Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Gunpowder and Cereal
A man once counseled his son that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a little gunpowder on his Cornflakes every morning. The son did this religiously, and he lived to the age of 93. When he died, he left 14 children, 28 grand-children, 35 great-grand children, and a 15 foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.
24/Apr/17 5:23 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Best TOPP ever, DOrA!!!
24/Apr/17 6:00 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Didn't see that coming.

I seldom count pages...

24/Apr/17 6:23 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I am now the proud owner of a prescription for Valium, because apparently using alcohol is not a good idea.
24/Apr/17 2:10 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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A TOPP with a POP! That was great, DOrA! I agree, Heidi! This TOPP takes the prize! We're so glad you're back, DOrA! Thanks! (I didn't realize I was at the end of a page. Sorry to leave you hanging like that.)

Heidi, will be thinking of you tomorrow as you head to the specialist. I hope you'll soon have some relief and will return to a healthy version of yourself!

I hope to make it to bed before midnight, so I need to send the usual wishes before saying Good Night! Feel free to share these {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive vibes, prayers, , and healing energy for everyone!
24/Apr/17 2:16 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Suzy! You snuck in while I was typing. Yep, I suspect Valium may be a better choice than alcohol. It's probably easier to keep track of the dose.
24/Apr/17 2:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tomorrow the ENT doc will be making another incision in my ear drum, syphon out infection, then insert another tube. Then he'll put me on antibiotics again. I should be able to hear again after that. I also need to stop next door to that office to see my GP. I need a refill on my thyroid meds, too.
24/Apr/17 2:25 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Day 40 without hubby, so far day one without alcohol. I'll see how I go.
24/Apr/17 8:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. It is very cool outside this morning, but will warm up more today than yesterday. I saw people with winter coats on again yesterday, where the norm has been short sleeves mid day, long sleeves at night if outside. when I went out in long sleeve shirt, it was about 55*F (12.7C) with a stiff breeze and a mist of rain, seemed much colder than 55. I dead headed the roses, watered the ferns out front and came back inside.

We had rain Saturday afternoon and night. Lucky it did not tain until after Gumbo Gala. It was the perfect weather for it and I have heard they had a big turn out. My nephew made 13 gallons of gumbo and not a drop left. He said he did not get a bowl of his own gumbo. I hope he did find some at another booth.

Heidi, what time today is your appointment? I hope you get started on the antibiotics and soon have earache symptoms under control.

June, I saw some of your photos on TOS, It was a beautiful area you were in. So sorry you were not up for the hikes, hope you let hubby and Laura go while you rested with a book or just looking at the view. The golden ash trees were spectacular.

My AC was not working well, temps were getting warmer and warmer in apartment. Once the outside temps cooled, I have had windows opened, it is getting a bit chill at the moment. Time to dress in something warmer than my sleep shirt and have a cup of coffee. Maybe turn off the fan, too :), but the cool feels so good and the clean fresh air smells so good.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.

24/Apr/17 10:37 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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OOOPS, I did not realize there were more posts, saw them after my post turned the page for me.

Suzy, I hope the Valium works wonders for you. You are right, alcohol is not what is needed now, glad you were able to get this script. If it does not work as you need, go back to doc, try something else. Perhaps you also could benefit from grief counseling. Sometimes that can be a big help to get you through the grieving process, especially when the death was so sudden, so unexpected. Huge hugs to you, friend.

DORA, I had a chuckle from your TOPP. Very cute joke, gave me a chuckle this morning. Like you, I do not count or notice pages, and sometimes am at TOPP with just a regular post, but your started off the page with a bang

Julie, always good to see your posts., but not a lot about you lately. How is cello practice and lessons going? Lots of doc appointments for you or hubby, I hope all of them went well. Let us hear a bit about you when you can, we care.

major hugs, again, till later.

24/Apr/17 10:51 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Alcohol solves nothing, Suzy. It only causes more problems. I'm glad you're getting a doctor's help to numb the emotional pain.

Off to my appointment now.
25/Apr/17 4:18 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Well, that was a dud. At least the alcohol kept me asleep. It solved a whole hell of a lot actually. The addictive drug I've been convinced to replace it with worked for 4 hours. I tried to movie myself back to sleep, then I tried to read myself back to sleep. Now I've given up. I'll give it one more night...
25/Apr/17 4:37 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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So get the doc to prescribe something else. I know alcohol SEEMS to help you forget, but it permanently destroys brain cells, Suzy. And your brain is too fragile to handle that. It's hard. Very hard. But you need to fight your way through this for your daughters and grandies.
25/Apr/17 8:54 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I can hear again! The ENT doc made an incision in the ear drum, siphoned out a LOT of fluid, then put in another T-tube. He didn't see signs of infection, so no antibiotics. Just lots and lots of fluid pressure.
25/Apr/17 9:03 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All!

Suzy, hopefully each day will get a bit easier. And, hopefully, it will be easier to face each day without alcohol. Be sure to let the doctor know if the Valium is helpful, and if it isn't, surely there will be another alternative medication that will help! We're thinking of you and hoping you'll be able to find something that will ease the struggle.

MizT, it sounds like the Gumbo Gala was successful, especially since your nephew wasn't even able to save a bowl for himself! Hoping your AC will deal with the heat better than it has been, and glad the outside temperature cooled down enough so that open windows could help to cool your apartment!

Hooray for your ENT, Heidi. So glad there was no sign of infection and hoping the tube will help to keep the fluid from accumulating! Such wonderful news that you can hear again!

Had D and grandies visiting last week, so not much time to practice. Extremely busy week this week helping to teach high school students to turn pens, so had to cancel my cello lesson. The rehearsal for next Sunday recital was tonight, but we decided that these 2 weeks leading up to the recital weren't conducive to being fully prepared. Luckily my teacher was very understanding and agreed that it would be best if I didn't play on the recital this time. That removed a huge amount of stress. I have continued practicing, as if I were playing on the recital, on the days when I have time. I just won't be required to play on the recital.

Thinking of everyone and sending prayers, positive vibes, healing energy, and healing energy!

25/Apr/17 3:07 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone!

Just a quick hello after a busy day and before 2 more busy days! I'll try to get back for a visit each day, if possible.

Thinking of all of you and sending positive vibes, , healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers!
26/Apr/17 1:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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3 hours last night. 2 hours later I took another half a pill and dozed on and odd for another hour before I gave up. My grandmother took this stuff like it was Pez. I don't have a refill on the prescription so there's no chance I'll end up like her. No chance anyway, because knowing about her addiction will stop me from taking too many. In fact it may be the reason it isn't working for me. All in my head!
26/Apr/17 1:53 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, back in1973 ken was having back aches. Doc said he thought it was tension so gave him Valium Tablets. I think he took one three times a day and slept night and day for the whole weekend. I do not think he has taken one since, or maybe he was given one to relieve kidney stone pain.
Not sick so far from todays Chemo but having trouble typing as it makes my fingers tingle. Bed heated so of to bed.
26/Apr/17 10:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I had come into the computer room and left my icecream container in the kitchen. Big mistake as I rushed into the kitchen and was sick over the floor! I had it everywhere with me before that!
27/Apr/17 4:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Oh, no, June!!!!
27/Apr/17 6:00 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Just visiting briefly after a LONG day and evening teaching high school students to turn pens (similar to photo of many pens on my page). And now, off to bed!

Sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, positive thoughts, and

Thinking of all of you! Take care!
27/Apr/17 2:48 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Julie, I thought of you when we at the Blue Mountains and visited a shop selling all wooden hand made products. We also have a local wood turner who sells his pens when we have a craft show at the bowling club towards the end of the year.
27/Apr/17 10:28 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Feeling much better tonight. Took things fairly easy today. Back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to get the drip home chemo removed. After I have been to my brother in laws 70 birthday lunch. Have to have my appetite back then as I know my sister will put on a lovely lunch.
27/Apr/17 10:33 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Hide things everywhere.
Forget about them.
Find them randomly
and feel surprised
like a pirate
finding buried treasure...
28/Apr/17 1:44 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Three days ago, a neighbor called me and asked if I'd consider selling my 16 ft. trailer to him. I thought about it for awhile and realized that I hardly ever use it anymore since I sold the tractor I bought it to haul was sold. And it's really to big for hauling my mower and UTV. So I decided to sell it to him and get an 8 or 10 ft trailer with built in ramp for easy loading of the mower. One that size would be easier to manage feed tubs for cattle, too. I called Bobby and said YES, and quoted him what I felt was a fair price. He said it was very fair, and we had a deal. The next day, he accidentally let it slip to Gil that he was buying it from me. Gil said he was glad, because now he could borrow it from Bobby if he needed it. Then he went home to his sl*t and mentioned it to her. Next thing Bobby knew, Gil was on the phone telling him that he couldn't buy it from me because ''they'' were contesting my ownership of it. Bobby told me about it yesterday, and I explained to him that I had purchased the trailer myself, with no help from Gil, with money I had inherited. Under Kentucky law, money that is inherited, and anything that is purchased with it, is NOT community property. Gil has been told that by both attorneys. Everything I have was purchased with inherited money, directly or indirectly, so he has no claim on anything. Meanwhile, earned income is community property, so the few things that he has purchased ARE equally mine. Bobby is buying the trailer. But I think Gil is even more of a slimeball now, if that's possible. Oh, and Bobby is appalled that he and his sl*t are living together right under my nose, so to speak, before the divorce is final. Bobby does NOT believe that adultery is acceptable.
28/Apr/17 5:10 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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I dropped in at Dana's last night. She'd been clearing out cupboards and had about a dozen garbage bag of clothes to go to charity. As you know Dana doesn't drive. She would have had to carry one bag at a time on the stroller when taking Tahli to school. She didn't mention it and didn't ask for help. I asked her if they were bags for donation. Alie and I took 6 bags with us to put in the charity bins on the way home. Alie didn't know how to open the bins to put the bags in! How do you get to 20 and not know that?! Have a stupid mother who did everything for you growing up I guess.
28/Apr/17 10:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just stopping by to say Hello before heading to bed. the last couple of days have been exhausting, but in a good way.

Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, , healing energy, prayers, and positive thoughts!
28/Apr/17 4:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yesterday, I discovered that a small gate in the side of the yard was open. The collies were having fun running in and out, and playing in the barns. I called them in and shut the gate, only to discover one dog missing. Bear. I've been calling and calling, and have driven around the neighborhood for miles, particularly in the direction he was seen running. This is his first time he's been loose. I'm worried sick about him. He knows nothing about the dangers of cars. Or morons.
29/Apr/17 12:38 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings to All~

Heidi, I hope by now you have found Bear. Crossing fingers that he is safe! Prayers for him and you.

Off to bed with another early morning alarm. Sending healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, positive thoughts, and
29/Apr/17 5:11 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still no sign of Bear. I've contacted all local Vets and Animal shelters within a 40 mile range. Nothing. Debbie has posted his picture on Facebook as well. I'm off to search again. I don't think I'll have much luck, but know of nothing else to do. There's no place to put up posters that people will see. Too rural.
30/Apr/17 5:23 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everybody!

Suzy, I hope things are going reasonably well for you, and hope you are able to sleep better! Good for Dana for donating clothing and items her little ones have outgrown. Unfortunately, we see too much being thrown into the trash in this area, instead of donating for others to use.

Because we have some space in our basement, older D often had us bring home bags of items after we had visited. Now, younger D is able to use much of what has been stored here. Every couple of months, she brings back things outgrown by her little one and 'shops' through the larger sizes to see what can be used. So, even though we don't live in close proximity, both families have benefited.

Heidi, the stories about Gil never cease to amaze. I think we were all hoping that you would have fewer 'opportunities' to deal with him, but he seems to continue to find ways to interfere in your life. Here's hoping that will soon change!

I'm sorry you haven't found Bear yet. Is he microchipped? Do most people in your area know you rescue collies? I hope he is found soon and either returned directly to you or turned in to a vet or shelter so that he can be returned. Do you have any thoughts about how the gate was opened? Keeping fingers crossed that he'll soon be back at home with you!

June, I hope you are continuing to feel better and sleeping well!

DOrA, I enjoyed your thoughts about hiding things, then finding them later like pirate treasure. That kind of happens at our house. Depending on who puts something away, especially things used infrequently, inevitably the other of us has no idea where to find them, which leads to scavenger hunts, especially when NO ONE knows where an item was 'put away.' We really need to find time to do some major sorting/ordering of items, especially in the basement.

MizT, I hope you are feeling better and that bad weather isn't contributing to your discomfort!

Broni, I hope all is going well with you and Pete.

Thinking of everyone who posts, even occasionally, including Nola, Midge, Theresa, and anyone I have forgotten.

Sending healing energy, , prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive vibes for everyone!
30/Apr/17 11:34 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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No, Bear isn't microchipped. It's a little too high tech for this area. When I lived in New Jersey and was showing dogs, all of my dogs were microshipped. It's different here. Most places don't have the ability to read them around here. This is the first time I've had a dog run off in Kentucky. I'm still shocked that he did so. And worried that he's not getting his epilepsy meds. Everybody in the area knows about my dogs, so if he's seen by honest folks, it should get back to me. But there are a LOT of wild areas around here, besides the farmland. And a lot of rednecks who could easily confuse him with a coyote or coy-dog and shoot him.
30/Apr/17 12:25 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Still no word on Bear. I have a bad feeling that I'll never see him again.

The goslings are growing so fast, it's amazing. I got them 2 days after they'd hatched 11 days ago. Now they wouldn't fit into an ostrich egg, no matter how much you pushed.
01/May/17 6:02 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings from Here to There!

Heidi, I'm keeping fingers, toes, and everything possible crossed that Bear will find his way home or find someone who will help him to find his way back to you.

Sending healing energy, positive vibes, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and for everyone!
01/May/17 1:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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When will it end with Gil, Heidi? Yes, a slime ball, money grubbing low life who seems to be listening to his new woman, who is NOT a lawyer. I think that may get him into a lot of trouble with the neighbors. At least I hope it does

Suzi, not a stupid mother, but one who believed in giving her daughters a worry free childhood to pursue other talents. she knows now, that is all that matters, right? As for Dana, she could have taken a week to get all the bags to donation site, but they would have got there all the same, one bag at a time. Good of you to get them out of her house all at once, though.

Heidi, sad to hear Bear is out and missing, with no clue to what he is facing. I hope he finds his way home when it is time to eat. Hope to read later he has returned, good luck to him and to you. See later he has not returned. Is there some way to put posters at places rural people go regularly? The feed store? Grocery stores> Service stations? Perhaps they would let you put poster in the window near door, or inside near registrar. Just a thought.

I am up for intermission, waiting for second sleeping medication to decide to work. It is taking it's own sweet time. The second of two weather fronts is coming through. I heard thunder in the distance, but no severe weather forecast for this line of storms moving through. today was almost a non event here, I did not even know when the first front started through, until I was notified on my cell phone. Looked out to see that a lot of wind was blowing. No evidence so far of tree limbs down here on this property, but was to wet both on the ground and still falling from skies to get into the back garden. So many dead branches in the pear tree, some in the dogwood that could come down. My nephew, Greg, who is about 30 minuets north of me said he saw a LOT of dead and even live, healthy limbs and branches down on his and my sisters property, but they have acres of wooded areas to check. No damage, just a lot of limbs to gather later. I imagine they will have friends over for a bonfire after he and the great nephews gather limbs and they can dry. They are rural enough burning of limbs is allowed, and his family enjoys bonfires.

Beginning to feel better today, one of those times did not realize how much I had hurt till it got better. Doc gave me steroid dose pack last visit. We also found my BP higher than I have seen it, not good. Mention was made that my newest med for arthritis c ould cause high BP, and I looked it up when I got home, yep, and a lot of other things I have been experiencing, too. Tired, falling asleep often in my recliner, bruising, lots of wind, bloating from said wind leading to indigestion. I think I need to phone the rheumatologists office tomorrow, drats, cause I do think this med was helping the aches. AND I might need another medication to clear this one from body, as it can stay months if not years after stopped taking. that is not good. BP is still bouncing around
01/May/17 5:53 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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. BP is still bouncing around, but not as high as it was, and sometimes almost too low, strange.

This day long gentle rain will be good for the garden. OH, don't think I mentioned that lawn care people got into flower beds, under the roses AGAIN, the violets again down to the roots, lantana denuded down to the ground. both had been making a come back. Our director had said he would send an e mail to the company, asking them to not week eat in that area. It looks as if the person with the weed-eater did not get the message, but perhaps was stopped soon after he started, as he did not get ALL of the area, and no rhyme or reason why he stopped where he did. I have put up a sign , no weed-eaters in this area, and added no round up just for good measure. that worked in the past, hope it will work again. this rain will encourage the violets to come out again, they still have good roots. I might give them a bit of feeding, some fertilizer would help them recover. NO help for the Easter lilies, they had not been green long enough to feed the bulbs underground, so chances of recovery are slim.

Getting sleepy, back to bed for me. June, I hope you are feeling less nauseous, now, and can keep your barf bag with you. Nothing as bad as throwing up unexpectedly unless it is having to clean the floor of same. Huge hugs to you.

Suzy hope you are sleeping better, and beginning to make some progress in your grieving process. It takes time, is different for each person, and is something you eventually come to terms with. Your terms may be different from mine, or others who have lost a husband, and that is OK, there is no set rules, or time, or method. Huge hugs to you dear, and just get through one day at a time, sometimes, one hour at a time.

Hugs to each of you, with extras, till next time.
01/May/17 5:55 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I've put up a lost dog ad on craigslist (Bowling Green, KY area).
02/May/17 7:53 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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I hope the lost dog posting brings you some results, Heidi.

Doc today cut my med in half yet again. wants me to try that this week, then let him know how BP and blurry vision and stuff goes. If I really cannot take this, he will try something else. I do hate I have so much problems taking the pills he prescribes, drats, especially the ones that seem to help.

A cool and windy day today, I should have spent more time outdoors, but was busy today. I took my newest colored pencils and coloring book downstairs and enjoyed that for a while. Made a lot of phone calls and waited for call backs. Found out our last resident to go to assisted living, about 6 weeks ago, went into hospital, came back to nursing home and passed away over weekend. I guess she stayed here a lot longer than we realized. she was past mid 90's, and everyone loved her, very outgoing, former actress at the theater next door, a really great lady. We shall miss her.

there were cut flowers today, done by the lady who brings us little bouquets. I got a stem of white orchids, in a purple glass vase, striking addition to my table.

Time for bedtime meds and soon to bed. Hugs to each of you, with extras, till later.
02/May/17 1:15 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Everyone! Just a quick Hello and Good Night. I should be in bed now!

Sending much , healing energy, prayers, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and positive vibes for all!
02/May/17 4:13 PM
Midge  From Melbourne
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Hello all - have been reading but not participating - haven't been that well lately. MizT sounds like you have had a hard time, hope the new meds help. I remember my mum was on so much - meds to counteract side effects of other meds - we took her off the lot and started again. I think I have taken after her - now have a DVT where the dr accidentally cut my femoral artery and warfarin is interfering with rejection and bp medication. Fun times. I look like someone has bashed me.
Suz - valium won't hurt you in the short term and well worth it if it helps you cope. Alcohol not a good start but very understandable. So glad you are busy with your girls.
June - think of you a lot and so happy you are near the end of your treatment. You are one very strong lady.
Heidi - hope Bear is found soon. Also hope you have someone with you when the bottom of the pond dweller picks up his possessions. He is such a callous person - look forward to hearing you are free of him.
Julie - you certainly are one busy lady. Trust hubby is keeping better. Good to see you are still playing the cello.
Broni, Nola - and any I have missed, I wish you well. Cheers for now.

02/May/17 5:02 PM
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