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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11
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from Alabama, USA
Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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I was feeling a little down today so a friend told me a feel good story. I’ll share it with you so you can feel good too.
It was a wonderful story about a young man running away from trouble, accidentally meeting up with someone who loves books as much as he does and, with help from the police, got somewhere safe to stay, and with their help, a job. The book lover took him on a book buying day trip and, because they drove past a place her knew, he reconnected with people who love him and is a very happy young man.
He was hiding in lantana, considered a pest here, it’s illegal to plant it, on a hot hot day. The book lover took him water and asked what else he wanted. A book! She took him to maccas for dinner and he drooled over her wall to wall books. Her neighbour wasn’t as generous and called the police. The police got him a place in a residential facility. The facility got him some hospitality training, he got a job in one of the flashiest cafes in town! On the day trip they drove past where his grandparents lived. She stopped for him and his grandparents were ecstatic. They’d been trying to find him since his aunt,(who beat him, hence the running away), took off with him. He had been dragged all over the state. Apparently the grandparents home was practically wall papered with photos of the boy.
09/Nov/17 7:36 PM
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Oops, oh well, a story is as good as anything for a topp.
09/Nov/17 7:37 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... a feel-good story like that is the best TOPP of all.
10/Nov/17 4:38 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Nice story Suzy!
I feel so sad about your neighbour. These days good neighbours are hard to find, and he has been so good to you.
I'm hoping June had a good sleep last night and is feeling better today.
TGIF! Col is due home today. I'll be happy about that. But he'll take all weekend to get over it.
In the meantime, while I wait for him to get home, I'll be off to Emily's catering class - 'Lunch for family'. Hayley and I got invited. We're apparently having Chicken Tacos, followed by Churros. Hmmm! (I'll find a way NOT to eat the chicken. Ewww!)
10/Nov/17 9:04 AM
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Thank you for the TOPP/Feel-Good Story, Suzy!
CynB, I hope Col is home (or will be soon) and is getting some R & R! The 'Lunch for Family' catering class sounds like fun. Can you claim to be vegetarian to avoid eating the chicken?
Sending positive and cheering thoughts, {{{{{HUG}}}}}, healing energy, prayers, and
for all our SA friends, both new and old!
10/Nov/17 1:28 PM
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I’m a bit bummed. I don’t have to be at the hospital for my colonoscopy until 1.15! I’m going to be very very hungry by then....
10/Nov/17 2:07 PM
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I wasn’t going to tell this story, but it keeps jumping into my head. I’ve decided it might go away if I tell you.
A young friend’s girlfriend posted something like... if you don’t get your mail today, Mum hit the postie with her car. (Most of our posties deliver on motorbikes.) Her mother commented underneath.... he should have got out of the way. Plus a little fury because he’d still managed to deliver her electricity bill. So it was his fault she hit him with her car AND that she got her electricity bill.
10/Nov/17 3:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Not quite as uplifting as your TOPP, Suzy, but it gave me a giggle.
10/Nov/17 9:30 PM
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Suzy, just think about her explanations to the police and Australia Post's insurers!
10/Nov/17 10:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
Suzy, re the woman hitting the postman. Some people really only think of themselves. The poor postie is probably sore by now.
Julie, because Emily prepared the chicken tacos, she left the chicken out of mine. It was quite tasty without it.
11/Nov/17 8:31 AM
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They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them
Lest we forget
11/Nov/17 11:59 AM
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My November 11 tradition.
I reread the story about this. It was about real people. Peter actually kicked the mine, though Frank was injured in the blast.
11/Nov/17 2:31 PM
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Hi, Everyone!
Suzy, I hope your colonoscopy went well, and you were able to reward yourself with a good meal! I can understand why the story about the postie would beg to be told. I can't imagine how someone could be so thoughtless and inconsiderate. I'm hoping the collision was an accident, not a bit of road rage. I wonder if she realizes she would still need to be the electric bill, even if it weren't delivered. The 'perpetrator' doesn't seem to be the most logical person on the postie's route.
Saltie, you're quite right! It would be interesting to hear the person explain her actions to the authorities.
CynB, I'm glad Emily prepared your 'chicken-less' chicken taco to your liking! Definitely learning how to be a good hostess!
Suzy, thank you for sharing the poem and youtube.
Sending positive thoughts, healing energy, {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
and prayers to everyone!
11/Nov/17 4:52 PM
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No colonoscopy yet. Tomorrow is my clear fluids and drink awful stuff day.
11/Nov/17 6:34 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh Suzy! I'll be thinking of you in the next few days.
11/Nov/17 7:40 PM
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I spent a big chunk of today in town with Dana and Tahli. We went to several shops, including a grocery store to buy jelly/jello for tomorrow, the most solid thing I’m allowed. I still managed to forget a cream I promised Alie and dog food. The cream could have waited, but I was completely out of dog food. That meant I had to go back to town! By coincidence, my alarm went off while I was paying for the dog food. The checker laughed at me getting a call while trying to pay, then laughed again when I told her what the alarm was for.
11/Nov/17 8:43 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I keep promising to stop by and I forget.
June: hope you are better after your hospital stay.
Heidi: hope the ear and back are doing better.
Don't remember much else but I did try to read all the posts.
12/Nov/17 6:13 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Getting ready for a small sudoku meet up the first Saturday in December. Karen Konko will be in town. So far, it looks like Karen, Nora (NAL), Jane and myself with a possibility of Jim. Could be a nice afternoon.
12/Nov/17 6:14 AM
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Most days I go well past lunch before I get hungry. I’ll have a cappuccino or two and be fine. Today I could eat a shoe! I didn’t get my cappuccino which might be the difference, but I think it’s all in my head.
12/Nov/17 10:57 AM
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I play a game called letter soup, you make words out of jumbled letters. I’m now wondering why I never noticed the weird spelling of fiery compared to fire.
I’m sneezing and my nose is running. If I go through a day like today and then can’t get the test because I’m sick, I might just cry.
12/Nov/17 3:02 PM
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Greetings and Salutations to All!
Suzy, I'm sorry I messed up about which day your colonoscopy was scheduled. Hoping the sneezy & runny nose didn't also mess up the scheduling! By now, I guess it should be over. I'm curious how you could be out and about and into shops on the day before the colonoscopy. The stuff our doctors have us drink (about a gallon's worth & yucky tasting) would not allow that much time away from a restroom.
OOPS! I think I'm still confused by a day. Was today the day for the awful drink & clear fluids? Hopefully you'll be finished with this soon!
Welcome back, Tami! It's good to 'see'you again. We know you are kept very busy during the school year! I'm glad you'll be able to do a small Sudoku meet next month! It's too bad there aren't more Sudokuists near you!
Suzy, 'our' English language has a LOT of weird spellings, especially when there's an i-e or an e-i in the word! Luckily, we usually seem to be able to understand what we're trying to say!
I've been doing a lot of practicing on the cello. Started a 3-page movement of a concerto last fall about the time hubby started his repeated trips to the hospital, and I essentially lost a semester of lessons & practicing. Luckily, I will never need to perform it. My teacher said we'll go through it one more time next week, then set it aside & start some new stuff. It has a lot of tricky technique, so I won't miss it!
June, I hope you are getting some well-deserved rest and nutrition now that you're at home!
Hoping MizT is well and her new floor will be beautiful!
Heidi, have you given your back some rest since your epidural? How is your ear?
Thinking of Broni on her travels!
Hi to DOrA, Midge, CynB, Nola, and Saltie!
Now, I'm afraid I have forgotten someone! I apologize if I did!
Keeping everyone in mind as I send out healing energy, positive thoughts,
, prayers, and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}!
12/Nov/17 3:34 PM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends! Up for intermission, but YEAH, I am back online. Daughter put me back together. I have home landline phone, internet access and TV again! my printer works again, and she restored the wifi. I also have new floors. Installers left a bit of a mess, wall damage, lettuce in my clean sink, yuck, thier trash from lunch in my trash can, and glue on the white tile at entrance to name a few. I might now be getting new wood laminate in entrance and kitchen. YEAH.
A cleaning lady I use for extra stuff rescued me Friday night. boxes piled high in bathroom, and I was flat out of energy. she came by after her last client and in 10 minuets had moved all the boxes, so I could shower! she will be back Monday to help empty remainder boxes and get me sorted out. I am still exhausted, and on day 15 of a mighty fibro flare. will be phoning docs come Monday to find something to break this hurt, tense, hurt worse cycle ever.
Glanced at posts, no time to reply need to be back to sleep. Hugs to each of you, missed you bunches.
12/Nov/17 4:25 PM
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Well that was a good news, bad news post, MizT. I’m glad for the good news, grrring at the damage, and sad about your pain. I hope they can sort it out for you!
I don’t have to take a gallon of anything, just 3 glasses of pico prep. One a few hours ago, another tonight and one in the morning.
12/Nov/17 4:35 PM
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Well, the hound had the 'TPLO' surgery done, Tuesday and now we are both 'house-bound'. Him to minimize the chance of screwing up the leg he had surgery on and me to keep an eye on him. He has to wear the dreaded 'E-collar', so that he can't disturb the surgical site. He has to wear the collar for at least two weeks. Then there is the leash thing. ALL outside ventures are on a short, hand held, leash. The leash thing may last up to 8 weeks. The staple / suture removal will happen on 11/21, then rehab will start. Short walks, then longer walks. Maybe swim therapy. He would have to take lessons, maybe, because he has never been swimming.
He may have been a 'free dog', but I'll guarantee you his health care isn't free or inexpensive. But he is my family, so...............
I'm missing my daily 1 1/2 mile walks, because I have to stay in with him.
Y'all take care, 'cause I care.
12/Nov/17 5:32 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi there all!
Tami - all Sudoku meet-ups are nice, even small ones. Hope it all goes well.
Suzy - your sneezes and runny nose could just be pollen allergy, lots of spring flowers around this time of year. I was going to say that I had a cappuccino for you today but that's cruel isn't it? I'm sorry.
Julie - just reading about your cello and concerto reminded me that during my long absence from SA, my granddaughter Maddy had been playing Cello in the school orchestra for a few years but she gave it up this year because she had so much else to cope with in the higher grades.
MizT - I'm glad you're back on line but sorry that you're still in pain, I hope it gets sorted soon, and sorry that the workmen left a mess, hope that gets sorted too.
DorA - hope your dog recovers quickly from surgery. Vet bills are expensive but dogs are worth it!
Love and Hugs to all who need it.
12/Nov/17 5:51 PM
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DorA, that sounds annoying for both of you. Hope you don’t start climbing the walls!
I just broke and bought the first Harry Potter book as an ebook. I know, I’m a child at heart. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while and broke down today because I needed comfort reading. I bought the enhanced version because it was the first one I saw. It has MOVING PICTURES!
12/Nov/17 5:52 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh wow, Suzy!!! Just WOW
12/Nov/17 5:56 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Changed my avatar, had so many to choose from. I forgot that!
12/Nov/17 5:57 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. I think a new record for me. Two days in a row. The problem with stopping in here is I usually access the internet on my tablet and typing messages is a pain. I will try to stop in more often, even if I just leave a quick hello.
13/Nov/17 2:33 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, hope all is well with your test. The prep is the worst part.
DoA, the only free part of a rescue pet is all the love they give you. Rescues are the best. I appreciate having a Sis-in-law who is a vet. She takes care of Harley for me and I only pay for cost of drugs, and sometimes not even that. We have boarded Harley with her for a weekend here and there and she will not charge family.
MizT, glad you are back on line and hope the apartment gets straightened up soon.
13/Nov/17 2:35 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I've been back to the excessive sleeping again. I just pulled a nearly 24 hour stretch!! The back is feeling great, and so is the ear. I go back to the ENT in 2 1/2 days for a new tube in the ear.
DOrA... Tami is right. The only thing free about a rescue pet is the unconditional love they give you.... more than worth every penny you spend on keeping them healthy.
I hope everything is going well / went well with the colonoscopy.
Wish I could join you for the meet, Tami, but I don't think I can stay awake long enough to drive down there safely. Plus, the last time I went down there for a meet, I caught Mono, starting this whole problem with Chronic Fatigue.
13/Nov/17 10:33 AM
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MIzT, we're glad you're back and all your technology seems to be working. NOT so glad about the mess left by the workers. Glad that the cleaning lady dropped by when she had finished her regular schedule and was able to help get some things back where they should be! NOT glad that your fibro flare is so intense! Hoping you can get through to your doc and find something that will help to ease the pain cycle!
Suzy, just 3 glasses of the prep seems almost reasonable, Keeping you in our thoughts and hoping all goes well! Enjoy the Harry Potter ebook, Suzy! WOW! Moving pictures!
DOrA, I hope you pup's recovery goes well and quickly. It's tough that you need to be 'under house arrest' along with him. You'll both be crawling the walls from boredom. But maybe he will learn to swim. The vet we took our cats to has a 'water treadmill.' I'm not sure what the actual name is, but the treadmill was enclosed in glass and could be filled to an appropriate level with water. That way, the pet could walk at an enforced rate on the treadmill, but with the water helping to support body weight. We only saw dogs using it, but she said she had even used it with cats.
CynB, I can completely understand Maddy's dilemma. There's enough school work in higher grades to keep kids busy, and I think you said she was also working part-time. It was tough for our kids to keep their music lessons going while in high school! They persevered because they were motivated (and didn't have a job). They are both professional musicians now.
We're glad to see you again, Tami! You don't need to leave long messages when you visit. A quick hello will be enough! I bet you're getting excited for the mini Sudoku visit! next month!
Heidi, what wonderful news that your back and ear are feeling great. Your body obviously needs all the sleep to help you heal! I hope everything continues to go well medically, and hope the new tube in your ear does what i's supposed to do!
Thinking of everyone and sending all the {{{{{HUGS}}}}},
, positive thoughts, healing energy, and prayers that everyone can use! Take care!
13/Nov/17 5:09 PM
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The 'water therapy' is the closest of the small animal rehab locations to me. They are still 60 miles, each way. We definitely won't be doing it every day.
13/Nov/17 6:02 PM
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Heidi, hope you feel better soon!
DorA, that’s further than we used to drive Dana for baseball and Alie for singing lessons! I wouldn’t do it every day either. I think Julie was doing that, or more, when her hubby was sick.
As you can see, I’m home. If it was allowed I’d be celebrating with a glass of wine! A teeny tiny 3mm polyp, 1/10th of an inch. but the best news is I don’t have another for 4 years! Unless I fail the test I have to do in 2, the one I failed before the first colonoscopy, I think. FOB they called it.
13/Nov/17 6:15 PM
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A quick post from me. I am OK but quite exhausted still. I am now eating etc but I have very little energy. Lots of weeds in the garden but I do not have the energy to pull any out. Back onto Chemo today. My hair has started growing again but that will all go again after today.
Good news Suzy. Get better Heidi and Tricia. Good to see Tami and CynB.
14/Nov/17 3:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, I didn't expect you to make the drive down, but it would have been nice. We are trying to do a road trip next summer. Probably heading to Washington DC, but you never know.
14/Nov/17 6:26 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all!
Suzy, I'm glad your colonoscopy is over and all went well.
Heidi, maybe you needed the long sleep if your back and ear feel better after it. That Chronic Fatigue is a hard thing to get rid of though.
June, pleased to see your post. I had started wondering how you were. Don't worry about the weeds! I wish I was close enough to come and pull some out for you. It wouldn't hurt me to get some exercise!
Julie, yes Maddy does work (at McDonalds) and because they like her work, they tend to roster her on both days of the weekend as well as 1 or 2 afternoons during the week. I almost need an appointment these days to see that girl. Until recently she also had a steady boyfriend who took up much of her spare time too. Ahh, teenagers!
Hello to Tami, DorA, MizT, saltie and anyone else who is around!
14/Nov/17 9:27 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Easy day for me today!
Yesterday was Hayley's High School Formal, she looked lovely. Thursday is her graduation. And in the middle tomorrow is Emily's 16th birthday. Her birthday present? Tongue piercing! She had it done on Saturday while with her mother. She already has a few piercings in her ears and nose. They are hardly noticeable but the tongue..?? So far I have only seen a picture of it. Not at all my cup of tea, but it's her life.
14/Nov/17 9:34 AM
Magnolia, KY
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June... don't worry about the weeds. Not only will they wait for you until you feel better, but they're easier to grasp when they're bigger. In the grand scheme of life, they're not important.
14/Nov/17 11:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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14/Nov/17 11:11 AM
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