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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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Magnolia, KY
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A tree never hits an automobile, except in self defense.
08/Jun/17 9:32 AM
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Funny TOPP, Heidi! Sorry to hear you're under the weather!
08/Jun/17 10:51 AM
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Suzy, that's a good point. None of us would want Heidi's revenge to cause a problem with the finalization of the divorce. Heidi, we know you'll do whatever is best!
08/Jun/17 10:53 AM
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Hi, Everyone!
Hoping today is/has been a good one! Sending positive thoughts, flowers of the appropriate season for where you live
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers,
, and healing energy for everyone!
08/Jun/17 10:55 AM
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Agree with you Julie and Suzy but I wonder why Gil is lagging with the divorce - Heidi, maybe he thinks if he harasses and bugs you enough you may move. I hope he has cleared out all of his stuff by now. Having all this on top of not being well is so unfair. Still haven't heard from Ben yet- wherever he is. He doesn't understand why I worry but as I am his mum I am allowed to. Our daughter had her last exam for her science degree last night - a long time coming. She took a year off when I was so ill, then messed around with her studies for another year. So glad she can put all of that behind her She is now thinking of doing her Masters in micro biology. She also has a full time job - pint-sized, strong and motivated. Cheers for now, hope all are on the mend and June has some more good news.
08/Jun/17 2:56 PM
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''The brain forgets much,
but the lower back
remembers everything.''
09/Jun/17 1:45 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Ain't it the truth, DOrA!!!!
09/Jun/17 6:00 AM
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Greetings, Friends!
Midge, I'm sorry your son hasn't let you know where he is and that he's safe. Though I don't have sons, I have 3 brothers, who only sometimes remembered to check in with our parents. Congratulations to your daughter on finishing her degree. Sending her good wishes if she decides to get her Masters degree; she's obviously a good student - and holding down a full-time job at the same time! I suspect she takes after her mother.
DOrA, there's a great deal of truth in that saying. Unfortunately it applies more often than not; my back remembers far more than I can recall.
Heidi, I hope your flu-like symptoms have improved. Take care!
Hoping June is receiving some good news!
Thinking of everyone and sending positive vibes, healing energy,
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers.
09/Jun/17 11:01 AM
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Story of My Life:
I knew better
but I did it, anyway...
10/Jun/17 1:05 PM
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Midge, I hope you hear from your son soon. And I hope you'll tell us when you do. My brand of anxiety likes to borrow problems, I guess if I'm thinking of someone else I'm not thinking about me, so now I find myself coming back here to check on your son, on June, and also hoping to hear Heidi is divorced without losing her farm.
10/Jun/17 3:02 PM
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This is truly amazing! A magic act for the 'digital age!'
Turn sound on.
10/Jun/17 3:05 PM
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Subject: Yellow Light
The traffic light abruptly turned yellow and he did the right thing by stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.
However, the woman tailgating him was furious. She honked her horn and screamed in frustration, having missed her chance to avoid waiting at the red light.
In mid-rant, she suddenly heard a tap on her window. Glancing up, she was staring into the face of a very serious police officer. She was ordered to raise her hands above her head, exit her car, whereupon she was handcuffed and taken to the police station. There she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.
After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
He said, 'I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, giving the guy in front of you the finger, and cursing at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally I assumed you had stolen the car.'
10/Jun/17 3:06 PM
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Love it DorA!
10/Jun/17 4:27 PM
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Hello, Fellow Sudokuaholics!
DOrA, 'Yellow Light' was great, and the magician on the Ellen Show was amazing! Thanks for sharing both of them!
I'm joining Suzy in watching for news from Midge about her son! I hope he contacts you soon, Midge!
Looking forward to hearing good news from June, MizT, Heidi, Broni, Nola, and others I have no doubt forgotten!
Our woodturning club had a guest demonstrator (from Melbourne, Australia, I think) all day today. Tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday he will be teaching hands-on classes to small groups. We won't be able to attend those. Next week he will be doing demonstrations at the national symposium for woodturners, and my hubby will be videographer for 2 of those demonstrations.
Sending healing energy, positive thoughts,
, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, and prayers for Everyone!
11/Jun/17 11:31 AM
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If anyone from the SA group drops in, could you please post for me that I have still not been able to access my account. My daughter is in hospital now. Not a lot of energy or time left to work on the SA account problem. Sending huge hugs to everyone, be back when I can.
12/Jun/17 10:56 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'll call MizT tomorrow to see how her daughter is.
''Yellow Light'' is brilliant, DOrA!!!!
12/Jun/17 11:09 AM
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Hi, Friends!
Suzy, thanks for sharing MizT's update from TOS!
MIzT, we miss you. It's more important that your D get better than worrying about your SA account. We know you'll post again when you can!
Heidi, I hope you're feeling better! Thanks for offering to call MizT tomorrow to get more information. Please give MizT our love!
Thinking of everyone and sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, healing energy, positive thoughts, and prayers!
12/Jun/17 11:51 AM
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My oven just died! Sigh.
12/Jun/17 5:59 PM
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Hi, Everybody!
Oh, Suzy! How awful! Is it electric, gas, bottled gas/propane? Perhaps it's just something small, like a fuse or circuit breaker. In the meantime, do you have a microwave oven or a slow cooker or something that can serve to warm food? Hoping a repair or replacement will not be excessively pricey!
Thinking of everyone and sending positive vibes, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, prayers, and
13/Jun/17 12:05 PM
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My bro is an electrician, though he hasn't done it as a job for many years. He is going to look at the oven for me. I'm not sure it falls into his skill set since he worked for the company supplying electricity, but my SIL offered his services.
Midge, I mentioned your son to my daughter when describing why I could never be a therapist (i take on others worries as my own ). It turns out she's the same because she has asked me 3 times to find out your son's name so she can find him on Facebook. 'if he's travelling, he's definitely updating his Facebook '. She thinks he should be contacting you too.
13/Jun/17 6:07 PM
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My brother fixed my oven!
13/Jun/17 9:55 PM
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Glad your oven has been fixed. Unfortunately my son(Ben) doesn't use facebook. He has his own business trading on the US stock exchange and by the time he has done his work, he has had enough of computers (he runs 2 screens with 4 images each). He does a lot of hiking and that is how he missed his flight from Hong Kong to Beijing. If we haven't heard from him by the end of the week I will contact the embassy - we don't even know where he was staying. He only booked in somewhere for the first 2 nights and couldn't remember when I asked him. I expected to hear from him after the Grand Prix as we always talk about the race. Also an update on Better Call Saul. He actually is a Psychologist, boy was that a good profession for him!!
Heidi - hope you have some news on MizT and her D.
June - how are you? We are all thinking of you. Back to work, cheers to all for now.
14/Jun/17 11:17 AM
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Greetings to All!
June, I hope you received some good news and all is going well for you!
Heidi, please let us know what you find out when you are able to get in touch with MizT. And, I hope you're taking good care of yourself!
Suzy, it's not surprising that your D might have some of the same tendencies (taking on others' worries) as you do. It's your caring nature! Her thought to check Facebook was a good one - for MOST young people.
Suzy, hooray for your brother fixing your oven! And hooray for your SIL for thinking to offer his services!
Midge, your children are apparently excellent students. Your son with a psychology degree and an amazing job, actually his own business! It's no wonder that he doesn't want to go from working on a computer all day to more computer time for Facebook. Hopefully, he'll successfully get in touch with you in the next few days!
Thinking of all of our Sudokuaholic friends and sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy,
, positive thoughts, and prayers to Everyone!
14/Jun/17 2:26 PM
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Alie's latest worry. Her therapist postponed her appointment because of a family emergency. He has flown to WA. She thinks it must be a death in the family and commented that it will be hard for him to come back to talk to her about a death in the family. She has been singing a lot today and I find myself impatient for her birthday.
14/Jun/17 3:31 PM
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No updates from MizT today. She must be busy looking after her daughter.
14/Jun/17 8:50 PM
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The results of the latest CT scan. Mixed results. The original tumour in the pancreas has reduced slightly, also the part that involves the lymph node. The small spot in the lung (7mm) has remained about the same but I now have a spot in the liver (20mm) which is of some concern.
I will start another new series of Chemo next Tuesday. This will be every week for 3 weeks then a week off. Not sure for how long I will be on that regime. Unfortunately one of the side effect of this chemo will be that I will lose hair. That will be the end of everyone telling me how well I look.
There is also a new technique with chemo being injected into the tumour or nearby. It should be available later in the year. While they can keep this blasted thing under control there is always the possibility of new and better treatments.
I feel OK and I am not in pain. That is the most important thing. Wind still a bit of a problem but I am learning to manage that.
Pleased that your oven got fixed Suzy.
14/Jun/17 11:51 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Sorry I've been gone. I've been sleeping nearly round the clock for the past few days.
I forgot that MizT got a new phone number and hasn't given me the new one yet.
15/Jun/17 4:46 AM
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Hi to Everyone!
Suzy, I'm SO glad Alie has her singing to help deal with her concerns. I don't remember if you told us when her birthday is. Your choice of present is so thoughtful and seems even more appropriate! I hope her birthday is soon! She is very thoughtful to be concerned for her therapist. Maybe she could sing for him/her (after her session).
June, definitely mixed results from the CT scan. We'll be keeping you in our most positive thoughts when you begin the new chemo regime. Will it be easier when dealing with the hair loss if you pro-actively opt for a shorter haircut before it happens? Maybe it's time to buy a beautiful hat or lovely scarf to be prepared. Thank goodness that you feel OK and are not in pain! Sending gentle {{HUGS}}!
Heidi, you obviously need that sleep, so I'm glad you allow yourself the opportunity, rather than trying to fight it. I hadn't realized MizT got a new phone number. While I'm thinking of it, I'll send her a PM on Facebook. Perhaps she can PM me back with her number. Does she have your phone number if she would like to call you? Take care of yourself!
Thinking of everyone and sending healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, prayers, and positive thoughts for all!
15/Jun/17 11:25 AM
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June, Alie's boyfriend's mother has just finished successful treatment of her breast cancer. I have only known her in a scarf. She has to have the dead cells surgically removed, but is then on monitoring from then on. I say never give up hope! Gentle hugs!
Julie, Alie's birthday is on the 29th, so 2 weeks from now. I told her yesterday that I hadn't bought her present yet, hopefully ensuring she doesn't look for it!
3 months today.
15/Jun/17 1:21 PM
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Hi, Everyone! I sent MizT a PM on Facebook and she has responded. She said her home phone number is the same as always. She included it and her cell phone number in the message, which I don't think should be shared here. She also said anyone could leave a message for her via email, which I think many of us have, but I know it didn't occur to me to send her an email. Her daughter has been in the hospital for over a week without improvement. I'm not sure how much information I should share. She misses SA and all of us - and the distraction that could provide. She asked me to send everyone her love and to tell all of you that she misses us tremendously.
Suzy, hooray! Only 2 more weeks until Alie's big day! What a great Mom you are!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to Everyone! I'm going to send MizT an email. It's MUCH too late to call her!
15/Jun/17 2:58 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Again, sorry it has been a long time since I last posted. I keep meaning to stop by but don't get on laptop at home too often. I use my tablet at home and it is a pain to type messages.
16/Jun/17 4:15 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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The last few weeks have been rough. Julie posted for me on May 29 that my dad passed away. It was not expected. This happened just at the end of school. I missed a week of school and then had the last week to finish grades and pack up classroom. Luckily Dylan did not have to go to school most days and came to help. I now have to deal with my mom who is starting to show early signs of dementia. (not being posted on facebook.) She signed over power of attorney to me so I can intervene as needed. My older brother lives locally but it is easier for me to take care of things than him. I am hoping to come here more often as the support I have always received from my friends here has been amazing.
16/Jun/17 4:19 AM
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Tami, gentle hugs. I'm glad school is out for summer so you don't have that to deal with as well as everything else. Do you have a summer job? My SIL, an English teacher, used to tutor groups in her home most summers. She's retired now. A friend told me I needed more than one power of attorney. Her sister had 3. I'm not sure how that works.
16/Jun/17 10:33 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father, Tami. I remember him well. He was a very nice man. I'm also sorry to hear about your mother being in the early stages of dementia. I think that is harder than losing your father unexpectedly, because with dementia, you lose them twice.
16/Jun/17 11:56 AM
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Just dropping by to say Hi and send lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}}, healing energy, positive thoughts,
, and prayers!
16/Jun/17 4:20 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Good morning.
Suzy: I work at Publix (a grocery store) part-time. I started in January working weekends and have picked up hours for the summer. Mitchell has worked there for two years. It is kind of funny working with him. Dylan is on a travel baseball team for the summer so the first 6 weeks are crazy.
Heidi: The dementia is not too bad yet. She repeats herself a lot and asks the same question 5 or 6 times. She remembers her medicine and how to care for herself and the house. Right now my brother and I are more at a watch and see. She took care of my dad until the very end.
I will try to come here more often over the summer. There are things I can say here that I may not want on TOS.
17/Jun/17 12:44 AM
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Tami, my niece reports to my sister in law. Well, technically she does, but because of the obvious conflict she mostly talks to her mother's boss. She has a masters degree and her mother an HSC, unless she's gone back to school and I didn't know. Her mother has a lot of experience in the area they work in though.
My chemist offers a free service packaging meds into bubbles based on when you're supposed to take them. I take my fist full all at once so haven't bothered with it, even though I hate pulling them all out every week. That might be the sort of thing your mom could do as time goes on.
17/Jun/17 12:22 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The judge is supposed to be signing the divorce decree next Thursday, June 22. I intend on celebrating with friends.
17/Jun/17 2:11 PM
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Heidi, that is amazing! Did it end up fair or did he screw with you? I really hope it's fair.
17/Jun/17 2:56 PM
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Heidi, Enjoy celebrating on the longest day of the year. How pleased you will be to know it is finally over. Pity his office etc is so close.
I have had a busy day cooking. Scones this morning when my neighbour comes for morning tea. The another plum pudding for our Christmas in July at the bowling club (7 July). I have now made 7, one more to go. Then some lemon Curd as the lemons are ripe on the tree. We had corned beef and vegetables for dinner.
17/Jun/17 10:41 PM
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