. I drag some tracks dacks on and head there to see a mail carrier with that electronic thing for me to sign. A registered letter. I know what it is and barely hold it together until the carrier is gone. Yep, official, legal, confirmation that he is gone forever.
15/May/17 10:45 AM
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Suzy, so sorry the registered letter had to make it's appearance today. Remember, we're here for you whenever you need a shoulder or ear. Sending {{{HUGS}}}
Hi, Everybody! I haven't posted any photos of the winning entries in the wood turning competition. To be honest, I don't remember how to post them, nor have I had time to attempt it. Perhaps in the next few days . . .
Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, prayers, and positive vibes
15/May/17 2:11 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, thankfully the rash is gone, no more problems, yeah.
The pharmacy did NOT pick up the script sent in error, as promised. I shall have to phone them once again today. I wonder what is happening at that business. I always ask that my meds be charged to card on file, and lately it gets here and has not been charged. If it is charged, they can leave it on my door if I am out, if notcharged, the delivery person has to have me tell him it was to be charged, and he has to take paperwork back. I see the ticket, clearly marked 'charge and deliver', but not done. Now this mystery of why they sent the other drug. Noone knows, and noone is following through on this. I am checking my meds much more closely now, if they can make that many other mistakes, do they get the right pills in the right bottle?? It has always been so convenient having them deliver my meds, saves a trip and the ever present hunt for a parking space when I get home.
Hugs, Suzy. I know that mail was a shock, and sorry they dragged you out of bed to receive it.
I had a fun weekend. Daughter #1 in Connecticut asked in a phone call if there was something I would enjoy for Mother's day gift. At first I could not think of anything, but came up with 'flowers with roots on them' hehehe. she asked, now how am I to do that. We decided on an electronic gift card to Lowes, the big box store with a nice garden center. they had a weekend sale on hanging baskets. T was surprised that I got 2 hanging baskets of begonias and a flat of 10 six packs, 5 each of Begonias and coleus. I have empty containers, 60 plants should fill them
I shall be busy, hope that Brian and others can help plant them up.
If you saw this on TOS, you can skip on by, nothing new. Saturday we had a trip to one of the
Episcopal churches that held their annual crayfish and shrimp boil. HUGE amount of shrimp, little potatoes and corn on the cob served up in a plastic bag. Spread out layers upon layers of newspapers to catch the drippings, grab some paper towels and dig in, finger food! I ate my fill and still had 8 large shrimp and a couple potatoes to bring home for Sunday lunch. Enjoyed every bite of it, both days, did I say I love seafood?
I need to try to get back to sleep, hip pain woke me early again today, much earlier than I would like. I sleep on my side, and that hip objects after a few hours. really need a couple hours more ZZZZs. Hugs to each of you, with extras.
15/May/17 10:02 PM
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Already in his nineties, the French writer and
philosopher Bernard de Fontenelle (1657-1757) tried unsuccessfully to pick up a fan an attractive young woman had just dropped. Clearly he had forgotten the physical limits of his advanced age in the face of beauty. As the
woman bent down to help him, he said ruefully, 'Ah, if I were only eighty again.'
16/May/17 5:29 AM
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Greetings to All!
MizT, the mistakes by the pharmacy are indeed worrisome! I'm glad you're being pro-active and checking on what is being delivered to you. Hopefully they'll get more organized and careful!
Wow, MizT, you did, indeed, get a lot of flowers with roots for your gift card. I hope you have good and willing helpers to get everything planted! By the way, the crayfish & shrimp boil dinner sounds yummy!
Hi, DOrA! Obviously, Bernard de Fontenelle could think on his feet, even if he couldn't retrieve the young woman's fan! Clever! Thanks for sharing!
My goal is to get to bed earlier tonight, so I'm off to check email (of which I get WAY too much. It seems as if every time I try to cancel email from a particular organization, a different organization (or 2) decides to pick up the slack. VERY frustrating!
Sending healing energy, positive vibes,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everyone!
16/May/17 11:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT.... for the safety of not just yourself, but all of the clients of that pharmacy, please contact your local newspaper and tell them about the lousy record keeping of that pharmacy, and the problems you've had. Especially being sent the wrong drug. Ask them to NOT divulge your name. This is a major disaster for someone in the making, and it needs to be publicly investigated and cleaned up before someone is killed. You could be saving lives by reporting it.
I REALLY slept today. I fell asleep last night (rather, this morning) about 4 am, and didn't wake up until after 10 pm. That's 18 hours of sleep. And I just want to go back to bed for another 8 to 12 hours.
16/May/17 2:22 PM
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Tahli: can a dolphin and a bat hear each other's echolocation? (Echolocation looks like little circles drawn in a row)
16/May/17 8:34 PM
Magnolia, KY
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You'll have to ask a dolphin.... or a bat.
17/May/17 6:31 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, what an excellent question Tahli asked! She's a deep thinker and making connections of what she's learning!
MizT, Heidi's advice is good. The pharmacy needs to be investigated. Your observations could ultimately help to save someone's life.
Heidi, I hope the extended sleep helps you to feel much better. Thinking of you.
You are all in my thoughts. Sending positive vibes, prayers,
, healing energy, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
17/May/17 4:01 PM
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Hi, Everyone! Things here seem quiet - probably just a matter of everyone being busy this time of year.
I hope everyone is enjoying good health! Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers for everyone! Take care!
18/May/17 12:20 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Just sleeping a lot.
18/May/17 12:41 PM
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June, I think about you a lot and come here to see how you are doing. If wishes were cures you'd be healed by now.
Heidi, have you tried calling Bear at night again?
Julie, did you decide about the concert? Did I miss that? I come here to read often, but sometimes miss things because my concentration isn't good.
18/May/17 2:02 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I call him every night.
18/May/17 2:26 PM
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Heidi, have you heard him answer again?
We're supposed to get a month of rain in three days, starting tomorrow. The clouds are already coming over. That made working out the ride on mower urgent. With the help of work mates of hubby's I was finally able to use it. I mowed the back yard and the back paddock. By the end my hip was protesting strongly and using the brake was difficult. I did it though. Not as well as hubby used to do, but good enough.
18/May/17 5:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I have heard no answer. I suspect that wasn't him that night. I have pretty much given up hope.
18/May/17 7:01 PM
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Suzy,I am doing OK. We just have to stop the bl##dy thing from spreading. This is a good week. Today we went and watched Laura run in the zone cross country. They ran 3 kilometres. She came 28 out of 100 students. Many were a bit older (her birthday is August so running against those born since January) and other belong to Little Athletics. They had to walk the course first, so they were a bit tired before they started. They then had to run the course twice to get the distance. After that we did the weekly shopping. Tomorrow we have a Fashion Parade at the bowling club.
I have all this painting I would like to get finished but I have been out every day this week.
Heidi, Sorry about Bear but I doubt if you will see him again after all this time.
MizT, it is a real worry when the pharmacy gets things wrong. Lives depend on them.
We do need rain. Maybe not quite as much as they are predicting.
18/May/17 10:35 PM
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June, it's still just overcast here this morning. And I've rechecked the forecast, there's no 'month of rain in three days'. It must have changed.
19/May/17 9:00 AM
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